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No. 355708
Last thread:
>>>/ot/344853Let it all out, ladies
No. 355725
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>get accepted for an exchange year in Sendai, Japan
>dream come true
>tell everyone
>university administration tells me I can't go cause I would be missing an obligatory seminar.
>dreams crushed
>can't go to Japan because of an useless one hour lesson basically
I just want to drop out of Uni and live my weeb dreams
No. 355727
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>Landlord harassing me to move out
>Have no friends to live with
>All the girls on bumble are so pretty and normie
Should I end it?
No. 355777
>>355764He's definitely leaving, he's already done it. Very irritating to see someone make poor choices like this
Also sucks for those kids
No. 355791
>>355754i really respect people like you, anon. i don't want children (traumatic childhood yadayada) because i know i'm not cut out for it. but people who are like "wow i'm so glad i don't have kids!" to parents who vent about their children are truly tactless idiots. and i'm pretty sure that most people who say "oh it gets worse!" are bad parents who suck at communicating with their children.
your post really warmed my heart, and i bet you'll have lots of wonderful times with your daughter! i wish more moms were like you, your daughter is really lucky.
No. 355809
>>355764Sorry about people being shitty like that, but overall this is a wholesome post.
I'm so glad moms like you exist. Not that I had a bad one myself, but I know many moms/parents aren't great.
No. 355832
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The cat's completely out of the bag regarding what I think of my mom-that she's a narcissist-and unsurprisingly, it went nowhere.
She baited me into an argument today and I took it, and after she got done berating me I told her just what I thought about her narcissistic personality. She said to shut up with my "psychoanalyzing psychobabble bullshit of terms I don't know" and "what friends put these ideas into my head?!" (I have two degrees and am aware of what words mean on my own). That I'm just an "immature pipsqueak" (I'm 27…). And if she's so bad then why do so many people like her? (Contrary to her sheltered view, a lot of people actually don't like her, least of all those who've witnessed how she treats me and anyone who doesn't bend to her every demand).
She said all this stuff while my stepdad was at work, because when people are around, she changes tune. She'd never say that stuff or go so far if other people were around to witness her being shitty. She was even concerned about the neighbors hearing our argument and told me to lower my voice since the windows were open, not because she said shameful shit, but because her image tho.
In my mom's neurotic mind she's always right and I'm always wrong. And if she does a wrong, then I deserved it. And if I didn't deserve it, then she's not perfect. And while she's not perfect, I'm fucking worse. And aren't I just an ungrateful, entitled shit millennial if I dare say I don't like how she treats me?
I want to have the strength to type out the complete pettiness that lead up to my big reveal, but I'm so tired and numb of her and the whole situation.
She blames me for why we don't have a nice mother-daughter relationship and it fucking sucks. It's not like as a little girl, my earliest memories of her being shitty to me, that I wanted a mom that I always fought with. I'm trying to be fair and consider that because of the way she was raised that she is how she is. Or saying that I believe that she believes she's doing nothing wrong.
But, where the fuck does her responsibility as a parent kick in? Parents who blame their children for their relationships (unless that child has some literal mental illness) are weak.
She's weak, and maybe the narcissism is just to cover her own weakness. I don't want any part of it and when I move back out again I'm done trying with her. My stepdad is the closest I've ever had to a normal parent and I'm green with envy over others who have reasonable, loving moms.
Anyway, despite the shit she said earlier she's already back to normal. You'd think the exchange had never occurred, that is until the next time she picks a fight, and then she'll bring up this one and go as far back as 10+ years into when I was a teen in order to ream me. Like what she did today.
She says "I love you" but it's artificial, like a parrot mimicking what it sees other say and do because it knows it'll get a treat. Her trying to hug me and honeymoon me after the fights feel unnatural because she never gave affection unless it was to try to smooth something over or perform in front of people.
I'm never going to have a mom, just a monster that I'm forced to appease or else.
No. 355833
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I don't want sex, i have a normal sex drive but when it comes to the act its just not that fun? there are so many things that are completely more enjoyable.
I don't understand how people aka men are so sex driven.
Its overrated as hell.
Fun yeah? But i have more fun at a theme park.
I've been with a great partner that didn't skew away from oral sex or preliminars, it was a good experience before anyone says i just didn't have good sex.
(why does redpill theory rely on the idea that women crave Attention and As Much Sex As Possible? Thats so fucking far from reality)
Is there something wrong with me? Should i seek out counseling or some shit? Because i feel like an alien.
No. 355838
>>355833I feel the same way. Sex is fun, but I guess I'm a little lazy. My boyfriend's the same way though, and we just don't do it. We cuddle for hours after he's home from work, but I guess we'd rather have it de-escalate into movie watching rather than escatlate into sex. We have full sex about once a month, and oral/mutual masturbation about once a week.
Judging by the amount of people who think having sex three times a week is low, I guess I'm really weird and asexual and my relationship is on the rocks, but I feel fine.
No. 355840
>>355791Thank you so much lovely anon! I too had a traumatic childhood and I vowed to make sure that my daughter didn't go through the same. So I'm doing everything I can. I totally understand your stance though! I support childfree folks, I hate the pressure on people to have kids.
>>355795Some people are dead smug about it. Like it's my fault that I feel crappy because I chose to have a kid. Most of my friends who don't want kids are more positive about it, telling me that they think it's awesome what I'm doing and that she's a credit to me and my husband.
>>355822Yeah… but sometimes ignorance is bliss, especially when I'm already wondering if I should start throwing her snacks from behind a shield.
No. 355893
i'm not conventionally pretty, which has never bugged me before (i actually used to foolishly appreciate that i looked so different from other girls when i was younger), but lately i've been wishing i had more traditionally beautiful features.
i know that i'm attractive and not an ogre or anything, and i definitely could have been worse off than i am. there are people who look like potatoes or have severe deformities, so i'm grateful for my looks in that sense. but it gets frustrating to hear that you 'look like an alien' ("in a good way!!!" they hastily add) or that you look 'unique' or 'exotic' (i'm a white jew lol, it's REALLY not that exotic) instead of maybe being told, "you're beautiful" or even cute every now and then. it really starts to sting after a while of not hearing such simple compliments.
i guess the best way of describing my looks is that i have a very 'editorial' face, and editorial might as well be the same as ugly in everyday life; editorial just looks weird in a crowd of normal-looking people. if i were taller, maybe i'd be more confident in my looks (hell, maybe i could even make a career out of it), but a 'unique-pretty' face on an extremely short body doesn't look the same way it does on models. it doesn't even look good on instagram ffs, where uncanny valley reigns supreme.
i hope none of this sounds like humble-bragging, because it's really, really not. i'm just fed up with being the odd-looking girl whose face doesn't really fit in anywhere. is there can anyone here who relate to this?
No. 355903
>>355853>>355864yep, it's from 'sharp objects', which is actually a really good miniseries.
vid related.
No. 355908
>>355903really good, but honestly kind of
triggering if you have a narc mom/issues with self harm/BDD. some scenes were really hard to watch for me (and I read the book so I knew what I was getting into).
No. 355964
>>355725Could you attend it remotely, perhaps? Just Skype it or whatever.
I don't know how college works because poor.
No. 356000
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There’s a live event going on at an art gala that I don’t have the money or health to afford going to, and watching pics come in on twitter is making me more depressed
I’m not able to drive and what money I do earn goes towards paying off other people’s debts. There’s nothing to do if you’re under 40, and everyone who lives here that is young is a single parent, a ghetto type, or both.
Fuck. Even being among crazy trenders and identity politics would be better so long as I were actually at a university getting education and networking opportunities. I’m /rotting/ in the Midwest and can’t get out.
No. 356092
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I got a sore throat a month ago and I've had a cold sore on the corner of my mouth ever since because every time I eat or say more than 5 words it rips open and the scab comes up. It's so fucking painful and at this point I don't think it's ever going to go away. I'm going to have a weird ass looking scar if it ever does heal. I've used up half a container of lip balm and I don't know what else to do other than stop eating and talking entirely. Why has God cursed me?
No. 356095
>>356092It might not be a cold sore, it could be a fungal infection considering it's been there for a month.
Try looking up "angular cheilitis".
No. 356222
>>356220He's not a neet wtf.
Just ask him to plan and go places with you. Communication, anon.
No. 356234
>>356227>>356222Oh! My idea of NEET was different.
I do ask i really do and i have told him this loads but he always doesn't want to do it or seems annoyed that we have to go somewhere.
No. 356239
>>356234Then get rid of him and find someone who wants to be proactive and go outside and see the world. You don't want him to end up choosing video games over you. I'm a gigantic gamer (kek) but I would never rather play video games and sit in the house all day than do something exciting and go outside with my partner.
People grow apart all the time. You two aren't on the same wavelength anymore and he doesn't strike me as very mature.
No. 356276
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A couple of my students (I teach high school) found my IG and followed it, but I never check it so I’ve only just found out. I’ve blocked them and made my profile private even though I’ve nothing compromising on there. There’s just a consensus among faculty that social media + students is a huge NO—and I’ve shared this opinion with students (bc it’s normal in this country for students and teachers to be friends, which is super weird for me as an American.) It’s NBD that my profile needs to be private but idk, I’m just annoyed that some of them still followed me even though I told them that wasn’t okay/made me uncomfortable.
No. 356320
>>356058Oh this reminds me so much of my time in art school. I dropped out due to lack of funding, but I made two "friends" there who are trust fund kids and 8 years later the milk is flowing.
One, a guy, was really into abstract sculpture. Not the pairing of geometric shapes variety, but the lumpy clay on wire kind with minimal or no refinement. So profound. I don't know how he finished and got his degree, but he did then dived headfirst into the cross fit craze, stopped making any art and became a trainer. He gained 70lbs of muscle that just looks wrong on his skinny frame and did modeling. Now he's trying to be an actor like his dad and has been putting various monologues up on his IG…they're hilariously bad. I'm sure he'll get work tho cuz he has a nice face, muscles, money and connections. His spare house in Malibu burnt down in the fires this year and he promptly set up a gofundme so his friends and internet admirers could replace $50,000 worth of camera equipment and other trinkets even though he has another house he can live in. After much shilling and speeches about "love and light" he's 1k away from goal. I find that so utterly disgusting to e-beg for stuff when your parents are A and B list celebrities that support you that if I don't laugh about it, I'll cry. In addition to that, he's made it his mission to educate the world on healthy poly relationships.
The other, a girl, was like the one you mentioned. Always the specialist of snowflakes, the most original and uwu kawaii goff rave girl before it became a big thing. She would get blasted on coke and molly and make these shit abstract messes that she talked about incessantly as the most emotionally profound thing a human could produce. She would say to me "you're better at figures than me, but you can never capture the emotions in your art that I put into mine." During school, she did do the work and became technically proficient in the foundations but dropped her last year before graduating to go to beauty school. She didn't finish that either and switched over to be an estetician because all of the hair "chemicals were too irritating" for her sensitive system. Did I mention she's also a munchie? She did actually finish that program but then came the saga of sulking that working and getting clients is tough and takes dedication…aka it's too hard. So then she became a make up artiste and went on and on about how there had never been a better MUA than her to grace the hallowed halls of the MAC pro store. This was my favourite phase of knowing her because I got all the once used makeup she didn't want or couldn't wear anymore because it wasn't part of the permanent collection. Then came the acid phase and this is where I woke up and realized that she wasn't really my friend and just used me to feel better about herself and to feel sorry for her. With copious amounts of psychedelics daily (I have no issues with responsible use) she had an existential and identity crisis and came out the other side as a fakeboi minus the HRT. She joined the circus after this (literally) and got herself into a whole bunch of drama with poly relationships and in fighting. She ended up breaking up a couple a month before the girl's baby was due and moved with the "father" (now a girldick) to a highly conservative state to milk the sympathy bucks as a spoonie trans couple persecuted by the evil bigots in the middle of a huge custody battle uwu plz donate. She somehow got herself on disability even tho her parents are from silicon valley money but I suspect they have cut her off in the past couple of years and she now does facebook trans and invisible illness activism, guilt tripped me for not donating to the above friends gofundme, and paints in her spare time. I swear she unlearned everything from school and the drugs absolutely rotted her brain. Every 3-5 months she'll post an update on this one painting shes been working on, her magnum opus, it's a self-portrait with flowers and the rendering is god awful and the proportions are all wrong and that is definitely not a stylistic choice. At this rate, she might finish it by the time she's 50 if she doesn't die of one of her mysterious illnesses first.
As for me, I may have dropped out and done stupid things myself, but I continued to study on my own and I make a nice supplemental income from commissions when paired with my normie job.
Whew, I have never really talked about them before. Felt good to get that off my chest.>>356058
No. 356370
>>356358>>356359>>356361i dont relly want to, id honestly die in embarrasement if anyone knew i watched that show kek. its not very good.
but think bertholdt from attack on titan if he was real, about 10 years older, had lighter hair and eyes, and had chubbier cheeks and giant ass ears.
No. 356444
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>>356436I can't believe there's this mindset in younger people who live in America. There's just layers of fucking monetary concerns in this day and age which didn't exist decades ago, it's impossible to move out young unless you were born in a privileged family and had everything handed to you by mommy and daddy.
>>356439 has the right idea, ignore their ignorant asses. I lived at home until my late twenties because neither me nor my parents and siblings could afford to live alone or separately. It's become much, much more common which is why I'm shocked there are still people garbling out the "independent by early twenties" garbage.
No. 356450
>>356436literally my mom stayed taking care of my grandparents. i grew up with my grandparents in the house with me. i don't get the pressure to move out, i mean unless you have narc parents, but besides that… things cost so much. the parents that expect a child to move out at 18 and even 21 are not being realistic. it's a DREAM, i totally understand, but it's not possible for a majority of young adults.
my boyfriend used to beat himself up over the fact he lived with his mom until 27, he feels like a failure because he's comparing himself to his friends, but i've told him to look at the bigger picture. most of them that are out of the house, live with multiple roommates, have no sense of privacy, and have either part time jobs or they have a full time job but pay most of the bills compared to the other roommates. i'd rather continue living with my parents than roommates because you pretty much expect who they'll invite over and it's not awkward. plus they know you enough to have boundaries and leave you alone.
No. 356456
>>356444exactly. i hate the assumptions from everyone, like, as if no one has unconventional family/living situations. my mom lives with me in the house that i inherited because her house foreclosed, and we take care of each other and it's effectively "our home" though i legally own it, but everyone assumes i'm just freeloading living in her house for free, and it's honestly so rude, and i don't want to make my mom feel like shit bc she couldn't afford to keep her house, so i just have to go along with it.
my doctor makes nasty assumptions about me "moving out" because we both go to each other's doctors visits, and she knows we live together. i hate the assumptions in NA culture, and i hate that everyone is supposed to run out and blow all their cash paying someone else's mortgage. i'd way sooner try to buy some piece of shit condo than rent, ever. at least you can still live in your house if you miss the mortgage for a few mos or live there "rent free" until it forecloses. not just that, but i don't mind spending time with my mom, and we watch out for each other better than friends or a boyfriend would. i hate feeling like a loser for it.
No. 356486
>>356436>>356450I moved out when I was 18 and tried to juggle school and two jobs and roommates and it was an absolute disaster. Even though I kept my head down and wasn't directly involved with the house drama, everyone got evicted because one roommate called the cops too many times over dumb shit and the landlord just got rid of us all in one go. My mom happened to be going through a divorce at the time and asked me to move in with her as a roommate because she couldn't afford a place on her own. It was really chill until I had to deal with friends throwing shade that I was being supported by her, but I just took it because her financial situation is none of their business and compared to what I was paying before, I saved so much money living with her. Not having to agonize over how I was going to make rent and bills allowed me to focus on school and later my career and I'm in a much more successful and solid place now because of it. Ironically, several of those same friends who teased me have become professional NEETs after failing to make it on their own.
It's definitely annoying to deal with the judgement, but try not to let it get to you and do what you think is best.
No. 356498
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the egirl outrage is hilarious because the counter "e-boy" or whatever… i can't put together a guy who fits half of this. i have not seen a guy like takashi69, ninja, and shadbase. what strawman is this?
No. 356527
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>>356498yeah all the eboy memes are sad and halfassed
No. 356533
>>356436The ladies at work would make fun of me for this too. Then I told them how I save over 14k a year, have paid off car, no student loans, and am saving enough to have a sizeable down payment on a house when I get married. Also, implied that American woman have reverse dowrys (bc many of them aren't honest about how much debt they have before they marry and then expect hubby to pay for it). Not to mention actually caring for your parents instead of dropping then at a "home".
Always give em hell if they wanna talk shit.
No. 356593
>>356534It's because they don't actually like talking/talking to women/behaving themselves
I was disappointed about this for years before I accepted it. That nice friendly guy is just for show and it's a lot of effort for them to put that face on. Also guys nowadays have no manners, it used to be only the social retards who asked for sex immediately and now everyone does it (thanks Tinder, etcetera for enabling this)
No. 356605
I hate my body so much.
I was really depressed all through uni. It started when I couldn't play sports anymore due to an injury. Flash forward three years later and my body is fucking ruined from years of binge eating and inactivity.
I'm 5'2" and 158lbs. My tits are sagging and I'm covered in stretchmarks. I am so terrified of showing a second chin that I refuse to move my head certain angles. I try to hide my body the best that I can, but I still feel like a monster everywhere I go. I don't wear anything that shows any skin anymore. I do my hair and my makeup, so I don't stick out even more. The more I look at myself, the more I know I'm just a stumpier, sad looking momokun.
I feel like there is no hope for me to ever be pretty now. I have no one to blame but myself. I wasn't pretty when I was in shape, and now I'm even worse off.
I've changed my lifestyle and it's been helping (I was 178lbs in November), but it doesn't feel like it's enough. I eat 1,000 calories a day, drink tons of water, and go walking for an hour a day. I work out doing the exercises I can do. I use a Fitbit to log everything. I take fatburners twice a day.
I just feel like it will never be good enough to get back to where I used to be. I don't think I'll ever feel beautiful and it scares me, because I have a wonderful boyfriend who's been with me for almost three years. I don't baw about it to him (it's my own stupid fault).
Anyways I'm a fucking disgrace, thanks for reading.
No. 356613
>>356605You need to talk to someone with a professional perspective on how to deal with self esteem and binging issues.
Lots of women who lose weight still view themselves as unlovable fatties even after they become relatively normal, it's a fat girl mentality that has been bashed into your head no thanks to society. Fix it now, or you could relapse.
No. 356630
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Thought this would be a good place to share this. So there's this friend I met on highschool that's starting to weird me out. We were always close but it was only recently we started talking about personal stuff and he seemed really eager to tell me something… so I just exaggerated my sexual fantasies cuz I was so curious about his. We've been talking for months and it's too much to share but the main things I remember him saying were: he wished he were born a woman and fantasized about getting beated and raped in his 'woman' form but 'changed' his mind later after I explained him how women have it hard in life; he absolutely loves dicks but HATES men, so he has a folder full of futanari girls fucking men and other shit on his cloud; has started wearing and buying bras and panties and even sent me pics of them on his bed; that he's a masochist and wants to be pegged and humilliated by girls and a lot of sick stuff
Yesterday he asked me why I didn't judge him or was disgusted at him.. well I WAS but first of all I don't wanna ruin our friendship and his cousin is also a dear friend. Also, it's amusing to hear him talking about his sick fetishes and see those twisted pics he sends me, just like watching a weird ass animal at the zoo. He used to like me and I even thought about dating him once but never again.
All those things are bad enough and make me uncomfortable af but there's one thing that made me feel very uneasy about him. We're both 20. He called me on wpp one day and mentioned his 15 year old friend, saying he found out he had some CP videos on his phone. I got mad and typed that he should tell his parents or send them a message or sth, anonymous or not, or try to talk some sense into him. The boy is supposedly 1,80m tall at 15 and must get very scary when he's angry. Apparently my friend told his gf and she gave him the same response as me. No matter what I said he tried to downplay all this shit and excuse his friend's actions and it made me fucking sick. I tried literally everything, asked him to give me his number, said I'd give him an anonymous call, said he might get in trouble with the cops when he's older but he protected him and not once thought about the little girl in those videos. It makes me sick till this day and I don't trust him anymore.
pic related: the boy wants to buy an 'ahegao' sweatshirt and wear it on street ffs he has to be sick in the head.
End of rant
No. 356640
>>356628Did you notice your face change at all when you lost weight? I'm really really struggling with my jawline and my inner thighs. I hate these the most but they seem to be the hardest to fix.
I know you're not my counselor, so no pressure to respond, I just love hearing what changes people make that help improve their life (like Alivia D'Andrea).
Thank you for the words of encouragement, I'm going to keep at it. The thought of being 178 again makes my skin crawl.
No. 356642
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I feel like I've been sort of treated way younger than I actually am for basically my whole life by my family, and others. I turn 20 this year and I finally start college in the summer (I'm late af I know). I feel like this sort of thinking has made myself feel like I'm younger too. Plus, my looks kinda don't help, I look young in that sort of awkward freshman sort of way, and it makes finding a boyfriend weird for me. My grandparents are the ones who raised me, and they are very religious people so I was very sheltered to the point where I still never curse in real life. I've never masterbaited, never used a tampon, I've only watched porn once, etc. Never drank, never smoked weed, nothing…any time I have sexual thoughts I feel dirty and wrong, like me having thoughts like those are too old for me, like I need to wait until I'm older for those thoughts to be okay (I realize this is very dumb but I can't help it) People probably think I'm so boring and juvenile. I have knowledge about these things but have never been able to bring myself to try them. On top of this, recently I've been feeling so so so touch starved. I've never kissed a boy before but I want to so bad, I just want a guy to hold me? But I'm scared of messing something up or being weird enough to freak them out. I was asked out a couple times in high school but was dealing with so much family drama that I never had the energy for one. I think that not having any experience will make me seem bad to any normal guy. I look at beautiful successful women and want to be like them so badly, but I just feel like a scared little kid. I focus on regrets way too much and I feel like that holds me back from truly living. I'm hoping….hoping in college I can get more confident and try new things.
No. 356643
>>356630Anon if this is actually real you need to cut contact with him. You really shouldn't associate with anyone who is tolerant of that shit to any degree. If he saw real CP and didn't report it he's as fucked.
Get. Away. From. Him.
No. 356645
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i really want to kill myself, but im scared of leaving behind my family & friends. and my animals, it breaks my heart.
but im just so miserable. im on at least 5 different meds right now, nothings working. tried therapy, tried inpatient, tried outpatient, tried different meds, nothing.
No. 356660
>>356658i think its wild that people have turned certain conditions into a """trend"""
like i'm not necessarily looking for you to coddle me and tell me how uwu beautiful!!! this is just a part of my life and you're making me feel worse. it's like everything has to be glorified or fetishized or it's not worth acknowledging. sometimes things just suck and they make you feel ugly. not everything needs an excessive positivity movement; people just need someone that understands where they're coming from. unfortunately, tumblr is retarded and can't seem to grasp this
No. 356808
>>355763I'm not from the US either but no, I can't take the class later unfortunately. Everything has to be in chronological order according to the university rules for my program here.
