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No. 36919
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No. 36921
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No. 36928
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No. 36985
>>36928I love when women like this say "he loves me for me, not because im FAT!"
Bitch who are you kidding. He has a fatty fetish and you know it deep down.
No. 36989
>>36928aw, I like Gloria. She's hysterical. She was trying to lose for awhile but I don't know how successful she is/was. Still, I love her videos.
Her bf for sure has a fetish though. She addressed it in a video, and all of his girlfriends have been fat, I think his most recent ex was fatter than her.
No. 37159
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No. 37162
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>>37159She was pretty cute in nymphomaniac.
She had this couture type of beauty
No. 37163
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>>37162Idk I just thought she was super cute in the movie.
No. 37167
>>37159She's plain as hell.
>>37162>>37163The only reason why she looks better in those pics and in the movie is because she had professional make-up.
No. 37172
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>>37167I would understand if you said she is weird looking or even ugly, but I don't think the adjective "plain" fit her at all.
No. 37187
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i just don't understand
No. 37190
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>>37187ugly bitches dont mind doing freaky shit
No. 37300
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned Logan and Raven Sparks yet. I know Logan isn't really all that attractive but he's definitely a lot hotter than Raven is.
>>37292I want pictures as well
No. 37350
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>>37318>girlshe is 40 year old
No. 37964
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>>37292her eyebrows look like shit stains
No. 38029
>>37167Yeah but this isn't plain girl and hot guy thread (Shia is just above average imo)
Like I can see someone hot date someone plain, because you get to know them and find them more attractive. I think that will be much harder if someone is hideous. ( If they're an eyesore it's probably harder to get to know them and find them more attractive if they look like complete shit)
>>37268I'd never date someone as or more attractive than me. They have to be uglier. Easier to control cause they think they're the luckiest son of a bitch in the world ;)
No. 38094
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No. 38127
>>38094I never knew his wife was that harsh looking.
They have really cute kids too.
No. 44621
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No. 48389
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>>48046She didn't age entirely well. They met because of Australian Soaps. I believe she's older as well.
No. 49813
>>49708>>48074>>48046>>48020How shallow you vile bottom-feeders are.
No better than /r9k/ tbh.
No. 53586
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Rose Leslie is not that hideous, but dunno. I think she's not attractive
No. 53602
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>>53593Yeah, I really don't know. Her face shape is harsh, with the Ridge Forrester jaw, she has thin lips and a protruding caveman forehead. But yet she manages to not look fugly in motion.
No. 53692
>>37187maybe he's not shallow like you and like her because she's a person?
damn, you're shallow as fuck
No. 53760
>>53759>implying you're not uglynice one. people who go on these dumb threads are the ugly very insecure ones who only get comfort in bashing others
please go back to pull with your tweeny insecure bullshit
No. 53767
>>53692Dude, do you
realize what website are you on right now? What thread are you on? What world are you on? Let alone laughing at cows for shoops and ugliness, it's pretty hypocrite to say that being attracted to your significant other doesn't count.
No. 55654
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No. 55660
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>>55657>She's not hideous…. okay
No. 55664
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>>55659True, my fault for posting the first image I found. Here's a better one of the pair.
No. 55668
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>>55662I'll admit she does look a helluva lot better with her mouth closed but yeah, you're right. You see something in her that I just cannot.
No. 55676
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>>55673I feel like Bam is faring better tbqh
No. 55685
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No. 55688
>>55685Even Adam Ant's fake Depp look is better than real Depp now.
(Considering how much better Adam Ant looks now compared to mid 2000s then I'm sure Depp himself can recover as well)
No. 55697
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>>55668well, at least their daughter looks kinda cute
No. 55808
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>>55671I wish I never looked, anon…
No. 56793
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i was looking up GoT actors lately with my mom and we checked out jamie lannister actor nikolaj coster waldau, when i saw his wife the 1st thing i thought was to post here
No. 56820
>>56793It doesn't help that I'm used to watching him alongside the chick who plays cersei, who is far better looking than his wife imo.
