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No. 333313
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I want to say Tumblr has slowly been losing popularity through the years because of the bad reputation it's earned, it's been getting worse lately due to the shit tumblr has been pulling lately with deleting blogs and what not. These days a lot of tumblr users I know have hopped onto Instagram and twitter
No. 333324
File: 1543782900998.png (156.42 KB, 1280x592, tumblr_n6bb98LgMR1txnaw7o2_128…)

I miss when it was bigger, especially since I love the personalization features that just aren't available on insta or twit. I like my page looking cute!
Also, has anyone else recently had trouble viewing mature content there now? Even with safe search off in settings (the lock icon has disappeared for me), nothing comes up for "femdom" or even "butt" lol. Is that just part of their great nsfw purge or am I missing a new feature? Or have they just fucked up again?
No. 333339
>>333324I think they disabled all the nsfw tags. Maybe they'll bring them back soon, but until then you're kinda SOL :/
I wonder if they're finally going to get rid of gore blogs. they're like the tumblr equivalent of ashley isaacs.
No. 333363
>>333332Why did they do that wtf?
>>333324This is the cutest tumblr theme ive seen. I think the era of customizing your own page is dead.
No. 333634
>>333324>I miss when it was bigger, especially since I love the personalization features that just aren't available on insta or twit. I like my page looking cute!Same! I used to love customizing my blog and would change theems until I found a design I was pleased with. I would even track the redux edit tag when that became the hot thing just so I would know whenever any new themes were released.
While I still have my blog, I don't find customizing themes as much fun anymore. Not sure if I'm the only one having this problem, but the theme editor is so glitchy for me. It's slow, colors wont show sometimes, etc.
I really miss old Tumblr, it felt like just overnight everyone I was following became SJWs. The first time I felt uncomfortable being on there was when that thing where the first Monday of a month (or whatever) black people would post selfies as some kind of appreciation day. But then people began shaming those who didn't reblog them, even if your blog didn't usually contain other people's selfies. I felt peer-pressured into reblogging just so I wouldn't seem racist.
No. 333638
>>333299Joined tumblr in 2011, I think it's been decreasing in popularity since around 2016. Now that it's overrun with bots and sex crap, it's pretty shitty. Though mass deleting everything nsfw is one way to get rid of the pornbot problem, it'll alienate users who are there for nsfw fandom stuff and result in them leaving, like what happened with livejournal. That's my guess at least. The problem is that there isn't a good alternative to tumblr yet so it'll probably hang on for a little while longer.
Instagram is good for art and cosplay stuff and twitter is good for art and memes and fandom interaction, but there isn't really a platform that combines the two and has it as customizable and personal as tumblr or livejournal. Once a better alternative shows up, I think people will flee tumblr en masse.
No. 333858
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Well, it's about to be VERY dead. P sure this will actually kill tumblr.
No. 333865
>>333858>female presenting nipplesis easily the best part of this
who in the ever loving fuck is running tumblr right now lmao
No. 333870
>>333858i'm glad they're doing this tbh. i remember tumblr was great in like 2012 for cozy home pictures, 'aesthetic' pictures, and political memes, and it was better like that.
kek @ 'female presenting' though
No. 333875
>>333871The bright side is all the disgusting porn and rapekink blogs will be gone.
The bad side is so will any blog that so much as mentions the word lesbian, since Tumblr still considers that word inherently NSFW.
No. 333881
>>333875yeah any mention of gay or lesbian will probably
trigger their new flagging system unfortunately
this will end up hurting them more than anything unless they go the myspace route and just turn it into one big advertising conglomerate and that effectively killed myspace looks pretty bleak
No. 333914
>>333634Same, iirc this day was called blackout, it was so cringey because some people accused each other of being racist for not reblogging photos of people they didn't even know or for posting selfies while being albino or mixed. At that time there was also that stupid blog called your fave is
problematic and it was taken very seriously by almost everyone I followed. There were also a lot more callout posts on my dash for stupid reasons as well as serious matters like famous bloggers scamming their followers. I used to be on tumblr everyday and post shit about fandom with my mutuals but they also turned into SJW all of a sudden and were weirded out that I wasn't becoming a SJW at the same rate as them because I'm the opposite of a healthy rich straight white male.
