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No. 398613
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>"The issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept. I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I'm like, god. I'm just not really that interested."
>saying "intergalactic" to sound smart and sciencey when SpaceX isn't doing anything intergalactic
>implying you can't be interested in both
>sucking Elon Musk's taint
I love her music, but she sounded so fucking dumb here one might think it was a parody of these types.
No. 398616
>implying she's not like the other girls who are interested in feminismI love her but that was cringy. Good thing she changed her public view on feminism.
No. 398752
>>398610>>398740Courtney Love punched her for no reason as she's prone to do to women she feels threatened by (see also: Mary Lou Lord) as well as random people (like Kristin King) because she can.
She should have been posted as an example in this thread. She pays lip service to the idea of feminism but acts the opposite.
No. 398756
>>398752Courtney Love is almost a handmaiden, but the truth is she's rotten to everybody.
There was an entire Tumblr blog dedicated to documenting how shitty she is, exposingcourtneylove, but it's been deleted IIRC. Sad.
No. 398760
>>398756Luckily almost the whole thing got archived by wayback machine: down (or ctrl+f "why i hate courtney love") for all the people she mistreated plus fake feminism, racism and other bs.
No. 398771
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>>398740>but she doesn't appease troons and believes they're not women so what's the probNope
>>398752>Courtney Love punched her for no reason Kathleen Hanna had repeatedly made antagonistic comments to Courtney,calling her a bad mother and a bad feminist, she also still believes that Courtney was involved in Kurt Cobain's death
No. 398772
>>398752Yeah, I like Courtney's music but didn't she literally say in her song "I am not a feminist"? I admire that she's a lot stronger than I could ever be, but she's still kind of anti-fem and seems to dislike a lot of women.
Why is 'husband' in quotes on the tumblr? They were obviously married and he was obviously in love with her. I think Kurt was into 'strong' women and he was submissive himself so I don't doubt that he was her husband, at least on his end to her.
No. 398785
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>>398771Show me proof Kathleen Hannah attacked her first. Besides, there is a difference between criticism and punching someone. This is not even the only case where Courtney assaulted someone. That's a troon-tier behavior.
>The state of feminism is sad. Somehow in the 70s, or early 80s, the feminists with the hairy legs and the “big and fat”, you know, somehow separated themselves from the pretty girls. So it’s like, the more pretty girls that are feminists is sort of better for the whole thing.Courtney Love is a shit human being, as much as it made me sad when I found it, as I love Live Through This.
See pic related. Kind reminder that if you got raped or sexually assaulted, that's probably because you have a
victim energy. So it's on you.
No. 398799
>>398792??? She was objectively a horrible person, lmao. Talented, yes, but also a horrible person. She most certainly does have
abusive tendencies, and that's why she's always been such a liar and so shitty to other women.
Defending Courtney Love is not the hill to die on.
No. 398857
>>398851Yes, it was. Also sure, aggressive drug addicts make wonderful parents!
Give me links proving she did it before Courtney punched her.
Besides, even if we ignore that one thing, there is plenty of horrible stuff she's done. Just check the link above. You can't tell me all of it is always someone else's fault.
Courtney Love stans are unreal with how they buy the ~vilified rock queen uwu~ narrative pushed by her PR agency lmfao.
No. 398864
>>398857both Courtney and Kurt were not perfect people and both had a lot of issues
I just feel their is a double standard between how "damaged" men are treated and how "damaged" women are treated
Courtney loved and Kurt loved her and thats enough for me
No. 398921
>>398752>She pays lip service to the idea of feminism but acts the opposite.I don't feel like Courtney should be exiled from feminism just because she's
problematic. Courtney is a piece of shit in many regards, without a doubt, but women should be allowed to be flawed pieces of shit. Until we nitpick male rockstars to the same degree, I don't see the point at burning her at the stake for being a bad feminist when she never claimed to be a sjw icon
It's the same about people who constantly attack LDR for dumb stuff she's said
>>398613 like yeah, hold her accountable for that shit forever but also a large body of work she has made is intrinsically feminist. People can be bad feminists, people can even accidentally be feminists even when they deny it, you can't just draw a line under a whole living person.
Unrelated the messy Kathleen Hannah and Courtney drama is my guilty pleasure, I love that instead of settling down and becoming stage moms they both instead just carry on hissing about how the other isn't really punk rock.
