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No. 36629
>>36621It's not a fetish. Have you ever heard people say "Morgan Freeman has a nice voice", or some actor or actress has a nice, mesmerizing voice?
Some people, through genetics mostly, have very beautiful, soft voices which are only enhanced when they whisper.
>>36624Most of the best ASMRtists are men.
No. 36637
Here's one for the femanons: is great, his videos always have interest subject-matter, he's also loaded and lives in Chile with a bunch of legit archaeological relics he has "procured".
No. 36988
>>36986I'd definitely listen to a femanon who did ASMR, I think it would be quite cute.
EphemeralRift is kind of odd isn't he?
No. 37056
>>37039So what? Should her biggest interests be biophysics, Buddhism and thinking about world peace?
Make-up and hair is fine.
Since my interests are weeby af I just tell everyone my interests are people. ( Alas why I love to shitmouth all the cows on here )
No. 37136
>>37131Pls anon show us your big dick.
I hope you have a beautiful suckable dick.
No. 37137
>>37135I'd post my dick if I was drunk.
>>37136Thats gay dude.
No. 43667
Funny thing, for some reason, I find the traditional whispering gf/doctor/haircut roleplay boring and cringeworthy haha.
>>36926>RRCherrypiemah nigga
I also like Ephemeral Rift,Soundsculptures and Bonobos (not ASMR per se, but quite pleasant to watch at).
No. 44232 listen to this girl a lot because I love eating sounds, but … there's something about her videos that is kind of creepily sexual. I usually tab out because watching her creeps me out, but listening to her is very relaxing.
I'm not super fond of roleplaying stuff, that gets too weird for me.
No. 47999
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I like ASMR but I never get "tingles" or whatever the fuck feeling your supposed to feel. But having something for my brain to focus on instead of thinking of embarrassing things I did 10 years ago helps me sleep lmao. I can also fall asleep to relaxing music and stuff like that, but the sudden popular gain of ASMR its nice to have tons of new content available at my finger tips for soft/relaxing noises.
>and by relaxing music I mean the majority of the maple story soundtrack
No. 48108
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I'm a girl and I prefer girls over men ASMR artists. I'm not really sure why but I find men's voices more intimidating rather than soothing. Listening to girls feels more like a friend over doing "crack an egg on your head" for fun/relaxing reasons. I dont get tingles either but I find the videos help put me to sleep quicker.
My all time favorite is BrittanyASMR. The
triggers she often does are right up my alley and I really like her voice. My only critique about her videos is sometimes she talks about negative things happening in her life which I find distracting from my relaxation, or speaking a bit too fast. But most of her video recently have been really great. I love her tongue clicking and ear cupping. No. 48122
>>44298I just figured out what it is! It's just the angle from her videos and the way she sways from one side to the other, often with her mouth out of focus that kinda gives me the creepy "blowjob angle".
I don't think it's on purpose though.
No. 48128
>>48114Just search ASMR no talking on YouTube. I hate whispering too but I can usually find a video to suit me.
Something about whispering vids is really not relaxing to me. I like to have asmr on in the background while I browse the Internet, but whispering makes me feel like I have to pay attention so I can't just space out.
No. 48743
>>43739Maria, Ardra, and CuteBunny are my top three.
Ardra intrigues me
No. 414798
Reviving this. largely enjoy Dana's videos, but I feel this is somewhat sexual? Especially the way the title is phrased and how they look into the camera, makes me feel really uncomfortable. The sounds are nice, but the whole setup reminds me of porn.