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No. 354852
>dad abandons mom and I in 2009 when I had just turned 13
>has his sister send the divorce papers because he doesn’t want us to know where he lives (we think it’s his parents house)
>spreads salacious gossip in the Adventist community we were apart of, no longer welcome because of him
>acts like my family is holding me hostage and that he’s a victim
>find out he had quit his good job and taken all his money out of savings for god knows what
>loses tenure track at USC for not showing up to work
>mom is now in debt $60k because of him, took out loans so he could get his Ph.D in Communications
>shit talks mom and grandma because he hates women for some dumb reason
>tries to manipulate mother over the years by harassing me and claims my terminally ill grandmother broke up the marriage
>maternal grandparents are rich, was living in one of their many homes rent free since my mom is going to inherit it anyway, everyone tried to help him to an extent
>grandparents take care of me (only child) because both parents are graduate students and busy
>dad is never around yet has entitled attitude because of stupid religion
>rarely talks to me growing up, when we do we fight
>have always hated him, he seems to have forgotten this fact
>harassed me up until my grandmother finally died in 2014 from cancer
>realized that no one was holding me back from seeing him as he claimed, still don’t talk to him because he’s retarded and mean and terrorized my mom to the point of having a mental health crisis
>grow up insecure because he berated me all the time, think I’m ugly, develop an eating disorder
>never complimented me, used to hit me and take my shit when I was too little to understand
>acted like I was dumb, acted like every woman was dumb and he was smart
>wasn’t that smart, just a big mouthed Gemini with manipulative tendencies and charisma
>really wants to work in Hollywood but no one takes him seriously because he has no references
>extroverted and loud to the point of being irritating, of course I have to come out the total opposite because god has a cruel sense of humor
>am a quiet, kind of lazy, earthy child who doesn’t like crowds or being the center of attention
>dad tries to bully me into being some effervescent fairy, just makes it worse
>would pretty playing video games or riding horses
>he doesn’t like animals and is too busy nitpicking games, nothing we can relate on growing up
>even more irony - I later on become more open and confident, am also interested in films, TV, and literature and curious about working in Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general
>we’re really not that different, kind of think he hated me because I reminded him of himself
>don’t speak to him much, think he’s married, not ready to deal with it right now
No. 354865
Ah yes this post was made for me. Both of my parents were narcs, I was the burden child once my younger sister was born. Since I was a toddler, my parents used me as a thing to vent to about financial problems. As I child I constantly knew we were poor, refused a lot of offers, and refrained from going places because of it. When I got to middle school, my parents started to bully me for my appearance. Going through puberty was a bitch because I had really bad acne and hyperpigmentation. My dad constantly told me I was ugly, smelly, needed to wash my face, and was fat. I had moments where I didn't take a lunch to school because he told me these things. He made me believe people were picking on me in middle school, when it was just him doing this, ended up having to go to therapy for it because I started hearing voices. In high school, the financial issues got worse, my dad was frivolously spending money on useless things like designer sunglasses and watches, meanwhile being thousands of dollars in debt. My mom constantly vented to me about how we don't have money and acted like it was my fault. When the end of high school came around, they made sure to remind me to go to a community college because we don't have the money, while also telling me not to waste money on "stupid" classes. While all this was happening, my sister was getting the "good" end of the stick, constantly praised on social media for her achievements. A
She was able to go out with friends all the time, like at restaurants and movies. When I got my first job, I was expected to give some of my earned money to my sister so she can hang with her friends. Meanwhile, my parents told me I had to not spend my money on stupid shit and save it for college classes. At one point, my mom started asking to "borrow" money from me, $20 every week turned into $300. Keep in mind, I only made less than $150 a month, making me poorer because she never gave anything back. I dropped out of college because I just wasn't interested anymore because my parents kept telling me literally every day not to waste money.
I ended up practically escaping from my parents house eventually as my mental health was rapidly declining. Things have been good since I left, yet now and every once in a while my parents try to connect with me like we never had a terrible past. My mom still acts like she did nothing wrong.
No. 354876
My dad is a very outspoken political figure in my country. He's always very quick to judge and speak harshly of people in the political sphere, and it stresses me out. He has anger issues, fierce pride and a very argumentative nature, and it's clear to see. I feel like I inherited the argumentative part, but at least I keep my sperging to anonymous forums, I guess.
When his name is in headlines, it's almost never for a good reason. I can't even tell him to lay off, because it's always been like this. When I talk to my mom about it, she always whiteknights him and literally doesn't think he says/does anything wrong, even though most of the country thinks he's a lunatic. He's been in scandals of all kinds, has been the subject of disgusting rumors (honestly, our whole family has. I'm probably the only one exempt because I was very young during the worst of it, and I stay quiet to this day), we've been targeted by people who literally wanted to kill/jail/kidnap us to get at him and had to flee, etc. He's been abusive to me and my mom, too, but I can't even allow myself much time to think about the past for too long when I'm constantly worrying about the present/future. If I do, I'll have a fucking meltdown. The one time I told my boyfriend about what was probably the worst thing both my parents did, I broke down because I 100% intended to LARP that none of it had ever happened, just like they do now, but he forced it out of me. I still act like nothing happened, and it may be the only way for me to live.
I just need to go to college abroad, and I need him to help pay the very steep tuition and visa costs for the college I was accepted to, but the political climate just isn't in our favor right now. I'm so scared my life will go to waste because he had to get involved in our shithole country's affairs. Maybe that wouldn't be a problem in itself, but he simply can't, won't, and has never been able to suppress his less media-friendly traits. His colleagues have been happily using him for the past few decades, too. He's worked tirelessly as a firebrand and a relentless attack dog for his aligned party, and what is he getting out of it? Monetary scraps, betrayal from those meant to be on his side (sometimes the same people he defends and fights for), fairweather friends, false promises, his dirty laundry flown out, constant attempts to put him in jail for shit he's never even done, isolation, all sorts of rights and papers revoked as a result of never-ending "legal investigations", etc. I'm fucking tired. I'm tired of hearing about him verbally attacking someone in the news more often than hearing that him and my mom have been talking, I'm sick of his phone being tapped, and I despise not knowing if one day I'll wake up to find out disaster has struck. I'm mad at him for doing this to himself, for doing this to my mom, for doing this to me. I hate that I can't even type out the shit he's done at home because it's been so ingrained into me that it must not be spoken of, it did not happen and that even if it did, it doesn't really matter. I wish he'd at least thought of his family before getting involved in all this shit, and just used his connections strictly for business, not actual politics. Then, I'd at least be able to live my life normally. The way things are now, It's like I'm living in a shitty fucking political drama, and I'm a side character who only pops in to appeal to viewers who are into the retarded ~*poor little rich girl*~/fallen princess in squalor/troubled #depressed youth tropes.
No one I know can relate to any of this, and I feel weird and bad telling them about it. Sorry if this is retarded or sounds spoiled/whiny, I just need to vent.
No. 354905
my mom is a selfish alcoholic. she consistently put us in unsafe situations so she could party. she got with an abusive man who moved us to his reservation in the middle of nowhere and allowed us to be abused and in and out of foster care for years. she would cry to us about how we needed to keep our mouths shut so we could all stay together as a family lol. i genuinely pitied her as a child, i thought she was dealt the same hand as me. someone with no power in the situation who was doing her best.
we eventually get out of the situation, i'm the oldest of 7 kids at this point. grandparents buy us a new house, hook my mom up with a job but as soon as things were settled she fucks back off looking for men to drink with, leaving me to look after my siblings. and when she is home she was drunk and useless anyway. once again she would cry to me about how i needed to keep everyone together. and i did. i made sure the kids got to school, ate, had clean clothes, everything. eventually i had enough and left. it hurt so much because my siblings ended up back in foster care a couple months later because she's so neglectful.
i don't really have a relationship with her anymore. as i get older i understand why she might have been struggling but i also find her actions of allowing her children to be physically, sexually, and emotionally abused for years even more disgusting than ever.
i swore i would never drink because of how pathetic of a drunk she was but now i cope with feelings of shame, guilt, and depression with alcohol lolol
No. 355054
>I used to have bad grades at the end of primary school because of bullying, kept hearing that she is always ashamed of me whenever there was parent teacher meeting
>"Well, you can always go to special needs school, that would be perfect for you"
>used to hit me a lot when I was in primary school, never heard a single "im sorry" after that
>always tells me to take as much money from dad as possible
>when dad left home for days, she kept talking what a damn idiot he is while I was crying my my room and ignored me when I told her to stop
>I never had a choice with stuff - when we were buying clothes and I didn't like it, she would grab me and whisper to me that there's no damn other choice because I am a tall kid
>even now she completely ignores that my bro takes antidepressants and only complains how fat he is
>when sister took dad's side in some argue, she kept saying it's because dad has money
>when dad allowed my 18yo sis to visit her bf's grandma for a few days in a lake area, she called her a slut
>kind of dad that works till afternoon - only to eat dinner, go sleep, go buy beer and lay on the couch for the rest of the day
>drinks 4 cans od 10% beer every evening
>barely spends time with you
>at some point starts cheating on mom by being a sugardaddy for a girl barely older that my sis
>mom keep finding empty vodka bottles hidden around house
>some time after I turn 16, he doesn't come back home without any reason or argue (at this point I have been only living with him and mom)
>doesn't tell me where he lives, because I may tell mom
>apparently he (54yo) lives now with 30yo girl and I learned about it one year after their first kid was born
>see him irl once a few months, only for around 30min
No. 355119
>parents had me as a bandaid baby for their marriage (didn't work anyway) and my sister because I needed a distraction while they fought
>we're poor as fuck
>dad left, we're in contact but don't hear from each other really often
>he wrote me everyday when I was living abroad though
>mom has narcissistic personality disorder, and probably some other stuff too (sometimes she shows autism traits, other times BPD, other times schizo-tier paranoia) and sounds genuinely low IQ
>I used to be the golden child because I did well in school, but after some years of physical and psychological abuse, as well as having to watch parents physically assault each other, my grades started to drop
>I became the scapegoat, with my little sister being the new golden child
>mom tried to turn us against each other and blamed it all on me
>I develop BDD because of her nitpicking and making up stuff about my body and face
>I develop depression
>after hs I get into college, finally can get tf away of her house
>end up dropping out after two years because I lost purpose on what I was studying, meanwhile I found out I have ADHD which, mixed with the fact that I felt the impulse to move even further away from my family, made it impossible for me to focus on my studies
>BDD gets worse
>I come back home
>I find myself trapped in a shithole town in the South, so poor that the only jobs you can possibly find pay 2$ per hour for 10/12 hours a day
>depression intensifies
>scapegoat intensifies, mom blames me of everything, including the fact we're poor
>keeps nagging that I work 12 hours a day
>meanwhile she works a shitty part time for 1 hour and a half a day expecting it to pay for a family of three
>expects only me to actually work and bring money home
>I ask her "Why don't you find a full time job?"