No. 398929
>>398921>I love that instead of settling down and becoming stage moms they both instead just carry on hissing about how the other isn't really punk rock.Courtney never claimed to be punk
Kathleen Hannah was a try hard punk and is way overhyped when there are way better female punks.
she kept on trying to claim how punk she was but forbade moshing and violence in her shows
Kathleen and other Bikkini kill members all came from collage backgrounds something and Riot grrrl had always been a middle-class white women thing
No. 398937
>>398934We're conversing, if you want to talk about something different then please do
If people are talking about something you don't like at lunch so you just yell at them to shut up instead of leading into something you care about?
No. 398985
>>398976Kek all men are basically autistic. No other gender is so prone to writing wish fulfillment fanfics WHILST talking to themselves.
>>398936Never fuck a male that uses reddit.
No. 399002
>>398976I've come across a good number of accounts on twitter ran by actual women defending sport stars rape allegations. They exist and they are mental.
I also know this mess of a girl that writes walltexts on fb about porn and how she's so proud she's one of the few women who can squirt. It's absolutely desperate and so harrowing to read what she posts while she's sitting in her break room lol
No. 399233
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>>398856/r/gendercritical and it's aligned subs are an oasis in a wasteland of male pandering and misogyny, at least.
No. 399236
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>>399233what about r/GenderCriticalGuys
No. 399272
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Like a clockwork.
No. 399345
never heard a woman say she loved getting pounded in the ass un ironically. These are porn sick men repeating what they've heard in porn, larping hard and being pathetic at it kek
>>399298She'll come around anon but that last one is really sad. Hating your own body because it's not like porn. I hope she builds her self esteem
No. 399392
>>399272Not to sound like an incel migtoe but handmaidenism is 100% a way for female betas to increase their perceived sexual value.
"I may not be pretty or rich enough to make any rules here but I will literally prolapse my ass for you, scrot-kun!"
No. 399408
>>399345I have hope for that, because at her age I used to think the same while nowadays I don't even watch porn anymore. Sadly she was exposed to porn at a very young age, and so was I. When a kid has access to the internet you can't control what they do and what they see, and it hurts to think of how she lets her guy friends degrade her, and how she degrades herself for men (our mom accidentally saw some pictures and texts).
Hopefully she'll got out of it. Not to be paranoid, but I'm really concerned for her. I don't like her friends.
No. 399419
>>398608Can't you talk to her about it? How would she react if you pointed out that, say, men would never defend her the way she defends them. Or that she clearly has low self esteem if she's so desperate for male approval?
I have to say, if my sister was spewing that bullshit I would have no mercy and tear into her. For her own good and also because it's so fucking offensive to women to say things like that, so she'd deserve to be told off.
No. 399456
>>398856yep the women of reddit.
If you want an extreme dose of handmaiden go to /redpillwomen/
>I'm in a one-sided open relationship where my husband gets to fuck other women while I take care of our children but I don't mind it! No. 399462
>>399456Oh anon, why did you remind me.
That is absolutely the worst subreddit. I'd post caps if I weren't busy but it's a ride.
They believe in shit like SMV (sexual male value). It's fucking insane.
No. 399575
>>399540A lot of people have convinced themselves radfems are evil witch-like women who want everyone who disagrees with them to suffer, including women. It's a lot easier to reject feminist discourse if you pretend there's a dark, murderous agenda behind it.
Meanwhile some people have legit carried out violent acts in the name of the alt-right/redpill but alt-right men are totally ~uwu traditional men who just want to uphold society~.
No. 399776
>>399456The best thing I’ve done was unsubscribing from that hellhole. I’ve read The Surrendered Single because of them and I got into an
abusive relationship because “if he pumps and dumps you it’s your fault for being a plate and not good enough to be in a relationship”.
I also hate the lock and key thing - “a key that opens many locks is a master key; a lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock”. Fuck off, I’m not a perishable piece of meat that’s rotten by the age of 30 if I’m not married or have more than 10 sexual partners.
No. 399911
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>>398859She's pandering to tech nerds because she's now too old for the "daddy" type men she used to sing about, as described. Isn't it funny how that works?
Anyway fuck Nicki Minaj and her lying-ass fake feminist shit where she'll happily insult other women then claim it's a joke, capitalize on how "bisexual" she is to please men, and constantly defend her rapist brother.
No. 399913
>>399776The lock and key analogy really highlights how literally retarded these people are. Vaginas are not locks, penises are not keys. They're fucking sex organs. Just because one goes into the other doesn't mean they're comparable to fucking locks and keys. Really showcases how men see women as sexual challenges and not people, too.