I remember moving to twitter somewhere in 2014 because the normal people I used to follow on tumblr went migrated there but the crazy ones decided to migrate there as well soon after. And it got worse because of the russian porn bots. I'm salty that tumblr added useful features like blacklisting tags once the whole website lost its appeal. Personally I think the exact moment when it stopped being interesting was once Yahoo bought Tumblr. At the time I thought were exaggerating when they said the website was fucked but they were absolutely right.
>>333875>>333881At some point the tags lesbian and gay were classified as nsfw because the tumblr staff was trying to clean the tags a bit since it was full of porn. That was soon after Yahoo bought tumblr and users were really pissed so if they do something like that I have a feeling a lot of people are going to definitely leave or boycott tumblr.
No. 333915
>>333910Tags + popularity + its sole purpose is image hosting.
I dislike it since you still seemingly can't upload directly from desktop (unless I'm missing something), and like you said there's no sharing. Absolute nonsense.
No. 333921
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>rampant child porn and bot problem on Tumblr
>staff ignores it despite reports
>Apple finally shoves an app store ban up their ass
>staff still CBF to moderate and make a bot to do it
>bot "accidentally" deletes NSFW blogs
>staff decides to make a poorly programmed algorithm a policy
>the site rings its own death knell
>all because deleting cp was hard
No. 333936
>>333322>rampant scamming/sex work ruined tumblrCan you explain this? I used to use tumblr a lot and never saw it
>>333324Yeah I hate how we're losing customization on the internet and everything looks the same now. I miss changing my LJ theme back in the day.
>>333378I heard tumblr has had a huge problem with CP where nothing would ever get removed.
>>333638>it'll alienate users who are there for nsfw fandom stuff and result in them leaving, like what happened with livejournalI never made the connection before but it's soooo true
No. 333956
>>333948I'd be super down for that! The appeal of some tumblr artists having nsfw sideblogs was that they were women so they made appealing porn. Although tbf most I liked had deleted before now anyway.
>>333952Some of us are just horny, anon.
No. 333974
>>333962yes, it's literally everything but tasteful nude drawings or medical illustrations. illustrated porn is banned.
>>333947it's only 5 usd. and the upside is the entry fee will dissuade a lot of minors.
No. 333993
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Oh man, reading all this makes me so nostalgic for some reason. I've started visiting tumblr around 2009, joined shortly after in 2010 and god knows how many good jiggles I had, get to know people around the world, who I actually managed to meet at some point and just enjoy and find interesting content.
I always felt that the nsfw content has been part of this site since forever. It's been always kind of ~edgy~ and being exposed to the most weirdest things idk I still habe my account but I stopped using it for the most part in 2015 because the passive-aggressive political shit, which made it for me personally impossible to use it without seeing x-amount of sjw posts on my dash without even actively asking for it.
I'm just scared where all the sjw will flee now. Twitter is okey, if you know how to avoid it but I feel it will getting worse by time.
>randomly remembers fluffy chicken meme
good times
No. 334017
>>334012? That post was made after the reveal of the new policy changes and even explicitly states that the reason Tumblr was removed from he app store was due to CP. Where's the source that states Tumblr lied about apple removing them?
>Apple removed Tumblr’s app from the App Store on November 16 because of child pornography on the site. Tumblr’s community guidelines have never allowed child pornography. Instead of stepping up its game on content monitoring though, it appears that the company has decided to press the nuke button on all porn.Did you miss when the porn ban scare first happened weeks ago and Tumblr was assuring people it was a mistake?
No. 334029
>>334017yea, i didn't know you were asking for the other thing.
> states that they lied about a "random glitch" at the beginning before it got found out that it was CP.
