File: 1433791747247.png (350.19 KB, 2000x1500, 1432419366074.png)

No. 361130
I noticed /cgl/ had a lot of dress up games threads and I wanted to bring that to lolcow because why not. This is my favorite one so far
> yourself, make your favorite lolcow, make your waifu/husbando, make your own characters. You can also do lewd things to them, but it's not necessary or anything.
No. 361139
File: 1433894816535.png (446.9 KB, 800x600, thuggish ruggish bone2.png)

I made this.
No. 361140
File: 1433895088063.png (325.8 KB, 552x378, kawaii gang members.png)

And also this.
No. 361141
File: 1433895268612.png (318.88 KB, 799x438, whoops no umbrellas.png)

I spent like a really retarded amount of time coming up with a setting and backstory for all these "kawaii gang" characters tbh
No. 361144
File: 1433897736407.jpg (418.93 KB, 800x600, X-Girl-Candys-World-Doll-Divin…)

I'm just gonna dump stuff I made
No. 361145
File: 1433897835841.jpg (224.17 KB, 440x630, 2edgy.jpg)

No. 361146
File: 1433897930056.jpg (201.4 KB, 370x670, Snow-Queen-by-AzaleasDollsbx.j…)

No. 361147
File: 1433898020590.jpg (210.69 KB, 370x670, Snow-Queen-by-AzaleasDolls.jpg)

No. 361150
File: 1433949689639.png (399.98 KB, 442x590, tribefu.png)

>>139116, it's really boring if it's just me posting shit. Show off your creations!
No. 361153
File: 1433966712009.png (254.09 KB, 395x586, jkflsd.png)

I love this one because it enables me to make all my shitty childhood Sailor Moon OCs.
No. 361154
File: 1434020893672.png (172.07 KB, 748x592, dysteråsna.png)

I love making shitty oc's in kisekae, coming up with good poses is hard though.
You're so good, anon! Please post more of your stuff, I'm so impressed by your creativity.
Also, do you have an 8tracks? I think I've listened to a mix with this as cover pic.
No. 361155
File: 1434021769448.jpg (51.72 KB, 455x600, tumblr_inline_n7atd8YcIN1sti0y…)

Here's one of me.
No. 361160
File: 1434050668343.jpg (208.63 KB, 370x670, Snow-Queen-by-AzaleasDolls.jpg)

These games are so cute.
No. 361161
File: 1434051805221.png (230.47 KB, 649x501, iwannabesheeezus.png)

Thanks! I made this today. Your characters are super cute btw, I want to pinch the blond one's cheeks.
And I actually do, but I'm 99.5% sure that person isn't me. That sounds really cool though, do you have a link to the mix? I wanna listen
No. 361162
File: 1434053723702.png (61.01 KB, 385x553, kooters.PNG)

I did a thing
No. 361163
File: 1434055551148.jpg (58.16 KB, 587x948, 8.JPG)

my super special moe girl OC do not steal
No. 361164
File: 1434060431718.png (124.06 KB, 497x551, voivoi.png)

>>139127Aww thank you!
>>139129Yup, here it is The blue girl is so cute! Your outfits are the best, I just love the details and colors you use.
No. 361167
File: 1434070628858.png (14.11 KB, 252x412, Untitled.png)

This game is sweet
No. 361169
File: 1434111634202.jpg (439.34 KB, 800x600, X-Girl-Candys-World-Doll-Divin…)

No. 361174
File: 1434119146091.png (106.54 KB, 792x573, roritachan.PNG)

>" huur it's boring guize y u get so worked up? These games are not fun durr xD"
Fuck off then and let us play our stupid weeb games together.
Anyway guys i made this inspired by Kotonon from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (a super photoshopped lolita net idol that is overweight and unattractive in real life)
No. 361175
File: 1434119308036.png (414.15 KB, 432x566, deerboy.png)

>People have different ideas of fun from me? Impossible.
>They must be so deluded that they've tricked themselves into thinking they're having fun when they're not.
No. 361176
File: 1434119748217.png (334.89 KB, 451x618, bubblegum knight.png)

This is great, anon. I still really need to watch SZS.
No. 361180
File: 1434126270629.png (13.39 KB, 285x406, doll2.png)

Your posts are boring but you don't see us complaining anon
No. 361182
File: 1434138472244.png (18.96 KB, 443x73, char.png)

I'll help, anon!
You can delete them by going to this area, then clicking the circled eye.
If you want delete other characters, click the arrows to navigate whichever ones you want to delete, then just repeat the first step.
Avoid the "Set" thingy unless you want to reset your entire character.
No. 361184
File: 1434141137130.jpg (334.5 KB, 400x600,…)

Which dress up game is that?
No. 361187
File: 1434143338474.gif (9.02 KB, 150x290, lovey dovey.gif) dolls are cute but when I save them as gifs they aren't animated so that's kinda disappointing
No. 361188
File: 1434146776188.gif (26.69 KB, 150x290, avatar(2).gif)

This is really adorable
No. 361190
File: 1434150585213.gif (79.94 KB, 151x289, natural.gif)

Oh, so all the .gifs aren't animated; I assumed it was just an issue for me
Oh well, I can always use GifCam
No. 361194
File: 1434158627455.gif (544.71 KB, 151x289, fruity flirt.gif)

No. 361196
File: 1434207181166.png (72.48 KB, 372x586, rinmaru oshare kei.png)

As usual, I attempted to recreate myself. Maybe that means I'm not very creative…? Or just incredibly narcissistic?
No. 361197
File: 1434207800983.png (15.58 KB, 304x403, mylittledoll.PNG)

I made Venus. If her life was a dark book about her being her mother's puppet, forced to be a kawaii famous living doll this would be a perfect cover.
No. 361200
File: 1434341961034.jpg (82.48 KB, 911x600, rinmaru.jpg)

I made one of me using rinmaru too.
No. 361202
File: 1434439360733.jpg (490.32 KB, 960x640, MangaLily.jpg)

Kawaii desu ne
No. 361204
File: 1434440858003.jpg (44.87 KB, 386x600, MyStyle (1).jpg)

No. 361206
File: 1434464334345.jpg (407.36 KB, 960x640, MangaLily.jpg)

Oh god I used to love making black eyed girls with this
No. 361209
File: 1434475582903.png (556.74 KB, 710x462, cyclopia2.png)

I really want an anime about the daily lives of cyclopic onee-sans.
No. 361212
File: 1436741146637.gif (377.88 KB, 154x291, ichigo af.gif)

No. 361213
File: 1436742148646.png (120.83 KB, 374x614, demon girl.png)

That's kawaii as fuck anon
No. 361217
File: 1437197553761.gif (18.84 KB, 150x290, avatar.gif)

No. 361218
File: 1437206010896.png (463.39 KB, 465x641, moahdolly.png)

>>139184 Thanks! I made one of my shitty ocs. God this game is beautiful.
No. 361220
File: 1437429431293.jpg (53.17 KB, 400x600, idolcatgirl.jpg)

Made another one because I wasn't satisfied with the first one.
No. 361221
File: 1437430148004.jpg (49.59 KB, 398x599, furrykinnowthankstumblr.jpg)

I actually enjoyed this, I feel like a furry now.
No. 361223
File: 1437442304597.jpg (49.09 KB, 400x600, Doll-Divine-Creation-tall.jpg)

omg this dollmaker is hella cute yo
No. 361224
File: 1437578903486.png (116.63 KB, 346x578, elsa.PNG)

This is the best dress up game. The options are limitless. No. 361226
File: 1437762120860.png (30.07 KB, 802x92, thingy.png)

Go to this thing and click the eye to make them disappear/reappear. The arrows let you select the next girl.
Avoid the "SET" thing, it'll reset your entire character and you will cry
No. 361227
File: 1437762824030.png (157.91 KB, 800x600, friends.png)

No. 361228
File: 1437762914126.png (160.8 KB, 800x600, friends_2.png)

lewd implications
No. 361229
File: 1437763171609.png (151.05 KB, 800x600, friends_3.png)

No. 361232
File: 1437775188595.jpg (42.21 KB, 467x650, MyStyle (1).jpg)

No. 361233
File: 1437775222401.jpg (34.7 KB, 467x650, MyStyle.jpg)

No. 361234
File: 1437778600610.png (105.04 KB, 800x600, bbygrrlz.png)

Made these based on >>461
No. 361236
File: 1437779286382.png (119.29 KB, 800x600, ayy lmao.png)

No. 361237
File: 1437787114840.jpg (1.86 MB, 1600x1200, 150724kisekae.jpg)

No. 361238
File: 1437804295462.jpg (30.76 KB, 467x650, MyStyle (1).jpg)

No. 361239
File: 1437804332256.jpg (34.94 KB, 467x650, MyStyle (2).jpg)

No. 361240
File: 1438617700637.png (343.39 KB, 445x604, PRwZH.png)