>calls me a "failure" for not having a university degree (yet) while she only completed 3 years of hs
>I'm 23 but she has the habit of adding one year to my age, she's always done that, so whenever someone asks my age I get confused for a moment before answering… because I forget that I'm a year younger
>little sister develops an anxiety disorder
>narc mom's world falls apart in front of her eyes, because now her golden child is also a "failure"
>says that it would be better if the three of us killed ourselves together
>meanwhile I start to work and save up money to get the fuck out of here, consider bringing sister with me
>sister finally understands how crazy mother is
>we're more connected than before
>however, sister doesn't know the dynamics of abuse very well and since mom often threatens suicide (for the smallest things too) she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and crying because she had a nightmare where mom killed herself in front of her
>I'm extremely livid for what she's doing to my sister, comfort her and stay strong for the both of us. I keep going, this year I'm going to move out forever no matter what
>she's done fucked up things to the both of us
>when I was a small child sometimes she choked me (always for bullshit, i.e. had a bad grade)
>many other things, I can't write everything, there's too many fucked up stuff
>she's like an alien, doesn't understand love and human relationships
>when I was in middle school I was a tomboy, had many male friends. She insinuated that I hung out with them because "they showed me their dicks"
>with female friends instead she insinuates I'm a lesbian (true though)
>says I have a "face full of wrinkles, grey hair and strabismus"
>me and sister look at each other, uncomfortable but silently acknowledging she's full on crazy
>she literally described herself…
>I'm planning on going back to live abroad, since it was one of the best times of my life and being so far from her was heaven
It looks like a sob story now, sigh. Well, it kind of is, but it's going to be better. This year both me and my sister are going to leave this shithole.
tl;dr: Narc mom fucked up me and my little sister's lives
No. 355206
I recently realized just how abusive my mother is and how normalized it was to me. I'm still having issues with it because when she's calm, she's the best mother on earth and she can be simultaneously a loving, warm and caring person and then turn into a complete monster at the drop of a hat.
>Threw my pet rat along with the cage outside of my window because she was mad I didn't clean out the cage in a timely manner of her choosing.
>Threatens to release my pet birds outside so they get eaten by a cat because I'm being "disrespectful" to her simply for being a lil grouchy
>Still tries to hits me "aka discipline me" at 21, tells me she's going knock my teeth out
>Legitimately uses/believes the "I'm the mom so my standards/hypocriticalness is completely okay and you can't tell me shit about it otherwise it's disrespectful"
>Doesn't understand what no means. If you say I don't want to talk about X, she'll hound you, guessing off what it could possibly be and refuses to let up, and if you tell her and she doesn't agree with it she'll just say "you're not using common sense/living in reality/stop being stupid" and then proceed to give you a shit ton of speeches of what her ideas as to how you should think happen.
>Can't fathom people doing things differently because of how they were raised and anything that she doesn't agree with, they're wrong.
>Expressed shock and disbelief that I once defended myself against her whipping me with the cable tv cord when she was going a lil overboard and then when she talks about this she goes "I CANT BELIEVE SHE HAD THE GALL TO TRY AND STOP ME, I AM HER MOTHER AND SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD BE EQUAL TO ME?" She had a fucking panic attack, BECAUSE I STOPPED HER FROM HITTING ME AFTER SHE HAD BEEN ALREADY WHIPPING ME FOR A WHILE and then because somehow when I stopped her she developed a bruise on her wrist from the whiplash (I never put my hands on her, I only grabbed the tv cord) she sat there in the most hurt voice telling "look at what you did you hurt me" while I was sitting there with at least 20 different welts with broken blood vessels all over my body
>When I was 5 years old, I learned about cps and how if you get hit/abused you can call. She told me that if I called them they would take me away from her and I would get raped, molested and no one would love me like she did and they would just use me for money.
>Brags about keeping me "under control" to people and that "MY DAUGHTER WOULD NEVER DO X, SHE KNOWS BETTER. ILL KICK HER OUT/DESTROY HER STUFF"
Am I coping? Probably, It took me this long to realize just how fucked up my childhood was and I'm not mentioning a lot. She's stifled my independence a lot by being super over controlling under the excuse of being "protective" and has pushed so much of her trauma in her life to me and never has given me breathing room.
No wonder I don't want fucking kids, I thought maybe it was just me being a modern womyn but no, it's because my mom is a fucking nutcase.
I also thought that I was cruel for not being as affectionate with her anymore and how I barely enjoy being around her/feel very cold/numb when I think about her and then it's nahhhhh, that's not my fucking fault.
Planning to stick myself in counseling soon since I'm dependent on her financially/live with her (Shit ton of medical issues have also kept me from going forward)
Oh also. She refused to let me get vaccinated after like 3rd grade and I've been trying to get my vaccines but no car and no social circle irl that can take places and uber here is too expensive. Kinda fucked.
If any of you see on the news.
"Daughter bludgeons mother in horrific attack" waddup
No. 355233
>>355119More abusive shit
>hyper controlling, you have to go to bed and sleep when she tells you to, despite being an adult>zero privacy, our apartment is small and the doors have locks but the keys have always been hidden who knows where, because she wants to be able to walk in on you whenever she wants - yes, bathroom included>says I'm strange for not wanting two other people in the toilet at the same time I'm there - "Anon, we're all women and we're family!">says I'm crazy for kicking her out of the toilet because as much as I try to, I can't pee with someone else in the motherfucking room>says "all the other girls are better than you" and brings up girls who grew up in a stable, normal, loving family environment to make her point that they -somehow- ended up with a well adjusted life and I'm not there yet (who knows why…?)>believes she's been too soft and both me and my sister are spoiled brats (the audacity)>paranoid, thinks that people conspire against her>thinks that people look down at her and ignore her because I don't have a degree>wants me and my sister to become teachers for disabled kids, just because one of her sisters is doing that and she envies her life because stable job and "wealthy lifestyle" - forgetting every time to mention that my aunt only earns 1400 per month and can only afford to travel so much because her husband is rich>"money is everything"And you know what's ironic in all this ordeal? That despite everything, I have pity for her. She expects me to take care of her financially when she gets old, and Stockholm Syndrome me would do it.
No. 355536
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>move around a lot from a young age
>parents have a messy relationship and get divorced when i'm 6
>brother and i are biracial, but have very different features
>mom tells me we have different dads when i'm 11
>apparently my (step?)dad hated me and almost physically assaulted me when i was a child, fun times
>brother regularly visits him, while i never see him after my mom tells me the truth
>have never met bio dad and know nothing about him, don't care much either
>1 year before the dad revelation, mom moves us across the country to small town (where most people are racist) so she can live with a guy she has been dating for 3 months
>gets knocked up
>3 kids by 3 different men
>breaks up with bf after 1 year
>falls into deep depression
>i have to step up and take care of my baby brother
>have to deal with her verbal and emotional abuse for years
>develop ed, start self harming, get extremely depressed and anxious
>mom doesn't give a shit, is in a new relationship and again moves to another place. leaves me and older brother behind.
>somehow get through school, currently working on my bachelor degree
bonus: my mom is bi and i'm pretty sure she dated some of her female "friends" who would come with us on vacations.
my mom is the coldest person i know. the only people who helped me through all of this were my grandparents. sadly both of them passed away at the same time. when i asked my mom for support, she ignored me. their deaths were traumatizing and i was terribly afraid that someone close to me would die, as i only had my mom and brothers left, but she would literally ignore my calls and texts for several months.
my childhood was so fucking messy, but because i've always been a responsible "good girl" no one noticed afaik. i'm doing fine now, but i often wonder if my childhood neglect and abuse fucked me up for life. i'm unable to feel/express emotions like anger and rarely get attached to others. idk i'm just afraid that this is going to prevent me from ever getting a bf or something. i'm in my mid 20s and have avoided dating like the plague because my mom really fucked up my view on relationships. they are more stable now though, and i don't have daddy issues which is nice (thanks to my grandfather for being an amazing father figure).
anyone else felt ashamed of their parents growing up, to the point where they would do everything in their power to keep them/info about them away from their friends/classmates? i avoid mentioning my parents in conversations, but i'm still terrified that their negative traits are going to put me in a bad light. sigh.
No. 355606
>>355239>>355378I'm working on it! Last spring I left for some months to live in another country and I really liked it. My mood improved in a dramatic way, I had a healthy lifestyle and even a new circle of friends. It only confirmed to me what was (and is) really holding me back. Right now I'm saving up to move in a more permanent way. I might even go back to uni once I'm there.
For anons in a similar situation, my advice is to read about manipulation tacticts and people's experiences with abusive parents. Once you can individuate all the abusive/manipulative behaviors in a clear way, their words won't hurt you and get to you as much as they did before. You will know how common is it for abusive parents to behave in a certain way, almost textbook-like, and that it's not your fault. For years I believed that my mom was just "strict" and that it was all normal (I remember thinking that being choked by a parent was normal because I saw it on The Simpsons), until I grew up, and had psychology classes, and heard about other people's families, and opened up to my friends about my own family only to see their shocked faces.
No. 356896
>>354820I can sort of relate to this.
My family were always poor during late 90s/early 00s. They found a cheap housing in a very shitty place - there were no neigbours nearby, we had no electricity and plumbing there. Of course, little by little the living situation has gotten better, but not living in a populated area fucked me up. When I was a small bean, like 9-10 years old I wanted to do many things, but because my mother didnt have a car I couldnt attend after-class activities. When I was 12-13 I joined handball club, but had to quit a month later because I had no way to get home, and also I had to come home early during the winter because our house ( more like 2 rooms that we slept in) were heated by an oldschool furnace. Then the bulllying came, switched schools, got sick the same semester, never found friends, spent my days playing vidya.
And now I guess I suffer the consequences of such life - I have no friends, use video games as a coping mechanism, got diagnosed with depression, have this bitterness towards my parents, but not only because of that, but I don't feel like typing anymore, yet.
No. 357126
My dad was an alcoholic narcissist and my mom was his doormat growing up. He would drink heavily every night and then start fights over stupid shit that always escalated into screaming, crying, breaking things and hitting my brother and I. He was also extremely conservative and spiritual. He emotionally abused us, taunted us into arguing back, and once we did, he would physically punish us (spanking, then pushing and slapping across the face when we were older, and one time he pinned me down and poured tabasco sauce in my mouth).
I have a memory of being around 5 or 6 and hearing them having a screaming match. We came downstairs and there was broken glass and shredded cucumbers all over the wall and my mom was sobbing hysterically and her arms were covered in red marks; it was pretty obvious that my dad had thrown a salad bowl at the wall by her head. When we came down, he grabbed a big bottle of soda and hurled it at us in the hallway and it exploded, and he screamed at us to clean it up. Back then I didn't realize it, but looking back it was obvious he used to hit her as well.
We were one of those families that seemed perfect on the outside; my parents had good jobs and were well off, we had a big house in a nice suburb and we wanted for nothing - which is why I struggled with the idea of my parents being abusive. If my parents were providing for me, was it abuse to scream, belittle and hit us? It's been hard for me to reconcile. My therapist was the one to finally point out that yes, I was abused, even though my family fed and clothed and sheltered me.
The only time my mom stood up for me was when I started showing signs of severe depression and started talking about killing myself when I was around 14. My dad would scream that he would divorce her if she took me to therapy, but I guess the idea of killing myself was scarier than him divorcing her so she took me anyway. I realize now that he was scared I'd tell her what he did to me on a daily basis and that there'd be legal consequences for him. But I was so scared that it would be my fault that I "destroyed" the family that I never said a word about the abuse.
When I was 20 I moved out even though my job barely kept my head above water. I lived paycheck to paycheck and was still late on bills, and I could never afford to put more than a couple gallons of gas in my car at a time. It was a really dark time for me. Eventually I transferred out of state and made enough money that I could start a savings. Two years ago I moved abroad to be with my LDR and I'm still here today, as far away from my family as it's physically possible to with the support of my husband.
Even now at 30 I still struggle a lot with the idea of being abused and feel guilty about saying anything, there's still this nagging idea in my head that it's just first world white girl problems and that my abuse wasn't serious or real.
My life is pretty good now and I'm NC with my family, but I'm pretty severely depressed and anxious and did wind up being diagnosed with BPD about 5 years ago. I have done a lot of DBT and cope ok with it, but I honestly feel like no amount of therapy will ever fix me. I feel like a completely broken human being and find it really difficult to relate to most people. Sometimes I feel borderline autistic because of how detached I feel from others.
