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No. 437295
>>437291I'm aussie too and imo vegemite tastes really good on toast (and crackers), it's great when you don't want something too sweet. You just can't put a tonne of it on like you would jam or peanut butter or whatever. I'm not surprised people consider it gross if they tried to eat it like another spread, but it's really not that weird a food.
Also ham and pineapple pizza is the most popular topping here so that's another thing I've always enjoyed and never once questioned. Ham and pineapple is a staple combination, putting it on dough should not be controversial.
No. 437297
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My personal favourite weird combo is french fries with yellow mustard. I also enjoy black iced coffee with lemon in it, something about that combo just works really well for me, apparently it's an actual drink in some places like Portugal.
I'm of Russian origin and honestly besides the sweets and deserts I can't stand most of the food. Picrel is kholodets which is like meat jello.
Also I always hated liquorice except for those raindow twizzler ones, I only ever got those ones on Halloween.
No. 437305
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>>437297I’m Viet and it’s traditional to eat cold jellied meat on New Years with hot rice. Wouldn’t be surprised if this originated from the north!
No. 437347
>>437314Had to look up fairy bread, I know that as a Dutch thing (hagelslag). Yeah, it's pretty weird, and messy.
We learned in school that spaghetti or beans on toast is something that the English like. It sounds kind of vile.
I ate fried grubs on vacation in Thailand, no idea if that is just something they do for tourists kek. But they were actually pretty good.
No. 437353

I have to confess my guiltiest pleasure. The cheapest instant ramen ever, dry, crushed up with half of a flavour packet. I can eat up to 4 at a time. I have a problem. It's disgusting, but it's the best snack I've ever found and it's like 9p per package.
Other than that?
>Any weird food combos you like?
I used to think that cheese and strawberry jam was weird. It's not that weird. Cheese with honey too. I like the combo of swedish meatballs and cranberry jam too (thanks, IKEA). Nothing really weird, I am not that adventurous.
I am more adventurous with drinks really. Vodka goes with tea. Vodka goes with almost every drink. Except for dairy. Don't think it would taste that bad, but it would get curdled and that's gross. Just. Vodka. Can you tell I am russian yet?
>opinions on controversial foods? (e.g pineapple pizza, liquorice)
Pinapple goes on pizza all day every day, the more pinapple, the better. I hate it when I order a pineapple pizza and there's like 10 half-assed pieces of pineapple.
And I've never really tasted liquorice, I think. Maybe a long time ago. I have zero desire to look for it really. But I wish we had candy corn.
>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?
Yes, I think so. Almost the entire videorelated is slav shit I've rarely seen mentioned outside post-ussr countries. And a lot of it is bad.
Holodets is fucking gross as shit and tastes exactly like what it's made from.
Dressed herring/herring under fur coat is also disgusting to me, it's fish and onion and beets and mayo. Why? Everyone in my family adores it.
We just use so much mayo in everything and I literally want to die every time I see my relatives cook. I am okay with mayo occasionally. But not on every fucking dish and as a substitute for any fucking sauce.
I've never really seen people outside slav countries eating buckwheat porridge or just straight boiled buckwheat as a side dish. It's fairly cheap (tho pricier than most grains) and good for you, a lot of people like it, but I personally don't.
We also have a wide variety of soups that no one outside of slav countries eats and most of them are really gross to me. The only worthwhile are probably borscht, solyanka and okroshka.
The weirdest and grossest one to me is milk soup with noodles.
Most of traditionally russian meat dishes or pastries/deserts I actually adore.
I don't get how one can live without blini or syrniki or zefir. Kotlety and shashlyk can also be incredibly good.
When it comes to processed foods… Weirdly, I don't see hematogen anywhere else. Sure, it's a candy bar made out of cow blood, but it's tasty as hell.
Also doctor's sausage. It's unhealthy as hell and who knows what it's made from really, but there's nothing tastier to me than buttered black bread with a thick slice of doctorskaya and coarse salt. Pashtet is along the same vein. Mystery meats!
>What's the weirdest thing you've eaten, out of experimentation or substitution? did it work?
I think the weirdest thing has to be crickets probably. They tasted real fucking good, so crunchy too. Maybe cow tongue? Or, actually, you know, pine cone succades.
Other than that we don't get many strange foods around here. I've tasted most seafood which can be weird for some russians still (my mom kinda trips out at the mention of sushi lmao) but it's nothing strange by international standarts. Probably the weirdest/shittest things I've eaten is something from the floor. Or licked a table when I spilled something on it. At home, ofc. I am a heathen, I do not care.