>making OCs
>My left OC looks like OrangeCitrus
No. 361243
File: 1440427910379.jpg (4.68 KB, 421x600, MyStyle.jpg)

the options for practical (plate) armors are quite limited, huh
No. 361245
File: 1440495831740.bmp (765.18 KB, 435x599, Sans titre.bmp)

ah screw that glitch with firefox
>tfw you can't help making the same characters again and again even though you can perfectly draw them
Those are like 7 years old
No. 361247
File: 1440530427499.jpg (310.73 KB, 400x600,…)

I kinda want to paint this for real
No. 361248
File: 1440538393982.png (195.92 KB, 1022x1417, nymphet.png) also some of my favorites as well, as how autistic I would be looking up dress up games on deviantart
No. 361249
File: 1441457071911.png (75.8 KB, 800x600, gems.png)

We are the crystal gems
No. 361250
File: 1441467092956.jpg (20.41 KB, 156x377, Capture.JPG)

I tried to make a me and my friend
No. 361251
File: 1441475331860.jpg (34.67 KB, 253x534, scificharacter.JPG)

I like the scifi one.
No. 361252
File: 1453927784344.png (13.05 KB, 768x96, chibidot_sample.png) one is quite cool if you're into pixel dolls
No. 361253
File: 1453929130738.png (845 B, 96x96, pixelavatar96.png)

Samefagging, here's a shoddy one I made
No. 361255
File: 1453939656914.png (890 B, 96x96, pixelavatar96.png)

Yours is so cute. It reminds me of those pixel pastel icons that mhug makes on tumblr.
Yes! The dolls are so pretty and they have endless options. I used to spend hours on there in 05 making fairy/angel dolls or sassy, ghetto ones. That site is so early 2000s, I love it.
No. 361262
File: 1454729627914.jpg (527.72 KB, 800x600, X-Girl-Canyasssssssssssivine-w…)

pls no bully
No. 361266
File: 1454774443985.png (473.69 KB, 1600x2400, bleh.png)

I tried to make her pretty, but she kept ending up with a resting bitch face, hence the "getting tired of your shit" thing…
No. 361269
File: 1457377830364.png (524.52 KB, 561x595, 580b05d6e3a6e63693ce1ad8d05d92…)

Here's the warrior I made in the Warrior one
No. 361270
File: 1457377882353.png (464.63 KB, 599x558, de0f4d2444a0671f213e4eb4c7378e…)

And the Cleric!
No. 361272
File: 1457478233982.jpg (157.74 KB, 885x591, ss (2015-12-08 at 07.30.45).jp…)

omg anon these are so cute!!! im tempted to draw them, especially the girl in the mint dress.
i actually played this one awhile ago so i'll share the character i made.
No. 361274
File: 1457582205270.jpg (46.07 KB, 594x565, Capturejbkjbkj.JPG)

made a pearl c:
No. 361275
File: 1457592521006.png (951.33 KB, 1392x1182, Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 2.35…)

I only made a cleric and a mage because the colour picker for the warrior pissed me off.
No. 361276
File: 1457592542327.png (922.78 KB, 1534x1192, Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 2.51…)

No. 361277
File: 1457608359880.jpg (78.93 KB, 900x650, FB_IMG_1457608255685.jpg)

I really hate how they changed the color picker.
No. 361278
File: 1457683880771.png (1.42 KB, 96x96, gyaru.png)

I love playing with this one! And so do my friends, thanks for sharing!
I tried to make a gyaru
No. 361279
File: 1464152842055.png (45.84 KB, 800x600, k2-bf2nina.png)

I was messing around with Kisekae2 and made some game characters. If you really fiddle with things you can add a lot of detail. Sure takes forever though. But it makes me wish I was better at drawing.
Nina from Breath of Fire 2. The hair might be a bit Mullet Cloud Strife. But i ran out of hair pieces.
No. 361280
File: 1464152889086.png (37.74 KB, 800x600, k2-koakuma.png)

Koakuma from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
No. 361281
File: 1464152985682.png (19.42 KB, 800x600, k2-nei.png)

Nei from Phantasy Star 2. I'll leave it at this because I don't want to spam.
Nei and Koakuma have somewhat customized outfits. I didn't want to just directly copy. It kind of makes me want to practice art more.
No. 361283
i like because they have other games that are cool too and dress up games
No. 361285
File: 1466207091314.png (280.39 KB, 2000x1500, 160617kisekae_milks.png)

This thread was fun, so I'm reviving it.
No. 361287
File: 1466210329708.jpg (423.47 KB, 960x640, MangaLily.jpg)

I loved that game so much and I made my mom spend so much money on it lol.
No. 361288
File: 1466247109798.png (397.83 KB, 2000x1500, 160618kisekae_digicharat3.png)

No. 361289
File: 1466250167087.png (620.42 KB, 667x645, 1af9bdf5cbc859def524771368047b…)

I'm trying to find this one that I found where you can make m/f m/m and f/f couples. I made a bunch based off of tropes, kek.
This one was the classic yandy trope. They're childhood friends and she's obsessed with him. He's gotten very popular in high school and now she isn't as ready to wait for him, lel.
No. 361290
File: 1466250280336.png (551.98 KB, 682x632, 267cad5118a1b1439ea8e6055b9680…)

>>139257Found it! one was the classic horror game trope. The main and her classmate are trying to escape a haunted school. Little does she know her classmate was the main boss all along~
No. 361291
File: 1466250438498.png (715.68 KB, 811x649, cd9eb3ee56c9c89375a803c563ac3c…)

Here is the ditzy princess with her caring but weary knight! (Not shown; the classic episode where the knight has to go undercover as another princess so the princess gives her a makeover and she realizes the knight is really pretty~)
No. 361292
File: 1466250530056.png (849.07 KB, 695x647, ee6c2ff82f513f07f72d4756ff29d4…)

Rival mech pilots realize they were friends all long and fight together to defeat the big bad alien!
No. 361293
File: 1466250654811.png (755.14 KB, 724x656, fd691787123c3a163e84b4a917c2b2…)

NEET thinks he has a chance with the qt girl next door but he doesn't :^)
No. 361294
File: 1466255059623.png (912.82 KB, 1000x694, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 1.03…)

Soft yuppie girl falls in love with edgy alt girl.
No. 361295
File: 1466259119520.png (430.7 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Anyone play CocoPPa
No. 361299
File: 1466301456248.jpg (980.6 KB, 1000x750, jpg.jpg)

High school relationship: Popular, bubbly girl and mysterious, sweet guy.
(Btw, actually quite shit with colour schemes,lol)
No. 361302
File: 1466306041324.jpg (960.77 KB, 1000x750, mg.jpg)

some kind of magical girl couple
No. 361305
File: 1467210981927.jpg (754.37 KB, 900x601, tackydungeonbitch.jpg)

i like making tacky characters. The theme this time was 'what if I were stuck on an adventure with some strong folks?'
No. 361306
File: 1467582970582.png (288.38 KB, 1366x768, gravureidolarc.png)

cast for muh gravure idol au that spiraled way out of control welp
( i'm p sure it's going to come out fucked up because this computer hates me :^) )
No. 361307
File: 1467821663545.jpg (349.38 KB, 900x601, tackyforestpersonithink.jpg)

another tacky rpg character.
No. 361309
File: 1467888402565.gif (24.35 KB, 150x290, avatar.gif)

Ahh i'm happy i haven't grown too old to not love these games anymore
No. 361310
File: 1468859720567.png (84.65 KB, 600x600, tackychanrio.png) really love the chanrio maker
No. 361313
File: 1471641193931.png (57.82 KB, 670x335, 113.png)

Well, that was fun! I made these two lovelies. I know it's way too early for Christmas but the reindeer headband looked really cute on her.
You should have posted them!
No. 361315
File: 1472609739113.png (757.59 KB, 628x578, 8da56bca40bd0241d97f8109b165e6…)

This sure is stress relieving
No. 361316
File: 1472610051531.jpg (459.81 KB, 984x656, 9a7454721f49f89ec19df6226f80bd…)

On this episode of magical fantasy lesbians we have a too sweet for life and the edge lord herself
No. 361320
File: 1472679373114.png (441.92 KB, 480x667, spoopy.png)

Your windburnt eyes strain to see what the retreating dust storm has left behind. It's been so long since you saw anything that wasn't made of sand. These shifting figures (or figure? one or two?) turn to you, unhurried, unworried. The desert tilts under your blistered feet as you stumble towards them, heaving hoarse screams through your rough throat. If there were water enough in your body, you would be crying. Is this madness? Death? Salvation? Whichever it is, it can't come fast enough.
On your knees in front of them, panting that hot, hateful desert air, you await judgement. Their mouths open, and their voices are more than one, or two; a quiet chiming chorus that seems to fall from the sky all around you. They are older than old, and their judgement is damning beyond time.
"you can't sit with us"
No. 361321
File: 1472710828144.png (26.22 KB, 120x120, 8YuIzBF.png)

