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No. 392284
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>>392281Maybe because you’ve only had good experiences of them? I think you’ve wandered onto the wrong thread. I’m not interesting in hearing the tedious fucking takes on how to recover from a debilitating hatred of men from sheltered people who can’t even understand misandry to begin with.
No. 392306
>>392285Pretty much this, men as a whole ARE trash but a small handful are ok.
I guess the only thing I should watch is my edgelord humor when I'm talking irl. The decent guys in my life take part in discussions about gender equality and jokes about
toxic masculinity , but if instead just ranted that I was literally just waiting for them to rape and kill someone because no man can ever be redeemed, then that's not gonna help anybody lol
I don't think we need to worry about this though, even in the pinkpill thread people are mostly on board with the idea they're discussing the shit majority and systems of masculinity rather than every single guy including your brother… Unlike on redpill forums that are just generalise literally all women.
No. 392311
>>392305Yeah, cause those are shit men. And actually I was sexually assaulted. He was a shitty person. I've had plenty of great experiences with men and I've never experienced misandry because of my experience.
Most of the shit in those threads sounds like LARPing and people coming off of reading threads in /r9k/. In fact those threads remind me of the same shit, just reversed.
>fuck off with calling rape survivors "sheltered">ignorant cuntAbsolutely
toxic, lol.
No. 392312
>>392285This tbh
>>392281>>392309If you have nothing of value to add, you could at least sage. OP is not looking for your blogpost about how men are very kind to you specifically.
No. 392338
>>392332Nta but
>men may be evil but they invented EVERYTHING!!!We know. They're so polarized that it really rattles me. It's like how they're either geniuses or retards while women are mostly average.
They're both the worst of the worst and the best, but would I trade it for a society of only gentle averages? Perhaps.
No. 392354
>>392346Not OP but each time I relax about men and think they are not so bad there is some new atrocity commited by men against women and children in the news, or some man IRL turns out to be a huge misogynist wanker.
While yeah, this is an overall quite negative site to spend time on (lots of focus on bad stuff) but at the same time it's generally what men actually do IRL that breeds resentment.
No. 392453
>>392445>Think of the fact that men do most of the heavier, harsh, dangerous work. Because they want to. Getting dirty + showing off how "strong" you are = cool and manly.
>Remember that most of the people who built our progress and advanced our society are men. Because we were reduced to birthing machines who were kept inside the house.
>And remember that women rights wouldn't exist without the support of kind, benevolent men who see us as their equal.Those exact same rights that they kept away from us for millenia.
No. 392457
>>392445Men's willingness to do manual labour, especially ourdoors, is their main redeeming trait to me. They are stronger than us and that is very valuable. I would never try to say we're better off without them due to that fact alone, but it doesn't exactly compensate for how they actively held women back all throughout history to keep us home, instead of in academia and the workforce doing more for society.
Men are not benevolent. They only do what helps them and their lineage, and most of the time that is exerting complete control over our reproductive systems.
No. 392466
>>392219I honestly just don't think much about people in general in my day to day life. I distrust most people. I'm a pretty fair pessimist in that regard.
Yeah lots of men suck, but men are human, and humans are terrible and I have very low expectations of them to begin with.
No. 392481
>>392219Same here, OP. It's gotten way worse once I discovered some "interesting" manosphere forums where men show what they really, truly think of women.
Realistically seen, not all men are like that but I doubt even the better ones can resist being influenced by their vile, prejudiced peers.
No. 392496
>>392487Right? Jesus christ they must have been rearing to go at the first chance they get to defend men.
I empathize with OP and don't blame her at all. It's hard to cope with male bullshit when they're so closely connected with our lives, and we could have some constructive discussion on how to deal. But nope, it's creepy handmaiden 'women wouldn't exist without male benevolence' arguments.
No. 392533
>>392524I mean thats a tough philosophical question
was the Average German civilian involved for the death caused or was it just the men giving orders
If your life and your families life depended on you executing the "Untermensch" would you do it ?
No. 392562
>>392559weary is tired, wary is fearful.
the more you know.
