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No. 37226
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Little Asian hairy legs
No. 37271
>>37227>>37232I'm honestly curious about this. Whenever I come across someone saying they're dating a Chinese, Japanese or Korean person, usually the Korean guys get the most negative "reviews" (fuck idk why I used that word) despite being the most sought after due to k dramas and kpop.
Initially I figured people with yellow fever will put up with anything as long as they get the chance to fuck around with some Korean guy, based on the fact that so many will say some ugly ass Korean dude is cute just because he paid her some attention. However, I realized that for the majority, whats most important (aside from being Asian and Korean specifically) is that they want them to act the way they think Koreans are supposed to act, like the fake shit they show in variety shows. It's hilarious to watch their disappointment.
When someone says it's just about looks for them it makes so much more sense to me and makes me believe they won't face as much or if any heartbreak.
No. 37273
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>>37271If korean guys act the way they do in dramas thatd be boarder line abuse lol
I guess a lot of girls expect korean guys to be sexless and sweet like korean idols. recently a korean idol said he doesnt like gay people and his white fan girls werent too happy about that, its like…what do you expect?
No. 37275
>>37273I once read some blog (fuck if I remember, it was months ago and surprisingly wasn't tumblr) where some Asian guy was upset with how a lot of Western women want Asian guys to act Western, while simultaneously fulfilling their fantasies of what Asian guys are like.
Honestly, the way I see it is that a lot of girls (Western ones in this case) who have yellow fever go over there expecting some knight in shining armor, and when they find that they can be just as big of an asshole/loser/weirdo as their guys back home, that they would rather be with an asshole/lose/weirdo they're familiar with personality wise. Because they know how to deal with
that, not an Asian they were expecting to be a certain way.
No. 37290
>>37273I feel like Korean guys are freakin jerks. At least the ones I met. ugh
>doesn't like gay peoplewow
No. 37299
>>37227Im dating a Korean that moved to America in his childhood and I can agree about the mummy issues
He also gets angry easily and cares WAYYY too much (in my opinion) about what others think and how their mum's friend's son is better than him smh
also, he acts super manly and when i wanted to buy a plane ticket to see him he said it would really hurt his pride
…but I guess I got used to all those things
No. 37306
I've dated every race of Northeast Asian girl (Chinese, Korean, Japanese).
Koreans really do have huge anger issues. It's related to the whole inferiority complex they suffer from, there's a huge drive to prove themselves, which isn't bad in of itself, but it's very aggressive and often belligerent in a way the mild-mannered pride of the Japanese isn't.
>>37232I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're in your late teens or early 20s, so that's fine. But it's important to remember that, when marriage and kids becomes an issue, it's probably not a good idea to continue down this line. I'm in a relationship with an Asian girl at the moment and she's great but… I really don't like the idea of my kids not being white and of always having that implicit cultural division between us.
>>37299 are just plain crazy.
I honestly am not sure how Korean "culture" got so popular. The entire thing is one big charade - Before the Japanese annexation Korea had a living standard and cultural level comparable to some sub-saharan African countries. Virtually everything about them and their culture is a carbon copy of either traditional Chinese culture of contemporary Japanese culture.
Also, one final thing. Most East Asian guys have the idea white women are whores, this is especially true in Korea where there's a lot of mail-order brides from East Europe/Russia and prostitutes from those same regions.
Please don't feed this stereotype.
No. 37307
>>37303How is he stupid or shallow? Caring about what others think is just a part of his culture. He explained it to me that you always need to be the best or you will bring shame to your family.
Its not like his whole character is only the traits I listed anyway.
No. 37310
>>37309Sorry but Im not a koreaboo, lol. I only started getting interested in Korea once I started dating my current bf and I dont even listen or watch kpop/kdrama.
And yes maybe I dont understand it too well but so far Ive had no problem with it.
No. 37324
>>37320Tbf this is pretty much exclusive to mainland Chinese. The ones from ex-British territories are usually alright, and they hate the mainlanders for giving them such an awful international reputation. Idk what's gonna happen now that the territories are being put back into the hands of China now though.