Also, my husband pointed out once how if you really wanna play double standards, male promiscuity is objectively much worse than female since males can impregnate limitless women at once and have no control over whether or not the woman keeps it. So, a slutty male can end up with several accidental babies/baby mommas at once (something anyone from a low class area has probably seen in action multiple times) whereas a slutty female is only gonna end up with one accidental kid at once if she decides to even have it. And you know those men knocking these women up are probably gonna be deadbeat dads who don't even take care of their offspring. So yeah, male promiscuity is objectively worse for society.
Red pill types love to bitch about the impact of fatherless kids to shit on women, as if it's not the man's fault for taking zero responsibility for his own child. Yet the same types will glamorize male promiscuity, completely disregarding the same consequences they love to remind women of.
No. 399914
>>399913That's something that always made me lul. Women should only have one partner becuz:
>muh pair bonding>muh hypergamy>women are harsher about men's looks or w/eBut men need to sleep with lots of women before settling down bcuz:
>Alpha>Gorilla hierarchies (?)>Respect>They just really need this and why are you so judgey, its really not cute babe gagWhat about their starter women? Are they meant to dedicate their lives to training a whole bunch of men who graduate to better women and then live out their days as companionship for divorces and widowers? Doesn't really seem like a viable evolutionary trait. But then the boys get all butthurt and start sputtering because you've stomped on their utopian world order.
No. 399916
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>is anyone else triggered that a movie about a bunch of superheroes shows a female super hero acting like the other super heroes instead of a lady like damsel???
No. 399920
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>>399916Samegagging, but the comments are also extremely cringey
>I'm scared for these poor little boys growing up seeing such weak portrayals of men in commercials!!!… you're in a thread about a superhero franchise with an almost all male cast and you're pretending boys don't have strong male remodels anymore because you've seen some commercials showing the woman being more efficient than the man. Okay then.
No. 399924
>>399923I agree with you. I really enjoy media where the female protagonist has agency and is respected without being very attractive or having a male personality, but it's rare. I can't really feel excited for supposed strong female protagonists when I can tell they're written by men, for men and really are just a man in a body a straight man could fuck.
Related to this, I'd love to find more media about older women still being valuable beings even as they show signs of aging, but I really haven't found anything where an old woman isn't a mother/grand-mother with a plotline revolving entirely around her male children/grand-children.
No. 399927
>>399924Their was an episode of The Twilight Zone that had a elderly woman as a main character
the episode was about a reclusive old woman(Wanda) who had a fear of death and so lived at home avoiding everyone till one day death finally comes for her
a detail that I remember from that episode was that Wanda had an obvious attraction to the actor playing Death(who was played by a young handsome man)first time viewing It felt weird seeing an older woman having any sort of sexual desire towards a younger man but looking back I get it
No. 399931
>>399924I love all your points here, anon. Always felt the same way but I like how you worded it.
Apologies if this is too OT but recently I really liked the book Lolly Willowes as an example of perhaps what you're looking for–average-looking woman grows older and asserts her desires/value in a non-masculine way. Her ending is complex and imperfect, still caught up in a different type of arguably male-dominated system, but despite that it feels very refreshing and critical of traditional gender roles without resorting to sexy battle babe crap (it's from 1926).
No. 399942
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>>399776Another gem from RedPillWomen
>when I met "my Captain" he judged me for not being a virgin and told me I wasn't relationship material>he was fucking multiple women at the time thoughThis can't be real. Right?
No. 399947
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>>399911She said it 5 years ago in the Ultraviolence era, so you are wrong. She backtracked on the statement when Trump came into power.
Also she has never publically actually dated the Daddy types she used to sing about… Unless you consider Josh Kemp (pic related), Barrie-James O'Neal (born in 1987), Francesco Carrozzini (1982, not that young, but not daddy IMHO), G-Eazy (1989) daddies?
Her taste in man is all over the place, but I don't think she was as much into old men as she liked to portray. Whether it makes her daddy themes better or worse is up to you.
No. 399958
>>399951weren't red pill women doxed by a redditor once to reveal that some were actually men pretending to be women and some were older homely women with low self esteem either too afraid to leave their s/o or not sure how to get one
Reading these posts, it makes sense. When has any woman you know of irl use n-count
No. 399977
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>>399958The people on that sub have to either be men, borderline retarded women, 13 year old girls, or troons. Imagine being this fucking dumb and wondering if your racist boyfriend who admitted to hating you will ever change.
No. 399981
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>>399977samefag to add I was looking at this other woman's account earlier - she posted on RPW about "Is there something wrong with me if no boy has ever approached me in a romantic context?" and in her post history she's been accused of molestation and harassing/stalking her ex. Pretty sure that's the demographic over there.
