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No. 401962
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We have the little showers idk they feel more practical
No. 401991
>>401989electric kettles are very common where I live (the south). drinking tea is far less common in the us than in other countries, though, so it's not exactly outrageous that someone wouldn't have one.
but if you're boiling pasta or another food you should boil it in the pot you're cooking in, not an electric kettle. it would be weird to boil water for pasta in a kettle.
No. 401995
>>401989The reason electric kettles aren't widespread in the US is actually because the typical American house operates on a lower voltage than those in the United Kingdom. Using a microwave is more efficient.
>How do you cook rice or pasta?You've lost me there, though. I'd never cook rice or pasta in anything but a pot or rice cooker.
No. 402005
>>401991>it would be weird to boil water for pasta in a kettle.That's a pretty strange difference, everyone I know uses this method. Any thoughts Italians?
>>401995We heat the water up in the kettle beforehand, then add it to the pot. Takes way less time and the less time there's an exposed pot of water coming to the boil the better for safety's sake.
No. 402017
>>402005>We heat the water up in the kettle beforehand, then add it to the pot.I live in Germany and my grandfather always does it this way as well. But the reason for that is simply that his stove is just really old. Ours is new and getting water to boil in a normal pot doesn't take any more time than by using a kettle.
We do have a bidet as well but only used it for when we were children and didn't shower everyday/had dirty feet from playing without shoes outside.
But I've never put my ass there lol
No. 402060
>>402057What do I get…?
>>402058>Who the fuck doesn't own a rice cooker?People who live in countries that don't or only rarely consume rice?
Not all of us are Asians or weebs
No. 402222
>>402218A scene from Deadpool 2 explained this perfectly.
(Ignore the giant logo, just listen to what they say)
No. 402266
>>402218>washing your ass with water takes a tad more time than just wiping afterallwhat, no it doesnt? washing your ass takes about 30 seconds at most, probably even less if youre in a hurry. to actually get somewhere with wiping, you have to do it for ages, and even then it will never truly be clean. every time ive been in a position where i couldnt wash myself after going to the toilet, ive always felt extremely dirty. would someone who wiped themselves down with toilet paper instead showering be as clean as someone who actually showers? no.
>How do you people who rely so heavily on bidets or baby wipes function irlsome people use water bottles, you can get special ones designed spesifically for this purpose. you can also wet toilet paper instead of using baby wipes and you dont have any on hand, its probably better for the plumbing too.
and also your external ass area is made of skin, in fact the skin around the anus is especially sensitive. letting it fester in bacteria infested shit all day sounds like a great way to get skin irritation and infections.
No. 402271
>>402268They're not covered it anon, but think of it this way, if you touched shit with one finger would you feel clean after just wiping it off with tissue? If you get fecal matter on your toothbrush just from flushing the toilet, and fecal matter in your clothes just from washing your pants, then think of how contaminated we are at all times.
I don't have bidets in my country but I wish I did.
No. 402274
>>402271>how contaminated we are at all timesDo you wash your underwear separately then? And shut the seat before flushing? You know you get fecal matter in your nose just by smelling it, too, right? And what if your family member don't shut the lid?
I'm a wetwipefag myself and also usually shut the lid (although I have to go without in public toilets which is fine), but you seem overly worried about this.
No. 402277
>>402268there will always be a small amount of shit left behind when you wipe it, the same way that if you wipe a piece of toilet paper over a sweaty armpit it will still smell like sweat after you wipe it.
and also a small amount of shit particles in the air is several magnitudes less disgusting than shit being left to ferment in someones sweaty ass crack all day.
No. 402297
>>402285Not denying that being a dirty person causes pimples, but for some it's not really associated. At peak acne I used to shower twice a day, wash thoroughly each time, wash my face another time outside of showers, and I'd still have acne. (I know now overwashing and drying out doesn't help and things are better in case a skincare anon sees this)
idk about ass pimples since it's not a normal area to have breakouts on, but it might apply.
No. 402298
>>402285I don't disagree with the sentiment but first of all how do you see so many shitty, pimply asses? Why would you assume it's from not washing properly, considering the only ass pimples I've ever seen on porn stars etc is on their cheeks and not between the cheeks, where any remaining shit would be?
I am fairly sure ass pimples are not actually acne to begin with. Infected follicles from wearing tight underwear of certain materials that rub against the skin is something I've heard.
No. 402412
>>402391nta, but some colossal retards in this thread have admitted or implied they DO flush the wipes, and it’s a lot more common than you think. people are fucking stupid and think just because something fits down
their plumbing that it’s safe to flush it, it’s not just baby wipes, but you also get retards who dump solvents, chemicals, and shit like fucking bacon grease down the drain. which leads to the inevitable formation of a fatberg.
No. 402421
>>402058I'd never heard of a rice cooker before I started looking up cooking recipes on internet…
We just cook our rice in a kettle, I don't see the need to have different appliances for everything.
No. 402451
>>402433>>402421I translated wrongly, the correct word was cooking pot lol
The rice comes in little sacks. I don't like rice but this is how my mom and friends cook it.
No. 402460
>>402454Yeah and we have like 3 threads about celebrities.
>>402444A lot of people poop more than once a day Anon… They also poop at work. Also IBS is a thing.
No. 402609
>>402461Peeing and pooping are two completely different things. Liquid exits the body much faster than solid food because it doesn’t have to be broken down as much. I think most people pee more than they poop.
>>402557That’s what I do too. If you shower once a day you shouldn’t need baby wipes or bidets. Baby wipes are for the weak and bidets are for anal (pun intended) germaphobes.
No. 402649
>>402645Yes, it's a developing country.
Not first world. Developing
No. 402651
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>>402649>>402648Self hating americans are so embarrassing. Quit acting like a betacuck.
No. 402656
>>402651yeah bc u cant judge ur own country without being self hating
stfu. u may not have it but its important to have critical thinking
No. 402671
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>>402667Based sweetheart Canadian
No. 402694
>>402667Hi, another Canadian here. I don’t always get it either. I suspect it’s America’s foreign policies.
The only reason I wear a little Canadian flag when I travel is because Americans get a lot of shit from Europe/elsewhere. The reaction when people find out whether you’re Canadian vs American can be… palpable.
Like I’m not going to scream about Brexit to some random British tourist and I don’t know why people from other countries do that kind of shit to Americans.
No. 402714
>>402702From Serbia, Bosnia, or Croatia.
See NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
No. 402734
>>402717no, and we also have internet in my country
No. 402756
>>402734Yes, I know you do. You said 90s, and I didn't say technically you live there :^). Just that if something is in the 90s it's that country, because I consider end of 1999 event not 90s, most (I assume you are?) Bosnians I know say 2000 but
>diasporas I loathe that country more than you do btw, I just thought you were a diaspora living comfily in Usa, my bad for assuming.