Also I'm fucking disgusting but my boyfriend is like a solid 8 at least
No. 56821
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>>56814She's had lips done for sure, and I'm thinking some botox or fillers around the cheeks. I found this younger pic of her, sorry it's a picture for ants but it's literally the size on the website. Try looking her up under Sascha Nukâka Motzfeldt if you want
>>56820Cersei? Try Brienne of Tarth lol, actresses name is Gwendolyn Christie if you wanna look her up
No. 56829
>>56821Don't mock my babby the Rose of Tarth!
Brienne and Jaime is my otp. Plus I think te actress who plus brienne is sort of a babe even though she's a foot and a half taller than me.
No. 56834
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>>56829No no, I actually really like her too (and wish I was as tall as her lol) but you gotta admit she and Jamie are very diverse in the looks department. I don't think she's actually ugly but she does have a unique face whereas Jamie is more conventionally attractive
anyway I guess I'm gonna post another couple to not derail the thread too much. Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington. Now, I honestly don't have anything against Amanda personally, my Johnlock phase ended ages ago, I just really think she's quite ugly compared to Martin. She has a really big forehead, sort of hollow eyes and her usual blonde haircolor and red lipstick don't suit her at all. I wish she'd get darker hair with some bangs/a fringe!
No. 56836
>>56793Jamie is so attractive!! Oh my god-why
His wife has such TERRIBLE surgery. Why do women do this to themselves?
No. 56843
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No. 56845
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>Aaron Taylor-Johnson, 24, is so mature friends call him Benjamin Button >Hollywood actor says he 'doesn't notice' 23-year age gap with wife Sam, 48>The couple have been married for two years and have two daughters W H Y ?
No. 56849
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No. 56852
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Kathy Griffin looks like FitVeganGinger lol
No. 56857
>>56837I never knew how badly I also wanted this but there you go, I really do.
Back on topic, I am cry about pierce brosnans fat wife. She must be the nicest funniest cake-bakingest woman to hae shacked up with him.
No. 56864
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>>56849>>56850Another one where the woman destroys herself with too much plastic surgery. She was qutie the qt back in the day.
No. 56898
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>>56843>>56857She wasn't always fat. If you look at her photos on imdb she's been slowly piling it on for 20 years.
No. 56915
>>56898My goodness what a beautiful woman, and her décolletage was flawless.
That being said, maybe Pierce is actually kind of a secret chunky-chaser? He might prefer her fatter.
No. 56918
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>>56915Yeah, I definitely think he likes fatter women.
Yes all over his wife in some of these beach shots. I actually think it's very sweet.
No. 56935
>>56898Jeez she was beautiful before she let herself go.
It is nice to see a famous couple actually loving the fuck out of each other but I'm always saddened by the spouse that lets themselves go.
No. 56979
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>>56845oh man I love Aaron Taylor-Johnson, he was soo cute in "Angus, Snogging and Perfect Thongs." I like the movie because the ugly girl got the hot bf and didn't have to change her looks unlike every other romcom out there (which is fitting for this thread?)
No. 56980
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Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt. They recently broke up but were together for 16 years.
No. 57007
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No. 57010
>>57007both look hideous, the woman obviously more, but the guy isn't much better
>his haircut + glassesjust fucking disgusting
No. 57011
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>>56989her chin/mouth area is bad
No. 57012
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>>57010You're right. He's got some real potential but he's gotta dial back the rick moranis influence and ditch the glasses and haircut.
No. 57036
>>57031The whole point of Sam's artistic career to a certain point was her raging boner for John Lennon. She managed to get Aaron Johnson into Lennon drag for a terrible movie so it makes sense she would tie him down.
She probably doesn't let him have sugar after a certain time though. He was a really hyper actor when he was younger.
No. 57041
>>56995Because guys will overreact if they hear women prefer big, and almost all of them already have issues with their dicks to begin with. Average is fine as hell, big is just a plus.
Better to say it doesn't make a difference so y'all don't freak out.
No. 57089
>>56979They've been together in real life too.
