No. 34678
Actor/Comedian BLAKE HOGUE (Red Robin Commercials, CollegeHumor, 90210) gets called out by fellow comic for attempting to seduce a girl with DOWN'S SYNDROME over OKCupid, takes down all internet presence including website, Facebook, and twitter.
Here is a video explaining the whole thing, including a full transcript of his conversation on OKcupid with a girl with Down's Syndrome. (Starts at 7:54)
No. 34682
Apparently a guy created an account on OKCupid as a girl with downs for the keks, but he notices that many non-retarded guys actually try to hit on her (him) and would really fuck a girl with downs and he's creeped out by that. Then, this Blake guy starts chatting with her, and that's what he writes.
Here's the full conversation. for bad english)
No. 34686
>make fake account of disabled person for lels>claim moral high ground when someone countertrolls yougrow up.
No. 34690
>>34689Diff anon but while I do think what you said is fucked up, and is not only limited to people with mental illness, some people in this thread are implying dating a girl with downs is bad period.
Which is pretty freaking ableist if you ask me.
No. 34691
>>34690Erm lolcow probably isn't the best place to winge about ableism.
I see something clearly wrong with a perfectly healthy dude going after a chick with downs, makes me think he's into really weird shit he wouldn't want anyone to tell on him for so he goes after old ladies in a coma and retards.
No. 34692
>>34691Lol sorry, I don't usually use terms like that as I always mock them, but I couldn't find the word I meant. Or at least a synonym.
Ugh, tricking her was pretty mean, but in the deep end saying healthy people shouldn't be dating a retar d is really stupid.
No. 34693
>>34692No reason to apologize. I'm just saying you'll get more mockery and backlash than agreement.
How is it stupid to assume that a perfectly healthy man with no disability must have weird intentions for seducing someone with downs? That's creepy. How incompetent do you have to be to trick a disabled girl into having sex with you…
No. 34694
>>34693Idk, it's a more complicated situation where it depends for everyone.
Sometimes people actually like/love each other, and they are not always creeps. If he purposely goes out for retarded people or disabled people then there is something to be conscious of.
If he wants to just date a girl who just happens to be dissed and that's not even a factor for his ideal relationship, then what's the problem?
Are disabled people subjected to date others who are disabled or no one?
Are People who are mentally here only supposed to date neurotypicals?
I also don't think there is any tricking here either. Did he explain that getting naked was sexual?
If it was consensual then it should be fine. If she can open an OkCupid account, assuming she knew what it was for, then I'm pretty sure she can make her own sexual choices without people treating her like a child.
No. 34695
>>34694If you would read the chat logs for yourself you'd see that he was trying to get her to tell him her address so he could come over and have sex with her while her grandmother was asleep (if he isn't “tricking” anyone why would the grandma have to be asleep/unaware?). Also, when the girl said that her boss at work would make her perform oral on him or he would yell at her, he used that as an opening to ask her if she would like to perform oral on himself.
This is predatory behavior. People with down syndrome do not have the same mental maturity and understanding of some situations as people without down syndrome, making them vulnerable to sickos like this one. While it is true that people with this condition can and do have healthy relationships, even get married and have kids, I'd seriously question the motives of a person with normally functioning cognition perusing a person with down syndrome.
No. 34716
>>177527>makes me think he's into really weird shit he wouldn't want anyone to tell on him for so he goes after old ladies in a coma and retards.This. I recently read a story of a tard that got tricked into fucking a whole baseball team and they stuck a baseball bat in her vagina (quick Google search: ). Of course it was only found out because they talked about it and the tard wouldn't have told.
And because you mentioned coma's no way in hell any normal dude wants to seriously date a tard. Best case scenario is he uses it for normal sex.
No. 34735
>>34691Maybe healthy guys are attracted to girls with downs because idk maybe theyre not fucking judgemental or assholes?
Stop making it sound like it's bad to want a relationship or sex with someone mentally ill. It's because of people like you that tons of mentally ill people have self-esteem, they think mentally sane people think bad of them smh
No. 34740
>>34736but downs syndrome are children. at the very least, they're not past the mental age of 16. and there's no way most adults should be dating someone that young.
>>34735there's a huge difference between mentally ill and mentally reatarded
No. 34786
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>>34735>>34736Down syndrome: a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing INTELLECTUAL IMPAIRMENT and physical abnormalities including short stature and a broad facial profile. It arises from a defect involving chromosome 21, usually an extra copy.
