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No. 398479
>>398477Oh man, fuck The Visit. The old lady under the house and also everything to do with the diapers… does pure disgust count as fear? It was my personal horror even if it's not objectively that scary.
Anyway I got so fucked up from the jump scares in the Grudge when I was young that I haven't really watched many seriously scary movies since then. I'll watch low key stuff like Hereditary and Babadook, and movies old enough that the shock value has dissipated (the shining, the exorcist, the omen etc), but if something has the reputation for being really horrifying I'll usually give it a miss.
As far as stories go- nothing has scared me as much as the skinwalker copypasta from /x/, in particular the goatman story ( I also really liked the forest stories from nosleep (
No. 398536
i agree with
>>398528nothing's scarier when you're stuck in a zombie apocalypse where the zombies run at you like you're in the last of us game. if they were slow like the walking dead then it'd be tolerable i guess but them running at you? a nightmare
No. 398612
>>398528>>398536I only really watch horror films but zombies are the ones that give me nightmares for some reason.
If you haven’t seen “The girl with all the gifts”, I highly recommend it.
Found footage is more stressful imo, when you can actually find one that isn’t ass that is
No. 398630
>>398615Just seeing that thumbnail
triggered me. When that whole thai cave boys shit vent down I saw other videos of these fucking idiots who willingly crawl into tiny holes as their "hobby" and one case there a guy died because he was stuck head down and they couldn't save him no matter what. I wish I could unsee, this literally gives me nightmares.
>>398488For me it's the exact opposite. I feel like I could at least fight off an evil human, but monsters? I'm not even scared of what they might do to me, but of how terrifying their faces look like. When I walk outside during the night, I'm not scared of rapists, but of looking up and seeing some creature sitting in a tree and then jumping down on me. I'm also scared of something laying under my bed or being in my room at night, I know that's so childish lol
I'm also really sensitive to corpses, but only if they started decomposing, like already half skeletons, not "fresh" ones. (had to google how to write "decomposing" because esl and no…)
When I was a young teen nothing could shock me, but the older I get the more sensitive I turn?
No. 398645

>>398630>>398615FUCK I was about to post the same because not a long time ago I read about this story in the nutty putty cave for the first time and I honestly couldn't breath after finishing it. I'm not claustrophobic but fuck this, I rather die instantly than going trough this kind of death. They even called the wife of this dude at the almost end to say goodbye to him while he was still hanging there. Stories of people suddenly facing death is generally something that freaks me out because it can happen to everybody and everywhere.
Also cave related that scares me: Encounter possibly paranormal or frighting appearances in places where you can't flee easily. Video related about a guy that explores mines and suddenly hears some unusual sounds while being down in an abandoned mine, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. he managed this situation like a pro but fuck if this would happen to me somewhere.
Weird sounds start around 12:00 min.
I can't watch and listen to this without getting teary eyes.
No. 398678
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Statues and to some extend mannequins. Statues will almost always scare me, unless they're smaller than a regular human being. Big ones are the most terrifying. I've had multiple nightmares where I'm forced to go to parks filled with statues. Mannequins aren't as bad, normal clothing store mannequins are fine. Museum mannequins however scare the shit out of me.
That really cheesy creepypasta trope where computers, games, websites, programs etc. are self-aware, break the fourth wall and do some creepy glitchy shit. Like creating creepy files on your computer or something. Add some glitchy backwards music and I'm not sleeping for days. Doki Doki Literature Club is kind of a dead meme already but when it was still relatively new and mysterious, I couldn't even finish the game after the creepy shit started and I had nightmares for weeks.