And his wife, jfc. They started dating in 2008-2009 when he just had turned a legal adult, and she was born in fucking 1967, she was past her 40's. And they've got children together. When a 40 y.o. man dates, marries and impregnates a barely legal girl everyone loses their shit, so I think it's equally disgusting when the 40-years-old slimy is a woman. And not even a hot or at least attractive one.
Maybe he's got a really low self esteem
No. 57104
>>57041Thanks for an actual honest answer
What is small, average, and large in your eyes?
No. 57105
>>57104Not her but tbh I'd rather have a boy with a short, fat dick than a long, slim one.
It's the walls of the vagina you're supposed to stimulate, not the cervix, so in that respect having a really long one is useless - What exactly do you think you're trying to reach up there? I mean even the g-spot is located at the shallow end, or do men still believe that the cervix is a pleasure center?
More like a pain activation organ ay ay.
No. 57124
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>>57105So this isn't accurate?
No. 57130
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>>57124ffs how is that men steep themselves in a deluge of pornography and then fall for shit like this?
You watch porn daily but you've never ONCE thought to Google how the female sexual anatomy functions?
No. 57133
>>57124Just looking at this image makes me want to crawl inside my vagina and never emerge.
How do men keep falling for this shit?
No. 57177
>>57104Quoted anon here
As you can see from the other responses, I'm an exception. I like the "pain" that comes from hitting the cervix (not /too/ hard, though). When people talk about penis size they usually mean how 'fat' it is, yeah.
But to answer the question, IMO less than 13 cm is small, 13-16 average and above 16 cm big. Most girls I talked to agreed with this.
No. 57179
>"women couldn't possibly know what it is that they enjoy!">"it is up to I, as a man, to educate them on what they like!"Saw my boyfriend over Christmas break and legit measured for the first time out of curiosity.
He's always had a sizeable dick so it never occurred to measure now that we were both adults.
I was the one that did the measuring, it came out at 8.5".
He's too big, to the point of reduced functionality on account of not being able to go balls deep without slamming full force into my cervix and making me cry, and blowjobs are a more.
Once he
triggered spasms in my womb/cervix and I ended up writhing in agony for over 6 hours and eventually called an ambulance when the pain wouldn't stop. Spent the night in a hospital bed on opiates.
Doctor's advice after an ultrasound scan and speculum examination, more "foreplay" next time.
Now shoo Neckie, away with ye'.
No. 57184
>>57181I read that as blowjobs are amore.
letting someone put their genitalia in your gob really is love.
No. 57209
>>57205This is what pornography has reduced men to. How lowly and pathetic.
At least we can be certain that at least this one won't be passing on his flawed genes ey' girls :^)
No. 57219
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plz stop derailing this thread
no more dick posts
getting back on track, here's gorgeous aidan with a fairly average wife. gives me hope tbh
No. 57327
>>57231Lmao, he was the only reason I even watched that movie
>>57235Her body seems ok, I actually didn't think she'd need to lose weight, but her lower face and nose are very harsh looking
No. 60241
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>>59946Guess he did care cause they're separated now (lol). Here's Aidan Gillen's new gf. She looks like she'd smell irl.
>tfw no Aidan bf No. 60280
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No. 62520
>>57209Doesn't help when you promote this shit yourselves by doing the whole "black guys are better :)))" thing.
Not the guy you're replying to.
No. 62527
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>>60241I'm surprised girls like CIA. I always wondered whether he was handsome or not.
No. 62530
>>62520But nobody does that, or only a very small minority of women does.
Get out of your house once in a while, and get some knowledge of women outside of porn and /r9k/, you memeing fuck.
No. 62560
>>62541>>62532It seems to me that you people purposely seek this type of shit out, because none of the women I have spoken to or friends with was ever like this. Or you think in such black and white simplistic terms that whenever you see some bitches online say they like something you generalize all women in the world to also like it.
You fail to realize, or purposely pretend to not understand, that we are all individuals with different preferences. An obvious concept that any non-autist could so easily grasp.
Whatever to justify that eternal victim complex, I suppose.