No. 361322
File: 1475373548069.jpg (572.88 KB, 900x600, anime-fairy-creator.jpg)

No. 361324
File: 1475527198766.png (677.04 KB, 1602x1110, faves.png)

I had fun bc I'm a literal child/autist and love these things
No. 361326
File: 1475538077678.jpg (266.49 KB, 800x600, magybath.jpg)

thx anon
here, for ur kind words, take a bonus bikini marge in her natural habitat
No. 361331
File: 1475706675897.jpg (255.34 KB, 900x600, jrpg-heroine-thief.jpg)

I use dress up games to make my OCs… Been doing this sad shit for like 12 years. Oh well! I can't draw so it's the only thing I can do to visualize them. Pic related is my favorite OC, she's a rogue-type who is snarky and flirty but insecure. I also have a cleric girl and a monk girl from the same 'universe' or whatever you want to call it.
No. 361332
File: 1475708106361.jpg (238.56 KB, 900x601, jpg.jpg)

This is the cleric girl, she's ill-tempered and greedy but steadfast.
No. 361333
File: 1475709594507.jpg (195.16 KB, 900x601, jpg2.jpg)

Last one is the monk girl. She's distant and bold but tender. Sorry for posting so many! One day I would love to make a story or comic or game with them all.
No. 361335
File: 1476840728445.jpg (375.59 KB, 397x598, hashtag-halloween.jpg)

Sorry anon, I can't seem to find it again either. :( Maybe OP will see the thread and let us know the name of it?
In other news, Rinmaru made a fatty Halloween dress up.
No. 361337
File: 1478920192481.png (553.98 KB, 681x588, 31da6e87976f4b21770eb4922b79dc…)

>>139238 made a Thief one!
Here is my Thief as part of my girl JRPG set >:3
No. 361338
File: 1478926051328.jpg (676.03 KB, 900x600, jrpg-heroine-thief.jpg)

Nice I liked this one!
No. 361340
File: 1479223795321.jpg (306.44 KB, 895x593, WEqUIa.jpg)

This was actually really fun! Very relaxing for some reason xD
No. 361341
File: 1479321281856.png (542.09 KB, 900x597, me if more edgy.png)

This was so much fun, thank you anon
No. 361342
File: 1479954956131.png (260.11 KB, 748x549, Screenshot (12).png)

lol i had way too much fun with this. i'm a perv
No. 361343
File: 1480287110940.png (108.7 KB, 359x562, chocolate.PNG)

i had fun with this!
No. 361344
File: 1480299299039.jpg (1.02 MB, 900x601, wat.jpg)

What am I doing with my life.
No. 361345
File: 1482419445528.png (253.95 KB, 2000x1500, cherubs2.png)

Bumping. This is still fun.
No. 361347
File: 1482444100661.gif (18.92 KB, 150x290, avatar (4).gif)

i probably could spend 10 hours straight on dress up games
No. 361348
File: 1492290643785.png (68.16 KB, 300x500, index.png) this because new dress-up game. It has lolita-style clothing, and it's pretty cute.
No. 361351
File: 1492354719492.png (174.4 KB, 365x670, doll3.PNG)

>>361348ahhh this one is so cute!
No. 361353
File: 1492770223092.png (211.55 KB, 797x602, 456765432.png)

>>361130"Dress up" game
sure, jan
No. 361354
>>361353Everyone knows this game is NSFW, don't be retarded.
Spoiler your pictures too, newfag.
No. 361355
File: 1492779923309.png (87.88 KB, 300x500, download.png)

>>361348Cute! Thanks for sharing! Love the all white theme your doll has.
No. 361356
File: 1492785502682.png (126.09 KB, 396x486, 765432456.png)

>>361355mh not much variation, huh
No. 361357
File: 1492798793850.jpg (26.22 KB, 300x500, IMG_0216.JPG)

>>361348Very cute indeed! Thx for the share, anon
No. 361358
File: 1492816037570.gif (28.57 KB, 150x290, avatar.gif)

>>361187Finally gave this a go since I was overwhelmed by all the choices at first but I have nothing better to do so I thoroughly looked through everything and made this. Hooray for too much free time.
No. 361361
File: 1492897949511.png (35.38 KB, 399x192, cutekitchen.png)

>>361360 don't know if you've already played this, but you can make some really cute rooms with this. There's a lot to choose from too.
No. 361363
File: 1492930524175.jpg (231.75 KB, 1912x850, picture1.jpg)

Anyone remember The Doll Palace?
I used to spend so much time on here from 2005-2009. I miss it though, pretty sure it's closed down due to the owner not renewing the domain plan. :c
No. 361366
File: 1729544129356.png (524.83 KB, 544x520,…)

Does anyone remember the Avatar Palace? It was a chatroom program where people could make pixel dolls like the ones above as their avatars (and dress them using a max of 9 pieces iirc) and chat using little speech bubbles. It was full of different servers with various themes and each one was full of little rooms that you could drop furniture or parts of your avatar into to share with others. You could make your own room on certain servers using backgrounds similar to
>>361361 , drop your own furniture into them and then move the dolls to make them look like they were sitting on the furniture/walking up and down stairs/interacting with the bg in some way. I remember one server that "sold" houses (no actual money was used) which would display your username on the front once you had "bought" it and when you clicked on a house, it would bring you into the interior that you could decorate yourself (kind of like a 2D, very early version of Second Life, IMVU, Worlds etc.) and visit the decorated houses of others.
At the height of its popularity, I remember up to 25 people in a room at once, all chatting with each other. People formed little "cliques" based on what avatars they had (Unis, Shunis, emos, anime etc.) who would meet in different rooms. Roleplaying and games were also very popular. Pic is of an ANTM inspired game where players were challenged to create a themed outfit within the given time which usually required players to have a lot of well-organised clothing pieces (most of which they made or edited themselves).
I recently downloaded it again and tried it out but it's like a ghost town. A few random people are still clinging on but they're mostly all friends with each other and meet there on a daily basis. Nobody trying to restore it to its former glory days. I found a few rooms for sharing avatar parts and it felt like an archaeologist digging up relics from the past.
Just wondering if any farmers would be interested in using the Palace again?
No. 361368
>>361254 and
>>361255It's been inactive for about a decade. It was working fine a few months ago so I wouldn't be surprised if the owner/mods stopped paying for it.
Sage for dupe discussion.
>>361364There is no resizing. Why would you need to
No. 361370
File: 1492973126313.png (139.64 KB, 300x500, download.png)

>>361348Very cuute thanks anon XD
No. 361372
>>361369It's not perfect, it's from 2005. Be creative if you don't want the default walls/floor to show or only use half the room and crop it when you're finished if you wanted to save it like
>>361361 this person did.
No. 361373
>>361371Hey, anon. A while ago, the game wouldn't work for me when I tried to play it on dA so thankfully, I downloaded the .swf myself and still have it. I uploaded it to swfchan here. don't know how to get it on the archive or if it'll get saved there automatically, so I suggest downloading it.
No. 361376
>>361375Is it just a white screen? If so, it's probably permaloading. I'd suggest downloading it directly, then trying to open it (at least that's what I did to get it in the first place).
Otherwise, I'm not sure how I can help, sorry.
No. 361377
thanks to this thread i've spent like 3 hours playing all these games oh my lord
are there some dress up games you guys have seen that are just completely fucking baffling, though? i found this one today: and it's fucking me up so bad
sage for bad contribution
No. 361379
File: 1501404562720.jpg (416.19 KB, 800x600, Sailor-Senshi-Maker-wide.jpg)

do not fug with the royal ice princess unless u want ur ass beat
No. 361380
File: 1501408258121.jpg (220.88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Anyone playing Love Nikki on phone?
It's a dress up game that's also a RPG with quests (to get new clothing) and you can compete with oother players.
I play it every day, pretty much addicted to it.
No. 361384
>>361380I am so addicted to Love Nikki it's not even funny.
I barely have been playing more than 2-3 months month and almost have over 40% collection, all achievents over 70% and spent over 10k diamonds (without paying irl) and completed the whole story, fuck.
I've noticed that every update the drop rates get shitier and shittier though. Sometimes you can spend up to 150 energy without getting a single item now, eventhough before you could get up to 10 with that stamina. I guess they are trying to up the sales or something since it's completely unnecessary to spend real money otherwise.
No. 361386
>>361383I don't know why this makes me laugh so much.
I just recently downloaded it too. Once you start, it does get hard to stop going to the next challenge. I don't find it to be overly addicting though. It's really cute and sweet, nice comfy game to play.
No. 361388
>>361384>>361385Oh, completely forgot there was an achievement for the number of days you logged in.
Just checked and it's actually only been 45 days. My addiction is even worse that i thought, kek.
No. 361390
File: 1501713356207.jpg (99.77 KB, 451x600, 1.jpg)

