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No. 358705
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These glasses seem to be the trend these days and no one can convince me they're not ugly af.
No. 358713
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I've been wearing glasses for the past 10 years and I have a love-hate relationship with them. I'd love to wear contacts but they're way too expensive. It's just annoying that I spend time putting on my makeup and it's not visible or that I'm wearing glasses in all candid photos. I'd take my glasses off more often but I'm around -5 in both eyes and I can't see basic things like street signs, TV/computer screens, people's faces or even books unless I hold them really close to my face.
My boyfriend actually improved his eyesight by doing some techniques you can find online. The guy testing his eyes was actually shocked because it's really rare people come back and their eyesight hasn't deteriorated, never mind improved.
No. 358721
>>358717The only thing that helped me was wearing contacts more often and getting used to seeing my face without them.
>>358719I've had glasses since childhood and never used contacts until adulthood, it definitely warped my perception of my own face since I could never see myself without them on.
No. 358848
>>358717Same boat, I recently started wearing contacts and didn't realize how long my nose ends down my face + how downward-tilted my eyes are. Sadly both are ~Ethnic~ features for half of my racial makeup, so I feel bad for hating them. It just doesn't feel like my face, like you said lol. But other people said I look better so I guess I just have to wait it out until my mind settles into it.
I think it's just all a matter of waiting.
No. 358871
>>358852If you're in Germany, Austria, Belgium or the Netherlands maybe try "eyes and more"
They sell all their glasses for around 100 Euros, got 2 pairs of glasses and some sunglasses there and have no complaints
No. 358873
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So what's trendy nowadays? I'm hearing both that thin minimalistic frames are for greasy nerds now but thick frames are out of fashion and everywhere.
I personally dislike thick frames because they make your nose look pasted on.
No. 358927
So I'm going to vent in here because I'm a frustrated ball of myopia.
Maybe 10 months ago I met with my ophthalmologist because I felt like my vision had worsened, not by much (I already have shitty fucking eyes so thank god) but enough that I struggled to read signs that were slightly far or what was written on the blackboard in class, seeing overall vaguely fuzzy everyday (again, not by much, but enough that it distracted me). I came in complaining about the worsening of my vision, saying it frustrated me, made it harder for me to focus, made me feel unsafe when I was driving, and asked what could be done. Fun fact, the glasses I had PRIOR to the newest ones I was given by that same ophthalmologist suited me better and to this day I have no fucking idea what prompted them to change it.
So they examine me, right, and I struggle to read the letters on the wall, I have to squint/focus very hard, etc etc, but… I get them all right, after a lot of struggling… which convinced them that I DIDN'T need my glasses changed even though I thoroughly told them it frustrated/exhausted/endangered me.
So now I still have these glasses. And the fun fact is: I started classes again this year (like september 2018) after months of not reading on a blackboard, and I am made painfully fucking aware, every day, that my glasses don't fit me. I need to squint, squish my cheeks to make my eyes close, use only one eye, whatever, and I'm ON THE FRONT FUCKING ROW.
You want more fun? You want more entertainment? The ophthalmologist I had seen for years and that didn't change my glasses when I complained about my eyesight, they were in a small countryside town because I lived in a small village with my parents nearby. Since it was a small town, the delay to book an appointment was around 4-6 months. Now I live in a big city for college. And the delays are 1 year+.
I feel myself LITERALLY growing rabid.
Sorry for the incredibly long rant, I am frustrated to no fucking end.
No. 358937
So I have bad eyes, mostly severe myopia especially in my right eye, and astigmatism. It's probably genetic, as both of my parents have shitty eyes too.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 10 and I remember seeing blurry even earlier, maybe 6-7yo (which I kept secret because I thought it wasn't a big deal, or maybe I knew and didn't want to admit it to myself). I can't wear contact lenses because I'm terrified of things going in my eyes, my eyeballs are overly sensitive and I'm a dirty bitch (hands in paint most of the time). Since I was 15, my dad would tell me about one day maybe getting an operation to restore my eyesight.
To this day, I have very mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I crave good eyes so bad, as I literally cannot function without my glasses, and the thought of waking up to a non-fucking-blurry world brings tears to my eyes, but on the other hand, I am terrified, so terrified I literally feel myself tearing up as I type that, of waking up blind, of complications. Losing my eyesight to an operation supposed to restore it would make me go insane, and not being able to see is one of my worst nightmares.
I think I'll be stuck in this phase forever, as I don't think I'll ever get the 3000-3500 euros needed for it, and I don't even think I'd want to get them. I also don't actually know many diopters I have lost in each eye and what kind(s) of operations I would, as such, be able to get. At this point I'm just very tired, kinda sad, and I pray I don't end up almost blind.
No. 358960
>>358957From what I remember a quarter of the letters I read were me going "uuuuh… I can't really see" and the doc pushing a button on the machine to make the letter appear vaguely more letter-shaped for me to guess. I've also had this debilitating fear since I was a kid of Not Knowing and me admitting to my doc I couldn't read meant I was a failure, or some dumb kid bullshit. I don't remember a time in the years I've had my eyes checked where I didn't blurt out a half-confident "…G?" as if it was a school test.
But thanks for the tip anon! At least I'll know for next time. I guess I really need to assert myself.
No. 358991
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I wear these glasses and they don't cover up my face too much since the frame is thin. I like them, suits my hipster aesthetic too.
Tried lenses but my eyes hurt so bad for them? Has anyone had the same experience? I asked my optician to redo the eyesight test and stuff but nothing was wrong. I just couldn't have my lenses in for more than 2 hours before I got extreme headaches. Kinda sad since I think my nose looks more flattering without glasses.
Thinking of getting eye laser when I'm 25. I hate not being able to see.
No. 359223
>>358937oh man are you me?
I have -10 in both eyes, I'm 30 and my eyesight is still getting worse. It would be a dream to have it fixed but I'm equally terrified of an operation. I'm just waiting and hoping science will get further in their research of restoring people's sights.
I can wear contacts but not on a daily base because my eyesight is so bad I have to buy the best quality and they still irritate my eyes.
I also look like a dork with my glasses no matter what I do. Why do all these girls with fake glasses look so good with them and I look like a geek?