No. 357305
>Mom is classic narc from a broken home, dad is a sociopath from a workaholic family.
>Always hated each other. Had a kid anyway.
>Dad tells mom to "get rid of it" because she was unfit to be a mother. True to this day.
>Mom has kid anyway, dad didn't come to hospital for the birth, didn't see kid for days after birth.
>Dad eventually takes to being a father and starts working harder to rebuild house to be fit for child and mom who was recently diagnosed with MS.
>Mom has been cheating on dad for months prior. Eventually kidnaps kid and dog with pizza man she was cheating with to go live at his parents house.
>Court ensues.
>Joint custody.
>Years of growing up between two households that hate each other and the need to lie about everything to avoid shitstorms.
>Mom begins to become abusive after half brother is born. Blames first born for MS, beats first born in front of second born as an example of how not to act.
>Teaches second born to shit talk first born due to having a different father/family.
>First born diagnosed with PTSD and depression. Mom verbally and physically assaults kid for daring to think there's anything wrong with them a la "You don't have it nearly as bad as me" narc rant.
>Alcoholic step father/the pizza man from childhood cheats on narc mom. Narc mom takes it out on children but proceeds to forgive alcoholic.
>Mom threatens to kick first born out dozens of times from early teens to early twenties.
>First born becomes numb to this, rents a Uhaul, leaves, and couch surfs until they can afford an apartment with their soon to be fiance.
>Mom is now shocked that first born has not come crawling back, stalks first born's online presence until they remake EVERYTHING, and still plays the woe is me card about the scenario regularly.
Sociopath dad is still just kinda there. Crashed at his place for a bit when the kick out happened, but I can't say I consider him a "dad". More like an odd uncle. Better than crazy bitch, money stealing, narc maternal figure at least. Anyone who can't even raise a dog sure as hell shouldn't have a kid, my old man was right in saying she wasn't fit to be a mother.
Thanks for "raising" a mentally broken, self worth lacking mess of a human and thinking you deserve the world for it you absolute cunt.
No. 357617
>>354865Pretty much this for my parents except the financial problems. Instead they blamed me whenever any sibling got into trouble.
>had enough money to pay for shit tons of baseball equipment and trips for siblings but wouldn’t buy me a musical instrument >out of 60 kids 3 of us had to take art because parents wouldn’t buy us instrument>wouldn’t go to my graduation/ pay for yearbooks but went all out for siblings>younger brother laughed at me one day telling me he could shit on my pillow and neither one of my parents would care >later same brother beat the shit out of me so bad I had two black eyes and my face was badly swollen. Started hyperventilating and having a panic attack after it happened and my dad said I was faking it for attention. >I wasn’t even taken to a hospital that day or my brother punished. My mom took me to a GP a few days later who said I could have died from a concussion and that my brother is likely to do it again and kill me. They didn’t do anything and they make jokes about it. >got straight A’s all through high school and parents couldn’t give a shit. Forged their signature on report cards because they knew I was able to and were too lazy to look at my shit >parents hated each other btw and dad would always say I looked and acted just like my mom (who he would always say was ugly as fuck and crazy)>when I went to get a haircut I clipped a picture from a magazine and my dad said “you know that hair isn’t going to change your face, right?” I was 10 btw. I haven’t talked to my dad in 7 years (he wanted nothing to do with me ever so he doesn’t care). I’m the only one that will talk to my mom besides my heroin addict brother that she enables. My other brother just started talking king to her and she just gave him $10k for no reason. He told me a couple months ago and now I wish I could cut contact again. She stays at my house when she comes over here for one of her businesses and is just such a toxic negative person it’s draining to be around plus I’m a germaphobe and hate people in my house. The only reason I still contacted her is because she paid for my college and made my dad stay in one of his empty apartments he used to not be with the family when my brother was assaulting and harassing me. And she was the only one that remembered my birthday and bought me presents because she felt bad that my dad didn’t.
And about my heroin addicted abusive brother
>had learning disability and was going to be held back a year>parents decided to pull him out and my mom (no teaching skills) teach him two years in one so he “wouldn’t be bullied”>constantly screamed bloody murder at him and made him cry all day for a year when he was six>was in the office with my dad while he was on speakerphone with his parents listening to my brother get verbally abused and laughing about how crazy she was >my mom would take us on 4 hour road trips to her parents constantly and rather than get screamed for having to pee he would pee in his pants a tiny bit, let it dry and pee some more>mom would lay on the couch all day and then seemingly out of nowhere one day grabbed a knife and chased us up the stairs and we got into the bathroom and locked it until she went away. >you could say you were hungry and had to pee and sometimes she’s happily pull over and get fast food and let you pee or she’d scream bloody murder. Same with something you said. >she’d turn up the heat really high, blast the music, and scream sing songs in the van because I told her to stop/I was too hot. I was 7 so too dumb to realize letting her know that it bothered me was stupid as fuck. Tl;dr bunch of terribly disorganized rambling
No. 357848
>me and my mother had an awful relationship when i was younger and everything was strained because of it
>my dad was straight up abusive to my mom when they were married they divorced when i was 5, as well as locked me in my room whenever he partaken in various vices and drugs because he thought that was the proper way to shelter 12 year old me instead of not doing drugs two saturdays a month
>even though i was vaguely a little shit, even looking back and talking to other people, people still think my mom was in the wrong for the severity of her actions of treating a 12-16 year old
>she was aware of being groomed online but did nothing to stop it
>fast forward to college in 2017-2018, end up opening up to a group of friends about the various traumas
>end up moving in with friends because i couldnt afford school dorms or living by myself
>get deathly sick (acute myocarditis/pneumonia) that results in me getting into the icu
>one of my friends decides to confront my mother for how she treated me and not coming to the hospital when i was experiencing heart failure
>i understood she couldnt drop everything to drive 2 hours, said friend ended up blowing up in the icu when i was in surgery to my mom, exaggerating a lot of the abuse i went through to her and telling her she takes care of me better than my mom did
>she also is bringing up said abuse and grooming in front of my 10 year old sister
>after surgery and sedation i wake up to my mom lashing out at me, my friend trying to seduce my abusive biological father because they both hate my mom
>this results in me ripping out my intubation which fucked up my throat
>told my friend that basically none of the stuff she did was appropriate, explained a lot of abuse dynamics and how it will worsen what i was trying to ammend, she blocks me
>had to grovel to my mom that her manipulative actions when i was younger were actually okay because if i say otherwise shell just lash out at everyone
>now my mom STILL lashes out at half sister (the 12 year old) for getting celiac and being upset that she cant eat what she wants anymore
>highly considering just cutting off from everyone since my mom wont change, my biological father hasnt changed, my stepdad hates me because im not his blood and im gay
>only staying in contact just because of sheer worry for my sister
i really just needed to get the last few months especially off my chest, im still on heart medication and speech therapy from ripping out my intubation 4 months later.
No. 358423
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Tfw you’re getting in your thirties, moved away, got a decent job, and started to get debt paid.
Realize that home state is one where they can go after the children for money if needed for care. Knows Mom dips into her 401K in her mid 50’s. Knows brothers a piece of shit with 6 or 7 fucking kids to pay child support to.
I’m so fucked.jpg. I guess its nice she got an adult to take care of her all her life, huh. At least someone did. No wonder my dad left the country.
Fuck I hate them both, the fucking garbage cans they are. Only good thing about the shut down is knowing that mother fuckers coastie retirement check ain’t going through.
I hate how bitter it’s made me feel, but it’s given me the balls to not put up with bs.
No. 358440
>>358439Me too! She’s deceased though, so it kinda feels special when I think about it.
>>358423Anon, you’re badass af.
No. 358533
>>358515We must have the same mom, anon. Mine is the same way, she fucked my education, jobs and credit by gaslighting me with that "cunty teenager tantrums in public" shit all over our small town. I'm 26 and I still feel like I'm living like a 12 year old because she won't allow me to build my independence so I can't leave her. And, since there are basically no financial aid programs to help women get on their feet who
don't have kids who aren't being beaten or don't have a paper trail of their abuse I'm starting to seriously consider killing myself bc she wasted my loge, cost me evrything and everyone and I'm sick of watching everyone shoot through life happily while I have to struggle to keep my head above water and not feel like shot for existing.
sorry for blog, this thread is making me realize I might not be the worthless, unlovable waste of organs my mom conditioned me to think I am & that I might actually leave this state and find real friends and a new family.
No. 358549
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I’m NC with both my birth givers and finally moving on the shit they did.
Thank god it’s over
No. 358553
>>358515Narcs who steal money from their children are the worst. They do a really good job in making it seem like they deserve it and lying about how it'll be for the better. Slowly you realize you're being used and now miserable because of the mind games they played on you.
Getting therapy helped me a lot, but I wish my parents were the one who got it instead. My mom, the biggest narc in the family, thinks the only person who needs therapy is my dad. Total projection.
No. 358562
>>358533Yup, she delayed me being able to drive and go to school. I STILL don't have a car and am only starting school in the summer. She took all the money I busted my ass for over the years at garbage retail jobs while she sits at her cushy office making triple I did and she had the nerve to take it all to pay for her bills, credit card debt, and other mistakes behind my back. I felt fucking sick when I found out and knew she really didn't care about me at all. I don't have any other family so I really am fucked and alone. I can't wait until I graduate and have a real career so that I can leave her ass. I genuinely might end up killing myself before then, however, because I'm in deep. All the abuse I endured as a kid that I still have memories of and now this financial abuse from someone who was supposed to love me and help me…this is beyond hell.
>>358553She does make me feel like I deserve it. She never once apologized and I feel like she's always judging me. She acts like she never wanted kids to begin with so I don't understand why she didn't just abort me.
>>358560That's fucked up, anon. How is she now?
No. 358570
There so many pieces to this story, but basically – Both of my parents are children who used us as tools in their relationship instead of giving us a good childhood. Both are from other countries, my mom from a wealthier family. From I could understand words I'd constantly hear them argue about money and how much my dad owes her for everything. In the beginning my dad actually seemed to care about me but then after the divorce he made a new family and pretty much denied my existence until I graduated from middle school. By then he had 2 other kids with his new wife. All the while my mother told me all sorts of abusive things, including things about him and filled me with insecurity and low self-esteem. She also developed a gambling problem during this time and would steal money from me and my siblings to go to the casino. She became physically abusive to all of us and didn't allow me to have friends or do after-school activities until the last couple years of high school. By then I was an anti-social weirdo with extreme trust issues so i couldn't make friends.
My father disappeared again for years, moved to another state, but then resurfaced when I was graduating from high school. I wasn't ready for college but my mom forced me because I was an embarrassment to her and at that time I was still afraid of her. My father knew nothing, obviously, but wanted to play "good dad" and helped me move in and paid my dorm fees. We were starting to rebuild a relationship but then I graduated and he disappeared again. Unknown to me was that my mom was communicating with him every now and then and they were having an affair. He continues popping in and out of my life at random times, introducing me to half-siblings. I came to learn that my dad married and divorced an additional 2-3 times after my mom and had a bunch of kids. Four years ago he resurfaced and said he was going to take me out for my birthday, turns out that my birthday is within a couple days of another one of his daughters. So he rented half a restaurant to hold a party for "us" (it was actually for her, I didn't know anyone there but my half-siblings). I brush it off and move on. He disappears and comes back a year later to buy me a car (as an apology? who knows) and leaves the country a month after. I haven't seen my dad since.
