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No. 37810
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A woman who has almost no appetite appeared on the show.
On October 15th, in tvN ‘Martian Virus’ a woman who drinks only one cup of latte a day has come out as the guest.
She used to be 53kgs and now she only weighs 39kgs.
She said that she only takes liquid food not solid food and she said that she drinks orange juice if she needs vitamin.
No. 37820
>>37816Yeah, this. I think I posted a lunch I had that was a small side salad ( I think I used some type of lemon-y vinaigrette) and a fillet of flounder, and someone I know who's a really spooky skeleton got on my case for it.
Like, seriously? How fucking little do you want me to eat?
No. 37863
>>37850Idk if that's true, eating good calories is good for people starting to lose weight. Eat as much of skin free chicken, veggies and fruit as you want. And the slowly make portions smaller once you're used to not eating shit.
Overeating healthy options is the better route than overeating shit. For beginners obv.
I hate meat, I love gooey and crunchy foods. ( Soups, cauliflower, Toast ect) But I guess me hating lots of high fat foods helps me stay thin even though I love Toasted cheese and pasta. But since I've never been fat I can eat slightly shittier options because my portions are always pretty small.
both work but I guess different starting weights are the key on what route to go.
No. 37892
>>37810I found the video of this and that bitch is fucking lying.
One latte a day my ass she is entirely normally sized.
No. 37896
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No. 38071
Honestly, I don't know. If I knew in advance, probably not. I've had two friends with ED's on both sides of the spectrum. One who binges (she'll eat 3 people's worth of food in one sitting) and is obese as a result, another who is anorexic. The binge-eater is also a compulsive liar and this has caused tremendous distance in our friendship. She tends to compete with everyone in their problems (If I was depressed, she was suicidal. When I started self harming (privately), she started doing it in the middle of fucking grocery stores. When I revealed to her that I was sexually abused as a child, she started telling everyone her dad had raped her for years). She would also frequently make fun of me for being petite and flat chested (loudly addressing me as bone-ass or captain titless in public spaces), although I have always tried to be sensitive about mentioning her weight.
On the flip side, my anorexic friend was also very unpleasant to deal with. She was incredibly self centered and couldn't seem to stand to talk about anything but herself for any longer than 15 minutes. She was very rude and passive aggressive. If I told her I slept in until 10 or 11am on my day off, she would say things like "Wowwww. I can't imagine that. I would hate myself if I was that lazy."
If she asked me what I was up to and I said anything along the lines of making breakfast/lunch/dinner she would get pissed at me and tell me not to mention food around her like that. Our entire friendship consisted of her complaining, and the expectation that I would always reciprocate with ass kisses. If I ever tried to offer her advice or constructive criticism, she would yell at me to "stop talking" because I was "making everything worse" for her. She would also bitch a lot about her parents, who did everything for her, for being "cruel and unsympathetic" because they would get frustrated when she would refuse to eat. They paid for all of her medication and therapy appointments, allowed her to live at home rent free, paid for her schooling and incredibly expensive clothes, all of her hobbies, and even covered all the costs when she would travel to other countries. She was extremely spoiled, had no capacity to care for anyone but herself, was incredibly rude and unpredictable, and very exhausting.
I try to be understanding because it's a disorder, as they say. But hell, I've got my own disorders and I don't treat people like such shit. If they "can't help it" well, ok. But I just can't stand the way they seem to treat other people.
Sorry for the semi-blog entry.
No. 385264
>>385186well, people have their gripes with her for other personality reasons, and some have quit or changed locations over it (for example if she’s in a bad mood, it puts everyone else in a bad mood because it radiates heavily.)I’ve thought of talking to her one on one but there’s something that tells me she would feel accomplished that the ED is making others uncomfortable. We all know how those types think.
I also have a friend that will moan about not being able to afford food or not eating for days, and then go and post obvious body checks online, among other things. I’m not trying to blame anyone at the core for it bothering me, I just have to remind myself it’s just narcs trying to get attention their ED. I know I have to work on my body image issues and not fall for the trap. unfortunately it just means distancing myself from certain people.