But you're right anon, this would be a missed opportunity. I'm gonna try applying again next year! Thanks for the encouragement. And it's never too late for you anon! You could always go there to teach English for a year or two!
No. 356828
>>356539It’s less the delay and more that i’ve never been in a fandom with this strict of a spoiler blackout online before. The anime fans are used to being spoiled due to the translation barrier. The Critters will fucking shun you for breaking the blackout.
I’m going to go nuts, all because there wasn’t a livestream. Once fandoms start doing exclusive shit it’s all downhill from there.
No. 356864
>>356847The native american guy banging the drum happened to be a professional victim. he's been to court like 4 times in the past couple years, he mostly goes after teens to claim harassment.
also the group of black men there were israelites, spewing homophobic rhetoric.
No. 356871
>>356864Sauce? I can't find much outside of him also participating in the whole Standing Rock thing.
I agree it's definitely dramatized, there was no violence or anything, even if the trumpfags were being shitty/dumb.
Also don't think there's anything inherently wrong with an Indigenous Peoples' March.
No. 356897
>>356864>he's a professional victimSo you're going to focus on the guy banging a drum and singing a chant about his people? He literally did nothing wrong to elicit the reaction he got.
I'm surprised any woman on this website would stan for these privileged spoiled brats.
1. They were there, first of all, to attend an anti-abortion rally. A trip that their private school fully endorsed, complete with letting them wear political gear (MAGA hats), and they can't even claim the trip was for any other meaningful purpose because the government shutdown literally closed most places.
Why is it such a reach to you that little brats who already don't respect women and our choices might not have respected some dude just expressing his culture?
2. The news articles I've read never claimed the little shits caused violence, and accurately reported how they mocked the man–which they did.
What well-adjusted teens see a person from a different culture singing a song and decide to mock it, make faces, and get in the face of a person performing it?
The performance he put on is NOT provocative to a normal person, even to most conservatives and teenagers.
No. 356900
>>356897>well-adjusted teens see a person from a different culture singing a song and decide to mock it, make faces, and get in the face of a person performing itretard stop with the guilt trip, there's video evidence of the man going up to a crowd of students. the faces the kids were making look like they thought the guy was having fun participating with them, then it turned into to discomfort because he purposely banged the drum in the kid's face for a prolonged period of time.
yes, they were being little shits, but they were literally acting like average jock-y high schoolers.
No. 356901
>>356898You talk like a scrote.
>Israelites taunt kids waiting for a busWhat does this have to do with the guy banging on the drum and chanting?
>kids barely old enough to driveThey're also not old enough to legally consent to sex, but that didn't stop them from attending a rally to tell ADULT WOMEN what they shouldn't be allowed to do with their bodies.
Blow it out your ass.
>"Yall sound like a bunch of dogs, get rid of your lice" They did a great job proving these insults wrong, didn't they?
>Indian ADULTS walk into the crowd of kids beating a drumNot illegal and not a threat. Next.
>Kids were doing their high school chantThey were clearly mocking the guy and getting his face, do you have a selective memory?
>Black men threaten White kids, "don't touch him"…while calling them all inbredTelling someone to not touch you isn't a threat. How much would your biased media be screeching if the brown people touched those innocent milk boys? A lot.
>One kid is singled out, has a drum beaten in his faceYou mean the smug boy with a shit-eating grin who was enjoying the aggression towards that man and didn't even make an attempt to remove himself from the situation if he hated it so bad? Sureeeeee.
>CNN edits film to make the kids seem like THEY did the intimidationSo because they didn't show the entire video it means they ""doctored"" the video somehow. Lol.
>Calls on social media for kids to be doxed, punished, even hurt or killedPeople say whatever they want online, this is well established and it has nothing to do with your precious boys being specifically targeted.
>>356900>he went up to a crowd of studentsNot a crime. Not deserving of mockery. Not an argument.
No. 356904
>>356901'Kay, you are obviously astroturfing or you are an unhinged activist type.
Watch the entire video, moron.
No. 356905
>>356903The kids literally mocked him and said a bunch of stupid shit.
No, they were not all quiet and just staring at the guy.
This has got to be bait.
>>356904I did moron, but please continue to stan for these brainwashed retards.
No. 356907
>>356897People on this site are actually stanning MAGA high school boys from a Catholic school that’s rampant with rape and sexual assault swept under a rug? Teenage boys that were attending a pro-life rally?
Maybe we do need to bring the manhate thread back, I’ll take a million anons screeching about handmaidens than anons defending trump supporters.
No. 356908
>>356905You evidently didn't, chucklefuck.
They were being harassed from the get-go. They were being mocked and berated for close to an hour and they were just sitting there.
The native american dude that is a literal ACTIVIST that's done this twice before actively went up to the kid and started beating the drum right next to him. He was well into his personal space and eager to create a scene.
You MUST be on a payroll, no other explanation.
No. 356910
>>356906>threatening these kidsI've explained-multiple times in fact-how the indian guy who was mocked did not threaten these kids in any kind of way.
But please, continue to defend their behavior while they literally threaten your reproductive rights in a tangible way. They're soooo innocent uwu!!!!
No. 356912
>>356908I did so, fucknugget.
>they were being harassed My reproductive rights are literally under attack from stupid fuckbois who can't vote, and you're gonna sit in your filthbox chair and tell me a few street insults were a "threat" as if the guy chanting on the drum had shit to do with what the other brownies said in the first place?
If you're not a scrote you're one of the dumbest twats I've ever seen on this website, I feel like I should pixel you a medal.
No. 356915
>>356907>there can be no pro-life women>we should take your word for it when you claim rape and assault in the school>we should feel ashamed if we are religious, like being christian is derogatory or somethingOkay jan
>>356910How exactly does them being there for a pro-life rally have to do with what transpired? Why are you moving the goalposts like an embarrassing moron?
No. 356918
>>356916yeah okay, that is a valid rebuttal alright.
Thanks for playing.
No. 356920
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>>356913>why are you so caught up on the drum banging being "harmless"?Anon's bringing it up because it is harmless! Lmao
How are you fucking blind to the fact that the kid was being the aggressive one?
>>356915>there can be no pro-life women>we should take your word for it when you claim rape and assault in the school>we should feel ashamed if we are religious, like being christian is derogatory or somethingWow, either a scrote or a handmaiden.
Yikity yikes scoob!
No. 356927
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>>356922Look at these poor intimidated school boys :(
No. 356932
>>356921Don't bother, scrotechan is just gonna scream about how you should watch the video even though we've seen it dozens of times like it changes the reality of it.
I mean, what do you expect from anons like
>>356915 who thinks we're "attacking their religion" for criticizing their behavior
when it's already a known fact that Catholics aren't known for tolerating others.
No. 356939
>>356937What sort of fucking strawman is this?
Does the life of one take away the life of the other?
I don't even want to go into it, but at least pick better analogies.
No. 356940
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>>356935When he walks over to them, the boys immediately start dancing, howling at him, and surround him, not the other way around. So “intimidated” they are.
No. 356941
>>356933Addendum to your summation:
Women who back up men that want to ban abortions and limit reproductive access for other women are literal gender traitors.
You should believe that the school in question might not be teaching the best educational values if they endorse biased political trips with no actual educational merit that is an attack on women.
The fact that the boys are Catholic proves that they go against the values of the number one adage that their own religion teaches-what would Jesus do-and should absolutely be called out for it.
The actual video proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the boys were being shits.
No. 356947
>>356944>They literally think he is part of the rallySo they're the retarded ones who didn't even know what other rallies would be held that day?
I can see why you defend such geniuses lmao.
No. 356957
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This rapist went to the same school as those poor intimidated boys.
No. 356959
>>356949You evidently are an idiot if you think the 15-year-olds would know about the other rallies in the area, much less that an activist would come up to them with the intention of creating a scene.
They already had to sit through an hour of being called subhumans, mongrels and filthy animals by black israelites, if it were me I'd not even be able to hold my cool when a random guy went up to me and started beating his drum next to my face.
No. 356962
>>356957I bet there are rapists in the school you attended as well. You are morally reprehensible for it, by proxy.
Tough luck. Great argument.
No. 356966
>>356959>15-year-olds would know about the other rallies in the areaMost high schoolers who travel to DC for educational activities actually do bother to research events beforehand, or are at least made aware by their chaperones of what else could be happening.
Regardless of who you blame, the school fucked up and endorsed these attitudes. So odd that a religious school would even allow political attire, when I went to high school people were suspended for wearing political shit, as it should be.
If a guy came up to my crowd banging a drum I'd just quietly watch. If he got in my face and it bothered me, I'd walk away.
But whatever, I guess this is the thread where we'll justify aggressive male behavior both towards women and harmless indigenous playing instruments. Holy fucking /pol/tards, batman.
No. 356967
>>356959Why are you acting like they ended up at the rally by mistake? They are there with their school, representing their school. Have you never been on a field trip before, do you think there’s no rules you have to follow or information you’re given? Not to mention the guy isn’t wearing a MAGA hat like the rest of them, they have no reason to believe he’s part of their rally.
>>356964No, but I am saying that catholic schools aren’t exactky a beacon of women’s rights and safety. Especially all boys schools.
No. 356969
>>356966>violence against womenWhat?
>harmless indigenousWHAT?
No. 356970
>>356964Catholicism does have a strong rape culture, made worse by the fact that it tells women we can't have access to reproductive healthcare and birth control that would at least solve the problem of rape babies.
Just as the rally of what those boys attended is trying to do.
No. 356971
>>356969Poor anon, you still can't accept that the boys were attending an anti-abortion rally that attacks the reproductive rights of women.
Poor anon, you still can't accept that they mocked some dude banging on a drum in
their crowd and were clearly not intimidated nor threatened by him.
Poor anon, sperging so hard you can't even use your words anymore and all you can retort with is BUT DA BIDEO REEEEEEEE
I hope this is bait, like really hoping no one who browses lolcow is actually cow-tier deluded like this…
No. 356976
>>356973No, no, no.
Islam can fucking die in a fire too, it's horrible for women.
But Islamists aren't usually the figureheads of anti-abortion and defunding reproductive clinics in the United States, it's Catholics and Christians.
Nice try at deflection, but you aren't getting out of this.
No. 356978
>>356971watch the video, retard.
You can't go into revisionism of objective reality with an event this recent. You are crigeworthy.
No. 356979
Nathan Phillips, admits he even put himself between the other activists and the boys, who were the ones being belligerent.>Near the end of rally, he said he tried to keep the peace between a group of mostly white students attending a March for Life event and a gathering of about four black members of a religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites.
>Phillips, a former Marine, said the incident started as a group of Catholic students from Kentucky were observing the Black Israelites talk, and started to get upset at their speeches. The Catholic group then got bigger and bigger, with more than 100 assembled at one point, he said.
>Phillips said some of the members of the Black Hebrew group were also acting up, "saying some harsh things" and that one member spit in the direction of the Catholic students. "So I put myself in between that, between a rock and hard place," he said.
> "If their own instructors, their own teachers, their own chaperones, would have handled the situation right from the beginning, it would never have happened," Phillips said. "I would have never been bothered with it."So you got a whopping four black Israelites spouting nonsense (seriously, no one likes them, no one agrees with then, any real activist worth their salt hates those misogynist homophobic nutters), provoking an already riled up group of white trump supporters.
No. 356980
>>356906How were they threatened? "Don't touch him"? That's what you say when
you or the person you are protecting is being threatened.
I'm sick of /pol/ scrotes shitting up this place with their alternative reality, kek.
No. 356983
>>356978Lmao, you remind me of sh0eonhead.
>>356979Well at least the goalposts are changing so it's no longer about blaming the drumming guy who did literally nothing wrong, now the conversation can be about the darkies. Hahaha.
No. 356984
>>356976getting out of what? You are clinically insame.
Somehow the dudes that kept berating and harassing the people in the rally are not newsworthy, but a bunch of kids uncomfortably smirking when an activist bangs his drum on their face is news-worthy.
You are peddling a narrative, you are transparent. At least try to be more subtle.
No. 356985
>>356979>admitsthe man puts himself in these situations because he's a narc
he was being backed by these Israelites spewing homophobic rhetoric, multiple times these men were approached by women who criticized their preaching.
No. 356986
>>356984>getting out of what? That catholic religion has everything to do with this situation, instead screaming whataboutisms over islam when they're irrelevant to this event.
>a bunch of kids uncomfortably smirking when an activist bangs his drum on their face is news-worthyBecause the activist didn't do anything wrong. If the brown boogeymen did it, why didn't they go after them with their mockery.
Are you a scrote?
No. 356988
>>356986can you seriously stop screaming "scrote" any time an anon disagrees with YOU?
>brown boogeymenalso stop fucking racebaiting
No. 356991
>>356988I see you have nothing to say in response to the actual logic presented to you.
>stop fucking racebaitingConsidering how many times "black Israelites" have been brought up, it's a little too late for that.
No. 356993
>>356986Christianity is the scapegoat for all of the worlds ills, but whenever islam does anything (like every other week at this point) then it has nothing to do with religion and we shouldn't even comment on it.
The activist literally wanted to create a scene. He walked up to them and aggressively started banging on the drum right up to their faces.
>are you a scrote?No, why are you keep saying that? Do you really need a justification to report me? This isn't my 1st day on the IB, I know how you function.
No. 356995
No. 356997
>>356993>whenever islam does anything then it has nothing to do with religion>then it has nothing to do with religion>nothing to do with religion>with religionAre you…are you hallucinating? People aren't saying "Islam has nothing to do with religion" they're saying Islam is irrelevant to this situation because CATHOLIC BOYS did this.
If ISLAMISTS did this, I'd say the same shit, but no, they weren't at an anti-abortion rally attack women and some native guy drumming.
Is that fucking clear enough for your empty bullshit head? Sweet christ, pray to your Jesus that he fixes your brain!!
No. 356999
>>356985>>356984>poor intimidated babies uwu he banged the drum too hard in one's face lil angel :(( scawy bwack men!!!1The "black Israelites" are shit people, but in this case, they were the lesser evil, and honestly did nothing wrong. They don't detract from the facts: The man was harmless, the teenage boys
approached him and took a break from their day of being sexist shitheads to be racist shitheads to an elderly person. These other guys are known pricks, but they "threatened" no one and were defending an old man. It's clear who the aggressors are.
No. 357001
>>356991>Considering how many times "black Israelites" have been brought upTwice.
Holy shit how daft are you? That's what they call themselves and want to be known as.
>actual logicI see none but political buzzwords thrown into your arguments
No. 357002
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>>356997Yeah, your kind of activists are always really eager to shit on christianity even if it's tangentially related, but interestingly enough never say anything about islam.
Allow me to be hesitant to believe your motives.
No. 357003
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>>356999so spewing homophobic rhetoric is "doing nothing wrong"? calling a crowd of children in a school related field trip, "future school shooters" not wrong?
No. 357006
>>357002I'm sure as shit going to comment on Catholicism better than I can on Islam because I am an ex-Catholic and therefore know all the ins and outs of this shameful fucking behavior and the culture that fuels it.
I have never been Islamic, but I do know thanks to feminism of how horrible it is towards women. I can't comment on it as deeply as Catholicism, for fucking obvious reasons. (Btw I wouldn't be so keen to call Catholicism "Christianity" because some Christians take huge offense to that).
Your whataboutism doesn't excuse what occurred here. End of story. Buh bye. Your argument has failed.
No. 357009
>>357008amateurish deflection.
Take the L and call it a day.
No. 357012
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>how I picture the faces of the dippy women itt typing out about islam to defend women haters
No. 357014
>>357009They did nothing wrong. Don't verbally disrespect and try to intimidate a random old person if your life will be ruined when someone does it back to you.
>Take the L and call it a day.Go back to Twitter. Cringe.
No. 357016
>>357006What whataboutism?
Catholicism is only tangentially related but you eagerly made it a big point of the whole incident. You are eager to shit on christianity like an obsessed basket case.
I only posited that your type of "people" are never this eager to criticize islam and only ever comment on it in a positive light to astroturf public opinion.
No. 357018
>>356979So white boys got their feefees hurt and blame blacks
No. 357019
>>357010I was the person that linked the full video.
Call it quits already.
No. 357025
>>357016s2g I'm being baited but I'm already in too deep at this point aren't I? Lmao.
>What whataboutismThe whataboutism that occurred when you became angered that we kept calling the boys Catholic, which they are, (to quote you: "an observable tangible fact") and how they were there to impede on the rights of women.
You brought up how Islamists do bad shit to women too.
Yes, it was explained to you, that Islam is bad towards women. However, the event that occurred here was between a native and Catholic boys. Not Islamists.
Therefore you're trying to bring up Islam to excuse and devalue the harm that these Catholic boys did.
I have repeatedly said that I do not endorse Islam, and frankly no religion that shits on women.
I cannot say the same for you. What a pity.
No. 357030
>>357024They chose to listen to them
Just like thise shitheads had freedom if dpeech to go to their rally (when they lose nothing because they are male) and wear MAGA hats, blacks Isrealites are free to preach.
Free speech
No. 357031
>>357024>Whiteys are always the bad guys.White men who tell women, including white women, what they are and aren't allowed to do with their uterus are inherently bad people.
Prove me wrong.
No. 357034
>>357025The fact that they are catholic is only tangentially relevant.
The catholic boys did no harm. They are being tried by the public for smiling when an activist went up to them and tried to escalate.
During that same rally there were several black men that kept harassing people and no one expressed discontent about it.
Yet smiling is worse.
No. 357040
>>357035That's what you've been doing though.
Again, stop with the revisionism. The video is still up, people are able to watch it and see for themselves what transpired. Are you this daft?
No. 357044
>>357034>is only tangentially relevantAm I not allowed to be offended by TWO bad things they did and use the FIRST bad thing they did to make inferences as to why they committed the SECOND bad thing they did? And you get to determine the relevance, why and what makes you qualified? See I can say Islam is irrelevant because literally no Islamic people did anything, that's the difference.
It's not a stretch to observe that Catholics who disrespect women by trying to limit our reproductive rights also don't have a problem with disrespecting an indigenous person, which they didn't.
>>357035Right? And this person never replies directly. The second you call out their bullshit they switch to something else. Can't tell if it's truly a deluded sh0eonhead woman or a /pol/scrote.
No. 357047
>>357030This. If the things they were saying were so horrible, why didn't those "kids" just walk away? They honestly
were acting like filthy animals, lousy cavemen and inbreds. I literally thought "They all look like their mothers drank in the womb" while watching the video. And with the wild, mannerless way they were acting, I'd believe it's true for 50% of them. Their parents need to do better. They're not in a fucking trailer park, lmao.
No. 357048
>>357044The black israelites were at that rally to protest again abortion as well, by the way.
They did way more than smirk and smile.
I don't see you criticizing judaism(?) over it.
No. 357051
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>>357048>replying with something elseSee, there it is.
>but-but-but the black israelites were protesting abortion as wellThen fuck them too! What, you think you had a "gotcha"? Lmao, except they didn't make fools out of themselves to an indigenous person just playing a drum, your snot nosed good ol catholic boys did. They're shitheads. Get over it.
No. 357056
>>357045>so mad he forgot how to quoteShow me where the group of abortion rally attendees were attacked, beaten or even threatened by the old man or the 4 guys who said they were acting like animals and not to touch him. They were peaceful.
Give timestamps. Facts don't care about your feelings.
No. 357060
>>3570561:06:45 threatening an innocent bystander with violence
1:07:40 calls the kids "incest babies"
1:15:20 calls the kids "future school shooters"
1:24:53 is booed when he lets loose with homophobic slurs
1:27:00 "there will be no peace until there is bloodshed"
No. 357066
>>357060>1:06:45 threatening an innocent bystander with violenceHow?
The rest of your "proof" is just unkind words. Don't get rowdy if you can't handle that same heat.
No. 357069
>>357067Considering you've been calling us snowflakes, SJWs, Islam sympathizers, and Twitter nobodies…I don't feel sorry for the label you've earned.
Have fun defending men. Bye.
No. 357071
>>357064By randomly calling me a "black racist" when I never mentioned my or their race in my post. Class doesn't have a race, those "boys" just evidently had none. People should raise their kids to not be trash, sorry if you think that's attacking your culture or something.
>YikesUm ok sweety
No. 357073
>>357069I asserted that only twitter nobodies and woke SJWs are trying to spin the story. Blue checkmarks en masse.
I am defending common sense.
No. 357077
>>3570661:12:00 onwards.
Are you for real?
No. 357081
>>357051ntayrt and i think you're a /pol/ troll acting like an SJW extremist to make us hate their type even more, but… are we just ignoring the fact that the group of grown ass israelite men were harassing the kids on a field trip for over an hour, spitting on them and throwing things at them? at that point i think we can pretty much set aside the conversation about the religions of any parties involved and focus on the physical assault that happened. grown men were harassing a group of teenage boys - how can anyone make excuses for that?
not to mention the only reason the native man is a part of this is because he inserted himself trying to be a mediator between the two groups BECAUSE he saw how violent the israelites were being. he even admits this himself.
No. 357089
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>>357081>i think you're a /pol/ troll acting like an SJW extremist………………..
Did Sh0e smoke meth and decided to shitpost on lolcow today? Serious question.
No. 357090
>>357081NTA, but I really don't care about the black Israelites. There's hundreds of videos of them being douchebags to people.
I just see no reason to attack the old man or claim he was somehow "threatening" a bunch of younger, stronger males.
No. 357093
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>>357081>teenage boys trying to take away the reproductive rights of adult women>n-n-nothing is happening regarding religious institutions hating wymen you troll social justice warrior buh-buh-bakas!! why don't you just focus on the men being aggressive towards each other oh and that one guy playing the drum who didn't act agressive at all?!?! What is this shit? What is lolcow right now?
No. 357095
>>357090>15-year-olds>stronger than an alleged vietnam vet>the latter being the one that walked up to them>the latter being the one that kept trying to escalateMeanwhile
>30-year-old black men>berating, spitting on and throwing cups on 15-year-old males>perfectly fine>it's just words, no blood was spilled.I must be taking crazy pills.
No. 357097
Stop whining. Not a hair on their heads was touched. I don't care about these random black guys being harsh, they should've walked away and stopped shouting and crowding an elderly man if it was so bad.
No. 357099
>>357097>they should've walked away and stopped shouting and crowding an elderly man if it was so badThis.
>>357098Enjoy Alex Jones and Faux News.
No. 357105
>>357081>kids on a field trip for over an hour, they're teenagers, not kids.
they aren't just "on a field trip". they're at a political rally. this wasn't some innocent trip to the museum ruined by the mean darkies and the violent native american man. this is a political demonstration, tensions are high.
