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No. 37783
I just found this on tumblr and I needed to show someone. am pretty sure its not a joke. I looked at the notes on her posts and there are tons of blogs just like hers
http://daddieslittlecutie.tumblr.com can't believe this is real I saw this post where they were talking about how they have to buy special adult baby bottles and stuff because real ones damage their teeth…
I can't believe these are real people. why are they like this?
No. 37784
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2000 people agree with this
No. 37786
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No. 37787
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No. 37788
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No. 37789
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they even sleep in cribs how do they fit in them wtf
No. 37826
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>Be in high school, have a group of friends that like to watch TV shows and chill together.
>Friends and I are laughing our asses off watching some fatass on Taboo talk about how he loves to be babied and wear diapers. ABDL becomes sort of an 'inside lolcow joke'.
>Fast forward 1 year later. Starting first year of Uni. Sharing an apartment with my sister, her boyfriend, and one of her friends. Superstoked.jpg
>One day I open the cabinet in search for a glass. Whole shelf full of plastic sippy cups.
>Um, okay whatever, remembers sister saying something about an ex-roommate having a kid or something like that. Brush it off.
>Couple weeks later, looking for shoes that I let my sister borrow. Finally look in her closet. See giant custom made adult sized pink onsie hanging.
>Freak the fuck out. Try to forget what I saw.
>Keep seeing things like pacifiers on sisters bed, even find a pack of adult diapers under a laundry pile in their room.
>Urgh. I really don't want to see this.
>Few weeks later, trying to clean our guest bathroom, because sister and boyfriend have neglected it and I was planning on having friends over. Open the cabinet under the sink to look for cleaning spray. See's a loosely tied up plastic baggie. Dumbass me checks to see the contents.
>Piss filled used diaper that was rolled up and shoved under the sink.
Still not over that tbh.
No. 37832
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No. 37836
>>37787For fuck's sake. This isn't even fetish wear or porn or anything. It's just normal stuff a kid would eat/drink. I'm so fucking mad that people let their degenerate fetishes run so wild that they even apply to things like this.
I like tentacle porn, but you don't see me buying squid at the supermarket to shove up my vagina, jfc
No. 37837
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>>37829Nope, but apparently while I was studying abroad, and my sister and her bf were living with our parents they must have been doing it there too. I got an email from my mom saying "Anon, did you know anything about your sisters boyfriend having bed wetting issues?"
"No why?"
"Because I caught CoCo [our poodle] chewing up a diaper that had been peed in while I was in your sisters room. She told me he had bladder problems at night. I hope he is okay, but why wouldn't he just throw it out?blahblahblah"
Kek. I then spilled my guts about the things I saw while living with them. My mom is convinced and in denial that it's my sisters bf who is into the weird diaper/baby stuff. But I guess we will never know for sure. Though I did see some weird texts messages pop up on my sisters phone a few times (back when she had her iphone, and all her messages would show with the notifications) and they were all references to "daddy's baby girl" and one was even a photo of some random girl sitting on a couch and wearing a diaper. Forever burned into my brain.
No. 37869
>>37868I want to see a documentary on that.
In reality, though, they probably don't care much. Work is work. I mean, there are people who work in dildo factories.
No. 37886
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>>37869Meh, dildos are pretty normal. If you're freaked out by people liking stuff in their pussy or ass, you must be very sheltered. Adult baby fetishes, though?
I'm just amazed that the market is large enough to make this shit profitable. I googled adult baby clothes… look at this shit way they censor the model's face makes it look like evidence from a serial killer's trial
No. 37912
>>37868Sounds kind of lucrative.
I wonder how much they pay for one of those custom-made gigantic cribs.