My favorite thing to do in dress up games is think of one oc and make her in a lot of different games. It's fun trying to stick to a specific color palette and appearance between vastly different art styles.
No. 361391
File: 1501713382222.png (269.39 KB, 375x499, 2.png)

>>361390Dumping my favorites of this one character.
No. 361397
>>361395Im surprised no one has mentionted IMVU yet, I only downloaded it so I could make a avater and take artsy pics of her, Ive only logged in like twice lmao
>>361396Yes and its taking over my life. Its 4am here and this reminds that I can sign in now and collect my rewards for the day, thanks anon
No. 361398
File: 1501734107181.png (29.13 KB, 284x513, diymailorderbride.png)

hi erywan~
No. 361404
File: 1501941748402.png (564.74 KB, 720x1114, rori.png)

>>361349very very late reply but using real dresses are fun! lol ty
No. 361405
File: 1518475498654.jpg (232.61 KB, 448x600, My Jones.jpg)

I love it
No. 361409
File: 1519364677991.jpg (155.88 KB, 600x600, charat.jpg)

i did a quick scroll and didn't see any coverage of this game, but is great. first off it's html5 so it works on mobile, it's relatively new and always updating, you're prompted to type in a name before you make a character (which you can then use to load up the character on later occasions to make tweaks and stuff, which is handy as shit). basic controls are; pink ≡ symbol opens the tools, coathanger lets you edit parts, palette lets you recolour those parts, dice makes a random character (which can be fun to clean up) and camera saves it.
No. 361410
File: 1519364747680.png (227.76 KB, 472x764, chara.PNG)

making the same character in a plethora of games is fun.
No. 361412
>>361411 same one featured near the OP, but it's got somewhat harder to find due to deleted pages n stuff here's the version i found
No. 361413
File: 1521587582526.jpg (262.47 KB, 440x630, Dark-Fairy-Azaleas-Dolls.jpg)

I discovered this thread yesterday and went crazy. My old hard drive had tons of KiSS sets on it from way back, good times.
No. 361414
File: 1521587655123.jpg (418.68 KB, 400x600, Merfolk-Inkscribble-DollDivine…)

I love this inkscribble person.
No. 361415
File: 1521587710601.jpg (438 KB, 400x600, Neptunes-Daughter-DollDivine2.…)

No. 361416
File: 1521587810951.png (307.24 KB, 458x540, rinmaru.png)

No. 361417
File: 1521587832295.png (348.46 KB, 415x541, bettercave.png)

No. 361418
File: 1521588028792.jpg (73.91 KB, 400x600, X-Girl-Candys-World-Doll-Divin…)

I suck at superheroes no bully plz
No. 361419
File: 1521588081991.jpg (90.51 KB, 400x600, Angel-Maker-DollDivine.jpg)

one more
No. 361423
some good mobile dressups i know of (besides all the rinmaru ripoffs) are custom tiyoko and pastel girl (which might be on apple, idk i use android). tiyoko is pretty strict in it's art style but you can create some really cute looking characters, and you can also pose them. pastel girl there's little to no customisation of the actual character, but the outfits in it are pretty damn cute. even if you have to pay to get more stuff, the base game is fine on it's own.
No. 361424
File: 1523611141268.png (928.02 KB, 1104x717, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 6.46…)

Lol I have such a guilty pleasure for dress up games, especially the ones that give you a lot of options. There's this cyberpunk one I found that I liked and I created a whole crew.
No. 361426
File: 1523644207476.jpg (37.72 KB, 700x256, bbe62e555fdd4ea0cb31aeafdc2c73…)

>>361423I'm currently addicted to Love Nikki, even though grinding to get ugly clothes to win competitions is draining.
No. 361427
>>361426Beware that they seem to be going down the money hungry path that tonnes of popular apps fall to, a $100 in game outfit for a 1 year anniversary no less >>
Otherwise starry corridor is super cute and funny all at the same time <3
No. 361428
>>361427>Beware that they seem to be going down the money hungry path that tonnes of popular apps fall to, a $100 in game outfit for a 1 year anniversary no less >>holy fug, what's the outfit?
I quit this game months ago after I started pouring real money in it :/
No. 361429
File: 1523655851762.jpg (39.28 KB, 480x480, t-t.jpg)

>>361428Obviously it's a beautiful outfit but fuqq, I'm hesitant spending $10 on an outfit.
No. 361430
>>361429my only issue with this coord is that there's literally nothing else it will go with. the whole outfit needs to be together to work AND the fact that it's $100 just kills it for me even more.
another thing that pisses me off is when you're in the styling contests and the other contestant just throws ANYTHING on their model without it being cohesive to the theme and they WIN.
No. 361432
File: 1523748496702.png (514.23 KB, 665x825, doll.png)

>>361133Thank you for the recommendations. I'm in an art slump right now and fucking about on doll makers is surprisingly fun. This one was probably my favorite No. 361433
Found this Korean website but the game won't show up for me ? Am I the only one ?
I did find some of these derss up on this website though if you want. No. 361436
File: 1524900133363.png (76.94 KB, 646x512, Map.PNG)

anyone remember this game? you have to download it, but just to save trekking through dozens of dead links, someone uploaded their version with tons of added content. search "animegen", it's the top result.
No. 361437
File: 1525127339585.gif (25.98 KB, 150x290, avatar.gif)

No. 361438
File: 1525214614649.png (46.28 KB, 278x464, download.png)

If I found this game when I was a shitty emo kid I would have been so happy…
No. 361440
File: 1526670593102.jpg (209.21 KB, 440x630, Dark Fairy 2.jpg)

No. 361441
File: 1526670608325.jpg (170.61 KB, 440x630, Dark Fairy.jpg)

No. 361443
File: 1526881608469.png (1.08 MB, 720x1280, g5TpTWh.png)

I'm a sucker for dress up games with gachas! They are so much more exciting than your typical dress up games.
Cocoppa Play was a game I was quite addicted to, although it's one of those app games that are all about $$$ and nothing else. They ignore their users complaints and just keep trying to squeeze more cash out of it's players. But damn it if it's not one of the cutest dress up app games around. I hate myself for how much I've spent in it lmao
No. 361444
File: 1527545484716.jpg (188.64 KB, 340x600, 40s 2.jpg)

wish this thread updated more often!
No. 361446
File: 1527552616449.gif (7.25 KB, 200x100, bana_originz_lg.GIF)

I found an archived web article on the origin of "Dollz", written by their creator, Melicia Greenwood. I thought you girls might find it interesting. No. 361447
File: 1527574691889.jpg (523.67 KB, 451x650, zombabe.jpg)

>>361445thanks for the link, anon
No. 361450
>>361449the kisekae?
oh woops I always just assumed it was mostly for lewds so I never opened it.
Still I can't find the dresses but I assume the anons somehow uploaded their own images?
sorry for being such an airhead
No. 361453
File: 1527618905541.png (129.5 KB, 796x553, uwah.png)

>>361450yes anon, those are real dresses lol
i made myself a (basic as fuck, to be honest) harem of anime schoolgirls to cheer me on for my revision
No. 361454
>>361451there is no need to be so rude, I asked nicely and no one forced you to reply
The question was actually if the anon uploaded pictures of the real dresses herself.
>>361453thanks anon
No. 361458
File: 1528381454076.jpg (387.59 KB, 450x600, shoujo.jpg)

>>361456thanks for sharing
No. 361461
File: 1528526526848.png (267.56 KB, 901x598, Kawaii Cleric.png)

I'm currently creating a kawaii DnD group. So far I have a bunny girl cleric, a druid and a cat-burglar rogue
here's the cleric
No. 361466
File: 1538596579992.jpg (42.13 KB, 446x704, angel.JPG)

made an Earth element angel i guess
No. 361467
File: 1538598215076.png (251.55 KB, 462x861, cozy.PNG)

>>361455I tried making a better version of myself lol
No. 361468
File: 1538599773911.jpg (101.87 KB, 400x700, today.jpg)

>>361455Wish they had pattern options for scarves
No. 361471
File: 1538637540102.jpg (122.53 KB, 400x700, Casual-Style-by-AzaleasDolls.j…)

No. 361473
File: 1538667914227.jpg (188.33 KB, 340x600,…)

>>361444This looks so nice anon! I've also made one with this game, I'm a sucker for vintage style so I really liked it.
No. 361475
File: 1538669076294.jpg (196.02 KB, 340x600,…)

I played these games a lot when I was a kid so they really relax me now.
No. 361476
File: 1538669660331.jpg (384.79 KB, 464x620, Southern-Belle-by-AzaleasDolls…)

>>361475me when my parents make me go to their stupid party and I just want to read in the library
No. 361480
File: 1538672213643.jpg (122.56 KB, 400x600, Scifi-Warrior-2-by-AzaleasDoll…)