No. 392614
>>392602>>392602but are all fujos into young boys? being a fujo doesn't mean young boy, necessarily. not a fujo but like, i admit i am into a certain type of man (very skinny, facially feminine, fragile) but it doesn't mean young. men have an obsession with age. a girl could literally look 44 but actually be 17 and men will fetishize that shit because she's literally 17. i don't think so many women have a hard on for being young or barely legal.
i see so many marriages ruined by men going after 20 year olds that look, really, hardly, or no younger than their ex wives. i think a lot of these women you're speaking about are just into feminine men and typically this is something boys and men don't want and they actively try to look more masculine, because it's not very acceptable in society for men to be androgynous, so it's associated with men being young. i don't think it necessarily means young though, it's just the only time when being/looking feminine as a male (without being like, troon-y) is acceptable.
No. 392667
>>392559>>392560Yeah this. I have and have had positive relationships with men as individuals.
It's sane as a woman to be weary, wary and angry with men as a group though.
>>392538Op if you feel to stressed, may I suggest the usual like meditation, mindfulness, working out, etc. Spend more time hanging out with women and helping other women.
No. 392695
>>392689no wasn't even meaning to directly link the two it was more like 'fujos and btw also there's this'. but i mean
>it's only 2Dis still a silly thing to be promulgating because you know that you won't wave away lolicons the same way
No. 392701
>>392695There's a world of difference between a pedo male whacking it to an obviously 6-year old little girl and a fujo girl getting off to an ambiguously drawn 16-year old boy that can be interpreted just as well as a 25-year old if you don't read his wiki page, dipshit.
The "women can be just as bad as men!!" claim is retarded as fuck to begin with, a male often has 8 inches and 50-60 pounds on an average woman and men still commit 99% of all rapes and make only 9% of all rape
victims. Some hag hitting on a young male is in no way comparable to an old geezer harassing a young woman. They're both being sexual harassed, yes, but statistically the young man was never in any danger and is way less likely to experience it. I know this is a "how to stop being misandrist thread" and all but drawing false equivalences and ignoring facts is not going to get you there. Admitting statistics =/= misandry.
No. 392741
>>392740Either a man, or someone brainwashed.
>Only men are bold, brave and confident enough to kill and rape! Women are totally just as bad, but they're too weak, stupid and incompetent to reach our level. is a way misogynistic men defend their insane crime rates. They re-define it as a point for them, rather than acknowledge it as fucked up. Sadly, some of us buy it.
Women straight-up are not as bad as men, on average. There are exceptions, but there's a reason you'll instinctively feel a lot less endangered in a room full of women than in one full of men.
No. 392753
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>>392741It’s similar to how white people justify genocide against people of other races by claiming that other races would have done the same if they had the technology to do so. Scrotums really have no place commenting on this thread.
No. 392755
>>392749When it's
solely about having bad morals, men still have us beat in that regard on average, lmao. That's just life.
In fact, if it was just about strength, lots of women would be taking steroids and getting strong solely to get a leg up and be able to do all the things they wouldn't otherwise be physically capable of. But that doesn't happen. I wonder why.
No. 392762
>>392759this is the fantasy i'm trying to address. The woman with a gun or knife is still no match for a man because of exactly what i'm trying to say -the knowledge that you are probably going to get hurt more than you hurt them even if you have your knife. You don't just stab a guy and they fall down dead instantly
>brave and boldwhat is the fucking better word then? nobody has said a better word!
No. 392764
>>392749youre thinking strength but even that doesnt hold up since theres nothing stopping a woman from targeting other women. despite women being le smol and weak uwu, we still have our taller,shorter, thinner and thicker types, theres nothing stopping a strong woman from victimizing, robbing, and assaulting another weak woman, or even assembling girl gangs to target other women, like how men do to other men all the time. yet you still dont see this happen.
even with the advent of guns, a weapon that requires 0 effort or physicality to shoot, we still dont see women committing as much crime as men do.
at some point you just have to ask yourself whats really going on here? is it really about the "capacity" to commit crime or is there something more?
No. 392772
>>392764that's true. this has all got a bit off track from what it was a response to which was the statements
>There's a world of difference between a pedo male whacking it and a fujo girl getting off>The "women can be just as bad as men!!" claim is retarded as fuck to begin with, a male often has 8 inches and 50-60 pounds on an average woman and men still commit 99% of all rapes and make only 9% of all rape victims.because the point is simply that by bringing size into it this post itself contradicts the idea that there's a moral disparity. Maybe there is, but this disgusting fujo isn't selling that idea
No. 392775
>>392764I read that women are actually better shooters than men because of our lower center of gravity.
