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No. 354864
>>354816>seashellsIf you're scuba diving it's a massive no-no in the community to take anything at all with you back to the surface.
If you're on the beach and it's absolutely littered with shells I honestly don't think it matters as long as there is no live animal inside the shell. Try not to take the kinds of shells hermit crabs use if you're in their habitat, as it's really hard for them to find the right size shell to inhabit. So as many choices as possible is best for them.
No. 354894
>>354864Many shells washed up on beaches are vital to creatures like hermit crabs. Shells are also used in dozens of ways by animals on beaches and in the ocean. It's better to just avoid taking them, or at least don't take a ton of them.
I personally love vulture culture, I have a small collection of skulls and (legal) feathers, plus some misc stuff like snake sheds and fur tufts.
No. 355019
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No. 355024
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No. 355025
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No. 355026
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No. 355632
>>353347I found a deer skeleton a year ago, I took the skull. I'm not into vulture culture but I just thought it was pretty. It had cool antlers and everything. But I haven't cleaned or bleached it, I just hung it in my yard fence outside.
I kinda want to bring it in but I'm scared to clean and bleach it, I'm scared I will ruin it somehow… I read that the teeth fall off if I boil it? Do they? It's semi-clean as birds have cleaned it a lot but definitely not clean enough to bring inside.
No. 356079
>>355632Cleaning is pretty easy, warm soapy water with grease cutting dishwashing soap.
If its still fleshy, loads of different ways, I like using beetles.
Bleaching: Hydrogen peroxide or natural sun bleaching.
Happy scavenging!
No. 359476
>>355632 Since you found it a year ago I'm going to assume any leftover tissue is dry. You'll need to rehydrate it. It'll need to be submerged in water for at least 24 hours, and it's gonna smell so I'd recommend keeping it outside.
Once the tissue is "wet", do pretty much what
>>356079 said. If you can't get beetles: find an active ant hill, attach the skull to a sturdy stick using wire, stick it in the ground right by the ant hill and leave it for a few days.
Good luck!