No. 334030
>>334029They might have lied initially but AFAIK we know they were taken down for CP, that part wasn't a lie.
As for all NSFW being banned weeks after the fact, I think it's it's a cross between staff laziness/understaffing/wanting the site moderation to be fully automated, and the possibility that they want to push more advertising on the site because tumblr generates little to no income as is. And advertisers won't advertise on an app rated 18+ and 50% pornographic.
No. 334035
>>334030that was my point. they're trying to act like all the decisions being made are what
they want when really it's apple. tumblr had nsfw and CP issues in 2011 and they didn't have any filters for minors at that point either. iirc a bunch of minors were contributing CP of themselves and nothing was age gated or being done about it.
No. 334064
>>334057really? god, how ass backwards are they? i rarely ever use the share button.
to be honest, pillowfort seems like shit. it's obviously aimed at sjws with some money to spend. twitter has been the better alternative.
No. 334074
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>>334071true, i forgot about the misgendering ban. but its free to join twitter.
here's tumblr being tumblr, walking you through a website.
>if you want them gone forever, report a tweet where they used a curse word>don't be a dickPICK ONE
No. 334132
>>333915Gramblr works for uploading on desktop.
>>333947Poorfag here too. They say they're gonna open up free registration in the future, if the site doesn't go under. I'm just gonna sit back and watch for now, and see if they can afford to even stay open.
No. 334157
>>334059investors, ads (sponsored posts on your dash), they were sold to yahoo, etc
I was fairly active on Tumblr and it was some of the biggest fun I've had on the internet, I was part of a hobby and would sometimes be answering anon asks all night while playing with my theme. It got me into online marketing and running POD/dropship stores. I really hate that customizing your profile went so out of style in favor of clinical apps. I liked Peach too but it never stood a chance.
Would there be a large interest in a Tumblr alternative like pillowfort with largely the same features and NSFW or is Insta and Twitter just where the cool people are now?
No. 334168
Damn I just heard about this and I'm kind of awestruck. I was planning on restarting an art blog soon on tumblr, but seeing how many people are jumping ship its def gonna die. I've had an art tumblr that was pretty successful and I was so hyped to start a new one…
>>334093And I agree that insta and twitter can fucking suck with art. You have to bandwagon hardcore for people to find you, it takes longer to gain popularity and twitter is just littered with memes. I had an easier time gaining popularity with tumblr within a month getting thousands of reblogs and likes, but with insta and twitter I wasn't so successful and it's really slow.
And thanks for the anons that suggested pillowfort, will def try it out!
No. 334170
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>>334157considering how pillowfort twitter is blowing up I think a lot of people are trying to flee there. tumblr might've just funded them singlehandedly.
No. 334201
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>>333952>>333958>I'm glad I no longer randomly have to look at gifs of people fucking while searchnig for something completely innocent.just because yall don't know how to read doesn't mean porn should be ruined for the rest of us
No. 334202
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>>333873my fav one so far
No. 334216
>>334201That button hasn't helped anything for me. It filtered out the most gross stuff, but still left plenty of porn behind.
I still think tumblr is shit for making this decision, but people whining about their precious porn being gone can find that on websites actually intended for such.
No. 334226
>>334201Oh, we're
ruining porn for
Pornhub and billions of other sites which were created for the sole purpose of posting porn exist, you know?
Like the other anon already said, that button doesn't work at all.
Pillowfort, which is said to be the more comfy/friendly/safe (a safe space for posting nudes???) version of tumblr only sounds as if it's going to be even more sjw special snowflakey.
It's hilarious seeing everybody victimize themselves over no longer being allowed to post their fap material.
Can't wait for all those degenerates to fuck off.
No. 334235
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No. 334242
>>334077Yeah I actually made an account the other day to contact someone. I don't think I would ever use it because the site was filled with SJWs before tumblr was. But I think it is a solid platform for journalling.