I've been dealing with mood and anxiety issues all my life, also self esteem issues. I've been hospitalized a few times. I'm very easily angered and have lashed out several times. In the moment I didn't think of it but looking back on all the times I did over the years, it's extremely embarrassing. I've had episodes at the workplace and as a result I haven't been able to hold a job for more than a year. Unfortunately I've had to move back in with my mom who is now retired and more miserable than ever. I'm not on medications atm, but therapy has helped and I have more control over myself. I also workout a lot and it helps too. I have a girlfriend who actually treats me like a human and just being next to her makes me feel safe. I tell her everything and she's really the kindest person I ever met in my life. When she told me she loved me I cried so much because nobody ever told me that. Right now I'm working on getting a job so we can get a place together.
No. 358707
>>358515I feel you, anon. I recently realized that I don't even consider her my mother, in the way that I don't really feel her as a motherly figure. I see her more like an autistic older sister who sometimes has rage fits and becomes violent and you have to gently calm her down before it escalates.
She also took my whole 5k scholarship (I only spent 800$ for myself, those money were hard earned and I had other plans to use them) to buy groceries and pay the bills since she only earns about 300$ from her shitty 1 hour and a half a day, 5 days a week job and outright refuses to find a better one, since the job offers she gets are full time and working 8 hours a day for her is "too much". She expects me to accept illegal jobs for 12 hours a day though, and calls me lazy if I turn them down.
No. 358726
>>358707Omg my mom did something similar to me, but she had a pretty well paying job, $16 an hour. When I got my first job, it was part time, and not even a month into working she starts pressuring me get a better paying one. I tell her I want to build experience before moving onto another job just like that, and she gave me this insane look going, "Well, maybe you should find a second job. Money doesn't grow on trees." I'm completely confused because I rarely ever spent my money.
After a few months, she started asking me if she could "borrow" money. For groceries and stuff like that. It was always a bill it something. Then a few weeks afterwards, she decides to buy a new car and tells me "I'm gonna need you to help pay insurance because you'll be driving the car too. Me, not knowing I'd be having to pay $300 a month, agrees. I remember her sitting me at the kitchen table with my checkbook, writing the $300 check and having me sign it. It hurts remembering that. After 3 or so months, I start realizing I'm not even driving the car that often, the only time I'm using it is to drop off my sister at school. I bring this up, suggesting I pay less, and she tells me, "You
really need to look for a new job, honey. We don't have much money." At this time my mental health is terrible and I end up "running away" to a family member's house a couple blocks away. I stay there for about half a year. The thing is, I remember my mom coming over only to come collect the car insurance money from me, which I haven't driven that car at all the entire time I was there. She had total control of it. I think I payed her $300 for 2 months until I told her I don't have anymore money.
I remember a couple months later I found a full time job that paid me $9 an hour and the first thing my mom tried to do ask for "help" with her dental appointment. I had to give away a months worth of my earnings because she "didn't have the money". Ugh, thinking about this again is so stressful. I'm glad I'm out, but still.
No. 358730
>>358597Yes! Too bad emotional abuse (among other types) isn't considered real to majority of society and children are told to suck it up or that it's normal or the kids are the ones being brats.
I hope you are able to get away from your mother soon and am wishing you the best in your life, anon. Lots of luck!
>>358707Ugh, Iktf. Sometimes I think "How can this woman be my mother? There's no way we're related."
Your mother is totally projecting with her laziness. Do you still live with her? It sounds like she's depending on you and thinks she doesn't have to work a real job because she can just skate by taking from others. I never knew someone so entitled that they think they don't have to work 8 hour shifts like the rest of the world.
I don't blame you for not taking those 12 hour shifts, that's A LOT to handle. Don't let her make you feel bad about that.
No. 363860
I thought a long time about posting, because I do love them, but sometimes…
I'm 23 and I have zero privacy. Right now I'm pretending to study, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to have any alone-time. My father doesn't want me to be in my room, instead I have to watch tv with him - 90% of the time both of them are snoring, when he happens to be awake and catches me on my phone he gets angry with me, wants to know what I'm doing.
Ironically I was a very independent child, never wanting/needing a lot of affection, so I would have never thought I'd still live at home at this age. But why go to study in another city when you can just stay here?
My father is very stressed from work and always is in a bad mood at home. He also loves making misogynistic jokes – however, my mother probably irritates me more: she's just so damn passive, never dares to speak out against him, she's sitting there quiet, like a little child, never saying anything when he lashes out at her (with words only, of course).
He constantly tells me that I "ruined" something for him, e.g. one time we were at holidays, I was just 15 and was making a sour face because I had been sick in the morning. He got so pissed because I wasn’t as sweet and cheerful as he always wants me to bee, that for the rest of the trip he was sightseeing different things than the rest of our family. Instead of telling him that he's overreacting, my mother was angry with me. So for several days, every morning and night when we saw him at the hotel, I was crying and begging him to forgive me.
Same thing happened 4 years ago. I failed to get into a certain uni, cried and therefore ruined it for him. This time he threatened to throw me out (the irony) and this time it took me several weeks to get him to forgive me.
It’s always the same, I don’t smile enough and he gets massively angry.
I feel bad about this, but I just try to avoid him nowadays. He always asks me uncomfortable questions, I never know if it's a joke or if he'll get angry for real. Other children can talk about their career plans with their parents, with him it always quickly moves on to angry questioning.
My mother was a housewive most of her life, now she's just working parttime. She always complains to me about how she has to do everything - my father doesn't even bring his plate to the kitchen once he's finished eating. Yet she rarely brings it up to him. She's the reason I never want to get married.
My mother is extremely vain, I guess she's underweight, but constantly complains about her "fat" stomach. Her boobs are too small, she looks so old (her birthday is always a drama) blah blah, I even told her that she's an extemely bad role model - especiallly for my young teen sister.
When I was a teen I had an ED, yet my mother never cared. No matter how good my grades were, this was the only time she was proud of me, because she finally had a skinny and therefore attractive daughter. After 2 years of starving, I gained back some weight and what does she do, tells me that I gained weight, because I supposedly asked her to tell me when that's the case. Thank you for trampling on my non-existent self esteem. She then also told me that I should only wear knee lenght shorts, thinking that would somehow solve anything.
There's this girl my mother is obsessed with, because "she looks like a model". She was just 13 (when she started saying that), her body is like a twig, she already wore tons of makeup and everybody says she's a complete brat - but that's what the ideal women according to my mother looks like. My father is more than twice as heavy as her, but that doesn't matter because he's a man. Lately everybody has been telling my brother that he got a gut, but according to my mother he's so worringly skinny. Whenever he visits home, she buys tons of snacks - which she wouldn't do for my sister or I.
Lately I told her that I want to lose weight, but I already regret it, because now of course I have her full support and couldn't even cheat once or something if wanted…
My brother is studying to be a priest and to my very religious mother that immediately put him in the number one spot as her favourite child. My sister and I went (she still does) to the highest school, he didn't, but that doesn't matter. The first time my sister had to vacuum, she was 12, my brother is nearly 22 and still hasn't done it even once to this day. Lately I called her out for sewing a button he lost to his jacket, asking why she's still doing that fo him, but she immediately got defensive, saying it's only a one time thing, saying he can do it, that he also knows how to do laundry and so on.
When I finished high school my parents pushed me into a field I didn't like, because it's a good job for women who want children… They said that I will never earn as much as my father does and that my future husband will likely earn more than I will. I was always at the top of class, but that doesn't matter, because I'm a woman. My brother however, he can be anything.
My brother is such a raging misogynist, it sometimes makes me want to punch him - yet again, my mother just smiles it off. Please have some self respect! He constantly talks about those feminist whores, says that all his teachers were bitches and treated him unfairly, because he's a boy, thinking men are disadvantaged in society and he also doesn't like to spend a day without calling me fat at least once.
The thing that did the most damage is my parents always telling me to „stay quiet when adults are talking“ – even though I already was a very silent child to begin with. I was never rebelous, never did anything wrong. And now, the older I get, the more this staying quiet is a problem: I‘m extremely scared of accidentally interrupting people, if in a group I never get a single word in. Even in my own family, I just never talk. I really can’t. I always had to be so obedient and now my parens wonder why I’m not more social. According to them I probably should have stayed quiet until I turned 18 and when turn into a social butterfly with tons of friends and a bf. But of course that’s not possible.
My father’s other favourite sentence, which he still repeats to me nowdays, is: if you don’t do it well, don’t even try. Needless, to say, I don’t even try, because I’m too scared of not being perfect.
When I was younger he always assigned jobs for me to do during the summer, like painting a hut in our garden. To him, I of Course wasn’t doing it good enough and he kept scolding me until I cried. But no matter how often I said that I just can’t do it and asked him to allow me to stop, he just kept going. He rather torments me instead of using that time to do it himself.
Like I said before, I love my parents, but my mind is filled with countless of small memories of situations like the above mentioned…
I wonder when my father will see me as an equal, as an adult, when I’m allowed to voice my opinion. In front of him I’m still like a little child, either being nice and doing everything well, giving him a good morning and a good night kiss - or getting scolded until I cry
No. 365277
Ive been thinking about this a lot lately. I always pictured my mom as the good parent compared to my step-dad, but slowly noticing that she wasnt all that great either. Just gonna list off some stuff Ive been realizing were actually pretty bad in retrospect
>mom chemically burned my scalp at three years old
>spent my whole life insecure and constantly stressed about the visibility of my very massive bald spots/scars thinking that it was my fault
>didnt actually find out she did it until highschool because she always blamed the bald spots on me not massaging my scalp or conditioning enough.
>soon as she mentioned it, spent weeks convincing her to stop making me relax it because she thought my natural hair was too nappy. Saw my real hair texture for the first time then.
>ended up hating it and the fact that it cant grow in a way to mask the bald spots.
>Mom (and sister) stopped relaxing their hair a year or so later and kinda resent them for being able to wear it out without an issue
>still get anxiety about things like being in the sun for too long because she and my step-dad took every oppurtunity to tease me about it
>really im just noticing that the bulk of internalized anti-blackness in our family seemed to come down on me in the form of constant teasing as the only sibling that isnt mixed with anything
>as a child i listened to her whenever she vented about how abusive he was, how he spent all of our money on stupid things for himself instead of bills or food, that she couldnt have friends because of him, depression, etc
>step-dad knew my mom talked to me about that sort of stuff and openly resented me for it
>never stood up for me and often even sided with him when i tried pointing out that he was being unfair or cruel despite me always trying to stand up for her as a literal child
>got mad when i was eventually diagnosed with depression, then denied medication and treatment for it. Thought I made her look like a bad mother
>eventually both of them just brushed me off as having anger problems or being too serious all the time
>just sort of isolated and neglected for majority of childhood because of it
>mom made me move to my grandmas house a state over because she was mad that i was unhappy all of the time
>Literally got upset when my grandma said she loved me
>i eventually moved back, we leave our step-dad, and i met a girl in highschool and started spending a lot of time with her.
>Mom caught on before i could come out. Kicked me out before I finished my senior year
Stopped talking to her since then. We never really had a relationship, anyway. She still thinks were on good terms cause she never really saw a problem, or didnt want to at least. I dont know. I just wish I could stop thinking about and remembering stuff like that. I feel fucked up now but at the very least I know I can do better for my own kids one day
No. 365281
>>365277sorry about the spacing
Also wanted to add on that shed often "tattle" on us to our step-dad knowing that hed beat us. She had to have known that Id get the bulk of it everytime, even if it was something my siblings did, because I was the oldest and that somehow made sense
No. 365291
>>365281wait turns out im still not done
Im just getting riled up because of all of this. The fact that Im in my twenties and still cant function socially from the constant neglect and isolation. I have no idea how to talk about my problems or explain why Im upset if my girlfriend asks. I have this constant anxiety about my appearance because of how she stressed its importance despite only ever talking down about mine. Kicking me out so soon put me on this awful footing and now im still trapped in this cycle of poverty.