No. 398744
>>398615>I've had dreams where I've called 9/11 and got hung up on, or was never able to get through at all.that's so typically dream-like insidious and horrible and a bit absurd lol
I'm also scared of sudden or slow accidental death by oneself
>>398649>I HATE it when people hear noise in the darkness but decide to shout "Hello!" or "Who's there?" before they even confirm what it is they're trying to address, or if they'd want to.Same, I guess sometimes it can avoid misunderstandings between humans but I have a natural urge to conceil myself and hide and assess the situation carefully first before doing anything
>>398481The slenderman game is actually terrifying for me. I would probably shit my pants and die playing VR horror, too, but I'm actually a bit curious, too
Kidnapping and human trafficking is scary. Nocturnal Animals did a great job building some chaotic tension of a situation that's about to escalate.
there's more but that's scary enough for now
No. 399198
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Tornadoes. I lived in Dixie alley (tornado alley but for the deep south) all my life and now live in the trad Tornado alley (not by choice) and as a kid I had a pretty bad fear of weather in general after a tornado hit our town, it was extremely minor but I was caught out in public when it happened and it was scary enough being separated from the rest of my family. Basically unless the sky was 100% clear, I was anxious. I actually enjoy rain now and even thunderstorms but tornadoes scare me enough to wanna move completely. I would 100% be willing to move to a different state just to get out of that danger zone.
I still watch tornado videos though. Morbid curiosity is a bitch
No. 399205
>>399198I was terrified of Tornadoes as a child, which is odd because I don't live in an area that gets them. I once drove through a tornado warning once while on a road trip and when we got out of the storm, I pulled over to cry. I actually thought I was going to die.
Anon, I hope one day you get to move out of your tornado prone area to a place where you don't have to worry about them.
No. 399302
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I watched the cell phone footage of The Station nightclub fire when I was in middle school and it haunts me. The concept of being crushed and trampled to death, stuck in a doorway because the people further inside are burning alive is just horrific.
No. 399501
Being kidnapped by some stranger man. You don't know what kind of disgusting shit he's going to do to you or the extent of how bad it is but either way you know it's going to hurt like hell. I also have too much dignity and hate the thought of dying at the hands of some sick asshole.
>>399198Same here. I'm in the midwest and the area around where I live gets tornadoes pretty much every summer and my heart drops when I hear the sirens going off and it isn't a test. I don't have a basement so if my house gets hit and I'm in it, I'm definitely screwed.
I also have a weird fear of lightning no matter how bad the storm is. I get so paranoid that it's going to zap me through my window so I end up hiding in my bathroom where there aren't any, constantly checking the weather radar on my phone to see how long I have to wait for the storm to pass. My cat always runs under the bathroom mat too when it rains so at least I have company lol
No. 399839
>>399827I’m saying I used to have an irrational fear of them. In public, constantly worrying and watching people. Little things would set off panic.
Not afraid of this anymore. Radical acceptance I suppose.
No. 399841
>>399353My nana had a similar painting anon. It was very detailed, painted by a pretty well known artist at least locally at the time (she was a dancer so she knew a lot of arts people) and her stare was always so scathing and judgmental, it really captured her brassy aura right down to her piercing eyes. Nobody wanted to take the thing after she died a few years back so my aunt has it stashed in the spare bedroom and moves it up to the attic whenever someone stays in the room.
Fun fact: my aunt and uncle were staying in her old apartment after they'd gotten married, my nana had moved and they were temporarily shacking up there, and the painting was still up in the master bedroom. on the night of their wedding they had to take it down because they didn't want her "staring" at them. The painting is really that haunted looking lmao
No. 399852
>>399849>Footage of the Titanic underwaterholy shit this, I cannot handle that shit. Which sucks because the
concept of finding old shit underwater is cool to me but the actual visuals make me want to crawl out of my skin. That old whitey anecdote is actually nightmarish though. I'm morbidly curious and want to look it up but I know I'll actually lose sleep tonight if I do.
No. 399854
>>399852I did, against my better judgement. There aren't really any good photos of him. All that comes up when you Google it is a corny ghost photo from a thumbnail of something, pictures of the shipwreck (which fuck that all on its own), and one picture where you can kind of see his legs behind a ladder.
People apparently go down there just to see him, which is really fucking weird if you ask me.
No. 399949
>>399849Holy shit anon I'm exactly same, photos of submerged ship wreckage freak me the fuck out and make me feel like I'm drowning. I absolutely feel the cold water around me and I get the feeling of absolute helplessness.
