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No. 38433
>>38373Anything to do with very catastrophic events (earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, etc) please!!
Also culture of Japan because I'm a weeaboo fuckface (preferably about food if you can?)
No. 38463
>>38426Adult babies have to know that they are fucking weird right. Like I get you don't want adult stress, but this is some other level shit.
Like how fucked up was your childhood that you have to recreate it.
No. 38706
>>38433With english subtitles
Medical sex worker
No. 39825
>>38618So was the answer to "how did they build the pyramids" just "ayy lmaos"? I can't believe that chick made such a big deal about geomagnetic reversal towards the end. No, it's not going to burn all of us alive. than that I'm too tired to follow much of what she was talking about. Especially the math parts.
No. 39831
>>38936What about them? Most of the animals there are killed with a quick puncture wound to the brain.
My girlfriend is Asian but it annoys me how averse to any sort of criticism some Asians are. I'm perfectly prepared to criticize the bad aspects of the West (e.g, the proselytizing liberalism) but Asians are just too sensitive. Just accept animals are treated more poorly in Korea and China and deal with it accordingly.
No. 39839
>>39838You are not a wolf.
But don't worry I know its utopic to wish for every human to be humble, use their brain and feel compassion.
No. 39841
>>39839Buts its mean :( Muh compassion right?
You sit there crying about pigs and cows being eaten. Creatures that have no purpose in life other than to eat shit fuck and be eaten. Yes you are a sensitive bitch. Put your big girl panties on because nature isn't compassionate.
No. 39842
>>39841I don't care that nature isn't "compassionate" because animals don't have the same fonctions than me. I have ways of thinking and of wiewing life more complex than them because of my human and I know that.
And btw don't believe that just because a creature has "no purpose in life other than to eat shit fuck and be eaten" I have power over that creature. I actualy think that the smartest must protect the weakest. By your logic I could just go and murder every retarded human and eat this person just cause they would have "no purpose in life".
Btw who are you to judge the purpose of a creature? And since when you need to have a purpose to have the right to live? You are useless as fuck and nobody think about killing you and eating you because of that.
No. 39846
>>39843Somebody think that it's not right to asserve sensitive creature just to eat them when we can live without consuming their flesh… must be A PUSSAY.
You seems so smart.
No. 39847
>>39842>I don't care that nature isn't "compassionate" because animals don't have the same fonctions than me. I have ways of thinking and of viewing life more complex than them because of my human and I know that. So because humans have intelligence we shouldn't eat animals that are dumber than us? Okay so by your logic Orcas and Dolphins need to be vegetarians and stop tearing apart the cute baby seals because seals are stupid.
>nd btw don't believe that just because a creature has "no purpose in life other than to eat shit fuck and be eaten" I have power over that creature. I actualy think that the smartest must protect the weakest. By your logic I could just go and murder every retarded human and eat this person just cause they would have "no purpose in life"We do have power over these creatures since we are the predators and they are the prey. They are literally put on this earth to be food for other animals. Retards are not lol.
>Btw who are you to judge the purpose of a creature? And since when you need to have a purpose to have the right to live? You are useless as fuck and nobody think about killing you and eating you because of that.I didn't decide that, nature did. I didn't tell humans thousands of years ago and other animals to start eating cows and pigs. I'm not useless since I provide something useful to society. Livestock aren't useless either as they provide food.
No. 39849
>>39845>>39846Why is your english so bad? Keep proving my point about how weak minded and overly emotional vegtards are. You can't take the time to learn basic english then you obviously can't take the time to provide a logical argument.
Sorry if my harsh language offends you but it's true.
No. 39850
>>39847>So because humans have intelligence we shouldn't eat animals that are dumber than us? Okay so by your logic Orcas and Dolphins need to be vegetarians and stop tearing apart the cute baby seals because seals are stupid. Dolphins and orcas are real predators, they don't destroy their habitat by hunting they are "naturally respectful" of nature and they are obligatory carnivores.
>We do have power over these creatures since we are the predators and they are the prey. They are literally put on this earth to be food for other animals. Retards are not lol.Na you are not a predator. And animals where not "put on earth to be food for other animals" are you a christian? They are just the result of evolution and guess what? We evolved and we can choose to live a different life.
