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No. 34319
>>34265 know it's not vocaroo, but I prefer clypit
You gonna be alright?>>34298I've got a natural speaking baritone, but can drop down to a bass.
No. 34457
>>34319Could you just do more talking.
I dont care what.
No. 34470
File: 1441765481348.gif (4.65 MB, 375x346, 1433300069421.gif)

>>34457Anything more specific? Like a poem, short story, anything?
I'll happily do whatever, but I need direction No. 34504
>>34319you have a really calm voice
you could read a bedtime story to criminals and make them cry
No. 34506
>>34470“Good Morning!" said Bilbo, and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat.
"What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"
"All of them at once," said Bilbo. "And a very fine morning for a pipe of tobacco out of doors, into the bargain.
"Good morning!" he said at last. "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water." By this he meant that the conversation was at an end.
"What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!" said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off.”
I'm sorry if its too long.
No. 34507
>>34470All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
If you also don't mind doing this as well.
No. 34509
>>34506Nigger, I have listened to the Hobbit audiobook every night for the past 3 years (amonsgt others as well, the Hobbit is just my go to), my body is ready.
Gimme a little bit to get these recorded.
No. 34513
>>34512>>34506Question, since I seem to be defaulting to individual character voices, would you prefer it all be read in my normal voice?
>>34504Thanks, I've been looking to get into voice acting and narration, this helps to affirm that its a smart move.
No. 34516
>>34513I'm really torn seeing how I know what it sounds like for the audio book,and movies.
I'll let you choose what you feel is best/works for you.
No. 34518
>>34516Decided to go with minimal intonation changes, came out meh. I need to figure out a way of breaking up the lines in a way that isn't readily apparent to the listener, as well as improve m diction a tad.
[spoiler]I'm also kind of worried that it won't be as soothing as the first recording and I'll ruin the illusion that I've got a good voice[spoiler] No. 34523
>>34518Thank you.♥ Thank you so much.
That was perfect.
No. 34526
>>34523I always get stupid happy when people actually enjoy something I make.
And this one I'm actually really happy with No. 34527
File: 1441775388719.jpg (436.44 KB, 844x1200, lee-hobbit_01.jpg)

You made my night.
No. 34530
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>>34526Sorry to ask for more, but would you read some of your favorite passages.
No. 34534
>>34530Of course, I dont think you understand how much I love ~#attentionミ★ The Hobbit.
It's just a matter of picking a passage, and debating whether or not I should sing the songs.
No. 34537
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>>34534Lol, I'll give you all the attention you want for more readings.
No. 34548
>>34537Took me a little bit to get recorded, but I think it came out pretty nice
Exempting some fumbled words and weird vibrato in the vocals and I kind of liked the fade out at the end. Any more sections you have in mind, or should I pick another? though I will happily record Hobbit passages late into the night, I'm also more than happy to do other requests and would love to see requests made to other anons as well.
No. 34557
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>>34555Quite welcome, please feel free to make more requests
No. 34560
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>>34548“Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
“You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin – to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours – closer than you keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo.”
If I could request two more before I head off to bed. I'm grateful for your Tolkien readings btw.
No. 34574
>>34566 got a half decent recording for you, and with that, I'm going to put on the Hobbit and go to bed.
Please feel free to continue making and fulfilling requests.
No. 34576
>>34319>>34518>>34526>that voiceanon, you sound cute af
can you sing?
No. 34624
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>>34566>>34574Both of those were great! Your voice is really relaxing. Would you read one of your favorite parts with SAM and Frodo? (Sorry I'm asking so much)
>>34572The artist is Jian Guo (his LOTR set) (his DA)
No. 34633
>>34577>your "ironic" normalfag postingthis isn't /r9k/ loser.
are normalfags.
No. 34677
>>34576>You sound cute afThanks
>can you sing?Is this a question or a request? I've taken vocal lessons for a few years, not that it really showed in the bit of "the Misty Mountains" I did in one of the recordings.
>>34624>Both of those were great! Your voice is really relaxing. Would you read one of your favorite parts with SAM and Frodo?>SAM and Frodo>Surface to Air Missile and FrodoOf course! I'll probably do something from the earlier chapters of the Fellowship of the Ring because I love the Shire.
>(Sorry I'm asking so much)Don't worry about it, I'm happy to deliver! I'd also heavily encourage other anons to fill/make requests too, while I do love the attention, a good thread is measured by the people who contribute or otherwise enjoy it.
>>34665>Literally my two biggest interests as a kid were Tolkien fantasy and Nordic mythologyI love everyone in this thread.
I'll get recorded what I can right now, then do some more once I get off work.
No. 34710
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>>34518Thank you anon. You've made me so happy <3
No. 34724
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>>34677Thank you so much. I can't wait.
We love you too bb
No. 34746
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I guess I'll contribute something.
Sorry for the low quality, and it being so short. (I have an internal microphone, and waiting for the new one to come.) No. 34783
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>>34782Man don't scare him off.
Would be nice to hear him sing more.
No. 34788
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>>34677Back now, found the section for
>>34624 and ready to begin recording.
>>34665 Might take a little bit due to length.
>>34727I think that calm and soothing is probably the last sort of voice you want for something raunchy, so I'll leave this to another anon.
>>34746Brilliant, what sort of mic are you getting?
>>34782>a subtle request for you to post a picI had half interpreted that as such, but don't really want to be that big of an attention whore. Plus I'm sure the image that most anons have of me in their heads is far better looking than I am, and don't want to ruin that pleasant illusion.
And of course I'll sing something, got any suggestions?
>>34783I'll happily sing more if theres any specific song requests
>>34784>pic related No. 34789
File: 1441864414249.jpeg (56.36 KB, 800x448, My-Chemical-Romance-art-is-wea…)

