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No. 36672
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Also, friendly reminder that moot cut a deal with Google which resulted in implementation of the new Google owned Captcha system, reCaptcha, that essentially ties each and every post made on 4chan to your Google account.
No. 36678
>>36676I can't believe I'm actually defending moot here, since I really dislike him now, but…
>How do you know it's not true?I know it's not true because I work as a programmer and webmaster and am very familiar with fending off spammers.
How long have you been on 4chan for? Before around 2009, spam was a major fucking problem and was hurting a lot of boards. Threads were getting bumped off by floods of spam, 50% of posts in threads were becoming automated, and their shitty unpaid staff were awful at fighting it manually. Many people were relieved when he added the captcha, including myself.
He only got the idea to sell 4chan passes many years later, and frankly I think it was a good compromise (though they really should have been $10 or something, not $20). The site was bleeding money, so I can't blame him. It does seem like he's made a lot of money off the passes by now, but 1) he's offering refunds to everyone now that Google is replacing reCAPTCHA with something more user-friendly, and 2) there's no reason to believe he's actually pocketing any of the money.
Do you have any proof to the contrary?
>Especially since it's been effectively proven at this point that he really did sell out to FBI monitoring and logging the entire site No proof of that was ever given. He's obviously forced to cooperate when the FBI makes him, like when he was subpoenaed to testify in the Sarah Palin email hack case. And they have something that lets them report CP posters to law enforcement. That's about the extent of what was proven.
You know some Australian faggot had complete control of their database, staff boards, and admin panel just a few months back, right? the hacker found any evidence of some kind of an automated law enforcement logging system he would've shouted it to the world. The only interesting thing he found was the total number of 4chan pass sales.
>as well as shilling to plug his various personal/monetary agendas.I can't lie, his awful shitty "startups" like Canvas and the other thing were pretty annoying and clearly doomed to fail, but he never once advertised them or shilled for them on 4chan. He could've been
much worse: instead of trying to monetize 4chan itself, he tried to do it with separate ventures, which whether they succeeded or failed wouldn't disrupt 4chan itself.
Frankly I thought he was a decent admin up until around 2013. I lost all hope with the SJW/Gamergate/pol bullshit.
No. 36679
>>36678Actually I've been on 4chan since 2006 and I never once thought the spam was that bad.
I knew that as soon as the first captcha was introduced it wasn't long before "4chan gold pass" became a reality, which it eventually did.
No. 36681
>>36672What if you don't have a Google account?
iCloud user here.
No. 36682
>>36679"I've been on 4chan since 2006."
Fucking liar.
No. 36683
>>36682kek, how is that even worth lying about?
Are you salty about being a new fag? You didn't miss out on much tbh.
No. 36689
>>36685Sure, but unless you've been on it since the beginning, it's not really that impressive.
I mean, all you do is browse a website, wow gold star
No. 36690
>>36689I don't think anyone should brag about it. It's definitely not something to be proud of.
However, there's no denying that the culture was quite a bit different back then. Oldfags from 2007 or earlier have seen a lot of trends go in and out and often make for better imageboard users.
No. 36692
>>36687>>36689>>36691Pretty much.
I'm 2006 Anon and honestly it isn't even that impressive considering 4chan's golden era was around 2004-2006. I remember coming in right when the Habbo Raids were in full swing.
Even so, how is it bragging rights that I've been visiting a website daily for 9 years now? That's not impressive, it's fucking sad lol
No. 36696
>>36693Not many people do, but it's part of how moot is supplementing his income now that not as many people will be purchasing captcha passes.
4chan is well and truly dead, everybody is better off migrating to 8chan at this point.
No. 36701
>but Google themselves could certainly figure out who is posting whatThat's exactly the point.
Google is obsessed with collecting data on everything and everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if they'd had a program in the works for a while now that builds profiles of specific persons and considering how many people use 4chan world wide now that's a very dangerous tool.
No. 36703
>>367014chan uses Google Analytics though, and has for many many years, way before captchas were added. Google can do that same tracking and much more through Google Analytics.
Google is all over most of the Internet. You can't really hide from it.
Looks like lolcow isn't using it, at least.
No. 36704
>>36678This is true.
Plus, you kind of can't "sell out" to the FBI, you have to work with them. I don't blame him for that at all.
>>36679Depends on where you were, spam got pretty bad on some boards.
No. 36713
>>36706>>36706that has been proven time and time again to not be him. It is actually some professional gay pornstar who's name I cannot remember.
/b/ debunked this photo ages ago.
No. 36715
>>36712Actually not a weirdo, since what makes 4chan 4chan is user content, he is pretty tame in comparison to the monster he created. And not a lolcow, unless someone finds real nudes.
>>36711The idea that moot 'sells out' by complying to laws he has to is just a reason to hate on him. You cannot say no to the FBI.