Now I miss middle school where I would post my fanfics on my livejournal and format them. I do like how functional ao3 is but the community definitely isn't there.
I also miss the kind of fandiscussion that LJ had and I feel like tumblr was the last of it. There are reddit communities but a lot of times the discussion is just bad or it's not what I'm looking for. 4chan is also hit or miss.
>>334216The way for accessing porn on tumblr is a lot different. Obviously tumblr focused on images while other sites didn't. Also NSFW artists used tumblr too.
No. 334246
>>334235It would be a-okay if there were any good themes there, right now they're all crap.
Man this sucks. Tumblr is the only social msdia platform I use and now the majority of my friends want to leave. Fuck I don't want to use instagram or twitter, both look bad
No. 334254
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>>334202Can we get some more memes like this
No. 334278
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No. 334292
>>333299Half my feed is flagged rn and I only follow thinspo shit.
Fully clothed pictures of girls and girls in bras or topless with their nipples covered are all being flagged as are ED memes and self deprecating jokes
No. 334338
>>334304Most of this is based in complete conjecture and a user in the comments already pointed out that the site is based on a subscription model.
I have a pillowfort, and I like the communites and being able to expose my art everywhere while also keeping it on my own blog. I'm not convinced this site is the end all be all, but as far as options go, there's only shitty social media platforms like twitter (good for shitposting and sharing news, bad for art) and…newgrounds, apparently? Or DA (I'm never going back there).
I guess if shit all hits the fan I will try newgrounds lol, I don't know when that became the art site of choice but anything is better than DA. There's also mastodon but I'm not really sure how that all works.
No. 334343
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I really liked using tumblr as a resource for images and films so I’m not sure what to do. I had been following Japanese accounts that would post upcoming manga releases, blogs that would post models, advertisements, magazines clippings. A lot of artists I follow that aren’t even NSFW seem to be preparing to leave as well.
Tumblr is the only social media site I use but I don’t condone their censorship plan at all. I’m not sure what to switch over to but I don’t want to stay unless they change their plans.
No. 334352
>>334351Same. I discovered a lot of new artists over the years through tumblr. I don't use pixiv much. It's sad that so many websites are really turning down freedom of speech and censoring ( like tumblr , fb AND twitter now)
So what's left? I don't have any interest in this weird Pillowfort thing. The name sounds so dumb.
No. 334356
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>>333299The only good thing that comes from the nsfw ban is all the race play/ddlg/violent pornagraphy/ etc blogs that will ultimately be banned
No. 334357
>>334352try instagram. Why are people so opposed to it? It's super easy for artists to gain a following there. It's also easier to get noticed by "serious" people. No sharing system? When your followers like your art, it ends up in people's activity log or on their radar. I'm not that great and I do quite well on instagram
I think we just have to wait a bit. Either tumblr backs out from this fuckery or collapses. Then a new similar platform will surely arise
No. 334386
If it wasn't for xkit the site would've been unusable.
No. 334389
>>334357Instagram is actually terrible for artist, unless your only posting like g rated content.
Anytype of nudity, even very sfw nudity will get removed and if an artist has too many pictures removed then insta will just delete their account.
Some artist try putting Instagrams guidelines in the caption (which states that nudity in art is okay), along with censoring any nipples or genitalia but they'll still get taken down.
They just don't go any where for the lack of a better option.
No. 334393
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>>334235???? wh a t ???? are they for real now fuck lmao
No. 334396
>>334357The only thing I hate about Instagram is that it’s owned by Facebook. I don’t know if there is some algorithm between the two or something, but at one point I received an email from Insta/Facebook recommending to make an account because so many people I knew were on it. And this was after I stopped using my Facebook for a few years, so they still had all my info from my account.
I specifically use tumblr with anonymity/separation of reality in mind and only two people I know irl followed my account. There’s nothing I need to hide but I don’t want to deal with seeing mlm/influencer crap, facebook’s weird information hoarding, family making weird comments if they find my account
No. 334463
>>334346I don't think anyone knows 100% yet, but if you want to be sure you can do all things and keep a backup of your theme in a word file.