>>34677Can you sing MCR Na Na Na (if not no biggie)
No. 34790
>>34789I'll give it a shot tomorrow, but thats a bit high energy for me at 11 after a tiring shift.
Still, happy to do it.
No. 34791
>>34788Just getting a simple Tonor TN12449.
I just can't see spending more than $30 on a mic when I won't be using it for anything important besides gooffing off.
No. 34795
>>34791>I just can't see spending more than $30 on a mic when I won't be using it for anything important besides gooffing off.That's the smart way of doing it. If you find that you
really want to start using it more/get better quality audio, then you can look into getting a better mic, but theres no reason to toss a load of money at something that may not actually get a lot of use.
No. 34802
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>>34795 Yeah. What kind do you use?
Also, how do you get used to hearing your voice play back? Cause everytime I hear mine, I can't help but cringe.
No. 34812
>>34624 other sections you'd like me to do?
>>34802>What kind do you use?I'm using a Blue Yeti with pop filter, and I fucking love it. Bit expensive, obviously, but I'm really pleased with the quality.
>Also, how do you get used to hearing your voice play back? Cause everytime I hear mine, I can't help but cringe.If I ever figure that out, I will let you know. In every long recording I've done, even here in the thread, I can point out every single word I fumbled pronouncing, and every slight change in pitch where the lines were recorded on separate takes.
Plus, our voices just naturally sound weird when we listen to them, your cringing is absolutely normal
No. 34826
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>>34812I saw those were talked about quite a bit. (Way out of my price range) So do you do this mostly as a hobby?
Lol, guess I'll just have to get used to it in a way.
Also, how about some Treebeard.
“I am not going to tell you my name, not yet at any rate.' A queer half-knowing, half-humorous look came with a green flicker into his eyes. 'For one thing it would take a long while: my name is growing all the time, and I've lived a very long, long time; so my name is like a story. Real names tell you the story of things they belong to in my language, in the Old Entish as you might say. It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to.”
“You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.”
And if you are still up to some music request. Any will do.
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Jet - Look what you've done
Oasis - Don’t Look Back In Anger
Rooney - I'm Shakin'
Rooney - Tell Me Soon
No. 34830
>>34665I did my best, but theres still some little clicks and bits where the timing is odd. I'm not a terribly good audio guy and trying to clean up the 9 minutes of audio I just recorded does not appeal to me at the moment.
Of course, if the clicks/fumbles/pitch changes are distracting, I'll look to try to fix them tomorrow. No. 34831
>>34826>So do you do this mostly as a hobby?Not really, I've only ever contributed to vocaroo threads on 8/v/ and voice acting threads on 8/tg/.
More recently, however, I have been looking into VA and narration as a side job.
Also, happy to provide Treebeard No. 34832
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>>34830Oh my, I adore this. Thank you lots for taking the time to read this. You are such an angel.
Sorry about it being so long. I don't mind the fumbles or pitch changes and they weren't distracting. I couldn't possibly ask you to fix such minor things. Just you reading and recording this is enough so once again, thank you very much. I really appreciate it!
No. 34839
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>>34831>8/v/>this cringeworthy fucking m'ladies faggot is probably replying to my posts as I write thisyou are a cancerous fucking nigger. Just fucking kill yourself Jesus Christ. You're a disgrace
chans are dead, there will always be utterly cringeworthy and cancerous people like you to take over the community and have it turn to shit
yes. I mad
No. 34857
>>34839You sound a bit
triggered, is something the matter?
No. 34987
>>34789Having a surprisingly difficult time singing this. I've scrapped about 35 takes so far, nothing even remotely decent.
Being honest, I havent sung anything like MCR in a really long time, and have forgot where to "place" my voice to make it sound right.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to give this a skip.
>>34826The two songs I know, Somewhere and Dont look back, are just above my range, I'm giving the others a listen to find one that should work, but if you're not picky, there are some songs I know I can sing well that I can do. Something like Mountain Sound from Of Monsters and Men sound alright? If not, I'll keep trying the suggested ones.
>>34832Glad it was good enough!
>>34839Really not sure what the fuck has you so mad, but feel free to off yourself regardless.
1/10, made me reply
>>34869Fucking classic. I'd gladly read it if I could actually decipher it.
>>34872I regret ever learning that something like this exists.
No. 34993
>>34988>>34989I don't actually know how to download files off clypit, so I'll just try filenurse.>>34990True enough, that was just a suggestion if it was a matter of just wanting to hear me sing rather than wanting to hear me sing a specific song.
>>34991Alright, perfect! Would accapella be fine?
No. 35226
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>waiting for someone to inevitably ask anon to say lewd stuff and drive him out of the thread with their increasingly perverted requests
>mfw it never happens
No. 35238
>>35226Cause we would like for him to stay.
Someone did try, but he said he wasn't suited for it.
No. 35243
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Could someone please voice this pic? Mic quality doesnt really matter to me.
No. 35254
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Ngl wouldnt mind seeing what he looks like No. 35255
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>>35240Can you say this?
I'm gonna cum now. No. 35267
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>>35243It's not the best anon, but I hope it will do.
No. 35270
>>35255 weirdly messed up after I reset my laptop, I'll look at adjusting the gain and such when I get back tonight
>>35251>>35254If there really is a desire to see my face, then I'll consider getting out my cam. I'm cute, but I'm not sure how well I'll live up to the expectations.
>>35268Have you got Audacity? It's completely free and the Noise Removal option works miracles.
Also, Pretty nice.
No. 35317
>>35294>StopLikingWhatIDon'tLike.png>>35270Is there any chance you could do this one mane
>>34997 ?
No. 35318
>>34995Also holy shit, this is seriously good. Like, really fucking good.
You on YouTube?
No. 35565
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Sweet anon could you sing Ed Sheeran - I See Fire?
No. 35567
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I'm having a pretty bad panic attack, can't stop shaking and feel like I'm gonna die. Can someone make me a soothing vocaroo to calm me down.
No. 35589
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>>35578There's been one who posted here
>>35268and here
>>34746. So far there have only been two that have contributed to this thread.
No. 35590
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>>35270Could you please say, "Aren't you my girlfriend? Just shut up and let me protect you." and upload it to vocaroo so i can dl it?
No. 35613
>>35565Shit, I had a load of chocolate before I came home, my vocal chords are gonna be gummed up for an hour or so.
But thankfully I love that song, so I'll get on soon as I can.
>>35567I'm sorry I'm so late with this one, are you ok?>>35590 you want a higher quality one, I could also upload it to some temp file storage or something
>>35317Yeah, of course! Was there any particular story you had in mind? I'm a huge HPL nerd too, and I was thinking The Very Old Folk, would that work?
No. 35614
>>35578The solution to this is obvious, make more requests for femanon recordings, like what
>>35243 did
>>35272Maybe some point tonight, I'm in desperate need of a shower at the moment.
No. 35620
>>35613Vocaroo is fine.
Th-thanks, senpai.
No. 35642
>>35620As long as it works for you, I'm content.
>>35621>qt Aussie accentYou can't deny everybody this, theres no need to be shy on an anonymous imageboard.
No. 35647
>>35621Ooh how about you say “Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival . . . a survival of a hugely remote period when . . . consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity . . . forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods, monsters, mythical beings of all sorts and kinds. . . .”
>>35613>The Very Old FolkMuh melanin Enriched Gentleman. But yeah, that sounds like some good shit.
No. 35653
>>35642thanks anon. I might give
>>35647 suggestion a go tomorrow when I have the house to myself.
No. 35658
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>>35270pic related
>>35621>qt3.14 Australian girlpic absolutely related, how do you feel about lewd requests?
No. 35661
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>>35660Can you say
"Christ, would you just bend me over the coach, tear my panties off, and fuck me already!?" sounding kinda frustrated?
No. 35662
>>35661oh my. (it's actually not as bad as I thought it would be)
I'll add it to my list for tomorrow (definitely want to be alone for that one lol)
No. 35665
Saging for lack of delivery and complete off topic tangent like 30 seconds in, but I was trying to record The Very Old Folk, fumbled, and just had this happen. found it funny enough to not delete, and just wanted to share how quickly my train of thought falls apart when I fuck up a line.
No. 35666
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>>35663>I'm about to throw upDo you need a Safe Space?
No. 35667
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>>35665Pffft, anon you are cute.
No. 35668
>>35565>>35647I'm gonna have to try to finish these in the morning unfortunately. It's too late for me to belt like I'd need to to sing I see fire, and I'm just hitting a wall with the latin in the Very Old Folk that means I have to try each sentence again and again and again.
Please keep suggesting things though, I'll deliver as much as I can tomorrow.
No. 35670
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>>35668When you can, some Jon Snow would be nice.
"First lesson, stick them with the pointy end."
"Sometimes there Is no happy choice, only one less grievous than the others."
"Everyone knew what this place was, and no one told me. No one but you. My father knew, and left me to rot at the Wall, all the same."
(thank you~♥)
No. 35675
>>35670Sure! Should I try to sound like Kit Harrington from the show, or do the quotes normally?
I'll try to do it tomorrow night, as well as maybe get something special recorded for whoever wants to see my face.Why me though, is it only because of my voice? No. 35677
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>>35675If you can do it like Kit that would be ideal, if not your voice also works just as well.
The hastag one works the best two at the front and two at the end.
No. 35686
>>35682I think you might be being a bit dramatic.
shrug who cares what gets requested, most of them are harmless anyway.
