No. 39372
Sorry, meant to reply to
>>39355Oh and to add on to what I said, I consider a few exceptions, but since nothing can be truly deleted off of the internet, I'm a bit iffy.
No. 39424
>>39242Some of the sources listed for this report are websites talking about how Pokemon and first-person shooter games are Satanic murder simulators and how video games train people to be killers. One of the cited sources is just a link to somebody's C: drive.
This is a good and personal example of how quickly ideological positions on issues can swap between different political viewpoints. Jack Thompson was only 10 years ago.
No. 39473
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always relevant
No. 40766
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remember when feminism was about proving yourself equal to men rather than lowering the bar for everyone so you never have to take criticism?
No. 40906
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No. Remember, any of the Big Five in the UN (China, France, Russia, UK, US) can shoot down ANY proposal. Besides, when's the last time a country has listened to an OPTIONAL action of the UN?