>Divers have seen him down there, and he'll even sometimes get caught up in the current of your swimming and appear to follow you.DUDE. This is some putrid nightmare fuel right here. I would have PTSD for the rest of my life, I have no idea how people go down there willingly.
No. 400694
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The idea of world ending in the very near future due to dirty humans shitting it up has been messing with me lately. I don't want to be extinct yet.
Also my building catching on fire because of this shit:
>>399302. Irrational because my building has amazing fire safety and is two feet away from a fire department but I'm still scurred.
No. 400724
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Looking down rows and rows of staircases like this makes me so uneasy. If I look down them in person, I always have a death grip on the rail because I feel like I'm going to fall over
No. 400730
>>400724Hey me too! It's
triggered a lifetime of dreams about staircases. Being chased up them, down them, climbing huge ones that are missing stairs, missing landings, missing railings. Often what's chasing me is a Xenomorph so it's a great example of childhood traumas getting mooshed together.
Lately the dreams have faded and while I don't miss the creatures I do miss the wierd stairs.
No. 400750
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>>400724Do you experience a visual distortion, as portrayed in
I feel compelled to jump off of ledges, bridges, and piers if there is a particular distance between me and the ground or water.
No. 400754
>>400750Yeah a little bit. Not as extreme as that gif but still.
I just become hyper aware of my balance (or lack thereof) and get a feeling of anxiety combined with a weird compulsion to lean over the rail and look down. I think that's the "Call of the Void" or whatever. I get a similar feeling on balconies and bridges as well.
No. 400785
this is dumb but my one and only real fear is that one day i’d somehow get pregnant without realizing it, and by sheer luck, not show any physical signs and give birth unexpectedly. a là that old show “i didn’t know i was pregnant” or whatever it was called. i’d be fucking stuck with an unwanted child and a child would be stuck with a mom who doesn’t have any intention of being a parent. i could only hope that somehow, in this hypothetical nightmare scenario, i’d be able to adopt the baby out to someone and make it closed so they couldn’t find me or vice versa.
everything to do with motherhood absolutely disgusts me and turns me off. literally even reading about shit like breastfeeding physically repels me so much. i HATE it when moms decide to interject into shit and blather on about their babies and all the vivid, nasty descriptions of bodily functions coming from their kid, or even just tame shit. it’s the droning on about it that bothers me too. with all due respect i don’t give a fuck about your kid. just because i’m a woman doesn’t mean you should come up to me and show me pics of your baby and explain to me all about them. i don’t want to know. i don’t care. i would much rather hear about literally anything else in the world. i get it, people’s kids are their lives and they want to share that, but there’s a time, place and certain people you should be sharing it with. if i’m just your coworker or some random person, not a close friend or family then why do i even need to know?? idk. i don’t talk about this in person much because people hit me with the “you’ll change your mind, you’ll want kids one day!” and it’s such a cope and also ridiculous. just because you decided to throw away your 20s and dedicate the next 18+ (let’s be real it’s more like 21+) years to debt, stress, and messes of all kinds doesn’t mean i should do the same.
this kinda went from being a fear to a rant but oh well
No. 400786
>>400785I’m afraid of this as well. I’ve no desire to ever have a kid, and realizing I was pregnant past the point of being able to have an abortion would be so horrifying to me.
I’m also afraid of rape, getting trapped in a crowd or in a building with limited exits, and in the last couple of years I’ve become afraid of pit bulls. Now that I have my own dog, I’m sometimes so worried that we’ll be attacked and I won’t be able to save her. I’m sometimes worried about other breeds of dogs but I’m most afraid of the breeds under that umbrella.
No. 400804
>>400785I guess this doesn't really suit the thread but having a kid and not having a kid are both my biggest fear. Having a kid because I'm terrified of ruining my body, getting fat and frumpy, losing my individuality, spending all my free time, money and energy on someone other than myself, and having a lazy manchild husband who doesn't help and cheats/leaves. Not having a kid because it will be not stop judgement and stigma for the rest of my life, people will look down on and pity me as a sad lonely spinster no matter how I actually feel about my life. And maybe I will actually get lonely at some point, or suffer in my old age when I need someone to look after me.