So, if we were just as bad as them, we'd most likely be over-represented in gun crime. Still, that's not happening. It's almost like male violence isn't actually the default of humanity, but an issue with themselves that they've simply refused to fully acknowledge all this time.
This thread is really going the opposite way. Anyone who considered stopping being misandrist is literally just getting more reasons to continue ITT.
No. 392778
>>392772NTA, but I'm not really seeing a contradiction. It can be both. Both size and moral disparity explain why we're not as bad.
Men are worse off morally alone, but even the few among us who are as "just as bad" as any man simply aren't as much of a threat because we're not as strong (and since we already aren't as bad, we're also not trying to get around our physical weakness en masse by using guns, heavy lifting, drugs, etc to make ourselves strong enough to commit evil acts).
No. 392781
>>392775>This thread is really going the opposite wayIf people are 100 against this thread and just want to convert OP instead of discussing get ideas they should leave OP and her thread alone, at the very least hide it after making a first and only post if publicly disagreeing is so important
We don't like it when scrots invade feminist spaces and can't stop themselves coming back to reply, so it's kind of hypocritical to not let her have her containment thread
No. 392783
>>392781We are discussing, though. All we've done ITT is debate bad arguments and fallacies.
I don't think OP wants some kind of "Man Love Containment Thread", she just wants to chill out about disliking men so much. The only problem is, all the "Men aren't that bad" or outright male defense/handmainden-ish talking points that are starting to pop out of the woodwork are just wrong when you look at hard reality. Once you wake up, you'd have to turn off your brain or literally become delusional to go back.
The only way out is probably to accept that men are pretty bad, but try not to let it get you down somehow.
No. 392792
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The fucking state of this thread. I’m with the ultimate Nigel and I still don’t shill men this hard.
No. 392806
>>392783>Once you wake up, you'd have to turn off your brain or literally become delusional to go back. I consider my
men are great, maybe one of them will love me and we will have a fulfilling and fun relationship phase as delusional. There's no way I'd go back. My opinion now is something like
men can be good when they try really hard, but even the best men can't be trusted and you should prepare for disappointment at any turn No. 392819
>>392285>the idea some anons have that there are NO lovely men out there and anyone who seems good is a ticking time bombI mean…that's a fact. I've been (and am currently, without my consent) the "backup plan" for too many men to count, men with long term relationships who will keep either chatting to me constantly, meeting me, or just stalking me online…this has gone on my whole life. I have only viewed them as friends but it's quite clear what their interest really is. Even your "lovely" man has a backup plan or two. The worst men will outright cheat, see escorts, whatever, but the best will have "backup plans" which are extremely active and tended to on a daily basis. By the way once I realised this was happening, I stopped talking to the guys, I was a little too trusting and innocent when I was younger. But it still happens (and is currently happening to me still), and I would absolutely describe all these guys as kind, thoughtful, caring and so on. I mean maybe you have ongoing backup plans too, but I find that to be shitty behavior and the "best" ones
all do it.
No. 392822
>>392219OP, honestly this is something you have to learn to live with if you value your self-preservation as a human female. I've been in your shoes, I've gone through the "I don't want to hate males because it makes me feel terrible and hopeless since they are like the other half of the population" phase and I can assure you I tried to focus on the "good ones" in my life but honestly I think the best way to cope with that feeling instead of drowning in self delusion like het women and handmaidens do is just to understand that they aren't really jackshit, and that it isn't really very hard for us to be better than them. Don't be in a constant state of hatred/fear towards them but never expect too much from them neither, and keep a security distance from them emotionally speaking since you'll have to deal with them anyways. Be nice to them, be a nice decent person which is just the way to go, but don't let them take an advantage of you or to manipulate or control you and you'll be fine.