Besides, I think lolcow's hallmark will always be shitting on stupid bitches rather than the slightly horny vocaroo thread.
No. 35687
>>35682>Doesn't say whats wrong with the thread>Calls it cancer arbitrarily>Claims that shit like vocaroo threads will become the hallmark of an entire well populated chanBut, let's be fair and let you explain your reasoning. Why is it that these threads are cancer?
>>35684Well, I've always been happy with my voice, I just never thought it was nice to the point that people would repeatedly ask to see my face/listen to me fap
No. 35688
This thread is cancerous and this bitch
>>34265 is a typical whore hungry for dicks of lolcow aka the cancer of lolcow.
No. 35690
>>35688And you derailing the topic helps how?
If it really pisses you off that much just hide the thread.
>>35687I'me sure we aren't the first to ask you either though.
No. 35696
>>35694It's the random board, where anything goes. You'd rather have starbucks threads and GMO threads and shit, but nothing where someone from lolcow actually makes something?
Beyond that, recording this shit takes longer than most threads last on 4chan for the longer requests.
No. 35703
>>35701>>35702Not even bait, just think it's hilarious that chicks on here will relentlessly grill other girls for literally everything, but still fail to realize the scope of their own degeneracy.
Also, not saying your desire is invalid. You're just all a bunch of thirsty cunts that need to either take a good shit or get laid. This is fucking weird.
No. 35704
>>35703>This is fucking weirdNot much more so than watching a camwhore.
Not to mention that this shit goes down all the time on 4/8chan, albeit with the genders switched.
Sage, say your piece and make your argument, hide the thread, and continue living life. If it really is completely cancer then oldfags, lurkers, and even occasional posters will call it out as well.
No. 35716
>>35697>>35700>>35703>what is MSA/soc/ has threads for males to make erotic recordings all the time. Girls are constantly fangirling over them. There's also
Girls are just as filthy and degenerate as guys tbh.
If you don't like it, you should probably hide the thread.
Btw I want to hear anon fap too No. 35771
>>35757>>35703>>35756Why not just hide the thread if your so
triggered by it.
No. 35795
>>35757>Reeks of /r9k/Wow you're absolutely right, remember how the first request was of somebody beating a woman? And how the discussion has been almost exclusively about how many piss jugs everybody has?
>/Soc/ Tier threadWe've got /pol/ tier threads up on /b/ too, like the Hitler and pronouns threads, why aren't those cancerous?
>reeks of thirsty betas enabling attention whoresI wasn't aware that people asking for someone to read stories and help them calm down was particularly horrible.
>attracts more robots and8gaggers to community >Robots and 8gaggers will leave their own sites for something that would be considered a dead board by most of them>All for the vocaroo threads
>eventually the likes of these creatures will be acceptedGod knows that anyone not already from this chan doesn't belong here. Because that absolutely makes sense.
Fuck sake, what makes you think robots or typical chan shitposters will ever be accepted here?
>>35790Hey man, how you talk to/about yourself is impossibly important to your identity as a person. If you keep talking about yourself as a piece of shit, then your creative-subconcious (will maintains your understanding of reality/your character) will begin to take it as fact, and will cause you to adjust your actions accordingly. The better you talk to yourself, the better you'll feel, and the better you'll act.
You're an awesome person, don't lie to yourself.
No. 35801
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>>35795>Hey man, how you talk to/about yourself is impossibly important to your identity as a person. If you keep talking about yourself as a piece of shit, then your creative-subconcious (will maintains your understanding of reality/your character) will begin to take it as fact, and will cause you to adjust your actions accordingly. The better you talk to yourself, the better you'll feel, and the better you'll act.
>You're an awesome person, don't lie to yourself.Getting called as one from everyone does that to you, my twin brother died at birth and I was the one that lived. There is not a single that I don't wish he was the one that lived, maybe he could be the person I always wanted to be. I'm just a lazy fat fuck with no redeeming features living in 3rd world. I'm just destined to be a piece of shit from birth.
No. 35855
>>35647I recorded that chunk of dialogue as a tester.
I'm just recording with a headset so.. sorry about those S's No. 35927
>>35668>Trying to power through the Very Old Folk>Getting close to the massive paragraph at the end>"The soldiers were the fifth cohort of the XIIth legion, under the military tribune Sex. Asellius; and the legatus of the whole region, Cn. Balbutius, had also come from Calagurris, where the permanent station was"I never took Latin, this is a pain in the ass like nothing else. Would you be alright if I postponed this one until I get some other requests out of the way?
>>35565>Try to get the opening and some of the chorus recorded in the proper octave>"and should the Sky be filled with, fire and smoke">Sky goes way above my max range, even my falsetto can't do it right.Holy shit, I thought my body was more ready for this, I'm disappointing people left and right and I think I'm getting a cold.
>>35802>fulfilling so many requests including ones that are out of a lot of peoples comfort zonesMost of these requests are pretty tame.
Though the fapping request is really borderline for what I'm comfortable with.>>35855Could you please upload that to vocaroo really quickly? Theres something I want to show.
Also, fucking inbuilt laptop cams. I keep trying to make a webm of me saying hi for people who wnated to see my face, but the cam keeps going white and changing brightness. No. 35950
>>35771>attracts more robots and 8gaggers to community >eventually the likes of these creatures will be accepted Are you illiterate?
>>35773Unlike 4chan /b/ is not a anything goes containment board. Fuck off.
>>35779>policing a thread that's exactly where it belongsNo. Shut the fuck up. Robots don't belong here. The entire concept of the containment thread is now worthless.
>this is /b/ and anything is welcomed hereSee above
>somewhat interesting pffthahaha you're fucking kidding right?
>/pt/ or /snow/ >shitty relationship problems and abloobloo woe is me confessions 24/7
>when out of arguments, I must make baseless assumptions No. 35974
>>35795>only woman beating and piss jug meems on /r9k/ LOL xD I must exaggerate the fuck out of that board to make vocaroo attention-whoring cancer seem reasonable xD>it's automatically /pol/ because they're talking about hitler and tumblr xD>a few people talking about "/pol/"-tier topics are as bad as the board being invaded by robots and 8gaggers xDHoly christ your whole post is stupidest shit I've read thus far. I can't tell if you're just making up retarded speculations and exaggerations or you genuinely believe them.
Anyhow, mentally challenged people such as you should be banned. Provide a proper rebuttal to what I say instead of making shit up or GTFO
>Fuck sake, what makes you think robots or typical chan shitposters will ever be accepted here? They're already accepted by you, cunt.
No. 35978
>>35976>>35974>>35950yeah can we get a mod in here?
someone's getting
triggered No. 35990
>>35978>>35982If I'm being autistic and le
triggered, what is
No. 35999
>>35932I appreciate it still.
How is the Jon snow readings going?
No. 36007
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>>34526Why don't the guys I know sound this cute?
No. 36017
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A-anyone else been looking forward to Anon's lewd recording all day?
No. 36031
>>35661also here's your recording anon. tried out vocaroo but clypit sounds much better.
No. 36050
>>36017>>36019>>36032>>36043>Getting cold feet about the whole idea>"Hey, maybe no one will actually care">Check threadWell, I said I'd do it. Might be a little longer though.
>>36007I'm sure theres some lonely nerd with a voice like mine, you just need to find him
I'm speaking from experience>>35999>How goes the Jon Snow readingsWell, lets just say that, as nice as my voice is, theres a good reason that they Cast Kit Harrington as Jon Snow and not me.
No. 36059
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>>36050Oh anon, I don't care if you sound like Jon. I just wanted to hear your voice more, and didn't want to wear you out on reading the hobbit/lotr. (Which I'm not sure is possible.)
No. 36062
>>36059>didn't want to wear you out on reading the hobbit/lotr. (Which I'm not sure is possible.)This is absolutely impossible, please feel free to request whatever, as long as it is somewhat short (>10 minutes) and doesn't contain too much latin/elvish/other odd languages.
>>36031Damn. Just damn.
No. 36068
>>35927Its good bro, I thought you might just be pudding out, but I can barely read that shit aloud to myself right.
Do you think you can get back to it soon though? Your voice is good for lovecraftian stuff.
No. 36145
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>>36050You're not a nerd anon, you're cool like this cat.
No. 36201
>>36144Sure, I like making people happy and if all I need to do to do that is read some stories, then I'll gladly do it.
>>36145>I Frequently cosplay>My childhood was the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings and Vidya>First job was/is working at GamestopBut I am a nerd though.
>>36157Thanks. I woke up with a text from her thanking me and saying she's feeling a lot better.
>>36158>>36172>West Coast>CanadaDamn, is my voice/accent that placeable?
I'm from Seattle>>36186Don't lose hope, you never know what could happen
No. 36228
eugh, clypit keeps cutting my track short before I finish
but also I'm getting nervous because I can hear my neighbors across the hall coming in and slamming doors and such so I'm just gonna quit while I'm ahead singing anonymously to an audience I will never see or meet in person makes me nervous and sweaty, so thinking of my neighbors hearing me makes me want to cringe until I implode.
also sorry my internet connection is bad so there's like 14 seconds of dead silence at the beginning there.
No. 36278
>>36260I could only afford to do two the past two years, Cecil Palmer from Nightvale, and an Imperial Guardsman from Warhammer 40K.
With the Guardsman I've been learning how to make armor from eva foam, so I'm hoping to do some bigger cosplays for Emerald City Comicon.
No. 36283
>>36239haha, just me, I guess.
It only really makes a difference because I have terrible stage fright/social anxiety. if I think anyone might be listening, then my vocal chords get really tense and my whole body starts shaking.
I really love to sing but even something like drunken karaoke night is totally out of the question.
Thank you for the tip, by the way, I'm downloading it now. :)
No. 36291
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>>36287Holy shit, I'll admit I did not see something like this coming.
I'm actually just outside Seattle proper, closer to Bellevue No. 36293
File: 1442274271147.gif (55.21 KB, 363x267, holywow.gif)

