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No. 350420
I would, but like
>>350405 it would just be an enhancement of what I have. Mostly just things I can't change without incredibly risky and expensive ps in our current reality (length of face/space between features/width of mouth specifically).
But I want to keep the flaws I've become attached to, like my big nose and downward tilted eyes.
Could the new face also have naturally super clear skin? Since that's my worst feature at the moment, my skin is a nightmare that I spend way too much time and money on lol.
No. 350441
>>350401As much as I might dislike my face sometimes, and appreciate other girls' faces, I wouldn't swap it with any other. There are things I like about my face, and the ones I don't like can be easily changed via surgery.
So I'd go for the improved version of my face.
No. 350454
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I'd want the face of a crocodile
No. 350460
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I'm not completely happy with my face, but I don't hate it enough to get any work done either. But if it was cheap, easy and painless then I'd probably get rid of my babyface (not like "youthful & attractive"-kind of babyface, but a weird "adult-baby-hybrid"-babyface).
Slim down my cheeks, widen my mouth a bit (my lips aren't thin, but the mouth itself is just way too small for my face) and get a bit more elegant nose.
Like other anons said, I'd still like to look like me, but an improved version of me.
No. 350699
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>Would you do it?
>Would you get a completely new face or would it just be a better you?
completely new face
>Why would you do it?
i'm ugly
>What would you do with your new face?
feel happiness
there's nothing in particular that i can pinpoint as the cause of my ugliness
it seems like the composition of my face is just all wrong
No. 350707
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I think my facial structure is decent, but I would, a skin transplant so I could have clear skin. I have chronic cystic acne with scarring that makes me look like a meth addict when im not wearing makeup.
Then I’d probably sharpen my cupid’s bow, get rid of my dark circles, and make my skin paler since paleness has always looked beautiful to me.
No. 350718
>>350401I would get a completely new face. I hate mine.