Most of my "meaningful" relationships I've had since my teens have been with males and I can tell you, they aren't the same as us, they'll never be. That doesn't mean they have automatically to be bad, but hell, even the most decent ones are 9/10 times extremely retarded and you need to constantly make sure they don't fuck up things and mommy them. They just require a ridiculous amount of attention and validation from females all the time it blows my mind. There is a reason why men tend to vastly die and kill themselves in such ridiculous ways so often when they are left to their own.
>>392576Fuck off retard. Go outside and actually attempt to have meaningful and trustable relationships with them outside the "teehee my toyboy friends/bf" and try to say again they "aren't that fucked up". That if you aren't another male larping for a chance who felt called out. This also goes for the rest of you in this thread, fuckers.
No. 392830
>>392819>I mean…that's a fact.Except it's not. Your anecdotal projection proves nothing.
And no, my husband definitely doesn't have a back up. He has no friends and I'm a housewife, so I know for a fact that when he's not at work (which I drive him to and back from) he's at home with me. And he's never on the computer, so I know he's not secretly chatting with anyone.
No. 392832
>>392822>even the most decent ones are 9/10 times extremely retarded and you need to constantly make sure they don't fuck up things and mommy them. They just require a ridiculous amount of attention and validation from females all the time it blows my mind. This is my relationship with my best friend. He's emotionally dependent on me in a very "mother/child" way to the point where my husband took serious issue with it and I've had to pull away a lot. I think it stems from mommy issues and the fact he's been a magnet for extremely
toxic emotionally
abusive women.
No. 392835
>>392808>But the idea of a man loving a woman the same way women love, is insane to me now.Same. I've realized that my idea of love aligns more with other women's idea of love. I look at some of my friends who still live in the delusion that their boyfriends will one day match up to the "female" idea of love and just want to laugh. Men as a whole are completely different from us, but in more negative than positive ways.
Wish I could go back to when I was more naive about men or we could change our sexuality, kek. Sorry OP for the lack of advice.
No. 392849
>>392834I think you should spend 4 years at a maximum security male prison and come back to me about how awful your college years with women were.
Better yet, even an all male college would probably make you want to drop out after the first month.
No. 392872
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i struggle with this all the time
i know logically not all men are shit, but it's hard to trust them in current society when it seems they have inborn hatred of women. constant microaggressions and sex wars are tiring.
i have resigned to care about fictional husbandos because i'm just too tired to want to reveal myself to a man only to be hurt by him and his bullshit. fake men won't cheat on you because they need more pussy. fake men won't start to lose interest in sex with you because they watch too much porn. fake men won't suddenly snap and kill you.
i care about equality, though it's very hard not to constantly be disgusted by the things men do based on sexual urges. men ruin trust, rape, torture, and kill based on sex. it's just the worst.
No. 392877
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>>392872This, who is that guy in the picture by the way? My husbando is Eren Jaeger.
No. 392878
>>392808>>392835This is the fact that unironically makes me want to kms.
Sometimes I'm fine with the fact that men in relationships are essentially just pets, but it also really gets me down a lot, too.
No. 392900
>>392881I'm pretty sure it is
The art direction on that game is great, everyone looks crazy bombastic.
No. 393013
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>>392977Most men are broke, dusty and worth fuck nothing, but I’d still deviate from my celibacy if a cute and nice guy wanted it tbh
No. 393048
Has anyone else grown up as a kid with all boys as friends, and not liking "girl" stuff, so not having a lot of girl friends? And being kind of annoyed with girls because "they just cause drama". This carried on through high school/college, then at some point there was some rude awakening that by around that age, guys turn into literal demons.
I didn't see it right away, I only did when I moved back to where my original friend group was. Guys I've known for 10 years, "good guys", just didn't care about me anymore. They wanted to see what sexual things they could get out of me.
Obviously not all of them were bad, but very very few I was able to keep. It's weird to come from a place of only wanting guy friends, to now only (mostly) wanting girl friends.
Guys don't have to be total woman-hating rapists to be pieces of greedy, selfish shit. You also don't always know right away if they will be (come on.. 10 years…). It's so hurtful.
So whatever anons want to, idk hate men less or something, please still be extremely wary. Yes you can give guys a chance, but drop them right away after any sign of something being wrong. Even if it's something that just hurts a little bit emotionally.
Mine, and probably most of the other anons here, wariness of men has come from my own experiences and came before these threads.