But in the end I'd rather regret not having a child because that only hurts me, whereas having one and regretting it hurts your family too.
No. 401432
>>400724Same, except the fear is because I feel as though I'll find something/someone staring back at me in a creepy manner.
I used to live in an apartment complex and the ground floor was completely dark and had this weird crawlspace that was pitch black, ensuring that someone could hide or pop out of there if they desired to.
Also thalassophobia makes my entire mind and being retract
No. 401459
>>399198Boy howdy do I have the hellish nightmare for you
There was another car around 400 meters behind him that got spiked into the ground six times at 300MPH. Less than 20 seconds slower and the dude filming this would be ULTRADEAD
No. 401466
>>400804I have the same fear of having children and then not being good at parenting/~fulfilled~ by it.
Would rather be old and regret not having children rather than old and having children that hate me because I failed them.
No. 401523
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>>401459nta, but thank you for introducing me to this! it's made even better by this map I found showing going on in the video (made by the guy driving)
I also read about the three people in the other car you mentioned. Their final words are recorded as saying "we're gonna die! we're gonna die!"
This was a very upsetting way to start my morning.
No. 401851
>>401459I'm that tornado anon and holy shit. Gonna be honest here and say that even during my extreme "fear of bad weather" phase I would still sit in front of the window when it was storming and recite facts I learned from the Weather Channel to my parents (which I watched all the time, literally almost 24/7) because it would calm me down because in my head if I could learn everything I could about bad weather then I'd have nothing to be afraid of, I was like obsessed and terrified with it at the same time. Kinda sad actually
And then as a teenager and now adult I had/have this ironic (unironic?) desire to go storm chasing sometimes. My guess is that its probably some dumbass coping mechanism i.e. if I put myself in control of a situation that involves my fear it won't be as scary idfk but fuck just imagine literally driving into the path of a tornado or trying to drive away but it still manages to do something like this. I know in reality I'd full on shit myself if I ever actually was given the chance to chase a tornado though.
No. 402026
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>>401851>imagine literally driving into the path of a tornado or trying to drive away but it still manages to do something like thisIt helps if you're not driving right into the tornado with cars that can't handle bad roads. The people who died ended up going offroad in a Chevy Cobalt which is a low powered FWD car with skinny tires, and the guy in the video was driving a yaris with traction control that wouldn't allow him to go above 40mph.
Nothing is going to save you from ending up in 300mph winds, but you can sure take steps to make sure you're not in that situation in the first place.
Stormchasing does look like a lot of fun besides the whole risk of death thing.
No. 402040
>>402026Chevy Cobalt was my first car. I totaled the front end of it going 15 mph once and hit another vehicle.
It has the worst crash test ratings too.
0/10, would not recommend driving into tornado with.
No. 402132
>>402037Holy crap I feel the same thing about doors and windows
My biggest fear is to turn and see someone pushed up against the window
My step dad leaves them open at night and I can’t stand it
A open door to a dark room and the blinds pulled up on the window are a deadly combo for me
No. 402139
I have the fear of fallen bodies
>>402037 combined with this one
>>402072 bc it remains me of when I was a young child and saw statues of jesus on the cross, I though that this bloody body will fall on me or dream of it.
>hate walking past empty rooms with open doors at night.this remains me of the story from a good friend of mine that once witnessed somebody walking into a room in her apartment where she lives alone, but when she checked she didn't find anything or somebody there. It was late but she was dead serious about seeing a figure walking around. Also reported that her cats were meowing at something damn.
No. 402381
>>399849Oh anon, me too! I thought I was the only one because people always give me funny looks when I say I'm scared of shipwrecks - not being in them but just looking at footage of them.