No. 36720
>>36717that shit was doomed to fail, what was he thinking
also he never did shit for 4chan except host it, code was stolen from futaba and translated/upgraded in an english version by Shii
No. 36727
>>36702It's also disappointing that he only allows people with passes to post on /b/.
Don't know if he's just messing with everyone at this point.
No. 36739
>>36737>>36738Now that 4chan is basically a "company" at this point, it's not a bad idea. When you work or volunteer for a company, your employer generally expects to have your identity and makes you sign a basic agreement.
But you could also see it as his way to pre-emptively plug leaks about shitty internal practices or decisions.
No. 36741
>>36739Exactly what I mean.
>>36740Why not? Moot can do whatever he wants with his property. Most likely he did it to avoid debts or other liabilities that 4chan might have built up. If he was really making tons from passes like some people insist he'd probably be better off as a corporation, partnership, or sole trader so an LLC limbo seems specifically to limit his legal exposure.
No. 36743 random 4chan janitor who got fired leaked some stuff around Christmas.
It was only discovered recently.
No. 36744
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>>36737Having to dox yourself for SJWs for a free janitor position?
No. 36745
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So moot is retiring now from being the Admin of 4chan. Thoughts?
No. 36750
>>36749It was mind numbing. He's terrible at making a decent point. He even admitted he knows he's extremely long winded. He just kept repeating himself over and over and spent 8 fucking hours on 1 thread of questions, when like 10 full threads were made.
That said, I have to admit it's hard to hate him or his policies when you actually listen to him talk. He didn't have bad intentions for 4chan, he just became distant from the community.
No. 36753
The fucking thread dedicated to him in /cgl/ is a fucking joke and it's hilarious at how defensive and asshurt people get if you slam him now.
No. 36755
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>>36753They were always huge sluts to him. Hes e-famous after all. Here's a few that posted themselves when he asked if anyone would go on a date with him.
No. 36762
I've been frequenting 4chan since early 2004 and pretty much lived my teenage years there. I was one of those LEL KOOL KLUB FOR HACKERS morons and saw the shift of the atmosphere when the gaiafags attacked in 2006. The whole website started becoming more and more stale and slow in content while during the early years you could wake up every day to find some prank or raid brewing in b. I left in 2010 I believe and took a break from *chans in general, returning back in late 2013. Boy had it changed.
>>36751The Jessi Slaughter thing wasn't really bullying, it was mostly (note: mostly) people trying to teach her redneck parents to take their kid off the internet and make her stop having sexual relations with 20-year old guys. Instead they went on GMA to swell up drama about getting death threats and shit while the Florida police confirmed that no death threats were received by the family. And even after they let her go after she was taken by the authorities, her life went to the shitter anyway after being returned to her parents. It was a dysfunctional family to begin with.
Anyway, I've always considered 4chan to be a forum for free speech. The anonymity and fast posting interface lets you let out your most sincere feelings and thoughts without consequences or being doxxed. You could discuss anything as long as you weren't posting CP. That's why I raised an eyebrow when they started banning everything criticizing SJWs. This was not the offensive 4chan I knew from my days. The deleting of gamergate threads and banning of people criticizing Zoe and Sarkeesian was outrageous as 4chan, like you mentioned, has done tons of worse stuff and we never heard a peep out of moot's mouth. 4chan had doxxed people for less than what either Zoe or Sarkeesian had done and nobody had a problem with it. So how the hell come moot thought it was too much that two con artists got their share of 4chan vigilantes?
>>36754Exactly. Lowtax made SA happen and kept being active in the development of the community. Moot has never been nothing more than a face, he's never been as enthusiastic about 4chan as he's been about his stupid side projects. Even from the early days of 4chan I remember other mods and profiled persons bringing more content and effort for the community.
tl;dr: moot hasn't done shit since 2003 and basically sold out the principles of 4chan. good riddance.
No. 36766
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No. 36768
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I still hate the mods for banning PT threads in /cgl/ and Baneposting in /tv/. Wasn't it obvious so many people where having fun with that since so many posted in it?
Same thing with the 4chan winter ball. First they say, you can have discussions about it on thursday and then they delete the threads anyways.
4chan is getting dangerously close to being just another normalfag forum with butthurt mods.
No. 36769
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No. 36772
>>36771I'm sorry, don't shit on me, but I keep seeing Bane posting and Ayy lmao. I googled the Ayy lmao and it turns out it has something to do with an alien meme or some shit and it took off from there.
I google Bane and all I get is a shit ton of Batman shit.
No. 36773
>>36772I'm not sure about the origin of ayy lmao, I think something to do with /fit/ and it's a different way of responding 'cool story bro' on a post?
Baneposting is just a bunch of people discussing the opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises, Nolan's greatest masterpiece. At first half of the posts on /tv/ were about this. I think everyone now goes to 8ch where there's a special board for Baneposting and it's still really active.