No. 400002
>>399923>>399924Yeah, it's weak pandering that does nothing real for women. Super strong fictional women can be entertaining and cool and they should exist, but realistically, strength is the one thing we absolutely cannot match in men. What good does it do us to tell us the best thing a woman can be is just like a man, in ways we cannot actually achieve?
>I'd love to find more media about older women still being valuable beings even as they show signs of agingAgreed! Inspiring female characters aren't even what I want, honestly. I just want it to be acceptable for a woman to age or be unattractive (without making it the focus of the series, like Shrill or something). Male characters are often old or ugly or fat, it doesn't stop people enjoying them, but women have to be young and hot or they're a total waste of screen time. I don't wanna be a superhero, I just don't want to keep being told my existence is offensive when I'm 30+ or not 10/10.
No. 404294
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>Her life of prostitution and being abused by men explains her bitterness towards them, but it's no excuse for her violent hatred towards the entire male gender
No. 404305
>>404294>if the roles had been reversed, it would never have been publishedI'm pretty sure American Psycho is a bestseller, and that tthere's plenty of other media about "disturbed minds" written by men who want to hurt/kill/torture women enjoying widespread distribution today, but okay.
I'm so tired of all their false "If the genders were switched…!" narratives. I don't even know if
they buy them.
No. 404309
>>404306>presented as a bad personThat doesn't stop men from idolizing him and going on about how much they relate to him, though.
Come to think of it, the same is true of literally any male murderer who actually targets women, lmao.
No. 404317
>>404315>>404316LOL seriously the film and novel make it pretty clear that he's not that special
he's a Insecure unoriginal Idiot who most people hate who thinks he's rational has no emotions
No. 404358
>>404311never mind the fact that men are the majority of murderers and commit the overwhelming majority of violent crime yearly
but you’re right one extremely mentally ill woman who was traumatized and victimized by men her entire life shooting one man publishing a satirical novel is what is truly ~evil~
you probably put Aileen Wuornos on the same level as males like ted bundy
begone handmaiden
No. 404372
>>404358Males love Ted bundy too,at least secretly. They want to be the attractive serial killer who rapes and kills women
It's like everyday when some shooter, murderer or rapist has made the news, it's men who identify with them and incels who idolize them. And it's rooted back to hating women
No. 404373
>>404358I didn't say she was evil
All I'm saying is that maybe the reason her satirical manifesto is taken a bit more seriously is because she actually did attempt to kill a man
No. 406784
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Taken from shuwu's thread. Both of them. One is a 'feminist' and one an anti-feminist. They are friends because they are one in the same.
No. 407142
>>406784Honestly I hate those who call themselves "feminist" and then pull off shit like this more than anti-feminist handmaidens.
With anti-fems you know they put scrotes on first place and think women are somehow inferior. They oppose feminism openly to get attention from scrotes making their internalized mysogyny obvious to basically everyone.
On the other hand, libfems like the @RantingF one in your screenshot pretend their blatant hamdmaiden-ism is actually what feminism is supposed to be about.
"Prostitution is great! Fetishizing and sexualizing female body is feminist! Men in dresses are more of a woman because they perform feminity better! That's right girls, this is the real feminism and not that crazy and outdated radical feminism. Radfems hate fun, first and second waves are very
problematic and fascist!"
And the worst thing is, this blatant handmaiden version of "feminism" is actually succeeding because I guess it's easier to close your eyes and pretend sexism still isn't happening and that it's somehow your own choice.
No. 407160
>>406812I'm ashamed of this but I've had hybristophile tendancies, I'm not into serial killers I just had a crush on the columbine killers in highschool because I was an idiot. Now I just think of the
victims last moments and especially the boy who cried out for his mother and just feel sad. I think hybristophiles are just girls with a lot of rage that need to learn to channel it better.
No. 410071
>>410068These women are so gaslit, it's truly depressing.
Also, I would say women shouldn't lie about their body count. You shouldn't lie to your partner and if your number is a deal breaker to them then you're avoiding a low tier dipshit, so there's really no losing.
No. 410076
>>410068Ugh alot rpw are homely with no self esteem so they just allow these rp men use and abuse them. they're scared of being alone and miserable even if they're already miserable
what would it take for those women to wake up from that bs. Because I'm sure when a woman dies from her red pill husband abusing her, they'd blame her and never imagine it happening to
them No. 412036
>>411126Or perhaps they represent their constituents, who have different opinions than you.
