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No. 40341
"Kawaii/attractive white/black/asian/etc. girl" threads are now designated hugboxes. This means negative racial posts or images are no longer allowed in those kinds of threads. This includes posting blatantly unattractive people.
Examples of posts that are disallowed:
>>40242 (elderly black woman with teeth missing; deleted)>>40065 No. 40347
>>40341All of me wants these types of threads to die out.
I'll take what I can get.
>>40346It's /b/, not shitpost central. Don't mix up 4chan's /b/ and /b/ in general, anything goes in /b/, just don't shit up the place. Same thing happened with the r9k infestation.
No. 40351
>>40346>>40348Racist-chan shitposter is that you.
Also this needed to be done. Admin obviously has some kind of aversion to moving these threads to /g/ and just because they're on /b/ it doesn't give people licence to run riot, destroy perfectly good threads and bring the overall quality of the board down to cuckchan's level.
No. 40352
>>40346The problem in this case is that people make threads with a certain purpose and don't want to see them filled with lots of spam. You can't really expect them to hide their own thread.
Rules around race-related threads and comments in other /b/ threads are still relatively lax.
>>40344I'd prefer to keep them in /b/, since the specific nature of the thread subject is more likely to incite drama. A general purpose "all kawaii girls" thread can go in /g/.
>>40343I'll delete the spam in the black girls thread.
>>40348The examples in my OP should make it clear what is and isn't allowed.
No. 40355
>>40354/g/ already is a "safe space", sort of.
I may change my mind and just lock all "kawaii X girls" threads in the future, but I'd like to try this for now.
No. 40356
>I'll delete the spam in the black girls thread.Urgh ty I really appreciate this actually because I like to scroll through those opening up random pics and saving them if I find them inspirational and it's awful having to dodge all of the spam pictures.
Also fucking kek that racespamming shitposter sat and wasted 3 hours straight doing that today and now all of their work is about to be undone.
No. 40369
>>40355every time i see admin posts my heart starts pounding and tears of divine inspiration stream down my face
he is the messiah who leads us through dark times and into the light
praise be to st.admin, all-wise angel of justice and reason
No. 40509
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ugh, this place is literally becoming pull.
No. 40515
>>40486Nearly 100% of the race-baiting posts are from users who have posted here for at least 4 months. In many cases, over a year. It's not the robots.
>>40509You can be as racist as you like. Just make your own threads instead of spamming other people's.
No. 40587
>>40352So now we can't post unpopular opinions? Why are you policing things that don't need to be policed?
I always thought knowing when to butt in and not was what made you a great mod.
I can't believe you let people crying about their feelings dictate how you moderate.
No. 40588
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>>40509I agree.
No. 40592
>>40589>>40588>>40587Unhappy you gusy can't shit up other people's threads with unnecessary, deliberately inflammatory spam? Tough luck.
You're not banned from posting racist shit all the time, just in these threads specifically, which is the last place they belong, so shut the fuck up.
No. 40593
>>40592The fact that you need 'safe spaces' on a random image board is even more pathetic.
Get some thicker skin you whiny bitch or go to reddit/pull/tumblr where you have bitches sucking your clit 24/7
No. 40603
>>40599I would hardly define it as coming for the racist-chans, after all you can still happily go to /pt/ or /snow/and call someone an ugly nigger, and there's even right now a "racism general" thread right here on /b/.
This is more like saying "quit being a cunt and stop shitposting in these threads."
No. 40633
>>40593It's not about you shit-gobbling cunt, it's about not letting some idiots run around bring the entire quality of the board down to your insect level.
How the fuck does it benefit the board shitting up a reasonable and perfectly good thread with irrelevant opinions?
You fucks complain about selfposting all the fucking time, how is barging into a completely random thread and spewing about how much you hate black people not selfposting?
Babbies sad because Admin won't let you turn this into /r9k/ or Cuckchan's /b/ 2.0? Cri moar faggot.
No. 40638
>>40603>>40632>>40635OK it seems I'm not a very effective communicator, legbeards = rascist-chans
The whole thing kind of reminds me of gamergate-"it's not about sexism, it's about ethics in video game journalism!" Similarly, everyone's flipping out and going "it's not about racism, it's about freedom of speech!"
I'm sick of these people shitting up threads as well with anti-black sentiment as well.
No. 41484
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>>41425What's fucking lame is not being able to have a nice, normal thread revolving around beauty and inspiration without having you faggots continuously fucking invade them to spread opinions nobody ever goddamn asked for in the first place.
If you morons could execute even a modicum of self control we wouldn't even have this problem in the first place.
Censorship like this thing I hate the most but it was actually me that petitioned Admin this in the end because I was sick of you fucks inability to keep your retarded, pitiful emotions inside your head where they belong and instead felt it necessary to have to come into other people's threads, open your mouth and start projecting textual diarrhoea every where.
No. 41486
>>41484You can have nice and civilized threads.
Just not on /b/ - RANDOM
No. 41487
>>41486Yeah well we're not allowed to make the kawaii <insert race here> girls threads anywhere but /b/ so tough tiddays.
I personally want admin to move them to /g/ but he won't for whatever reason.
No. 41488
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>>41486Actually with this new rule you CAN have them on /b/.
Also, it's really not that big of a deal. Just post your racism somewhere else. Simple.
No. 41519
>>41501Admin and the mods will stop me.
All racial discussion is banned within /g/.
It is frustrating that Admin won't make this the exception tbh because these threads do not belong on /b/ at all.
Maybe I will try and take it up with him again but he seems to be a stubborn guy.
No. 41586
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also this
>>41583 No. 42734
>>42707I've said what I had to say in
>>40405. I for one do not believe those threads are honestly just about "appreciating beauty" or whatever they claim, I think they're desperately competing with one another. But I might be wrong and you'll definitely know better than anyone else.
I feel like they're slowing down now though, or maybe I just got used to and don't notice the threads as much anymore. So while I'm definitely not against banning them still, I don't care to desperately beg you for any bans now.
No. 42786
>>42707>firstEh, I agree they might fit better in /g/. Would hopefully mean less shitposting.
>secondI personally think there should be a rule against this because it's irritating as all fuck, but people will probably think the board is too strictly moderated if it actually gets made. It's /b/, after all.