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No. 4209
Off topic discussion goes here.
/pt/ thread is
>>>/pt/81436 No. 4212
>>4211Isn't she full on "SJW", now?
Deleted her edgier videos and regularly shits on her old channer fanbase, from what I heard.
No. 4213
>>4211probably because of the POMF POMF POMF sicko video. thats why i hate her anyway. because its so fucking disgusting and pedophiliac (srsly pedos are the only thing i hate on this planet) but at the same time it is catchy and gets stuck in your head. i hate her sooooooooooooo much for that. god fucking damn it it's in my head again.
anywa tl:dr; she was pedobait who now regrets her pedophiliac ways because she turned full on SJW
No. 4214
>>4213I don't care about that, she's just so goddamn annoying and fake. First she was trying to impress /a/ with her stupid lewd loli act and now she's trying to impress tumblr with her SJW angel act. made me laugh.
No. 4215
>>4214i just made her some money clicking that link and watching it.
thanks, anon. probably nyanners herself.
No. 4216
>>4214>>4213This and her fans will eat that shit up.
She's not funny.
No. 4221
>>4217Eh, even if that's true I don't think Nyanners herself knew that, didn't some other dirty weeaboos write those lyrics? Not defending her, I still think the bitch needs to slit her wrists and bleed out on her ~kawaii~ bathroom floor.
You don't need to freak out, calling it "loli" isn't justifying it in any way and no one is defending pedophilia. Don't look so hard for something to be so upset over.
No. 4225
>>4221dude are you dumb
any one who knows what sex is is smart enough to know what the lyrics meant… are you serious?
"t's so much fun to help out in the dormitory
and be a super moe and generic loli
"I wanna do something for you" Oniichan said
I gasped and said "what are we going to do on the bed?"
oh no oh no
what's this sticky stuff on me?
They play with me until
I smell like salty coins and milk"
like please tell me you aren't that fucking dense. only a complete literal retard would not understand what is going on there. i don't have to "look hard" to find something to be upset over when you're literally trying to downplay some bitch who sings "STOP STOP touching me, it's making me feel all funny" lmao
No. 4226
Yep… definitely not obviously about fucking a loli. :^)
No. 4228
>>4227"I don't think Nyanners herself knew that"
Why are you defending her? Do you not understand the premise of this board?
No. 4234
>>4233That and her fans give her almost 2k a month for vids, cons, and paying off her student loan.
Like bitch just get a real job you lazy sack of shit.
No. 4240
>>4238Whaa, when was it deleted??
>>4239I just want to bring attention to one of Nyanners' "friends" that I absolutely despise. I had a friend that was friends with her cuz he was a fan of Nyanners and wanted to use her to talk to her, so he added her to our calls sometimes and.. No. 4242
>>4240I think this was years ago before 4chin fell in love with her.
Also how is that funny. How do people find that shit funny. I'm not some prude and enjoy sex jokes but that shit is nasty.
No. 4247 nietzsche on the desk next to those pathetic mousepads are you kidding me
what kind of fucking idiot does she think is going to be impressed with her reading nietzsche
the fake shaky hands i hate this bitch goddamn
No. 4248
>>4247Oh my god I can't stand the type of fake "otaku" she is
The whole forced liking moe loli anime girls for guys attention thing
No. 4250
>>4249 just average, but actually pretty ugly
she looks like this long faced trap i spoke to a few times on omegle
No. 4252
>>4251in a few pics, but remember, angles
in straight on pictures (op pic is deceiving) she looks so weird
No. 4254
>>4253>>4252Deceived by angles again.
Is there any candids of her at all?
No. 4256
>>4255in some pics she really does look ok but then she does that weird smile where she looks so fucking 'touched', you know? i thought maybe she had fucked up teeth, but they appear to be normal
the only way she can look cute is w those weirdass angles/stupid faces
No. 4262
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>>4219>>4217Holy shit that's terrible I had no idea.
I thought it was from the hentai she got the image and some other lyrics from. I really had no idea.
No. 4264
>>4263Because not liking 2d cp is strange.(ok buddy)
She has no personality so she has to jump onto whatever is hot atm.
Which when you look at most of these cows they don't have a personality so they have to hop on what's hot.
No. 4267
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>>4261>saltyI bet you're the type of cunt who says "smh" too.
No. 4269
>>4263>>4266>>4261i didn't know being on tumblr was a prerequisite to finding cartoon porn where 6 year olds take it up the ass disgusting. even if it was legal in my country it would still be disgusting because unlike you people, i don't take pleasure in watching children get raped.
this thread is clearly filled with fucking neckbeards and pedophiles crying "moralfag!!!!"
…who are probably the same people who are the first to complain when people are racist or "~~whorephobic~~" (made up word)
No. 4271
You let those retards, who can't even leave their house, control you?
