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No. 36189
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No. 36193
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A lot of Jessica kings fans say Tyler Kwon is too ugly for her. I don't think he's that bad looking
No. 36226
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>>36224since rihanna is considered ugly and fat, I will gladly volunteer to marry her and take her off everyones hands. ill take one for the team.
No. 36227
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>>36224>potato sack body>monkey faceMaybe if potato sacks were toned and monkeys looked like models.
Are you the same person who tried to attack Beyonce? They're attractive deal with it lol
No. 36229
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>>36227And here's Rihanna without makeup, for reference.
Anon, you and most other people must look like a pack of fucking gorillas if this is what you consider monekylike.
No. 36232
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Beyonce is actually ugly / average now that she is old as fuck.
But Rihanna? Come on, she is a doll.
No. 36238
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>>36236What the hell? I honestly thought she was 45 yrs old… MY mother is 45 and she look fresher than her.
Sad for Bey :/ But she look hideous. Sorry if you are a fan.
No. 36241
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>>36238when im elderly like beyonce is now, i hope can look like this in the nursing home. im so glad beyonce can still feed her self and walk, people usually lose those abilities when theyre up there in age.
No. 36243
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>>36242all hail the QWEEN
No. 36253
>>36245>>36246Hm, you sound really butthurt.
Is it too much for you to fathom that not everyone want the same fucking thing than you?
I don't fucking care about having 1 million dollars shoes / barbie doll. It's stupid as fuck.
No. 36259
>>36254Something being low-key doesn't stop it from existing, anon.
The fact is you're here, and Beyonce's life is probably a lot more enjoyable than your own
No. 36262
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>>36195 yo wtf, have you seen jessica before plastic surgery? she was UGLY AS FUCK. i still think shes ugly because i know what she looked like before lol
No. 36264
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>>36262I think that's just a bad pic. She ain't look that bad before.
No. 36269
>>36268There's no such person (hopefully). I just made that up because
>>36264 was giving me certain vibes.
No. 36274
Anyways everyone looks different once they get a shit ton of money.
No. 36352
>>36351I'm prettier than her tbh, it's not really impressive to be btw.
>ib4 proove it bitchNot gonna post my face her obviously
No. 36353
>>36345> how much she whitten her skinshe must have been whitening her skin as a baby
>>36252 No. 36355
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>>36353Yeah I really don't know
No. 36357
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>>36355Who could think that she is whitening her skin??
No. 36362
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I guess she is more of a white woman than you because shes rich, perfect blonde hair and everyone loves her.
but all jokes aside i have some pictures from 2015 and her skin tone looks the same to me.
>>36361 No. 36363
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>>36362Yeah it's exactly the same than in 2005!
No. 36365
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>>36363beyonce was lighter in 2000. maybe in 2003 she wanted to be tanner.
No. 36366
>>36362>I guess she is more of a white woman than you because shes rich, perfect blonde hair and everyone loves her.What? So being white is being rich and having blonde hair? Whatever, you seem to be backpedaling, you have nothing so say except
>Everybody love Beyonce, everybody hate you, AHAH. AND she is rich! Ah! She is so much better than me and you because of that.She is a poor excuse of a Diva. That's all.
No. 36368
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She like being super white in editorial
No. 36369
>>36362>>36363I'm black with a similar skintone as Beyoncé and I can look like either of those pictures depending on the time of year, and if I'm outside or staying covered up. When I was younger I used to be outdoors all the time, and generally looked like the darker one of these two. In the winter, I generally get lighter and look like the top one. My skin also changes in photos depending on lighting and flash/no flash.
I feel like if she were bleaching her skin, the results would be more dramatic, all of these photos vary in the time they were taken, the lighting, makeup, etc.
No. 36370
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>>36366 im just amused that you are trying to act like youre better than beyonce.
i dont need to defend the queen but its nice to see peasants all jealous of baybays beauty and success.
No. 36373
>>36370You can dislike somebody without being jealous, dumbass.
>The QueenQueen of insecure black girls and faggots
No. 36375
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>>36373you are jealous and it is obvious. the only thing you have is being white but there are millions of white people but there is only ONE qween b.
No. 36376
>>36375It's crazy that you can't fathom that some people don't like Beyonce.
I'm not white, I'm mixed btw. Contrary to Beyonce I don't think white is the epitome of beauty.
No. 36382
>>36379You saying she is just light skinned or she haven't seen the sun in 1 million years here?
>>36355It's not even close to her natural brownish color, it's white as a slovak ass.