I don't like large things where they shouldn't be, is the easiest way I can say it. The totem poles in the room at the Royal BC Museum used to freak me out, but the ones outside were fine. I've had nightmares about giant paintings, too. One museum I've been to had plaster facades of medieval churches in a room - similar effect with the impending doom and dizziness feeling.
No. 402935
>>402396>>402387I have this problem, too. I have always been very imaginative and when I was a child, I had to check every closet and under the bed in my room because I was so afraid of ghosts. I am 28 now and while I try to pull myself together, I have to admit that I still check under the bed every now and then. I don’t even think that ghosts exist, but the idea itself is just terrifying to me. Even in my dreams, it usually is not the ghost itself that is the worst thing, but rather the fear of the unknown and the realization that everything will change. I try to tell myself that even if ghosts/demons existed, they perhaps aren’t that scary or that I could still fight them (like in the movie IT that
>>402387mentioned, this fucked me up, too, but IT can be defeated!). It helps a bit.
However, I am also very sensitive when it comes to horror movies and I think I perhaps scarred myself by watching too many when I was younger. When I watched Hereditary last year, I was in a state of panic for two weeks and the images are still keeping me up at night sometimes. Most of my friends were a bit scared of that movie, but I know that my reaction (not being able to sleep, thinking about the movie 24/7 for a while, panic) is not normal.
No. 403215
>>402387>>402396>>402935Same. I sleep with my lights on too, during summer months I try to stop and get myself used to sleeping in the dark or "dark" since I live in north and there wont be too dark during summer nights. Sometimes I'm even scared of the thought that there is dark outside during the night, because on other hand having lights on makes me feel so vulnerable and visible.
My electricity bill would be lot cheaper if I stopped doing this…
No. 403216
>>402928I had this as a kid too anon, but specifically in my grandmothers shower I would feel like every single gap or screw in that bathroom was a camera or peephole and I was always trying to shower in a protective way . I was interested in spies so it made sense that I would be imagining tiny caneras, but it worries me that it was specifically that house. I can only hope it was a weird manifestation of how I just didn't feel comfortable there for normal reasons.
Not a real fear as much as uneasiness
No. 403670
>>403503nightlight anon here.
Me too, honestly. I'm in my early 30s and was always sure I'd grow out of it. I do love horror movies now, ironically, but it's not the recent ones I've seen that fuck me up. It's still 90% my overactive imagination or nightmares I've had.
No. 403904
>>402387>>402396>>403215>>403242>>403503>>403670as someone who has experienced what i believe to be paranormal (or, at least, something that appeared paranormal to me and is actually rationally explained but i perceived it as paranormal and was scared of it), i also have this fear. since i was a kid, because i apparently was experiencing this shit as a child as well. i also have a fear of sleep paralysis just because i know it can cause intense hallucinations. i've had SP a few times but fortunately never saw anything horrifying.
what i do is wear an eye mask and ear plugs. every night. that way, in my mind, i won't be able to hear or see anything. this helped me a lot; i can sleep in total darkness and feel comfortable just because i know i won't perceive anything weird, and if i somehow do, i can rationalize that i imagined it or dreamed it because i have my senses blocked off.
hope that helps you guys.
No. 404040
>>398640The head slamming thing is terrifying, it was the only scary aspect of The Happening and Birdbox.
I think it scares me because I saw a boy in my class do it when I was little. The normal every day lesson was slowly interrupted by this steady rhythm, as we turned to see him banging his head against the table we at first thought was just trying to be disruptive. He wasn't lifting his head high enough from the table for us to see his face, and wasn't hitting very hard, but it was a regular movement. I don't remember what happened then, but he was ok and we learned later he was epileptic.
I also witnessed another unexpected fit in university and I was just as useless, because in the split second I again just couldn't make sense of what was happening. She was behind me and at first I thought she had randomly started humming, but as I turned to look she was running in circles, it was only as she fell to the ground a second later and started shaking was it obviously a fit. She came to just fine almost immediately but she had never had a fit before in her life.
When a person is doing something irrational but there's no blood, or expression of pain, it defies whatever your brain could automatically tell you is happening and that just sends me into a panic.