>>334396This honestly. You can't post weird shit or vent on instagram/twitter. I mean you can but it feels like it's more "public".
No. 334484
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alexa play komm süsser tod
No. 334541
>>334235>only WE can control what your blog looks like and the ads you see that we're obviously going to soak your dashboard with nowyep
tumblr is myspace 2.0 now
No. 334551
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Even Jesus.
No. 334581
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>>334554They never fix anything
No. 334694
>>334170Pillow fort looks like its more friendly for phone users.. ugh tired of this shit. Is it so bad I prefer desktops over using my fucking phone in 2019?
>>334168Yeah, Twitter is fucking absolute dogshit for artists, Instagram is slightly better though. I JUST joined tumblr and I already got more "likes/reblogs" than anything I could get on twitter.
No. 334709
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>>334694My following grew so quickly on tumblr as an artist so I'm fucking peeved about this whole thing. I just started a month ago and now I'm gonna have to start over elsewhere.
I found this floating around but there's just no good options?? I already have a pillowfort but didn't gain much traction in the past there due to its small userbase, so unless this shit gives them a huge influx of users I still dunno what I'm gonna do. Luckily this isn't like my only source of income, but still.
No. 334728
>>334709Lol inkbunny is garbage as a SFW furry artist, shit gets little to no traction/likes at all meanwhile even shittily or mediocre porn gets views and "popular"; it's like deviantart all over again.
Really tumblr is the only website where I can make SFW shit that doesn't have elder god tier rendering/lighting through the coloring and digital finishing and still get followers and a cute size of reblogs/likes.
No. 334733
>>333914I officially stopped using Tumblr when blackout happened. Seeing white american teens on my feed spamming every selfie from the tag full of strangers and taunting the "weak white ppl who unfollowed me because of #blackout" was too much. Migrated to Twitter, imageboards and Instagram after that.
I liked it as an image blogging platform and for the customizable layouts, but browsing your feed was a mess and not being able to reply to anyone save for reblogging was dumb and limited interaction.
No. 334741
>>334694>Pillow fort looks like its more friendly for phone usersHow? They don't even have a phone app apparently.
Although I haven't purchased it yet, from screenshots the interface doesn't seem too different from tumbleweed.
No. 334769
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>>334709seen on twitter lol
No. 334774
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>>334769ugh, fuck pornhub. I'll nofap before I go there.
I'm still hoping tumblr takes their finger off the
trigger after all the backlash. there will be no incentive to use the site anymore for about 80% of the users after this. what's the point of being advertiser friendly if no one's going to be there to see the ads?
No. 334790
>>334774I'm curious on their reaction lol. The memes are hilarious
>>334786Because the adult content really is the best side of tumblr. I usually use it for fandom shit but I liked the adult content that was in the fandom. Having a SFW is boring. I've had a SFW before I decided on making a NSFW blog, and that quickly became my main.
No. 334797
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>>334786sfw artists and others are jumping ship because the new bot is trash and flagging posts inconsistently. it's worse than facebook's, so i can understand why users just don't wanna deal with that shit
No. 334823
>>334797Im trying to think of what tag could have POSSIBLY
triggered the system and the only thing i can think of is death. Guess theyre gonna crack down on anything spooky too lmao. Because a post about a horror movie or a paranormal entity or pictures of a graveyard might be too much for the uWu children.
No. 334833
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>Also, why are people who don't post adult content freaking out about this as well?My drawings of nature and animals got flagged as explicit. I mean just look at picture related, this shit makes no sense.
No. 334841
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>>334834They're flagging text too? Just as I was about to relax and laugh at the panic because the only nsfw content I follow is otome CD translations…
No. 334909
>>334867They said erotica is going to be fine. It seems they're against photo/gif nudity and pornography.