No. 437355
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>>437353Your guilty pleasure was a staple in all the kids lunch boxes back when I was in primary school
No. 437358
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>>437355I see russian kids munching on it while going home from school every day basically. 1 small bag of chips buys you 7 of these so it's clear what kids with little to no pocket money would pick.
It's just that I'm not a kid. It's not as bad for you as people would say, but still, it's not good.
I just like instant noodles in general. Picrelated are the best.
Makes me feel silly. I am a competent cook, I can follow 95% of recipes, but I still choose to eat this. And even then I like the cheapest dry noodles almost more than rare/interesting cooked ones.
No. 437362
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>>437355Same here! I remember you could even buy packs of it precrushed and it was incredibly addicting stuff, anyone who brought it to school would be the most popular kid during lunch that day kek. Uncooked ramen is a great snack.
No. 437381
>>437376>>437373I see.
>In 2014, global production of sunflower seeds was 41.4 million tonnes, led by Ukraine with 24% and Russia with 21% of the world total Now I am getting an odd craving for them.
No. 437383
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>Any weird food combos you like?
Hot sauce, chutney or pickle on toast and After Eight sandwiches are probably the 'weirdest' thing I concoct for myself. Nutella inside a tortilla wrap is also pretty good but it's not that outlandish.
>opinions on controversial foods? (e.g pineapple pizza, liquorice)
I don't like liquorice but I fucking love sambuca or aniseed flavoured stuff. I don't like deep dish pizza that much and I avoid ham for other reasons so I'll never get to experience the combo. Strawberries on pizza is surprisingly nice.
>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?
Being introduced to jellied eels, mash and liquor usually upsets people.
>What's the weirdest thing you've eaten, out of experimentation or substitution? did it work?
I tried to create "savoury" porridge once by putting Marmite in it and I was very wrong.
No. 437434
>>437388cruel af but it's not so different from eating oysters and boiling lobsters in the west
french cuisine for example has its fair share of disgusting habits
No. 437456
>>437388I think the reason why it should stop is because people are dumb enough to kill themselves doing it. They swallow the octopus too early before thoroughly chewing it, so when they swallow the octopus-still alive-"suctions" itself in their throats thereby choking and asphyxiating the person.
That said the octopus definitely doesn't have to be alive to enjoy the flesh uncooked. It's really unnecessary.
No. 437498
>>437456>They swallow the octopus too early before thoroughly chewing it, so when they swallow the octopus-still alive-"suctions" itself in their throats thereby choking and asphyxiating the person. The only good thing about the disgusting custom.
I can't imagine anyone willing to eat a breathing animal for funsies being anything but trash. How can you ignore the needless suffering that you are causing and enjoy the meal?
No. 437572
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Here in Lithuania we have this thing that is made out of pig intestines filled with a mix of rice and pigs blood, some people chooses to fill it with mashed potatoes instead, but we always did it traditional way. I actually adore it, since growing up in village, we grew our own meat and my parents viewed it as respectful to consume as much of animal as possible and try to waste nothing.
No. 437576
>>437388because asian countries have ZERO animal cruelty laws and they arent taught to even basic human rights, so animals are basically toys to them. any kinda custom where an animal isnt killed before being cooked is absolutely disgusting and cruel. Nothing more.
>>437498I dont get that either. it sickens me to just make an animal suffer. just kill it and eat it. dont fucking eat it alive, wtf..
No. 437581
>>437572Blood sausages are delicious, i love them. They are called morcillas here, common dish at barbeques.
Chinchurrias (or chinchilin) is a bit more polemic because its the actual intestine were poop comes from. They are very hard to chew.
No. 437595
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I feel like I've eaten a lot of weird foods since going vegan. Things that I wouldn't have tried or even heard of before: tofu, tempeh, natto, kombucha, seitan, quinoa, spelt, hemp everything, spirulina, jackfruit, seaweed, goji berries etc. I know they wouldn't be considered "weird" in their countries of origin but most of the above aren't easy to come by here and it took me a while to get used to the taste/texture of all these things I didn't grow up eating. I currently brew my own kombucha and I'm obsessed.
No. 437610
>>437583I wouldn't go as far as saying that you can taste or smell blood, but the mix of ingredients definitely gives a specific aroma and the interesting thing is that cooked blood gives the whole dish sweetness, but its different from deserts and other sweet snacks.
>>437297In Lithuania we also have these, thought they are usually made in jars and eaten bit by bit, we always have it with hot boiled potatoes.
