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No. 425795
>>4257861000 for vape juice (Koi brand, tropical Popsicle flavour is bomb) but i dont really notice anything unless i hit it really hard. that being said i have lung problems so i take pretty small breaths otherwise i have coughing fits but the KOI juice is pretty punchy and even my husband who has smoke regular cigarettes since he was like 17 coughs when he hits my vape lol.
I also have some "just CBD" brand candies that make getting to sleep really easy. theirs 1000 MG in the whole container but like 10-13mg per candy. the directions say not to eat more than 2 in a 6 hour period but i only really feel anything if i eat 4-5
>>425777you dont get high from CBD at all, even if you consume a ton of it the only thing ive ever noticed is a really slight bit of that tingly skin feel you get from thc. i also find that regular CBD is a lot more effective if youve had thc within a couple days.
over all it makes the pain i feel in my joints and migraines feel a lot more "superficial" like i could totally ignore it instead of being wracked by it. it also makes me less jumpy which ive only really noticed when playing video games. and it makes sleeping through the night a lot easier.
its a pretty subtle change though, it doesnt feel like youre "on" anything it just kinda mutes pain/stress or "flattens" it if that makes any sense.
No. 425822
I love it. I use purekana and it works for my anxiety like a charm. Some drops under the tongue help my ptsd too.
>>425777Not comparable at all. Thc is still way better than taking only cbd in terms of medical issues.
No. 426061
>>425863Is that the combined or mini pill? I've read that it's less of a problem if you're on the mini pill.
I'm also thinking about it for my bf but some sources online say it could potentially increase suicidal thoughts and that terrifies me. Should I really try something that has so little information out there?
No. 426159
>>426061im on a combination pill, specifically aviane.
i havent noticed any change at all in the occurrence of my depressive episodes, they still happen once every few months and last about 2 weeks with no change in intensity.
of course that could just be how my body reacts to CBD. if you have suicidal thoughts just stop taking it. it could really help you if you experience a lot of pain or panic attacks but you'll never know if you dont try it.
just keep a healthy mindset of "i am trying something new that can cause harmful thoughts, if I experience those thoughts i have the knowledge to know whats causing it, and i can remove it from my system by not taking any more."
No. 426374
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For anons looking for a vaporizer rec, I got an Iolite a year ago. They ran a 50% off sale for the 4th of July (despite being in Ireland).
I needed a new vape for flower. Butane power is actually much simpler than fussing with chargers and batteries. I ordered a quality grinder and extra screens since everything was on sale.
I don't have experience with their pens. chose it on rec from one of our semi-reg cows. And here we are full circle.
No. 426466
>>426374Damn, and I just bought an Arizer (I think I only paid like, $87 so I guess it's ok) because my bullshit Magic Flight Launch Box broke (again). This looks so cute and like a walkie talkie. Kind of kicking myself now.
Heads up to anyone buying a vaporizer, don't buy the MFLB. I bought it many years ago because of their excellent warranty but they reneged and now their warranty only includes the replacement of 2 boxes, and now I've used up all my warranties because it's garbage with 0 temp control, so if you're looking to benefit from certain terpenes, you can't do shit. It's the rinky-dinkiest shit and the batteries take like, 20 hours to charge. Their profit margins must be absolutely insane.
No. 426609
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I did try it for a few days, since I am trying to deal with anxiety.
But the taste is absolutely disgusting, my plan was to take it for about a month, but I ended up dropping it because I needed a fucking ritual to have a few drops without wanting to puke. I would have the drops under my tongue for about 90 seconds while breathing through my mouth, and then drinking a LOT of water to swallow and right after having a strong minty candy. It's that bad.
For that reason, I would recommend getting capsules.
Anyway, I did not really feel anything much different. Sometimes I would feel a bit more relaxed but sometimes I think it's kind of a psychological placebo effect. To be sure, I would have to try to take a capsules for a few weeks to say anything. But I think it is worth to try, it's pretty safe and the most that will happen is that it won't work.