>They think saliva is dirty to keep in the mouth do they spew it everywhere instead and it doesn't matter if it's at your feet as you walk by or inside of the elevator.>Yes some of them even spit indoors. This is the most awful thing I have ever read. I hate spitting. Did you ever try telling them that it's illegal here?
No. 37328
>>37320I don't want to white knight Chinese too hard, but they're generally markedly better people, in a moral sense, than most Koreans I've met.
Obviously both groups have close to zero concept of reciprocity, but the Chinese are at least not driven by an objectively pathological inferiority complex, such as the Koreans have.
>>37325Right, that's why white women really need to stop encouraging and playing to the stereotype of the hypersexual white girl. It reflects badly on white men too.
No. 37340
>did you ever try telling them that it's illegal here?Once and they just gaped at me. I don't think they understand.
The worst part was that my room window actually overlooked the accommodation courtyard where they would all congregate to smoke and converse during the evening, and I couldn't leave my window open because literally every 10-20 seconds it would be "heeeaarrURGHHHHHKKKKK-POOOT" as they hocked up some saliva from the back of their throats and spat it out.
>>37328I've heard mention of South Koreans having an inferiority/anger issues for a while now and would be very interested in hearing more.
Is this due to the fact that they were Japan's bitch for so long or what?
I did actually have a South Korean roommate as well, SunJin, absolutely lovely guy, was always helping his with his assignments since he had to write them in English and he would let me try South Korean cuisine.
Halfway through the year a friend of his, also from South Korea, suddenly contracted pneumonia and died the next day. There was nothing they could do as it came on really fast.
I remember the day before he told me his friend was sick and in the hospital, then the very next day he came in looking dishevelled and empty and I asked him how his friend was and he replied in a very hollow, accented voice "ahh… actually… he is dead".
I had legitimately only met his friend a week ago at a bar too, so sudden.
SunJin locked himself in his room for weeks after.
Poor SunJin.
And the parents, those poor people. The last time they saw their son alive was packing him off to the UK for an education, an adventure and a bight future, and then the next he was in a box.
Sorry that was irrelevant and tl;dr, but it's just so sad, I haven't really spoken about it. I'm 24 and this was my first experience with death.
There was another actually, the first week of moving in, the other accommodation block across the courtyard from me, a Chinese girl died in her sleep 4 days after she got to the UK.
None of her flatmates noticed anything amiss as they'd only just moved in, that was until they began to notice a smell coming out from under the door about 3 days after she'd died. It'd been a hot week September last year in the UK. :(.
No. 37342
>>37320Doesn't really surprise me. China town here in Manchester is dirty as fuck, the supermarkets there ran by chinese stink and ergh. No thanks.
But yeah I've heard stories too. You see all these Chinese students with fancy shit and designer gear, funny how they live behind closed doors tho.
No. 37357
>>37349>What I do like about guys from east asia is they dont seem as entitled to sex when youre their gf.Haha, this is such nonsense. Adultery is not only extremely common in China and South Korea, but the vast majority of people, including women, don't actually blame their man if he cheats. They'll happily go after the mistress, beat the shit out of her, strip her naked etc, but they'll never do more than lightly chastize their husband for cheating.
The whole "nice asian guy" thing is an act they put on in America, because they're not perceived as the dominant race they can't replicate Confucian societal attitudes to the same extent they can in say, South Korea. The reality on the ground is that some 50% of married Korean men regularly visit brothels.
They're less sexually aggressive though. But on the whole I don't think being a bit more assertive is that much of a trade-off to take when measured against Confucian ethics.
No. 37360
>>37357Most chinese guys are virgins at older ages. I know chinese guys who are like 30 and still virgins and its because a lot of chinese girls dont want to have sex. My white american friend is with a chinese girl and she stopped having sex with him 2 months into the relationship.