No. 437613
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deep fried pig lard chips are a popular winter snack in my country
(fellow balkan anons will understand this picture)
No. 437626
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I personally love chicken feet. They are delicious and full of vitamins. Eve simple broth is the best, i liked it better than regular chicken soup, its so good and a great meal when you have soar muscles or a cold and stuff like that.
A lot of people think its weird, but i grew up eating them and can´t possibly imagine why are they any different than any other part of the chicken.
No. 437627
>>437626I'm trying to eat more bone and gelatinous meat.
How do you usually cook them anon? Do you cook enough for them to kind of dissolve or just like regular meat?
No. 437628
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i love the combo of super artificial tasting vegan cheese and instant ramen, topped with roast/dried garlic and onions and hotsauce and habaneros it is so unhealthy but i adore it and eat it atleast once a month.
No. 437632
>>437626Same here anon, from weirder parts I also love to eat cow/pig tongues, kidneys, liver and of course pig tails are criminally under-appreciated.
One time I also had beavers tail and beaver meat…It wasn't good, we cooked it on bonfire and it was purely liquid fat.
No. 437633
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>>437627There´s tons of recipes but I´ve mostly eaten them plain boiled, just as plain boiled chicken. They don´t dissolve or anything, you eat the meat off the bones. You just have to cut the fingernails and peel off the membrane and are good to go to prepare them as you wish.
No. 437638
>>437617Yeah ofc! Seitan is incredible if you haven't tried it before. Tempeh and natto are an acquired taste, they smell really weird too and I wouldn't recommend. I forgot to mention yeast flakes also, which taste kind of nutty and are really nice on pasta even though the name sounds gross. You can get dry, seasoned seaweed as a snack. There's a Korean brand I get that's dried nori lightly seasoned with salt and it's soooooo good with rice and veggies or just by itself. Jackfruit as a substitute for pulled pork is all it's hyped up to be, definitely recommend. Rice cakes are accidentally vegan and they taste kind of like mozzarella when soft. I actually make similar to
>>437628 with spicy ramen, rice cakes, thinly sliced carrots, green onion and it's addictive.
No. 437669
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>>437353It's funny because all the food you don't like I actually grown to like, dressed herring is something that I really like now but I understand why it's off-putting for most people. I understand about how a lot of slav families love putting Mayo on everything, some of my family like eating pelmenis with mayo which I've tried but I wasn't in love with it. The only soup I don't really like is okroshka, not because it tasted bad but because it's a cold milk soup which is sometimes off-putting to me.
But I agree with you on the meats and desserts, top tier foods.
No. 437725
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Any anons ever tried Hakarl? Icelandic national dish, fermented shark. Anthony Bourdain described it as “rancid.”
No. 437728
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>>437727I guess it needs to be fermented too because the flesh of the specific shark used for the food contains an antifreeze compound and a few bites of the fresh flesh could kill you. Learn something new every day ig
No. 437898
>>437570Lmao anon I'm half Swedish and every time I visit relatives they serve this up to me. I don't even like bananas on their own but this is pretty good.
>>437632You really have to cook and season beaver tail properly in order to make it edible imo. I've had it quite a few times but I still don't like it, the meat is too tough and thick for me.
No. 438107
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>>437290>Any weird food combos you like?Honey and cottage cheese is pretty good.
>opinions on controversial foods?I fucking love black licorice, and the sad news is that when I was looking up more information about it because of this thread, I found out it's really bad for health. Which shocks me because I always thought it was more of the 'healthful' candies to eat. Apparently licorice poisoning is a thing. I don't wanna fuck with it at all now even though the taste is delicious to me. I always liked it for the fact that it satisfied my sugar cravings without tempting me to binge, it's really hard to overeat licorice.
Well, it's over for me now fam.
Other than that, I love all sorts of offal (I stop short of kidneys, chitlins, and testicles). My favorite is eating raw beef liver. Bone marrow. Livers, hearts, and beef cheeks are my favorite offal types but I'm not opposed to feet and tripe. Tongue is good but it's kind of gross to clean and a chore to make.
I guess I like a lot of hated foods like olives, eggplant, oysters, beets, stinky cheeses, seafood. In fact I like strong fishy flavors so I loved tinned seafoods, salmon roe, uni, and seaweed stuff.
>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?I'm murrican so we basically stole a lot of cuisine. It seems like anything else people consider gross of ours is in the way we deep fry everything and overprocess our meats.
I will say that deep frying unhealthy foods isn't a meme and it legitimately makes them even more delicious. Deep fried oreos are crack. I think people assume the cookie would be really oily but it' actually turns the black part of the cookie into a cake texture and the middle takes on a warm creaminess. Kicks regular oreo ass.