Down syndrome isn't a fucking mental illness like bi-polar disorder or depression you numb skull (Oops, that's abelist). It's a mental deficiency. People with down syndrome, objectively, are NOT on the same level of mental functionality as a “neurotypical”. Have you ever been around someone with downs? They basically are big children. I cannot fathom any kind of “healthy guy” that would be attracted to someone with the mentality of a child and with physical abnormalities, srsly. Some can function better than others but seriously, not wanting to date/fuck one isn't ableist. As buttmad as you sound about normal people not wanting to date retards, you'd think you are one. Plz go back to tumblr with that shit.
No. 34900
>>34786>>34897Lmfao, I think y'all are mixing anons up.
Either way, I agree with the sjws, are you people suggesting there are men and women out their who arent judgemental assholes and you know….DONT CARE that they have Downs?
Jesus, are they not supposed to find non abusive love EVER.
And on the other hand, just because someone used ableist/ableism doesn't mean they are a sjw. And I'm usually anti Tumblr and anti sjw.
It's an accepted term (I think. At least on the internet)and if used in the right way (like now) it'll be fine.
No. 34903
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>>34900You are so…you are beyond help.
I can't imagine what makes you think it's okay to want to fuck someone who is mentally, beyond their control and embedded in their DNA, a child. That's fucked. So fucked.
Do you secretly stroke yourself to that Downs soap opera on YouTube or something? I couldn't imagine why else someone would subtly continue to defend fucking tards.
No. 34929
>>34903Uh no? I just believe People with DS are able to find people that love them too. People who don't 'trick' them into anything.
These people are human/people to and they can have love whether they have the mentality of a child or not.
And obviously, this one had some kind of kind of maturity for being on OkCupid.
What the guy did to the girl was shitty, downs or not, but saying that people will never fall in love with them is really demeaning To say the least.
And btw, how is anyone tricking these people into doing sexual acts. The word I think is better would be 'convinced' or something, but not tricked.
No. 34931
>>34903>>34897So basically, it's wrong to be romantically attracted to people with down syndrome because apparently they're not humans? got it!
Geez, i'm sure they're glad that nobody is romantically nor sexually attracted to them. it's not like it could make them feel like shit or anything.
People with down syndrome deserve to have happy relationships too, anon.
No. 34932
>>34931The point of this thread is talking about a guy who tried to fuck a girl with downs. Not loving someone who has downs. Maybe if you weren't such a tard yourself you wouldn't be steering the topic to complain about a giant generalization.
Basic comprehension skills, anon.
No. 34938
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>>34929If you'd open your fucking eyes and read the thread you'd know that it wasn't a girl with down syndrome who made the okcupid, it was a troll.
>Numerous experts in physical and sexual abuse acknowledge that the mentally disabled individual is particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse (Schwab 1992). In a 1987 study by Elvik et al., 37% of mentally disabled women demonstrated pelvic exam findings deemed consistent with prior vaginal penetration (Elvik et al,1987). Schor's review of 87 non-institutionalized mentally disabled individuals indicated that 50% of mildly disabled subjects had had sexual intercourse (Schor, 1987; Chamberlain et al, 1984). Rape or incest had occurred in 33% of mildly disabled subjects and 25% of moderately disabled subjects (Schor, 1987; Chamberlain et al, 1984). The mentally disabled individual is vulnerable to sexual maltreatment for several reasons: isolation; communication deficits; small peer group; and limited mutual support services (Schor, 1987). Loneliness and frustration may drive an individual to accept any form of individual attention whether it be negative or positive (Schor, 1987). Other contributing factors include multiple living situations and transient caregivers, some of whom may be paedophiles. (Schor, 1987) So, people with DS ARE more susceptible to being “tricked”, deception, coercion, exploitation and rape BECAUSE
>they have the mentality of a child>>34931No one is fucking saying that they aren't human or that they don't deserve to be loved, they're pointing out that they're more vulnerable to predators and sexual abusers, so it's VERY suspicious that a man with average mental functionality would peruse someone with impaired cognitive function.
However, there are cases in which they do have romantic relationships/get married but there are studies that show the individuals had mild mental disabilities and were supervised by families members/care givers.
Also, here's my source, since I'm not spewing my wrong opinions out of my ass like they're facts: No. 34943
>>34931 the actual chat log instead of arguing about hypotheticals.
The guy was clearly trying to groom what he thought was a severely retarded girl. Obviously wanting to have sex with someone who has Down's syndrome is not always grooming or immoral, but in this case it is.