No. 357106
>>357100>"Yeah yall better not touch him"See
>>356980A drum being hit near you while you smile is a threat? Just move.
No. 357107
>>357100>barely old enough to driveDisregarding your other broke arguments stop mentioning how they can't drive as if their age paints a caricature that they're meek little lambs. Those boys were the height and weight of the native guy in the video.
They're old enough to attend an anti-abortion rally whereby they tell adult women what they think is best for them. They're old enough to wear political attire regardless if they understand the implications of the slogans they wear.
They're not babies. They're teenagers who should know how to behave in public or else face admonishment. This is the fourth time I've seen you mention this and it doesn't get any less pathetic each time.
No. 357109
>>357103The catholic church of ireland has commented on the incident. You are free to believe what you'd like.
>>357103Every pregnancy carries inherent risk, yeah. What's your point? We stop having kids altogether? Call it quits?
I believe the fetus is a living human being. You don't. We will never agree.
No. 357114
>>357110I'm happy I wasn't the only one thinking this.
But I'm trying to think on it positively. Like our community here knows each other so well that we can literally sniff out when someone is being a liar and obfuscating information.
No. 357115
>>357107So do these teens deserved to get mass doxed by a bunch of adults on the internet? That's all this outrage is about.
They have the right to not move when somebody they don't know walks through their school group. Why do people bring up the fact the man was elderly? He went to the march knowing exactly what he was going to do.
No. 357118
>>357109How nice to them to comment on the incident even though the laws put in place by catholic ideology are what killed her in the first place.
Unless you are doing everything in your power to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies (supporting free and easily accessible abortion, supporting comprehensive sex education) and to help make parenthood easy for mothers (universal healthcare, better maternal care in hospitals, more research into pregnancy and childbirth, supporting things like welfare and WIC to ensure that mothers can feed their children, mandatory paid maternity leave for all jobs) then your belief that a fetus is a life means absolutely nothing to me.
No. 357122
>>357115Where are the mass dox?
The only dox I've seen is of the school's email and phone numbers being posted. That isn't illegal and happens whenever teenagers are involved in a nationwide scandal.
IF their personal dox are being posted, I don't condone it, but that doesn't excuse what they did in the first place.
>they have the right to not moveBut you don't get to claim on their behalf that there was a threat when clearly they're comfortable with not having moved.
>Why do people bring up the fact that the man was elderly?Because you brought up the fact that the boys were "threatened" by his drum beating when it's generally understood that elderly men playing instruments tend to pose no real threat.
In fact, it's ironic that you brought up how the man is an activist and apparently beats drums at rallies to "make a scene," but last I checked "making a scene" isn't a threat.
Yet you bring up the boy's ages as if teenagers can never be threatening or do bad shit on their own.
No. 357128
>>35711825% of all pregnancies result in abortion each year.
Even without all those institutions/faculties to help women, there were hardly any issues just 60 years ago. These issues appeared simultaneously with the oral contraceptive pill and the sexual liberation movement of the late 60s.
We axiomatically disagree, it's a waste of time to argue.
No. 357129
They were insulting the assholes being homophobic. They didn't say anything offensive to the native american.
No. 357132
>>357128>there were hardly any issues just 60 years agoSad how it doesn't ever cross your brain that maybe the numbers were off 60 years ago because no studies were done about it 60 years ago.
Just like how people think autism is some kind of new endemic when the reality is we just never knew shit about autism up until 1908. And even up until then autism didn't become mainstream buzzword knowledge until about 20 years ago. You don't know shit.
No. 357143
>>357132Deaths by spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and labor complications were in fact tallied and used in quantitative assays well before that, by the early 19th century.
The vast majority of abortions today are not because of complications or congenital defects. Don't use the exception to validate the rule.
I believe the fetus is a living being with a soul and the grace of God. I see abortion as murder. That's why we will never see eye to eye. You see abortion like cutting your nails, or cutting your hair. You view the fetus as a lifeless part of yourself, a lump of cells.
I digress, I don't want to make this about abortion.
No. 357149
>>357135a) I am not a man
b) I think there are hardly any issues for people that exercise contraception, take responsibility for their actions, practice abstinence, have strong family units et cetera.
No. 357155
>>357145When did I even imply that? Death during childbirth was considerably more common in earlier times obviously. We only learned about germs in the last 200 years or so.
The church (at least orthodox I am sure of) condones abortion due to complications or defects. You are relieved of the sin by God's grace.
No. 357157
>>357148from the guy himself…
>Phillips said some of the members of the Black Hebrew group were also acting up, "saying some harsh things" and that one member spit in the direction of the Catholic students. "So I put myself in between that, between a rock and hard place," he that that's been covered, please feel free to answer: what did the teenagers do that was offensive to the native man?
No. 357161
>>357144You seem to be confused, which really isn't surprising considering that you don't belong here but:
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Every women has her opinions and thoughts, but when all the alt-right, /pol/ browsing loser stereotypes manifest themselves, I'm going yo assume you're just that, and that demographic is more than 95% male.
No. 357166
>>357110Yes. It's so annoying. They think they're smart, but their shitty, aggro typing styles, memespeak and reaction images always give them away.
Waiting for one of these tards to say this thread "glows in the dark" because none of us are buying their shitty Catholic pro-life trad alt-right waifu MAGA LARP.
No. 357167
>>357160Typing in all lowercases does not make you sound more like a girl. What's next? ":3"? Ellipses?
Embarrassing wastes of air.
No. 357172
>>357159Seriously though anon, do you believe women who abort should go to prison?
If you can't commit to a yes, then you don't truly believe it's murder.
No. 357177
>>357172There is nuance and I am not educated enough to assert what the legal recourse should be.
They are already committing a sin. What our society decides should be the penalty is up to the rule of the people.
No. 357179
>>357177Of course, pro-lifetards never have the courage to commit to their own beliefs and say women who abort need to go to prison.
You don't really believe it's murder. If you did, then it'd be a no-brainer that a murderer should be convicted and face prison.
No. 357184
>>357179premeditated 1st degree murder carries a different sentence to involuntary manslaughter or negligent manslaughter.
No. 357188
>>357184Abortion, by your own logic, is premeditated 1st degree murder. So you believe any woman who aborts should face that charge. If you can't commit to this, you're lying about believing it's murder. It really is that simple.
No. 357190
>>357188Oh, you are a judge. Sorry I hadn't noticed.
Can't wait to have you on the supreme court.
No. 357196
>>357190It's really simple, anon. Why can't you answer?
Should pre-meditated 1st degree murder be punishable with prison time? Yes or no?
Most people can answer this question very easily.
No. 357198
>>357193I believe abortion is murder and a sin. But there is nuance depending on the circumstances, like with everything.
Our priests are mandated to join the draft in the case of war. They are mandated to kill. They commit murder. They are absolved. The same can be with the case of abortion.
You are trying so hard to reach a "gotcha".
No. 357204
>>357198So what's the nuance? Nobody is mandated to get an abortion, it's a choice they make. Nobody gets drafted into an abortion clinic.
You can't answer the question because you can't take your own beliefs to their logical conclusion, because you know that if you do you'll look like a monster. But let me help you: to us, you already look like one.
No. 357210
>>357204I am a monster for thinking the fetus is a human being and killing them is murder.
No. 357212
>>357198Jehovahs Witnesses are crazy but atleast they are consistent in their beliefs. They don't join the military because killing is wrong. They don't salute the flag because they acknowledge nothing higher than god. Catholics have no backbone.
There has also been tons draft dodgers for religious reasons, I'm sorry your priests are spineless hypocrites. If murder is wrong then it is always wrong, no exceptions.
When pro life women put "exceptions" on their beliefs, they're really saying "abortion is wrong, unless something happens and I have to get one".
No. 357230
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Actual vent: I signed up to teach english online using my fb account on a website, and it turns out I missed my video interview because they sent the correspondence about all the shit I needed to know including the interview time to my fb email, which is dirt old and I don't check.
I thought in my application I put in my current email, which evidently didn't fucking matter because they still reverted to the fb account information.
But you know what? Fuck me, I wasn't prepared anyway according to call the material I'm looking at on my desktop. I need to have made my recording space look child-friendly, recorded a demo, and made sure I was aware of all their silly little quirks oh sorry 'tools' to have taught these esl kids correctly–and none of that was going to reasonably get done today because people in my house are watching FOOTBAAAAAALL and all I can fucking hear is shit about FOOTBAAAAAAALL!!! Fuck sports.
I'm fucking pissed at myself and I want to bash my head into a pool of red mush. I wrote an email back explaining the situation, but considering how their mantra on this website is 'be on time' for this thing I'm positive I've been blacklisted and my excuse won't matter.
I needed an income ever since I quit my job in November, my savings are up and if I don't have income by next month I'm screwed on my bills.
Nevermind that the government shutdown robbed me of my interview process of another job I had been working on since the summer. I just found out I passed the exam for it in December when Trump farted about how he was shutting shit down right as I might have gotten the invitation to begin training. I found through the vine that I was to expect delays, but now there's gossip about only hiring veterans and only the highest exam scorers, no one else now because of the cuts.
So fuck everything.
No. 357235
>>357221There's multiple people disagreeing with you.
You have the actual /pol/ tier arguments and use their language.
You are tinfoiling hardcare and are wrong about it to boot.
No. 357236
>>357235again, not the same anon.
No. 357238
>>357236Not the same anon, either.
No. 357256
>>357248The black israelites were the only ones being racists in the incident.
Strawman harder.
No. 357265
>>357098freedom of speech faggot
deal with it
No. 357270 attacked a feminist attending the rally in favor of pro-choice, as well.
Interestingly enough, CNN didn't cover this story.
No. 357274
>>357248>european paganismBecause there's no clear cut hierarchy in pagan belief whereby people could take a passage and use it to look down upon a whole subset of people.
And I mean that for more religions than just Christianity and Catholicism inb4 the self-hating women itt get a buttblast again.
No. 357277
>>357271The actual native american activist that faked being a vietnam veteran actually went on record saying the black israelites spat on the kids and threw caps at them.
You will be unpleasantly surprised when the court hearing invites him as a witness.
No. 357287
>>357282so? Treat them like the Westbro babtist church
No. 357297
>>357290those brats kept trying to debate with the isrealities, which would have gotten them nowhere because that is what happens when you try to debate people on religion in a public rally/ protest.
The school and teachers are fucking retarded and can't use a brain to tell their kids how to protest
The Chaperones were with the kids NOT DOING THEIR JOB and the school failed BY LETTING THEM WEAR POLITICAL ATTIRE.
No. 357306
>>357296Because you don't know conscription starts at 17, the age he would have been in 72.
Because you ask people to do math instead of providing the source that says he lied about being a veteran, a serious charge.
How's US History treating you on the sophomore level, little one?
No. 357314
>>357275they weren't calling the kids faggots, they were talking about gay people.
i'm only going off of the actual video evidence. none of these students said those things, on video.
swear to god, make up more situations that didn't exist to try to protect these homophobes who said, on camera, they disprove of the LGBT community.
No. 357322
>>357316He still went, clearly. Done with your tantrum yet?
Can't imagine being so wrong in an argument you try to assassinate an innocent man's character.
No. 357326
>>357319>stango back to kpop twitter
i don't "stan" any fucking religion, this is an anonymous board. you can't see my post history. jesus christ.
No. 357330
>>357326Lmao. The term "stan" didn't originate in kpop nor twitter.
What a retard!
No. 357340
>>357334I provided a wikipedia article that clearly aligns with my assertion.
Kindly do the same.
No. 357350
>>357348for the last time you absolute retard, we are not all one person.
Your solipsism is negatively affecting your ability to observe reality.
No. 357360
>>357355>you're a tranny Kek, it's come full circle! Weren't you the one whinging about being called a scrote earlier?
Just because I call you a pet name, like the stupid immature shit that you are, doesn't make me a troon.
No. 357363
>>357356>humility Says the person defending a bunch of retarded teenagers in red hats making international fools out of themselves.
On the other hand I'm well liked in my social circles and can't relate to making so many enemies over being a dick to drummers. Piss off, I'm not out to impress you. You're nobody.
No. 357372
>>357370No, you're the troll.
But enough about me. Let's get back to calling the native american a liar, or abortion being murder, or the attack on Catholicism, or literally anything else you've derailed about today.
No. 357374
happens to be native american, anon it's not that deep. fuck. go to bed. leave your computer chair. put your phone down.
No. 357378
>>357373Except being pro-life, talking about "Israelites," and bringing up Islam when anyone criticizes christianity is literally the /pol/ pill and what you've been spouting for several hours.
How fucking weird and delusional.
No. 357382
>>357374I've been posting from my phone this whole time and have multi-tasked several things.
I'm sure you've given your computer a thorough dusting with the way you've frantically clacked on your keyboard though.
No. 357384
>>3573781. the pro-life argument was contained between you and the other anon, the rest of us ignored you while you went at it. 2. they're literally Black Israelites, it's their name you dumb fuck, but you already knew that, didn't you? 3. islam was brought up in ONE post here
>>356973 before you
>>356976 escalated it. you've been at this for over six hours, just fuck off already.
No. 357385
>>357332I have with my black boyfriend that I have married and stayed together for 10 years
I just want to say that it isn't easy, but when they see your kids they start to soften up a lot lol
No. 357388
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>>357367>>357366It must suck to see that history books will see you as the poster child as racists
No. 357390
>>3573841. Spoiler: I was taking a shower during the abortion argument and therefore you were arguing with someone else–as explained to you multiple times.
2. Jews. You can just call them Jews. Israelites is an old fashioned and antisemitic term used by, you guessed it, /pol/.
3. Multiple people thought your Islam analogy was a retarded deflection.
No. 357405
>>357399They will either get retracted and CNN will offer an apology for the propaganda or this will end in a bloodbath.
Leftist antifa scumbags are getting nowhere near highschool kids. Tell your handlers to prepare accordingly.
No. 357406
>>357405>Leftist antifa scumbagsPeople still cry about antifa?
/pol/tard detected
No. 357407
>>357403There it is!
and people say /r9k/ faggots aren't present
No. 357410
>>357402are you going to be like other anon who said every student who went to the school is responsible for one of them being a terrible rapist? the person who made the tweet thread went to the same school. there's a lot of jerks from other schools as well.
>>357392that group was also very anti-gay. read the rest of the thread. i'm sure you haven't seen the almost 2 hour video either, or at least skimmed through it.
No. 357417
>>357414A fake story sparked a debate? We should thank the media, maybe even award them a Pulitzer.
Your "kind" proves daily that you don't care about facts, you care about narrative. As long as you can capitalize on deception, slander, and duplicity, all is well and called for.
Kudos, keep lying and demonizing innocents.
No. 357419
>>357417Oh please like you alt-right scrotes don't do that daily
fuck off back to pol
No. 357420
>>357419I don't care what the alt-right does.
I am a liberal and I am disgusted that your "kind" has completely taken over and infected the entirety of social liberalism.
No. 357432
>>357420>I don't care what the alt-right does…really?
>I am disgusted that your "kind"What do you mean by this?
No. 357435
>>357430And this guy is speaking about it because he went to the same school. Is he guilty for what the school teaches as well?
Yes, religious schools have taught ridiculous things, does that mean every student soaks this in like a sponge and is therefore a future threat? No. Look at the people speaking up about it.
>>357433I'm just saying, this is a practice in some schools. Not everybody participates. Also, not sure when those yearbooks were published. They usually don't have that anymore.
No. 357437
>>357434how can you double down and just say "It's in the bible" to justify
>>357430 with discrimination, slavery and jim crow?
fucking christ psychopaths
No. 357440
>>357435It's the fact that religous schools teach disturbing and devious ideas to children under the guise of protecting them is disgusting.
And before you try and do more wataboutisms, I said RELIGIOUS (MEANING ALL RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS)
No. 357441
>>357438>omg schizo SJW is crazy I'm not votingyour loss loser
Sucks you can't back up your claims.
No. 357492
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me scrolling through this thread
No. 357496
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>smirk while harassed
>get death threats
>bomb threats
>get shot
>blue checkmarks rejoice worldwide
No. 357499
>>357496Haven't read any of the fighting above or followed this story at all but I'm just laughing at how of all of the sources you could've cited you used "BNL NEWS" kek seems reputable
Also who got shot
No. 357504
>>357499This is the 1st time that BNL news appeared ITT. It's a news aggregate, not a news outlet.
>Also who got shotI tried to do the meme (be american, get shot), but I butchered it.
No. 357508
>>357506Hey, thank you so much for referring me to him anon! Bless you.
And once again, thank you for being so kind to do so!
No. 357512
>>357511If anything the guy is such a fence-sitter that both the radical left and the far right hate his guts.
Being a centrist is apparently not okay in current year.
No. 357515
>>357512Being a neutral individual isn't in itself annoying at all.
A Youtuber doing it is annoying and phoney because they go whichever way in order to say the right things on hot button issues in order to get clicks and subs for revenue. They contradict themselves and you can compare the different ways they've flip flopped and talked issues back over the course of their channels. They've got a motive and it's not completely innocent. Being labeled "impartial" and "neutral" in the current political climate is juicy for someone looking to pull the most people from the largest audience even if what they say is objectively not so.
No. 357516
>>357515That's what being a journalist is supposed to be.
You report on the news, you don't create news and you don't fabricate news. And most importantly you don't manipulate public opinion.
This is how low we've fallen. We give a carte blanche to CNN that's been caught red-handed fabricating news incessantly, and in the same breath, we assert that a journalist that doesn't pick sides is phony.
No. 357517
Anyway, if anyone wants to read up on this "impartial journalist" with no agenda, here ya go:
> I just googled his name, I don't tend to browse KF willingly.
No. 357518
>>357510Samefag, yeah. Everyone has a right to privacy, I think it's scummy if you want to be malevolent and want to menecingly ruin someone's livelihood (if they aren't scum themselves - molesters, killers, rapists)
>>357512 agreed, I like his style of reporting. NGL. I think it sheds light on reporting.
Thanks guys whom are commenting, I like dialogue between farmers who can share critiques and a common ground.
No. 357523
>>357519Yeah… Several anons saw that derail.. Rest be assured, there are anons whom are like us (those whom replied to me, without agression). I wish Reddit (in the political sphere) could learn from this. I'd get down voted if this story had a hole or seemed sketchy personally, get cussed out and banned although.
I'm grateful for the opportunity of civility and helpful dialogue between my fellow farmers, if that helps. I'm not confrontational or agressive unless I need too.
No. 357525
>>357523>>357522I am the anon that called you/her a SJW schizo for incessantly calling everyone a scrote/poltard.
This is awkward..
No. 357527
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Would you look at that!
Gofundme for the poor native american that had to endure white males smirking at him, already up and running.
13,000$ already, anons do your part!
No. 357529
>>357524Again samefag.
I could, id have to do it on my acct. The unpopular opinions thread got sperged but people on r/politics, r/history and etc. Over this. There's more infighting than in Lolcow.
This site gets a bad rep from other communities but I like lolcow. Happy to be a farmer here.
Who votes on this idea?
/Sage for irrelevancy.
No. 357541
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No. 357547
>>357546Yeah it's the child "drag queen" that's been hanging out with trannies and involved in a series of absurd incidents.
While the liberals clap and repeat how courageous and progressive he is being.
No. 357549
>>357547sorry for samefag
The tranny in pic related is legitimately naked, by the way.
No. 357558
>>357529>This site gets a bad rep from other communities but I like lolcow. Happy to be a farmer here.Are you new here? Where did you come from? We don't really give a shit about reddit and ALL of your replies should be saged since they're irrelevant to the OP.
>>357551I get the impression you just react to things and scream about libruls without putting any much thought into it.
>>357541Of course, because our site is known for supporting drag queens and trannies. We get it, you don't like the royal them of liberals, you ever think that people here who identify as left really don't endorse either side of that picture?
Anons from earlier were right, this is Wig0nhead style posting.
No. 357602
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I want to die
Yesterday my sis threw a party, everyone was drunk and i was talking to this dude i like who i just met like 3 times before (he's a friend of someone close to me).anyway whe were talking random stuff and he invited a girl friend (a long time friend of him) she was shitfaced, we were so damn drunk and i don't even know when we all started to kiss fml, the three of us, then we went to the bathroom and started kissing.. Then fml i sucked this dudes dick wtf just getting flash backs and I'm so embarrassed i just want to fucking forget all that. When we were saying goodbye i kissed him again and he said I'll write you (on social media). I don't even know what to do, I'm so fucking embarrassed and ashamed.. And i think having something with this dude is just impossible now, I really liked him lmao
Someone kill me
No. 357603
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I enjoy being top and find it sexually fulfilling all on its own but jeez I wanna be rammed so hard that it frees me from my mortal prison.
Im literally aching for it but i was just mad at her for letting the dog on our bed earlier (he was rolling around in some dead thing or something) all the way until we were ready to go to bed again so i turned away from her and now shes asleep.
Like im still upset about it too because i just made the bed with freshly cleaned sheets and it was a long day after a shitty week, but now its coupled with intense frustration and i would really appreciate it if shed just fuck me until i forgot about it.
But like… lol Im also just really insecure about being exposed so even if she did wannatop id probably be too nervous anyway so fuck me i guess. or not.
Also my kittens in heat for the first time and i didnt really understand her struggle until now. Sorry for making fun of your funny looking but wiggles, i was dumb fool
My legs also hurt from moving our furniture and im sad we left our table behind
I could keep venting but i think ive cooled off quite a lot now
No. 357623
>>357606I feel just like you anon. I have no idea why but I've been suicidal for weeks for abdolutely no reason.
I'm at home alone today. I just feel like hanging myself. I've already made a contact info post it note to make it easier for my bf if I do it.
Probably shouldn't stay alone but can't tell anybody.
No. 357633
>>357607If a stranger, especially a man, came up to me on the street and thought they were entitled to tell me what I had to make myself do to become more attractive in their literal nobody eyes, I would unapologetically pick apart every observable flaw they had until they'd become so awkward that they'd leave my space. Fuckers.
I got mad reading that lol.
No. 357642
>>357637NTA, but there's nothing wrong with that response.
>are you dumb enough to think that someone like that would give one fuck what you had to say? People who do shit like that usually have personal issues of their own that they're trying to push through in stupid ways (like picking apart strangers and offering "advice"). Such people need to be taught that those methods don't work, won't take away from their own flaws and are actually rather rude. Sadly, many of them simply don't learn until it happens to them. If you just say "That was rude", they'll just think everyone else is oversensitive or "can't handle advice". If you just ignore them, it means they will do it again.
The more a person's socially unacceptable behavior backfires, the more they will gradually fall into line. Even if they get mad or pretend not to care about the words of whoever fired back, they will learn from the experience every time, and eventually stop. When it comes to social interactions, you usually only get as much shit flung at you as you decide to tolerate.