No. 4274
>>4272an over stylized drawing where a child ends up having sex with an adult
do you not know what happens to loli characters or something…
>>4273tumblr is crazy.. ive been called whorephobic by tumblrfags on this board for not wanting my future children to grow up and be prostitutes lmao
No. 4277
>>4275>>4274Not everyone is a faggot who cares about cartoon children, anon.
In any case, if you want to fight about the morals of 2D shit, make a /b/ thread about it
No. 4278
>>4277we dont care about cartoon children, we just dont want to associate with pedophiles such as yourself.
there are no "morals" here, pedophiles are just sick degenerates. you're a sick degenerate.
No. 4279
>>4277so I can write a detailed story about a child getting brutally raped and it's fine because said child is fictional? nothing wrong with a grown man saying all the nasty things he would do to a character who is very clearly a child in every aspect?…. but yknow.. the child isn't real so it's perfectly okay!!
get help lol
No. 4280
>>4278Not giving a fuck makes you a pedophile? Okay, friend
>>4279Write whatever you want, it's a free world. Just don't hurt people or be a shitty person.
No. 4281
>>4280The only people who spend time defending pedophiles are pedophiles. :-)
>don't hurt people or be a shitty person.Yeah. Don't be a shitty person. i.e. a fucking pedo.
No. 4286
>>4268You must be weak.
I've reblogged a few social problems cause I can relate to them, and I reblogged a few things from ferguson, but I really just post what I like, never once received hate. But then again I don't follow stupid fucking people on tumblr and have no problem with blocking people.
No. 4287
>>4213murder: a-okay
attracted to something taboo (and not your fault): evil
No. 4289
>>4287'taboo', 'not your fault'
hello pedo and/or pedo apologist.
'not your fault' maybe that's why pedophilia is seen as a fucking mental illness.
No. 4292
>>4289thats my point, they didnt choose to be attracted to kids and that's all a pedo is
if they act on it then they are rapists/molestors/whatever
No. 4293
>>4268not true i've had a tumblr for the longest time and never reblog any of that sjw bullshit nor do i post anything about it maybe thats why i don't get any hate messages or threats regarding that
also on the whole pedophile thing i think it's one thing to be into shota/loli because it's anime not real. however if you do act out on those thoughts and look at real kids you do have a problem
No. 4299
>>4295alright so saying you want to rape someone and describing how you would do it isn't fucked up because you didn't actually harm someone?? still makes you a disgusting shit stain of a person… what about that is so hard to comprehend?
I'm sure everyone has at some point had thoughts of harming someone or wishing harm on someone, just because people have these thoughts does not mean it's ok. i think most mentally sound people would have sense enough to realize what they just thought and go 'woah, too far. thats not okay'
No. 4300
>>4299just an aside, I never intended to go full moralfag here. initially I just thought it was ridiculously hypocritical of nyanners to hop on the sjw bandwagon but continue with all of this pedo pandering loli bullshit
…. but apparently to some people it's not pedophilic because it's sexualizing ~stylized drawings~ and not causing physical harm to anyone. even though, yknow.. there is still tons and tons of sex trafficking of young girls, specifically Asian girls, but I'm sure loli porn has absolutely nooooooo impact on the demand for it at all. nope not at all obviously the only people into loli porn think every real girl is 3dpd.
No. 4301
>>4298On one hand, the Tumblr/Twitter crazy brigade seems hellbent on doxxing the shit out of anybody that dares to defy their lunacy.
On the other, that's a blatant "please save me /a/ onii-chans" post aka she's looking for white knights.
>>4300Well, there's people that defend Lena Durham's right to bugger her sister and publish a book about it because she's on the "in" crowd, I mean, "the mythical bond between all women" so….
No. 4304
>>4299If you're writing in a journal or online in graphic detail how you want to violate someone physically or sexually, you deserve to be put away somewhere.
I know not all people act upon these instincts they supposed have, but i don't think we should take our chances.
No. 4316
>>4313lel, i'm the one who wrote the other post you're referencing. you're not going insane. there is definitely at least three of us if this isn't you
>>4315pedo-anon is just maaaaad that not everyone is a pedo like (s)he is
No. 4317
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jesus fucking christ do you people have a mental disorder? loli porn is about as pedophilic as GTA is murderous. No one gets raped in the making of 2d loli porn, and no one gets killed in the making of GTA. You fucking moralfags, please castrate yourselves and save our genepool.
>muh sex trade
>muh cp
2d loli porn has absolutely nothing to do with 3d CP or illicit sex trade, anymore than GTA has to do with real life gang activities and murderous rampages. It's all a fucking fiction. Mere pixels. Get the sticks out of your asses, you retarded cunts. you niggers are no better than the fucking sjw's.
>ur a loli apologist!
>you want to sexualize MUH CHILLUNS!
No, but I'm not stupid enough to confuse 2d and 3d, like you dumbasses are.
screaming about it doesn't make you right, you cunts. imagining it is ok. acting on it is not. get a fucking clue.
