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No. 367674
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>>367650are they incentivised by a place on the secret space program to escape earth or blackmailed with threats of death to their loved ones ?
No. 367759
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Celebs and their teams are run by the CIA. Celebrities teach the gen pop how to act and what to aspire to be and want. I think they get good drugs and/or heavy shock treatments to keep them complacent. This is why Hollyweird loves it some child stars. Little minds to be molded. And raped. The butterfly symbolism is interesting. It's not too far off to imagine the rich and powerful people pump and dump some of these celebs and then they are drugged to go off the deep end. See: Anna Nicole, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Britney, Mariah.
Tinfoil tho. But I think there's something there. Those damn nazi squazis.
No. 367856
>>367754I thought it was because her programming was breaking down and her wranglers (handlers) weren’t fast enough to reprogram her? I wonder what dubya did back in 2007…
>>367759There’s an urban legend that Dr. Mengele was helping with the project which is why he was never captured, he went by “Dr. Green”
No. 367937
>>367856>>367900As a german, I've never heard of any of them going to the US. Why would they? That's way too risky.
It's rather well known that everybody who was rich enough went to one of the "ABC states" - Argentina, Brazil, Chile. And rumours say that they then "helped out" more primitive dictators in those countries, e.g. teaching them how to torture "properly".
No. 368284
>>367937They’ve imported the Japanese and they’ve done worse, so why not the Germans?
Maybe this is just a U.S conspiracy
shrugs No. 368427
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>>368379She confirmed the song Cola is about Harvey Weinstein so I'm sure she's toeing the line between uwu girl power feminism and literally fucking old perverts for the ""glamour"" and power.
No. 368433
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>>368431Additionally, I remind you that
Pretty Baby was a film in which 11-year-old Brooke Shields plays a child prostitute. There are full-frontal nudes of Brooke as promotional material. Pic is mild, but I'm still gonna spoiler it. Fuck LDR
No. 368479
>>368383She seems like she’s not really there and tired af in those pictures.
Harvey was “partying” indeed
>>368431She also has a lot of DDLG songs that were leaked. I wonder if it was more than “muh artistic integrity!!!!” she was freaking out over. Gotta go with the agenda if you want mega-clout!
No. 368522
>>368433but what about the blondie song that really is about brooke shields
No. 368528
I feel like LDR's narratives are more nuanced than just ddlg propaganda, she talks about the highs and the lows. She draws on stereotypes and uses unreliable narratives eg as she's gotten older she writes less lolita frolics and more about how the world chews up young girls and spits them out when they get old. Maybe I'm just an edgelord stan but I defend her work as much as anyone who creates something about uncomfortable situations, and many mainstream musicians do.
>>368431>>368427She retired that song and came clean about why, it's not some pizzagate conspiracy
> Del Rey wrote the song with a Harvey Weinstein-type player in mind, a “diamond-bestowing-upon-starlets” guy with power. “I thought it was funny at the time, and I obviously find it really sad now,”. No. 368690
>>368353>Have Germans chilled out a bit since then?Such a question wouldn't have been deserving of an answer, much less of one as long and thought-through as yours.
If you believe that all Germans in 2019 behave the same as criminals during the war 80 years ago, then you're a braindead retard.
No. 368790
>>367937They didn't just "go", they were imported/recruited purposefully by US Gov. Soviets did the same thing.
>>367900Do you know where to read about those connections? I've heard some of the Nazi occultists experimented in trauma based mind control. I honestly speculate the study of these methods were detailed in the MKULTRA documents which were destroyed before they were declassified. But I need some solid sources on some of this stuff because it sounds so schizo
No. 368802
>>368528Lana's there to make the whole world fucking depressed and to glamorise drug use and apathetic surrender.
She totally sold her soul out of frustration after Gaga got famous
No. 368826
>>368790I believe this is what you’re looking for?, I know it’s a vc article but there are (some) sources in it.
No. 368858
>>368853Why, anon? Do you have anything constructive to say besides "oh fuck, cringe"? Why don't you look at another thread if it bothers you so much?
A lot of people who look into stuff like this are aware of the lines between fantasy and reality, speculation and documented history, etc. I haven't seen any indication that anyone in this thread has gone off the deep end. More often than not people like you are willfully ignorant of reality anyway.
"MONARCH mind control is real and widespread and major celebrities are victims" is likely not 100% congruent with objective reality. But neither is your world, where none dare speak the word "conspiracy", there's no such thing as mind control, and governments don't engage in psychological operations on the public. Retard.
No. 368863
>>368828Saged for sort of OT and all that. Generally, the conspiracy crowd acknowledge the reality that the power elite in the west (European royal families, wealthy industrialists, etc) were not particularly opposed to Hitlerian National Socialism, and actively supported Germany up until the war, and in some cases even through the beginning of the war (See Sutton for more info). After the war, German scientists were imported into the west to work for the military industrial complex (See Op. Paperclip) and support US/NATO Hegemony against the Soviets. Of course the Soviets did a lot of the same things, it is just less documented.
As far as "Greater Germany", a lot of conspiracy theorists believe that the EU fits the description of what the Nazis said the "Fourth Reich" would be. There are some interesting connections with the EU and formerly Nazi sympathizing royal families as well.
Just explaining for what it's worth
No. 368886
>>368805Yes to those you listed, also I believe it may be a vehicle for checks and balances to keep powerful people in line via blackmail.
The victims are tortured relentlessly (this is obv where the TRAUMA come in). I would imagine it's part of a fucked up form of entertainment, as well as a serious program(ming?).
We've all heard of mansion parties where shit is going down in every room. Did you ever really think of what kind of weird shit people get into? After the run-of-the-mill sexual deviance? What's next?
Put on your tall tinfoil hats and imagine, if you can, that you've travelled to every corner of the world, eaten every delicacy imaginable; drugs are boring to you now bc you've had access to the best shit since forever (literally multi-generational amounts of time), you have no empathy bc you were raised by a wait staff and your real family is dysfunctional as all hell bc they're just as bored and detatched as you are. And of course! You're a piece of shit who's hungry, no, desperate, for more. What's next? What can possibly get your heart racing again after you've been spoiled with the best of the best served to you on a silver platter by people you actually consider lesser than you? I don't have a hard time imagining bad people start to dabble in very bad things to get their jollies off, to join an upper echelon, and prove your secrecy by performing Very Bad Acts, or just as a curiosity. Boom, now all the other wealthy freaks know what fucked up shit you've done bc they've done it too.
There are businesses and fortunes, and most of all power, on the line if anyone tells. So they keep each other in check with blackmail.
Anyhoo this is my very literal interpretation of how and why shit like this may happen. Human beings are fascinating and fucked up.
Even if I'm way off base with this in particular it's not hard to imagine people who are so wealthy and powerful that money, worldly possessions, and drugs aren't shit anymore dabbling into matters of life and death for fun.
This has been a tall tinfoil hat presentation, exits to the left and right, thank you and enjoy your evening.
No. 369039
>>368901Lol this is a cute response anon.
Definitely talking about extreme wealth spanning many generations, not just one person in a lifetime gaining some coins. Congrats on your success though!