>>36291You're kidding right? I live in Bellevue…
No. 36298
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>>36296Not a ruse…
what is going on..
No. 36310
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I'm sorry I just wanted to chat.
I'm kind of lonely. No. 36335
>>36325>>36334I just can't do it. I had thought that it okay, and that I could handle it, but I'm just too nervous and uncomfortable doing it. I'll do lewd requests, and shit, I'll even cam with you guys via omegle or some shit, but I just cant do this.
No. 36663
File: 1442364027568.jpg (116.33 KB, 600x296, Once_Upon_A_Time_In_Hobbiton_b…)

>>36335Hey voice anon could you read 10mins worth of the hobbit.
No. 36666
>>36662Nope, I'm just working on the Very Old Folk again
>>36663I'm on it as soon as possible.
>>36665>Its kina cute that you're nervousTh-thanks
No. 36667
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>>36666Anon, thanks for taking all my hobbit/lotrs, and game of thrones request.
No. 36914
>>36667Of course! I really don't know if you realise how much I love Tolkien. I'm starting this now.
>tfw trying to read Very Old Folk on a by paragraph basis>finally get to the last paragraphHoly shit M8, i didn't realize quite what I'd suggested. Are there any others you'd rather me do?
No. 36947
>>36915>>36667 fact, Audacity crashed no less than 7 times trying to record this, leading to somewhat varied pitch/voices. I'm also sorry about the accent, the version I've listened to for the past few years had a pronounced accent which has definitely rubbed off on my reading. I tried to fight it, but ultimately couldnt.
If you want me to try again, I will, I'm not entirely happy with this as is.
>>36932I can't even record myself doing it.
M-maybe, no promises No. 37017
File: 1442417500897.png (127.29 KB, 500x281, umafool.png)

This thread sounds like fun
But it's so late here but I'd like to do stuff tomorrow if anyone has anything sound tired because I am lol and no limit on voices if there's some weird stuff to be read hahaha
No. 37021
>>36961Still Seattle…
I really tried to fight the accent and keep my voice level, but having listened to the same audiobook so many times, it began to feel natural to mimic the accent and intonation.
I think I'll try to read it again in my normal voice tonight, I'm not entirely sure why I posted that one last night.
>>37017So many cute accents, so little time.
>tfw I would've had a kiwi accent if my parents hadn't moved to the states No. 37092
>>37090I'd advise that you don't so much "force" your voice down, as you "drop" it. I tried to demonstrate as best I could to help. doing requests too, even if they've been done already!
No. 37094
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>>37017same anon here
I'm weaboo trash so if anyone has any scripts or lines along that way lemme have it lol
I like Tsundere/Yandere shit too I sound congested atm)
Or even just gag scripts/lewd scripts/lines
No. 37165
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Can I get a femanon to say "Attention Station, Cap is a condom, ban he." while sounding like an AI?
No. 37233
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>>37171>hahaAdding that to the end of the request doesnt make it any less unnerving
No. 37364
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>>37165…what does this mean?
No. 38437
>>37171>>36298>>37240>>38246>>37962>>38059Theres not much point to this other than bumping the thread, but that seems to be a good enough reason in itself.>>37165>>37364It's a joke from a game that /v/ has threads on all the time, Space Station 13.
No. 38438
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>>38437Also, fuck, meant to say philosopher, not physiologist.
No. 38601
>>38460omg yes that one would be awesome!
"see, here i am now, by myself, talking to myself"
"so you two, dig up dinosaurs? ryaarrr hyaarr raaarr harr"
"I, uh, don't think I'm, y'know, so different than your average, y'know, average"
No. 38630
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>>38601question, why Jeff Golblum?
No. 38677
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>>38675This is funnier than it has any right to be
No. 40361
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J.R.R. Tolkien voice chan, if you're still here could you read where you left off last from.
No. 40374
>>40361I think I would be remiss not to, what with the eclipse and all tonight.
Definitely need to at least read off the Moon Runes on the night of a blood moon eclipse.
No. 43779
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>>35590 wanted to make a silly recording toooo.
No. 43813
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>>43779You should do more anon.
No. 43824
>>43813anon is here with his voice.
What would you want to hear?
No. 44423
>>43963aww awesome thankyou :)
you could always start orating erotica short stories, we definitely wont mind
No. 44438
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>>44435Meant to post pic and mention one other thing, if the >>44444 post is a request of any sort, I will follow through no matter what.
I don't know why I felt the need to make this known an hour later, but I'll just go ahead and blame it on it being 2am and me not being of sound mind at the moment. No. 44565
>>44561hm… bulgaria? either way, your accent is hot. do you mind if i request you to say
i'm collecting. ;^)
No. 44566
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>>44565Nope, I don't like mentioning where I'm from. this came out so shitty.
No. 44569
>>44546please say "are you alright? can i make you a cup of tea, darling?"
No. 44570
>>44566Thank you cutie~
>>44569Oo seconding this.
No. 44575
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>>44574Never thought someone would think of my voice and accent as good.
No. 44579
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>>44577T-thanks, glad you liked it.
No. 44596
>>44435Can you please sensually say "Stay still or I'll have to punish you. Good girl, you look so cute when you're embarassed."
Pls post it to vocaroo too. Your voice makes me melt.
No. 44609
>>44571kek why yes i am naked under my clothes.
please dont stop
No. 44612
File: 1446178650321.gif (925.41 KB, 500x281, 42096f23738b3ee3ac6768ff5f06b4…)