Check knowyourmeme for ayy lmao and baneposting if you want to know more and 8ch for some glorious Baneposting for you.
No. 36774
>>36768I left /cgl/ because of the shitty mods. The PT and Asherbee threads were excessive sometimes, but I loved how they sped up the board and brought more posters to contribute to other threads. After the "no singling out" rule was applied, it seems as if the board is now full of lolitas and /fit/izen casualfags asking for cosplay advice in a thinly veiled attempt to make NERD GURLS cream for their physique. Cosplayers are gone and now you can even spot ridiculous Tumblr SJWs posting and trying to make the board into their own ~safe space~ hugbox.
And the modding is way too inconsistent. Lolitas can have a pissload of vendetta/ita/calling out threads but calling out a cosplayer attracts the banhammer. But on the other hand, sometimes a thread clearly breaking the "no singling out" rule can exist for days until hitting bump limit and the mods don't do jack shit about it, while sometimes a thread is gone immediately. The "no offtopic" rule is also applied only when discussing something the mod disagrees with.
No. 36776
>>36774>Lolitas can have a pissload of vendetta/ita/calling out threadsThis isn't true, though. Maybe you don't notice because you don't follow our threads but they constantly get deleted for being off-topic/singling out even if that only applies to a single post in them. We can't have secrets threads anymore and certain names or words get you instantly banhammered; I know a girl who got permabanned because she asked who "MB" was referring to. From the lolita perspective it looks like you guys are allowed all sorts of Yaya/JNig/slutty cosplayer #54 callout threads whereas our threads get deleted because they might possibly lead to someone being called out at some unknown point in the future.
TL;DR it's shit all around
>>36775>We have people now kissing JNig and Yaya assIs this really new? Maybe it's gotten worse, I don't know, but I always had the impression that thirsty neckbeards who come to /cgl/ to fap over and whiteknight titty cosplays have been a part of /cgl/ since the beginning.
No. 36777
>>36775>We have people now kissing JNig and Yaya ass when they were once loathed for all of the shit they've ever caused. This. I see threads where people are whining about having to use a wig and how "real hair looks so much more natural" and other stupid shit excuses to avoid putting effort into your costume because of the cosplay is fur erryone~ mentality. Ragging on Jnig and Yaya is considered being a jelly landwhale and I've seen enough "you don't have to know the character you're cosplaying cuz COSPLAY IS FUR ERRYONE u sandy cunt uqu" shitspewing to have my own interest in cosplay degrade.
And the feels thread. How the fuck are these not deleted for offtopic? 80% of the thread is some random casual bitches whining about their abusive boyfriend, not being skinny enough, MRA fedoras or MUH MENTAL PROBLUMS. I just tested this hypothesis by opening up the most recent thread and lo and behold, it took like 10 replies.
No. 36779
>>36776It's not new, but it has gotten worse. The posters defending them honestly type like casuals who've never known a thing about the hobby beyond the shitty SyFy show. I can't explain it any other way than they really do type like 12 year olds who JUST found the board and live in slogans they see on shitty motivationals spammed on Facebook walls. There's still the baw jealous whores replies, but now we actually have posters typing up novels to justify why it's okay for these bitches to have ruined a hobby for their own gain.
And, it's disgusting. It's entitled as fuck and it reeks of Me Generation. "I'm allowed to ass rape something that had little to no problems because I need money/attention!" Who fucking raised you?
Anyone trying to complain, even literately, gets told that they're jealous, sandy, or is swept off into that excuse corner people are now flocking to: "Anon, EVERY generation thinks the one after them sucks! Your complaints aren't valid!"
No. 36780
>>36778It's definitely a lottery. I'm surprised I haven't been banned yet, actually!
With some of the lolita drama it seems like the janitor just has a few keywords they search for and then ban anyone who has one or more of these words in their post, even if they're not breaking any rules at all. During the whole Melissa Brown fiasco (creepy middle-aged sissy who threatened several girls with bodily harm and whose long-awaited removal from his comm ruffled a lot of SJW feathers because muh transphobia) I looked up active threads in the archives and it was super obvious how posts with "MB" or "Melissa" were deleted but posts that avoided using his name were left alone. Until the entire thread was deleted, anyway. We ended up nicknaming him Mr. Cummymouth in order to fly under the janitor's radar.
>>36779I'm so sorry anon, that sounds aggravating. Do the threads about ridiculous GoFundMe pages get deleted, too? I don't usually check there but people who beg for money from strangers so they can dress up and get e-famous really boggle my mind. IMO if it's something that affects the community it should be up for discussion, even if being criticized hurts some people's feelings.
I've been noticing the 12-year-olds in the lolita threads too, by the way. Trying to seem all-knowing and superior while throwing xD and :P around and misspelling every other word… I was hoping they were trolls.
