No. 352570
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Who Murdered Little Miss Sunbeam's Killer?
>The following account is taken from columns that originally appeared in Shoalanda Speaks December 19-24, 2009.Link: No. 352572
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JonBenét Patricia Ramsey was an American child beauty queen who was killed in her family's home in Boulder, Colorado. A lengthy handwritten ransom note was found in the house, and JonBenét's father John found her body in the basement of their house about eight hours after she was reported missing.
Link:ét_Ramsey No. 352574
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Jamel Dunn, 32, drowned in a retention pond July 9 as the group of teens reportedly watched and laughed in Cocoa, Florida. It was not until three days later that his body was discovered, according to Florida Today.
Link: No. 352581
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Daisy Rathore, 12, who hanged herself from a ceiling fan at her home on December 1, ensured that her tormentor was punished, as she wrote the teacher's name on her palms and hands and also the reason for her extreme step.
Link: No. 352585
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The body of Elisa Lam, also known by her Cantonese name, Lam Ho Yi (藍可兒; April 30, 1991 – February 2013), a Canadian student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, was recovered from a water tank atop the Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles on February 19, 2013.