No. 386698
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>>37809No. I worked with someone who had pretty bad anorexia. She was the most controlling, ungratefully and unsympathetic person I ever met. I drove her places because we worked together and never ever got a 'thank you' or something like that.
She was incredibly bitchy on messenger and constantly tried to monitor what I was doing (regarding our work) and tried to make me tell her when I was going to be done. She freaked out about every single thing we didn't have for our work. Like one time we missed some information about where certain people came from (it was schoolwork, it didn't really matter) but she just kept on going and going about how we NEEDED it and otherwise our work would be incomplete (it wasn't). I truly believe it's her anorexia that made her this controlling about literally everything.
She never asked any question about me even though I tried really hard to be friendly towards her and tried to get to know her. She did answered normally, but it felt like pulling teeth. Her favourite activity was looking at food on her phone.
I swear she also had cognitive deterioration as a result of her anorexia. She at some point claimed that she did a lot of the work for our project and that was why she thought I had to fix the rest. Turns out she was wrong, I did that work but she forgot?? idk, it was really weird.
Of course not everyone with an ED is like this, but personally I don't want to deal with people who are so self obsessed any more.
No. 386747
>>386729feel you. when my gf developed her anorexia i relapsed the fuck out. got to a lower weight than ever before. when i ended up at the psych ward and they checked my weight i discovered i weighted like 8 pounds less than i thought i did. that's when i knew i was in rock bottom. i cringe just thinking about it.
>>37924why do you know your sister's stats??? and lolcow anachans can say whatever they want 16 bmi is not normal. even 17 is not normal but still borderline on still normal looking. but c'mon 16? that's delusional. she's close to 15 too c'mon.
>not everyone who is underweight has an EDno, but let's not try to act like a 16 bmi is normal please. your sister may not have an ed but that doesn't mean 39 fucking kg is "just skinny but not abnormal".
No. 388464
Maybe. Everything is dependent on the person themselves and how they handle their disorder. I struggled with an eating disorder for years, and have recovered from most of it on my own. That being said, I occasionally binge and purge, and still have a small set of fear foods (nothing like it once was). I'm likely going to see a therapist now since I think I need help eliminating what's left of my toxic thinking. People who are still deep in their disorder would make recovering difficult, as they wouldn't support me in getting better if I relapsed, and would likely encourage my bad behaviors. Friends who have and ED, but are also trying to recover, I would actually like to have. I don't get triggered when a friend has a relapse, but if their behavior was constant and they were verbally negative all the time, it would take it's toll on me, energy wise.
No. 389045
>>385177>Yes but with boundariesThis, I have a family member with an ED and I'm happy to listen to her talk about exercise but the moment she starts talking about what terribly unhealthy things she's been eating or tries to get me to agree with any other bodyshaming I change the subject. If she talks about wanting a body like mine or another young person I bore her with a rant about how society is wrong to pressure women in their 50s to unnaturally have bodies of teen girls. I don't laugh when she jokes that a skinny person must have an ED or if she makes mean comments about fat people on the street, instead I clearly tell her that I'm not taking part in her bullying anyone else or herself, she gets very defensive and angry but over time she does it less.
I used to buy into her bullshit that she was just being open about her issues but one time she laughed when I admitted my own issues, and belittled them compared to hers, and then I saw how
toxic it really is.
It's hard not to take her bait and talk about my own body issues but standing my ground is paying off and she is learning that it's just not appropriate for her to bring this stuff up.
Through doing this I have also realized how complicated these issues are. Growing up around someone that was always talking about their ED meant that I did the same because I thought it was 'good to talk about things', and I still do believe that being able to talk about your problems is important, but I worry about the damage that my own teenage outspoken bodyshaming might have had on my curvier friends.
>>385264I really recommend just gently saying "I'm not comfortable talking about this" and immediately swapping to a different topic. Give them some bullshit about how you read something about mindfulness and positivity instead of letting them trick you into opening up about your own body issues, because if you let it become about your own body issues then they will turn it into a competition.