No. 357646
>>357642It's a man's reponse. As a woman if you answer to these provocation, either they'll come back with anger (dangerous) or they'll take it as a sign of interest and take it a a right to say even fouler things to you.
You're naive to think a man who feel the right to comment on the appearance of strangers will be corrected by you cutting him down. You'll learn soon enough that your personnal security is more important than trying to teach lessons to random men.
No. 357647
>>357646Men are honestly the most fragile, insecure beings on the planet. Literally just ask if criticizing you made them any taller and they'll be on suicide watch. Any anger directed at you is just anger at himself for getting himself into that situation.
If he starts to gets physical, that's when you call for help about this strange, threatening man who won't leave you alone. If possible, get someone else to film for extra evidence, or film him yourself and get him to inadvertently admit to attacking you. No one will defend him if he accosted you and made the first attack.
>You'll learn soon enough that your personnal security is more important than trying to teach lessons to random men.This sounds way too much like a threat from some incel whose only joy in life is cutting down women and knowing many are too scared to respond, kek. Just try it, we'll see who ends up in jail because you think someone needs to gain weight or get fake tits.
No. 357648
>>357647I've tried it, anon. Got threatened and berated for an entire train ride with people around and nobody to help me. Sure nothing physical happened but yeah, I'm not risking it again.
You sound like an idiot 12 yo who has never taken a punch and think they're invincible.
No. 357651
>>357648>nothing physical happenedSo because you fear for your life after some guy threatened to do shit but knew his limits (for the reasons I stated before), everyone else must bow their heads and be meek, too? What kind of pathetic life is that? Don't encourage it here.e
And tbh, failing all this
>what is pepper spray>You sound like an idiot 12 yo who has never taken a punch and think they're invincible.I wish all 12 year olds would call the police when grown-ass men attack them, lmao. I just don't put fervor in helplessness and try to dissuade others from not taking bullshit. I don't "think I'm invincible", I just recognize that I do have options.
No. 357656
>>357651Pepper spray is forbidden in my country, and also, I thought ridiculing men was enough to deter them. Which is it?
And also, sure, calling the police will magically summon them in that instant and avoid you to get beaten up or worse.
Must be nice to live in that fantasy of yours, anon.
Maybe it's my turn to call you a tranny. Real women know that facing agressive men is never worth it. You'd need testosterone to be that reckless.
No. 357662
>>357656>Pepper spray is forbidden in my country, Not everyone lives in your country. I get that that's hard to understand when you unironically threaten people for not subscribing to your world view, but please.
>and also, I thought ridiculing men was enough to deter them. Which is it?You started bringing up hypothetical violence for some reason, and I provided a solution for that as well. Keep up.
>And also, sure, calling the police will magically summon them in that instant and avoid you to get beaten up or worse.I don't live in a shithole country, so I probably won't die if I say "Lol manlet" if someone says I "need to tan".
>Must be nice to live in that fantasy of yours, anon.Better than living in a paranoiac nightmare where I can never say or do anything.
>Maybe it's my turn to call you a tranny. Real women know that facing agressive men is never worth it. You'd need testosterone to be that reckless.You're "more of a woman" for allowing society to scare you? That's real tranny logic, good luck with that.
No. 357663
>>357657Well, if she is, good for her. I'm not ending in the hospital for virtually no reason, that's all I'm saying.
Anon can go around and talk back to random men if she thinks she can take it but I think she's in for a rude awakening when she realizes that those situation turn sour really fast and that you don't get help as easily as she seems to think.
No. 357664
>>357661Someone who shits on people will never learn until it happens to them. If you think it's bad, that's your issue, since no one told
you to do it.
No. 357717
>>357602Why are you unable to start something with him now?
You really liked him so you sucked his dick, seriously nothing wrong with that.
If I was in your shoes I would be happy that things went well. (He was attracted to me, and we both pursued it.)
No guy would even be like, "im not dating this girl because she sucked my dick to early on" If thats the point your trying to make.
No. 357750
>>357637I know this happened several hours ag9 and other anons have fought you over this since, but
>don't you care about how stupid your scenario sounds on lolcow? Hard no.
No. 357758
>>357756We are ourselves worst critics and it's been proven time and time again in surveys and studies that we rate ourselves consistently worse than others rate us.
Even if you are conventionally unattractive it's almost unfalsifiable that you view yourself worse than others view you.
Femcels and incels are a phenomenon that has its roots in psychology, not physiology.
No. 357762
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>>355708>>355725get in contact with your advisor and talk with the administration. see if you can take the seminar when you get back. universities have rules but at the end of the day institutions are made out of people,and people make exceptions and they want your money. they also want other people's money, and the more students who travel abroad and participate in events like exchange programs the better the university looks for prospective attendees
find out who you need to talk to and see if they can make an exception for you.
what university?
No. 357768
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>parents make racist comments about my asian bf
>joke that he couldn't open a jar
>dog eating jokes
>telling me i need to date a tall white guy
>brothers date asian girls
>no comments
>get furious when I bring it up
What did they mean by this? My family is white.
No. 357899
>>357874But also I feel like everyone's tolerance for shitposting has just lowered. Maybe I'm just glossing over stuff but I feel like people used to ignore salty troll type posts more, whereas now everyone is constantly calling each other out and trying to tell each other off.
Maybe it's the rise of call out culture? Maybe it's that less people have spent enough time on 4chan to be brainwashed into being suspicious that everyone is a samefag?
On that note I feel like /snow/ has gotten the most toxic and nitpicky, it's insane there. I don't see how people can be so bored that they need to obsess over the tiniest details of nobodies, but not bored enough to contribute to any good discussion
No. 358006
>>357993I know that reading what people wrote is hard for retards, but
>it's not like it matters. it's just such a pet peeveThis is a vent thread, where venting about "fine" things is fine.
No. 358014
>>357977My only reply was the one you quoted though?
Seems anons here have a habit of picking up arguments and starting shit on behalf of people.
No. 358051
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Will probably be mocked for being a fattychan but here goes.
After watching Emilia Fart's latest video I realized that I don't really see a lot of people in media my size. I'm like a US size 14, so fat, but not planet sized fat I guess? There's the gamut of average/straight sized people out there of course, and there's also the really obese people like Tess Holliday or whatever, but "smallfats" like me don't seem to exist in pop culture or media anywhere. Emilia probably comes the closest, and that's just one girl on youtube. I wish there were more role models on the lower end of the plus spectrum, I guess. Because while I can empathize with very obese people, I still can't really relate to them or the problems they might face.
I know the simple solution is "lose weight." I have a lot of health issues and was even fatter for awhile, but managed to lose 40lbs and get back down to 12-14 which is what I've been for most of my teenage and adult life. Maybe it's not a big deal to most people to have role models their size but it'd mean something to me.
No. 358052
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I have 24 pieces due for the college board, and I hate them all. I pour in all my time and effort and every single one of them sucks. I'm getting little support from those around me let alone my 'art teacher.' I have these huge expectations to do good for this, because my school historically does poorly in the art department. (mostly because kids dropout because they can't stand the miscreant of a teacher.) I know I can do better, I've done better but I'm losing time and no matter what I try it just sucks. I don't know what to do, I'm losing hope and bracing myself for the harsh scoring and to be reprimand on work I know I can do better…
No. 358057
>>358051i love emilia and think she's hilarious, but she's much bigger than a US 14 i think? she looks like a 20-22 to me, but maybe she just looks that way because of the layers she wears idk. but i always considered her one of the bigger obese girls, like melissa mccarthy or the girl from this is us.
i used to be a fattychan myself (US 10 at my highest) and, with youtubers anyway, i always related to trisha paytas, hot mess that she is. she's had tons of surgery of course, but she's never shied away from showing her body, which i consider to be the lower end of obese. plus i admired the shit out of her hustle. i agree tho that it seems like there's representation for every body type in media except the "average chubby" girl (with the exception of maybe amy schumer or something). it's like there's very thin, slender, thicc, and extremely overweight. the jump between kardashian-type bodies and gabourey sidibe or rebel wilson and the like is laughable.
No. 358060
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>>358051I was going to say Emilia looks much larger than a 14, but looking into it I guess US sizes are significantly larger than the ones I’m used to
No. 358084
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>>358057I'm trying really hard to think of "small fat" famous people and I'm really coming up empty lol. It's pretty weird that at least America doesn't have more chubby actresses or singers since the average size there is a 14?
I guess I would consider Adele chubby; she is bigger but still has a shape and definitely isn't a hamplanet. She is the only person I can think of. And maybe Lena Dunham but she's a monstrous piece of shit and definitely not someone ANYONE would look up to.
Maybe the reason only 400lb+ women get famous is because they're treated like spectacles. Like, "look at this enormous person we're treating like a human even though we think they're grotesque, isn't that neat?"
No. 358095
>>358084Role models for slightly overweight women would negate all that money and effort put into making slightly overweight women feel repulsive. How would they sell diet food, certain clothes, and a host of other products if women felt good about themselves?
The truth is we'd buy OTHER things and be happier for it, we're still consumers whatever happens. These companies are too terrified of their bottom line to boost average sized women into the spotlight.
No. 358112
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>>358109What extremely obese women are glorified? just because chrissy metz is on one tv show doesn't mean obese women are being "glorified". shes not on the cover of cosmopolitan in lingerie, she's not selling special tea that makes you gain weight.
im all for "average" sized bodies getting represented in all kinds of ways. christina hendricks is one, theres also rachel bloom from crazy ex girlfriend, theres mindy kailing who has yoyoed throughout her career, there are women out there who are in the middle of extreme overweight and extreme thinness, but its very clear what direction the scale is tipped in.
No. 358114
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>>358112there are average sized actresses out there, but you just have to really look for them. i think emilia clarke has a very average/normal body too, not average as in bad looking, but i don't thin her shape is unattainable or the result of extreme diet and exercise, her arms have weight on them, and shes still nice and even a sex symbol in some ways, guys love her.
No. 358116
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>>358114oh i just remembered another: bryce dallas howard, i remember once her saying shes a size 10 and no designers would dress her.
No. 358128
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>>358124and no it's not "50% is her boobs"
No. 358144
>>357930I did. And I texted him today and asked him but he claimed to have nothing to do with it. Not that he is a very reliable source of information, but I don't know what to think.
I definitely feel like I wasted my time. I was 18 when we started dating and I really feel like I have wasted the best years of my life. Now I just run around having one night stands to fill the loneliness but it only makes me feel 10x lonelier.
No. 358149
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My adult brothers are friends with each other but not with me. They spend time together, trade social media information….but whenever I try to join, I'm shut out. It's very lonely. I feel even worse when I see close sibling bonds in movies.
I know why it's happening, too. I've had depressive episodes ever since I was a teenager, and it's hurt my school performance. My parents would mock me in front of everyone for having less than straight A's. Now my brothers do the same thing. I've tried many times to reconnect with them over hobbies, but at best they tolerate me, just to be nasty to me later.
Can anyone relate? I'm sure some of you have had to discard your family bonds. It hurts.
No. 358153
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I know I will probably sound like an SJW but I really wish ebephilia wasn't so ingrained in japanese media. I am playing through Steins;Gate and it's really great so far, until I reached the maid cafe and then there is Feris who is supposed to be the most popular and attractive maid there. She is described as being younger looking than Mayuri who is already a youthful 16 year old girl. And outside of Steins;Gate there is That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, there's an episode where the protagonist Rimuru and his new dwarf friends go to this bar thats supposed to be full of beautiful/sexy elves and of the elves there are literally two child elves.
And these examples I am listing are very light for both mediums. It all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
No. 358215
One of my friends got engaged and I think it set off my other friend in a weird way. She's always been weird about marriage, but she's few months into a relationship and already pestering her bf about it. He's not ready obviously and she's really manic. And she doesn't even know this engaged girl.
Now she's boring me to death with this stuff, I regret I'd told her anything. I'm really disinterested in anything romance, but she just doesn't care. She's writing me essays about her boyfriend, her exes, should she leave him, should she wait, how are other couples she knows, their weddings, their plans etc like I DON'T CAREEEEEEEEE jesus, this topic not only tires me but it started to seriously piss me off. Write this shit in a diary or go scream in the forest.
And I can't straight up tell her I'm not interested in this topic, because she'll be hurt and bring it up as a proof of me being ~mean~ in arguments later, I know I would regret being honest here. Ugh
No. 358255
>>357317Lol what a loser. Let them be gross together.
Onwards and upwards
No. 358324
Today’s my birthday. Last night my sinks pipe exploded while I was on the potty with my pants down and started gushing projectile boiling hot water. So I had to run around with my pants around my ankles trying to stop it, the water valve to turn off the water wouldn’t work so I just ran around knocking on doors for someone to help. By the time they turned the water off in the building my entire bathroom and front hallway was flooded in about 10 inches of boiling hot water. It ended up going down to the apartment below me and destroyed his new ceiling, witch they had to remove half of it and it’s completely destroyed along with half of my apartment and even went further down to the basement. It wasn’t my fault (it’s a very very old building with old pipes) but I felt so horrible and guilty and was freaking out trying to do everything I could to fix it.
So much so, that I hardly realized, while trying to desperately pump water out of my apartment, that my left side of my face was swelling up. My downstairs neighbor (as we’re watching his ceiling fall in) goes “what’s wrong with your face?” And I was so confused till he told me to look in the mirror. My face was half swollen and huge, my eyes, cheeks mouth. I was like whatdafuck.jpg?!?! So in the midst of all of this they had to call paramedics to see if I was having an allergic reaction or something.
Lucky me, I have cellulitis from an infection in my fucking face and had to go to the hospital.
After all this fuckery, my parents tried to give me a small birthday this morning.
So while I was there I asked for this piece of fur that my mother had been holding for me. It’s a piece of fur from my cat who died on New Years. My cat and I were suppose to celebrate my birthday together and I just wanted that piece of him to hold so he could be with me still. It’s the only piece of him I have left. The only thing I can touch. The only physical thing I can feel of him. It’s really important and special to me.
So I asked my mom as I were opening presents for it. She turns to me and says “oh my god” and covers her hand on her mouth “I think i accidentally threw it out”. It was like a piece of me broke right there, I just ran out and found a dark room and just cried and cried and cried. I was freaking out and I still am. I started ripping apart everything looking for it but it was gone. I just kept saying that “I need it” “this can’t be happening” “this isn’t real” “it’s important I need it now”. And she said she threw it in the trash by accident at work so we ran to her job but they had cleaned out the trash can and I just broke down and lost it. It was so important to me. I miss him so much and it kills me to know it’s gone forever and it’s in the trash all alone, thrown out like garage. I can’t handle it and I’m so fucking upset. My mom was so sorry and felt horrible, I don’t want her to feel bad. It’s just so important to me and I just can’t believe it’s gone.
I could take the flooding, then tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage, having an infection, and everything else. But not that. It’s the only thing left I have of Karl. I just can’t believe my last piece of him is gone forever. I want it back more than anything. I’d do anything to have it back.
This is the worst birthday in my entire life. I wish I hadn’t celebrated it. I wish I had that piece of him back. I know this is long and stuff but I’m just so upset I just can’t believe it.
I just want him back, when i blew out the candles on my birthday cake it’s what I wished for. I hate everything.
Sorry just needed to vent
No. 358330
>>358324i'm so, so, sorry, anon. you sound so sweet and i completely understand just needing and desperately missing your kitty and not having that piece of him, especially after having a rough day. did you guys cremate him? if not, i supposed you still could, and maybe you can and do one of those necklace things so you can always have him near you when life gets tough. i'm so sorry. that does sound like a terrible birthday and if i could i'd try to help cheer you up. i'm sorry.
the silver lining is that at least you're not on the hook for the apartment stuff, financially. that's one upside.
No. 358332
>>358324I'm so sorry, anon.
I'd like to tell you something that helps me when I think about people and pets I've lost. It may not mean anything to you, but maybe it will help you a bit like it helps me.
So I have a friend who studies neurology and he was telling me about how when we're having a moment with someone where we're very in tune with them, maybe because we're both laughing at the same thing or we're feeling love for each other or anything else where our feelings are just very similar, at that precise moment our brain chemistry matches. We're reacting the same way to the same stimuli, so just for a second or two, our brains are firing off the same neurons and making the same pathways. And brains are what makes us, us. Even in science fiction about brain swaps and body swaps and other crazy things, we understand that a character whose brain is in a different body is still the same person, because the brain is what defines us as who we are.
That's a lot of words to say that when you remember your cat and you feel that love that you had for him and he had for you, for a moment your brain chemistry is identical to the chemistry he'd be feeling for you too. In that way, he is still there, just for a second, in your mind.
It may be just a fancier more scientific way to say "he lives in you" but it gives me comfort when I'm sad.
No. 358338
I thought you guys weren't supposed to be derailing about politics anymore
No. 358358
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Thank you guys so much, I don’t have anyone to talk to and I didn’t think anyone would ever read my post. I’m so thankful for your words, it really is comforting knowing I’m not just throwing my vent out into the ether, can’t explain it, but it does. So sorry for the long post again. I attached pic related (Spoilered it Incase it upsets anyone, as he’s very sick in the photo) it’s the last pic I took of him right before he passed so you can see how special he was and still is. I’ll stop after this, sorry for shitting up the thread, just wanted to thank you guys so very much.
>>358330Thanks anon, I honestly didn’t expect anyone to respond. He was cremated a few days after his death and I regret it so so so much. I kept frantically calling taxidermists when it happened but they said they didn’t do pets. I know it sounds weird but I just wanted to still see him and pet him. I handle death really badly especially after my best friend died last year. I just try to shut it out but it’s like this dark cloud that constantly overhead that sucks the happiness out of everything. I keep waiting to see my cat when I walk in my door and when I go to sleep and wake up and he’s not there.
I finally got his ashes on Thursday, along with a clay mold of his paw prints and nose print. I’ve been too nervous to even open it. It’s just sitting here in front of me and I want to open it so badly to touch it, but I know it’ll open the flood gates and it makes me nervous, especially with his fur gone now. I just want to touch him and hold him just one last time, I’d do anything for it. I looked up what you’re talking about and I think I will get it. It’s a little necklace locket that I can carry a piece of his ashes in. So at least they’ll be a piece of him in every single day, and he’ll be there for everything I do. Thank you for that suggestion I wouldn’t have thought of it myself. It feels good to vent and feel heard, so thank you very much.
And unfortunately I own my apartment and it’s a co-op, I hadn’t gotten my insurance yet on my apartment (I applied last month before my cat got sick and I just got distracted) so I have to pay for the damages in full. It sucks, but thankfully I have a high paying job so I can kind of-sort of handle swallowing it. I know there’s people who would go homeless and in debt in these situations so I’m very grateful and just feel very bad that my neighbor had to deal with it.
I spent more than I’m willing to admit trying to do all these treatments to keep my cat alive (it only gave him 7 days) and I would’ve given every penny I own and more just to have another day. But I’m so grateful I was able to have those days with him, so many people can’t afford house damages and vet bills to have more time with their pets, and I feel so badly and guilty for them, I’m grateful no one got hurt in the flooding and that I got to have those days with him. So so so so grateful.
I thought about maybe setting up some sort of fund in his name, to either help people pay for their pets medication and vet bills (so they can have more time) or donate it to a rescue (that’s how I got him, he had been rescued from a horribly abusive home). I don’t know if it sounds stupid or something and I know this whole post is a big rambling mess, I’m sorry. I apologize if I sound whiny or annoying or first world problems kindof thing, I just needed to get it off my chest and I’m all over the place, sorry. Thanks so much anon for listening and suggesting that, really.
>>358332That was really nice and lovely of you, anon. I never thought of it that way. I read what you wrote over and over. Honestly made me cry. I saved it on my phone so I can go back and read it and not forget it. I hope that doesn’t sound weird but it’s comforting to know that I can still share moments with him like that even now that he’s gone, if only for a second. Its a very beautiful thing to think of that you can feel connected in that way, so thanks to you friend as well. I appreciate your words more than you will ever ever know. Thank you for that so much. I hope it helps you with all your loss as much as it will help me. Thank you really.
Fingers crossed for the day that some matrix-like technology is created so we can both re-live and archive our most precious moments.
No. 358390
>>358153I briefly dated a guy that was into loli pretty much exclusively. As much as they try to deny being pedophiles, I could never overlook the time he nonchalantly responded to a news report of a kid getting raped with "nice threesome".
Also, despite getting attacked on Twitter whenever I call the lolishit posters out as pedos, someone messaged me and confirmed that alot of those artists actually trace real pornography before making their lolishit. So they can all go to hell.
No. 358391
>>358334i am SO tired of hearing about this, my god. that's clearly not blackface. their school colors are dark blue and gold, which a quick google searched proved, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they're painted navy blue ffs. my high school had the same colors and kids painted themselves head to toe in navy at pep rallies and big sports events.
now this is a serious vent on its own because i can't escape this stupid discussion about these kids. it's STILL all over my socials, my family is still talking about it to me, my friends are still outraged, and it's even on lolcow. why is there so much focus on this one story when there are so many more important issues to talk about? good god.
No. 358396
>>357755Oddly enough, I saw the black Israelites (the same group from the video who were harassing the maga kids) at the Chinatown metro station in dc on Sunday pushing some poor dude in the face and won’t let him get to the train. They were still there yelling and screaming and shoving people. They do it every week there for the past decade or so. Pushing people, who never respond, being racist, transphobic, homophobic, perverted, everything phobic to every single passerbyer. Everyone hates them and they go to extremes to instigate shit and film it.
They even try to shill these scam oils and perfumes to the same passerby’s they yell and hit (aggressive panhandling).
No. 358402
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>>357760I've just started going through them and bookmarking the ones where you can at least pick out skintones ranging from pale to dark.
There's definitely way more, but yeah. I love dress up games so much, kek.
No. 358508
>>358480That's exactly how I feel as well. I find my bf attractive but there are very few men I've found attractive in my entire life, and they have to fit a VERY specific niche style/personality. It sounds super weird but I've only been into alternative weeby scruffy Latino dudes skinny but with thick legs, absolutely nothing else will do it for me and I have no idea why. Luckily I've been in relationships with the only 2 dudes I ever liked. On the other hand, all types girls are fucking cute to me. Any style, skinny, curvy, tall, short, girly, androgynous, and all races but I have no desire for them sexually. I don't understand it at all but that's just life.
No. 358529
>be me
>live on own from age 19 because abusive narc parents, working a bunch of shitty jobs to get by
>move in with shitty bf several years ago who is depressed and trash, also become depressed and trash, stop working or caring about life
>we break up but he still lets me live with him
>start trying to get my life on track with lots of therapy, finally start doing better and getting my shit together
>meet foreign guy online, we pursue 2 year LDR, i finally get a visa and move with him
>been here a year and a half and still can't find a job
>have 3 year employment gap now
how tf do i get a job? ive applied to literally everything i'm possibly qualified for, retail, housekeeping, jobs that say they need 0 experience, etc, no one wants me and i think it's because im 30 with no schooling and such a big gap in employment, no one even gives me a chance. idk what to do but being a stay at home gf is driving me nuts. i've even applied to volunteer just to have something on my resume and never get a call. i just want to cry, i fucking ruined my life with my stupid ex and even though i'm trying so hard now it doesn't matter. is there something i can put in my cover letter or resume to address this gap without being like "sorry i was depressed for awhile and had to fix myself" or what? should i try to show up to these places in person?