Just this did in RinMaru games. I'd probably make him a Star Wars OC if I knew more abut the lore lmao
No. 361481
File: 1538676012017.jpg (409.28 KB, 900x644, Centaur-Scene-Maker-Azaleas-Do…)

I loved the centaurs in fantasia as a kid
No. 361482
File: 1538680017354.png (388.94 KB, 361x642, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at 12.1…)

going to the saloon, y'all need anything?
No. 361483
File: 1538680141193.png (281.04 KB, 349x605, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 11.2…)

No. 361484
File: 1538681829313.jpg (89.25 KB, 799x700, autumnishere.jpg)

>>361455This is such a nice one, anon. Fits my aesthetic and personal fashion lol
No. 361485
File: 1538699506373.png (532.71 KB, 501x870, style1.png)

really cute!
No. 361486
File: 1538704345877.jpg (105.68 KB, 400x700, Casual-Style-by-AzaleasDolls.j…)

made a less trainwreck version of myself
No. 361487
File: 1538722133770.jpg (148.72 KB, 340x600,…)

No. 361488
File: 1538752878226.jpg (994.07 KB, 950x651, haunted-portrait.jpg) found this and I really like. I've even made up a story for this woman
No. 361489
File: 1538963404882.jpg (132.02 KB, 400x700, Casual-Style-by-AzaleasDolls.j…)

>>361485This is adorable, anon! I love neutral colors and soft earth tones.
No. 361491
File: 1539087028278.png (229.34 KB, 987x867, Screenshot_2.png)

>>361130i've thought about buying boots like these for a while, this game made me decide i'm gonna do it
No. 361493
File: 1539155161952.png (273.21 KB, 1000x1000, chibi_20180520_183529.png)

I've since lost the link to these, but I made a ton of characters with this game.
No. 361497
File: 1539155886209.png (222.22 KB, 1000x1000, chibi_20180518_210505.png)

>>361496Alright, done spamming the thread. I also noticed the website/game name is watermarked on the image, so here it is if any anons want to make them. No. 361500
File: 1539377883798.jpg (247.62 KB, 550x600, Elven-Portrait-by-AzaleasDolls…)

No. 361504
File: 1539634732545.png (239.78 KB, 398x596, woopwoopskrrrrt.png)

>>361503Fuck, I loved this and spent way more time on it than I should have so thank you for that. I made this and she looks totally christmas themed even tho I didn't mean for it to come out that way but I guess it's fitting for this time of year.
Let's see your cute magical girls, anons!
No. 361506
File: 1539750903993.jpg (338.86 KB, 550x600, Elven-Portrait-by-AzaleasDolls…)

>>361499Thanks for the link, I really liked this one. I made one of my dragon age characters.
No. 361507
File: 1539753813345.jpg (95.76 KB, 340x600,…)

omg some of these games are so cute im gonna spend a ton of time on here
No. 361508
File: 1539776206483.png (540.06 KB, 1600x2400, Glitter-Cure-HiRes-dolldivine.…)

>>361503This one is really great, thank you anon!
No. 361509
File: 1540269910548.png (1.33 MB, 917x1244, faces.png)

>>361216Just discovered this thread and I really liked this one! Thanks for sharing anon!
No. 361510
File: 1540275965774.png (1.52 MB, 1100x1200, faces2.png)

>>361506I was thinking the same thing kek the markings really remind me of Inquisition…
I really like dress up games that give you random items to enhance the look too, had fun with final touches.
No. 361516
File: 1540632643261.png (396.11 KB, 801x534, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 2.30…)

omfg. rinmaru made a demoness game's see your succubusonas girls
No. 361518
File: 1540637072193.jpg (366.08 KB, 900x600, demon_girl.jpg)

>>361517welp it' ur stereotypical anime demon, she ain't gonna wear a vintage dress
Nice game
No. 361519
File: 1540689723461.jpg (343.96 KB, 900x600, demon_girl.jpg)

Thanks for the link
No. 361520
File: 1540692976045.png (236.94 KB, 399x602, gfg.PNG)

her outfit screams naruto but her hair screams christmas
No. 361521
File: 1540706138852.png (1.16 MB, 862x590, 78.png)

>>361516She's waiting for you in her sex dungeon, and she drinks matcha in a champagne glass cause she likes feeling fancy
No. 361522
File: 1540761014700.jpg (270.77 KB, 900x600, demon_girl2.jpg)

No. 361523
File: 1540761418264.jpg (154.11 KB, 400x600, Glitter-Cure-dolldivine.jpg)

>>361520this was so tragic so I redid it. I'm basically obsessed with this one
No. 361524
File: 1540861144417.jpg (219.45 KB, 550x700, bzzt.jpg)

i've been falling down the rabbit hole of these games on azaleasdolls. really love the girl on the left, but they didn't give many cute outfit options for my girl on the right
No. 361525
File: 1540863761237.png (520.46 KB, 896x594, cutewwww.PNG)

my try at it
No. 361526
File: 1540864477538.png (908.57 KB, 889x596, rnmr.png)

the pose is so awkward
No. 361527
File: 1540881792080.png (337.83 KB, 531x683, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 11.4…)

>>361524it's fun to try to make them complement each other! like they're wearing the same collection lol
No. 361528
File: 1540913499377.jpg (251.53 KB, 550x700, Covergirls-by-AzaleasDolls.jpg)

>>361527I gave it a go too
No. 361529
File: 1540915697787.jpg (249 KB, 550x700, Covergirls-by-AzaleasDolls.jpg)

>>361524i completly forgot about azaleasdolls games.
i thought the girl on the left had the cute clothes.
here's mine.
No. 361530
File: 1540916971934.jpg (257.6 KB, 550x700,…)

i like this one
No. 361532
File: 1540948466051.jpg (224.95 KB, 550x700,…)

No. 361533
File: 1540999575560.jpg (269.31 KB, 400x600, Glitter-Cure-dolldivine.jpg)

merry early christmas
No. 361534
File: 1541008719378.png (545.42 KB, 520x670, Capture.PNG)

Wanted to do something for Halloween. It's called "Witch Apprentice".
No. 361537
File: 1541021606831.jpg (396.75 KB, 900x601, anime halloween magical girl.j…)

No. 361544
File: 1543409699222.png (773.03 KB, 968x634, screenshot-styleup.gameangel.c…)

Does anyone else play StyleUp games? also have dress up games with male models. have so many dress up games, and i love all of them. The clothes are amazing , the hairs are cute, the art is very nice but GOD i can't stand the face of the model. it looks so weird and disproportionate and sometimes i try to cover it up with sunglasses because it ruins everything for me.
I wish the makers would change it.
No. 361545
File: 1543410058805.png (398.17 KB, 629x752, STyleupeditbeforeafterr.png)

>>361544i'm the same anon.
i tried to change the face myself with a cutting, resizing and pasting to fix the face and make it a bit more normal/proportionate. and it i think it looks waaay beter.
the left is before and the right is after.
No. 361548
I'm looking for a dressup game I used to adore but can't find at all anymore.
Iirc it was on Deviantart. It was a lolita themed one, with a chibi character. You could change her features and clothes by clicking on them, and you could drag patterns (dots, stripes etc) to put over the skirt as well as tons of accessories like headbands, bunnies, pearls, crosses, hearts, etc. It was cute because a lot of the stuff you could drag was part of the background, like hearts that were actually a motif on the podium she was standing on etc.
It was really well made and had a lot of options and I want to try again for nostalgia, does anybody know what I'm talking about?
I couldn't even find pictures on google images, it's like it all vanished.
No. 361550
File: 1545144525304.png (33.25 KB, 150x150, KZwyf8B.png)

>>361548The first part of your description reminds me of this game:'s no podium with hearts though… but it's a cute game.
No. 361551
File: 1545145138366.png (208.06 KB, 1000x750, Screenshot_1.png)

>>361548>>361549This is the one I remember playing:
(The link from Deviantart was dead) hope this is the one you were looking for!
No. 361552
File: 1545151671080.jpg (500.82 KB, 1600x2400, Glitter-Cure-HiRes-dolldivine2…)

>>361503This is too adorable and fun. I wanted to add tiny stars to her stockings but I couldn't make them small enough.
>>361515Those blue gradients look amazing!
No. 361553
>>361551Yes! Thank you so much Anon!
>>361550But this one is also very cute indeed, thank you!
No. 361554
File: 1545218284093.png (119.58 KB, 247x535, Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at 5.47…)

No. 361555
File: 1545218307195.png (163.03 KB, 713x384, Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at 5.47…)

No. 361558
File: 1545221299179.jpg (191.95 KB, 400x600, Glitter-Cure-dolldivin.jpg)

No. 361559
File: 1545221320151.jpg (237.96 KB, 400x600, Glitter-Cure-dolldivine.jpg)

No. 361560
File: 1545228962509.png (176.88 KB, 476x797, ohWBYV7.png)