I still dont even think i have a right to complain about any of it because Im used to having it dismissed, berated and then ignored all together. I know I dont have it as bad as most people, but jeez. Like Ive had all this garbage pent up inside and I have no idea what to do with it now that its spilling out everywhere.
My gfs family is so sweet and supportive that it genuinely makes me uncomfortable. Like I cant be around them. I feel like such a pure fuck up compared to any of them. I really dont know where to begin in terms of like, not being like this anymore. Its kind of overwhelming
Welp, now Im in tears. Sorry for all of the posting, think im actually done this time lol
No. 365299
>>365291Aw anon, it's good to vent here imo
I'm glad you have a loving gf now and she has a good family too. Things will get better
>>363860Your family are like, movie-tier controlling, that's crazy they treat you this way. You need a bit of freedom imo, how is it you are 23 amd your father is controlling which room you are in and when?
No. 365413
>>365408actually i want to vent about my dad
he had a great job when he met my mom, i think that's part of the reason why she was attracted to him. not sure what he did exactly, but according to family on his side and old ledgers he had lying around, the bitch was brining in 100k AT LEAST, annually. for some reason though ( i think it's spite? ) he decided to up the booze intake and get himself fired. then he tried to leave his wife and move in with mom, but obviously she didn't want a drunk hanging around…so he got kicked out, and went BACK to his wife, then adopted a boy. who he proceeded to spend a ton of his fortune on, ignoring me completely. must of spoiled the fuck out of that little fag because he's absolutely rotten.
when his wife got sick of him ( and after he got tired of spending money on her? ) he moved in with his sister…and helped raise her child. spent the rest of his money on her too, i guess he was hoping his sister would split the inheritance with him but she didn't. the woman kicked him out, and he worked as a janitor for some years. since he was broke after raising everyone else's kid.
while he was doing all this, the man was sending my mom provocations whenever she tried to bring me up to him about how i'd probably get pregnant early, i could come to him for help once i
was an adult, etc. etc. he made jokes about my failing grades in school apparently, i don't doubt it knowing the type of dude he is.
i dunno man the guy is just retarded, i hope he has some money stored up secretly somewhere so once he dies i can be compensated for his retardation. literally the only good thing he's done for me is given me a place to stay; i'll never have to pay rent on it, or the bills since he handles them. dgmw i am definitely grateful for the help, but if he hadn't fucked up so much with my rearing none of this would even be happening
No. 365437
>>365353it's okay anon, you're not alone. my mum is full into unschool. My math is horrible and I ended up having to do a 13 week refresher course of high school math, which contained stuff I had no idea about.
I have a lot of siblings, none of them have birth certificates, none of the are vaccinated. She told me that university is a government plot to prevent free thought.
Just sucks that she's denying her kids everything she had the opportunity to do.
No. 365439
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>>365380Haha thanks. On a more positive note Ive been able to pursue a job I like. Ive always been creative but never went to school for it
>maybe a blessing because everyone I know who went to art school said it was a waste of time and moneyI do cons and run an online shop. Last year I made a livable wage in profits so that was very exciting for me.
Since moving out and living on my own, ive really started to mentally unpack my childhood. I never considered it but I think my parents were neglectful. I read that not providing an education especially from ages 7-14 is considered neglect in some areas. Being homeschooled also meant I was at home all the time, even when my parents were at work. Which unfortunately led me to be a victim of sexual abuse from age 8-10.
No. 365649
>Lost her virginity at 14
>Had an(?) abortion
>Would make me steal for her as a child, and she still does it despite having enough money to pay for things herself now
>Cheated on dad numerous times; brags about it
>Tells me how beautiful she is/how ugly I am
>Told me frequently when I was younger no man would ever want me because I was built manly like my father; I developed and eating disorder. Even when I was fasting and getting close to hitting under 100 pounds, my mother would still stay I was too chunky. Father actually accused me of stealing his food because he ate so much he couldn't believe he was the one eating it all. I remember him accusing me, SCREAMING of eating half a block of cheese when I was on my 3rd day of fasting. I was 103 pounds… he was 350ish. I also hate cheese and rarely ever eat it by itself.
>Never taught me how to tie my shoes, so I had a hard time doing it before school and she'd scream at me to hurry up. She, to this day, uses that as an example of how "retarded I am" and can't do things for myself.
>She'd make me stand to the side of the mirror in her bedroom and repeat a mantra before school or studying. It was along the lines not disappointing her, getting straight As, and finding a good husband. I had to repeat after her. It was cult-like.
>Got an STD hiring a prostitute while deployed in the military in his teens
>Couldn't get a girlfriend in the states; married an Asian chick from the Philippines he hardly knew and got so angry at her, he smashed her into a windshield and nearly killed her
>Drank a bottle of wine every 3 days for a few years in my adolescence
>Smoked 2-4 packs of cigarettes on the daily, had to start rolling his own because it got so costly. He smoked so much I went to school reeking of cigarettes.
>Blew all of his paychecks hoarding furniture, ignoring the bills. Still does it to this day, but with various other purchases. House is being neglected in the process. Roof has mold growing on it and there's rotten holes where the rain leaks in. Floorboards are open to the bottom of the house in the bathroom. None of the appliances work (IE toilet, sink, and shower). Skunks spray under there at least once a week that makes the house smell horrible and ruins my clothes. Rats (not mice) and crickets live in the walls and they're loud at night.
>Pyromaniac. Burned innocent animals as a child. Tried to burn down the first apartment his parents ever lived in. Has threatened to burn our house down if my mother ever tries to divorce him.
>Would lock my mother and I indoors. I was not allowed to see friends, nor was my mother. If I was playing outside, he'd call me inside. Whenever my mother wore makeup, my dad would go berserk, accusing her of seeing another man; she started not wearing it. She actually stopped drinking water because my dad would get angry when she'd go to the bathroom. None of the bedrooms were allowed to have locks, except for his. When I was a child and wanted to play/see him, he'd lock the door on my face and scream I was a bitch and need to go away. I was a toddler then.
Parents pretended to be virgins who waited for marriage; claimed to be devote Christians and used the Bible frequently as justification for extremely abusive behavior towards me like physical beatings and yelling. They were going to stick me in an arranged marriage with a man nearly 30 years older than me, etc. Honestly, I can't think of anything off of the top of my head, but there were many things they did wrong. They made me get in the middle of their fights, and pick a side. They'd concern me with their personal finances. And though I'm an adult now, their sexual affairs, which should just be private regardless of age. This list is just tame little things off the top of my head that can be summarized in a few sentences. Most things they did were not obvious, but were an accumulation of "small" abuses that lead to me in the hospital over suicide. They still deny being the reason I ended up there, even though I've been isolated to them my entire life because they were control freaks.
No. 422256
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>Tfw your mom is a overgrown introvert teen that relied on her looks to feel ok gave you an eating disorder and had unprotected sex with a Nfedora and accidentally brought you into the world
>called you a slut at 16 but then proclaimed to have daddy issues
> married another fat short nfedora and gave him 2 kids
I’m glad no one showed up to your baby shower
No. 422265
My bio dad wasn’t super in the picture when I was growing up, so I was raised by her second husband from the age of 2 until I became an adult. They divorced after I turned 18, which was long over due and drawn out by my stepdad refusing to accept the facts. He drank heavily my entire life, abused drugs, put us (my mom, me, 3 of my siblings who are his bio kids) in horrible situations as he was the breadwinner and would literally piss away the rent money. Sometimes he was an angry drunk but he never hit us kids, I don’t know if he hit my mom ever, but mostly he was a happy/party drunk and would get sappy. Like crying “I love you so much, you’ll always be my first daughter even though we’re not blood related” hugging me n shit which even as a kid made me wildly uncomfortable. When I was a teenager, he’d gaslight me constantly in regards to the household rules. Give me alcohol and weed one day, kick me out of the house the next for having those things. During the divorce, we’d get into fights because he’d tell my siblings that my moms a whore and doesn’t care about us when… it was him not coming home for days and me filling in his role.
Despite all this, at 22, we hardly talk and it’s upsetting to me. I initiate all our conversations because like? He’s the only father figure I had growing up? I’m recently sober from alcohol after a failed suicide attempt and he didn’t even visit me in the hospital. I’ve tried multiple times to involve him in my sobriety because he claims to be trying to stay sober too. But I’m so angry at him. For having so much of a grasp on my life, for making me still miss him, for lying, letting me down, disowning me. He clearly doesn’t care to continue a relationship with me and I want to not care, cuz I know how awful he is but I’m also apparently still just a little kid who wants ~daddy’s attention~ ugh. I haven’t opened up to anyone about it cuz I feel so pathetic but when I’m alone I cry about it. Like here I am, the same age he was when I first entered his life.. choosing sobriety, choosing a good relationship with my partner, choosing not to torment my future stepchild with my addiction. Why couldn’t he have done that for me?
No. 422598
>>422565>I a have to deal with his stupid ass "pride" for me where he puffs his chest out and shit before he snaps to talking about how great he is Yeah my mom is a narc and she does something similar. She doesn't even give me the benefit of saying she takes pride in me before talking about herself, she usually quips "Talent is genetic you know!" It's already implied that she thinks she's great all in one. And that's absolutely not true on its own lmao. She can never give me credit for the actual hours and failures that came before I got good at something. Oh boy, and how she belittles me when I fail. Funny how narcs never say that failure is genetic, eh?
My mom was a theater and arts person. I never got huge into the arts but when people started to take notice that I was really good at cooking and presentation like restaurant tier, my mom and my family had to interject that I
must have picked that up from her too because she's
sooo good at cooking as well!
Actually, having grown up eating her slop she is in fact a horrible cook who lacks any kind of intuition when it comes to making anything not from a box with directions on it. She hates cooking, and hates the effort it takes.
It's extremely annoying and minimizing so I feel you.
No. 422605
Ahh, nothing like growing up and realizing everything wrong with your parents. Nothing like learning that my parents are the children of the family who never grew up and never got it together. They were the fuck ups and my grandparents on both sides cleaned up their messes for way too long. I am the product of that, and I'd honestly rather know I'm an accident than know that it was in my parent's best judgement to bring me into this world.
My parents are the type that pretends they prioritize their kids, but they actually never want to sacrifice anything. Father's day is tomorrow and I've cut my dad out for at least the last 6 years. His birthday passed recently too.. I said nothing and felt nothing. He emotionally and sometimes physically abused my family as a child and it took until my mid teens to get away.
They divorced when I was five and both lived with either grandparents for most of my childhood because they couldn't ever get it together. I was mainly raised by my grandparents as a result.
My mom wanted to have the weekends to herself so she knowingly sent my sibling and I to my dad's every weekend, even though he only had basic visitation rights. He was too abusive for her to stay with, but it was fine to send us to him, I guess. Her last straw was my dad throwing a ketchup bottle towards his infant daughter and just barely missing her head… but eh, he's good to send the children to. He never had to pay child support because somehow my mom excused him of responsibility. We suffered because our single mom's income wasn't enough to buy our needs sometimes. He never paid for anything for us in our whole lives and he was a terrifying, disgusting human being we had to pretend to love or else our grandma would guilt us.
Her excuse for putting us through that as kids was that we loved our grandparents, and he lived with them, so she wanted us to see them. I get filled with rage remembering her explaining that as if it justifies what bullshit we had to go through. I remember being like 7, hiding in thr bathroom, and calling my mom from their house phone, begging for her to come get me because I was so terrified of my dad. Then he caught me. He screamed at me and ripped me away and told me I was never allowed to do that again and that he had to know about every phone call I make. He spoke with my mom and she let it go. I was abandoned.