No. 358617
>>358612It’s so hard pretending now. It’s easy as an outsider to say “make new friends” but making friends is hard, and finding people who align with your views even harder now that transgenderism has invaded liberal spaces to the extent it has. You say one “wrong” thing and you’re suddenly this awful person and fuck, I don’t WANT to be an awful person.
I’m sorry you’re going through it too. It’s tough.
No. 358670
When are man-hate threads coming back? It feels so hypocritical that the threads ended because men kept raiding it, so it's like women are being silenced by men, once again. Men get to have their safe spaces full of women hate all over the internet, and we can't even have one little thread where we can be ourselves because janitors think it's too much to handle (sorry this sounds so bitchy Janitors do have it rough with how hard men make it) But that's just the thing, how men raid it so hard that we can't even have this anymore so we're left to stew on our own feeling like we're all alone in this world while men everywhere gang up and hate on women. I feel like my observations about their women-hate are just me against the world and no one else shares this view. I don't know what to do. I'd volunteer to be a janitor but it seems hypocritical because the only threads I browsed were the man-hate and GC, so I don't really feel a part of lolcow. I was so excited when I finally saw the man-hate thread for the first time, I felt like I was in wonderland that it existed and I wasn't alone. I felt like someone was on my side and saw what I was seeing. And now it's like, men hate women so much they can't even let us have this, and the janitors have given in, but in their views, they say that it's because men raid it too much. But to me, it seems that it's another instance of men "winning" again. I hope you guys get where I'm coming from. I hope to see them again. I feel very lonely when I see men verbally treat women like shit.
The other day, there was an article about a girl "have a life changing damage after copying porn" such as double and triple anal. She was in a gang bang and only a highschooler. There were hundreds of comments, and most of them were, "And somehow the article blames the woman." The only comment I saw on the girl's side was, "The only way for her to have such a damaged rectum that she has to have a colostomy for life is if she was bleeding really hard and the men kept going anyway." Yet, it was the comment about how, "this is blaming toxic masculinity again for saying it's the men and porn's fault." "I would laugh at the girl if I knew her for being such a slut when I see her colostomy bag." It made me really angry but I didn't comment… Please re-instate man hate threads.
No. 358682
>>358677This. Plus you guys act really entitled despite constantly breaking rules. You baww about the mods not cleaning up the bait/maleposts like you guys want, you whine about getting warnings/tempbans for responding to bait, you want mods
just for your threads, whine about them being autosaged despite other threads getting autosaged for similar reasons, the list goes on. No one is owed any threads they want, regardless of what the gender demographic of the site is, it's ridiculous! Not to mention this thread is on /ot/, which isn't even an important or necessary board. So no, mods aren't "giving in to men", they're simply not giving into entitled women children.
No. 358690
>>358670>>358682>>358677In one of the first MH threads that were locked, literally no one responded to bait, and things were going well besides the male(s) begging for (You)s. Even though it was actually working out, a mod locked the thread anyway instead of just banning/deleting maleposts.
Aside from that, plenty of anons from the threads asked if they themselves could moderate it, but it seems they were ignored. I don't think it's fair, but we can still talk about hating men in these threads. Just ignore the totally-real-women screaming "femcel" at every turn.
Men suck.
No. 358754
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There is not much out yet but the headline alone made me feel so sick. Doctors and medical staff really have so much power over patients, bad apples are bound to occur yet you don't want to think about that. Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere on the site, it just got pushed to me via samsung news
,also sorry for posting it in the unpopular opinions thread, I confused the two No. 358769
>>358391I'm kind of obsessed with this issue. I think it's scary how an out of context video can open the doors to judgment by random strangers. I have tons of people I know saying these boys should be ostracized for life or that they are nazis. I'm a PoC but I'm sick of the idea that white people are always in the wrong.
>>358600People don't like to admit that they are wrong
>>358612>>358609If you feel like you're walking on eggshells with people just distance yourself from them. It's better than whining all of the time.
No. 358776
>>358771That’s when the dude in the morgue defiles your body instead
I’m being sarcastic, but I’m sure there are plenty who have..
No. 358779
>>358769The whole thing was social experiment and everyone failed. The left shot off too quick and the PR team fired back, causing massive circlejerks to collide.
A real good demonstration of what true trolling is. I would be impressed if the whole thing didn't terrify me.
No. 358786
My phone is fucking up and it's so annoying. It keeps randomly rebooting. I hope I don't need a new one.
>>358779Well yeah, looking at the headlines alone and not watching the original clip, I thought it was pretty certain that an upper middle class white guy would do the thing that people claimed that he did. Plus the Native American guy basically lied about being swarmed by the students when he chose to approach them but I didn't see any reason to not believe him. But I think the real problem was people asking for their addresses. And I saw one crazy white guy on twitter saying he wanted to burn their school to the ground. Not that I think the kids are in danger or their lives will be ruined, but it's scary to think this sort of talk is ok in the US today.
No. 358892
>>358886I feel you, anon, and you aren't alone. A lot of people go through that same thought process and have similar struggles. It can be very difficult to ask for help. The "deal with it" mindset isn't necessarily a bad one to have, you just have to direct it in a functional way. Doing nothing and sucking it up isn't dealing with it, it's ignoring it. The real way to deal with it is to pursue and exhaust all avenues to fix the problem. Inaction, or ignoring possible solutions is the opposite of dealing with it.
I hope that helps. I feel your struggle, it's never easy. gl
No. 358921
>>358914Haha, my boyfriend is a single child.
It's disheartening that your mother is like this too though.
I feel like there is something inherently wrong with women who raise sons. The amount of coddling and effort they put into their son (versus their girl children) is disturbing to me. Then these mothers go on to blame other women for their son's behavior because THEIR little boy couldn't possibly act in such an awful way.
It all feels grossly incestual and toxic.
No. 358926
>>358897Seriously, if you ever tell them that you can be in a relationship without needing to fuck they end up asking "What's the point? Then you're just friends"
There's literally no other kind of non-familial relationships to them other than fuck buddy or friend.
No. 358932
>>358786The kids, their families, their relatives, and even the school admin have received death threats, bomb threats and misc. hate mail.
The school is still closed due to various bomb threats.
Conversely, the stolen valor native-american activist has received support and there are 2 gofundme campaigns to his name, totaling 16,000 dollars as of today.
We are living in a clown-world.
No. 358938
>>358863there is zero maleposting in the gc thread and there are hardly any arguments/spergouts that derail and require mod/farmhand supervision.
You are grasping at straws.
No. 358944
>>358780>>358811>>358863>creating a new community so we can have MH threadsI feel like that's just a one-stop route to making the "femcels" meme an actual thing. We always address how echochamber behavior fucks you up, be it something small like excessive nitpicking in threads lowering your own self esteem, to extreme things like the bullshit mindset that develops in /r9k/.
We're stronger when we're able to argue amongst ourselves and share our different viewpoints. I hope that when farmhand team changes over properly they can open up these decisions to the users, I think most of us don't see how having a MH thread is even comparable to the shit that pol etc threads bring.
No. 358956
>>358893There has to be male staff, or someone is lying… especially since several of the people who actively applied to be janitors/ mods for that thread of been ignored.
>>358938what makes you think males and trannies won't keep spamming with bait and gore?
No. 358963
>>358940because it's a slippery slope to fearmonger that males are everywhere and nowhere is safe.
They were in the man-hate threads every day and they'd completely derail and it would spill over to the rest of /ot/. Not to mention the raids.
Don't you find it counter-intuitive to assert that maleposting is pervasive on other threads as an argument to reinstall the man-hate thread? The whole point is to disincentivize them from posting and preserve board culture. The mods have access to stats about how many unique IPs post in each thread, I am willing to bet there were never that many anons posting in the man-hate threads or else the mod team would have caved already.
That's just my feeling, I have nothing to back it up.
No. 358980
I'm constantly ignored by everyone around me, I have no one to talk to and it's really killing me how lonely I am. I don't have ANY friends irl, just online ones, and the only person irl I talk to regularly is my mom (who's only here for a couple hours a day before sleeping, as she has work). But, I'm convinced people online have me muted, they don't interact with me anymore or say hi or anything. They sometimes entertain me when I'm being about them (showing them things that they like, or remind me of them, or talking about their day/hobbies/etc). I wonder a lot if I'm being selfish, whenever I want to talk about something I'm interested in or about me/my day/etc. they brush me off or ignore me and it makes me feel like I'm maybe talking to much about my interests or something. My birthday is coming up very soon and I honestly think everyone will just forget it again. Even my dad forgot mine last year, and my mom made it clear that she doesn't want to celebrate it this year. I just truly have no one, no care for me. I always try my absolute best to be there for other people and shower them with things that they like/will make them happy, but I guess that's not good enough. Even my cat hates me and doesn't want to be around me. There's really 0 hope for me to get a boyfriend either, I've stopped dreaming of that for like a year now.
No. 358997
>>358963agree here.
>>358990they are more frequent if your shit thread is getting posted on other chans enticing them to come.
No. 359031
>>358980It's not you that's the problem, it's your friends. Find some new online friends if you care to. I'm very much in the same boat as you and I just gave up on everyone including online friends (it's hard to find good ones now because everyone acts so cringey with internet culture leaking everywhere) and honestly, it feels so much nicer. I don't have intense crying spells about being so lonely like I used to because I accepted that I have much more fun by myself anyway doing what I enjoy instead of worrying about making friends or getting a boyfriend all the time. You can't force people to fall in love with you or be anyone's favorite, it should come naturally and let's face it, some of us aren't going to be that person. And usually adults can't make proper friends because everyone already has their set group of friends they made while they were young and in school.
Maybe this sounds narcissistic, but at least it's a step in the right direction towards focusing on yourself. If no one else cares about you, might as well stop caring about others. Still be friendly towards people you meet but don't expect a full storybook adventure to happen.
No. 359035
>>359033I don't know about changing your expression but if you've been in a group for so long then you need to make the initiative to talk to people. I don't have resting bitch face and I still need to initiate
>>358932It might not be stolen valor because he did serve, but he served after Vietnam and someone called him a Vietnam-era vet so misinformation spread.
No. 359056
>>359031I find it hard not to care about other people, I don't really link them to things or spend time talking about things they like just to have it be reciprocated, I do like doing those things, I just wish I wasn't ignored for weeks on end about things that I like/my life. But yeah, I know it's hard to make friends as an adult. It actually makes me even more depressed. I like being on my own, but I'm naturally pretty extroverted so it's hard to completely reframe my mind to ONLY like being alone and spending time with myself, especially since that's been my entire life.
>>359039Thank you, anon. Hopefully I can at least go see a movie on my own for it.
No. 359114
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This isn't a negative vent.
It's honestly so cathartic and refreshing to see a side of 4chan that isn't retarded and someone from /pol/ getting absolutely destroyed. No. 359169
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>accidentally took a 2 hour nap and now I'm gonna be up all night
No. 359198
>>359114why are you posting this shit here? there's no more talking about politics in the vent thread, or did you forget in a matter of two days?
but if we're really going to talk about it, pelosi is a disgusting human being and not at all representative of moderate leftists. she panders to the extreme left and that's all. in that sense she's no different from shitty alt-right leaders, she just serves the other side. i hate nearly everyone in power right now and i'm not at all proud of our president or the shutdown, but i think this news is childish and petty. it's just a sign that both sides are being led by fucking children in elderly bodies.
No. 359224
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>in grocery store with bf
>trying to check out refrigerated section with sandwiches, wraps, other fresh made foods
>a mom and her 3 year old are blocking the entire section
>bf and I wait patiently thinking they'll be done looking in a minute
>bitch isn't putting shit into her cart
>child is screeching and keeps touching all the wraps and sandwiches at the lower level
>mom passively asking child to stop
>child isn't listening
>at this point we've been waiting five minutes and mombie is still oblivious to anyone else in the world
>after several unheeded commands she finally coaxes toddler away from food and they move on
>poor unsuspecting shoppers won't be aware that their food has been touched repeatedly by germy toddler hands
It's so god damn gross. Just because moms are okay with their child's snot and drool encrusting everything doesn't mean other people are.
No. 359254
>>358869Look at what just happened to the unpopular opinion thread. They don't even care about hiding their obsessions anymore.
I'm praying mods don't just neuter /ot/ altogether because banning /pol9k/ is too much trouble.
No. 359266
>>359261Yeah, I definitely wouldn't want anons to be disallowed from posting their opinions or otherwise expressing themselves because some posters that aren't even supposed to be here won't leave us the fuck alone and stop baiting/reposting the same shit for days on end.
I can already see the "Well just don't reply", but that somehow didn't save man hate threads from being banned on their last legs, and I think it's clear that these posters won't give up on starting shit until people inevitably tell them to shut the fuck up, which gives them the female attention they're so starved for, causing a chain reaction.
I just want the janitors to not use the whole "Sorry too much shitposting, we can't have these threads anymore" tactic too often. It gives incels, robots and other undesirables way too much power, and can potentially fuck up all of /ot/ if they decide to concentrate their autism hard enough.
No. 359311
>>359224Had a similar experience recently. My family booked this restaurant that has a chocolate fountain for desert with fresh strawberries and marshmallows. We're sitting there eating and there's this family of like 10. One of their kids picks up a marshmallow with his bare hands and plunges it into the fountain, takes it out and starts licking his fingers. There's no excuse for this because the kid is around 8/9. My family are watching this unfold in horror lol and my mom is like "Surely the parents will say something" but no, the parents come over with the other kids and they're watching as some of their kids are dipping their fingers into the fountain, not encouraging them to use the utensils provided and lifting the younger kids up so they can do the same. I've never been so grossed out in my life.
So yeah never use chocolate/cheese fountains, never get salad from salad bars, never go to buffets…if it isn't coated in three layers of plastic just assume that a child picked their nose and then touched it.
No. 359342
>>359336Some people just have more energy in the evening/at night. Not sure why, but that's how it is for some of us.
That said anons' bfs are being foolish. By 18 I'd identified one of the main contributors to my suicidal thoughts to be not physically caring for myself (sleep and exercise).
No. 359371
>>359335Holy shit, anon. I don’t know how you’re coping with all of this because it sounds so awful and I’m just so sorry you’ve had to go through that. It’s horrifying. I can understand why you’re apprehensive about telling other friends, because that one friend was so fucking awful and dismissive when you told her.
Have you talked to anyone about this, like a professional? Maybe you can see a therapist or a counselor of some sort on your college campus? I don’t even know you but my heart is breaking for your situation and I just want you to have someone in your life you can trust, fuck.
No. 359375
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this image makes me want to kill myself
No. 359389
>>359371Going to be honest with you, I'm not coping that well.
I have days where I non-stop think about these people and if I made the right decision by breaking off contact
like todayI stalk their social media sites and just feel bad because it seems like they have so much fun…
I reported the dudes Instagram for spam earlier bc he uses like a million "alternative model" hashtags and reported his Twitter for hate-speech just to be a dick, that's how I cope kekSome days I just get anxious about possibly seeing one of them in the city or on campus and can't leave the house, which also fucks with my first semester of college.
I have a bf who's basically babysitting me lately because I feel pretty empty and horrible all the time and he's scared of leaving me alone over night.
I recently told him what happened with them and since then he's been trying to get me to talk to a professional but I'm scared my parents would find out because they still get my mail and stuff.
I really don't know what to do anymore
No. 359408
>>359389Anon, you seriously need to go to a professional. These people aren't your friends and they
never were so you just need to remind yourself that you've made the right decision. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can go back to enjoying college and having a healthy relationship with your bf. I've been to multiple therapists and they never asked for my home address, just my phone number to send me texts which you can easily delete. You have no reason to hide or be scared when you see them on campus,
you did nothing wrong. What do you think would help you bring closure to all of this and stop you from checking their social media?
No. 359422
>>359389Seconding everything
>>359408 said. Please don’t second guess yourself for cutting shitty people out of your life, and please seek professional help as soon as you can.
No. 359423
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Bf is being really bullheaded about anime, of all the stupid things.
I really don't like shonen anime, especially newer ones. It's what bf loves to watch though. Relentless fighting and long, drawn out episodic series really bore me. It doesn't help that I was growing out of anime in general and really only had feels for older anime due to nostalgia, but my bf started forcing me to watch a lot of newer shonen types. I played along at first because what was important to me was spending the time with him and absorbing some of the things he liked. I even bought him some merch for Christmas because I remembered his favorite series. Why crush his enthusiasm?
Yet over time I got so bored while he marathoned stupid anime that I would nod off and he would get mad at me for falling asleep. Although it just kind of leaked out of me after being made to binge watch several different series. He'd take offense if I wasn't in the mood so I went with it to keep the peace. Things got so dull that I started to make derisive comments out of boredom, I mean it's not like he was letting me go to sleep or do something else without whining. Shonen anime is notoriously cheesy. Say if there were massive plot holes or such contrived circumstances even for anime, I'd make a comment poking fun at it. He took my comments really personally, as if he were projecting that my dislike over certain details was me speaking ill of his tastes in general even though that's not what I said. He complained that I was "shitting all over" what he wanted to watch, he was being such a baby and it's not like I made comments all the time. It's almost like he knew some of it was legit childish so he hated me for pointing it out.
So I recently asked him to watch an anime I liked, since he never asked me what I was interested in watching. I forced him to watch a shojo anime that's famous for a gorey plot twist and being a deconstruction of the genre, I picked it with bf's tastes in mind. Up until the gore scene, all bf did was whine about how I was making him watch a girly pedo(?) magic anime. It pissed me off because he had zero patience and couldn't even pretend to reciprocate the time I gave towards his shit for a whole episode without complaining.
Next, I showed him an older anime to which he bitched about the animation style sucking when he was being objectively false. He then went on to say he hated older anime in general like Trigun and Cowboy Bebop because "the animation sucks." Right about then I laid down the law.
I told him I had no desire to watch shonen anime anymore and that I was done. He got defensive.
>"What is shonen supposed to mean anon? Is that like Shonen Jump?"
So I told him what the genre is and why it doesn't really appeal to me. I mentioned things like demographic.
I explained again how shonen is a genre stylised by creators, it had nothing to do with SJWs labeling things and the internet having opinions. It would be like getting mad over a movie being labeled romcom or sci-fi.
He calmed down but clearly was still pissy because he knew deep down he was in the wrong for exploding on me like that and trying to make it into something political because of his ignorance.
I feel a little bad that watching anime together has been ruined. Yet on the other hand, I'm happy to leave it behind for the fact that he got so immature about it and clearly can't handle the difference in opinion even if it's given to him gently. Good riddance.
No. 359434
>>359423> I forced him to watch a shojo anime that's famous for a gorey plot twist and being a deconstruction of the genreIs it
Utena or something else? Hope it's not
Madoka or Maho Shoujo Site as it sounds interesting and I've seen those already
and MSS is really bad…. Need to watch it if I haven't already!
Also not sure if you have already posted about this or if your problem is shared by some other anons…
No. 359435
>>359423I can't believe he thinks you would care about his shonen shit. Also he has GARBAGE taste if he thinks older anime isn't good just because of the art style. I didn't even know people being picky about art in anime (none of it looks that great) was a thing until my ex pointed it out so I guess it's only a thing with newer anime geeks.
Anyway, my favorite anime is a shonen show but your bf sounds so boring and like he's watching all the dumb shit. The only thing worse than watching something shitty by yourself is watching something shitty with someone else when they don't want to turn it off.
No. 359436
>>359434I'd imagine other boyfriends are whiny assholes about anime too but I might've vented about the whole him not letting me sleep because of anime thing a month and a half or so ago. I put a stop to that too, it was so ridiculous. Other anons at the time replied about how they had experiences with people who got upset over others not liking their tastes too. It's wild.
It was
Madoka btw. I'm not saying it's a perfect anime and it does have problems, but I really enjoyed it and the first time watching it made me cry. Not other anime post 2010 has made me feel in a similar fashion since.
No. 359439
>>359436Thanks for the reply, nothing wrong with the anime
though I hate how dudebros think all other maho shoujo anime are sweet and happy all the time and that Madoka was THE first to have darkness in it. I wish there was more series like it that are genuinely good.
No. 359443
>>359423The only anime I like is really old stuff (like 60s) and 90s anime. The modern stuff just seems like bland filler with cookie-cutter characters.
making you watch anime is really bizarre.
Reading lolcow has definitely not made me sad about being single. Every boyfriend seems to have some actively weird thing that they impose on you and refuse to change, this anime problem being the most mild one I've read but
still so annoying
No. 359551
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last year i was extremely mentally ill and ended up isolating myself for two months during summer break and only talked with people online. a year ago i started to talk with a guy i met on twitter (only through text). he was a couple of years younger than me, and really seemed like a loser, which sounds harsh, but idk how else to describe it. he was going to join the us military, and when i asked why he was like "idk". turns out the only reason he wanted to go there was so he could get stationed in japan and fulfill his weeb dreams. he just seemed to have 0 ambitions? and he knew nothing about history or culture or politics… or pop culture for that sake. all he did was game and watch anime. at the time i was like "i guess everyone's different, some people just aren't into history and politics" and our friendship continued.
after a while, his behaviour became unnerving. he got jealous when i talked about other guys and would have meltdowns triggered by his insecurity issues. i wish i could go back in time and tell myself to stop texting him, as his behaviour was making me uncomfortable. he literally didn't seem to have any other friends though, so i continued texting him out of pity.
after a while he got more and more clingy and way too attached to me. in december last year he literally said that he was obsessed with me, thought about me all the time, stalked my social media and even had dreams about me (wtf??). i cut off contact with him immediately, but i feel so gross. this is a guy i only TEXTED. we never had a real conversation. i'm just annoyed at myself for spending such a long time supporting such a fucking dumb ass idiot. i feel very bad for writing this down, but i hope something bad happens to him in the military.
i lied. i don't feel bad for wishing that. i am so fucking tired of guys acting like huge creeps when a girl is nice to them. this is why i have 0 male friends. disgusting.
No. 359584
>>359555I feel you anon, it reached 48 C where I live yesterday.
I have no idea how I’m gonna comfortably afford the electricity bill that’s coming after all these fucking heatwaves.
No. 359678
>>359633>>359668No, they need to continue gatekeeping because if they don't the lose representation
Don't believe me? See the #MeeToo movement that was originally made for black girls and now it's a mess
No. 359684
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Things like this (obvious WASP chicks with an obsession with being "hood"/"thug" or even just the words "thug life") are really corny and cheesy.