>What's the weirdest thing you've eaten, out of experimentation or substitution? did it work?I had squid ink in pasta. I know it's not uncommon but imo eating "ink" is kind of a weird concept to me. It worked, I just can't describe the flavor.
I've also had fried crickets before and I think they work pretty well as a mainstream meat substitute. I actually wish more people were open to eating bugs since it's environmentally friendly.
No. 438120
>>437304this, but smoked oysters on Ritz with Tabasco or Frank's
I still love sardines though. I can't find them in mustard sauce anymore and it's too bad.
No. 438329
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I shamelessly love durian so, so much. I know it stinks to a lot of people, but the closest thing it smells like to me is gas from a stove… but sweeter in a way. It's so sweet and creamy, I know some people describe it as similar to a custard. I wish I could better describe the taste lol.
My friends always give me so much shit for liking it but it tastes so good and always reminds me of my parents love because they always get it for me whenever they can because they know I love it so much. When I used to go back to Malaysia, my family over there would take me durian picking lol.
No. 438664
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German anon here
>Any weird food combos you like?
I love milk-roll bread with minced meat and onions. It's just.. so freaking tasty and everybody is freaked out immediately. A bun with minced meat isn't unusual as a German, but a milk bun is .. a different story.
No. 438751
>>438739Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are the shit. If I wanted to be fancy I would add some honey or jelly in my sandwiches too. Always with a side of flamin hot Cheetos.
I fucking love mole adobo. I learned how to make some myself and my boyfriend didn't like it so I had a weeks worth of chicken mole tacos. I add way too much sesame and peanut butter to my sauce, but I love it.
I also love peanut butter chicken and frog legs. There's a Chinese buffet I used to go to that served those 2 things and I've gotten full plates with just those things. I need to find another place that makes frog legs.
No. 439184
>>439167>Didn't really know people thought it was weird until my white teacher said that it was disgusting and only people in poor countries eat cow tongue (I live in the US)I´m seething.
>Didn't really know people thought it was weird Not people, just your dumbass teacher.
No. 439215
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>>439167I had a kind of similar experience, but with chicken hearts. They’re amazing grilled and used to be one of my favorite childhood meals. But then people started to call me weird for it and said I’m eating dog food, so I don’t admit it anymore.
I really dislike the mindset of “if it’s not a plain-ass meal I’ve been eating for my whole life, it’s disgusting / weird / poor people food”. Even as a kid I used to get irritated at other children making a show of gagging over seafood or broccoli.
People have no idea how many amazing foods they’re missing out on. Just try anything once!
No. 439219
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>Any weird food combos you like?
I kinda put mustard on anything ever since I discovered Dijon mustard. Also all kind of fruits with plain white bread. Specially cherries.
>opinions on controversial foods? (e.g pineapple pizza, liquorice)
Not a big fan of any. Liquorice is very popular where I live but I never got the taste for it. Pineapple belongs on pizza but not on mine. I just don't like pineapple.
>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?
Pic related, it's delicious but when you pass through the ham area in any big shop it smells like mold and looks disgusting.
Also callos (cow guts stew). Spanish cuisine is pretty greasy and looks disgusting to be honest, but it's still delicious.
No. 439301
>>439266My dad and I are planning on making some baked brie soon and I see a lot of recipes that have you put jam in the middle of the pastry and for some reason the whole cheese/jam combo feels so weird and unsettling to me even though I know it's probably damn good since it's a popular thing.
Maybe I'll put some jam on the side and try it out like that…
No. 439333
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not too wild but I legitimately love little caesar's pizza, even tho my friends endlessly taunt me about how disgusting and bland and shitty it is
the crust is perfect texture. and it's only $5.
No. 439373
>>439333girl how is pizza a weird food
even if it's from little caesars
No. 439393
>Any weird food combos you like?Plain rice with ketchup. I don't know why people find it that weird tbh. I really like the taste of ketchup (specifically Heinz), and plain rice is bland so it gives it an edible consistency without messing with the flavor. If I'm having a lazy day and don't want to cook properly, I just prepare some rice and drown it in ketchup.
>>437722Are you Finnish by any chance?
No. 439526
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my family loves chitterlings (pig intestines) in a hot sauce soup.
i never ate it myself but its a southern (poor) American food. The smell is so pungent and filthy that ive thrown up and had to leave our house (it was one of the few occasions my parents would let me leave) during the whole time they were cooking it.