What the fuck is wrong with my family? Why did I have get the shit genes and the shit environment? Oh well I guess. I have been trying to heal myself and move on but I can't tell if I'll be able to undo how fucked I am. Also I was constantly called retarded by many people on my dad's side as a child and it's fucked up my self perception ever since. I have been in therapy about it for a long time but I can't stop viewing myself as stupid/subhuman. Why.
No. 422686
One thing I'll give my biological dad and my stepdad credit for is this: They never denied that they did horrible things and never pretended to be great people. Somehow, despite the awful ways they screwed me and others over, they're less annoying to me for that reason.
Mom gets all the hate from me because nothing she's said or done is ever truly her fault, hence the narcissism that paints every landscape in her life. I don't think I've ever heard a genuine apology from her nor seen her try to change her ways.
If she acts like a verbally abusive tyrant? Well that's just because of abuse she suffered over 20 years ago and she gets a little emotional when she feels attacked (re: held responsible). Yet nobody is allowed to bring up something that she did to them a few days ago without her accusing that person of being stuck in the past or talking nonstop about what she considers to be trivial things in comparison to her, the truest sufferer. Never a person before has sacrificed and suffered so greatly than mom, in her opinion.
When I suggest therapy to her, since she says her abuse afflicts her so badly, she reverses that I'm the one who needs the therapy but at the same time "mental illness things" are just excuses people use to be lazy and receive attention.
Almost like…claiming abuse and trauma when people confront her about her bad behavior is just trying to deflect the subject and receive sympathetic attention instead. She projects so hard she can't keep her story straight. She's very selfish and lacks any empathy.
When she can't weave a narrative that she's a victim, she'll try one of the classic narc mainstays: 1. She doesn't remember doing the thing, 2. The thing she did wasn't so bad, 3. Or if she did do the thing well that's too bad because she's done so much for the ungrateful so there. She loves to use the "I wiped your ass as a baby!" non sequitur, or the "You're not experienced enough and you don't know what it's like to have children!" copout. Which is funny considering she's been spoiled and sheltered as fuck her entire life. Sometimes I wish she hadn't miscarried so much from chain smoking because I'd love to see her been pressed over taking care of an unruly brood instead of having to deal with me; the latchkey kid who was extremely quiet due to abuse and never got in any trouble because I tried in vain to impress her and be obedient for years–not that I had many choices to have been anything else since any affront to her image or controls would result in severe repercussions.
I wish she could've birthed a drug addict, career criminal, a flunky, or whatever other nightmare type person because that is who she really deserved.
On top of that, for being a run of the mill grade school teacher, she is always super judgmental and has tall opinions of others. She still enjoys running off any guys I like if they don't have money or status, and insists I date ugly men or men I have nothing in common with just because she thinks they have money. She's had three failed marriages and god knows how many boyfriends, but she considers herself the love expert.
If she hates my friends, she'll make sure they are made to feel as uncomfortable as possible around her since she doesn't approve. She's never had many friends herself, and the ones she still does have she only sees a couple times a year. Which is perfect so she doesn't have to sweat upholding her fake outward image much.
She makes gross comments about other women despite looking like an old, crater-faced roly poly in her sixties. She'll constantly critique women as being manly, fat, curveless, or poorly dressed while she looks like a dump and has never done anything to take care of herself. Her comments and outlook have always made me uncomfortable.
Needless to say, she's given me very low self-worth from these types of comments ie. Hatefully calling a woman who is objectively thinner than me fat and mannish.
She switches from loving herself to wanting to do something about her looks, but she's all talk and will never change (and none of it is really her fault after all~). She views people not finding her attractive as their problem, but then seriously wonders why men don't flock to her like they did in her effortless youth. I've learnt not to talk about any of my personal insecurities because she will weaponize them against me later. For example she'll call me self-loathing, or worse say that the reason why we get into fights is because I'm unhappy with how I look. Implying it has nothing to do with the way she treats me and talks to me. She's that fucking nasty and mean. Although I'm sure being unhappy with herself and being jealous of others is the reason why she starts shit all the time, so again she's probably projecting. I'm sure she's seething with envy at me because I'm actually doing way more and creating tons of life experiences that she never had when she was my age. But instead of being happy for me, she's salty. It's vindictive.
Nothing that people do, including me, is ever enough for her.
No. 422793
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I hate my mother and I'm going to ruin the illusion that she has made in her "new life". I am outing her on how abusive she was to myself and the other children she was supposed to care for.
She spent years trying to cover it up and has made it look like she has done no wrong.
I've lied to myself and kept thinking I was the problem.
When your mom is a diagnosed narc sociopath, you realise it's not your fault.
To this day, she mentally puts weights on my sister and I. She tries to keep us insecure and below her.
I've been grieving the abuse that went on (yes physical too) when all I've tried to do was ignore it and forget it. I can't anymore. I have to do something to move on and I am going to take back my life.
I have always bottled up my emotions and have been stepped on for so long by her and I am tired of it.
No. 422842
>>422793I'm an only child but it's been super hard finally coming out about my mom's abuse because no one in my family really believes it. For years she's built a fake self outer image. That she's the perfect considerate parent whose only flaw might be tough love. My family members have bought into her manipulations so much that they find it impossible to believe she could be treating me any other way behind closed doors.
Her favorite tactic is trying to bait me in writing, usually via text, so she can show my reaction to everyone to prove how horrible I am. Meanwhile she says incredibly abuse shit and has meltdowns irl. The texts are usually super condescending wrapped up with patronizing, topped with fake bows of "I love yous." I've learned not to respond.
I'm going limited contact but she's been fighting me tooth and nail, being as aggressive as possible, and commanding that I respond to her.
Good luck anon, this shit ain't easy.
No. 424371
My dad left while my mum was pregnant with me I believe, he would visit occasionally when I was younger but stopped at some point. Whenever he came around I’d be so uncomfortable like “who tf is this man and why is he hugging me”. He’s a loser who did nothing with his life, he’s been a “musician” since I was younger, yeah he plays small gigs occasionally and surprisingly has a few fans but Christ his music is awful. It’s like try-hard industrial screamo. He’s a piece of shit that uses and cheats on women and manipulates and lies to them. He always tells women he still sees me and my brother but I haven’t seen him since I was like around 5, he literally visits my city constantly and never even bothers to tell me when he’s here. His own mother hates him lol. He also said some creepy thing about me to one of his girlfriends that he helped pick my first bra when I was younger, he’s such a creep. I was briefly in contact with him when I was 17/18, quite literally to just ask him for money because I was struggling with my drinking at the time but even if that was shitty I don’t feel bad because he hasn’t paid my mum a single penny in child support. He hasn’t messaged me since last year on my birthday to say happy birthday, he’s also one of those people that say they’re bipolar and stuff without an actual diagnosis and constantly says he has ___ and ____ wrong with his health for sympathy.
My mum isn’t that much better I guess, when I was an adolescent she hated me for some reason. She and my brother ganged up on me it felt like, and I was also being teased a lot in school so I didn’t have a safe space really since home also sucked. She and her boyfriend constantly spied on my social media; they read my messages, they read my posts secretly from adding me as fake accounts, they watched my internet history, I was given NO privacy. They went through my pockets and bag often to make sure I didn’t have anything “bad” in there. It’s kinda stupid that they did that yet when they knew I was being groomed online by my pedophile ex they didn’t say anything????
My mum constantly criticised me, would always call me a selfish cow, a bitch, would call me a slut (again. When I was being groomed), we would have physical fights. When she got with her boyfriend and he was horrible to me she would always take his side. One time when she was drunk she just came in and started hitting me for no reason. I hate my parents and I’m not surprised I used to be such a shit when I was younger because I was being emotionally abused, now I’m a mess and can’t do anything, but I’m trying to get therapy and look for a job so I can go back to college and go to university, I refuse to be as useless as the both of them.
No. 432590
>>422598>>422565dealt with the similar stuff expect from my grandma who raised me. My successes are because she raised me and was such a good influence on me! (cus im such a pitiful retard)
My failure are clearly genetic and inherited from my !FUCKED UP! mom and dad (they are screwed up) and the bad grades which are from my untreated ADHD is actually because im just lazy…which i inherited from both my LAZY parents. It's very annoying.
I used to be much more into writing and art and when i was talked to her about she'd just scream over me and about her totally awesome fantasy book which actually for real has SIX publishers interested in it! Literally anything i get into, she does it better. Except for video games thats because i inherited spastic boy syndrome from my dumb father because he…..was into dirtbikes or something i have no idea how she worked it out her arrogant pompous brain.
No. 434074
All I will say is that single mothers should have their children taken from them by default, unless they are a product of widowhood.
I started smoking pot recently to cope with it all. Her drinking is out of control, and I was having suicidal thoughts. The pot doesn't stop the suicidal thoughts, but it does help me come to terms with my situation and approach things from a calm, grounded standing instead of wondering what the ideal angle to hold a 12ga against my head is, and if I should use #4, 00 buck, or a slug.
No. 434143
>>434074Male logic is flawless. Being raised by a series of strangers in foster care is obviously way better than being raised by your mother, because the
father left hence single mom which somehow -
No. 434161
I've come to realize that I absolutely resent my mom.
Now, I still live at home at 29 (yikes) because she won't be able to pay the rent by herself.
She has no job, leaves one after a few weeks-max 3 months because 'it's too hard/it's too far'. Says there's no work for her, despite me telling her to go back to a previous job (I used to work there as well, for 1 1/2 years) because they'll pretty much accept people all the fucking time. But no. 'I'm not going back there, I won't let myself get bullied away by the Polish again'. Even when I tell her to ask them to let her do something different, she flat-out refuses.
She called me selfish for not giving her €500 to buy a car under my name. Oh, excuse me, 'lending' her the money. She says she'll pay me back when she has a job again, but I still have receipts from over a year ago for money she owes me. I'll never get it back.
Not to mention her racism and discrimination towards other people. Always making assumptions about everyone and everything.
Debt collectors are out to get her because they hate her, according to my mom.
I'm going for my driver's license starting September, get myself a car and start finding a place for myself and my cat.
I'm glad my younger brother moved out years ago, so he doesn't have to see/deal with this side of her.
He might not like it when I'll leave mom to fend for herself, but really, it's all on her.
As sad as it may be, I don't love her and I wish she was gone.
No. 434207
>>434163Because single parents are often shitty, hence why they're single.
There's the occasional single mom who fell into poor circumstances beyond her control or picked the wrong man to procreate with. However by and large, single parents that raised our generation are incredulously flawed Boomers and Xennials who had kids for selfish reasons. It shows.
It's no surprise that children who were traumatized and damaged by them would hone in on the shitty parent most present in their lives. In how many ways can you pick apart a deadbeat who was hardly present in your life, as opposed to the parent who insisted they were capable of raising you but through years of abuse, neglect, and or indifference demonstrated that they actually were not capable?
I completely understand why the damages they inflicted upon their children-now-adults are unforgivable.
Oh, and perish the thought if you're the child of one of these
abusive single parents. Society gives single parents a damn participation award for doing the bare minimum for their children as if that's not what they ought to be doing as a default.
Maybe the hate appears disproportionate because single moms tend to be the parents who get full custody of their children, but I can guarantee that very few people (with the example of the stoner scrote
>>434074) hate their single parents for no good reasons. Imo it takes a lot of bad stuff to have happened for an adult child of a parent to resent them.
No. 436394
>>434207My mum being single was my dads fault; though she's still shitty regardless. I know she struggled as a single mother to two difficult children, but we didn't ask to be born. Whenever she's criticised slightly, her boyfriend and/or her always give us the ol' "I've/she's done so much for you, given you a roof over your head,
insert more generic things parents should be doing regardless and shouldn't be rewarded for". I can't wait to get away from them forever.
