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No. 33838
>>33837>go to Africa>make a video that's 100% white peopleShe will never cease to annoy me, honestly. That and the style of this video itself is somehow dull. I don't know what it is.
Her only decent video was Bad Blood, and even that probably wouldn't have stood if she didn't have all those celebrity guest stars involved.
No. 33842
>>33837>>33838Her song is a plagiarism of Lana Del Rey's "Without You."
Compare Taylor's "Wildest Dream" chorus starting at 0:40, to Lana's "Without You" chorus starting at 0:49
No. 33844
>>33842She's overdone the écho just l'île lana… she Has dark hair just like lana… vintage style just like lana.
She used to copy cher bf Karlie Kloss. This gal has zéro personality…
No. 33853
>>33784Me too, I miss it that.
"Dilemma" as an e.g guys
They don't make videos like this anymore.. now u gotta show ur tits and pussy to the world and its just.. ugh
No. 33862
>>33838what could they have even casted black people in that video for? it was better they didn't use any, because if they showed blacks as workers on the set people would have screamed "oh look they're making the blacks slaves!" or if they had shots of african tribes "cultural appropriation!! africans aren't background decorations!!!!" and if they had casted a black for her love interest then it wouldn't accurate to the 40s movie vibe.
most of the video is just taylor and the guy doing romantic scenes and shit, where do black people fit into that?
No. 33868
>>33783all those rappers don't even write their own songs
they rap about killing whitey, but whitey wrote all their music kek
No. 33873
>>33862Are you fucking retarded?
Why go to Africa to film a video solely about white people? Are you saying there were no 40s films set in white countries?
She couldn't have done this anywhere else? inb4 "B-But muh aesthetic".
And I'm pretty sure "accuracy" wasn't something of top priority, considering 1) She's roaming around wild animals in this video without getting her shit fucked up and 2) Lana Del Rey managed to have a video with exactly the old time/JFK era vibe she was going for with a black male as her love interest/husband (which might be because LDR actually knows what she's doing and isn't just making garbage without substance and grasping really hard to be """interesting""").
You should feel bad for defending this pile of shit video and artist, anon.
No. 33876
>>33868So, what you're saying is, white people write songs about killing white people and then get black people to rap them?
Sounds legit
No. 33879
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>>33837What the hell? Does she even have a personality?
Lana has such a brilliant particular universe, I'm certain that Taylor though she could do Lana in better. She is just shitty.
Lana is queen btw, love how obsessed with her own universe she is. Lana If you read this, I would fuck you, marry you and then kill you and wear your skin. Love u grrl.
ps : pls stop eating you'r starting to get gigantic. Don't follow adele and Tess bb…
No. 33881
>>33879>this entire postcringe
Why are the fandoms for good things/people always so fucking autismal?
No. 33883
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I really liked rihanna bbhmm even tho it was kindda violent and sexual. her and the indian girl could have been cool Tarantino's girls.
No. 33891
>>33888A porno? Like when rocco siffredi destroy a bleached asshole?
How is it similar? Just cause you saw some fake boobs and Rihanna's ass?
No. 33903
>>33783>mentioning your genderBANGKOK
No. 33912
>>33907Porn already exists, what do music videos achieve by producing watered down versions? It obviously grosses out girls, and guys could just watch actual porn.
Mcr's im not okay video was good,mad people wanted that to be an actual movie