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No. 42226
>>42223haha seriously? most of the people i know who have got fb use it for contacting old school friends.
like it was bad when everyone was 17, had 1000+ "friends" and wouldnt shut up about drinking underage
No. 42240
>>42223Like god forbid you keep up with family and old friends. Nah it's too mainstream lmao
Holy fuck do I hate people like you.
No. 42242
>>42240>people don't like what i like wahhhyou sound insecure and took that post way too personally. not a word was said about anon thinking it's "mainstream"
seek help for your anger management issues. why are the majority of people on this site plain stupid and uppity?
No. 42251
>>42249There wasn't a hint of salt in that but ok. If you read that as salty, you're the only person who is actually salty about anything. Stay mad, sperglord.
>>42247Right. Sounds like a personal problem between the text and the reader. Not my problem that everyone quickly turns everything into something negative. Get over yourselves.