No. 361561
File: 1545229192433.png (30.26 KB, 397x215, pixel cute room.png)

>>361555Thanks, anon!
I had so much fun on this and spent forever decorating lol
No. 361563
File: 1545241749471.jpg (74.82 KB, 623x437, Screenshot_20181220-041653_Chr…)

>>361562The chair only had 2 angles
I did want it facing the TV but settled with what there was available
No. 361567
File: 1545446089210.jpg (254.78 KB, 550x700, Covergirls-by-AzaleasDolls.jpg)

No. 361568
File: 1545446402120.png (413.92 KB, 595x889, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 6.31…)

Tried out the Glitter Cure one, very cute and fun!
No. 361569
File: 1545446783368.png (353.49 KB, 717x390, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 6.37…)

Also tried mini room maker, holiday/winter theme.
No. 361572
File: 1545482722033.jpg (460.1 KB, 440x600, medieval-woman.jpg)

No. 361573
File: 1546563622036.png (173.37 KB, 312x553, himena.png)

>>361564anon, i love this so much! i tried making himena ousaki
thanks for finding this!
No. 361574
File: 1546565997752.png (198.82 KB, 342x587, hime2.png)

>>361564>>361573I seriously could get addicted to this shit, my inner 14y/o weeb is screaming rn
No. 361577
File: 1547665690099.jpg (33.76 KB, 600x600, IMG_20190116_215934.jpg)

Does anyone know what dollmaker this is from. I really like the style.
No. 361579
File: 1547667718359.png (95.92 KB, 600x600, 5209_gk4rKs0Y.png)

>>361577This one is super cute, thanks.
No. 361580
File: 1547668045478.png (156.61 KB, 600x600, 5209_dfAnz2a6.png)

I wanted to share too
No. 361581
File: 1547676438356.png (123.25 KB, 600x600,

>>361578Thank you for sharing this anon ♥
No. 361583
File: 1547774459846.png (88.05 KB, 600x600, chohoh.png)

i like the simple looks
No. 361586
File: 1547784540525.png (227.54 KB, 600x600, download20190104200812.png)

>>361584very cute, thanks!
No. 361593
File: 1547822121260.png (22.91 KB, 334x443, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 3.08…)

spent the whole day on this thread. here we go.
No. 361595
File: 1547822271568.png (335.59 KB, 545x694, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 11.2…)

>>361594immediately thought of blair and serena when i opened the game. them remembered what a bitch serena was at blair's mom's photoshoot.
No. 361596
File: 1547822442643.png (363.52 KB, 392x649, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 11.0…)

>>361595i love historical/fantasy dress up games, i played the tudor one more than one hundred times fml
No. 361600
File: 1547838599904.png (160.6 KB, 600x600, 5227_ZMlzRkm8.png)

>>361588Ooh I haven't tried this one before.
No. 361604
File: 1547859043887.png (172.34 KB, 600x600, 5227_ii857jl3.png)

>>361588i am addicted to this website now.
No. 361605
File: 1547860997036.png (68 KB, 600x600, download20190105201813.png)

>>361603really don't know why my first impulse is to recreate myself in those games. anyways I ended up looking like some kpop boy
No. 361607
File: 1547869664982.png (54.52 KB, 600x600, download20190106010813.png)

No. 361626
File: 1547885520794.png (118.3 KB, 600x600, 6324_K3KNMhI8.png) else staying up all night making dolls?
No. 361631
File: 1547887851239.png (74.5 KB, 600x600, 7376_1xWfJHH5.png)

Kind of looks like Kotomine.
No. 361632
File: 1547887873070.png (143.04 KB, 600x600, 6419_4RDaew1j.png)

No. 361633
File: 1547887931819.png (68 KB, 600x600, 7545_mF7fH568.png)

No. 361652
File: 1547898625736.png (82.18 KB, 600x600, 3586_EdTGGNA2.png)

No. 361653
File: 1547901199374.png (84.26 KB, 600x600, 3586_T2CHf3Sl.png)

>>361648This website has cursed me
No. 361658
File: 1547948729644.png (162.21 KB, 600x600, download20190106204335.png)

Hello, guys! I like botany soooo, yeah.
>>361589I love this game, ty anon for referring me to this <3
No. 361659
File: 1547956304156.png (170.02 KB, 600x600, download20190100142118.png)

>>361577>>361578I don't know if I should be happy or mad that this site was shared, I've spent way too much time playing with all the avatar creators… No. 361666
File: 1548007023194.png (127.25 KB, 600x600, 203_0wVk9ES2.png)

>>361610made myself, thank u for life
No. 361668
File: 1548028773845.png (216.33 KB, 600x600, 6324_WBHUewq7.png)

>>361626it's 1 am and I've been up all night making 2D husbandos help
No. 361669
File: 1548030881541.png (254.33 KB, 600x600, 5704_edI8Scwj.png)

No. 361670
File: 1548040535586.jpg (270.46 KB, 400x600, mahou.jpg)

>>361503early valenine's girl
No. 361672
File: 1548047989242.png (91.68 KB, 402x423, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 1.44…)

>>361626>>361668forever recreating my husbando
No. 361679
File: 1548070499223.png (582.53 KB, 600x600, 5215_JJtgJSJg.png)

>>361678Damn I love this one
No. 361680
File: 1548074419460.png (595.3 KB, 600x600, 1779F0C3-BED7-43E8-9634-1BAF29…)

>>361678This watercolour one is gorgeous, these are all so fucking cute.
No. 361681
File: 1548077618429.png (587.64 KB, 600x600, 5215_UwP6SZGJ.png)

>>361678This one is super cute. I loved all the customization options for this one.
No. 361687
File: 1548097656556.png (235.02 KB, 600x600, download20190101200528.png)

>>361682noooo I'm supposed to be studying
those picrew avatar games are too much
No. 361695
File: 1548129314377.png (315.67 KB, 600x600, 4893_DLqpYwd4.png)

No. 361696
File: 1548129839766.png (169.63 KB, 600x600, 7376_By2i0oFM.png)

No. 361703
File: 1548138696361.png (316.66 KB, 600x600, 10713_O4Hq8L6x.png)

>>361682This one is so pretty.
No. 361705
File: 1548141437783.png (677.98 KB, 600x600, 5215_Kt06xqx3.png)

oh man they're all so pretty
No. 361706
File: 1548141581361.png (242.72 KB, 600x600, 13349_EXt8YfSL.png)

I really liked the style of this one. No. 361708
File: 1548142252675.png (222.98 KB, 600x600, 13349_rsTC6BpH.png)

No. 361711
File: 1548172951480.png (106.06 KB, 600x600, 6324_Tshei1z0[1].png)

>>361626Made my fiance lol.
No. 361717
File: 1548187488145.png (143.73 KB, 600x600, download20190102140420.png)

>>361671tru we out here smoking ten packs a day
No. 361719
File: 1548187959152.png (120.27 KB, 600x600, download20190102141210.png)

>>361718why are they naked? is my girl going to sex with these cool shades on?
No. 361722
File: 1548189141400.png (449.29 KB, 600x600, C8D5F203-BDD5-4C3D-B816-90D99E…)

I don’t know where you guys find these image makers but I’m so happy, I feel like a little girl again. Having so much fun, thank you!
No. 361724
File: 1548190563370.png (115.5 KB, 600x600, 6324_CrBgsTA8.png)

No. 361726
File: 1548191242056.png (221.38 KB, 600x600, 8087_9O5NKVzD.png)

I love seeing everyone's dolls and their individual styles.
No. 361730
File: 1548192094415.png (316.15 KB, 600x600, unnamed.png)

>>361712this one is so pretty!
No. 361733
File: 1548193389278.png (416.93 KB, 600x600, ED07CCCF-58D3-43CC-98A9-65A8F3…)

No. 361736
File: 1548195200713.png (233.99 KB, 600x600, 5289_0zlXSm8Q.png)

I like making depressed/hurt looking men.
No. 361737
File: 1548197646965.png (68.65 KB, 600x600, 7009_8czcJPPE.png) site is a plague I am addicted aaaAaa
No. 361738
File: 1548199231432.png (188.21 KB, 600x600, download20190102151947.png)

No. 361739
File: 1548201977228.png (134.67 KB, 600x600, 3595_ioOIjwL2.png) customizable one.
I made ME-tan.
No. 361740
File: 1548202022496.png (78.34 KB, 600x600, 3595_UoWHFOu4.png)

No. 361742
File: 1548205258825.png (130.96 KB, 600x600, 3595_AFuk4w2q.png)

No. 361743
File: 1548206200833.png (227.65 KB, 600x600, download20190102171443.png)

tried to make almond from cucumber quest
No. 361744
File: 1548206247381.png (133.8 KB, 600x600, download20190102171432.png)

No. 361745
File: 1548206483751.png (248.74 KB, 600x600, download20190102172110.png)