No. 64249
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Classic example
No. 64256
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Well…my opinion
No. 64338
>>64256CAN'T STUMP
No. 64387
>>64378Ashton Kutcher and (his ex) Demi Moore
I think that anon's point was that Demi's not so much ugly, but she's like 16 yrs older than Kutcher
No. 101584
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resurrecting a dead thread cause I found out what Jessie Williams wife looks like. shes obviously not hideous but I'd say he definitely trumps her significantly in the looks department
No. 101670
>>101655Half black women are probably the prettiest mix (not just with white).
Hapas - asian and white are the ugliest blonde eyes don't suit slitty eyes and they come out weird looking
No. 101671
>>101655and god forbid when they come out with light caramel skin, loose brown curls and grey/hazel green eyes with a little button nose.
that shit is just adorable
No. 101672
>>101670This is delusion.
Most half-black women have negroid features combined with light skin which makes them look like abominations, also awful hair. The only time they're cute is when they're lucky enough to get their facial structure mostly from the white side.
No. 101673
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I don't get the hype about hapa babies… they're not that cute. Cute but their eyes just don't suit blue/green eyes and light hair. The more asian they look the better.
No. 101674
>>101672That's why people call them black mostly because they come out looking more black but they're still prettier than the hapas. Hapas only look good if they're closer to asian. But media prefers if mulattos look more white than black.
Still prettier though.
No. 101678
This thread is derailing.
Can we just agree that each mixed person can look good just depending on genetics? Not every hapa or mulatto is ugly.
>>101655^ Asshat from Stormfront who's probably some russian or neckbeard with yellow fever
No. 101685
>>101679They aren't. They're a midpoint between asian and white, look at Sachie. Her eyes are larger than the average asian, her skin paler, her hair less naturally dark etc.
It just tends to "fit" better because whites and asians don't look as alien to one another as whites/asians do to pure-blooded African blacks, so the morphological midpoint is often more pleasing to the eye (though not always).
Half-black ugliness is obvious from the fact what people praise about them is literally how they're slightly less black than fully blooded blacks: I.e. Curly rather than nappy hair, "caramel" rather than jet black skin and so on.
Whites are the best looking. Women or men. The fact both groups are so desired by non-white men and women alone is proof of this.
No. 101700
>>101685Alright stormtrooper-chan you made your point, you hate blacks and anything combined with black. Doesn't mean everyone agrees with you though.
Hapas aren't that great themselves because most of the time they end up coming out looking more asian like mulattoes come out more black. White is a weaker gene and only enhances so much of it. Depends really.
Hapas are asians with longer noses, a bit more height and sometimes wider eyes. It's rare to see the blonde hair ones and the blue eyes even if they come out like that they look weird.
Mulattoes have the advantage of looking like the prettier blacks. Lighter skin, cuter faces and it's more toned down. Still considered attractive. Plus they're thrown more in the media than hapas whereas they're probably loved in the East which the world doesn't give a shit about anyway.
Hate all you want anon but people find mulattoes attractive. Maybe not you and the rest of Russia or god knows where in the East. But tough shit.
No. 101703
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>>101700>White is a weaker geneWhite isn't a gene, and the only reason you think mixed race people look more non-white than white is because they look alien to you and your brain just lumps all brown people together.
No. 101705
>>101700>people find mulattoes attractiveNot really.
Mulattoes are on average uglier than white people (obviously), but also uglier than black people.
No. 101706
>>101703You know what I mean idiot. Asian and Black genes are more dominant. Look at most of these weeb's kids running around in Japan they look mostly asian mixed with black or white.
Ariana Miyamoto that one who won miss Japan looked more Asian - she looks Cambodian to me tbh.
Maggie again looks more asian
No. 101707
>>101705It wouldn't surprise me if you were some angry black from that BLM movement at this point tbh
Also lol keep telling yourself that
No. 101708
>>101706>she looks hurr TO MELearn to read.
To Asians hapas look almost white.
No. 101710
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>>101708So you're telling me this looks white?
No. 101713
Do you even know what Asian people look like?
