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No. 40721

What's up with all the race threads?

I mean, you're fat and ugly, acting like you're more attractive as a virtue of your 'attractive' race is not actually going to make you look attractive.

It's like fat girls who talk about having big tits, or PT harping on about her bootyful eyes. They're nice features in isolation, but they don't necessarily make someone attractive. Just because you have chocolate skin or blue eyes or straight black hair doesn't mean you're more attractive.

Beauty is a healthy nice body, a quick mind, a good personality, mental hygiene, taking care of your skin/hair etc.

Just because you're black/white/asian/blue doesn't mean you're anything like those models you're posting in your threads.

You all need to calm down.

Sincerely, an actual racist.

No. 40722

yes yes very good so much inspiring

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