>I didn't decide that, nature did. I didn't tell humans thousands of years ago and other animals to start eating cows and pigs. I'm not useless since I provide something useful to society. Livestock aren't useless either as they provide food.You can choose how you want to live your life.
No. 39855
>>39850>Dolphins and orcas are real predators, they don't destroy their habitat by hunting they are "naturally respectful" of nature and they are obligatory carnivores. Na you are not a predator. And animals where not "put on earth to be food for other animals" are you a christian? They are just the result of evolution and guess what? We evolved and we can choose to live a different life.Wut? You can let your emotions get in the way all you want but a predator by definition is an animal that eats other animals. Period. So humans are predators and I am a human, so yeah. Those animals are not nearly as smart as humans but they are still very intelligent. If they were near the level of intelligence as us humans they would also farm livestock in an efficient way. Now you can make the argument that the way most farms are harming us because of the way they are set up but that doesn't make the ones consuming the animals bad or "stoopid".
It's not a matter of religion it's science. Humans did not choose to become the most intelligent species it just happened. Im sure deer didn't chose to be dumb as fuck and eaten by everything else. Yes we evolved to be the most successful predators of all time if anything evolution supports my argument more.
No. 39858
>>39855As I say, I don't expect people to be smart or to use their brain to enlarge their way of thinking. You sound so arrogant when you really are nothing to the face of the universe or even mankind, maybe if you where a bit less arrogant you would understand why some people choose to not participate in the suffering of other beings but it seem out of reach for your little mind.
>>39856So fucking what if I speak broken english? I don't have time to sit down everyday and learn perfect grammar and syntax of english. and I'm not gonna stop speaking shitty english because it give me the chance to communicate with stupid, angry bitch like you and make them mad.
You stupid american act so conceited, I didn't know you really where this stupid.
> 3rd world languageKek I come from a country with a cultural background a million time richer than america, but whatever I guess.
No. 39860
>>39858> As I say, I don't expect people to be smart or to use their brain to enlarge their way of thinking. You sound so arrogant when you really are nothing to the face of the universe or even mankind, maybe if you where a bit less arrogant you would understand why some people choose to not participate in the suffering of other beings but it seem out of reach for your little mind.I do understand you are over emotionally and choose muh feels over intelligence. Thats your choice stop forcing your idiotic beliefs down other people's throats. Also "As I say, I don't expect people to be smart or to use their brain to enlarge their way of thinking." BAHAHAAHA
>So fucking what if I speak broken english? I don't have time to sit down everyday and learn perfect grammar and syntax of english. and I'm not gonna stop speaking shitty english because it give me the chance to communicate with stupid, angry bitch like you and make them mad.You stupid american act so conceited, I didn't know you really where this stupid.
I never said I was American. Nor did I say English is my first language. It matters because you are too stupid to speak English properly and also too stupid to come up with a logical argument.
>I'm not gonna stop speaking shitty english because it give me the chance to communicate with stupid, angry bitch like you and make them mad.You stupid american act so conceited, I didn't know you really where this stupid.
Haha who is mad here? Im literally lol'ing irl reading this. If you were so culturally inclined you would be able to properly speak the most universally known language. Shame. Also here's a tip honey, stop using "where" and use "were" instead. Seriously that is like 1st grade grammar, jesus christ.
No. 39864
>>39859>>39860So my view on meat eating pisses you off and you choose to insult me on the way I write shitty english? Yeah you are a rational person for sure.
Why do carnist always think that vegetarians / vegans are overly sensitive bitch? It's such an easy way to avoid really thinking about it. But whatever.
>BAHAHAAHA>Im literally lol'ing irl reading thisHave you taken your pills today anon? Maybe you would feel a bit cooler regarding anon on the internet who think that eating meat is wrong.
No. 39868
>>39864You pretty much ignore all my reasonable arguments in favor of animal consumption. Most likely it is because you are too stupid to understand the English Im speaking. So yes your inability to understand words is relevant.