It's not even like they grew up with that sort of culture and are acknowledging it with a cute, ironic, in-jokey flair. They'd understandably be terrified and completely out of their element if anyone dropped them in a real "thug life" sort of ghetto.
It's like seeing a non-Asian person in a "Crazy Poor Asians" shirt. Just…cringy.
No. 359700
>>359687i've had this happen a few times but you know what? they're homeless. no shit they're in a bad mood. the entitlement to the point of being a little nasty kind of sucks, but also, no one should be homeless, and it's fucking scary, and i get it if they're nasty, tbh. i can't really complain that a homeless person is being a little mean when they're in a very vulnerable position and have nothing and are in danger constantly.
>>359694what a dumb post
No. 359706
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My sister is an anti-vaxxer and one of those pro-life freaks who want to rob women of their bodily autonomy. She believes in the "big pharma" scare and is one of those militantly protestant Christians. She's killing my niece, barely 1, by not getting her vaccinated. She has the flu - something that could very well KILL an infant - and refuses to give her medicine for it, even when the doctors prescribe it to her.
I'm calling CPS to open a case on her for child endangerment, but she currently lives with my mother and her husband – rent free, mind – and part of me is terrified of becoming the evil child again. I only recently became the golden child after my sister because a dependent on my mother.
If she's responsible for the death of my niece, I'm booking a ticket home and beating the teeth out of her smarmy little head.
Fuck anti-vaxxers.
No. 359709
>>359706Aren't they the worst?
My cousin is an anti-vaxx Trumptart and he had a kid outside of marriage with some bimbo who equally doesn't give a fuck.
I believe the child's four or five now, old enough to be starting school. But he isn't. Because my cousin won't vaccinate under "religious" reasons that he cannot prove because he's not actually religious. So he cannot enroll his child into any kind of preschool programs or public school where they live.
He has extreme cognitive delays and I could barely understand his speech when they visited at Christmas. He received books as gifts but couldn't sit still for more than a minute, and he wasn't interested anyway. The only thing he enjoyed was a nerf gun and shooting the family dog and other people with it. Because he sees my cousin with his illegal firearms that he brandishes while stocking up on doomsday supplies Alex Jones style.
He's gonna grow up to be stunted and violent, but at least my cousin feels he's collectively 'winning' something.
No. 359710
>>359707I truly hope they all catch whooping cough and die. I'm sick of them thinking they can just let both their and immunocompromised children suffer because they decided to chug the retard juice.
>>359709My niece is barely one, so I have no idea how this is going to unfold down the road. If I had to wager a guess, my sister is probably going to do some kind of Christian homeschooling, since she won't be allowed in school with my niece unvaccinated.
I've been breaking my low-contact rule with my narcissistic mother to practically /beg/ her to do something about the state of my niece, but all she does is sigh in despair like she has no hand in the game. My mother lives with my sister under /her roof/, where she could easily document the medical neglect my sister puts her through.
This entire situation is infuriating.
No. 359713
>>359710Huh, that's weird behavior for a narc mom. Does she consider your sister the golden child and that's why she's being so unusually helpful to her and dismissive of her negative parenting?
Most narc moms, including mine, abhor it when their adult children stay home and no less add kids to the picture that they would have to grandma.
I hope it works out regardless.
No. 359718
>>359713She was the golden child ever since I can remember, but it's only been recent that my mother's been acting as though I'm "better" than her, or that I'm more "productive" than her.
My mother wants grandchildren and a good relationship with said grandchildren so she can gloat about it to Facebook, and her church group. As far as I can tell, she has been otherwise passive to my sister and her husband's staying there, as long as she gets to use her granddaughter for those sweet brownie points.
When I lived with her, I was either berated daily, or treated as though I did not exist. I was the scapegoat. Now, it's some weird dysfunctional mess that's hard to pinpoint.
My family's always been dysfunctional, I suppose, so I guess it's just par for the course.
Even so, I appreciate your saying so. I'll figure this out eventually.
No. 359724
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I hate that these exist and that people jack off to them
No. 359760
>>359718I'd bring up the fact that the state of your niece is making both your sister and your mom look bad and that people are starting to talk about it.
The fear of losing face can be a good motivator to narcs.
No. 359762
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After suffering slight cabin fever, I've been REALLY wanting to travel so much that I've been watching a lot of VanLife videos but fuck would it be hard like dealing with periods and no shower and toilet (not to mention terrifying as a solo woman). I just want to get the hell out of where I am especially since I could be stuck here forever if I don't get out now. I don't want to have that regret feeling like I missed out on traveling and wasting my precious youth stuck in my awful home-town doing a stupid mundane job.
No. 359781
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I started 2019 with an UTI and now, almost a week or two later I got thrush. Fucking why.
No. 359794
>>358476Thanks anon. They haven't passed.
Felt low today. When I wake up, my face is puffy and my eyelids are uneven because I have extra skin there. The swelling goes down a bit with some cold water, but it still kinda bothers me. I have slightly uneven eyebrows, one is higher than the other.
I took one picture of myself that I liked a few days ago, and I've kept it and keep looking at it to remind myself that I can look pretty without any makeup on, etc. But it's slightly angled like I am a bit under the camera, so it feels misleading. I take some from the front and they're okay but not as nice.
My mum noticed that I was a bit down, and I honestly shouldn't have said anything because when it pertains to how I look she can't deal with it because she finds it hurtful to hear as I'm her child. So between her telling me that I need to get a psychological referral (I agree) I don't think this BDD is debilitating but it comes in waves. But it's gotten worse because she's very upset and she's basically having a panic attack and I overheard her telling my dad that I'm going to kill her from the stress because "every day there's a problem with me". It's sad the only people I can confide in about this are strangers here. My crush cares about my MH but I don't want to talk to him about this because I'm still too shy to show him how I look.
No. 359824
>>359820I'm this anon
>>359823, please make sure you talk about it with your therapist. My memory slipping is one of the first signs that I'm going under again.
No. 359859
>>359841noo when random men greet you, you shouldn't say hello back… it always encourages them. Honestly I just ignore any guys coming up to me in public, either saying hello or shouting shit. Best to do is treat them no better than air so they don't get any satisfaction.
As an edgy teen I used to fantasize that when catcalled, I'd stop - say 'what the fuck you just said???' - while pulling out my pocketknife. And they'd back off in fear and never catcall a girl every again. Lol
No. 359917
>>359907I wish I could divulge more but he was physically abusive, knows where I live, and was incredibly mentally unstable. As much as he pisses me off, I don’t want to deal with the possibility of facing his threats in case he looks up his trip or whatever. I still worry from time to time he may do something like attack me as I walk back to my apartment at night from work. He sometimes fantasized about killing people who “wronged’ him and I’m sure I’m on his shit list.
Anyways, if there’s a lesson here, it’s to avoid 4chan and its faggoty userbase.
No. 360011
>>359972Maybe you're toxic and that's why you don't have any female friends?
Making friends takes time. A few years ago I was in your shoes and things have improved a lot. But you have to put the effort into things.
No. 360094
>>360055Buy research chemicals anon… Its technically not illegal
No. 360139
>>360011I used to be in my teens, I was pretty moody and flipped out a lot. Consequently my one female friend was a compulsive liar and was a skinwalker…of me, of all people. We were both frumplets, idk why she didn't target someone else lol.
But I miss the better parts of that friendship, like enjoying the same media, drawing together, lusting over guys…can't do that last one with my one (1) het male best friend. He lives miles away too and isn't in uni, maybe I'd feel differently if he was.
I guess it is mostly lack of effort now that I'm less of an asshole. A girl complimented my outfit in one of my classes and sat next to me a couple of times reading comics on her laptop, I probably could have made a move but I fucked it up and now she sits far away. I'm a fool. Not that I have the social skills to keep a friend anyway since I come of as awkward and off-tune no matter how hard I try, like an alien or something.
Maybe I should have posted this in the advice thread on /g/. I might.
No. 360150
>>360093But they are supposed to take the edge off your depression symptoms.
I've been on them for 14 years and never felt even the tiniest bit better or more functional. I'm convinced they're a meme at this point. Now I just cope on a mix of beta blockers and sheer willpower. It still sucks but at least it does more than nothing.
No. 360157
>>359972So develop your social skills above those of a 13 year old?
All the info in the world is at your fingertips so you can’t say ‘idk how’. Be better or don’t, but don’t sit around wishing people will come to you.
>>360150How long did you take the meds? At least six months each drug? With therapy and mindfulness? Cause otherwise no drug will do anything. They’re supposed to make things tolerable enough for you to implement CBT, not to solve the low mood.
It’s such a shitty process to find something that works and a lot of doctors never bother to explain that it takes forever and is mostly work.
>>359914Poor kid. People like her dont deserve to be near kids, let alone make their own. What a scumbag.
No. 360189
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I have a phone interview with unemployment in a week and usually I hate public speaking and interviews and such but I'm actually fucking excited about presenting my case about me getting unfairly let go. I want to possibly get my job back and show the judge how fucked up the company can be. Despite being utterly shy, I'm really good at being brutally honest, stating my case, and persuading others when defending myself. Not that I was in the wrong to begin with. Let's go baby!
No. 360208
>>360199Glad to hear you'll be okay regardless of the outcome. I'll keep my fingers crossed that things go well for you, though. <3
>>360200That's fantastic. Sounds like you made good progress. I saw your post earlier today and was hoping you'd be okay, so it's great that you're getting the support you need.
No. 360246
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Was lolcow so shitty this time last year? I don't remember it being so awful… now every other post seems to be
>anon slightly disagrees, cue "hi [cow]!"
there's now a whole goddamn azalea banks thread literally about this because anons think anyone who doesn't care about her or doesn't think she's the most interesting and milky celebrity in the universe is her. the celebricow thread in general is overrun by it. if you don't blindly hate a famous person who you don't know you are that person. there's a difference between white knighting and having an opinion
>anon disagrees with another anon, op replies with a pathetic insult or cop out because they don't know how to have civil conversation or take criticism
usually it's "ok autist!" or "seek therapy/help" or "take a xanax" or "sorry you're too stupid to understand me" or "it's pathetic that you even think x" and eventually devolves into two anons replying back and forth calling each other stupid and saying "um you're the only one who cares! stop replying no one gives a fuck! take a xanax!" "no u stop replying! I don't care only you care! clearly YOU are the one who needs xanax!" and goes on and on….
this goes on for 10+ posts. if you post anything on topic it will get lost and no one will even see it
>constant mini modding and mini modding of mini modding
usually occurs in the form of someone not saging, another anon says "sage ur shit faggot" and op replies "fuck u stop mini modding" and the other anon replies "im not mini modding you're mini modding" see the prior bullet for more info!
>constant bait-taking
it's always the most fucking obvious bait. Yes it's hard to not want to defend your own opinion but there's no point in arguing with someone who just wants to get a rise out of you!
so many threads are basically unbrowsable because of this bullshit. maybe it's the same few anons that pull this, maybe it's a lot… either way it's annoying and I wish mods would actually mod.
No. 360251
>>360246>it's always the most fucking obvious baitAgree that really satirical sounding posts should just be laughed at, but I also don't think it's a stretch to assume people wanna be able to spam their volatile opinions, like the black jew sperg who's apparently come back to the unpopular opinions thread for round two.
If someone 'ironically' posts a shit opinion for hours, defends it for hours, and gets offended at people who disagree with it for hours, then at that point what's the difference between them and someone who has a shit opinion unironically?
They can't really claim it's all for pretend when they've wound up wasting their time all the same, and if they're okay with that, then it doesn't speak much better for them.
No. 360273
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I think I'm ovulating right about now because I'm so horny jfc, being a turbovirgin sucks
No. 360275
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>>360274pls anon let me sit at your table, I'm already struggling enough as it is!
No. 360276
>>360150Are you me anon? I'm on the the whole propranolol and willpower rn.
Last week, my GP prescribed a week of Effexor 37 to get back up on those (it never did much but it was the only one that at least never fucked my stomach).
Now that I'm not actively suicidal and desperate, I don't even see the point in starting to take them.
They'll propably just get me a mixed bag of side effect, bad insomnia and virtually no relief.
The thing is, I feel like there's nothing else to do. Fuck, I wish I was one of those person saying AD make them detached and shit. I've tried so many whithout effect that I'm starting to think it's all placebo.
No. 360277
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I have this new philosophy about people being that I don't think when someone does something bad to me that they always do it out of maliciousness. I believe when someone does something bad, they either don't know or don't realize the impact they're having on me, and are too caught up in their own world to really stop and ponder the effects.
I know the nature of people, but it still hurts my feelings.Nobody's responsible for how I feel, but consideration is still appreciated sometimes.
To make a long story short-me and my friends were supposed to meet up today at one of their houses, spend the night together, and then go out to do something tomorrow for a friend's birthday. They know I've been struggling due to quitting my job/being financially strained/depressed/getting out of a toxic relationship. Anyway I had a job interview and some errands to run before I met up at friend's house, so I told the group I was gonna be two hours late. They said fine, and asked instead if I could meet them at a location an hour's drive away. It was obv a plan they made last minute. Told them I couldn't, because it's not something I could realistically do with my budget, so I just asked for them to text me on their way back later.
I spent the evening shopping for gifts for my friend's bday, occupied some of my time by window shopping, grabbed something to eat, sat in my car browsing the internet, downed an energy drink to stay awake. I just didn't want to drive back home because I was already out and I didn't think they'd be longer than a few hours.
But after almost five hours and it getting really late, they hadn't texted me back. I reached out and asked them what was going on, and they said they were just finding a place for dinner, they were eating unusually late at night.
It frustrated me, because what was the point of me having waited when I could have just gone home?
Anyway I didn't beat around the bush, just told them it would've been nice to have known they'd be out so late and that I was going to go home and meet up with them tomorrow I guess. It's pretty obvious I was an afterthought and they completely forgot, they spent the whole day shopping, having fun, and getting food.
One friend realized it was kind of messed up on their part and apologized, but it still hurts my feelings. I still feel left out and like a piece of shit.
I'm not really mad, just emotionally worn out. I really needed friends to take my mind off things and didn't really get that.
It sucks, nobody did it to me on purpose, but it still sucks.
Asked my boyfriend to call me after he got out of work so I could vent, but he has this thing where he talks over me to tell me what I ought to do and how he thinks all my friends are garbage. Then as he was driving someone cut him off, and he interrupted me to sperg out for several minutes about this driver, yelling and honking the horn. I had to put the phone down. I stayed silent until he realized I was still trying to talk about my feelings before he asked me to continue. Not long after that he was too tired to talk and said he wanted to go, which I can't really grudge because it was a busy night at work for him. The call was twenty minutes. Still, it hurt my feelings because I just wanted someone to tell me it was gonna be okay, not make me feel like a moron who was exhausting someone else with my feelings.
Yet a couple weeks ago when my bf had a meltdown about losing his housekeys, I was there to take his vent-y phone call and drove an hour to him late at night to help him search-keys wound up being in his bedroom, lel.
I don't think it's a full moon.
No. 360293
I hate that PMS symptoms can sometimes heavily mimic pregnancy symptoms. Hormones suck. Spent a week feeling weak and having sore breasts and nausea and was getting paranoid…and then started my period today. I feel like I’m in for a hellish one because my PMS symptoms are never that bad.
>>360288I didn’t think I needed to see a gyno either and was referred to one when I went to the hospital. She was shocked when I told her I’d never seen one before (at 26) because typically you’d go for Pap smears and stuff. Honestly, she was great. I wish she had a practice outside of the hospital so she could be my go-to. Anyway, it might not be a bad idea to see a gyno sometime.
No. 360317
>>360313Pap smears do not detect ovarian cancer; it is referred to as a silent killer for lack of symptoms and clinical test. Smears are performed to detect cellular changes (dysplasia) on the cervix indicative of cervical cancer. An HPV test may also be performed on the tissue sample. The "tongs" are the speculum.
>>360308Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV, but HPV can be spread by digital and oral sexual contact. You don't have to have had male-female intercourse.
Also, like with other bodily systems, having a baseline to compare to in case of problems in the future is good practice.
No. 360318
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i’ve been trying to work out in order to improve my body image for about two years (i’m a recovering ana chan) and recently found out i have EDS and severe joint issues that have been made worse by my exercises. i’ve been recommended low impact, high intensity workouts like swimming and machine exercises (treadmill, bicycle etc)
>tfw can’t go swimming because body issues mean i feel like shit even wearing a tight shirt let alone a swimsuit
>tfw can’t go to a gym because of crippling anxiety
>tfw can’t afford expensive ass gym equipment and couldn’t fit them into my home even if i could
for the record i’m a size 8 on top and a size 10 on the bottom. i know i’m not fat by any means but i’m lumpy and i just wanna pull my stomach area, thighs and arms in a bit.
No. 360347
>>360306Nice job falling for medical conspiracies, as someone who works in the medical field
If you have no other health issues pertaining to something that affects your genitals, you don't need to "get one every year as soon as you turn 16", you barely even need to get cervical or breast exams or a mammogram every year unless you legitimately think you have cancer or it runs in your family, but why are breast exams and cervical exams always shoved down women's throats to get them as much as possible, despite it being proven that a lot of the time they don't necessarily detect anything? I don't see anyone urging people to get their blood tested every year unless they have medical issues where it is necessary, I don't see people urging everyone to get a general physical check up every year, despite it being more necessary, beneficial, and more likely to detect illnesses, but somehow when it comes to gynecology, "ALL women should have their tittes felt up, be cracked open and have some stranger dig around inside you every year!!!it's really important!!"
And before you get defensive and start gaslighting, I'm just pointing this out, if you want to prove something explain in a civil way outside of going "oh wow crazy anon thinks it's weird people urge women to get their vaginas dug in and breasts felt out of every other actually beneficial health screening, must be projecting psycho!"
No. 360355
>>360342I feel you. But you really should just stop hanging out with her. How is it selfish to stop hanging out with someone that you're (mentally) shitting on constantly, someone you are short with, and someone who affects the way you interact with others? Sounds like it would be to both of your benefits to just call it off.
My bf is kinda like this and it drives me up the wall tbh. Except he's not dumb; he just goes on and on and on about mundane shit that isn't important in the overall point he's trying to make. It is truly tedious to be around people like that. Good luck!
No. 360360
>>360347I'm pretty conscientious about my health, and even I agree that getting a pap every single year on the dot is excessive. I remember getting a pap done every year when I was younger because I was told I was "sexually active" and it was heavily implied I'd catch something so something would turn up, even though I was with a single partner consistently and usually for a year or more.
People just love money, and love the type of money where they've convinced people they're doing good on themselves for having forked it over.
No. 360376
>>360347The AYRT said, "every few years" not "every year".
>unless it runs in your familyCervical cancer is not heritable. The vast majority of cases are caused by HPV. One's risk factors for exposure and for developing HPV (eg. concomitant conditions) should be given the most weight in deciding how frequently to be tested for HPV and receive Pap smears.
No. 360382
>>360318It might sound stupid but what about going for walks? Or even hikes if you live in an area with good trails, but I'm not sure if that would be a lot of stress on your joints. Obviously just walking won't really make you a fit goddess but it can help to slim down a little, especially if you cut out junk food/snacks too.
If you live in an unsafe area to walk around in you could try mall walking. It's a safe, climate controlled environment and you can pass the time by window shopping. Idk about every mall, but the one in my area opens its doors super early specifically for mall walkers. So if you feel uncomfortable going during normal hours when everyone is shopping you can go in the early morning, the only people there will be a couple of janitors and some elderly people who won't give a shit about you.
Good luck, anon. I know how much it sucks to deal with body image issues and I hope you succeed in your goals!
No. 360386
>>360376That's what I said … But you ignored most of my post anyway so no point of trying
Still need an explaination as to why procedures that involves looking up women's vaginas, digging around in them, and feeling their breasts are constantly being shoved down everyone's throat despite them being unnecessary for the most part (key word, for the most part, so you don't try to claim I said they're unnecessary all together) but actual helpful procedures aren't
Hell most of these bitches will live completely sedentary and eat fast food for breakfast lunch and dinner but hey, at least you know you don't have any sort of cancers in your breast or cervix, just comes to show what the sudden weird obsession with reproductive health is about
No. 360389
>>360386Were you not accusing
>>360306 of "falling for medical conspiracies" to get checked every year?
No. 360390
>>360387God that sounds like a wreck, I can't imagine being a neighbor of theirs who has to work weekends.
Did the police do anything at all? Or did they get their asses covered bc someone in the house is an ex-cop?
No. 360393
>>360391She literally said "every few years".
I don't know where you live, but in the US none of the recommendations put forth by all the medical organizations I can think of specify annual pelvic exams, Pap tests, or breast exams for healthy women. But they all recommend annual physicals.
No. 360394
>>360362>>360368Ugh, this reminds me of when I got a physical from a male doctor. He did a full breast and vaginal exam. He said my shoulders looked good………. In fact those two things were the most thorough parts of the physical. Everything else was just "we took some blood, we'll call if anything goes wrong". It makes me sick to think about. He also would talk down on my family situation every time I saw him after an initial appointment where I opened up about my depression. My father had left the country and I swear to god this doctor was trying to take advantage of what he thought was a weak and lost young woman.
I never went back to him again. Disgusting.
No. 360399
>>360362>>360394dude what the fuck
i saw a gyno for the first time last year and she was a woman and very professional and didn't say a word about any opinion of my body parts… she made me feel very comfortable and not judged at all. my mom had to get her left breast biopsied late last year and all the female nurses were very nice, but the male doctor walked in when my mom was pretty much ready for the biopsy with her tit out and first thing he said was "do i know you?"
sorry but i would advise to never see a male doctor for anything related to female health. i may sound wacky but i only ever see female health professionals. men make me way too nervous because in my past experience, they almost always say something weird or they're douchey. when i saw a male dermotologist i hated him so much, he bragged about the things he was able to afford all the time and was weird towards me. never saw a male doctor again.
No. 360407
>>360390I’m not sure what exactly they did, though I do know more than one person called just from talking with our neighbors.
We’re in Orange County, so I have no idea if they have ‘connections’ in our network as well. I don’t doubt it, but there’s always that possibly. Our police department is pretty nice, and we don’t really have many issues since we’re in a sleepy suburb…
I’m waiting for my grandfather to give them a mouthful since the dad is a two faced manlet.
No. 360433
>>360422From my personal experience of being in your position as well as your friends' position, if your friends are concerned you should listen. Maybe because it is your first relationship without outward signs of red flags you're missing something. IMO you would be stupid to ghost your friends over this. Who knows what could happen in your relationship but as you said it's hard to find good friends.