Well, unless they're going to redact and say that written erotica isn't okay either, but they're already walking on very thin ice, it'd mean killing off their website further
No. 334933
>>334909They've said a lot of things only to redact them later lol.
All I'm saying is people here should back up their blogs and prepare for the worst.
No. 334939
>>334917not they're not. BL games are yaoi and the guys fuck eachother. otoge (otome games) are where the guys are all interested in the main self-insert girl character. BL doesn't usually contain any female characters and the player plays as the guy. not everyone who plays otoge likes BL or yaoi.
>>334909they said artistic nudity, not erotica, they seem to want to stamp out anything sexual at all.
No. 334945
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Could tumblr just rangeban Russia to block the bots? It’d be like taking one for the team to save the majority of the site.
No. 334950
File: 1544049617368.png (92.05 KB, 1349x609, Adult content – Help…)

>>334939No, they said written erotica as well.
No. 334975
>>334934(imo) Tumblr
was the best porn site and will still be the best porn site until December 17th. The organization, convenience, and quality was pretty much unmatched. I guess I'll try imageboards and twitter.
No. 334979
>>334728IB is the pervy pedo haven of the fandom lol. It's basically only big because FA banned cub stuff so the pedofurs got mad and migrated to InkBunny.
>>334975the interface is kinda shit. and i say this as someone who has stayed on that hellsite since '12.
No. 335023
>>335021uuh i'm
>>335020 and i'm one of the people who was pointing out that BL and otoge are different.
No. 335024
>Some good news, I’ve been talking to two developers now and got them working together, we just had a meeting with the guys behind an existing large (millions of users) site similar to Tumblr, with a vibrant and open-minded community, and more importantly, it has open-minded owners who believe in free speech. They think we can get something done here to rescue the whole community.>I’m not allowed to reveal the site name yet. I can tell you it’s mainstream, open to everyone, open-minded and welcoming. (It’s not WordPress or any site owned by Facebook or Twitter. It’s not Pillowfort, that’s in closed beta. It’s not Ello, that’s mainly for artists. It’s not kinkspace or fetlife, those are too specialist. It’s not jux, that seems to be closed. It’s not Soup, that seems still in development and too small.) thoughts on this?
I‘m wondering how legit this is.
No. 335029
>>335018take your meds you fucking spastic, I'm not the one sperging out about what shitty animu games are what genre with you.
>>335024I'll believe it when I see more.
No. 335040
>>335024i hate when people do this(the op not you anon)
just get on with it so people have time to migrate before their shit gets yoinked
i remember when xanga did this
they basically started changing the terms of service and within a month people were being locked out of their accounts and couldnt rejoin unless they paid or remembered their passwords, which most people did not and all their shit was just gone in a mass deletion with no backup archive available to the public
No. 335055
>>335038i don't think so, in the post she said that video and audio file cant be supported due to cost reasons, which is all pornhub is
it wouldn't surprise me though if pornhub tried to pull something like this though,
didn't they do something similar during youtube's adocalypse. and they've been trying to push they're brand more mainstream in the last couple of years
No. 335063
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>>335055they already did.
No. 335073
>>335069This. Also the trans/extreme SJW brigade will probably become less insane since their echochamber is gone.
How is Pillowfort? I assume some anons received their invites. I'm mildly interested but don't want to throw money in (even though it's only like $5) if it's not going to take off and will just fade into obscurity.
No. 335077
>>335073>implying their echochamber hasn't been twitter since 2017lol
also pillowfort seems like a complete scam
No. 337764
Dunno if anyone still cares about the blogging drama, but Pillowfort just clarified their stance on explicit artwork which is basically "if it is or looks like child porn it's banned" and weebs are crying about it in the comments because muh shipping and muh sports animes with 12 year olds.
Link here (site is slow as fuck atm):, just don't draw creepy loli porn, you fucking freaks. Why is this so hard?