No. 438188
My mom is an extreme push over. She is obsessed with the image of looking good and will allow basically anyone to walk on her so that she can obtain it. Whenever you confront her about it, the defense is always "its called being NICE". Some of the things she's done in the past 6 months:
>Bakes cookies for people in town for spare cash, sets prices for batches, then allows "friends" (people who order her cookies) to just pay whatever they want regardless, meaning she's often selling them for less than it even costs to make them
>lets her friends pawn their garbage off on her, so now we have a bunch of ugly holiday decorations sitting around the house that literally belong in the trash
>has worked for the same business for 13 years with no promotions or wage increases yet bakes them cookies for FREE nearly every week
>will allow coworkers/"friends" to intrude on friend outings where they aren't wanted because she's too scared to tell them not to come, even though no one wants them there
>often does harder work for her workplace, for days at a time, for her minimum wage pay, while the worker she's covering for earns nearly 2x what she does
>100% fully believes that any time someone text you that you MUST pick up your phone in that moment and MUST respond, no matter if you're doing something important in that moment or not
>this also applies to phone calls. she will pick up during serious conversations and just start talking about mindless things with her sister/friends, or stop an important task mid-way through to talk. this often happened in my childhood, where we would be planning something fun like an outing and then i would be left crying while she talked about birds/oatmeal/ect for hours at a time.
>is unable to hang up/walk away once a conversation is started, even if she's busy, or it'll make her late, or miss, something important. if she does manage to walk away she usually blames me, citing i'm being 'rude' and rushing her, or that i'm 'telling her what to do' by reminding her we have an important thing to attend to.
>was recently caught socializing with a man who had threatened to physically harm me & caused damage to our house because he had some type of paranoid drug-induced illusion i broke into his apartment
>allowed said stranger into our home, refuse to get him to leave. he lived in the apartment below us, but yet for some reason was sleeping on our couch, eating our food (she would make supper for him every night- for free- when we are quite literally poor and often don't have food ourselves), and was mooching off my mother for free back rubs. he was not giving her attention in return- he was not speaking to her, they were not fucking. he was purely using her.
>allows men she is not interested in to hit on her/make sexual moves on her because turning them down is wrong. has told me in the past, as a minor, that if someone likes me, i'm obliged to give them my attention (while referring to a 29 year old man).
>when she books appointments for services (hair dresser, technicians, ect) she lies about how much work needs to be done because she wants to seem 'friendly, and like the task is easy, so that i dont bother them!' only to usually rope them into tasks hours/3x the cost once the appointment arrives.
and to finish it off, from the past:
>once allowed a family pet to die because, while on a date, our pet got sick and needed to be driven to the vet, and she thought it to be 'rude' to ask the date to help drive the pet to the vet (she doesnt drive, and i was a child), or leave the date to come home to try and help. later brought her date home to find me crying over said pet, where they openly mocked me. when they broke up she said it was my fault for not making sure he liked me more.
i am attending a family therapist soon where i hope something can be done. i dont think they can fix her. but i hope at least i can learn to cope with the fact she's quite literally, a child. i have a disgust with phones now as an adult and can't make calls, or text, from the situations she put me through as a child, putting the phone before me on a consistent basis. thankfully though i am quite opposite from her, and have no problem telling people the truth, or being 'rude', when i am in situations where i need to leave/need proper pay/am uncomfortable. i was actually the one who was responsible for our neighbor being evicted, because she thought warning our landlord he was destroying the house would 'make him (neighbor) not like her'. after he left i saw in her texts she was reassuring him it was me who did that to him, and not her, and that i'm just 'a little bitch'.
No. 438192
>>434207>There's the occasional single mom who fell into poor circumstances beyond her control or picked the wrong man to procreate withSo 99.9% of them? Being a single mother is most women's worst nightmare and is a direct route to poverty and struggle, they don't give up partnership that easily. The guy just leaves and she can't do shit about it.
The real answer to anon's question is misogyny. Evil single mothers dared to have sex, the guy must have been a Chad if he didn't stick around, and she's no longer sexually attractive so she deserves to be punished. And the blame for everything wrong with single parent families will fall on the mother, because they are almost always the single parent by default. Men are only single dads when they genuinely want to raise the kid and are willing to fight for it.
No. 439614
My situation isn't as bad as a lot of you anons, I haven't been beaten, I don't have alcoholics or narcissists in the family. I just need to vent and I feel like this thread fits the bill. Sorry for the massive post.
My parents are both unstable, and I'm always dealing with their yelling, crying, whining, drama, passive-aggressive remarks, lies, backstabbing, manipulation, just shit in general.
I have to suck it up, pretend it's normal, and I've even been told to be grateful. If I point out how dysfunctional our family is, I'm made to feel at fault, as though I've caused this by observing it.
The result is that I've become a total piece of shit in order to deal with my family, and I hate myself for it. I have to be cold, furtive and manipulative to get what I want from them, otherwise they shit all over me until I submit. I've just recently realized that I have almost no personality outside of being a big fat doormat for my family to trample on, because for all these years my only goals have been to please them so I don't get yelled at, and to not drop out of school.
As a result of my crappy upbringing, I suck at dealing with other people and myself. I can't establish meaningful relationships with anyone, and I find myself kissing up to them in person and completely tearing them apart in my thoughts when I'm alone. I hate being like this, it's so fake, uncalled-for, and totally unfair to everyone involved.
A lot of the time, I just want to fuck off to some abandoned place where no one will bother me and I'll bother no one, ever, until I wither away and die.
I have such a hard time saying this, because I've always hated fancy idealized crap like 'loving' relationships or whatever, but sometimes I wish we could all get along. Just be normal for a day, that's all. I genuinely don't know what it feels like to have someone you can trust and turn to, and I genuinely have never loved a person outside of my shallow need to gain their attention and approval.
No. 440163
>>439614Your situation is similar to mine, anon. Therapy helps a lot. You can identify the problem you're having and why, so you're halfway there. Force yourself to think good things about people, force yourself to be genuinely nice, and if you turn out to be right about someone being a piece of shit, you can let them go knowing that you had nothing to do with it.
Also, get the fuck out of there the second you can. Don't tell anyone where you're going, don't give them any phone numbers, don't tell them you're planning to leave. Fuck off so fast nobody sees it coming. If you can, do something to get money without making it obvious you're working, like working a part-time job while pretending you're studying or taking art commissions online. As long as you're a good doormat your parents probably won't think anything of it.
Lastly: trying to fix your relationship will not work. You need to work on yourself and your parents need to pull their heads out their asses before that can even be a possibility. You'll only end up being their slave again if you make any effort to play nice.
No. 448727
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>Accident born to two newlyweds in their mid twenties
>Earliest memories are of aunt's ex husband taking care of me (he moved in for a little while after the divorce) instead of my parents, eg. him staying up with me when I was sick, comforting me after a nightmare, helping me learn to read and write.
>Brother was born when I was 2 and sister when I was 7, parents focused almost entirely on them and left me to do my own thing because I was supposedly smart and independent enough to take care of myself
>I was a really anxious child but parents dismissed my constant nightmares and panic attacks as inconveniences and tantrums
>Pushed by mother to play musical instruments because she does, I play them out of a need for praise rather than actual enjoyment. She tries to teach me piano (her main instrument) but gets angry with me because I'm not immediately good at playing with both hands. I start avoiding piano and stop trying anything that I don't think I can instantly do well
>Father was never really home - the only memory I have of him from this point is when he "accidentally" shoved me into the stairs while angry and gave me a nosebleed. I mentioned this to my mother recently and she said that although he never said anything about this she wasn't surprised he'd do that
>Move to new town aged 8 because parents decide old town is too trashy, lose old friends, start being bullied at new school, only good thing in life is receiving praise from adults for being smart
>Never really allowed outside unsupervised - mother took me to the music groups she also attended but that was it. Occasionally allowed a dinner/sleepover at my best friend's house, but nobody was ever allowed at my house. Outside of school I would just sit at the computer
>Become afraid to share anything with any adult because parents conditioned me to believe I had to be as low-maintenance as possible to be a good girl, which obviously ends badly
>Father's best friend starts molesting me, I don't tell anyone because I decide I'm either imagining it or blowing it out of proportion and I don't want adults to be mad at me
>Father becomes super terrifying to be around, I start being afraid of dinnertime because it means he's going to come home and belittle/shout at/hit me for being a "smart mouth", mother switches between ignoring it and taking his side
>Bullies start stealing my lunch around age 12, I tell parents (so I don't get in trouble for losing tupperware), they have a single meeting with the school, nothing gets resolved, they drop it entirely and start making me use old shopping bags instead (which still get stolen, but at least my parents don't lose money, so problem solved I guess)
>At 14 father reveals he has another daughter he's known about all this time (the product of a teenage fling in his home country) and didn't bother telling us about until she contacted him that week
>Parents announce they're getting a divorce because they "don't love each other anymore" (I don't think they ever loved each other), father moves out and only sees us every other weekend despite us all still living in the same tiny town. Thankfully this means his best friend no longer has access to my bedroom
>Discover mother had multiple affairs while married, including one with her best friend's boyfriend, but don't tell dad because I don't want to get in trouble for snooping
>Grades start slipping from As to Cs due to a combination of being too depressed to battle my concentration issues (I was basically the ADHD poster child but nobody cared since my grades were good), developing an ED, and never actually learning how to study. Parents scold me for being lazy, I take it lying down because explaining the problem would mean I'm not a good low-maintenance daughter, can't ask teachers for help due to fear
>Brother finds out at school that I self harm, parents interrogate me, I go for a walk to get away from them and they call the cops. Cop screams at me for "wasting [his] time" and tells me there's a drug addicted girl in this town who could be dying of an OD right now and he can't help her because he has to deal with someone who doesn't have any real problems, parents stood behind him glaring at me the entire time, he left and nobody mentioned this ever again
>Mother dresses me in her clothes, talks about how similar we look, gets mad at me when I cut my hair short or dye it because it means we don't have matching hairstyles. She makes me take the classes she'd take instead of what I want to actually study, and gets mad at me for not doing well in subjects I don't care about. I've never known what career I actually want because I've always had to work toward what she wants me to do
>Drop out of school after multiple failed attempts to finish, parents don't even feign disappointment, they've stopped caring
>Have an incident that ends with me in the hospital panicking about the IV because I don't want my mother to see my arms. Nurse manages to pull my sleeve over it but she figures it out anyway. All she asks is, "is it because of me?", I say no, she never mentions it again
>I accidentally stay out late one night (I fell asleep at boyfriend's place and woke up at 11pm), mother ignores me, father calls the next day to say I've been kicked out and live with him now, have to leave my hamster and gerbils with mother due to his allergies
>Living with father is basically one endless shouting match littered with psychological abuse. His new wife is only 7 years older than me but treats me like a petulant child (he allows this, obviously)
>Go to a psychiatrist, diagnosed with a million things, given SSRIs and antipsychotics that sap my remaining energy. Boyfriend dumps me because I asked him to stop cheating on me, I try to overdose on my meds because why not, end up spending a week at a friend's place after getting out of the hospital and parents don't even ask why I'm gone
>Eventually file a police report on father's best friend, but stop pursuing it when they say my parents will need to be interviewed. Cop comes to the house to follow up, father figures out something's up and asks if he needs to stop seeing his friend, I nod, it's never mentioned again (except he must have told my mother at some point since she uses it to guilt trip me about never telling her anything)
>My poor hamster dies, most likely from neglect, and mother tells me to get rid of my gerbils so she doesn't have to take care of them. I give them to a friend, move in with said friend after she gets sectioned and can't take care of the gerbils, discover she's manipulative and abusive, and end up having to run away and abandon my gerbils at hers since neither parent would let me have them. My mother takes me back and acts like she never kicked me out
>Everything starts becoming a blur at this point thanks to my brain just burying it all, but my mother stayed the same, my father mellowed out a bit, and I moved halfway across the planet to live with my new boyfriend. Now I only have to see my parents in small doses, which makes them a lot more tolerable. I'm starting to become my own person for the first time.