Not everyone you disagree with is a male or a corrupt politician.
No. 412038
>>406784is feminism they new victoria era moral crusade , or are women able to enjoy sexual stuff too? i can´t tell anymore, radfems today look more like the neocons of 20 yrs ago trying to ban sexuality everywhere they see it.
Imagine getting to be so woke that you go full circle and you become Tipper Gore.
(ban evasion) No. 412785
>>398613I don't know anything about this person but judging from your post how is she even close to the description in the OP? Is any woman with no strong opinion or interest in feminism going "to sad lengths to cater to shitty men and defend their awful treatment of women"?
>>398856Reddit is garbage but I seriously dooubt this.
No. 412865
>>412785It's more the "I don't care about feminism, but I love science!" while clearly knowing nothing about science that made her sound like she was trying to sound cool to men. Plus, a central theme of her music is how unhealthily obsessed she is with her exboyfriends amd is completely useless without them.
So yeah, Lana is kinda handmaiden lite.
No. 413446
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"as long as theyre happy too", amirite?
No. 413447
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No. 413448
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No. 413452
>>413448so obsessed with women's reproductive years but fail to understand that they shouldn't even be considered to have kids, let alone raise them
>breedable>>413449It's fake when he said that a 19 yr old athletic freshman in college is willing to fuck him and not a younger single guy at her college. And his wife is totally cool with it because she's desperate. It all sounds like a larp from red pill
No. 413487
>>413447>like they do in FranceWtf? Anybody can get scholarships in France and going to college is actually very inexpensive. No need to get "mentored" by gross older men.
Was a good laugh, at least.
No. 415055
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Former radfem abandon her belief after browsing /r/MensRights for 5 mins.
No. 415300
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This could just be some man roleplaying as some teenage girl (and I think that's likely) but think this belongs.
No. 415671
>>415336Anon, I’m sorry that you feel isolated and I understand what you mean. I’m biracial, and I’ve been kind of pushed aside by black women for having light skin and brown hair and not exclusively dating black men or for advocating for women in general and not just one experience.
I agree that as women we need to value everyone and that race/ethnicity shouldn’t drive us apart as we can learn from each other as individuals. There’s a lot of unspoken misogyny in the black community, and a lot of black women refuse to acknowledge how
toxic/entitled a lot of black men can be in relationships and how it affects black women’s self esteem. I find it hypocritical how we can discuss misogyny and sexism in Caucasian men but then suddenly people turn a blind eye to what black men do or accuse you of being a ‘race traitor’ when you don’t defend them at your own mercy. Black women would never tolerate white men being unnecessarily aggressive toward them sexually, catcalling/pushing boundaries in public, or acting like your body is open season just because of your ethnicity, but we let a lot of black men get away with it for whatever reason. Now before some anon screams at me for stereotyping men of color, I know not every black man acts like this but there’s enough of them that do so it is an issue and it needs to be discussed more, especially with younger men.
For what it’s worth, you are a fellow sister to me and I hope this experience doesn’t affect you too much, Anon.
No. 415975
>>415336I'm black, and I agree. There's a whole culture of "Raise your daughters, love your sons" logic being glorified in a lot of black communities. I think part of it is that for the longest time, being black (and the racism suffered in a place like the US as a result of that) has been synonymous with being male, because men are pretty much always at the forefront of everything. There's whole generations of women brainwashed into thinking that an attack on the black man is to be taken as an attack on all black people (and therefore, an attack on the black woman). It's considered normal for black women to pick up the slack, stand up for black men and generally act as mules for them, even though they're basically the main ones hurting, killing and raping us. Some are waking up, though.
Personally, the ball kind of dropped for me when I noticed that despite being the same race and in largely the same situations (though black women have it worse because of pregnancy and single motherhood rates, dying in childbirth at higher rates than any other demographic because healthcare workers literally have less empathy for anyone black, etc etc), statistically, black women in the US are better-educated, more financially successful, and dramatically less violent and criminal than black men (a black woman is safer than a white man, talk less of a black one). Obviously, not all black men are horrible, but men in general are just….not okay, and I think black men in particular are given too much of a pass for their bullshit because racism exists.
If we were to believe that gender isn't as big of an issue as race, there would be absolutely no reason for the two groups to have such different stats (and in fact, the men should be doing better, since society is patriarchal). All I could conclude is that it's a male problem. Men, in general, are just kind of awful. IMO, the sooner more black women realize that they don't need to answer for what black men do, or allow the male experience to control the black narrative as a whole, the better.