I just discovered this thread.
I love you, Seattle-anon. Your voice is so sexy, ah.
That would've been amazing if you recorded yourself fapping but I totally understand how difficult it would be to send out to a bunch of strangers. Still have hope you will pull through and surprise us though
I-I have a request…if that's okay.
Could you say "I'm going to fill your pussy with my hot cum"?
Sorry if it's too lewd…
No. 44630
>>44445I was working on the Butterfly effect scene from Jurassic Park for the anon who wanted Goldblum lines, but I fell asleep.
>>44444Will do
>>44577Your voice is actually adorable
>>44596>>44608>>44577Flattery will absolutely get you everywhere
when I havent just spent 3 hours shirtless in the woods contorting and scaring the shit out of people. I'd be more than happy to get these recorded tomorrow morning or afternoon.
>I-I have a request…if that's okay.>Sorry if it's too lewd…Don't worry about something being too lewd, just go ahead and request it. Chances are I'll wind up doing it.
>Still have hope you will pull through and surprise us thoughNot in any way promising anything, but I think I may actually give this another go this weekend No. 44631
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>>44630>Everywhere with meFix'd, also, forgot pic.
As a side note, /late/ on 8ch has some of the comfiest pics No. 44632
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Y'all little voice kinksters are naaaaaaaaassssty. I listened to every single one of em, look at whats become of me!
No. 44688
i will laugh at how you sound when you jiggle your genitals
No. 44689
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>>44683I specifically said I'm not promising anything because
I don't want to let you guys down again>>44632I have no idea what to make of this pic in relation to the rest of the post.
No. 44707
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>>44596>>44612 hope these work well enough for you two. Coincidentally, I'm at the haunted house again tonight, and I've been informed that my new wardrobe is nothing but short shorts, suspenders, and a chip 'n dale-esque bowtie. Truly tonight is a sensual night.
No. 44720
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>>44707>>44707>my new wardrobe is nothing but short shorts, suspenders, and a chip 'n dale-esque bowtiePics or it didn't happen.
No. 44740
File: 1446276558342.jpg (Spoiler Image,449.88 KB, 1077x1918, WP_20151030_002.jpg)

>>44722Apologies, by the time my makeup was finished the show had opened and they needed me to get to the front line as quickly as I possibly could (I'm a roamer, basically security that dresses up as a character and watches out for drunk/stoned/tripping people in the lines to make sure they dont get into the show and hit actors/burn down sets).
I've got some makeup shadowing under my ribs to make me look thinner as part of the character.
I get the feeling I'm going to regret posting this at some point, but right now I'm thoroughly wrecked and not wanting to disappoint again No. 44772
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>>44740N-nice body, anon.
No. 44779
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>>44741>>44772Thanks, I've always thought of myself as just another skelly, so I really appreciate the compliments.
No. 44804
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>>44743>>44745these were hilarious and sexy as fuck.
i think you could try playing around with your infliction and pace a bit, but i know shit all about being a VA.
thanks man :)
No. 44817
>>44783>voice fag needs to have some respect for himself and quit whoring himself out to fujoshisI like making people happy, and if all I need to do to make people happy is speak into a mic or post a single faceless picture, then I don't mind doing so.
>>44815>I wonder what yoshi's eggs smell like just curious hahaGlad I wasnt the only one whose mind went there.
No. 44819
>>44783take your bait elsewhere.
No. 44822
>>44810i dont really know how to word it, but the clips are all quite similar in how they sound. a bit like youre repeating the same emotion and experience.
i dont know if you think much about the scene that youre lines would fit into, is the persona feeling angry, desperately horny, sad, vengeful, cheeky etc?
you can do lusty well.
who are they interacting with and what reaction do they want to illicit?
also, what about using some foley? maybe some props could help stimulate more expression in your voice?
dont take this too seriously, im not an actor in any way and im pretty high
No. 44825
>>44822I am about to get high and I'll consider your suggestions later after I get home!
You should leave me a request for when I get back that you think would invoke some of those things, also I may have been very monotone when I made those because it was 2am lol.
I'll try to make the dirty ones mid-fap next time so they have more emotion.
No. 44826
>>44825fekken doicent m8, have a good one
ill think about a request for you, my brain is not in slut mode right now so it will probably be a while
No. 44876
>>44835It's the same here, hope you're okay anon!
I'm just going to drop this off here for everyone because I'm bored and lonely today. No. 44879
>>44825how about something like,
"youve been a bad girl so im leaving you tied to this bed and youre staying there until you fucking learn to be a good little whore." (you could be angry/frustrated for this part.)
"now lie there and keep your mouth shut because ive got work to do, if you behave i might even let you cum when i fuck you tonight." (maybe more calm/contoling tone here?)
im still so hungover from halloween, thinking is hard. all those brain cells….
>>44876say "im a dirty slut" in that cute voice youve got
No. 44893
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>>44890My roommates are being quite loud tonight, but I'll have something up for you tomorrow.
>>44892I would like that, I need to think a bit though!
No. 44897
>>44894P-punishment? I like that…
Surprise me, anon-sama.
No. 44902
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>>44899Th-that was perfect
No. 44905
>>44902Well I'm glad you liked it!
If you want me to make anymore just ask, I'm a neet boy so I have lots of spare time.
No. 44906
>>35590ty b0ss
No. 44909
>>44876 kinda like these little voiceblogs, even if I'm boring and odd.
Side note, theres a voice acting thread over on 8/tg/ that I'm sure would love some more contributors.
No. 44912
>>44906I did it already, I'm the 2nd one quoting your post haha. It was the first one I did in the whole thread I think.
But just for fun you can have it twice lol. No. 44913
>>44907Erotic hypnosis? I'm not entirely sure what that entails but it might be fun lol.
I have not really done anything with my voice but make a few vocaroos here and there for people.
No. 44924
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Can anybody PUH LEASE say "Lek is a cool guy?" pls :)
No. 44951
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>tfw want to do some of these because bored but it's embarrassing
No. 45047
>>44920>honest question, why don't you just go to 4chan soc instead of here?Combination of unfamiliarity, convenience, and pay off on effort. I make a habit of not going to 4chan in general due to the speed at which threads burn out and the quasi-chan community its become. I find this thread convenient because I can easily swap between this thread and /pt/ threads while actually finding new and interesting cows to milk. And finally, I feel like people actually enjoy what I do here, I'm not just some mediocre voice in a sea of voices, people actually want me to record things for them.
>>44918>And don't feel shy about requesting things!I'm just naturally shy when it comes to lewd things with girls. I much prefer talking to girls over talking to guys, but I tend to clam up when it comes to sexuality, and either sit there awkwardly, or make jokes when the opportunity arises.
Half of the time the jokes are legitimate questions phrased as jokes so I can play them off without completely embarrassing myself>>44922>I wish I could grab your crotch that lady is lucky afIt was actually really fucking awkward, and seeing as how this is the first year I've been roaming, that was the first time I've been groped so far. I'm actually pretty lucky, comparatively, the female roamers get groped by drunks at least once a night usually.
>>44951Fucking go for it, what have you got to lose?
No. 45048
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>>45047Meant to sage and use proper grammar.
No. 45050
>>44882decent, love the seccond one.
>>44887omg that was hot as fuck, i wish i had your voice
>>44909voice blog whenever you want, its fun to listen too
No. 45105
>>45100All is forgiven anoness!
looking forward to it
No. 45157
File: 1446594231420.png (1.73 MB, 1366x768, To Aru Majutsu no Index II ep …)

