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No. 423809
What philosophers are farmers into? how do you all see the world? I used to be really into philosophy but my attention span has been pretty bad recently, so I'm mostly just skimming over the ones I've already read.
>>Meme philosophers
is pretty bad outside of the three meditations he's most famous for. The latter meditations are absolute christian sophistry and go against the skepticism he's most famous for
>Edgy French fagits
Camus and Sartre come across to me as pretentious whiners, a lot of their writing is long winded, self serving and bloated. The obfuscation and sophistry I picked up reading the myth of Sisyphus pretty much stopped me from continuing. I also dislike how they basically play up the whole bohemian philosopher thing in their personal lives, it comes across as insincere posing, most people grow out of that shit in their teens and early twenties.
Not a meme philosopher, I'm just too stupid to understand the critique of pure reason. But all the philosophers I like praise him highly, and he's considered to be essential, so like, I dunno.
>>Gud philosophers
>EPIK-TEETUS and Marcus Aurelius
Good for practical solutions and simply written. A few assumptions must be made (God exists, the universe is logical, etc). But reading these guys puts my life into perspective and helps me through my day
>Hume and the other British empiricists
Well structured, well written and easy to understand. They're enjoyable reads. Hume especially stands out as the strongest of the empiricists.
'The world as Will and Representation' is pretty cool, ties into Buddhism and Hinduism, built off the metaphysics of Kant and creates an elaborate and radical interpretation of reality that covers every single subject. Perhaps the most pessimistic philosopher that ever existed, but it's not 'woe is me' self wankery like with Camus.
No. 424007
>>423809>Edgy French fagots like SartreOh my god I agree… Sartre is just re-heated atheist Kierkegaard. His plays are okay though.
>KantI like Kant. He had a weirdly modernistic way of viewing philosophy. Using reason to see reason's failures.
>>Gud philosophersWittgenstein! I also love modern philosophers who dwelve into other subjects like art and sociology ie Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno (almost all of Frankfurt School tbh) and some french philosophers like Althusser and Guy Debord. I like Foucault because he made some really interesting points but I'm kinda becoming disgusted by him because of all the tumblrfags who havent read him and just meme him out.
No. 424325
>>423818I'll admit being biased towards this view. I like stoicism but I can't say any other philosophical text has really convinced me one way or the other or been personally beneficial on an individual level.
The only philosophy I've been keen on is political philosophy, not sure if we can talk much about it on lolcow since its a pretty apolitical place. I like Henry George fwiw.
No. 424390
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Thoughts on Stirner?
No. 424549
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>>424347Economics, computer science, biology, physics, even "soft" sciences like sociology or psychology.
Philosophy dates back from a time when formal sciences weren't a thing. Its initial purpose was to understand the world which is why a lot of ancient philosophers also did maths or medecine.
What was worthy about their philosophic work has already made its way into formal science (for example Descartes' scientific method), the rest is mostly mental masturbation on ethics, God, and conscience, and often riddled with misogyny for many philosophers.
No. 424865
>>424855>>4248611. The Apology
2. Euthyphro
3. Protagoras
4. The Republic
If you enjoyed all of those, philosophy is definitely something for you. The Republic can be a bit boring or strange in the middle though.