I think they're probably not entitled to sex because they don't expect to get any in the first place. Even the nerdiest american guy feels hes entitled to sex and hates all women for "not fucking nice guys!!!!"
No. 37363
>>37362Girls from east asia can be cute but the reality is they're not going to fuck you after they have lured you in.
Its just a different culture, it not like in america where sex is super important.
No. 37366
>>37360See, this is a side-effect of internet disease. You start to think of people as internet caricatures, in this case "nerdy guys" and "guys who post on /r9k/". I bet you think there's a huge contingent of actual, real life people who wear fedoras too, lmao.
You're right about the virginity at older ages thing. Maybe East Asians have lower sex drives, kind of like how whites have lower sex drives than blacks. All I'm saying is that you have to take that together with a bunch of Confucian shit that the average white girl simply isn't going to accept.
>>37361's 20% "regularly", but 50%+ irregularly.
>>37362Most of the white men in developed East Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore) are professional expats with backgrounds in engineering, finance, law, business and so on.
And the ones who do the "harassing" are the likes of SPGs, not the men - In fact I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest a lot of this bitching about "yellow fever" is misplaced - a lot of the time it's asian women going after white men. Paying money for "expats only" meet and date parties etc.
Not sure about Thailand but really, places like Thailand and the Philippines suffer from men coming from all over the place - not just the West, see: Vietnam's main markets for export brides (Taiwan, mainland China and SK), their recent banning of Korean men from using marriage brokers because of abuse/murder of the women they take in, the hundred thousand or so "Kopinos" in PH and so on.
Tarring all white men with the same brush while holding peculiar, K-Dramas esque views about Asian men is the female equivalent of being an /r9k/er who moans about white women anyway, hopefully you can be cognizant of this.
No. 37370
>>37365>the closest Christian thing they can get to that can be labeled as christian is Catholicism which isn't christian doctrin at allWhy do Americans think this? Christianity is a broad umbrella term that encompasses many sects, one of which is Catholicism.
P.S. Any other branch of Christianity is an offshoot of Protestantism, which was just legitimized so he could keep divorcing his wives. At least Jesus actually appointed the first pope.
No. 37379
>>37375No we don't, we go there for work - usually professional work.
You're talking about places like Thailand, and the whole mail-order bride thing isn't something exclusive to whites, like I said, the majority of SEA "mail order brides" are sold to other Asian countries.
>Of course every /r9k/ faggot on here spergs out every time a male is criticized.I don't care that you criticized "men". I care that you specifically used this language:
>I feel sorry for these women in foreign countries getting harassed by fat greasy white men.Which is a mis-characterization and probably, given the thread, sits alongside fairytale-like yellow fever ideas of asian men.
No. 37381
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>>37366>Maybe East Asians have lower sex drivesThe Asian guys I've talked to seem to like sex as much as any white guy but if I say no they don't try to make me feel guilty about it.
Japanese guys are thirsty as fuck….
No. 37382
>>37371proving non-existence logical fallacy:
>Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place for providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.logical fallacy christ fag pls go
No. 37389
>>37383I don't feel it's as uni-directional as you claim, there are plenty of Singaporean chicks who gun for white dudes, and vice versa.
I don't really get how white women can be this disparaging towards their own men. I mean, you are probably white, and that is immutable, it won't change no matter how much you suck foreign dick.
Incidentally: You do realize K-Dramas are fiction right?
No. 37400
>>37395No different to South Korean male attitudes towards white women to be honest.
>>37397>Tell me, which spend $$$ on vacations to go to impoverished countries just to get fucked.A huge number of men, of many races: No. 37408
>>37403>I don't care for them that muchSure you don't.
>Stay jealousNobody is jealous of Korea, the place is a Chinese province with an Altaic language isolate where 90% of the population need plastic surgery to look presentable.
>>37405How do you even meet people like that?
No. 37410
>>37396so wait, you pitch a fit that a woman in this thread ~generalized~ all yellow fever predators as white mens but you can ~generalize~ how chinese netizens as being angry at white men, instead of the truth which is, the majority of them are laughing at how loser the white dudes have to be to do that.