No. 34951
>>34938Listen, I HAVE read the thread, I have read the logs, the guy was doing something very shitty. DS or not. I've said that. So don't go saying that I'm defending a guy who "tricked" a DS girl into having sex with him.
My comments came from a person(or people, but I don't feel like individually looking for threads) in the thread making generalizarions that normal people shouldn't and can't date people with DS. Jfc. It's not like I was off topic to what someone else said. I think we all know what he did was wrong, but that other person was making generalizations and not just saying fetishists or creeps. They were literally saying normal people.
People only caught onto my (and some other's comment) and said were detailing and saying that they are mentally too young to have relationships or downright saying they couldn't be loved.
Mental age or not, some people just don't care, are not abusive, will date them regardless. No matter how much you probably can't fathom the idea.
While they ARE more vunerable to rape/molestation/assult, the people I'm referring to words their comments to seem as if everyone who dates them are out to do malicious things to them.
Lastly if you read my comment, I said the GIRL had a bit of maturity to be on OkCupid, and what the GUY did was shitty. Meaning, I knew it was the girl who was tricked. Jfc.
I even separated the comments.
No. 35021
>>35002This. Relationships where the people involved are on vastly different levels of mental maturity shouldn't be acceptable or smiled upon.
It's also why I cringe whenever I see those really young chicks (20s/early 20s) with old guys (50s and over). They're both adults, but that doesn't put them on the same level. It's gross.
No. 107272
I slept with this man- the "retard rapist" as people are so eloquently calling him. And the attacks against him and those who were taken advantage of by him all seem to stem from this one ok cupid thread. Let me clear something up: when this thread was released there were dozens of women who silently panicked- because Blake was popular. He is charming, well-spoken, funny- and precise. I say this last word with care. And it's the one people need to be focusing on. When he spoke with me for months online before our first date years ago we chatted about everything. Then, the first time I walk into his bedroom- it was like a fairy tale. All my favorite movies seemed to be the movie posters he had displayed proudly, my specific favorite childhood videogames just sitting by the console. My favorite alcohol waiting. It wasnt until years later I realized his "surprise" at my ongoing delight at "how much we had in common" was just a precise act. And when we slept together- (something I hadn't done casually until then- but hey, I was young, and truly- I felt as if "Id known him my whole life")- I experienced both comfort and fear. He said kinky things I wasnt used to- but was simultaneously so endearing and focused on me that I chalked my fear up to inexperience.
Anyone who comments on other women's stories please consider carefully before writing "he was creepy and she STILL slept with him??", "what did he do that was so bad?" or even simply,"#women" as I saw today- because it is a slippery slope from there. The man was precise & had kinky fetishes, neither of which are a crime. But I'll tell you this- he had me fooled, and took great effort to do so. Almost socipathic. Im sure he googles himself like we all do. He may read this. But my comment isnt for him- its for the other women on the first two sites my google search of "blake hogue" brought me to who had been ridiculed by commentators after their posts.
This shit happens all the time- it happens to smart women you love. Stay supportive, and please update anything if anyone has any current issues. It seems to have been swept away for the last year since he moved.
No. 109522
>>34945>but my first thought after the aftershock was that he was practically a "child" and that I shouldn't be disgusted or upset. It would be unfair to treat him like a pervert regardless of his apparent age (I think he was in his early 20s, maybe 18 or 19) because his intentions were entirely different and in his mind, he was just a kid.The problem is that they both are and aren't children. Down's Syndrome adults may have intellects at the level of children (and a "huggy" personality similar to them), but at the same time they're adults. They can have drives and sexual function as well.
Back when I was younger, there was once such Down's Syndrome gentleman in my neighborhood, who took a keen interest in my little sister. Despite his young mental age, he had a fairly large frame and my sister was a petite girl, and it was obvious his attention was causing my sister distress. We tried to gently keep him away from her, as we couldn't really punish him for what he was doing, because it was obvious he didn't understand.
Anyway, the moral dilemma is that Down Syndrome adults can have sexual drives and need for intimacy, but they cannot give consent. As a society we are responsible for protecting them, but this also entails denying them an aspect of human existence.
Often times, the family and friends of such individuals try to resolve the dilemma by pairing up two Down Syndrome individuals with each other, as if the bilateral inability to consent somehow cancels the whole problem out. But does it really?
No. 109607
>>109564I've never given it much thought but it must be difficult for people on the close-to-normal-functionality end of the spectrum because they're cognizant enough to know that normal people will never touch them but they don't want anybody who isn't on a similar "level" to them either.
Think Forrest Gump.
>tfw no Jennay