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No. 403768
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My parents are divorced and both of my older sibling moved to different cities, so I have been living only with my mom in a big, but always half-unfurnished house 4km away from the city.
First, my flatmates are my age and it's kinda depressing how this place started to feel much more like home than my mom's house.
Second I could study/do projects in my own pace, without having to hear constant complaints how I will not pass and that I'll see that she's right.
I can cook my own stuff in a healthy way + learning it gives me satisfaction. Also have been hearing how irresponsible I am and how I will not make it.
Finally can avoid hearing mom talking about dad and his current life + her alt-right political beliefs.
Main con is the feeling of loneliness once all flatmates return home for the summer/winter holidays, so you're left on your own for months with no close friends in your current place.
No. 404207
I am the eldest of 8 children. All of us are adopted but only 2 sets of us as blood related. While my mother was gracious enough to give us a second chance, she really was not well equipped in handling the lot of us that started developing mental illnesses. Some of us children came from mothers who used drugs in utero.
My second sister has bi polar disorder, 2 of my brothers and the other sister have RAD or reactive attachment disorder. It's a social developmental disorder that occurs when a child is growing up in a dysfunctional and negligent home life. They never truly develop anything like love for their family members and are sociopathic. My blood related brother, we think, may have Asperger's. So imagine living with my mom and these siblings, with a dad who was a alcoholic who lied up until I was 15 that he was "working at a marina" doing boat renovations when in reality he was "borrowing money" and drinking with friends all day. I already had a hard time living with the fact my mom had to place safety precautions all over and that when I walked in the door, drama would ensue instantly. I was the eldest but I felt guilted, obligated to help my mother survive. I had no friends coming over to visit and if they did I had to lie to them so they could come over on a "safe day" where I knew my parents would be out with my siblings. Some of my siblings at this time were stealing expensive items or food to trade at school, shitting in bags and hiding them in the sand of the basement (a walkthru, dont remember what it was called), puking and pissing all over then hiding it out of fear my parents would find it, beating eachother up, terrorizing the school and overall causing a living hell for us siblings that did not do fucked up shit.
I eventually left home for college the first time and I was so happy. It was art college, so at the moment I felt like I could change the world or at least work on a team to archive/preserve art. However, I ran out of money and my mother convinced me to not take another loan to finish my degree. I was bummed. My depression and insomnia developed into something more severe. Moving back home was even worse, since my mom found a new boyfriend and he had a hard time controlling his anger around my siblings while I was out. They were together for a long time before breaking up but I still felt like our families wouldn't mesh.
I had and still have a hard time developing relationships. I always wanted out of the house, to be with friends, but those friends in school eventually left me behind for "rich kid colleges". I felt like normal was something to be achieved, but I remained a neet and when I did go back to my mother's, it was death. My mom still talks to me about the drama but I put my foot down and told her to stop talking to me about it. Now I've been living with my boyfriend for 5 years in the West Coast and it's been okay. I still have issues, I still struggle at work or in social spaces, have a good cry at home and get up the next day to try again. Therapy helped but I still want to kill myself. Actually, right now, I'm feeling not too great. I used to have so much enthusiasm but when you go so long living by yourself and thinking about fucked up shit that's been done to you you kind of lose your power.
Sorry this is so long and dumb, I just went through alot and I am glad I live away from my family.
No. 406767
>>404207That sounds like a rough as fuck upbringing anon. Im glad you were able to get out of the situation. Do you think it would help to look at ways to finish your degree? (I understood from your post that you didn’t get to finish.) I know at my lowest, having something motivating me to keep going was helpful. I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time.
As for OP, I love living alone. I’ve had roommates since I moved out and it’s nice just having my cats lol. I made sure to fill the silence a bit with music or TV, or just talking to myself (lol). You’ll adjust quickly.
No. 424288
I began living alone at 18 after being homeless for nearly a year after leaving my (mentally and physically) abusive family home (too old for foster care, too young for most shelters/hostels). I skipped between friends, sympathetic family (some wouldn't talk to me because I'd accused my parent of abuse), floors, sofas, hospitals. I guess I didn't realise how much it had fucked me up until I was suddenly on my own in this little apartment with no one, just my own thoughts. I didn't manage very well at all the first year, being on my own was hard - not like, managing bills or the household for the first time, but trying to deal with the mental stuff. I was hospitalized a few times for short periods, and eventually a social worker realised that being somewhere so isolated was really affecting me so helped me move to somewhere near a station so I wasn't just stuck indoors with my thoughts most of the time.
That was 10 years ago - I'm about to move from living with friends to my own place now (friends getting married). I have anxieties that my mental health will get worse on my own but I guess I also have 10 years of coping mechanisms and growth on top this time .