No. 36781
>>36779The SyFy show was the worst poison to the cosplay community anyone could brew. I was wondering why the board suddenly got chock full of these newfags talking offtopic, defending JNig/Yaya/Other dumb bitches and repeating stupid slogans like an afterschool special. Then I found about HoC and put the pieces together. And now when any magazine/ezine makes an article about cosplaying, they always pull out the most attention-starved skimpily clad whores to explain how cosplay is about ~ttly all about me~. Bonus points if the article is written by a male and trying to be pro-feminist by whining about women like JNig being shamed for slutty cosplays.
Oh, and the "stop cosplay bullying" crap. You getting called out for being a dick is now considered bullying. Great, let's nobody have any responsibility over our actions.
>And, it's disgusting. It's entitled as fuck and it reeks of Me Generation. "I'm allowed to ass rape something that had little to no problems because I need money/attention!" THIS. "Wahh I'm entitled to attention and money with no effort or talent, I can do this popular sexy cosplay to get more FB likes to stroke my ego with because NOBODY OWNS COSPLAY YOU'RE NOT THE GATEKEEPERS OF COSPLAY!!! I don't have to know the character or the series or be a fan of any related media at all because COSPLAY IS ABOUT FUN and if you're shaming me for it, you're a misogynist jerk!! Stop living in the past and admit that ALL cosplayers are attention whores and ur just jelly anyway!!!111"
Yeah, let's just let the community go to shit without any standards and not develop for the better at all.
No. 36782
>>36780The funding threads stay up (at least the one I saw) for shaming, but as usual we have assholes just waltzing in and proclaiming that they're acceptable because these people are providing a 'service' to us.
It's aggravating. It's as if they want you to just be stupid, not complain, and become complacent because wah making waves is hostile! Happy, truly happy people NEVER gripe in life!
Don't get me started on skin care and makeup. I regret not staying to continue running the makeup threads, I really do, but I refused to put the co-runner through that. I loved helping people and most of the girls were very sweet, but I wasn't having each thread being derailed by asshole trolls and told to just deal because muh /cgl/. No. Absolutely not. Because when one person starts, then EVERYONE jumps in to derail. I don't expect you to hugbox, but I do expect you to not be a shit for no reason.
Tonight is the first time I've looked in three weeks and its a mess. Why were there threads teaching you how to be a sugar baby..
No. 36783
>>36780I've been banned multiple times for entirely random reasons, mostly "offtopic", i.e. stating the wrong opinion, while the thread itself remains mostly untouched and full of offtopic blabber. For some time I was afraid of posting because getting banned is a completely random penalty and happens if you disagree with the mod or post about the wrong person. Some people get to enjoy the mod protection while others don't.
The namefagging which was prominent a few years back has been toned down, thank god. But still some shitposting casualfags get to defecate over every thread while the mods turn a blind eye.
No. 36787
>>36784>>36785Holy fucking shit I hate sieg heil so much. At least Masa and Maguma are cosplayers so they're sort of relevant (even if they're annoying shits), but sieg contributes literally nothing. All he ever does is shitpost and derail threads.
After I was temp banned for "off topic posting" I started reporting pretty much every post of his that I saw because hey, off topic discussion is against the ruuurrus right? Never seen him get banned or his posts deleted. Is the janitor even fucking trying? I bet I'll get banned for ~abusing the report function~ before this fucker gets banned for being the metastatic cancer he is.
>>36786Gotta ride them coattails, man. We know JNig selfposts and lurks so he probably thinks that if he whiteknights her under his trip she might throw him a bone.
No. 36791
>>36787>After I was temp banned for "off topic posting" I started reporting pretty much every post of his that I saw because hey, off topic discussion is against the ruuurrus right? Never seen him get banned or his posts deleted. Is the janitor even fucking trying? I bet I'll get banned for ~abusing the report function~ before this fucker gets banned for being the metastatic cancer he is.This right here, I couldn't have said it better myself. Obviously the mods get a kick out of how he ttly trolls everyonexD lololol so he gets to shitpost to his heart's desire. It's pretty obvious that the mods are abusing their power and I've started to doubt if they give a shit about cosplay at all.
>>36788I've never heard about this. I guess they're much more shittier and immature than I gave them credit for.
No. 36796
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>>36794>seriously thinking 4chan would use anything from Tumblr ironicallyLurk moar.
No. 36799
>>36793I lurked the board and it just took me one day to realize that board is an extension of /r9k/.
Swami is the same bitch from /r9k/ and not only that, she's a global mod in 8chan. Fuck that, to be honest.
No. 36802
>>36798>they have been using ayy lmao on /fit/ as well as 8ch since foreverI know this. I was just pointing out that they don't use it ironically. They genuinely find it funny, not that there is anything wrong with that. I use it myself sometimes. It's not only used on /fit/, but many other boards too. I've seen it on so many boards that I won't even bother to list which ones.