No. 337775
>>337764not surprised given they probably saw the potential caravan of mentally ill retards coming their way and thought it best to keep them from destroying their site like they destroyed tumblr
>but you have to pay a fee theres no way it can go wrong
>mommy i need 5 bucks because i le want a water at school today~yeah, not that difficult to cough up money for an addiction
No. 337781
>>337764Why are pedos so fucking entitled? Banning CP isn't a fucking human rights violation.
They're all super fucking pressed about not being able to draw their sports anime shotas and "school aged" HP porn. The fact that they're willing to allow "older adolescents" and have an actual moderator review flagged works is pretty damn lenient already.
No. 337798
>>337781but anon, it's not
really CP, it's just animu!
i don't get why these people try to justify this shit so hard. and when you ask them why they can't just read porn with characters that are otherwise the same, just not, you know, canonically children, they go silent. like, fuck off, you don't have to read or watch stuff with child characters that are sexualized. i hear this by other anime fans "x was good other than the pedoshit" then it wasn't good fuck off, there's tons of other shows that don't have that stuff.
No. 337874
>>337798Isn't it fucking weird?
Like, for whatever reason, an "anime" 14 year old should be allowed to be sexualized because they don't "fully" look their age…? And that somehow makes it okay?
Why haven't we seen the same response from the western comic community? Why aren't they fighting tooth and nail for their right to draw teen/younger characters like Danny Phantom, people from gravity falls, SU humans? Probably because they fucking know it's creepy and shameful as fuck so they just stick to hentai sites instead of sites used primarily for children.
No. 338068
>>337798or they just tell you they're ~emotionally invested~ in the characters and everyone has sex so why is it such a big deal!???
more sites should just take a hard "adult or no dice" stance on it. I don't know why anyone would want to capitulate to this audience when it's degenerate at best and illegal at worst.
No. 338242
>>337874I see men (of course) whine about how some western fandoms don't cater to their pedoshit tastes on 4chan. It comes up in Voltron threads pretty often, pedo men wanting porn of Pidge and getting mad that they're in a majority fujo fandom. And of course, when you call them out as the pedos they are, they go for the "ACKSHUALLY IT'S EPHEB" excuse.
Fandom men are worthless.
No. 338325
>>337798I've heard so many excuses for loli porn but it's all bullshit.
>'Sexualized 12 year olds are totally okay because the target audience is 14 year old boys!' >'They don't even look like real people!'>'Loli porn actually prevents child abuse by giving pedos an outlet!'>'Lolicons only like 2D girls! They'll never harm 3D girls!' (despite incidents of them preying on real girls)>'Women against lolis are just jealous old hags!' (KEK)I can't even stand the 'legal' lolis because it's just a lazy excuse to make it seem okay. 'She looks and acts like an 8 year old but she's actually a 2000 year old demon so it's totally okay!' like wtf.
No. 338334
>>338325that kind of "legal loli" is fucking stupid.
there are plenty of characters that are petite and maybe small chested adults and plenty of woman characters that are a bit childish. that's fine, maybe a bit weird, but there are women like this in real life it's not predatory in the same way. but if you like small and childish characters, chances are you're a pedo, especially if you need to jump through a ton of hoops to prove they're not actually children.
No. 338369
>>338334I love when you say "that character looks like a kid because
insert childish characteristic here so that's gross" and you get tumbltards shrieking "WELL IM SMALL CHESTED ARE YOU SAYING THAT I LOOK LIKE A CHILD AND ONLY PEDOS LIKE ME THATS
SO HURTFUL" and completely and very obviously try to deflect from the fact that they're defending CP. lol.
No. 338572
>>338369>>338386exactly, usually you can tell when it's meant to be a smaller woman or a flat woman. hell, tall women with small boobs are common, why not just like them? oh, because you like
kids that's why.
No. 340990
>>340975if you don't have any explicit content on your blog you can probably contact support for it back.
this whole thing is such a shitshow. tons of non-explicit blogs getting nuked, yet i got followed by more porn accounts today. i wish the site would just delete itself.