No. 36384
>>36382>natural brownish color???
>>36257do you know what the color brown looks like?
No. 36387
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>>36386beyonce when she was a teen…brown???
No. 36388
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>>36384Now you saying that Beyonce is not brown? What is she? White? Are you dumb?
No. 36390
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>>36388light skin/caramel tone woman on the left and a brown skin/choclate color woman on the right.
learn your colors.
No. 36391
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>>36390beyonce standing next to a brown skin woman
No. 36392
>>36390>>36391They are just different shade of brown; Caramel is not a color of his own it's a shade of brown.
Like teal is a shade of blue
No. 36393
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>>36391more pictures of beyonce with a brown woman
No. 36397
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beyonce whitens hair skin…but here a picture from 2014-15 shes the same?
No. 36401
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>>36398>she is fucking black that's it, but she want to have a lighter shade cause she is insecure.beyonce in 2014 at the beach. news flash bitch, black people tan.
No. 36403
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>>36402i thought you said she was whitening her skin?beach photo from 2014 and o look shes darker.
maybe its because shes out at the beach enjoying her money and soaking up the sun?
No. 36405
>>36404thats not how skin whitening works. it takes time to get whiter with chemicals, beyonce gets lighter in the winter or when shes working and staying in.
but you want to believe shes purposely trying to bleach her skin so you can feel better about yourself.
No. 36406
>>36405I feel great thanks.
I have no idea how skin bleaching work since I don't use it. But it has been brought numerous time that her and a lot of other celebrities bleach their skins.
No. 36410
>>36409>how do you explain her ultra white skin that she sometimes have? lightening, flash, lighter skin because its winter or shes been inside working.
why do you want to believe that shes whitening her skin so badly?
No. 36411
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if a celebrity is a black woman or half black in Hollywood, no matter how dark or light she is the media will always try to accuse them of bleaching. its just how it is,
No. 36442
>>36441So you have to be at the same level of somebody in a field to criticize their work? It's not even her work btw she has a ton of guys writting music for her, shitty music.
I may be poor but at least I'm not a fatty and I have something of a sense of style.
No. 36445
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>>36407she always wear horrendous weaves…
No. 36449
>>36447You are so butthurt that even tho Beyonce has this "perfect life" some people just think she is fat and boring.
And that her music is shit.
>You are poor or a mentally ill crazy person who starves herselfSo much projection, when you are the one acting like a crazy stan who has nothing in her life except Beyonce.
No. 36451
>>36450If it doesn't matter to you why do you feel the need to respond to every single one of them?
I do it because it's funny, but you seem heavily emotionally involved in defending this old thing.
No. 36454
>>36452Wow you are so good at completly missing the point of a post.
what about that
>If it doesn't matter to you why do you feel the need to respond to every single one of them?I do it because it's funny, but you seem heavily emotionally involved in defending Beyonce.
No. 36459
>>36458Yeah ok, so I can say she is old, same fucking thing. And she IS old for the showbusiness, just like a 30 yrs old footballer is old. Same fucking thing.
She also look like she is 45 yrs old, but it's not her fault I guess.
No. 36460
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>>36458So obviously what I think does matter to you :)
No. 36482
>>36478Whatever she is still boring. There is a million girls who can sing her song better than her, she was born in the right family that's all.
Pretty much part of this performance was playback btw.
No. 36485
>>36484Nah, I can't sing to save my life. And I'm not interested in being famous.
This much projection is borderline creepy. Are you talking about yourself?
No. 36490
>>36485beyonce has a stage father but if she couldnt sing and she didnt look the way she does she wouldnt be as famous as she is now.
even micheal jacksons father was an insane stage dad who beat him everytime he messed up his lines, but just because their parents pushed them and they had connections doesn't mean theyre untaltented.
No. 36501
>>36498cause she is actually interesting and has a personality maybe? And she was pretty and fit.
Btw she was and still is a good dancer.
No. 36510
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>>36501some people gain their fame based on their talent and not being an attention whore. madonna is still considered a pop icon but shes considered a joke now because shes like 50 and still attention whoring.
No. 36515
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>>36512if we are talking about talent beyonce is better. madonnas had fame had a lot to do mostly with her attention whoring and shocking people.
No. 36527
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>>36519Still she has zero personality, she just jump on every trend. She tried to be white a few years ago and now she want to be a hood rat and even wear extreme buttpad to be even lore ghetto.