Like, all the fucking "Despite being 13% of the population…" racist pasta shite is because of black
men specifically, not women, but of course, racist incels will ignore that because acknowledging it would mean that instead of focusing on race all the time, they'd have to stop dodging the "true" redpill that despite being 50% of the population, men make up like 82% of all violent crime on the entire planet, regardless of ethnicity, religion or upbringing.
I will always ally myself with a woman of any race much faster than I will a man of any race. I've never had a problem relating to or empathizing with "the white female experience", because there are always large chunks of it I can relate to as a woman in a male-dominated world. I know racism is an issue, but in the end, women have empathy and can make peace with each other far more easily than men. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way, either. We're just quiet about it, because it's not fun to be mobbed and called "traitors" by angry men and male-aligned women. Just don't lose hope, anon. It won't always be this way.
No. 416031
>>415336Sadly, people (at least in the US, which is where i'm from)would rather align racially than stand together as women. I not only see this with a number of black women who will defend a black man who has done something shitty over a white woman who hasn't done anything, but among whites too. There are definitely some white women out there who will stick up for white men above women of other races. I personally find it pretty disgusting really. Unfortunately, it seems like the popular brand of feminism in the US just wants to drive the racial divide even further.
I tend to find UK feminists, at least the ones I find on Twitter, are not as preoccupied with the racial side of things and prefer to try to help all women.
No. 420064
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>>399927Super late post but fun fact that actor was a very young Robert Redford. Great episode.
No. 423496
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Seriously? What do they get out of lying about this kind of shit?
No. 423512
>>423501It makes financial sense why they would do that, especially at work and on their public persona social media. Make gigolos will suck up to their female clients too.
Men are idiots that lap it up though. Like how they genuinely believe that if a waitress is the bare minimum of polite to them then she must want his dick
No. 423585
>>423519About gigolos
They exist just as much as any sex worker do
Just look in the same places where sex workers usually advertise
>>423503Web girls are super insecure and tend to try to overcompensate to get attention, most of not some have daddy issues and usually infantilise themselves to be UWU
No. 423604
>>423529I know about hosts in Japan, but actual Western gigolos for women seem like a bit of a myth. I don't want to buy one, I just wanna know if they are a big thing because I kind of doubt it.
>>423585>Just look in the same places where sex workers usually advertiseYes anon, I should just go look at illegal prostitution adverts like all normal people do, all normal people know where to find those amirite
No. 423745
>>404317You're giving these guys a lot of credit to think they've read the novel or watched the movie.
Most of them have probably only seen the business card scene or the hip to be square scene.
>>404358>RorshcachHe's more for edgy trench coat wearing "intellectuals" who were bullied in school and still write out their revenge fantasies years later. They have black and white morality that's never been tested because they don't leave the house.
No. 428021
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No. 428031
>>428021The argument that women have no hobbies is always interesting to me, because when women actually do have hobbies, men will always dismiss them.
You like something stereotypically feminine like making jewelry or baking ? It's vapid roastie shit and you're dumb for enjoying it, any man could do it better than you if they wanted.
You like something stereotypically masculine like tabletop rpgs or programming ? You're only seeking male attention and don't actually like the thing, you're also directly responsible for the hobby declining in quality.
When men enjoy nothing but video games and porn they're ~uwu damaged by society~, though.
No. 428032
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No. 428050
>>428021..she's says this hoping to earn Male Approval Points on the internet.
>>428032Rpw is pitiful. Does anyone remember one post either on legal advice or redpilllwomen where one pregnant woman was asking for help because her rp husband was essentially using her to have his kid but ignores her and be a live in nanny/maid without any life outside of the home. Just look at this shit>women are attracted to abuse and want to be abused>women who were abused are damaged good and should be avoided and ignoredmeanwhile handmaids and trp will screech to the holy heavens about how males are abused and nobody cares about that. It's really not shocking that so many of them are single, divorced and bitter. Meanwhile handmaids will bend over backwards just to make sure they're unicorns since they're afraid of being classified as everything but a child of god by them. Just pathetic
Wish we knew just how many rp women are larping men
No. 428126
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There's this chick I found out about in one of the bad art threads. Good God her rabbithole goes deep. According to herself she's a born and raised national socialist yet claims to disavow/anti-condone any actual nationalistic or racist ideaologies. She's also a tradthot that sincerely brags about how redpilled she is and how horrible the left is. IIRC her husband is a middle-aged redneck and has a stepson only 10-12 years younger her. According to her instagram she had to have been 17-18 when they got married. She's also obsessed with Nazi Germany.