>>36801>implying I have a problem with Tumblrand lmao at
>4chan sometimes borrows things from TumblrNo they don't. They absolutely hate Tumblr. Go on /pol/ or /g/ and say that, you'll get btfo. Sounds like you're mad at 4chan for hating on Tumblr. Get used to it. :^)
No. 36804
>>36797>liking the most normalfag board in existence>last boards left that hasn't been completely fucked overplease die. seriously, shiggerino diggerino.
there are much better boards than fit, i assure you
>>36801get a load of this newfag
No. 36805
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>>36801You're absolutely retarded if you believe the latter or even the former for that matter.
The fact is that they hate each other and with good reason. At most, the occasional Tumblr kid will go on /b/ but they will always get called out on their bullshit shitposting and chased away until the next assmuncher shows up. Other than that, only seagulls go on Tumblr, but even the gulls look down on Tumblr as evident in the posts they make using "Tumblrfag" as an insult. You need to get over yourself.
No. 36807
>>36805this. and the hatred towards each other won't die out anytime soon especially with moot leaving.
if you cocks want to be a big happy internet family and jerk each other off, then I suggest not to visit either site. I hear le reddit is gr8 for giving asspats tho
No. 36808
>>36805Not true, /fa/ goes on Tumblr too, and so does /ic/, probably because it's a good place for creative folk to find shit.
It's just an annoyingly vocal amount of faggots who care that much about Tumblr and sperg out whenever they read a filename that begins with "tumblr_", and some of them even have Tumblr accounts themselves. "Tumblrfag" is used as an insult because of the SJW population, not because anyone who knows what Tumblr even is honestly believes the website itself is inherently bad.
Most of the hatred is some knee-jerk maymay shit, no one really gives a fuck or else it'd be filtered like 9gag and Reddit were.
No. 36810
>>36809You do realize that a lot of people on /cgl/ have a tumblr, right?
I literally said that in my post. Go back and reread it before you spaz out like an autist. I already stated that they don't like the Tumblr mentality and that they are there just to reblog fashion and cute things.
No. 36812
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>>36808>>36809Stop doing this.
No. 36815
>>36813>>36808 here. But they didn't. Did you even read my post at all?
>only seagulls go on Tumblrkek
No. 36816
>>36814>implying I'm >>36810Hypocritical, aren't you?
I was only observing. It really is the same person. Im also going to conclude that's you since you're getting upset over it.
No. 36818
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>>36808>>36809>>36814>>36815You are really deep in, mate.
No. 36819
>>36817>trying this hard to rationalize being incorrect about somethingAnd I guess /ic/ goes on Tumblr because ~*fashion*~, right? Face it, a good population of 4chan either has a Tumblr account or doesn't actually care unless SJWs are getting involved.
>>36816>>36817>>36818>literally samefagging to accuse other people of samefaggingHoly fuck. Some autism you have here.
Face it, you were wrong and more than one person thinks so.
No. 36821
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>>36819>a good population of 4chan either has a Tumblr account or doesn't actually care unless SJWs are getting involved.Like I stated, I already posted that.
>>36819>Holy fuck. Some autism you have here.Face it, you were wrong and more than one person thinks so.
I am
>>36805 and
>>36810 but no idea who the others are. But I'll agree with
>>36816. You're a major hypocrite. Others are disagreeing with you so you're calling us out on samefagging. Not only that, but you're so defensive about it. You are apex kek idiotic. Good job, faggot.
No. 36822
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>>36819You've got the wrong guy, mate.
No. 36823
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>>36821>I already posted thatNope, you said the two websites straightforwardly hate each other pretty clearly, not that they didn't care. Not sure why you're trying to change things now.
>Others are disagreeing with you so you're calling us out on samefagging. I'm calling you out on samefagging because I seriously doubt someone could act like this much of a retarded white knight unless they're trying to sneakily defend themselves. Whoever the first person you responded to was began with "A lot of people from /cgl/ have Tumblr accounts", while I posted like two other boards with Tumblr populations before them. Why do you think someone would mention /cgl/ right after already mentioning other boards, especially since it's obviously not an afterthought? If
>>36822 and
>>36820 aren't you, then they're really fucking dumb and too quick to call "samefag".
>Not only that, but you're so defensive about it. You are apex kek idiotic. Good job, faggot.Calling you an autist is defensive? Alright, friendo.
>>>/s4s/ No. 36824
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>>36823>Nope, you said the two websites straightforwardly hate each other pretty clearly, not that they didn't care. Not sure why you're trying to change things now.>changeSee
>>36805 >seagulls go on Tumblr, but even the gulls look down on Tumblr as evident in the posts they make using "Tumblrfag" as an insult.