No. 361746
File: 1548207278291.png (181.4 KB, 600x600, BA6DB0EC-BDE9-4EB5-B344-936037…)

No. 361747
File: 1548209740838.png (146.08 KB, 600x600, 3595_ihnUYAKm.png)

No. 361748
File: 1548209780769.png (146.57 KB, 600x600, 3595_lVl7hKvl.png)

No. 361749
File: 1548212780831.png (189.37 KB, 600x600, 3595_SpH4yaUs[1].png)

made myself no bully.
No. 361755
File: 1548221492591.png (22.32 KB, 180x270, leopardchan.png)

I've had a whole bunch of avatars I made for a long-dead avatar forum lying around in my pictures folder for years. Here's one.
I really enjoyed dressing my avatar up back then and I remember being really annoyed because the site shut down when I only had a few items from my huge wishlist of clothing items left to get.
No. 361757
File: 1548229877196.png (95.99 KB, 600x600, 3595_QuCIa1Oe.png)

>>361739love the ones with these bangs lol
No. 361762
File: 1548241131365.png (129.68 KB, 600x600, 327_myRYOxX9.png)

>>361749Sooo cute anon!!! You inspired to try and recreate myself too!
No. 361763
File: 1548244325223.png (107.57 KB, 600x600, download20190103113734.png)

>>361762hi fellow glasses/ medium length red hair/ hoodie/ headphones chan!
No. 361766
File: 1548245922327.png (97.18 KB, 600x600, DBC4316B-4683-4D1E-8172-DB4E69…)

>>361760I guess there’s a lot of short hair/glasses anons here, lmao
No. 361770
File: 1548255201920.png (110.38 KB, 600x600, download20190103065304.png)

>>361760made myself as well
No. 361771
File: 1548257428584.png (188.53 KB, 600x600, 3595_3ehPrazY.png)

>>361762 here
It sucks that most of these games don't have curly hair options t_t , but whoaaa it seems like a lot of us wear glasses owo
No. 361772
File: 1548257661355.png (116.25 KB, 600x600, t1aRDIo.png)

>>361761No idea why the red text appeared.
No. 361773
File: 1548258161254.png (165.2 KB, 600x600, 2B6614A4-AC64-4064-B5CE-ABA229…)

Thought I was the only one making myself in all of these, feels good knowing others do too and I’m not just a narc
No. 361776
File: 1548259099951.png (262.71 KB, 600x600, download20190101151112.png)

>>361771Lol are we all red heads with curly hair and glasses? Yes, I wish there were more options, a lot of them have pink, green hair colors but no natural ones.
>>361630Used this one.
No. 361777
File: 1548259830376.png (100.87 KB, 600x600, download20190103095719.png)

>>361771>>361776Ofc we all wear glasses. 2 much internet. Also reddish, short, super curly hair here joining in to say gang
No. 361778
File: 1548259911310.png (560.05 KB, 600x600, 5215_Z6wsUp4V.png)

i've been making cute avatars of my bf and my friends and put them as their contact pic on my phone No. 361781
File: 1548260910768.png (93.98 KB, 600x600, download20190103172546.png)

No. 361782
File: 1548260959752.png (90.38 KB, 600x600, download20190101205913.png)

No. 361783
File: 1548261072111.png (58.02 KB, 600x600, download20190101010816.png)

>>361781>>361782i always make myself and/or my friends instead of some pretty random avatar-girls ha
No. 361785
File: 1548261261644.png (130.65 KB, 600x600, 327_Zs42vCN4.png)

>>361766I have long hair and don't wear glasses, but I can feel my vision getting worse by the day, I just haven't done anything about it yet. Forever in hoodies crew reporting in tho
No. 361787
File: 1548262011200.png (600.64 KB, 600x600, download20190103104613.png)

>>361778That's a cute idea, anon!
No. 361788
File: 1548262995673.png (200.26 KB, 600x600, download20190103110128.png)

>>361779Finally a dress up game with boys that has a long hair option.
I made a husbando
No. 361790
File: 1548265169324.png (1.03 MB, 1141x600, cats.png)

>>361678I love this one so much
I tried to make "human" versions of my cats
No. 361791
File: 1548266181711.png (135.14 KB, 600x600, download20190103142517.png)

>>361779I made the guy I like….
No. 361795
File: 1548269764293.png (803.97 KB, 1200x600, beethoven mozart.png)

>>361790They're liter mates, but I ended up making them look more similar than they are.
No. 361797
File: 1548270771648.png (250.72 KB, 600x600, 10890_YUGPR89P.png) a ton of options in this one but at least there's always enough to make a rei
No. 361798
File: 1548270875444.png (249.06 KB, 600x600, download20190103191248.png)

Scarred husbandos. Not many options for this one, but I like what's available. >>361795How did you do the two tone hair? I could only get one colour to show up.
No. 361809
File: 1548279681282.png (200.99 KB, 600x600, ghost boi.png) website have taken over my life …
No. 361813
File: 1548300680491.png (235.54 KB, 600x600, 14928_DPsqFyjg[1].png)

>>361812LMFAO what the fuck is this one.
No. 361814
File: 1548303939774.png (283.2 KB, 600x600, 14928_S95VvH6M.png)

Ana Chan is having a bad day
No. 361817
File: 1548322680675.png (351.27 KB, 600x600, 6A527149-3E68-4809-B820-7F138D…)

>>361812God this is even better than ugly boyfriend one I posted in the bad art thread! God bless japs making the most bizarro shit.
No. 361824
File: 1548333358311.png (164.01 KB, 600x600, c.png)

No. 361827
File: 1548334775845.png (255.18 KB, 600x600, download20190104125655.png) maker. Lots of long hair options in this one for that one anon. You can make him look a lot older but I'm shallow.
No. 361828
File: 1548341583855.png (309.25 KB, 600x600, download20190104085124.png)

>>361827Omg ty for keeping me in mind and enabling my thirst, anon. Here's me being twice as shallow
No. 361829
File: 1548342496515.png (455.44 KB, 600x600, download20190104090756.png)

>>361822pretty! wish there were more options
No. 361831
File: 1548345280891.png (384.23 KB, 600x600, download20190104095404.png)

>>361810Cute. Reminds me of LoZ Wind Waker.
No. 361833
File: 1548351174798.png (161.34 KB, 600x600, download20190104093212.png)

>>361827no freckles in this one… but i made my bf lol
No. 361840
File: 1548363410926.png (45.8 KB, 600x600, 15086_kTbhUwzj.png)

I lost the url for this one, but the style is very pretty.
No. 361842
File: 1548365541029.png (427.23 KB, 600x600, 21246_Nt3K7cRW.png)

>>361836would date this handsome detective man
>>361822 No. 361843
File: 1548367903067.png (156.2 KB, 600x600, hot dad no1.png) make your own hot dad here now, for the dilf of your dreams
No. 361844
File: 1548367926863.png (160.28 KB, 600x600, download20190104171114.png)

>>361739this one was so much fun!
No. 361847
File: 1548373088284.png (217.83 KB, 600x600, EF95355F-85CD-4031-BD4B-A3A65E…)

>>361846i made kaworu nagisa and he looks so soft rip bby angel
No. 361848
File: 1548376733361.png (163.01 KB, 600x600, 099F7CCB-96FA-4168-98FF-D8B219…)

>>361843I call this one “hot dad that just woke up and is about to read the morning paper while drinking a cup of coffee”
No. 361854
File: 1548382526554.png (171.95 KB, 600x600, download20190104201416.png)

>>361843>when da lets u put his hair in a bun and he looks disappointednever knew i wanted a hot dadbun (im sorry)
No. 361855
File: 1548383545590.png (289.87 KB, 600x600, 4395_6kneJlMl.png)

>>361827Made my husbando, anyone recognize?
No. 361862
File: 1548406029911.png (144.93 KB, 600x600, download20190105094716.png)

I think some of these aren't completely finished yet. Such as this one, the only options you get are hair choices and the rest is only one option. No. 361867
File: 1548408894736.png (103.34 KB, 397x396, Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at 3.06…)

>>361798i fucking love these… living my scarred husbando dreams through and through
No. 361868
File: 1548410122977.png (98.78 KB, 600x600, 4395_eL3o5uea.png)

>>361827made seth everman
No. 361869
File: 1548424664905.png (217.36 KB, 600x600, download20190105132526.png)

I ended up making one of my boyfriend taking a trip to flavourtown.
No. 361870
File: 1548424731964.png (91.89 KB, 600x600, download20190105135626.png)

Also one of myself from that other one.
No. 361872
File: 1548427885117.png (288.55 KB, 600x600, 16026_ZZqpltgz.png)

>>361871From the angle I thought there might be sexy options…but this is fine I guess.
No. 361873
File: 1548428308798.png (296.7 KB, 600x600, download20190105085733.png)

>>361872ikr what is this angle. i feel like im in a lawyers office or something and looking down at his bolo tie. soo hawt
No. 361874
File: 1548428665516.png (176.6 KB, 600x600, download20190105090357.png)