No. 428127
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>>428126A tutorial she made over covering up the bruises her husband gives her.
No. 428146
>>428127>for black eyes>for any bruises>for spilt lipsHoly shit. Fcked up. She's going to end up dead when her husband cheats and replaces her with a younger model.
How can trp call that a successful marriage…any day we're going to read a story of a red pill husband having abused and murdered his wife and kids. The men and handmaids will defend him and blame that dead wife because abuse is ok and all women want to be abused. Fuck.
No. 428191
>>428126I love that her style and handwriting scream deviantart in 2005.
she even has manga cover inspired copic shading.
No. 431988
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So I was wondering if dragging female cucks is a thing now, and black Twitter didn't disappoint. There's a term for those kinds of shoeonheads - "pickme". TIL.👌👌👌
No. 432036
>>432006Lmao, this video. The desperation is palpable, and I'd feel bad for her if I wasn't more pressed by the fact that videos like this only propagate that very same desperation in other, more impressionable women and girls. She's chosen to make herself part of the problem.
Did you get the male validation, sis? Did the cleavage and sound bite about "14 cocks in my mouth" help? Does it feel like the men watching this will see you as a
valid human being, and not just a walking, talking pair of tits surrounded by colorful toys of their favorite video game characters in high saturation? Is that even what you want at this point? Have you resigned yourself to striving to be seen as "a rare, halfway sentient walking, talking pair of tits"? Do you feel adequate? Is the void filled? When you look in the mirror, or change your clothes or even just sit in silence, do you still have that idea of a man watching you, and do you still instinctively adjust yourself to be just a little bit more pleasing to his eye? Are you happy with this existence? Do you think that's how things are meant to be, and that it can't be helped? Is this really what you want for all of us?
No. 432037
>>431988Most female cucks are pickmes who would cry and have mental breakdowns when it actually comes down to the very thing they claimed they wanted
No h8 pls but I've been involved in many relationships like so, the pickmes will either claim to be into cuckqueen stuff or they'll be poly, the second a decently more attractive woman comes around and starts fucking their man that's when they have complete melt downs and start crying about how unfair it is, I'd feel bad if these women weren't so fucking desperate to be accepted by men and too afraid of putting their foot down
No. 432056
Everybody always pities slav (and asian) women because literally every male on the planet is into them, but while I obviously agree that sex trafficking etc must be stopped, I also encountered so many normal eastern european women who absolutely love this attention. Several of my classmates were from where and even in elementary school they'd often spout bullshit like russian women being the best in the world etc. And obviously later on, in high school and college they really were swarmed by men. I've never seen another group be that full of themselves.
So it always pisses me off a little, when I witness normal/well-off slav women complain, as if they're the same as underage prostitutes. A "priviledged" slav woman being lusted after by men online, is not more of a
victim than another european or american or afircan women being shat on for being an ugly roastie.
If they'd hate it so much, when they wouldn't constantly try to make themselves out to be the best, the most beautiful, the most amazing blah blah.
I only quickly searched for something, but there are many other examples as well.>Guess, is it a woman or a man? >German ladies revealed her that they hate Eastern European girls because they are too beautiful and steal their German guys>As someone who arrived from Eastern Europe I have noticed the same. That German ladies, sadly, lose the score against Eastern Europeans.An eastern european woman writing her theory on why herself and her countrywomen are so much more attractive than ugly german women. Peek handmaiden, shit on other womens looks just for asspats from thirsty neckbeards…
No. 432058
>>432006I understand when unattractive women bite on the poly and men pleaser memes, because psychologically it makes a bit of sense. They feel they have to be super pander-y in order to make up for what they believe is their lack in looks to men, and they probably feel like they're reclaiming the men who would inevitably cheat on them by saying that they are okay with being cheated on because they're so hyper sexual and open-minded.
If she'd had lost the ridiculous lip fillers and went lighter on the hair bleach, Tara isn't entirely unattractive. Pretty, in fact. It's a shame she felt she had to go this route, and I think it's taken a psychological toll. For someone with 400k subscribers, if we can believe most weren't bought, most of her videos don't breach 30k views. The video anon posted she recorded three years ago in 2017.
So what did being a tryhard bimbo even get her in the end?
No. 432105
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>>431992It's truly beautiful
No. 432111
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>>432006the only appropriate response to these desperate thottices
No. 432115
>>432105If only handmaidens cared this much for rape
victims as they do with
victims of false rape accusations
What about women who get falsely accused of lying? Why does no one care about them?or can men just pull the "she lied I'm a
victim of false rape accusation" card and he will be believed no questions asked?
