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No. 3369
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The thing I always thought was retarded was the hate that some people got for using Gaia for nothing more than a mere dress-up website, especially from the chan community. Like, did you really not expect girls on the internet to not like cute pixels on a dress-up game? Especially with cosplay items becoming available and better items in later years?
Pic related, here is one of the last things I made before jumping ship.
No. 3377
I remember this one time I was really out of it and tired, and my cousin was browsing through her page (or whatever blog shit thing), and I saw a pic of this dude and I said "hey, he's cute" (he wasn't honestly, angles and sleepiness can do weird ass shit–).
Turns out, the boy was her friend, and that he was having a virtual marriage like really soon, and he told his fiancee, and she turned all dramatic and called off the damn wedding.
I didn't really care tho, but my cousin was mad because they were both her friends or something?
Other than that, all I saw were weebs even before I knew what one was. Still full of weebs today, the population is low, but I lurk around Fashion and Lifestyle threads (even though I feel they are the slowest).
Lastly, to this day, I refuse to open my old account I made when I was like 12 or 13 because I had some dumb shit I would cringe at today. Eugh
No. 3402
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Somehow I managed to find my gaia username and password. I haven't used the site since 2009 I think.
This is my avatar and it's sugoi weeaboo aesthetic.
P.S I checked the price of my meme scarf on the marketplace, it's worth like a billon gaia gold now lol
No. 3408
>>3402lol you're internet rich now
I should log into mine too, haven't for years
No. 3434
>>3377>Lastly, to this day, I refuse to open my old account I made when I was like 12 or 13 because I had some dumb shit I would cringe at today. EughThis. I've had like two accounts, one from 05 (but then I got banned for being underage) and one from like 07-08 ish up til 2011 or so. I made some friends on the site and it was actually fun, but that shit has run its course.
I can't really believe there are still people browsing it, honestly. After visiting the homepage a few months ago, I immediately realized it'd turned into a shitshow.
No. 3474
didn't know that
No. 3477
>>3472Hooooly crap, I didn't know that. lol Maybe I'll make a new account, and regress back into my old ways.
>>3469By alive, do you mean active, or just that the website is still up?
No. 3667
>>3638The LI people I hated the most were that angel bitch with all of the numbers after her name. She's nasty for absolutely no reason at all and has no room to be, because the bitch is Ita as fuck and a weeb shit. She shouldn't be such a retard and link a FB photo knowing people can just take the middle numbers to find the profiles. other is both in LD and LI, Blackrose Knight. Fat as fuck, massive SJW, always screaming about how she's poly and everyone in the world will also be poly someday and how anyone who is in a monogamous relationship is selfish and controlling. Going to school to be a psych and god knows she'll be forcing her lifestyle onto her own patients. I saw her in a thread in LI once where she was urging a guy to stay with someone he lost interest in AND keep the new love interest, even though the guy made it clear that he wasn't interested in his then boyfriend anymore. Bitch is a fucking joke.
No. 4579
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I'm just really fucking mad I can't remeber my password for it to log in. It's been two whole fucking years.
No. 55771
>>3365Sorry for bumping this old ass thread but does anyone remember if gaia had some sort f IRL sports team?? Like a small soccer team or something??
Or did anyone ever go to their meetups?
No. 55854
>>55771I went to a panel at a con before… and caught a CoCo Kitty keychain over the head of someone who was probably 10. I didn't feel bad about it since technically they shouldn't have been there because the minimum age for the site is 13… and I was an edgy 15 year old. Still have that keychain, btw.
I also believe it was a softball team that they had as a company that did rec leagues and stuff.
No. 56018
>>3365I was obsessed with this site. It was the first online game I ever spent real money on.
Somehow I got banned and I could never get my account back. /: I'm still salty about that
No. 56120
>>56041idk. Unless she was a ridiculously under-developed 13 year-old… but I doubt that. Her parents could've been standing in the back–monitoring her, maybe? But still. She probably was too young.
I still get on Gaia sometimes… but all I do is Dumpster Dive to get new shit (when it's not those damn Alchemy Caches) and mess with my avatar.
No. 56533
Before tektek died I checked to see how much my old account's outfit was worth and it was over a trillion, I can't believe how crazy the currency inflation is.
>>55771 I went to a panel they had at a convention and even ran into someone I knew on the main board I posted in.
When they had the panel it was right before they started their online mmo thing so we all received an exclusive ring item. It sold for a shitton of gold before it was revealed to be some really crappy stat boost item for the game, and after that the value dropped to like 1k gold.
No. 56587
>>56572God yes.
I moved to GCD and lurked AT after the GD started its death throes. The bitterness I had for people with those OMG hats and coco kitty's was intense. My best friend had them and the nightmare scarf and held it over me so hard.
Nobody ever utilized the pixie enough. It was cute as hair clips.
No. 56761
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just for fun, here's my current avatar… but saged because I can.
No. 57095
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I used to go on Gaia quite frequently but then came the inevitable day when my main account (a really old one, I think I literally started the year that Gaia came into being) got hacked and the mod squad's solution was to lock it down and fling it into the abyss rather than help me recover any of my inventory. heck, I would have been happy with just getting the name back.
Anyways, I had some mules left with good stuff on 'em, so I kept playing, but it was never quite the same. The only thing I really get on for nowadays is to make outfits and continue this one supernatural guild roleplay that I've kept up for like, eight years now…it makes me sort of depressed at times because I'm like 'damn, this is enough material to write a book' but compiling it all would be such a bitch and a half.