No. 361875
File: 1548429359684.png (141.58 KB, 600x600, 47.png)

>>361871The last thing you see before getting assassinated
No. 361878
File: 1548435901576.png (206.41 KB, 600x600, 4395_TUW6mhlB.png)

>>361827Really liking these guy ones. Joined in with other anons and made my man as well.
No. 361879
File: 1548438056382.png (233.83 KB, 600x600, WENzr1g.png)

>>361827I usually don't like old guys but this one's pretty cute.
No. 361882
File: 1548441721784.png (368.48 KB, 600x600, C9464A40-B638-4383-9D2E-4C8D3A…)

No. 361883
File: 1548443325900.png (230.46 KB, 600x600, download20190105130809.png)'s scars in here for scar anon
No. 361884
File: 1548443920643.png (144.76 KB, 396x408, aaa23.png)

No. 361886
File: 1548444915936.png (155.02 KB, 600x600, 10531_eg4NBRfV.png)

>>361843I really like being able to make my own sexy dad
No. 361887
File: 1548447784332.jpg (36.24 KB, 482x489, Capture.JPG)

>>361843why has god forsaken me
No. 361889
File: 1548452052501.png (141.74 KB, 600x600, 3595_pSRBzolp.png)

>>361888Fucking lol
>>361578Anon, you've sent us all into a dark place. I can't stop making characters. This website is too addicting.
No. 361890
File: 1548452643267.png (372.39 KB, 600x600, 8087_aSNlBdaa.png)

>>361712This one's so good ugh
No. 361891
File: 1548452706496.png (189.85 KB, 600x600, DF0B9D26-95F7-45FB-897F-459670…)

this website is so fucking addicting
No. 361895
File: 1548453704029.png (349.36 KB, 600x600, C5F7E795-CB3F-4961-92DA-4282F7…)

No. 361901
File: 1548478989191.png (145.31 KB, 392x395, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 2.01…)

>>361883idk if i'm the scar anon but i like them scars too, m'anon
No. 361902
File: 1548480710186.png (78.23 KB, 393x395, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 2.29…)

hope this wasn't linked before, but it's v cute
a bit troony tho, has both girl and boy options No. 361904
File: 1548496705122.png (22.47 KB, 600x600, me20.png)

>>361902this one is one of my favs
No. 361911
File: 1548518099181.png (200.68 KB, 600x600, 13541_UHkH3OaE.png)

>>361909This is Jared, he's a drummer in a pop-punk band and can do, like, a totally sick kickflip with his skateboard, dude.
No. 361915
File: 1548524672184.png (150 KB, 600x600, 18771_9e4rM0Dq.png)

>>361908tried making Mads
No. 361923
File: 1548528899897.png (415.79 KB, 600x600, download20190106125428.png)

>>361917I'm ashamed, but I still have a thing for anime boys that look so cliche and otome-y like this.
No. 361925
File: 1548529757206.png (313.21 KB, 600x600, download20190106130845.png)

>>361908You know I had to do it to em
No. 361928
File: 1548530801232.png (205.27 KB, 397x398, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at 3.54…)

>>361908this man is here to pimp you out
No. 361931
File: 1548530983090.png (119.8 KB, 396x395, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at 4.23…)

>>361921why do i keep making rebellious twinks like this
No. 361932
File: 1548532030366.png (142.91 KB, 600x600, download20190106134652.png)

>>361931>collarbone piercingkinda hot
No. 361934
File: 1548536367694.png (184.58 KB, 600x600, download20190106154637.png)

>>361671hoodie gang is here to take over bruv
No. 361938
File: 1548539200975.png (241.44 KB, 600x600, 11428_J7WiZYtM.png)

No. 361953
File: 1548560627894.png (294.74 KB, 600x600, download20190106221021.png)

>>361907This one is so cute!
No. 361961
File: 1548566715631.png (109.39 KB, 529x490, acolytes ordo xenos female.png)

Got warhammer 40k Ocs that I use for roleplaying and stuff. I like the fact that you can adjust body type on this game.
No. 361962
File: 1548567030989.png (105.64 KB, 600x600, moi.png)

Made myself, though I usually don't make myself in these things.
No. 361967
File: 1548583244077.png (236.18 KB, 600x600, download20190100040001.png)

>>361963Beyond cute. I'm getting some P&S vibes from this.
No. 361975
File: 1548587922019.jpg (43.3 KB, 600x600, IMG_20190127_121728_172.jpg)

>>361908Tried with aged bf
No. 361977
>>361908Holding in a fart
>>361915Zombie tier
>>361928Cute French pimp
>>361971Looks like he smells bad and not just because of the cigar.
>>361975Cool guy
No. 361978
File: 1548588802503.png (271.22 KB, 600x600, lemonade girl.png) one is so simple but the idea is cute.
No. 361992
File: 1548620033473.png (59.8 KB, 600x600, 28944_mDdP4XEs.png)

>>361990I couldn't really see the legs but this was cute.
No. 361994
File: 1548628875903.png (843.93 KB, 1080x1920, MGM 5.png)

If there are any mobile users, I would reccomend the monster girl maker app. :)
No. 361996
File: 1548633280333.png (222.4 KB, 600x600, 15154_7lfOYXq6.png)

>>361995Really beautiful.
No. 361999
File: 1548635079124.png (197.4 KB, 600x600, download20190101002109.png)

>>361987I love this one. I made a vampire girl who has had a long fucking day.
No. 362008
File: 1548644664543.png (268.49 KB, 600x600, random gorl.png)

No. 362010
File: 1548667433529.png (178.87 KB, 600x600, 11180_Z37mcyKV.png)

Finally I can be a weeb in peace.
No. 362014
File: 1548670629467.jpg (196.04 KB, 532x855, Screenshot_20190128-041557_Pas…)

Made this with an app called pastel girl.
No. 362135
File: 1548692811181.png (125.57 KB, 394x395, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 1.26…)

>>361987now she has to kill you too
No. 362138
File: 1548693870628.png (218.41 KB, 1200x599, yuorangleordevel.png)

>>362135>>361987get u a girl who can do both
No. 362185
File: 1548701549279.png (221.45 KB, 1197x599, download20190101184825.png)

>>362138You inspired me to do my own version of this.
No. 362203
File: 1548702736522.png (211.71 KB, 600x600, 11180_Ju4jaFMf.png)

>>361987When your rich husband dies under "mysterious circumstances"
No. 362352
File: 1548725965196.png (186.53 KB, 600x600, 7376_L5rcZwAa.png)

No. 363463
File: 1548738216475.png (517.53 KB, 600x600, 7BE62929-C524-4AAB-8A41-80D9C7…)

This might be my favorite one yet. So calming. No. 363566
File: 1548754243670.png (502.87 KB, 600x600, 2BC24A1A-0D2F-409B-B0C8-B53C23…)

>>363463I love this one anon.
No. 363593
File: 1548765391180.jpg (106.46 KB, 600x600, 14761_otQYKrnr.jpg)

>>363463100% my favorite too.
No. 363596
File: 1548768659809.png (597.84 KB, 600x600, 14761_D9LR3KBe.png)

No. 363911
File: 1548800880180.png (235.4 KB, 600x600, 16378_ELjdhrav.png)

>>363901Really love this art style. Reminds me of Akihiko Yoshida's work/Final Fantasy Tactics.
No. 364045
>>364041do you have saged posts hidden? at the top of the thread, make sure it says "Hide saged posts for this thread" instead of "Show saged posts for this thread"
(not saged so anon can see it, sry)
No. 364049
File: 1548810700669.png (167.13 KB, 600x600, 2521_OydheUDo.png)

>>364017Sucks a couple of items were incomplete or didn't load. Really cute though!
No. 364053
File: 1548811050880.png (129.87 KB, 600x600, 2521_9AaBwXL0.png)

>>364017saw ball joints, had to make tearzah's 3edgy5me oc
No. 364064
>>364041it's happening for me too. everything before
>>362010 is gone, and old replies aren't linking to each other.
No. 364071
A notice about the image display issue was addressed in meta
>>>/meta/8513Sorry about the technical issue anons. Feel free to make a new thread at no penalty.
No. 364105
Here are some sites to link to in the next OP. Further suggestions are welcome, but I think these have been the main ones posted in this thread.>>364091Are these posts still showing up for you?
No. 364765
File: 1548930803067.png (171.14 KB, 600x600, 20965_ObBy9Ray.png)

Here's mine. Lost the link though.
No. 364767
File: 1548930929917.png (260.6 KB, 600x600, 26462_JWXGAyFq.png)

Another one.
No. 364769
File: 1548931222537.png (73.08 KB, 600x600, 8436_udKno1ba.png)

No. 364780
File: 1548933431766.png (551.85 KB, 600x600, download20190104121608.png)

the best creator truly