I've also had no experience with a relationship with a good guy, because they've all just wanted sex. Most of them don't give a shit.
No. 393108
>>392419>until you look at actual statistics and see that real life isn't so conveniently simple. When you say this you're no doubt talking about the statistic that most violent crime is by men.
I won't deny that, it's obviously true. But you're the one sticking your head in the sand when someone tries pointing out to you that even if most violent crime is by men, most men don't commit violent crime.
(ban evading incel) No. 393112
>>393092>Hot design thoughwhere
i swear sometimes that you girls dont even have eyeballs
No. 393116
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>>393108There are many other damning statistics out there. But either way, it's true they don't all commit violent crime. But almost all of them watch porn. Most of them hold sexist views, whether consciously or subconsciously. And if men don't like being lumped in with rapists and abusers, they should be more vocally opposed to rape and abuse. Too bad their first inclination is always to defend each other and question or condemn female
No. 393140
>>393116Yeah I'm not gonna be mad because guys like to go on pornhub and watch Overwatch animated porn.
It's like some wanna live in a permanent state of rage.
No. 393180
>>392219Too much hate will make you susceptible to manipulation.
I mean, look at the incels and terfs, just say anything that can resemble a conspiracy theory to a non-incel/terfs and incels/terfs wouldn't question it.
No. 393186
>>393183I don't think there's anything wrong with what was said?…
To add in more, hate just makes you become paranoid and believe
anything that is said about the opposition as long as it speaks ill of them.
No. 393188
>>393186Lmao you lumped terfs and incels together.
Women who don’t believe men in dresses are actually women
Men who viciously hate all women to the point of dehumanisation because they believe they are entitled to our bodies
How are these two even remotely similar.
No. 393249
>>393048>>393066These types of posts always make me feel "bad" for all the wrong reasons
None of my male friends have ever shown any sexual interest In me and It messes with my self esteem and makes me think I am so undesirable that they don't even view me as female
No. 393276
>>393249Your feelings are
valid, you're allowed to feel that way no matter what people say, but also keep in mind that to be on the other side of the glass isn't nice either. There are often anons disclosing that they know catcalling sucks but they can't stop themselves from feeling rejected by never having been catcalled.
Forgive me for going full throttle gender studies here but I think both results come out of the same issue, a society where men are pushed to only see women as potential sex and women are pushed to only see their worth as sex.
I've been thinking about it a lot I guess, since I've cut any "orbiter" types of guys out of my life over the past few years. Now my esteem needs to come from within myself instead of from guys who just think they can compliment their way into my vagina.
No. 393339
>>393335simply use the fact that male rape
victims usually orgasm and manage to stay hard when they get raped by women
No. 393350
>>393342again use the male rape thing
you have use their talking points against them to get them in a corner
No. 393357
>>393335i would look for scientific studies on the correlation of orgasm and pregnancy.
>>393342women fantasize about rape because it is taboo. there are deeper issues at play obviously but that is the basis of it. it's the same reason that step-mom porn is so popular. if he's insecure about what women fantasize about, so be it, him having sexual hang-ups is not really a thing to argue against imo as long as he's admitting it's his problem and not using it to generalize that all women secretly wanted to be raped and enjoy it. in that case you can just tell him he's generalizing.
No. 393402
>>393325Pfft, that anon is right. You've got bigger fish to fry if your self-esteem takes a hit just because your male friends have never wanted a relationship
or sexually harrassed you. You should grateful that you don't have the same experiences as those anons.
No. 393432
>>393354Not that anon but I bet it was. I called hard bullshit on it the moment I heard it, without having seen the source or anything. You can tell it's made up by a male because he's assuming being aroused (the real accusation they're aiming at rape
victims) correlates significantly with certainty of orgasm. It doesn't matter how turned on you are, doesn't even matter how good the dick feels, if someone isn't dedicating serious time and attention to consistent clit stimulation, it's not that likely to cause an orgasm for most women. Most guys can't manage to give a girl an orgasm even when they try, the chances that a rapist will do it effortlessly is… absurd.
No. 393506
>>393432Exactly, the majority of women - 75% -do not experience orgasms during vaginal intercourse.
And obviously a rapist do not care about arousal, lubrication, g-spot and clit stimulation…