And yes, I know /fa/ggots and /ic/ go on Tumblr too. Jesus christ, you don't have to keep repeating yourself. But like
>>36817 said, they go on for fashion, art, etc. They just dislike the sjw mentality. You're really not reading what I've been trying to say to you. Chill out and read it, or stop being an illiterate cunt.
>>36823>Calling you an autist is defensive? Alright, friendo. No. Making multiple posts for 2 hours defending yourself over it makes you defensive and a huge sperglord. -9/11 Waiting for you to reply again.
No. 36826
>>36824>The fact is that they hate each other and with good reasonBut alright, keep up that damage control, anon.
>No. Making multiple posts for 2 hours defending yourself over it makes you defensive and a huge sperglord. -9/11 Waiting for you to reply again.>Literally 5 posts saying things like "No I'm [person], you're a retard and the actual samefag". You make it sound like so much time and effort.
No. 36827
>>36826>damage control>using a comeback someone already used against youFor when you have no originality and have run out of ideas. Kek.
And yes, they do hate each other. I've stated that multiple times. As evident in
>seagulls go on Tumblr, but even the gulls look down on Tumblr as evident in the posts they make using "Tumblrfag" as an insult.You STILL didn't bother to read.
>You make it sound like so much time and effort.It could be, for someone as disabled as yourself. Keep it going.
No. 36828
>>36827>The term "damage control" is now copyrighted>It's a comeback and not stating the truth aight m8
>SJW population is the entire site, and therefore all of 4chan hates the entire site even though they actually browse it and know SWJ shit isn't the entire siteA+ logic
You're trying really hard to pretend you didn't fuck up and say something retarded.
>It could be, for someone as disabled as yourself. Nah, the fact that you considered it that much effort to begin with makes it look like you're the one who's diabled.
>Keep it going.Only for as long as you do.
No. 36829
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>>36828>The term "damage control" is now copyrightedDidn't read what I said there either. Right.
>You're trying really hard to pretend you didn't fuck up and say something retarded.Still didn't read what I typed. k.
>Nah, the fact that you considered it that much effort to begin with makes it look like you're the one who's diabled.Or perhaps the one who was doing it to begin with was disabled. Hint, it's you in case you were too retarded to get the joke considering you can't read.
>Only for as long as you doJfc you're so annoying. Seriously go be a whore elsewhere.
No. 36830
>>36829So whenever someone points out you're fucking stupid and explains why, they obviously "didn't read what you said"? Right.
>Or perhaps the one who was doing it to begin with was disabled. Hint, it's you in case you were too retarded to get the joke considering you can't read.Not if they don't care and don't consider it effort at anything at all, unlike yourself. You needed to realize not everyone is a downie that struggles to type shit on a website like you.
>Jfc you're so annoying. Seriously go be a whore elsewhere.Make me, faghorn.
No. 36832
>>36799.. She's THAT Swami?
Oh, fucking christ. No. God damn it.
No wonder that board blows ass, it has beta haven fucking written all over it. Now I see why the fashion and girly threads haven't gotten anywhere. The place is full of leg beards and beta fucks.
Why the hell won't /cgl/ move already.
No. 36834
>>36830>So whenever someone points out you're fucking stupid and explains why, they obviously "didn't read what you said"? Right.Or it's because you actually can't read. I can't believe I'm explaining this to you. You know exactly what I mean.
>You needed to realize not everyone is a downie that struggles to type shit on a website like you.At least I can read unlike you and don't double post like an asstard. Hell, you can't even figure out what's what on a simple imageboard. >>45150 >>45151
>Make me, faghorn>faghornNot only are you cancer, but your word choice is cancer. Someone abort this child.
No. 36835
>>36832>I can't believe I'm explaining this to you. You're not explaining shit, just crying and showing off your ebin collection of reaction images
>At least I can read unlike you and don't double post like an asstard. Hell, you can't even figure out what's what on a simple imageboard. At least I spotted and corrected my mistake right after making it. You don't even know how to greentext or quote, but you're claiming someone else doesn't know how to use an imageboard? And you call me a major hypocrite.
>Not only are you cancer, but your word choice is cancer. Someone abort this child.Oh no, I called you something you didn't like. Now your tard-wrangler's going to have to change your diaper.
No. 36838
>>36835I posted three images total which were posted a while ago and haven't used an image since. Did babby forget how to count? Keep smashing your hollow skull on the keyboard to concoct whatever clusterfuck you can muster with your head though.
>You don't even know how to greentext or quote, but you're claiming someone else doesn't know how to use an imageboard? And you call me a major hypocrite. Fuck off. I forgot to press the tab button. That's literally it. And you're still a huge hypocrite. Feel free to go back and read what you shit out through your sphincter.
>Oh no, I called you something you didn't like. Now your tard-wrangler's going to have to change your diaper.translates to
>I'm butthurt from reading two sentences, but I'll act like it doesn't bother me by replying with more shitty insults.Try again, turbofag.