The fact white dudes have to go from USA the ~greastest country ever~ to suppressed asian countries just to prey on Asian women.. it's pretty fucking funny. and sad.
No. 37419
>>37404>one random white dude defending yellow fever pervs who exploit Asian women cause 'muh white dick'.I'm not "defending yellow fever". I'm saying it's overstated and it receives far more scrutiny than other race-based fetishes, many of which are just as, if not more dysfunctional and messed up.
>>37410>The fact white dudes have to go from USA the ~greastest country ever~ to suppressed asian countries just to prey on Asian women.. it's pretty fucking funny. and sad.I'm not American.
>but you can ~generalize~ how chinese netizens as being angry at white men, instead of the truth which is, the majority of them are laughing at how loser the white dudes have to be to do that.You're attempting to cast their anger as disinterested amusement - i.e. an attempt to save face, which isn't true. It makes a good portion of Chinese men genuinely angry that so many Chinese women in the diaspora outmarry. This is fact.
>>37412What am I specifically jealous of? Most white women overwhelmingly prefer white men. People who spend their days watching fantastical, badly acted Korean Dramas and pining over a nation of baloon-headed dog-eating wife-beaters represent a statistically tiny minority, thank God.
No. 37425
>>37419>I'm not "defending yellow fever". I'm saying it's overstated and it receives far more scrutiny than other race-based fetishes, many of which are just as, if not more dysfunctional and messed up. No, the reason it recieves the most scrutiny is well deserved. White men want asian women because they THINK, key word, think, asian women are submissive and docile. they think asian women want that great, powerful, white dick, and will be their slave, I mean wife. It's a disgusting attitude of entitlement towards women. White and black women are too ~opinionated~ so they go after the race of women they think are weakest and most subordinate. It's a nice double whammy of racism and sexism. Oh and, equal parts just flat out pathetic. Asian women in poor countries want white dick? Yeah, they want to escape / money which will let them escape. go fucking figure.
No. 37439
>>37433Yeah, they get unhappy when they realize that wow, asian women are more opinionated and shallow and vain and perhaps even more so than some white and black women. Go figure!
Like, these white dudes only know asian women from their animu and mangos.
No. 37447
>American child sex tourists typically are Caucasian males aged 40 or older. Such predators may be either situational or preferential child sex tourists. A situational child sex tourist abuses children by way of experimentation or through the anonymity and impunity afforded by being a tourist. >Some organizations estimate that U.S. citizens account for 25 percent of child sex tourists worldwide, and as highas 80 percent in Latin America.
> tell me again how most sex tourists aren't creepy white men
No. 37505
>>37342That was the exact same case here.
They all lived like dirty fucking pigs behind doors, but out in the streets and at uni they were all sporting legit Louis Vuitton, Vivienne Westwood and Chanel.
Couldn't co-ord for shit though.
No. 37509
Half the time I reckon it's all knock offs from Taobao, only until they all become doctors and lawyers do they start buying the real expensive shit on credit.
No. 37510
>>37508>If anything they shit-talk white guys because they see so many male white English teachers screw around with Korean girls (even students).That's worse though, because it means they're butthurt about the reverse but perfectly ok with themselves dating white girls.
If you don't see the hypocrisy in this then, well. I dunno what to say to you.
No. 37511
>>37494Yes. Korean women also used to display their breasts like sub-saharan African women did.
They were literally living like beasts until the Japanese came. Don't listen to any Korean who starts talking about his "glorious history", it's all a load of shit.
No. 37513
>>37512Anon stated that:
>"they shit-talk white guys because they see so many male white English teachers screw around with Korean girls (even students)."Note that the "even students" part was an addendum, in other words, they were angry regardless of whether or not the guys were screwing around with underage chicks.
No. 37520
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>>37454Pft, why date a slanty eyed asian when you can have me? A WHITE guy
No. 37525
>>37524Even if they're a shitposter, they're spot on about parents.