No. 101714
File: 1468076666998.png (169.82 KB, 302x317, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 16.0…)

so very white
No. 101716
File: 1468076739521.png (448.56 KB, 656x433, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 16.0…)

>>101713Ya telling me this korean doesn't look like the rest of these hapas?
apparently asian is the new white
No. 101718
>>101716You're blinded by seeing too many white people, your brain only focuses on what looks strange to you.
Actually compare that face to this one
>>101710 and to a white face. Look at the features. Look at the skin, eyes, nose, the shape of the face… The hapa is exactly halfway between them.
No. 101721
>>101718Well… they're mixed with white? But they look mostly ASIAN.
Jesus christ
No. 101726
>>101723Nope its called being MIXED RACE.
Obviously as its a combination of both. They look more ASIAN. The asian gene is more dominant same as the black gene fgs. Most people would just assume she was asian like mulattoes are considered basically black.
No. 101744
>>101700Why are you so obsessed with hapas, loon-chan?
I don't find hapas, male or female, more attractive than white people.
>Mulattoes have the advantage of looking like the prettier blacksWho are still markedly inferior to full blooded whites. That's the point. "Attractive black" in the US may as well be a byword for "30%+ European blood" at this point anyway.
>thrown more in the mediaSo? What is this meant to prove? Mulattoes are also more likely to have absent dads and crackwhore moms. Is there a point to this?
>people find mulattoes attractivePeople generally find people of their own race most attractive, loon-chan. Do you seriously believe most white men find you more attractive than they do white women? lol. White men are by and large disinterested in black women unless they see you as an easy lay.
No. 101747
>>101744You're the one obsessed with how whites apparently look asian and is stepping in with every excuse you have in order to back it up. Yes asians come in brown, medium and pale shades. But East Asians - yeah some are pale and darker with a more yellowish tinge (don't lie because they do). Doesn't mean they're white though.
Hapas are mixed and most come out looking asian as fuck.
Skin colour and DNA isn't the same thing you twat.
No. 101748
>>101717Do you really believe white men and women find mulattoes more attractive than other white men and women?
What's wrong with you?
>>101718Good point, in a weird way she looks kind of like a lot of Southern Europeans do actually.
No. 101749
>>101747Again you're either some butthurt hapa who longs to be white or some white weeb or neckbeard from storm whatever the fuck dot com who agrees with that retarded post about how "Japanese and white is the same!!!11"
Seriously though… it isn't. Asians will probably say yeah she's half and discriminate. But she looks just as asian at they come.
No. 101750
>>101748Some people have preferences anon
No. 101751
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>>101742>>101743How about you try to focus on a specific feature.
If you seriously still can't see the difference there's no fixing your brain. Shit if anything the hapa actually looks closer to white than to Asian.
No. 101753
File: 1468079705230.png (161.64 KB, 339x468, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 16.5…)

Looks more asian
No. 101754
>>101747>You're the one obsessed with how whites apparently look asianYou're arguing with multiple people.
I don't find Eurasians or Asians more attractive than White people (I'm White myself). I don't think Euro-Asian mixes look anywhere near as good as pure European aesthetics do (muh aquiline nose etc), all I said was that on balance they look better than mulattoes do and aren't as crazy, Elliot Rogers aside.
>>101750>Person A: "Men are on average taller than women.">Person B: "That's not true! I know some women who are taller than some men!"Arguing with crazy leftist mulattoes: Not even once…
No. 101756
File: 1468079738215.png (587.48 KB, 739x575, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 16.5…)

Again looks more asian
No. 101759
>>101750So you unironically believe that white people think black people are more attractive than their own group?
How much interracial pornography do you consume on a weekly basis, out of interest?
No. 101761
>>101759Well believe it or not anon there is married interracial couples out there. Also a few gay ones too… 2016 eh
How crazy
No. 101766
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>>101761>2016 ehAlright, back to PULL.