>8 years older, both in your 20sAre you talking about the age difference between you and your boyfriend or you and your friend? If it's between you and your boyfriend, you're 20 or 21 and he's 28 or 29? That
is a significant difference. You're incredibly young. It's not as big of a deal once you're in your late 20s or 30s but 21 and 29 are completely different stages in life
No. 360437
>>360382i appreciate this anon, thank you!
i’ve been doing walks almost daily, cut out all shitty food and drinks etc. the problem with walking is that i have fallen arches or “flat feet” which makes walking around for too long super painful for me, but little ten minute walks are fine! i just want to lose weight faster is all, i’ve heard ab belts work so that’s my next resort. again thank you!
No. 360451
>>360425I'm not going to ghost them because they're all I have once he's gone. I never have expectations for relationships to last, it just hurts that they're acting this way toward me. One of them confronted me about it and when I asked why she thinks he's a problem she couldn't give any reason except for two things she heard him say out of context a long time ago. She's the same age as me and marrying a guy she's known for less than a year because he has money but somehow I'm the one with a bad relationship. It's confusing as hell for me. I've had a hard life and they all know it, I have my issues but I'm not as naive as they're making me out to be. Most people my age have not had to raise and provide for their own siblings or been homeless and alone as teenagers. I didn't have any parents to get me back on my feet as a functional adult. I did it myself.
>>360433Read above, they have been talking behind my back but only the one confronted me and didn't bring up any consistent behavior she has a problem with. All of this made me analyze our relationship heavily. I couldn't think of any times where he took advantage of me or made me feel insecure or shitty. He pissed me off a few times early on but I confronted him and drew the lines very clear. He hasn't repeated those mistakes. I got with him when I was 20 and he was 27. It is a pretty large gap and I have been super careful ever since we started dating. I talk about our relationship in therapy and my therapist has never been worried. I tell her way more about my relationship than I tell my friends so I don't know what to think.
I'm not completely dismissing them. But from my POV, how I feel, how my therapist sees it… it seems like the one friend doesn't like him because they butted heads and she made him out to be some villain behind my back. And now there's nothing I can do to feel right - I cut him off to appease my friends and not only lose a great boyfriend but an awesome friend I'd have hoped to stay in contact with if we ever parted ways. Or I stay with him and everyone thinks I'm stuck in a cycle of abuse with an asian r kelly. They think I'm being taken advantage of and I can't defend myself.
No. 360458
>>360451>they have been talking behind my backBased on what you said you don't seem like you would be receptive to confrontation or criticism, so I can't really blame them. I find it hard to believe that your friends feel this way without rhyme or reason. Like you said, you've always been in abusive relationships, so they want to look out for you and make sure you're ok.
Obviously I don't know the details of your situation in full but we are prone to omit details which we think might not work in our favor or the favor of someone we're defending. What your therapist says without knowing you and your boyfriend on a personal level is not bible truth. Be truthful with yourself in evaluating your relationship. Having a difficult past doesn't mean you are or have to be years more mature than you really are. Talk to your friends about it. Talk to your boyfriend about it. Give it time.
No. 360459
>>360399Reminds me of when I had my breasts checked at 14 and it was some old guy. I was with my mother and she was obviously surprised so she asked politely if there was a female doctor available, and he just kind of gaslit her about how it's his job and he does it everyday and how his daughter of a similar age wouldn't make a deal about it (?). I went through with it and other than him being abrupt and having very cold hands it was ok, but afterwards we were both really shaken and upset about his demeanor.
That said, at 19 I had a male doc do a gyno check in a clinic who was incredibly patient and understanding. I also had a mean female nurse who pretty much told me to get over myself when my inflamed cervix hurt during an examination. Pap smears suck.
No. 360470
>>360466yep, most medical directories let you choose if you prefer a female or male doctor.
i remember going in for my gyno for the first time and they asked me out loud if i was sure if i wanted to be seen because the only gyno they had in that day was male. i had a choice to reschedule at no cost.
No. 360512
>>360423I wasn’t expecting anyone to get arrested, lmao. I know the police are limited in their capacity and I’m hopefully not demanding anything unrealistic. As long as it doesn’t happen again, I can deal with it. It’s just annoying and they are constantly being stupid. They have done worse things in the past so I guess they’re bored! Not enough attention I suppose.
>>360416It is what it is. I can’t stop them from being stupid, we just have to take it one day at a time. I feel much better today, I was just so frustrated and tired this morning. I’m glad I could vent.
No. 360677
>>360659>>360653I second this notion.
Currently really stressed out because I moved overseas and we are somewhat low on funds but not really. We're just nervous because all three of us living together are all unemployed and as days go on so do funds. I'm currently eating instant noodles and drinking water so I honestly have no issues but damn is it ever scary being in a city with no security. Hopefully on tuesday we get our call backs for jobs and an apartment. I'm being really hopeful and positive.
No. 360707
>>360693Are you fulfilled in your personal life outside of your partner?
That should be more of a concern than doing cute couple stuff.
No. 360712
>>360707I know it's stupid. I'm not that much of a romantic person myself anyway. I guess it's drilled by movies and TV shows that flowers, trips and grand gestures make prove you have a good relationship.
Hell, we've been together 8 years, support never wavered and it's not like I fucking care about getting roses.
I still feel sad and unwanted not being up to those insane expectations.
No. 360749
>>360743I second this, there are almost always adult bridging programs or pathway programs even if you don't have a high school diploma. Sometimes big universities offer those programs but even if those in your area don't, there are always community/junior/2-year colleges,in the US and Canada they're pretty accessible. If you're following the british patterned education, adults can still do six form, I believe you can redo some A levels online, same goes for AP classes online.
Just remember that your government ideally doesn't want unskilled workers in the first place, and with automation about to wipe out 30-40% of jobs within our lifetime, they will typically have programs in place to make sure you upgrade your skills and remain employable.
It sounds like you're going through a really rough time anon but education can completely transform your life, perspectives and self-esteem. You don't need to be with a man you don't love.
No. 360791
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my mom is just… such a messy, unorganized person and won't admit it even though she knows it.
i may be a huge neat freak, but god it's irritating. we get along fine but my mom runs an Etsy store. I really like her hobby of going to estate sales and buying things to decorate the house with, and she got REALLY into it all about a few years ago. She actually makes a lot of money off of selling stuff, since a lot of places she buys from sells so low. we are well off, have a nice house (when it's fucking CLEAN for once), and what she does is more than affordable. she even lets me have stuff sometimes. I love a lot of different vintage makers who made kitchenware and figurines, but i absolutely hate the TONS of unnecessary shit scattered about the house. It's to the point where my dad and i just look at each other and kinda do an eye roll every time she spergs about her store or more shit she bought from estate sales.
The house is a mess and it's her fault. I have been the one doing most household chores for a long time now because I don't mind doing them. A clean house keeps me sane. My dad and I have even cleared out rooms for her in the basement to put her shit. It's STILL not enough, we need more shelving. the worst part is how i politely try to imply she needs to put the shit AWAY by saying i want to help her organize it. she knows it's a mess and gets really upset at me. it's not fucking fair. i try to be nice about it, but every space my mother inhibits is a fucking chaotic mess. There are MULTIPLE rooms in the house absolutely cluttered with stuff SHE bought, she ruins our beautiful kitchen by not cleaning up after herself, and lugging all her new ~vintage finds~ on the kitchen counter and dining table. the bathroom i share with her is a mess nearly every morning too after she uses it, and she sleeps on the couch so of course there's blankets and pillows all tangled and messy all over it. I can't do a damn thing.
i have tried for years to keep shit in order, do all the cleaning and it gets messed up in a matter of hours again. i can't even confront her nicely about it because she gets whiny, and accuses us of being judgemental/not appreciating the extra money she's making with her hobby. i even point out to her that i rather like her hobby, but if i had stuff scattered about the house and not ever organizing it, it would bother her too. i'm 20 and i just need to fucking move out i guess.
any anons relate? what the fuck do i do? my dad and i think she might be nearly hoarder-tier and it's freaking us out a bit.
No. 360802
>>360791omg anon, i hope my mom's clutter doesn't get as bad as yours.
she's doing a similar thing, selling on Varage Sale. She's using the garage as her storage area, but every time I come visit my parents, the pile gets a little bit bigger. I don't think she's even sold anything, she just has thoughts about repainting shit she finds at estate sales but never gets around to actually doing anything about it.
they can't even park a car in the 2 car garage, that's how cluttered it is due to her … hobby shop thing.
my mom's a narc, always blamed us for the house being dirty and financial problems. i tried to throw away piles of my clothes before because she's told me i needed to get rid of some old clothes, and once i showed her the pile, every other shirt was "omg this shirt? i thought this was mine? i like it." and she kept it for herself. fucked me up, i have a bit of a struggle before throwing away things.
i mean, i'm glad your mom's finding ways to make extra cash, if she does make a profit. but probably advise her not to buy anything new until she makes
x amount of sales. maybe it'll help? if not, move out.
No. 360806
>>360802im that anon, omfg. my parents have been trying to clear out the garage so i can fucking park in there so i wont have to get the ice off my car every single morning. she used to buy a lot of furniture to repaint until we couldn't fucking fit any more. she actually does get around to repainting shit but it takes her fucking AGES. it's selfish and unfair to the rest of us who have to live with the clutter everywhere!
she would definitely not listen to me if i advised that unfortunately lol. she makes a lot of sales especially for being a relatively new seller. my dad and i are just gonna try to get more shelving in rooms for her shit. he's been installing a new floor and some rooms are literally impossibly filled with clutter. like shit my mom has forgotten about. it's fucking depressing. my mom isn't much of a narc, she's pretty self aware but sometimes just does nothing about the mess and it's irritating af so i end up cleaning after her. she has been a bit bitchy about things lately, probably bc she can tell i'm pissed about her mess, and she has kinda been projecting ("you need to move the stuff in your room so he can install the floor" and acting like my furniture is soo heavy and shit when it's not and my room is incredibly clean pretty much always…) so she's really been getting on my nerves.
No. 360876
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>>355832>I'm never going to have a mom, just a monster that I'm forced to appease or else.It's true you got screwed in the mom Lotto, and most people won't understand and don't want to (because if you like your mom even a little it's a hard to imagine). It's a life of "you should just forgive them", "you only get 1 mother", "but she loves you" and "someday you'll understand".
However, it's up to you make your own happiness and this will gut your relationships with other people. Your mom sucks, but that shouldn't be your scapegoat in why you're unhappy in life. Go low to no contact. Stop giving her attention. Don't feed into anything. It's just emotional circle jerking and you being guilted into it. You know it's all bullshit, so stop it.
Move out. Cut the chord. There's always going to be a handful of people who are close with their parents but a lot more are just indifferent. Mommy and Daddy issues need to be stopped, or at least, alleviated by your 30s.
No. 361024
>>361014How old were they when this happened?
I've literally been this person when I was 9 or something, I remember getting into a ton of trouble for it but I was a kid so I don't feel bad about it anymore.
No. 361076
>>361066Anon you need to get the fuck out of there. Do you see yourself hanging around these people in late age? Probably not, so why are you wasting your years now?
Cut your losses and start fresh. You will get so much further on your own than with a toxic group like that.
No. 361125
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Still images have started wavering and I’m so scared it’s another psychotic break.
No. 362050
I laughed irl although this is awful for everyone involved.
No. 362074
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When your crush has a GF who is basically a prettier and more successful version of you, and they’ve been together for 5+ years and he’ll never fucking look at anyone else
No. 362272
>>362270Thanks for this.I'm trying to findthe balance between being there for him to unwind his day and losing my mind. It honestly feels bad that I feel I can't listen to him for that long but I really do think it's excessive.
>>362251Lol yes I love him very much. Otherwise I wouldn't care
No. 362277
>>362274She said she does love him though.
But if she does, can confirm there are boring quiet girls out there who would love a chatterbox boring bf.
No. 362282
>>362274The thing is, if I could figure out how to broach the subject I'm sure he would understand and we could work towards a compromise. I'm just trying to figure out where the line is between being a supportive and open-eared partner, and being selfish. He does a lot for me. I also take care of him. It's difficult. I hate feeling so frustrated with him when he's just trying to let off steam about his day. He just started a new job, too, so that has something to do with it.
Just trying my best to handle this with tact and grace.
>>362274Lol thanks for the sentiment anon!
No. 362320
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My hair is thinning, I think it is due to scratching at dandruff (which had worsened recently). I never wear my hair up so I didn't notice. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I hope my hairline can fill back.
No. 362342
>>362339You can not post retarded shit without dying.
Accept the criticism and make a decision to not do what was called out again.
No. 362344
>>362339In fact this is probably my cue to back away from the site. See you in 7 days!
>>362342Thank you.
No. 362347
>>362339Two summers ago I felt targeted by a specific mod who I thought was seeking out my posts to ban with a really broad interpretation of board rules. Since they didn't say what for, I didn't really get where the bans were coming from sometimes. They were even banning posts that I'd made more than a few days prior in some cases so if one ban expired, I'd get another back to back. It went on for like a week.
But it was enough for me to want to take a break from the website, and yanno, it wasn't too bad. I felt the break did some good shit for my head, and after a couple of months I started to post again with very little adjustment to my posting style.
If you post frequently on pt and snow, I'd recommend a break from there. People tend to report smaller shit because they're riled up over hot button cows. There's some cow threads I refuse to post in anymore for that reason.
No. 362382
>>362363i think the reality of the situation is much more depressing and dire than you, or men, would like to believe. i notice when a lot of 'high class escorts' talk about their experiences they don't see how stupid and fucked up they are because it's not as seedy as it could be. i don't think moet and chandon and gucci heels makes it much less gross tbh. sucking off a fat arab is fucking depressing and still dangerous. i would never want to put myself or my health in danger. a lot of these women are stalked and shit and think they're entitled to you… no thanks. for every "nice guy" that pays you, there will be 3 shitty gross ones that take their place. nice guys wouldn't pay for sex, anyways, so they're not nice at all…
>>362368lol, definitely not most of the time
No. 363455
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I hate my ex so fucking much for turning what few childhood friends I had left against me after he cheated on me with my "best friend"
No. 363461
>>362395nta but what's your point? do you think the women going into these arrangements don't know that their marriage is going to be shitty? it's a trade-off, choosing to be in an unhappy marriage but also having near-infinite wealth and power at your disposal. even people who marry for "love" mostly wind up bitter, miserable and divorced halfway through. spoiler, anon: most marriages fucking suck and most men are going to cheat with a newer model anyway, why not get something out of it?
ivana trump had a horrible marriage but she's now got more money than she ever could have hoped to have and a steady stream of arm candy half her age to make her happy. melania is miserable, sure, but she's also the first lady for fuck's sake. that's a lot more wealth and power than a """model""" from slovenia could have ever dreamed to wield.
those marriages were extremely smart business decisions honestly.
No. 363462
>>362395nta but what's your point? do you think the women going into these arrangements don't know that their marriage is going to be shitty? it's a trade-off, choosing to be in an unhappy marriage but also having near-infinite wealth and power at your disposal. even people who marry for "love" mostly wind up bitter, miserable and divorced halfway through. spoiler, anon: most marriages fucking suck and most men are going to cheat with a newer model anyway, why not get something out of it?
ivana trump had a horrible marriage but she's now got more money than she ever could have hoped to have and a steady stream of arm candy half her age to make her happy. melania is miserable, sure, but she's also the first lady for fuck's sake. that's a lot more wealth and power than a """model""" from slovenia could have ever dreamed to wield.
those marriages were extremely smart business decisions honestly.
No. 363479
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>>363462I'd rather have this than some average husband who complains about bills and gets a beer belly, having to work my life away, barely scraping by because kids take your entire paycheck and the whole.. average life starter pack.
No. 363486
>>363461>those marriages were extremely smart business decisions honestly.ivana was raped and abused by him. he pulled her hair out… i'm sure she had to deal with a barrage of verbal, mental, and probably physical abuse in dealing with him. unless it's a choice of between marrying trump and literal homelessness, i disagree.
my first bf came from a rich family and both his dad's wife and former wife (his mom) constantly literally would cry to me for hours saying they regretted having married partially for money, and the money is not worth it and that they're so humiliated by the cheating and false pretenses, etc. the stress being the trophy wife is unbelievable. i couldn't stand being around his family even though i was treated vacations and travelling with his family as a guest, the stress never ends. lots of designer drug abuse, etc. his trophy wife mother ended up killing herself because she was similarly miserable with second rich husband. rich men addicted to making money are horrible to be around, even when they're not literally physically abusive. and obviously people do want to project that all of the money makes up for it. it doesn't. being financially, legally, and intimately entangled with rich men when you haven't become rich yourself is a huge gamble, and even moreso when you're basically a mail order bride or an escort, etc. the wealthy lifestyle really is not worth it. powerful men are horrible to be attached to, especially if they know you don't come from money yourself.
No. 363490
>>363461Their husbands literally bought them, how are people so blinded by greed that they’re willing to be someone’s toy to abuse and discard for an excess amount of money. I’m pretty sure there’s been a tidy done that’s shown that time and time again once people exceed $70kUSD (might be a bit more now due to inflation) it gets to the point that the extra money doesn’t actually add any happiness or comfort to their lives.
I don’t know why so many anons are willing to be shit on and abused by men who think they’re untouchable, most rich people look absolutely miserable
No. 363504
>>363486Great post. I don't think us pooranons really know what it's like to spend time with these truly hateful, money-hungry men. They are all sociopaths and think everyone is an item to use to help them gain status.
>>362368"fall in love with them" wow some anons need to put down the romance novels.
Do you
really think a man who has done the things you need to do to make money - like schmoozing with criminals, tricking and using and abusing people, taking advantage of slave labor in 3rd world countries, massive-layoffs leaving staff bankrupt in their own countries, fraud, embezzling, dodgy investments, using random women as cum-rags at their disposal, hiring prostitutes and strippers for a laugh every week of their lives -
You really think these guys "fall in love"?. Obviously a
nice rich man would be ideal. But they don't exist. You don't get crazy rich by being nice. Plus even the pressure of a 22-hour work day is going to drive a guy mad, and men under stress go straight to depravity - abuse of sex workers, drugs and aggressive and violent behavior.
You're much better off with a peaceful life with normal, sane people. You don't
need millions to have a pleasant life. All you need is a house, money for food, entertainment and clothes. Once the house is paid for the other stuff shouldn't cost you more than 30k a year. Much less if you are smart about it. So why suffer when you can earn that money yourself?
No. 363534
>>363479it's funny how upset people get with women who want this. even ITT, so many anons are
triggered that a woman would actually choose to marry for money, and i don't doubt that part of it is internalized misogyny ("golddiggers?! the audacity!!!"). marrying for love is a nice fantasy, but it's incredibly naive to believe that love doesn't fade or that the majority of people are even capable of finding true love to begin with lol.
y'all are screeching about dignity and how being rich isn't worth it, but men of all backgrounds cheat, beat, and hurt women… i'd rather enter a marriage fully knowing it's going to suck, but having the freedom offered by wealth to try to make my own happiness within the relationship. i'd rather cry because i've been slapped by my husband than cry because i've been slapped by husband AND the mortgage is due, the lights might be turned off, the kids might go hungry, and i'm living a dead-end life. money might not make everyone happy and ofc it comes with its problems, but it universally makes life go a hell of a lot smoother.
No. 363544
>>363542My nana always gives me that lecture whenever I talk about what to do with my future since I took art classes most of my life. "What about your little drawings?!?!?!?!?!"… I can't imagine how it'd be for you if you pursued it post high school as well.
Family need to mind their business honestly if you say you're happy.
No. 363554
>>363547>>363553Exactly, it's not about men vs women. Very few PEOPLE manage to become rich. And the easiest way for a woman to join in is marrying into wealth. You could get an education, work hard and your career might not even kick off until 30-40+.
You still won't make even near what some of these guys make from the company their daddy gave them money to start at 20. Or the fortune they got when their rich grandparents died. Or a 50-60 year old who has worked for many many years in a high paying field and now has a fat bank account, house paid off etc. So why, if you're hot, waste your youth in student debt fucking broke men, working 2nd and 3rd jobs when these guys exist?
No. 363556
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>>363553>>363554All I'm reading are self-limiting beliefs, and we're supposed to be the ones with "internalized misogyny." Okay.
No. 363584
>>363534anons like seem to believe marriage is a necessity. You talk about it as if you have to choose between marrying a rich abuser and a poor abuser. There are other options.
A huge part of why I want money in my life is the freedom but you're really not free when you're married to a man who sees you as his proprety. The money in a marriage like that would only bring me designer clothes.
Even when talking about women who married "nice" rich guys that they actually seem to like and are attracted to, the situation seems wack to me. I would NEVER trade my place with Meghan Markle for instance. Yea I would be rich and duchess but at what cost ? I can't dress how I want, every one of my moves is under scrutinity. Cant go to certain concerts, places, etc. Even if I wanted to buy expensive art (a dream of mine if I ever get rich) I couldn't buy the art I want because I doubt that the Queen would approove of my taste in contemporary art.
These women don't even get money when they get married. They get a little bit of financial security (revocable at any point in a lot of cases) and designer clothes/jewellery. That's it.
No. 363620
>>363601Nta but people experience pain differently. I had friends who would pop a pill and they'd be fine but I'd take painkillers until I felt light-headed and the pain still wouldn't ease enough for me to concentrate at college/work. Having periods is fucking unfair because my only other option was to go on the pill which isn't cheap and I feel lucky that I'm able to afford that. Men can get vasectomies easily but for a woman to get her tubes tied, she needs her partner's permission or you have to pay a GP ridiculous prices just to get some fucking pain relief or any control over your reproductive system.
Go back to CC where your opinions of women will be shared.
No. 363622
>>363616NTA but lmao are you 12?
>>363618that's what you call breakthrough bleeding unless you're not taking the pills right. you should probably get a different dosage if this is the case, because it sounds more like a hormone imbalance.
>>363620I hate when people compare tube tying to vasectomy. It's way more dangerous and invasive to tie tubes and reverse it than it is to get and reverse a vasectomy.
No. 363726
>>363665>>363697This. It's as I said before, males in this place REEEing at women, having their mask slip off when they go a little too far and people ask what the fuck is wrong with them, then just doubling down and hoping even more people don't call them out.
Now he is/they are planning to defend men spreading STDs, lmao.
No. 363745
>>363721tbh I laughed.
I'll compare it to wanting a pet, it won't benefit me aside from the experience of having one and a bit of companionship. Not expecting men to be amazing or anything, but would like to touch one.
>>363728Maybe, on my own I'm fine with myself but I know there are general beauty standards I don't meet.
Obviously it's fine for people to only date who they're attracted to, I'm not a complete demanding incel, but I'm still sad about it.
Objectively I do need to socialize more and improve my conversational skills though. I agree.
No. 363768
>>363767Shit. Well this is why I should stop seeking validation outside myself.
Thanks for the reply.
No. 363771
>>363714I study Fine Arts so to answer your question : no i don't dream of being a "star" or famous. I don't even think I'll ever work as an actual artist. However, I'm certainly not wasting my 20's away. I love studying and I'm studying something I love. If it was up to me, after these studies I'd study philosophy then economy etc… I would just study and study and learn and learn and learn all my life. I'm very well aware that I probably will have a shit job (although I still could work in culture/arts because I have quite a few connections).