Who wants to be kissing some Corean gook's ass all their life? Somebody with no pride in themselves.
No. 37537
>>37533Because youre of your one ugly fucking chinese bf, you think you can speak for all asian parently lol
They were probably just happy he had a girlfriend lmap stupid white hag
No. 37541
>>37538>>37540This retard is simultanaeously insulting asian women, whilst talking about her chink boyfriend, whilst bitching about white men.
How dysfunctional have you got to be to reach this level?
No. 37543
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>>37539keep defending pedophiles, it reveals far more about you than it does me, kek
No. 37565
>>37564prolly cause some white dudes are Certified Sick Fucks ™
are you seriously still here defending sex tourist pedophiles? go read your lolicon, r9k
No. 37578
>>37574>take credit… for kpopThere are people who think kpop is worth "taking credit" for?
Not even trying to insult anyone here, I'm genuinely astounded if there are people that fucking stupid.
No. 37614
>>37612This thread is entertaining as fuck.
fucking insecure white bitches with yellow fever, acting like they're hot shit because they think all asians want white bitches as bad as they want asian guys
No. 37617
>>37614its always you darkies starting everything whether its muh cultural appropriation or your jealousy of white women. You started it with your rage because asian men like white women.
and keep samefagging
No. 37620
>>37617Who the fuck cares about what asian men like?
Do you think Stacys care about Asian guys?
No. 37622
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>>37616>>37617lmao I wasn't even posting before that.
I am a white girl with a Japanese BF and we're both laughing at this retarded thread.
No. 37625
>>37614The funny thing is white men hate them too. Literally nobody likes them, not all white girls mind, just the ones with yellow fever who shit on other races.
Asian men only want to fuck them for a short term thing. Asian women are indifferent to them or dislike their cringe-inducing weebyness. White men rightfully think they're race traitors and normal white women find them just as cringe inducing as asian women do. Their asian "in laws" will never accept them.
It actually sounds like a miserable existence, all things considered.
No. 37628
>>37614I just find it sad. It's obvious someone has turned this into a race debate thing again. It keeps happening on every board which involves black or someone dark. It's always turned into a "white is better" thing.
Whoever is spamming up this thread is just trying to put a downer on things. Just ignore the asshole, it's not even worth arguing about.
Fact of the matter is I've seen asians date all sorts. Black, white, indian and other asians. Not many black people have a desire to date asians though? Apart from the weird koreaboo types who want "azn boyfriendo" because it's kooky and unusual. Same with white girls or whatever else too.
It's just more common to see white/asians because of all that shit in the military, the crack about "lighter skin" and how the average boring blonde is considered or she
thinks she's considered exotic among a bunch of people who look alike* kek.
Plus this IS an image board where half the lulzy cunts in Japan are white girls themselves and dating asians anyway. Himezawa for e.g "I'm so privileged because I have light eyes and white features" and she looks like a horse. Let's no beat around the bush.
It's true if you're going to become an English teacher in e.g Japan, China, Korea. Then yeah they CAN get picky and be like "Naw we want a white man sorry indian!" or "No we want to employ a white woman sorry black". It's just how it is, they're filled with the stereotypes thanks to dumb fuck African American rappers and assholes from the congo with their diseases. Suicide bombers and shit. But it doesn't mean Japan can't change, it's slowly globalizing and by god, it's got a long way to go.
It's just sad and annoying how people are getting uppity because they think they're something "amazing" just for being white in an Asian country. I mean at the end of the day, what are you really gaining? I don't think Asians care to be honest. Sure they may go "oh yeah nice!" but they're not assed if you got hit by a bus the next day. It's stupid. They're just people, you're just a person. It's just that the "weeb white wimmin a.k.a i am betta den all races and kawaii cos asians luv my pale skin" have gotten to some people's heads and they think it gives them a higher position to shit on others. Plus use every stereotype, history, fault they can and twist it so they can boost themselves up on that pedestal and look the best. It's bollocks.