No. 101767
File: 1468079919129.png (536.8 KB, 763x543, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 16.5…)

another hapa
again looks more asian
No. 101769
>>101761>believe it or not anon there is married interracial couples out thereWhat is it about the concept of an average that you find so difficult to understand?
White people generally prefer other white people, of course this doesn't mean every single white person on earth has a cast-iron rule against dating or marrying someone of another race, it simply means that on average, they prefer their own group for dating and marriage and prefer their own aesthetics.
Why are you so intent on pushing the idea that white men and women love mulattoes so much? What's your agenda?
No. 101772
>>101769Whats the agenda that all whites love hapas then? Hapa isn't white anon. The skin colour may be but appearance wise they don't. Their features look mostly asian.
Why don't you accept that?
You do realise the argument has changed from whites loving mulattoes and what not right?
Fucking hell stay on topic
No. 101773
>>101771Venus Angelic is mentally ill. That's not even a pejorative slur, it's just a factual statement of her psychological health.
Most White women do not find Asian men more attractive than White men. Most white men do not find Asian women more attractive than White women. Venus is an exception. So we don't really care what her doomed-to-insanity kid with that creepy Jap will look like.
>>101772>Whats the agenda that all whites love hapas then?The fuck are you even talking about? Nobody ITT claimed this.
No. 101775
>>101773Oh great… you're on of those who read and look up racial preference statistics. Yeah most people DO cater to their own race, I know that but people DO have preferences. You're basically twisting everything I say and making out that Im saying "noo! every1 must luv mulattos!" I never said that. I'm just saying in this day and age people have varieties and different fancies to different races which is OKAY.
Hapas just look and turn out to be more asian looking than white. Fucking hell.
I used Venus as an example because if her and Manaki do spawn a kid it'll no doubt end up looking mostly like HIM. It'll have a wide moon face, slitty eyes and probably slightly lighter hair.
>>101774The fuck are you even on about?
No. 101779
>>101775>I know that but people DO have preferences.How is this in any way a rebuttal of what I said? It doesn't follow. Non-sequitur and all that.
Why do you think we all love Asians? That's PULL. I don't love Asians at all, lol. I find white girls and guys who do love them to be frankly embarrassing and I'm pretty sure I speak for a good number of farmers in saying that.
No. 101780
>>101777Why would I be anon? Maybe I have a preference for mulattoes. So what?
Again its down to what people like. You're just pushing that hapas are the better looking mix when personally I don't think they are. Asian are already dead inside looking and white thrown in just makes them look more miserable but taller yet I suppose its good since they show more emotions when Asians barely ever do with their miserable mugs.
No. 101783
>>101782Yeah… probably just one retard Im dealing with here.
Fuck off back to storm
No. 101787
>>101785Yes I have anon. Well duh? But she looks CLOSER to looking asian than she does white. Simple as.
Sorry if I've offended your weeb desires or some butthurt depressed hapa on the net
No. 101788
you still think I'm mulatto
No. 101807
>>101803That's not how I see it honestly. Canvases come in different colors and quality too, same with paint. I say blank canvas because well, white people are usually lighter and when someone is half white and half something else, they're not usually seen as white as much as they are whatever else they're mixed with.
Sorry if it still sounds bad to you but I don't think white people are all the same at all.
No. 101922
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Um okay so steering away from ^ that embarrassing mess..
I HATE THIS. I get Michael Pitt has that sort of, like, edgy, misfit background (he portrayed Curt Kobain afterall) so it's not surprising he'd be into a chick like Jamie. She definitely looks…unique but she literally looks like a transgender spic with AIDs. Makes sense she models.
Personally I find Michael really attractive but even if he is objectively slightly above average/average, Jamie is just hideous.
No. 101923
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Another one //_;
No. 101929
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>>101922She reminds me of Shelley Duvall except Shelley is actually pretty imo (maybe not conventionally, but I think she's lovely)
No. 101931
>>101922 "transgender spic"
So salty, kek.
No. 101932
>>101922 "transgender spic"
So salty, kek.
No. 101936
>>101929Tru, Shelley is pretty. But Jamie is much gaunter and manlier imo. That jaw and bone structure is just…ugh.
