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No. 37061
>>37059When you vape you inhale tiny metal particles which can cause all kinds of respiratory problems
Also OP vapes are mouth fedoras
No. 37075
>also OP vapes are mouth fedorasP. much.
I foresee in the near future all of these heavy vape users coming down with respiratory problems and a bunch of manufacturers are going to get their socks sued off for claiming they were ever safe in the first place, that is if they're still around.
It'll be exactly like back before people knew that exposure to the sun severely damaged your skin, caused cancer and contributed to early wrinkle development, when everybody was off abusing tanning salons like not tomorrow because they wanted "da helfy glo".
All the neckbeards and 420 whores will look up and shout "IF ONLY WE KNEW!"… and I'll whisper "Told ya."
You guys are idiots if you get into vaping. Class 1 idiots.
No. 37581
>>37579>get fuckedSays the weed smoking weeb whore.
>>37559I dont like it when women are whores.
No. 37584
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>>37582'Coz its trashy as shit. Thats like asking why women who barely wear clothes are sluts.
No. 37590
>>37589Might want to rethink the question sis.
You really are high.
No. 37597
also this thread isn't even about weed lmao
No. 37760
>>37485posting here inspired me to smoke today haha!
If any of you gals and guys need any recommendations for a newbie cigar/cigarillo wise, i'll answer em.
Fuck 420chan
No. 37841
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>>37732>>37725you're both are so sad and you dont understand the meaning of having fun at all. Degenerates tbh. Whatever yall underaged hoes try to say in an attempt to make you look less slutty, no real brother, father or boyfriend wants his beloved to destroy her lungs, pussy, time or money on weed.
>inb4 smoking weed cures lungcancer, autism, obesity, transsexuality, leukemia and perhaps might raise your IQ with 300 points No. 37847
>>378461. It's expensive
2. I have better things to do
3. It makes me lazy, I'm into bodybuilding and healthy lungs.
4. I'm a woman. Women cant smoke weed. I dont care what men do to destroy their lives but I care about women.