Asian guys are like any other man. All shit, fart, burp, sleep, get sick, scratch their balls and die in the end. So why does this really matter?
If you meet someone Asian, is going to an Asian country and get close to one. Just speak and hang out. They're just MEN.
Same with Asian women.
People need to stop treating Asians as if they're either not human or the holy grail. The Eastern ones are the most monotone fuckers on the planet. It's hardly that exciting.
No. 37629
>>37624what, no i didn't lmao
all you stupid bitches think people like others based mostly on race. Only fetishists practice that. Most people aren't race fetishists.
>>37625lel, no one actually gives a fuck. Unless you're dating a first genner with strict cultural priorities.
>>37626because they are insecure. Because white girls who think Asian boys fetishize them know white men don't. Same thing with asian girls thinking they're hot shit because they take a lot of white cock. They know fellow asians will find them ugly.
No. 37633
>>37631Go in the AMBW tag, some are married with kids. Jesus christ, does anyone ever do research aside from assuming "well nawh cos-"
This thread is cancer and the people in it with their bait need hobbies or a job.
No. 37634
>>37632Uh ok. I'm pretty sure you've spent the entirety of this thread calling people either 1) a white pedophile or 2) a "shitskin", interspersed with claims about how superior whites are.
Are you schizophrenic?
No. 37635
>>37629>what, no i didn't lmaoWell you said hurr white girlz start everything when in fact the shitskin started it by whining about white girls who date asian men.
>because they are insecure. Because white girls who think Asian boys fetishize them know white men don't. Same thing with asian girls thinking they're hot shit because they take a lot of white cock. They know fellow asians will find them ugly.There are asian men who like white girls bc they're white, they're people who have a thing for black/whites/asians whatever.
No. 37636
>>37634or 3) A brown asian girl.
You're a loon. I hope you get the help you need.
No. 37637
>>37635>There are asian men who like white girls bc they're whiteAnd there are black girls who have a thing for guys who are white, and white guys who have a thing for black girls, and hispanic girls with a thing for black guys or whatever.
Most people who grow up realize this sort of thing isn't a good idea to base a relationship around. What he hell is wrong with you?
No. 37638
>>37634LOL lets see
1. White guy defending pedos
2. Christfag troll (mia)
3. ugly brown asian girl
Which one are you? Or are you actually the same person just shit posting? Got MPD or something?
No. 37642
>>37638Nobody who simultanaeously maintains:
1) How every brown asian girl is jealous of white girls.
2) How asian guys love white girls and how superior this is to white guys who like asian girls or vice versa.
3) How they're superior to "shitskins" because they're white.
Is psychologically healthy. Sorry!
No. 37649
>>37647You already got told:
>>37645Actual reasoned white racists don't even want you and consider you a disgrace to their tribe, go sort out your cellulite or something.
No. 37655
>>37653Isn't that what half the people in this thread are doing though?
"Assuming" anon?
Y'all need to get out more
No. 37659
>>37657Lol i love bait-chans
bored tonight huh?
No. 37668
>>37306I'm similar. I've dated two cantonese guys, a chinese guy, a korean guy, a korean girl, a half filipina girl, a filipina guy, a vietnamese guy, and while i haven't dated a japanese person, I've been friends with a few. Well, it sounds like I've been around, but I guess I only slept with three of them…
I'm a mixed asian girl who's been born and raised in North America. Growing up mixed has been cool but also shitty. I don't want to have mixed kids. I'm mostly asian, as my dad is half and my mom is full, but I want to end up with an asian guy.
Probably going to marry my white boyfriend, though. I'll just never have kids. Not that I necessarily want them anyway, but the race difference is an extra reason why. Asian guys want to marry the shit out of me, especially rich ones, because they think I'm cool and exotic and have a nice body for an asian chick. Coincidentally, they've all been rich. But asian american guys have issues like I do, and two people with issues never work. And fobs aren't my thing
No. 37677
>>37675Naw. When guys talk about what race they're attracted to, they basically mean "what race I would have if I were presented with a beautiful woman of every race".