No. 36839
>>36838>Keep smashing your hollow skull on the keyboard to concoct whatever clusterfuck you can muster with your head though.Someone needs some lotion for their bloody, inflamed anus.
>Fuck off. I forgot to press the tab button. Feel free to go back and read what you shit out through your sphincter.Like twice? And you couldn't greentext because you're using Windows 98, right? I never denied I was a hypocrite, but you are too.
I like how you're still mad as fuck that I pointed out you were retarded, but you still can't defend yourself except by screaming "You didn't read my post right!!!1!111".
>>I'm butthurt from reading two sentences, but I'll act like it doesn't bother me by replying with more shitty insults.This projection.
No. 36841
>>36839>Someone needs some lotion for their bloody, inflamed anus.Too bad you've used it up already while taking so many dicks up your dinker.
>Like twice? And you couldn't greentext because you're using Windows 98, right? Yeah, twice. Sorry I'm not a 2010s kid with a Windows 9000, you spoiled jewchild.
>you still can't defend yourself except by screaming "You didn't read my post right!!!1!111".Maybe you should learn to read then. I'll keep saying it, since it bothers you so much. I explained it here
>>36824 already. It's not my fault you can't read.
>This projection.My little anon can't be this stupid.
No. 36843
>>36841>dinkerYou call my word choice cancer, but come up with abominations like this.
>Yeah, twice. Sorry I'm not a 2010s kid with a Windows 9000, you spoiled jewchild.>not navigating the internet with your gameboy advanceFuck off pleb
>I explained it here >>36824 already. It's not my fault you can't read.And I explained why that was retarded here
>>36828, not my fault you insist on plugging your ears.
>My little anon can't be this stupid.Get your shitty Vietnamese incest cartoon out of here.
No. 36844
>>36843>You call my word choice cancer, but come up with abominations like this.Mad cause you got dinkered so hard in the dinker. That's a dinky dinker if I've ever seen one.
>Fuck off pleb>not using glorious Gentoo>not being freeEnjoy being a slave like the ape you are.
>And I explained why that was retarded here >>36828, not my fault you insist on plugging your ears.>plugging your earsWHOAWHOAHOHOHO PROJECTION
>Get your shitty Vietnamese incest cartoon out of here.Step up, senpai.
No. 36845
>>36844>Mad cause you got dinkered so hard in the dinker. That's a dinky dinker if I've ever seen one.Now that's what I call autism
>Enjoy being a slave like the ape you are.>being a Gentoofag>any yearShit OS for shit-eaters
>WHOAWHOAHOHOHO PROJECTIONCan't be projection if it's the truth.
>Step up, senpai.Shitty anime.
No. 36846
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atm cgl is seriously defending bought cosplays as being just as "real cosplay" as a self made one, sieg heil is shitposting offtopic and never gets banned, namefags are stroking their tiny dicks, half of the threads are overtaken by /fit/ offtopic bullshit and the rest are betafags baiting with /r9k/ material and attention whoring diarrhea like pic related. There is no actual cosplay discussion. Why the fuck aren't people migrating to 8chan's cgl? I really miss it when tutorial threads weren't 100% reposts and we actually had long threads about cosplay without /fit/ or /soc/ "muh abusive bf" derailing. Isn't there any way to bring the new cgl to everyone's attention?
No. 36847
>>36846Because so fucking many of them are in denial about the site having changed. I don't understand what is so complicated about having a different web address to go to. It isn't like this takes any effort at all. They're just being stubborn cunts at this point. They moaned that 8ch is too slow yet it's not going to get faster unless people fucking move over. Bitching doesn't make it get faster.
They've filtered shit on halfchan so you can't say infinity chan, 8chan, and 8chan. People have taken to saying hachichan or ochochan, but even then some people have no idea what those are. (As if it's so difficult to realize both fucking mean the number 8, simple Google search people.)
I don't know how we'd get everyone's attention, but it really is bullshit that people keep staying on the barren as fuck joot site and refuse to give traffic to boards which need it.
No. 36848
>>36846/cgl/ has turned into a dump yard in the past year and a half.
No surprise. Ridden with tumblr fags and what not now.
(Seriously. In the tumblr thread for lolita blogs– this should have been red flag enough– there was countless posts of people promoting their lolita/sjw blogs.)
Was damn near impossible to find more than a few who couldn't run a lolita blog without spewing "muh wimminz rights" every few posts.
I know that only accounts for a relatively small percentage of /cgl/ users, and I probably seem ass blasted, but oh well. I am.
No. 36849
>>36846Well, I have tried to advertise /beauty/ on other boards (some of you came, thanks), but /cgl/ was really the only board with a high concentration of girls. I thought that the concept of a feminine board would have drawn girls to both it and /cgl/, but it's as if they're content with wading through crap. And, I'm not entirely sure if it's an issue of gulls not moving when they should, girls on 8ch not being the very feminine kind, or both.