No. 432146
>>432130idc if she's a
victim if she's a gross rape apologist and a general disgrace to women
it's kind of like pedophiles who were raped as children, idc about your history of csa, the moment you choose to perpetuate it you're cancelled
No. 432228
>>432105>rape is bad uwu>b-but RAPE ACCUSATIONS ARE JUST AS BAD see men? please accept me uwuThey just don't get that this is just a narrative spin to silence
victims for daring to speak out.
Victims hardly get any justice, are blamed and harassed but we just gotta make sure those men being accused get full protection uwu
No. 432345
>>432335>But it is important to focus on false rape allegationsHmm disagree.
>makes people take them less seriouslyPeople already don't take it seriously, and if a few statistically negligible false accusations make those that
do take it seriously reconsider then they were just looking for an excuse.
No. 432354
>>432335Hint: proven false
People just scream liar before women can even finish their sentence mind you
There needs to be extended investigation or a surrender, even then there are women who get paid on the down low to claim their rape accusation was false
I agree false rape accusations are bad but the flawed part about if the whole "death sentence to false rape accusers" law really played in, it was allow a lot of true rape
victims to get punished, which would cause an insane amount of psychological damage because you know, getting raped already has a traumatic impact but imagine getting marked as a liar, having your reputation ruined and being punished for coming out about your rape, that's why we need to be especially careful before falsely accusing a
victim of lying
No. 432383
>>432376because when someone speaks about filing an insurance claim, it's nobodies default to scream liar
when a woman claims to have been raped or sexually assaulted it's everyone default to believe she lied
also take notice how insurance frauders are often laughed at and jokes about, the most people will say about them is that they need to be charged with fraud, with false rape accusers they'll get never ending death threats, people wanting them to get death penalty, never ending rants from MGTOW about how all women are evil, cruel, can't be trusted, always trying to ruin mens lives because of that one woman, a lot of people will even say false rape accusations are worse than rape itself (because you know, mental damage is only just as bad as physical damage when it's men)
No. 432399
>>432397>nobody empathizes with insurance companiesyou don't know a lot about insurance claims then if you think false claims hurt no one but the company
>people do however empathize with a fellow human being sent to jail for a crime they didn't commit.great, so we agree people need to be extremely careful before they falsely accuse a
victim of lying right?
No. 432506
>>432335Not true. Even if there were 0 cases of women lying about rape,
victims would still be accused of lying. When
victims are called liars, it's not because of the women who lie about rape "hurting" women's rep. They're not believed because they're women.
No. 432536
>>432335It's already an incredibly tiny percentage who are lying and many people still act like it's the majority. People not taking it seriously has very little to do with the girls who actually lie and simply just because they don't believe women in general.
False allegations are bad and people who commit them are bad, but people act like it happens just as much, if not more, than women actually being raped and that's fucking insane.
No. 432620
>>432399>you don't know a lot about insurance claims then if you think false claims hurt no one but the companygood job completely missing the point. i didn't say nobody gets hurt, i said nobody empathizes with insurance companies. people are only mad when someone files a false claim because it might affect their own premium. very few even consider how the workers are effected. but even then, the consideration is for the individual human workers, not the nebulous faceless company.
>great, so we agree people need to be extremely careful before they falsely accuse a victim of lying right?you're so hellbent on arguing a point i never even made lmao. i'm not even part of this thread, i just saw your absolutely fucking retarded analogy and couldn't help my autism.
>>432407my point was that the analogy was fucking retarded. it makes perfect sense that people care more about false accusations than insurance fraud because one involves a faceless company and the other a human being.
No. 432629
>>432620As no one cares about false accusations of murder, assault and theft nearly as much.
He text back yet sis?
No. 432631
>>432620>people are only mad when someone files a false claim because it might affect their own premium. very few even consider how the workers are effected. but even then, the consideration is for the individual human workers, not the nebulous faceless company.still not understanding
with insurance claims, if you get an insurance claim filed against yourself for say, car insurance, not only do you have to pay for it, but your insurance goes up for several years and it's hard for you to get a job pertaining to driving, owning and renting cars, etc, it doesn't just hurt the company
>i just saw your absolutely fucking retarded analogy and couldn't help my autism. I didn't make the analogy first of all, second you fail to understand how claims work and most likely aren't old enough to, and instead of attempting to understand you just dig deeper and deeper into your hole of ignorance