Okay so I recorded it but I'm getting cold feet because I've never listened to myself before and I feel like I sound silly when I play it back.
No. 45161
File: 1446594723141.jpg (84.67 KB, 300x242, fuckit.jpg)

>>45158Alright, here goes nothing before I get cold feet for real. Sorry about the background noise and the cutting out. Not sure what's going on with that.>>45160I-I'd better get a reward!
No. 45163
>>45161what would u like?
I'm actually like mid fap right now so I could let you hear me cum too.
No. 45167
>>45165Yes, got a new toy so I took it for a test drive. I think it's my new favorite? It's definitely my new favorite.
No. 45169
File: 1446595974431.gif (985.47 KB, 500x365, omggggg.gif)

>>45168Pic very fucking related.
Thank you, anon!
No. 45213
File: 1446631444980.png (395.32 KB, 600x600, 2.png)

>this thread
No. 45317
>>45315I'd be down, I'm kinda stuck in bed with a stomach flu anyway, so I've not got much else going on.
Any sort in particular?
No. 46059
>>45318>>45323>>45351As you can tell, I'm not terribly good at this whole "time management" thing. In all seriousness, life has a way of happening, and I'm not particularly good at managing its happenings.
Regardless, I present "The Antiguan Giant", an ocean based story that
triggers my thalassophobia in the worst ways. I'd have added ocean sounds and some later described sounds in if it werent 1 am and I wasn't tired to the point of near passing out.>>45869Figured "fuck it, have fun with it" so here's a close approximation of my pornstar voice. No. 46060
File: 1446888731263.jpg (241.54 KB, 1920x1200, 1443981454469.jpg)

>>46059Fuck I'm bad at adding pictures before I post.
Side note to the Bellevue anon, assuming they're still lurking the thread, if you like nightdriving at all, you've got to go along SE Newport Way, it was fucking incredible tonight for reasons I can't really put to words. Tons of wooded sections with sparse streetlights giving little bubbles of light along the dark road.
Don't know if you care/are here, but it struck me as really fucking cool coming home tonight, to the point where I'm gonna bring a camera along next time and get some pictures.
Sage because unrelated 1am blog that I should probably just voice next time.
No. 46156
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>>46153Thank you! Let me know if there's any other story you think I should do.
No. 46176
"Bigmouth strikes again
And I've got no right to take my place
With the human race"
and how about
"Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
When I said I'd like to
Smash every tooth in your head"
No. 47435
>>47172 hope you feel better soon, anon.
breakups are tough.
No. 73515
>>73514omg please say
"You're so adorable and kind. But your heart is stronger than anyone's and I love you for that. I'll be by your side forever to always protect you."
slap it on vocaroo cause idk how to download stuff from please i have no shame
No. 73547
i love this thread! i want to contribute a recording too, but since english is my second language, my pronunciation isn't good. in the recording, i read this story: , just the first four paragraphs. No. 73596
>>73594whoops wrong quote
>>73547>>73556this has to be automated, those woop woops
No. 73636
>>73598You love it.
>>73626Your voice is perfect for this!
No. 73639
File: 1456547316002.gif (491.85 KB, 480x360, tumblr_n3d3ewEYZk1tq4of6o1_500…)

>>73594>nice and relaxingthank you anon, honestly i was thinking my voice doesn't sound good, so reading your comment ease me up a little, hehe. my native language is malay.
>>73626Agree with anon, your voice is perfect for an automated message!
No. 76286
People should do more silly things like this.
No. 76869
>>76853YES, PLS
Say "A plague upon the stiff necks of dwarves."
No. 77012
File: 1457084371926.jpg (9.72 KB, 300x199, 201504_1143_abfih_sm.jpg)

>>76397Aaaah thank you anon!
No. 77090
>>76220 . I hope my pronunciation is understandable.
>>76237I'm no singer, but I tried my best :>>76818Your voice is cute anon, you should sing more :)
No. 77357
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>>77012No problem. It makes me feel good to know somebody likes hearing my voice.
No. 79763
>>73525Christ almighty m8, you've got a fucking great voice.
>>73568Don't put your voice down man, you sound a bit like some audiobook narrator I grew up listening to. If you're still here, how about you record a creepypasta or something.
>>73626It started as a joke, but you could actually make some serious money pretty quickly doing some of those prerecord messages for companies and businesses.
assuming you're not doing that already>>76220>>76220I'll happily give this a go tomorrow!
>>76818Absolutely adorable
>>77090>I'm no singerHoly shit how are you not, that was gorgeous.
General request, can we get more people singing? Sing a snippet of your favorite song and slap that shit into clypit or vocaroo. Post results.
No. 81633
>>77716Thank you, glad you like it. Generally I have a bad sense of humor, but I did get close to cracking up a few times when I take my pauses in the recording hahaha
>>79763>Sing a snippet of your favorite songI'm up for it! No. 83093
>>82525Whatever you want to sing, particularly if it's more Buble
>>40361Are you still lurking the thread? I was looking back through and realized that I never recorded another segment of The Hobbit. If that's still wanted, I'd be more than happy to hook into it.
No. 83811
File: 1459229326860.png (48.04 KB, 224x203, 1556786586 (5).png)

>>83420Good to hear somebody picked it up! I got it back when GGsings was still a thing and I fucking adore it. I've used it for vocals and for when I'm trying to voice a specific sort of character (station AI for Spacestaion 13 on /v/ and various space marine voices on /tg/) and it's just brilliant.
It's a bit late for me to record myself, but I can post an bit of a Wicked cover I gave up on a couple months back. that audio jump at the end though
>>83732Go for it! Find a time in which you aren't gonna bother anybody, or just tell ask to deal with it for a bit.
Pic unrelated but holy shit I love One-Punch Man No. 108088
File: 1471825298953.jpg (107.19 KB, 469x700, image.jpg)

Can I get an American to say "Wew lad those memes are spicy"
No. 108109
>>108108>Lewd StuffWell, just to be clear, I'm a guy.
>He does it for freeYeah, I get you man, im not expecting pay, assuming you want me
No. 108111
File: 1471848003416.gif (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 200x182, 1434017711685.gif)