I guess the fact that america makes you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for education makes it seem useless but in my country, studies are practicly free. My dream future is just to have like 5 phds …
No. 363786
>>363765i'm the original anon that called you out in the cc thread and now i feel bad that you're being so heavily picked on in so many threads. i def didn't expect this and i only made like two posts to you. i just thought you were reaching to get offended when someone said feeding your bf tendies is regressive, esp knowing the meme. your posts were a little annoying but not this deserving of ire. just stop posting as tendie anon bc anons can definitely get a little bandwagony.
>>363775this is a little harsh.
No. 363788
>>363783Tinfoiling that
>>362386 was a mod with a vendetta against her because ~how could anon know i posted those~
>>363786No one is bandwagoning. Maybe you missed it yesterday, but tender anon was on a bit of a rampage yesterday posting dumb shit all over /ot/ in various threads. If she kept it to the CC thread, nobody would mind but she didn't.
No. 363795
>>363788>>363788didn't she only make like two posts in the cooking thread? idk i dont think her cooking thread posts were bad, just making a silly/jokey off-handed comment about being a 'whitey'. plus she acknowledged why bragging about making tendies for her bf could possibly be seen as cringy.
>>363791bc it's getting a bit much and it's making her feel worse than she should. the targeting is disproportionate to how bad her posts are. her posts aren't that bad. i dont think that she realized people would know she was tendie anon when she said she felt targeted and is feeling bad about herself. she already acknowledged that she understood why her post in cc could be considered cringy to some posters too. she's alright.
No. 363802
>>363784I'm in a similar boat. I quit smoking weed after years of heavy use and now I smoke cigarettes way more often. I went from 0 cigarettes a day to like 5.
>>363797 is a good suggestion. In fact I have a cbd cartridge in my drawer. I'll do that instead.
I thunk there are medications you can take to stop the craving, although I have no experience with those.
I'm sure it sucks to cry in the bathroom on your breaks, but allowing the feeling to come, and pass, is a good method. Good luck anon!
No. 363804
>>363788Kek as if she didn't make it obvious it was her by going to vent about it immideately after she got banned. She was the only major sperg in the past few days too.
>>363795>didn't she only make like two posts in the cooking thread?No
No. 363815
Thought to put this in the Unpopular Opinion thread, but it reads much more as a vent than an opinion.
I'm getting more and more annoyed with people who have so many projects (both work related and personal) going on at the same time that they end up neglecting the people they're supposed to work with.
I have a teacher who does freelance on the side and also works on projects within the industry he's teaching. Because of this, he's almost always late for class. Sometimes he cancels lectures just an hour or two before because he has an "emergency meeting" coming up, will move class times randomly to fit his tight and everchanging schedule, or answer phone calls in the middle of a lecture he's giving. They usually only take 5 minutes, but then he will spend another 5-10 minutes getting back to where he was, or having us repeat stuff for him so he can get back on track. It's distracting.
It's one thing being a student, but I can't imagine how it is to work with someone who is constantly having half of their mind focused on something else.
Another guy I know is the lead singer of a band my friend sometimes does illustrations or comics for. The lead singer takes pride in doing almost everything by himself and will blatantly refuse to delegate tasks to others because "only he knows what he wants". So of course, all important phone calls goes to him, all questions surrounding the release and whatnot has to go through him. I don't even know how many people are trying to reach him on a daily basis, but there hasn't been a time I've met him where his phone isn't constantly blasting with messages or calls.
The result is that almost everything surrounding the albums they make, except the songs which they all work on together, is half-assed because there simply isn't enough time in this guy's schedule to do it all. If it only affected himself I wouldn't have an issue with it, but since it took him literally months to just schedule an hour or two to tell my friend what kind of comic-work he wanted, my friend ended up with barely a month to draw several fully sketched and inked comic pages by hand until deadline. The comic was supposed to illustrate certain songs in the album, but what could have been a cool concept just turned out awkward and confusing because of how rushed it was.
What irks me the most is how much these guys are praised for how busy they are and for how strongly they follow their passion. I do respect the amount of work they do, but what I can't stand is how they seem blind to how they're fucking over everyone else.
Either learn to schedule and handle your time or cut down on the amount of work you're setting yourself up for, especially if others rely on you to get your shit together to get the work done.
No. 363820
>>363730my mom isn't a handmaiden but my brother is older and when he comes home it is very much like this, and when he's home i'm always in a really bad mood bc of it. my mom is such an enabler for manchildren it's disgusting. she'll cook for men and clean up after them without a complaint of a man not being able to do things that simple on their own. my brother punched me christmas 2017 and my any time my dad has lashed out at me my mom tells me it's my fault for having an attitude.
these occurances are rare but my mom babies men way too much when these events DO take place and it fucking sickens me. i'm never marrying a man.
No. 363825
>>363820I understand all of that so much. I'm always in a bad mood when I'm at home too, sometimes I get headaches. The blame is always put on me for everything too. I was actually only explaining recently how it feels not to be the "favourite child" to someone who doesn't have siblings and I was describing how your parents will always ask what
you did to
deserve being verbally/physically abused. Like if the house isn't clean it's not my sibling's fault, it's
my fault. I actually don't understand how people can be so shit at parenting.
No. 363875
>>363760>>363763I finally realized he treats me like a mom recently. Done doing that shit but still have to put up with his ass until I get enough money to leave
No. 363876
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I'm so tired of being sick please just make it stop I want to feel normal and like myself again and actually accomplish some work
No. 363877
>>363871Fuck them, you pay rent so you can live in a safe and quiet place. I guarantee you, if you started playing loud music or did the same thing they're doing they'd report you.
It's your landlords job to fix issues like these. If their tenants are breaking the rules of the lease, they must be dealt with, why should you be the one to suffer?
Interrupting your sleep and having to hear toxic arguing is not good for your health.
No. 364037
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>brag about never having cramps or other period symptoms
>start getting them
>brag about my light flow
>flow is heavy as fuck recently
god please i'm so sorry
i'll never brag again just leave me alone please
No. 364073
>>364062misogyny is considered a non-issue nowadays, even by those evil libfems men hate so much
a man can write novels about how evil women are all day, then make a racist joke in it, and 90% of people would be more worried about the racist joke than the misogyny, people love screeching about false rape and abuse accusations, but when you bring up how it was proven the only reason why men are more likely to be abused by women, was because most men were marking things as "not having a hot meal on the table" to be abuse, but bring it up and you're sexist, meanwhile women get "liar" screamed in their face before they can even finish their sentence
No. 364092
>>364080Hey friend. Something that worked for me was I got angry at the fact I let those fuckers make a home in my thoughts. And told myself, I’d never let them do it again. Because allowing them to do so means they still have power over me. And I love my self too much to let anyone have power over me like that again.
And then I follow up with a nice montra I like for self love ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.’ This also seems to work when I wake up and start to feel panic.
No. 364114
>>364086get a dog
or a small animal that can’t leave you / relies on you
No. 364192
>>364166it's from 4chan and i think it's really useful. it conveys how a show or a thread is strictly not going to bring up any of the pervasive low-level fight or flight inducing, teeth-on-edge putting concepts. so you can turn off the taxing process you have of filtering it out or adjusting to other people's different view etc. Like how a business shirt is not comfy because it's always constraining you in some way, chafing. it's a good metaphor.
i dunno, maybe you've seen it applied haphazardly
No. 364196
>>364184The way your sex affects these disorders and how they are perceived is so ridiculous. a friend was diagnozed as a child and her teacher refused to believe it because girls apparently can't have adhd. also had a guy friend whose teacher also thought his adhd was nonsense because "having adhd is just being a normal boy" like what the fuck, this kinda attitude isn't good for either sex.
I also was diagnozed as an adult because they always describe typical male symptoms and for a long time I was like "huh, sounds like me but not quite" so I thought I was just lazy and stupid until my then-gf found a chart explaining how adhd symptoms present in females and it described me to a t.
No. 364235
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Bought pic related and another pair of reebok leggings and they fit perfectly around my legs but are a bit loose around the waist. I'm honestly a bit sad, especially since they're low waist.
No. 364264
>>364184>>364196It's unbelievably shit, all I know of adhd was boys that kicked teachers until I got diagnosed at nearly 30. I'm still not sure that this is the right diagnosis but I've been asking doctors about my problems for years, and only now have they decided to stop dismissing me as an overly emotional girl who just wants to lose weight from Adderall or whatever.
I'm not looking to have everything handed to me by the government or sympathy, I just want some help coping so that I don't end up friendless and homeless in a ditch because I can't focus on anything or keep my mouth shut for a second.
No. 364287
>>364264>>364196How did getting diagnosed go for you? I'm kinda worried I'll be dismissed as an attention seeking young woman + my parents deny anything and think it's just a phase (despite my mother and sister showing signs).
I relate to the symptoms:
>procrastination that isn't even fun, I just walk around my flat and think, this is damaging my life>I'm not having fun, I don't feel relaxed, I feel like I'm ruining and wasting my life>described as "dreamer" and "lost" since childhood>easily distracted by background noise>can't read heavy work literature with understanding of what's being read unless I rewrite it in a visualy pleasing form>low self esteem and depression >intrusive images>sometimes people tell me something and I don't hear it despite listening>slightly jumping up in chair, can't sit for longBut I don't have other symptoms because I was taught routines to not forget things, and I can be functional in some subjects and environments.
I still don't buy it entirely because I feel like I just want a reason to forgive myself.
No. 364318
>>364037but how? did you gain a lot of weight? did you start some kind of new birth control? did you change something in your diet recently? im in my 30s and have never experienced a drastic change like this. its always been light with no pms symptoms and has never once changed. is this something that randomly happens to people? should i expect this to happen to me some day?
>>364123im with you on this. the punchable anime loli gif is almost a dead giveaway.
No. 364320
>>364287I made my gf write a list of things that she thought were caused by my adhd and how they affected my daily life, school, relationships etc. and then I showed it to a doctor that forwarded me to a neuropsychiatrist. I think it helped that I had an outsider explain what kind of things I struggle with to make the doctor take it seriously. Your symptoms do sound a lot similar to mine. The fact that you might have some things under control through learned behaviour doesn't mean it's not ADHD, since the actual therapy for it is basically learning routines to help you cope with forgetting stuff, to stay organized and the like, you simply just have done that on your own. Like for example, I can have stuff under control if I have a good external support system that tells me what to do, when and how, but the moment I have to make it on my own I spiral into a chaos of unpaid bills, messy apartment, missed appointments, unhealthy lifestyle etc. so sometimes it may seem and feel like I have no ADHD, but it's all because I have the support system as my coping method.
If you end up trying to get a diagnosis, explain how your suspected ADHD affects several aspects of your life. How it has been for you in your childhood. How you think your future will be like with these problems, tell them that you want answers to why you feel like you can't act like a normal person should. If you have any close friends, ask them if they have noticed these symptoms. Tell them that even if it ends up not being ADHD, there could be something else going on that you want to get treated.
No. 364442
>>364393half of my professors respond to my thoughtfully written emails with:
Sent from my iPhone
and the other half respond with emojis. I wouldn't worry about it anon! A small typo in an otherwise well written email still puts you leagues above students who put no effort into their emails or type like they're texting a friend
No. 364500
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I hate that men can get away with abusing or raping women and children, yet, everyone concentrates on the few cases of women lying about being assaulted. There's so many men getting away with molesting children or women because of their "bright promising futures" or because "I went to the college he went to and he's an excellent athlete." Men play life on easy mode and can get away with anything.
No. 364513
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>>364501Yep! Free to become a dentist and rape children right in his dentist chair
No. 364516
>>364513Did the paedo say he thought the girl had vagina dentata or some shit? This doesn't even make sense, the UK are generally hard on paedophiles more wary of how the outcome of these cases will hit the media.
What kind of exceptional circumstances could ever make this ok?! We need a wikileaks, I am raging.
No. 364522
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>>364516>This doesn't even make sense, the UK are generally hard on paedophilesum, what world are you living in? i swear i hear a new story from the UK every day about a "grooming gang" finally coming to light after having been covered up by local officials and the media for years. girls in the UK were raped on a mass scale and a lot of the men who did it are still free. just look at rotherham, huddersfield, rochdale… christ, it's rampant. i've always considered you guys the least harsh on pedos, at least in the US they're completely ostracized and more often than not murdered or pressured to kill themselves. good fucking riddance.
No. 364526
>>364524how am i spamming lol. i just think anon is incredibly naive if they think their country doesn't have a precedent for covering up and making excuses for this disgusting shit and actually thinks the UK is hard on pedos. like, no, it absolutely makes sense that their legal system is allowing this
>>364500 fuck to get away. sorry that i think it's repulsive.
No. 364538
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whenever I have to do something with regard to uni I stress myself out for no reason and find myself incapable of doing the thing, it all is just so official and I feel dumb and inadequate. I have to email a lab supervisor about possible financial support I could attract for a summer internship but that's so horrifying I have been procrastinating the entire day instead although that is a thing I want to do. I don't even enjoy the procrastination, it feels like continuous dread I could easily alleviate by doing the thing but I can't it is so retarded. I do have to email her tonight though as I didn't do it yesterday and I do need to get back to her in a reasonable time frame.
also I think she feels I don't care about the subject itself and just want to get the internship for better employment odds (both are true lol) and obviously they prefer to give opportunities like that to students who want to aim for PhDs instead and also I respect women in positions of power way more than men so I do actually care what she thinks of me lol (run on sentences, babey)
No. 364588
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In my country there have been more feminicides and there are internet pages like this one. It makes me very sad that even going to work can not be safe.
No. 364637
I recently broke up with my boyfriend.
I met him my first semester at uni, and he's this incredible sweet goofy guy. I immediately had a crush on him and we both found we had a lot in common, we both moved to the city around the same time, it was our first time being away from our family, etc. (thinking about it now it really wasn't a big deal a lot of uni students go through the same things) We thought we had this great connection so we started "dating"(?) So there started my first relationship with a guy and i was his first relationship too, we moved way too fast, everything happened in the span of 4/5 months.
So we start dating, soon enough he asks me to be his girlfriend, i agree. I was so happy a guy i liked, liked me back and i had no idea what i was feeling really. Our relationship lasted 3 months, might have been the worst 3 months of my feelings going up and down. He has this medical/mental condition where he just spaces out. It didn't bother me at first but the more it happened i hated it. Although being 20 years old, he has been sheltered so much by his parents due to his condition and he just literally didn't know how to treat a girl? he was always either incredibly sweet and other times so distant that i thought he was avoiding me.
Of course all of that confused me and made me kind of tired of him, but here's what really stirred the pot of my emotions.
This other guy in school, who was my first crush, he's this significantly older guy (I'm 19, he's 27). He knew the way my bf was acting and treating me and in a way took advantage of that and would tell me things like, he's just a kid, he doesn't know what he has and whatnot. Eventually and inevitably i fell for this guy. He gave me attention when my boyfriend would basically forget about my existence. He knew exactly how to manipulate my emotions and now i can't get over him.
My whole heart wishes this guy would have just started talking to me sooner so i wouldn't have fallen (temporarily) for my now ex, that would have prevented all of my guilt and heartache but then again i know the guy i fell for is manipulating me and even though i know it, i can't stop my feelings towards him from growing.
long story short:
My feelings towards my first boyfriend weren't completely genuine and i feel guilty.
No. 364683
>>364637When the 27 year old called your boyfriend a kid YOU ARE THE SAME AGE HE THINKS YOU'RE A KID
as a woman who's dated guys aged 27-30 they are much more predatory than you realize. If you have an instinct about someone LISTEN HARD to it. You will avoid bad or potentially dangerous situations. The emotionally inept distant guys are actually a lot better because at least they, like your ex, aren't manipulating you and pressing your buttons like a toy. Date in your age range. Most people are single, and younger guys are significantly more innocent and nicer in general than older (27+). The older ones are better at conning, but they are definitely not better people.
No. 364760
>>364695What kind of negative attention? Do they initially get along with you well? Do you have these kind of problems with men at all?
I used to run into similar situations a lot in the past, but then I realised that it's because I communicate with men differently than with women (due to not having many close female friends growing up, I got nervous talking to them so I came off pretty rude sometimes) so it made me look like I don't enjoy talking to them, so of course their actions reflected on that.
No. 364786
>>364771It's quite bizarre isn't it?
However it's obvious that the women that allow it have no respect for themselves, or the women in the porn. They want to please men so badly they would willingly let men watch other women get abused and raped. Does your boyfriend try that hard to please you?
I mean, they're barely even friends. Friends generally don't disrespect each other and tend to you know, ask about or care about severe mental illness instead of worsening it.
Anon, you are worth more than some piece of shit monkey that is consumed by porn and touching himself instead of actually caring about your well-being. You seriously need to dump him and move the fuck on.
No. 364787
>>364771thank god someone here who understands. any relationship i've had in the past, the guy didn't even enjoy watching porn, because he'd prefer, gee idk, the girl he's dating because he finds her hot and would rather get off to her and not some random thot online.
if anyone lets their bf watch porn, i mean do what you want, but i refuse to believe any of the weird mental gymnastics explanations, or pressuring me into believing them by calling me controlling. i've literally never had to tell a guy to stop watching porn, they just do because they were actually into me, and not some stranger with fake tits pretending to enjoy deepthroating.
idk. maybe dont date porn addicts, or date a guy who is actually sexually attracted to you. and imo a guy is less likely to want to jerk off to porn if you send varied nudes and videos to him
No. 364799
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>>364788dont date sketchy guys who would do that then, and be wary of men since so many are liars. dont send nudes to guys who seem to be the type who would brag about sexual stuff to others. which is most men. my ex is the kind of guy that took things seriously and would never show anyone things that were just between us. but respectful guys are incredibly rare. that's why i just avoid men now, even the respectful ones are manchildren still who whine at any criticism.
No. 364808
>>364799Why date a man who can only wank alone with the assistance of pictures (ie: you become his porn, meaning he isnt devoid of porn you just replace it until he breaks up w you)
Again its redudant and you cant reply to everything with "just dont date x" then come up with an equally terrible solution only to say "then dont date x!!!"
Bet atleast one of ur ex's friends has seen your nudes my man
No. 364845
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>>364538I feel you, sis.
I can't really give good advice as I have the exact same issues, but just know you're not alone. I hope we both get better!
No. 364892
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>>364592>>364845thanks anons, it means a lot! i screenshot your posts so I can go back to them lol. not sure if I can call it anxiety as I haven't been diagnosed or anything, I honestly think I'm just stupid? Did write that email so that's one battle done lol just have a year and a half to go!
No. 364893
>>364799Idk anon, I found out that a semi-famous artist was impersonated by her own husband on fetish sites for 5 years. He used her real name and jumped on the computer when she was logged in to post "proof" for the pervs. She said she had zero nudes for him to use, but he still managed to essentially revenge porn her (by associating her with a fetish account, chatting to guys under her name and commissioning fetish art under her name) while they were together.
The solution to men watching porn is not
to make homemade porn and send it to him. It could go anywhere. You're not a mind-reader, lady. He could be setting up a paid snapchat under your name and making money from every nude you send. Unlikely, but after everything I've read and seen men do? Taking chances because "he's one of the good guys" doesn't seem smart.
No. 364897
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ive had heartburn and a headache for four days now. aaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
No. 365015
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>>365012lmao it would never happen to an african country because what country in africa is a OECD country?
No. 365083
>>365046For sub-Saharan countries even South Africa is not even that rich
>>365012Wew lad, you sound out of touch with reality. First of all, the vast majority of people in East Asian countries don't give a shit what Western people think of them.
I don't get what's so bad about sexpat stuff. The girls are sleeping with a local guy for some money or with a western guy for more money. I mean it sucks for them, but it's not like I see anyone else wanting to give these women money.
No. 365181
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So I recently moved overseas with my boyfriend and our plan is to have his college mate as our roommate since it would be cheaper. I'm usually super easy going with people anyways so I have no problem being around people I havent met. I also assumed most people my boyfriend is friends with are pretty nice anyways since my boyfriend usually tosses shitty friends as soon as he notices. First impression, the guy is nice, quiet, shy. I already knew that, and I'm very used to that considering most of my friends are that way. I figure it'll take some time for him to warm up to me. Every time I try to start a conversation he just replies with one or two words and doesnt say anything else. I ask him about his interests, his job aspirations, etc.. nothing. Fast forward a week later and I'm realizing this guy is way more beta than I thought. Heavy breathing, staring at you awkwardly, standing in doorways awkwardly deciding if he wants to go in or not? Then the last few days I've noticed him staring at me often and somewhat following me around? I just got up to go get some water and he got up to go to the kitchen as well then walked around awkwardly then went back to sit down. Just a few hours ago as well I was working on my laptop with my boyfriend next to me and then he comes into the living room and decides to just sit inbetween us???? Hes making me so fucking uncomfortable right now. I have no idea what to do or if I'm overthinking everything.
No. 365263
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My god, I'm also having renting/housing problems as well.
What the fuck is wrong with people, honestly? How can we all live with such shitty, cruel and awful people? I fucking hate the housing economy so fucking much, I hate that almost anywhere in the world they keep building either McMansions in the suburbs for some shitty annoying family or ~professional business 1 bedroom condos~ that rent for 1800+.
Where the fuck are all the studios/bachelors for well-adjusted people?
I seriously don't understand how our generation is getting fucked so hard regarding this stuff. Why is our generation have the least opportunities, least money, least networking and support but expected to pay a premium for it all? Why are we getting forced to live with complete strangers who 9/10 times, turn out to be unimaginable cunts and have zero hygiene?
No. 365267
>>365171Maybe you need to develop stronger friendship if you don't really have anyone except your boyfriend to talk to? It's sad to go through life with just your partner, unless you're the kind of person who drops friends as soon as their boyfriend calls, in which case just focus on him and developing the give and take in relationship.
>>365181Could be worth adopting an outspoken jokey personality around them even if that's a bit forced, instead of risking his behavior becoming normalised or escalating whilst you're being polite. You can use a friendly tone to ask him what he's looking for or what he's up to, so he knows that you're aware he's there, but opening the room for him to socialise normally. It's still possible he's just socially inept
No. 365352
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Tried offing myself today, i took syrup to get drowsy and make the whole hanging myself thing easier but i ended up drinking too much and passed out. I was going on and off consciousnesss every hour or so.
People say they regret trying to kill themselves after they fail but i dont, i still want to die, i don't know what to do anymore i feel like its the only way out.
I didn't get into a good university, had to settle with a pretty shitty one. I don't fit in with people my age, going out actually makes me feel worse, like an outsider, my depression and eating disorder are eating me alive.
Why should i be in pain just so people won't be sad for two months at the max? Its very unfair.