>>101931So what if I am? This entire thread is. Way to point out the obvious lmao.
No. 102000
>>101983Never said it was, but why get mad at those men who aren't superficial?
That said on average women care more about appearances than men.
No. 102515
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Damon albarn from blur.
No. 113022
>>112982plenty of pretty girls have great personalities
i think uggos are overestimating how interesting they actually are
No. 117778
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No. 117845
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>>101756He would be a 10/10 to me if someone would give his brows and hair a total make-over. Then again, I'm a hapa who is mostly attracted to other hapas. That said, white guys can also look attractive imo if they have softer features, like this guy who seems to have dated Kelly Osbourn in her unflattering phase. Then again, maybe he knew she would become better looking over time?
No. 119844
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I could understand if she was funny or interesting, but she has no personality. She's not that ugly, but she not attractive by any means.
No. 119854
>>119844> hot guys lmao anon.
He's not hot, and they suit each other.
However her personality is shit but that's another story.
No. 119856
>>60241i love camille o'sullivan. take that back right now. she has a beautiful voice.
My SO is WAY more attractive than I am, but he doesn't know it. He thinks I'm way out of his league. That, or he's just doing an amazing job (I mean, A++ acting, this is some Juilliard level shit) at selling this belief to me for 5+ years. Fairytales do come true, ladies.
No. 182962
>>182911I can't believe she has a bf and I don't. I'd do anything for a redhead scottish bf.
Life's so unfair.
No. 182966
>all the people saying he's not hoti don't think he's super hot, but he's not ugly. the girl on the other hand, looks absolutely gross. and if i'm not mistaken, that's the point of this thread, so clam down. in her past videos you could tell the guy was fit too, so its amusing to me that he has whale fetish.
this is her little sister, and has pretty similar features. so this is kinda what glowpinkstah would look like if she could stop eating shit. i think she could be cute. she's super adamant on being disgusting though, so nothings going to change.
No. 188261
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The summary of this thread
No. 203527
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Ugh so many of these are so clearly "my type male with not my type female". Do the people posting them really not see that? Especially the shia one. Like she's not a bombshell but there's a reason she was cast in nymphomaniac and it's not because she's busted.
Didn't want to totally non-contribute so what do you guys think of rick owens and michele lamy, just visually? i'm really on the fence about it because my knee jerk impression would be that they belong on this thread, but if you look closer she's not the worst looking old lady and he's not the best looking dude, so how matched are they really?
No. 203528
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Also I guess I have Johnny Depp's same shit taste because I've always lowkey wished I looked like Vanessa Paradis. Yeah she has a freaky smile and can look a little scary but it's kind of…the point. And she was able to pull of the french model look well at least imo. Not everyone's type but I disagree that he's too good for her especially with how they look now.
No. 269975
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>farmcels actually think these men are hotter than the women they're with
My sides are in the Warp
No. 270083
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>>270081>you have to be gay to recognize that these men are uglyholy shit you must be one of those tumblrs who think benedict cumberpatch is hot
No. 270087
>>270083Ya sure, those men are sooo ugly:
>>37170>>44621>>53586>>56845>>56847>>57219>>60280>>64249>>117845>>119844>>203527They are not my type but I can see why they are attractive.
TBH I would not call most if not all women they are with ugly, they are just less attractive than the guys.
No. 270088
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>>270087>idubbs>attractiveholy shit the absolute state of this place
No. 270391
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why don't you post more couples? here are leann rimes and eddie cibrian. he is way more attractive than she is
No. 271168
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No. 271179
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His partner looks likes his mom. I'm posting him cuz I think he's hot and rich to boot
No. 271183
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They're separated now but I never understood how they got together in the first place, it was her who left him too. Her face gives me tranny vibes, maybe Jamez is into it?
No. 271204
>>271179>he has wrinkles, eye hollows etc>she has perfect skin How the fuck does she look like his mom?
She's better looking too with nicer features, her styling is just a bit too severe.
No. 271211
>>271168Are you kidding me? Giroud's eyes are way too close to each other and he's a massive dick.