>>108069That was actually pretty spot on for what I was hoping for, thank you
Your voice is adorable by the way
No. 108117
>>108108Why would you pretend to be another person when this is such a mild topic?
>>108106Nice, I'll ask around here when I have stuff done! It's just a few lines like "Hello", "Don't talk to me again" and key phrases like that, a little like what they have on Rune Factory games. I feel it helps make characters more memorable/real
No. 108172
Never put my voice out there, let me know if there's any requests for it. not, no problem - just a little bored/alone.
No. 108577
>Like two people answering silly requests in a mostly dead thread
>"OMG look at all these thirsty robots ITT"You two must be a joy to sing karaoke with.
Somebody read "antigonish" by William Means for me.
No. 108578
>>108577Dropped Text.
>Yesterday, upon the stair,>I met a man who wasn't there.>He wasn't there again today,>I wish, I wish he'd go away…
>When I came home last night at three,>The man was waiting there for me>But when I looked around the hall,>I couldn't see him there at all!>Go away, go away, don't you come back any >more!>Go away, go away, and please don't slam >the door…
>Last night I saw upon the stair,>A little man who wasn't there,>He wasn't there again today>Oh, how I wish he'd go away… No. 108623
>>108578't quite sure how to read it, but I definitely loved it, definitely gonna look at Mean's other stuff now.
>>108598That's basically how the thread started out, why change anything now?
No. 108632
>>108623>>108623This is great! I've always liked this one, and Means has a lot of other good stuff.
>>108512Now U, Cedar Rapids.
No. 108752
To say that I'm seeking attention ITT is true to a certain extent– mostly what I'm after is some constructive criticism or feedback because I do have to do a moderate amount of public speaking as part of my job and I want to improve my voice.
I'd appreciate feedback from other guys posting here if only because they have more experience modulating with a deep voice. But really I'd be grateful to hear from anyone that can speak well enough to hold the attention of other people.
I've tried posting in related threads on /soc/ but honestly dudes that post there seem more concerned with fapping and I'm really just looking to step up my game a little. If someone thinks I sound sexy, lucky me I guess. That's not primarily what I'm going for.
>>108513See, I'm guessing this Hillary meme is just a way of saying I sound lame and stilted which is exactly what I'm trying to fix.
>>108577"Antigonish" didn't turn out great, but I did it in one take, so there it is.
I also did Samuel L Jackson's monologue from the end of pulp fiction for a /soc/ thread which I thought sounded better. No one replied but idk what the turnaround is like over there so maybe I should give it more time. Here it is, a propos of nothing: if anyone can offer feedback I'd appreciate it.
No. 108753
>>108623Also I listened to your reading after I did my own. Solid work.
If you liked the poem somebody set it to music back when your grandpa was busy punching nazis. If you're into Fallout/Bioshock-type music, I'll just leave this here: No. 108756
>>108752>See, I'm guessing this Hillary meme is just a way of saying I sound lame and stilted which is exactly what I'm trying to fix.what the fuck? really? wew you're REACHING dude
can someone else please say, "im just chilling in cedar rapids"
No. 111813
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Its October, the clouds are back, its getting chilly, and creepy clowns are plaguing the countryside, anyone have a scary story?
No. 111980
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>>111817I don't know whats worse, the actual content or the shitty memes.
No. 112038
>>112026This is my favorite place to get fresh milk, even though I rarely post outside of /b/. Dunno what else really to add to that.
And I think I will soon, even if for just a little bit. When peoples interest in this thread died out, it went from being a mystery to sort of a lesser curiosity, so I don't feel like it'd be too disappointing or anything too reveal.
No. 112109
>>112107Working on a good one now. I'll record it as soon as I get a chance.
Does anybody have any particular genres that they'd enjoy? there's damn fine creepypasta to be had these days.
In the meantime, look at this: No. 112238
>>112109Dont know what youre recording, so I cant really prevent overlap, but Ill grab my mic tomorrow and record one myself, thinking ill do "The Thing in the Cornfield" or whatever its called.
As a note, I know
>>112010 pointed out that Ive sort of changed how I read aloud, is it better or worse for these sorts of things? Like would you guys prefer I try for the timid, softer style more like how I used to read, or would you prefer I go for the natural, slightly harsher(?) style Ive got now.
Also, went through a big name haunted house in Seattle with some people from my haunt, wound up scaring an actress shitless and being offered a job acting there a couple nights.
Not really relevent, but im really hype about it because they actually pay their actors there. No. 112334
File: 1476244625832.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 2592x1944, 20161011_202417.jpg)

>>112026>post ur faceHere you go, best pic I could get even if the card isnt quite readable. Ill probably leave it up for a little bit then delete the post, but I dont know when I need to delete it by, so it could be that I just wind up leaving it up.
I know most people probably dont care at this point, but to those that do, go wild.
No. 112341
>>112238>>112128I was gonna do an untitled one, plus maybe SCP-173 and a longer one but I haven't decided. Don't worry about overlap, just go nuts.
I broke my mic, so it's gonna be a while for me personally.
No. 112444
File: 1476389784333.jpg (90.04 KB, 637x848, 800.jpg)

Here so guys dont have to break your necks.
No. 112463
>>112374Between getting a new job and my haunt opening, Im having a hell of a time trying to sit down and record something, but assuming the power stays on, Ill try recording saturday early afternoon.
>>112442Somebody here already found me on facebook from what I posted, so I figured my face would find its way here eventually. I dont really mind, and if you guys want to fuck with me thats alright, though obviously id prefer you not.
>>112448Ill see if I can find anything off /x/ for use
No. 112469
>>112463someone "found" your fb just from your voice? sounds like they already knew you.
No. 112484
>>112469No, they told me they found me because of the outfit picture I posted a year ago and my general location. Dont think I knew them, they just asked me a bunch of stuff then either deacitvated their account or never opened it up again. No friends or anything, only activity was a couple of liked memes, so definitely a throwaway account.
I dont know if they still lurk or whatever, but I dont much care either, so long as they dont start pasting infor or anything.
>>112467Fuck, why did I waste my time this past year reccording things if now theres no chance Ill get to fuck random anonymous posters?
Im just filling requests on the offchance that they make someone happy, but if you guys think Im attention whoring too much and should actually fuck off, then I can do that. No. 185886
File: 1491465850298.gif (983.5 KB, 500x258, drunk-and-my-friend-is-still-w…)

Eyyyyy farmers I'm an aspiring VO artist who just got her first mic
My voice type is youthful and bright, so I sound like something you'd hear in a leapfrog or toys r us commercial
Who's as bored as I am and has something for me to say
No. 185928
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>>185886Please say, "Everyone is special in their own special way!"
No. 186213
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I'm back, a tiny bit sick and a little hungover but it doesn't seem noticeable
for McDisney anon: Cheer Bear anon: just took the mic out of the box tonight so I'm still figuring out all the technical stuff. This was fun! I'm open for more requests if anyone wants
No. 186309
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>>186213Thanks, anon! Your voice is super adorable. You should def do voice overs for kids stuff/anime characters. Reminds me of the voices from My Little Pony 'n Friends in the 80s.
No. 186866
>>186213Anon, your voice is gentle on the ears that's for sure! It's really cute
Whereas, I sound like a squeaker haha
No. 186929
>>186213Anon you should really be a VO artist, it's very enjoyable to listen to you.
Could you maybe say "Don't stress if you don't get all your plans done today. Getting anything done is an accomplishment" please?
No. 187201
>>187199Can you please say:
No. 187328
File: 1492543173609.gif (242.01 KB, 500x375, tellmeimpretty.gif)

>>187316Tell me I'm pretty
No. 187334
>>187331you have a really nice voice.
>>1873164 or 5 weeks, holy fuck anon
is it a lack of people or are you just that schizoid? how do you deal with that?
and if you have time, could you please read this poem for me?
By T.S. Eliot
Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga?
What seas what shores what grey rocks and what islands
What water lapping the bow
And scent of pine and the woodthrush singing through the fog
What images return
O my daughter.
Those who sharpen the tooth of the dog, meaning
Those who glitter with the glory of the hummingbird, meaning
Those who sit in the sty of contentment, meaning
Those who suffer the ecstasy of the animals, meaning
Are become insubstantial, reduced by a wind,
A breath of pine, and the woodsong fog
By this grace dissolved in place
What is this face, less clear and clearer
The pulse in the arm, less strong and stronger—
Given or lent? more distant than stars and nearer than the eye
Whispers and small laughter between leaves and hurrying feet
Under sleep, where all the waters meet.
Bowsprit cracked with ice and paint cracked with heat.
I made this, I have forgotten
And remember.
The rigging weak and the canvas rotten
Between one June and another September.
Made this unknowing, half conscious, unknown, my own.
The garboard strake leaks, the seams need caulking.
This form, this face, this life
Living to live in a world of time beyond me; let me
Resign my life for this life, my speech for that unspoken,
The awakened, lips parted, the hope, the new ships.
What seas what shores what granite islands towards my timbers
And woodthrush calling through the fog
My daughter.
No. 187335
>>187328>4 or 5 weeksThat was an exaggeration, I usually call my mom once a week. We don't talk long, but still.
I call the friend I mentioned about once a month. I try not to impose on him too much, because he has a social life and I don't want to annoy him. My mental state deteriorates the longer I'm at college, but music helps a lot. hope it's worth listening to. It feels good to talk for somebody.
No. 187458
File: 1492631440205.gif (1.18 MB, 245x346, anigif_6179faf4fe9db26c839f3e8…)