Jesus christ, you guys are as much of a lolcow as nyanners. Grow some fucking balls, you guys think like bitchy women.
No. 4318
>>4317Lolicons think irl kids are cute and secretly want them.
Shut the fuck up, 90% of lolicons i've seen (and i've seen hundred) like little girls irl or like girls irl that are flat-chested, act and look like a children.
They're fucking sick.
and you cannot compare violence in videogames with this disgusting shit.
go cry because people considers you as a pedo.
I use to think like you until I talked to lolicons. They're fucking disgusting, just like idol otakus.
No. 4323
>>4322Who cares if it's cp or not cp
Pedos are still pedos, they should still be humiliated and laughed at.
No. 4329
>>4328idk liking loli isn't daddy issues at all
maybe liking like dd/lg can be that tho
No. 4335
>>4334imo there is a difference between the way that weebs like lolis (trying to emulate them and shit because ~OMG SO KAWAII~) and the way cheeto-encrusted neckbeards like lolis (jerking off while they think about jizzing in and imaginary 11 year olds ass)
if you can't tell the difference you are truly disturbing
No. 4336
>>4317>2d loli porn has absolutely nothing to do with 3d CP or illicit sex tradeExcept when lolicon artists literally trace 3D CP to make their art.
See: Rustle. He even references CP by adding "PTHC" to his pieces randomly (I only know this thanks to /a/ threads calling him out).
I actually don't care about lolicon, but denying CSA content and fictional CSA content are connected in any way is some kind of retarded.
No. 4337
>>4326lolicons like irl children and girls irl that act and look like children.
i talked to a dozens of lolicons and they all do that shit.
they're all pedofiles and don't expect people to have sympathy for pedos because MUH FEELINGS ITS ONLY A DRAWING GUIZEEE LEAVE ME ALONE@!!!!!!!!
No. 4339
>>4337yep lolicons are literally fucking disgusting, i've heard them talking about going to asia and buying child sex slaves… even if its just a joke i don't fucking care, they're complete utter fucking nonces who don't deserve to live
maybe some of you think its ~~sooper edgy~~ to think about fucking children but the rest of us over here in the real world think you are literally fucking broken inside. only a broken person would look at a kid (or something that looks childlike) and get his dick hard
No. 4340
>>4339this is prob a lie. i know only a handful of lolicons and they do not like children at all and would never abuse a child. lolis arent even necessarily children just small and petite
ive also NEVER heard anyone lolicon or racist or asshole or normal fag make a joke about asian child sex slaves…NEVER…no one is this retarded except pure autist but most likely someone in your made up story
this has to be some psycho tumblr samefag. i cant believe anyone would be this insane
No. 4341
>>4340the funniest part is its not even a samefag, pedo. there are a lot of people out there who are not pedos like yourself^_^
>no one is this retarded except pure autist but most likely someone in your made up storydude there are screencaps on this very fucking board where people are talking about buying child sex slaves and how much it would take to raise them etc. lurk more newfag
No. 4342
>>4341I saw those, on that camwhores site. but you said you heard it yourself so that made it 90% unbelievable to me because again almost no one unless they are full autist would say this esp IRL
I'm not a pedo. why do you get so mad and put little passsive aggressive faces. I don't like child porn nor do I read loli child porn.
You don't seem to understand that loli isn't just used to describe animated/drawn child sex/sexual things it is also used to describe petite/cute/smaller girls of any age. It doesn't mean the girl is in grade school, or like 2 years old. Its something some people get from anime, there are a lot of cute small shaped girls who are considered 'loli' like but are not children.
No. 4345
I'm just going to remake this thread. Keep all loli and off topic discussion to /b/.
New /pt/ thread is
>>>/pt/81436 No. 4424
>>4411>Rustle doesn't traceNope, I'm pretty sure at least one person has recognized some of the poses in his drawings from actual CP, and other people have said you can't get the kind of floors in the background scenery without tracing. I only remember it was him because of the whole "Dem floors though" debacle, really.
He denied it, though, and people felt bad and backed off because he was being very self-pitying rather than outright offensive about it.
No. 4455
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>>4424>at least one person has recognized some of the poses in his drawings from actual CPdid no one call this guy out?
No. 4460
>>4424jesus christ……………..
people TRACE child pornography and that is how they make loli?
i thought they imagined it or some shit. i had no idea it was traced in some cases. that is actually disgusting. holy shit.
No. 4466
>>4456Oh, well, I guess that explains it then.
>>4460I thought they just drew it too. tbh must be a bunch of shit artists if they need to trace shit
No. 4467
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>>4219…What? Salty milk and coins originated from pic related.
I'm about 99% sure the whole kid describing her rape thing is from some bullshit tumblr story.
No. 12838
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Has anyone trolled her yet? I feel like all four of /cow/'s threads about her were gossip along with underutilized (but funny) plots to piss her off.
No. 12859
>>4506/r9k/ makes me think all men are like this
it disturbs me