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No. 363838
Can we talk Guru Gossip, since we have PULL and Kiwifarms threads? Any other farmers visit or have visited in the past? What is your opinion on the current state of affairs?
>supposedly run by some middle aged dude named Morgan, claims the original owner Lulu died, began impersonating her and then got caught (
>mods are overly sensitive and frequently go on power trips about opinions they don’t like while ignoring a multitude of other issues; big tiff earlier this year over ‘religious slurs’ which led to a mod being demoted and then reinstated after they went on a tirade over a user using ‘Jesus Christ’ ( and
>site is now overrun by SJW types who whinge and sperg about themselves all the time, get mad if you don’t agree with their opinion du jour, nitpick gurus appearance, have nothing interesting to say
>site is gimmicky, poorly run and even the most recent update (January 16, 2019) hasn’t really helped No. 364131
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>>364043So many people on there sperg about their supposed mental illnesses that I am often inclined to believe they’re either exaggerating or making it up for attention. I seriously think some of the women there romanticize being sick.
Even CHB, the mod who went on her Jesus rant, claimed her doxxing and sperging was due to meds. I know medication can alter behavior, but she just kept doing it and got called out for having done the same thing in the past. It’s just very confusing. I’ve attached a screenshot of her excuses for reference.
>>364109A lot of the posters are much older than I’ve realized! Trisha Paytas’s threads are full of older ladies raving about her lifestyle and shit. I’ve tried keeping up but some of their threads move way too fast, plus I got tired of talking about the same thing. Hating someone is milk on there, lol.
No. 364211
>>364200oh god i remember those threads. the name of the d+p forum was flagged like a swear and was censored in PMs as well as public posts.
the main mod that posted in those threads was pretty vile too, last i checked he still posts there. some users on the new site theorised he was a guy he got very defensive over who phil blocked on twitter once. he would freak out and insist it was actually dan who went onto phil’s twitter account to block the guy because sweet phil would never block someone. he set up a timeline to prove that it couldn’t have been phil himself because he was busy at that time. but a lot of users liked him because he was sassy~ and only referred to dan as a cum bucket or bottom bitch
No. 364248
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>>364211omg do you mean the guy in the screenshot attached? I used to read all the phan threads religiously not even bc I cared about phan that much, it was rather my autistic nature lol, this dude definitely mentioned on several occasions that he is a gay male from somewhere in southern Europe, I can't recall if it was Italy or Spain. Funnily enough I don't remember how the end of it all came to be although I was there kek, the new forum imo was even more retarded, really loved how they always upkept a facade of "we are the rational stans, not like those Twitter kiddies", so I didn't follow over to the new forum.
No. 364455
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i was an active user when the "surprise! lulu has been dead all this time!" bullshit happened in late 2014/early 2015. oh boy, was it a mess. a ton of very active members were banned, and then deleted, because they called morgan and the other mods/admins out.
the biggest spergs ended up leaving for good and moved over to ytt (youtalktrash), which had been created as an alternative to gg. i think some of them made sock accounts on gg so they could tell people about ytt and warn them about morgan? in their defense, morgan was (is?) truly a messy person.
it was a very strange thing to experience, a bunch of middle aged women were doxing each other. the creator of ytt and morgan ofc, being doxed, but i still don't know how. there was also some sort of investigation into lulu's past? the milk was out of this world.
if you for some reason are interested to learn more about this, there is a tumblr that documents most of it: haven't been on the site for years (the sperging is too much), but a lot of the users forget that it's an online gossip forum about youtubers. a little bit of power makes them go crazy. i assume it's because they never do anything in their real lives. tinfoil, but i'm pretty sure that most of the users are either people on government assistance, or stay at home moms who use wine as a crutch to get through the day.
the attached image is from the tumblr i linked earlier.
No. 364951
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>>364913good question!
personally, i think she was real and passed away. i think someone managed to find her death certificate and her husband, who was in the army or something? i'm not sure though, and these doxes may have been fake.
like the screenshot from /r/foreverkailyn shows, others were also theorizing about this at the time. covering up someone's death and larping as them is really fucking weird, if lulu were fake from the beginning, i think they would have came out and said so instead of lying about her dying and pretending to be her. on the other hand, creating a fake persona and killing them when people start asking questions is common catfish behavior. i wouldn't be surprised if that's what actually happened. either way the situation is creepy and weird as fuck.
>norman bates personalitykek.
on a more serious note, this should be common sense, but if you still are an active gg member make sure that your email address is completely anonymous. mods legit used to look up users, through the email they provided when they signed up, and fuck with their real lives through facebook.
No. 365131
>>364951Thank you, Anon!
I kind of see it from both sides. I think Morgan has possibly been more involved in the forums than it seems from all that I’ve learned about him and the mystery of Lulu’s death. Maybe there are more people also involved who haven’t been exposed yet. I’ve been on message boards with unusual situations like this before.
It’s so intriguing in a weird way, since it isn’t some major website that everyone knows, it’s such a niche and most casual readers write it off as ‘bullying’. You would never know any of this is happening just from a cursory glance at the forums.
I do use a throwaway gmail address with a generic name and never use the same username for any other social media, even though I know that isn’t perfect. I am more of a lurker and I avoid the most popular threads, usually because of how cliquey some of the posters are. But I will keep an eye out on my account in the future, just in case.