Plenty of black women are hot, I just happen to think that when you compare hot and hot, the hot white girls edge them out.
No. 37697
>>37696I love how you just claim everything I say as "retarded".
Remember anon white people are "the best" to asians apparently. I meant as in black people in the media, Asians see what they see on tv/music ect about blacks and the stereotypes they take in.
Go to Korea or Japan and ask about black people it'll either be "rappers" or "gangsters" all because of the thug shit in the media. BLACK PEOPLE.
I never said white people.
That's what they "apparently" think about blacks.
No. 37699
Obv in America its full of everyone. USA is basically the united fucking nations. Just like the UK.
Cept' in the UK it's mostly muslims and chinese
No. 37700
Asian immigrants are resented by middle-class whites because they threaten American workers at the top, much as Latin American illegals are resented by poor whites and blacks because they cut the floor under blue-collar workers.
Asians are different from whites - more disciplined on average, less outgoing, insular, and bookish. Their men are despised on a base, animal level by white and other non-Asian men for their relative physical weakness.
For all that, East Asians because of their great ability to delay gratification are able to succeed in economic terms in Western societies like the United States - particularly today when mainstream society has never been so short-sighted and anti-intellectual. They learn English and excel academically. They not entirely unreasonably then expect to be able to integrate into white society - but of course the racial and cultural differences between themselves and Americans is too great for this really to work.
Whites find themselves deeply annoyed by the moral inferiority of Asians - their deceitfulness, lack of charity, filth, lack of pity, vanity and obsession with social status above all else. When combined with the undeniable inferiority of whites in their ability to compete with Asians economically, this results in extremely bitter racial conflict.
No. 37704
>>37697Not everything anon, just the section I replied to (where you mentioned the reasoning behind blacks and muslims not being liked).
If they solely went off of media to base their judgement of other races on, then they would also find a ton of reasons why they shouldn't like white people too. They also rap, also do "gangster" shit, are also terrorists, and basically are also dangerous.
Is there more media of us being depicted as what everyone should aspire to be like? Sure, but that doesn't rule out the fact that negative media exists. Theres a reason there are clubs and restaurants that don't allow foreigners, aka whites in certain areas of Asia.
No. 38035
>>37328>>37325 here
While I do agree, I think it's to late to change anything now, at least in SK. Western women have the image as ''sexually free'', which is why Korean guys thinks we're all cool with one night stands or even dating you for a short while - but nothing serious, since it's still important to a lot of Koreans to marry inside their own race.
I've tried anything from a guy randomly asking me and and my friend, who were sitting outside of a convenience store, if we wanted to have a 3some, to a guy sending me a picture of his hairy penis the day before our first date asking if I was ''looking forward to tomorrow''
No. 38045
>>38036>I once met a guy irl at a cafe for the first time after hitting it off pretty well. We met, had a great conversation and shared our interests.Ahh, that feel. I met hairy penis guy at my neighbourhood language exchange cafe, we hit it off and I felt he was really nice and we decided to eat dinner together, and then suddenly bam, penis picture. idk man, as
>>38039 says, it's kind of sad how little they think of us. I can't really be bothered to try and hit it off we sk guys anymore tbh.
No. 38316
>>38301Slut coming through. Out of 9 Japanese guys, 5 were average and no complaints. One guy was smaller but ridiculously thick. Two were smaller than average but they were also shorter than me, and I'm 5'7. Last guy is the guy I've settled down with and he's perfectly above average, that sweet spot before you get cervix-ramming even in normal positions big.
I actually find almost all Japanese/asian men to be the epitome of 5/10 or less but I quite like asian features anyways. Hellotalk was a godsend for cherrypicking good ones.
No. 38385
>>38313I was really young when I was with the micropenis guy, and im talking 4" hard max, that would be an issue for me.
the guy im with now is asian, and hes average and im perfectly satisfied. ive been with guys bigger than him and it hurt a lot. big dicks aren't that great.