>>187343You would make me a very very happy girl if you read this for me with the same snappiness and disbelief of the girl in the original song. Thank yyou, Adam ♡
"Oh, my, God Becky, look at her butt
It is so big, she looks like
One of those rap guys' girlfriends
But, ya know, who understands those rap guys?
They only talk to her, because,
She looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big
I can't believe it's just so round, it's like out there
I mean gross, look
She's just so,… black!"
No. 187460
>>187210hnnnng you have a great voice
You should try and say something a little more dominant for me if you can♡
No. 187486
Here's a small excerpt from the book "Ayoade on Ayoade" you have any requests for me let me know.
No. 187514
File: 1492652977126.jpg (63.79 KB, 480x480, nilesyy-nilez.jpg)

>>187486Where are you from? That's a mighty pleasing accent.
Could you please say, "You are so much more than what you've been through. The past will never dictate your future, I promise. Everything will be okay. This will pass and everyday is a fresh start."
It's cheesy, but hearing reassuring words are comforting when I'm struggling and I never get to hear them.
No. 187521
>>187460Gentle dominant or BDSM dominant?
>>187458I'll try tomorrow. Sorry, I had a lot of work today and it's hard to get right.
>>187466That's a good idea. It's difficult to find people nearby because I go to college in a small Midwestern town, but I've never really tried chat rooms.
No. 187524
>>187486You're voice is gentle and I love your accent,Anon
That reading was wonderful
Could you please say
" Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere commonplaces of existence. If we could fly out of that window hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove the roofs, and and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of events, working through generations, and leading to the most outre results, it would make all fiction with its conventionalities and foreseen conclusions most stale and unprofitable. " ♡
No. 187545
>>187514It's a secret ;).
I hope you're okay Anon and that you find this helpful.>>187524Thank you!! Here's your request you like it.
I also don't mind singing short songs if people wanna request that from me too, Here's an little example song is called The Garden of Everything if you wanna look it up.
No. 187554
File: 1492697270087.gif (231.92 KB, 500x375, Hf0tK0lqL3tIc.gif)

>>187335poem-request-anon here.
im blushing and wet.
No. 187562
>>187545>It's a secret ;).Cheeky.
Thank you so much for the recording and kind words. Your voice is very comforting and soft. Bless you.
No. 187575
>>187545I'm in love ♡
Thank you,Anon. I am forever keeping this, my inner die hard Sherlock Holmes fan salutes you
No. 187582
File: 1492712677220.gif (571.33 KB, 498x280, IMG_5227.GIF)

>>187579….thank you that was great
No. 187584
File: 1492715386996.jpg (81.16 KB, 500x281, 468057_1364871158313_500_281.j…)

>>187579OMG Adam please do bdsm dom now
No. 187585
File: 1492716407403.gif (246.5 KB, 250x142, image-6D50_50E5BF5D.gif)

>>187579Stop it ♡_♡ Thanks for lending your voice to thirsty anons.
No. 187591
>>187584 was much harder to say than to write, and I tried to be a bit louder than the other recordings because otherwise it sounded wrong (sound insulation here sucks so it took courage).
I screwed up one of the words. It was intended to be "purple" instead of "bare", but it will take forever if I'm perfectionist about it. I hope you like it regardless.
No. 187677
>>187591Is it weird that I'm more relaxed than turned on? Your voice is just so soothing.
W-would anyone be interested in hearing me attempt to sing a short japanese lullaby? I just watched The Tale of Princess Kaguya and now this earworm won't leave me.
No. 187725
>>187675>>187664>>187715I was probably sponging up a bit too much attention, and it would be really foolish to be anything resembling an internet personality on lolcow.
Thanks to everybody who liked my voice though. It made me feel better.
No. 187733
>>187731You're not me.
>>187726It would be dumb to stay and get embroiled in cattiness and leveling. Besides, it's annoying when anybody turns a thread into an orbiting circlejerk.
Sorry. I genuinely appreciate the sentiment, and I enjoyed talking for you.
No. 187806
>>187733whatever you feel comfortable with.
But I mean come on, you guys could hide the thread and not deal with the thirst on here. Everyone is thirsty wherever you go on the internet haha
No. 188022
>>187882 the delay, hope you like it.
>>187734Aw thank you!
>>187749Nope, but I'm Irish so you were close!
No. 188185
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>>188022Omg thank you, anon! <3
No. 188228
"What kind of thread is this?"
>>188185"wtf is wrong with her?!"
>188022Listens and fanboysOh my god!
Swoons with her>>187486Oh goodness anon, no homo but like holy poop can I be your friend? Also….
Coughs undertale?
File: 1493192558283.png (384.17 KB, 650x430, 5fa511ddcc51b0042072c6c0006611…)

>>188228Did you get lost on your way to a xat chatroom?
No. 188246
File: 1493200280285.jpg (197.37 KB, 501x1817, 89d83b274a3784dcc23c908e996c2c…)

>>188228Sounds like the stages to fancying Benedict Cumberbatch.
No. 188306
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>>187575>>187562I forgot to reply to both of you! I'm happy you liked them!
>>188185No problem :)
>>188228You genuinely made me laugh out loud. Thank you for the compliment and sure you can be my friend, but I feel like I'm missing the meaning behind your Undertale reference…..
No. 188310
>>188228I'm that anon. I just came back from work and now I'm all red in the face from shame. Bwaha…. oh god
>>188246Pretty much what I did
>>188306Ignore me, I'm a spazz. Lemme stew in my shame
No. 189487
Female english anon, any requests?
Ages ago someone requested the duck tales theme read, it didn't get done so I thought I'd give it a go: if im a bit shitty I want to do this to build up my confidence a little bit
No. 189488
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>>189487Your voice is so cute. What kind of English accent do you have?
I could totally see you being successful at doing audiobooks or something.
No. 189507
File: 1494048728190.png (106.37 KB, 256x256, lewd emoji.png)

>>187591Jesus fuck. Kill me please.
Can you say something like that you're cuddling me and that my hair smells good, and then you get a bit annoyed that your dick gets hard because I'm pressing my butt against you and that I'm acting like a slut, and now I shouldn't act so innocent and you get like really dom with me.
No. 189635
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No. 189719
File: 1494263354614.jpg (29.23 KB, 216x389, 757657567.jpg)

>>189715I just know some robot is going to pop in here now because he's got a fucking fart fetish and furiously fapped to this.
No. 189757

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but of yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….
Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
No. 189759
>>189715>sorry, I had taco bell today>I'm all tapped out>that was embarrassing, hope it's oka-Holy shit tears are falling from my eyes. This is a masterpiece.
>>189757I think I'm going to throw up.
No. 189863
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>>189794Please tell me what a naughty goy I've been.
No. 292149
>>291854>>291871Holy fuck these are hilariously awful.
You're like the guy who goes on Britain's Got Talent thinking he's good. Thanks for the laughs, friendo.