>Father usually only messages me to tell me a family member is sick, dying, or dead, so I've developed a fear of seeing his name on my phone notifications. Last year he informed me of my grandfather's and great uncle's deaths via text, and yesterday he told me via text that my aunt has cirrhosis.
>Even though (or maybe because) I'm more happy and secure than I've ever been, my mother keeps trying to guilt me for "abandoning" her. She alienated my brother by kicking him out and my sister moved out last year to attend university, so I'm assuming she's taking out her regret and loneliness on me.
>I've accepted that my parents will never feel remorse for their behaviour - they'd rather just pretend nothing ever happened - and that I need to just work on unlearning all the weird things I think and do because of my upbringing, but it's hard to let go of it all. I recently tried to talk to my mother about how she kicked me out when I was 18, and she said it never happened, so I don't think I'm ever going to get closure.
No. 449150
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>>448727i'm glad you're out of this situation now though
good luck on getting your life on track after all you've been through, it can only get better from now on
No. 508964
necroing this thread because I don't want to clog up the vent thread. I know a lot of you have much worse parents, my parents aren't abusive or narcissists but I just really need to rant about them. I doubt anyone will even read this all the way through lmao.
>parents are really religious
>"homeschooled" us for religious reasons
>didn't actually teach us anything beyond bare bones reading, writing and very basic math
>didn't socialize us, didn't teach us valuabe skills (or any skills), didn't encourage us to pursue interests/talents etc
>only thing they ever encouraged was us being religious
>incredibly superficial relationship with parents and siblings, parents never talked about anything remotely personal (except religion)
>didn't teach us anything yet expected us to know things about the world we'd have no way of knowing (in other words treated us like adults when we were children)
>mom would yell/snap at me for asking innocuous questions (she still does this)
>when other kids were at school, we were just fucking around all day waiting for dad to get home (mom was stay-at-home) never did anything productive or constructive
>didn't even instill hygiene habits in us. I didn't know I was supposed to change my underwear every day and would wear it for like 5 days in a row. didn't shower that much. smelled terrible for most of my life
>didn't know how to actually do laundry til I was like 20.
>grew up being fear-mongered about going to hell and the end of the world, now have the feeling that the world is on the verge of ending and that everything is pointless, which zaps my motivation
>mom is a hoarder, dad is a quasi-hoarder
>parents are incredibly neglectful in general
>I never slept on a bed for most of my life. either slept on the floor or the couch. had to sleep with the light on all night because I wasn't allowed to turn of the light
>didn't have pajamas; slept in my jeans/clothes that I wore through out the day
>parents randomly tried to put me in high school at 14
>I couldn't handle it bc of social anxiety, and literally being retarded as a result of how they raised me. I didn't even remotely understand any of the work they wanted me to do. I still struggle with school to this day (I'm 25 going on 26)
>I was so upset that I refused to go back into school. dad was really angry at me
>I do correspondence school for 2.5 years after that, still failed at it
>finally get GED
>get my first job at 21; literal hell
>quit to focus on school because job was treating me very unethically (like illegally)
>dad knows this and wanted me to graduate, yet was still angry at me for quitting
>I have no room to keep my clothes because of their hoarding. was constantly late for work/school because I was always losing my wallet, keys, phone, pants, shirt, socks, school supplies etc etc. I told my parents it would be easier for me to keep a job if they got rid of some of their shit so I would have room to keep track of stuff. they just get angry at me when I say this, or ignore me or roll their eyes and groan
>have 5 million mental health problems bc of how I was raised. BEGGED mom when I was 17 for therapy. she kept saying she'd get me therapy but then never would.
>I'd bring it up to her again and she'd make excuses and say "I thought you were better because you stopped mentioning it" as if I'm going to go to her and say "hey mom I wanna fuckin kill myself" every morning (and even if I did she would just start crying and saying I was nagging her)
>she finally gets me a therapist at 25. won't be able to get therapy after 26 this year because I will be cut off from insurance. definitely need therapy longer than that
>don't have a job currently, am retarded and socially retarded, no references, no connections, no skills or education (outside of GED)
>dad won't do anything (like get rid of clutter) to help me keep a job (and has never done anything that would be conducive for me getting a job/education) yet still expects me to have a job, support myself and get an education. blames me for not being able to do those, has never taken a shred of responsibility for my shitty upbringing
>parents are also both really fucking loud and obnoxious and walls are paper thin. can't go to sleep before midnight because of how goddamned loud they are, which as you can imagine limits job availability. can't even read or focus because of how fucking loud they are
>mold in my bedroom closet that has been there for 10+ years that they won't get rid of. found out it might be causing some of my mental health issues
>I can't have a serious conversation with my mom because she will 1) get upset/cry 2) victim blame/get angry 3)ignore me/roll eyes and groan
>dad has anger issues too. will act like something doesn't bother him for ages, then blows up in anger about it randomly
>25 year old failure at life, want to kill myself, not because I'm depressed (even though I am) but because I'm defective at everything and I know I will probably never be anything
and honestly there's way more I could say, I left a lot out though because I was trying to keep this relatively concise.
No. 515800
>>354876gotta be one of barnaby joyce's girls surely kek
nah just yanking your chain but i'm a political reporter so I would love to know
No. 516101
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My parents did very little for me. My mom was an alcoholic who abused both my sister and I verbally. When she was passed out drunk, one of the many men she had over would creep us out. One of them molested my little sister and to this day, i wish i had stabbed him. Never tol her about it, but she passed away in my early 20s.
My father was around but only involved in my life when it was 'fun times' and 'going to the amusement park!' so that's all he ever did for me. He never taught me any life skills and it's shit. Honestly, i'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be born even though i am struggling with money and different jobs. I'm trying to get myself through school because i have no one to rely on for financial support. It's just shit that my parents literally gave me nothing or left me any wisdom.
No. 516268
>>508964>>509997I know you wrote this almost a month ago and might not be lurking anymore, but damn anon. Your upbringing sounds so similar to mine it's scary, down to the moldy closet and not having a bed.
I definitely understand feeling worthless, and although I'm still figuring out my own depression and social anxiety, it absolutely can get better. Your value is not decided by your shitty childhood. It sounds difficult with your home life, but I think you should absolutely try to find an entry level restaurant/barista/store clerk job and try to rent a room with housemates (much cheaper than your own apartment). Being self-sufficient and getting out of that house will absolutely make you feel better. How are your siblings? Can they help? Can you rent a place together?
Remember you're not a failure, anon. It's really hard getting out of a dysfunctional life when it's all you've ever known, but you do need to make a plan to get out. It doesn't get better living with the people who fucked you over, even if they promise they'll change.
No. 516885
One thing that has been bothering me lately is how my mom allowed my biological dad partial custody of me despite knowing how neglectful and abusive he was. I think that's because of the child support money she got. Obviously she'll take it to her grave if it's true, but otherwise it makes no sense. I'll elaborate.
My parents had divorced since I was a baby. Mom had always said they were divorced because he was mean. I knew, for example, that he had multiple kids by different women. And that he had burnt down my childhood home in retaliation for my mom leaving him. That he yelled and was mean. As I grew older, my dad did very abusive and neglectful things towards me that I didn't have the experience nor intelligence to articulate. It was my "normal." The most I could ever say was that he treated me weirdly because I didn't know what abuse and neglect were as psychological terms. When a couple of his girlfriends lived with him they tended to treat me okayish. He didn't beat me, right? Yet this man never did shit for my birthdays, never came to school functions, and did nothing for me that required effort. He didn't even have a stove or fridge at his house and I shat in a porta potty until the courts came down upon him to improve the conditions. He'd play mind games with me about these conditions like "Don't tell your mom I wash dishes from a well sprocket in the unfinished basement," or "I cook our food on a propane grill inside during winter," or "You share a bed in the attic with me sealed off with plastic because of large holes in the house and I have no heat." I listened because I was daddy's girl and didn't want to feel like I betrayed him.
It took until I was a preteen to start to see through his bullshit and made demands. Teenage demands like "Take me to the movies so I don't have to spend my weekends sitting in your garage forcing me to watch you drink beer and fix up beaters while ignoring me and isolating me." Anyway, when I started to protest about seeing my father at all, he enacted crazy-making tactics (riling me up in an argument and then secretly recording me during the climax to show the courts that my mom was making me 'unstable' and coaching me against him). I was really just that angry at him on my own accord. Dad hated paying child support, but he figured as long as he had to pay it then by god, he was entitled to me and was willing to hurt both me and my mom for it. That he did!
Anyways, he lost custody of me after doing something particularly fucked up after one of our arguments. Instead of drawing out a lengthy court battle, my stepdad offered to adopt me in exchange that my biological dad no longer be made to pay child support. Of course he took it, that's what he wanted all along! My dad was a sociopath through and through.
For years I struggled to understand why mom thought I would benefit from having this "father figure" fuck up my life. As I became an adult, she let slip bits and pieces of information about him and herself during her tirades. Stuff that she says she didn't want to tell me as a child.
Apparently in addition to being a womanizer, my dad also routinely beat and strangled her when they were married. They were only together for about two years if that, and obviously I was meant to be some kind of band aid baby for her.
All her admissions have done has made me extremely angry and resentful towards her.
1. I feel lied to about who he was. While I was insecure and confused because I couldn't understand why my dad didn't seem to care like other dads, she was playing "good parent" by insisting that my dad actually loved me. As an adult she reneged on this and said he probably never loved me all along. Yeah no shit!
2. She let me go and stay with someone who beat and strangled women!!! Is it any wonder why he neglected and abused me?! When I pointed this out as an adult, her first excuse was that he was manipulative in court and had good legal counsel. That doesn't hold up because when I asked her if she told the court about him strangling her she said no. Her second excuse was "I just wanted you to have a normal life." It's like no, none of it was normal and you know it. I told you as much back then but you forced this situation anyway. It took my dad permanently traumatizing me that anyone did squat for me. Actually my STEPDAD stepped up, not her!
3. She claimed she used to see him abandon me. When I'd be forced to spend my summer vacation with this man, he'd leave me around town to my own devices while he went to hang with friends. It's amazing I wasn't kidnapped, raped, and murdered. She claims she once saw me at some boat docks by myself and how sad that was and how I looked so lonely. Bitch, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ANYBODY?! WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU?! WHY DIDN'T YOU IMMEDIATELY JUMP OUT YOUR CAR AND GO RESCUE YOUR LITTLE GIRL PACING AROUND DOCKS AND ELECTRIC CABLES?!?!?!?!
If not for the money, what was all my suffering for? Clearly I got nothing positive from this besides a lifetime of non-closure, trauma, and questions. I cannot imagine treating my own children this way. I cannot imagine being such a non-advocate for your own flesh and blood.
No. 517653
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How does one get over the feeling of worthlessness caused by narcissistic parenting?
I always struggle with this ridiculous underlying feeling that unless I am a billionaire with 5 PHDs, 2 shiny sport cars, and a house, I am absolutely worthless. I know and acknowledge that this stems from the fact that my Nmom constantly compared me to my peers who were more successful than me when I was growing up, berated me for the smallest mistakes I did and made me feel like I'm not enough, but I just can't seem to let go of this mindset.
The funny thing is, I moved away from home and cut all contact with my Nparent MONTHS ago in hopes that my life would get better, but now it feels like all my efforts were useless because she's inside my head.