>Have you taken your pills today anon? Maybe you would feel a bit cooler regarding anon on the internet who think that eating meat is wrong.It's ironic you're talking about pills when vegans are slamming down vitamins to make up for their b- 12 deficiencies. Lol
No. 39870
>>39868Sorry but you gave no reasonable argument to me. I explained how I view the world and why I don't want to eat meat, so saying "BUT WE ARE AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD" or "BUT IF DEAR WERE SMART THEY WOULD MAKE HUMAN FARMS" is not going to convice me at all.
>It's ironic you're talking about pills when vegans are slamming down vitamins to make up for their b- 12 deficiencies. LolIt's funny because carnist get the same supplement only they get it through their meat. You probably know nothing about B12.
I'm not vegan btw it's a false assumption.
No. 39874
>>39870You just proved that you can't understand what i'm saying and you must have the reading level of a kindergartner.
>It's funny because carnist get the same supplement only they get it through their meat. You probably know nothing about B12.Nothing in this sentence made any sense. Try again.
>I'm not vegan btw it's a false assumption.Lol okay so killing animals for food is bad but slowly torturing them and keeping them alive is all good? You're just as bad as meat eaters then, if not worse.
No. 39880
>>39874>Nothing in this sentence made any sense. Try again.Tha animals your consume receive B12 supplement. And that's how you get your b12 just has artificially has vegans.
>Lol okay so killing animals for food is bad but slowly torturing them and keeping them alive is all good? You're just as bad as meat eaters then, if not worse.I don't have a problem admiting that I don't do everything perfectly, I know that there are a lot of thing I need to work on.
BTW this whole shitty debate started because I pointed out that Asia wasn't crazier than America or Europe regarding food, I didn't come here wanting to shove my lifestyle or opinion on anyone's throat. I just think it's dumb and racist to say that.
No. 39893
>>39880Actually b12 is naturally in meat. Meat today may have additives in it but generally it is a vitamin in meat.
But you're a hypocrite then talking about compassion when you clearly don't have any either.
No. 39900
>>39893>Actually b12 is naturally in meat. Meat today may have additives in it but generally it is a vitamin in meat. Animals synthetize B12 in their natural habitat, with their natural food habits. But with the shitty food they are given, they are not able to synthetize it that well nowaday, so they get supplementation. Just like pig get Antidepressant and other nasty shit.
>But you're a hypocrite then talking about compassion when you clearly don't have any either.Think what you want about me but I know it's better to be on your way than to do nothing at all because you are an egotistical fuck.
No. 39948
>>39946You seems insanely mad. Do you go crazy everytime you met someone who has a different lifestyle?
>inb4 I'm loling so har IRL AHAHAHAAHAHcalm down pls
No. 39988
>>39985Okay your are officialy a dumbass troll and I fell for your bullshit.
I'm somewhat reassured.
No. 40536
>>40342I was making a point under that trolling. That retard was trying to act high and mighty for being vegetarian while animals are tortured for their byproducts. The conditions are this way right now and she eats the byproducts of these tortured animals making her a hypocrite is what i was getting at. You don't earn your pretentious cunt badge until you become a full fledged vegan.
Im sure a lot of people would also be okay with raising and killing animals for their meat if they were treated nicely. I mean everything has to die at one point.
No. 40563
>>40536It's so funny to see people who do nothing for the animal condition tell you that you are not good enough because you are still not a vegan.
At least we are not creepy scavenger.
No. 40566
>>40536Yeah deciding to make a change because you acknowledge that this industry is fucked up is being an hypocrite… How dumb are you seriously?
>That retard>pretentious cunt badgeYou are so incredibly mad and rude for pretty much nothing. Maybe if you can't handle somebody telling you own unethical your lifestyle is, change your way of eating / living.
No. 41575
File: 1443966788303.gif (1009.67 KB, 245x245, Dcm6ryB.gif)

Probably pretty well known, but for everyone who hasn't heard of it:
An Idiot Abroad
The Moaning of Life No. 41580
>>41575lol I love an idiot abroad
i love how me and carl are from the same town
he is the typical northerner abroad