>>36848It's fine to be upset. This was a way for people to socialize for a long time and it's been taken away. People have been given options to move to other sites and continue practices which were banned on 4chan and they refuse to out of either laziness or denial.
No. 36851
>>36850Also unrelated but I have started up a new /lgbt/ board on 8chan and it's hard to try and advertise on Cuckchan without it being deleted or banned.
I am trying to get more traffic in order to slowly move the board to being self sustainable, just in case there's any other degenerates browsing here~* No. 36861
>>36846>Why the fuck aren't people migrating to 8chan's cgl?Because /cgl/ wants an already established board and that's the problem. That's why some of them tried using /fem/, only to realize they and the user base don't get along. The women who frequent /fem/ are female robots from /r9k/. They are not feminine. They have no idea how to dress or how to take care of their skin or use makeup. They do not do lolita or cosplay. They are damaged and deranged.
Seagulls don't want to do the work it takes to make a board popular from the ground up. That's where our problem lies.
No. 36862
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/pol/ IS DEAD
No. 36863
>>36862Also looks like they've frozen 4chan temporarily to prevent the inevitable rioting.
No. 36870
>>36869The other day I couldn't remember the name of this really good manga I was reading a few years ago, so I thought, okay well which board is bound to have largest collective knowledge of manga on 4chan? You'd think /a/ right?
Made a thread there a long with a description of the manga, 1 hour later I was banned for it, reason being that "request threads go in /r/".
Yeah, because people on /r/ are totally going to know more about manga than /a/.
The only people that go to /r/ anyway is to request porn.
We should all share our ridiculous bans stories.
No. 36874
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>SJWs are the only thing stopping the next holocaustreally
because it seems that they never seem to be there when real issues spring up, they only care when a black drug dealer dies
but when a women murders a child nobody brings them to justice you agree with those faggots i suggest you watch this. The justice system is shit and there are hundreds of outed murderers on the street and i NEVER see SJWs actually jump onto ACTUAL issues
I'm angry
No. 36879
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>>36866The best years of /v/ were 2009 through 2011.
>The OC.>The tripfags>The mods not giving a fuck about anything but russians spamming the site with CP.And then they had to remove word filters and thus the cesspool you have today.
>>36871Because , now , depending on what time you're posting, you may encounter a janitor or mod who gets asspained that you decided to make a new thread, rather than going to /vg/ and posting in that thread.
I mean what the hell, they systematically removed video games from /v/ and left it with nothing but shitposts.
>/v/>/vr/>/vp/>/vg/All they need is /vc/ and /vpc/ and then regular /v/ will just be a hive of shitposting.
No. 36880
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This thread made me go through my old chan folder and laugh at all the memories
brb crying
No. 36881
>>36870I've been banned on /cgl/ so many times and it's always a dumb bullshit reason too. It's always a butthurt janitor who doesn't agree with my opinion and bans me for "offtopic". Yet at the same time there are a million offtopic threads that can stay up for weeks without deletion.
Also got banned for shitting on SJWs. Halfchan is dead.
No. 36890
>>36885I know this post is old but…
who was she?
No. 36891
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i miss getting custom ban messages from global mods and moot
No. 36893
>>36892>>36891what is the context?
why is he so mad?
No. 36897
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>I wish to be the little girl
No. 36902
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>>36897I didn't realize that picture was Moot until now
also why did you use that one when you could of used this one
No. 36904
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>>36900At least the deerstalker guy isn't a cuck
No. 37160
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moot is love moot is life
No. 37312
>>37051>>37062moot claimed for years to be gay, for whatever reason
sometime around 2011 or so, I think, he said in a thread that he was actually straight, and that not even Snacks knew that moot wasn't gay.
he did a lot of shit like that, see: meximoot, telling his college friends his name is Rob, etc.
personally, I think moot never left 4chan. he just doesn't want to be the public face of 4chan anymore.
No. 37819
>>36969Wasn't that pic confirmed as some gay pornstar and not moot? The likeness is uncanny, no dispute there.
>>37315/cgl/'s panties dropped everytime he showed up, so who knows.
No. 37844
>>37819Damn thats so sad moot is a loser lol.
>>37315>meeting up with people from 4chanSad tbh
No. 38026
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>>36890>>36901Katie Leavelle
typical 4chan attention whoree
No. 38078
>>38026oh come on moot, out of all 4chan whores you pick a mannish one?
No. 38214
>>38205I'm seriously questioning why Moot decided to sell 4chan to this guy
He's gonna fuck it up like he did with 2chan
(also kek at the japanese comments)
No. 38430
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>sold the site to jew of the east
No. 45107
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No. 45822
>>37819moot actually fucked a number of /soc/ members
it was a huge scandal back when it was first created when people like that were called "normalfags"