No. 404057
>>404038bit of a tl;dr ahead
my mom tells me that when i was a kid i would frequently come into her room at night and tell her to "tell the people in my room to stop talking". this all stopped after we moved from that particular house. could have just been me having vivid dreams, who knows, but it creeped me out to hear.
one particular apartment complex we lived in was pretty ghetto and had a high amount of deaths inside the apartments. i had the worst nightmares of my life in that apartment. extremely, extremely vivid nightmares all revolving around the apartment itself, being trapped in it while something terrible was happening, my pet cat being killed inside the apartment, a hideous blue demon jumping onto my bed (and a blue hand that would come out of the walls), being raped by this demon, etc. also in that apartment i was alone one night and a door closed behind me. this door was set into the frame weird so you had to push fairly hard to close it. it was wide open, no windows were open, and i heard it scratching on the carpet as it closed. i was too afraid to look behind me as i felt intense dread until i turned around and saw it shut. i almost had a mental breakdown when it was combined with the nightmares. i saw stuff out of the corner of my eyes in that place all the time as well.
rationally, maybe i was having some kind of temporary psychosis, but idk
beyond that, i once lived with a roommate who had this awful idea to go visit some "haunted woods". at the time i was wary since i don't like that kind of stuff but went along with it. we wandered around this spot in some random woods that was supposedly haunted. i didn't really feel anything until later that night.
when i was trying to fall asleep i heard weird scratching along the floor (it was wood paneling.) i tried to ignore it and just fall asleep. then, out of nowhere, i heard the most disgusting moan coming from the hallway. it's hard to describe but even thinking about it now makes my eyes water. it just sent me into this gut fear and revulsion. i sat there and tried to compose myself for a bit before i got up and went down the hallway. nothing was there and i went into my roommate's room. she was dead asleep. i woke her up and asked if she had heard that, which she hadn't.
those are the two biggest ones for me. i'm sure they can all be explained away but they definitely cemented my fear of ghosts/paranormal. i do NOT fuck with that shit. i think very "get the fuck away from me" thoughts when i feel scared, and imagine a protective aura around myself which helps. nowadays i haven't been living in a place that i've felt that same sort of awful energy, so i'm ok. but i still try to keep it out of my life and tell myself it's not real.
No. 404086
Can I add my paranormal experience here too?? (a thread for that could be interesting, maybe)
I grew up directly next to a cemetery in a very old house and as such have had many paranormal experiences, ranging from mild like me thinking I saw something out of the corner of my eye to all of the burners on the gas stove being turned on when we were gone and the house catching on fire (luckily, the fire did not spread far). Another time every sink in the house burned down and the basement flooded.
My mom told me when I was little she would often come in to check on me during my nap and I would be staring straight in front of me having a full conversation even though there was nobody there. Another time, the cedar chest at the end of my bed had been moved to block the door while I was napping which would have been impossible because it was a heavy cedar chest and I was like 5. My dad actually had to climb out onto the roof and bust open the window to get in my room.
For about a year straight my parents would hear what sounded like an old time-y radio coming from the attic reporting on WWII (it's important to note that in the cemetery, only veterans can be buried). They looked in the attic repeatedly and even cleaned the whole thing out and found nothing.
Back to the basement, it is super creepy and everyone gets a bad feeling about it. Everyone in my family has fallen down the steps at least once but the stairs are not rickety or abnormally narrow or anything, just normal stairs. Well after our basement flooded from every sink being turned on they had to dig under the house (I can't remember why exactly, I was quite young) they found that as a result of the frequent hurricanes, erosion, and being there since the Civil War, some graves had shifted and ended up underneath our house! It was pretty creepy knowing that they were under there all that time.
I actually think that I'm not as afraid of paranormal stuff now as a result of being exposed to it. The last encounter I had at my house (my parents still live there but me and my siblings are in college) was about 4 years ago when I looked in the mirror and saw a dark figure behind me with its hand on my shoulder. Mostly I was just sad when I was little because all of my friends were too scared to come play at my house.