No. 36529
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>>36528She is interesting and has a personality, she is provocative and imaginative. Beyonce is a fucking puppet.
She even copy the real and only queen that madonna is.
No. 36537
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>>36534Hm I've never seen her say or do something interesting. Fka Twigs is a black woman and she is cool and edgy, Beyonce is boring as fuck.
Even Azelia Banks is more interesting than her.
And weren't you saying that she wasn't black or brown, but caramelish?
No. 36538
>>36537No one is literally black. Black is just a broad term for anyone of African decent.
Fka twigs isn't mainstream famous and most likely never will be.
No. 36546
>>36540Cmon guys this is retarded. FKA Twigs and Beyonce aren't even comparable. It's stupid to compare them just because they're black.
Beyonce has already paid her dues. She has a child to raise. She doesn't have to give a fuck about what she puts out there anymore. It's her job to be a good mom, not to interest us.
No. 36562
>>36420That's really stupid and incorrect. I've known black people who have lived in Ghana their whole life, then moved to the UK or Canada and gotten lighter than their "natural" skin tone.
Hell, my skin got lighter when I went full NEET mode and my family members kept pointing it out.
People change colors, you lunatic.
No. 36564
>>36556Giving a child "the best" is not giving it a million dollar barbie doll. It's actually giving it good weapons to survive in life. And knowing that money is not the center of the world is one of theese weapons.
But you probably haven't learned this lesson yeat since you think that rich people are the only one worth of having opinions.
No. 36572
>>36566Anyone who think money is the most important thing ever is a moron who must have the stupidest plain life. I feel bad for people like you honnestly you are what make this world an awful place.
>>36571 Maybe, but I think money will corrupt her.
No. 36575
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>>36573Blue Ivy is already ugly as fuck
Not surprising since both her parents are ugly moffos
No. 36592
>>36572>Anyone who think money is the most important thing ever is a moron who must have the stupidest plain life.Yeah, okay. Say that when you can't afford to go to university to actually learn (let alone get a job). Say that when you're a homeless person who has their pockets emptied by other homeless people in the night. Say that when your teeth are falling out and you can't afford dental care. Say that when you can't afford food to eat. Say that when you suffer from horrible diseases and you don't have the money to pay for medicine or treatment. Say that when you have to tape your glasses together because you can't afford new ones but you're blind without them.
You literally can't live without money. It's unfortunate, but that's how the world works. The more money you have, the better off you will be. Emotionally or psychologically? Maybe not. Physically? Hell fucking yes.
No. 36593
>>36561Those two posts are mine but I'm actually not a stan believe it or not! I can shake my ass to Crazy In Love when the situation warrants it but I'm not really a fan or know a lot about her music. I just respect her and recognize her talent. She's made a name for herself. A lot of the qualms I see with her involve racism or general ignorance/saltiness. She's a responsible woman, I doubt her daughter is going to become like fucking Lindsay Lohan.
I'm white as fuck but I'm not deluded by bitterness.
No. 36598
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How did this entire thread turn Into a argument about dumbass Beyonce…
Back on topic, no shade to MM but Dita was definitely way out of his league.
No. 36600
>>36595Whoever said anything about being a billionaire? All I'm saying is that money IS the center of the world, like it or not. People don't put importance on being rich for no reason.
It's because having enough money to support your basic needs AND MORE is almost the definition of personal freedom. None of the risks associated with the horrors of poverty.
No. 36618
>>36611All I said was that you're salty.
>I…I dislike this person for…reasons!The rest, you're just projecting that shit babe.
No. 36625
>>36622You can guarantee shit since you don't know them.
Do you feel smart when you say obvious thing like ''people would rather have money than not have it''
No. 36635
>>36633Well why are you answering if you think it's pointless?
I'm talking to this anon who kept talking about cher billions. Saying that poor people opinion doesn't mater.
No. 36641
Because disliking people for no reason is fucking retarded, and above all childish.
People are not objects. They aren't an article of clothing. If you find them comparable to colors then you're probably just a racist and this whole thing makes sense suddenly.
It's immature, it's pointless. There's no reason to dislike someone for "no reason." You're just a cunt m8.
No. 36645
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No. 36648
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No. 36927
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>>36598He was also with Rose Mcgowan at some point and i seriously never understood that. He's fucking beyond hideous
No. 36933
>>36641>>36640I said that she is ugly and boring and everybody act like she is a goddess and it make me ultra bored of her and I dont like her.
Since when you need to write an essay to justify not liking somebody?
No. 37096