>>271179Since he's chinless / jawless he should be overjoyed to have a wife who can save his child from being a chincel / jawcel. She also have amazing skin, although she would greatly benefit from some nicer eyebrows.
Farmers have shit taste in men.
No. 271282
>>270416It is about appearance and not status anon. She is is uglier than him. And that's the topic of this thread.
Plus when was her last hit? 20 years ago kek go fangirling elsewhere
No. 289370
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No. 289378
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>>289370He surely loves his women to have masculine jawlines
No. 289868
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I think this might meet the requirements for this thread kek
No. 297436
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>>289874she was his teacher so yep that's kinda weird like, was something going on while he was her student ? dunno
>>296808 mte anon
>>296846 I can see how people find him attractive but knowing how big of a pos he is makes him look a fucking goblin
No. 300664
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Rick owens and his troll of a wife michelle lamy. I get that she came from a rich family and all, but fuck me… Rick is a 5/10 in his own right and wouldn't be considered hot by lc standards but next to his wife it's just baffling.
No. 378972
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Marzia is like a muppet combined with Jenna Marble's dogs.
No. 378978
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>>378972lol what, she is cute
they're on the same level
No. 378982
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>>378972>hot He always looks dirty and unkept.
No. 379436
>>378982Pewds was maybe cute when he first started out, but nowadays he looks like shit
He's aging like milk
No. 380030
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Huh, maybe they’re more on par than I previously thought. AnimeMan is way cuter in motion I guess.
No. 380227
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>>380039>>380073I hadn't seen any recent photos of him lately. fuck.
He looks like he changed his name to Geraldine and got really into speedrunning. No. 380302
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>>380227Absolute transbian.
No. 386696
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>>380227Looks like he's attempting to grow a beard or too lazy to shave. I can't find any recent pics of Lindsey either
No. 386699
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>>386696Samefagging but found her insta & she still looks the same. He's went down hill
No. 386728
>>386699Oh man, I expected him to age well because he always looked so young. Sad.
That said he'd probably look fine if he lost weight, shaved and cut/washed his greasy hair.
No. 386765
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I feel like even most anons can agree River Phoenix was attractive right
No. 391141
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This is about to come off petty as fuck but just… Why? I don't even think she's particularly ugly, she's average at best but her batshit crazy childish personality makes her unbearable and she looks like she stinks, Andy on the other hand can have literally any girl he wants..just why?
No. 434048
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No. 436649
>>436640I mean, he may not be your type, but the whole "lanky geeky pale emo twink" is a appealing to a lot of people, he definitely has a bigger dating field and can attract a lot of women
As for Juliet, the whole "greasy tattooed white girl who only wears Walmart graphic tees and Jean shorts" isn't necessarily appealing to that many people
As for personality I assume Andy is a typical edge Lord nerd, for Juliet after her drunken antics and all kinds of drama it's fair to say Andy could get better, whether or not your find him attractive
I guess everyone's embarrassing emo phase makes them ashamed of being attracted to him in a way, his music and fan base was definitely cringey, but him as a person is fairly attractive or at least more attractive than Juliet
No. 441654
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No. 441718
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>>441703So you are the smart one here
No. 441822
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>>441777Bait you into what? You all seem kinda bitter
(I'm disappointed in you all taking the bait) No. 443713
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Heidi Klum married 16-year-old younger Tokio Hotel’s guitarist Tom Kaulitz recently (they actually had two weddings??). It’s weird to see a member of the band I used to obbsess over in my teenage perioid with someone I never thought they would, not only date but marry in the end. Good luck for both of them.
No. 443723
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>>443713You sure you're in the right thread, anon…?
She's absolutely beautiful, one of the most successful models of all time and still looks amazing despite being not far from 50 and having given birth to 4 Kids.
Meanwhile your crush is only in his 20s and quite literally looks homeless…
No. 443724
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>>443723Imagine the smell…
No. 443948
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>>443945Well she’s almost 50 and lower estrogen levels will do that. She was hot when she was young tho.