Ive had fucking durian before and i think it smells MUCH better than the stench of cooking chitlins
No. 439685
>>439559Hm, I would say that it depends on the stinky tofu? I've heard that it's become pretty popular to the point where there's stinky tofu that's not real stinky tofu- it just sort of has the smell but it's more of a superficial thing people try to pass off as actual stinky tofu. That's the only stinky tofu that I can get by me, and while it doesn't really taste bad in my mouth (just sorta like regular plain tofu), the smell lingers in and around my nose and so everything sort of blurs as I eat it. It's good though, I really like it and get cravings for it. It's one of those smells to me that's obviously not a good smell, but I can't get enough of it lol. I'd really like to try actual stinky tofu in Taiwan though.
I've tried natto and the texture is what gets me the most. I know people say it reeks, but it just sort of smells like coffee to me lol. I used to cut up piman and just throw it in there raw for some crunch and it would make it a lot more bearable.
I hate that I have a lot of unadventurous food friends who are even skeeved out by a rare steak. I think Yukhoe (raw beef) is probably one of the tamest things in this thread but a lot of my friends won't eat it with me. I fucking love that shit though.
No. 439769
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>>439167>Not weird but I do put some sort of hot sauce on almost everything I eat, like Tapatio, Sriracha, tomatillos, etc.Oh same. Most people don't comment or think it's too odd but some people think I'm nuts for making almost everything I eat spicy. I don't do it to absolutely everything but hot sauce and chilis are my favorite condiments, besides garlic.
>>439215I had chicken heart once and thought it was pretty damn good, I've intermittently craved it since but haven't bought a container of raw hearts because other people are skeeved out by them and won't share and I can't eat that many before they go bad. I enjoy pâté and liver sausage/liverwurst as well, and most people think that's sorta gross and odd. Tried intestine and didn't like it, maybe it was how it was cooked, same with tongue; gizzard is ok but not something I'd eat unless there was nothing else for protein.
My "weird" things aren't that weird but are pretty regional. I grew up loving to eat rapini or broccoli rabe with pasta, which is a pretty bitter vegetable that didn't become common where I live (America) until kind of recently. I'm from an Italian-American family and my mom would make zucchini squash flowers and carduni (sort of like artichoke) in this mostly eggy batter and I love it, but I realize that eating squash flowers isn't super common in America either, afaik. I don't even know where to buy them other than a farmer's market because my mom gardens so we just picked them ourselves. I think they are used in Mexican cooking too, so I'll have to try Mexican food using zucchini flower.
I'm curious about trying huitlacoche too, which is basically a fungus that grows on corn. It looks pretty good and I eat mushrooms so I don't see it as being too weird, although it sounds "gross" in concept
No. 439880
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I can't keep croutons in my house for salads because I eventually just start eating them from the bag like chips, it's too addicting.
No. 442345
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>>437290>Any weird food combos you like?Dumplings + Ketchup
Icecream + sea salt chips
Naan + peanut butter
>opinions on controversial foods? (e.g pineapple pizza, liquorice)I love pineapple pizza as I do with every other pizza. I don't think the sweetness is too bad… I mean seriously… it's just the typical sweet + savoury combination. Red liquorice is delicious but I don't enjoy black liquorice unless it's a specific kind I once found at a candy store.
>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?Poutine and Nanaimo bars. Poutine is quite gross to me because it ruins what is enjoyable about fries(the crunch!) I don't like gravy or cheese curds so that's probably why I find it gross too. As for nanaimo bars, they are just so sweet in a way that I don't quite enjoy! I feel as if I'm eating chocolate butter and I dislike custard as well.
>What's the weirdest thing you've eaten, out of experimentation or substitution? did it work?Probably dog. Don't hate me. I'm asian and my father took me out for dinner in asia when I was a child and decided to play a joke on me. Told me it was chicken but when I took a bite I immediately noticed the extremely weird taste.
No. 442349
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Mämmi, I also had mämmi ice cream once and it was really good. I also like the coffee flavoured one, and I prefer it cold rather than warm.
It's a traditional Finnish dessert that's become infamous online because it looks like literal shit and most foreigners that aren't me hate it or won't try it.
No. 442367
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>Does your country have any national foods that are kinda gross or internationally unpopular?
I'm Danish and we eat rye bread topped with calf/pig liver paté. Rye bread in itself is unpopular in other countries, but that is mostly because it's dry and people don't know how to eat it. I'm sure most people could be converted to like rye bread if they ate it with the right topping. The liver paté, probably not
No. 442370
>>439215chicken hearts are mostly common where i live in the rural parts, a friend intoduced me to it and the meat is seriously delicious
it was a bit strange considering she kept chicken as pets though, but whatever
No. 442429
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>>442349 good taste, nyymi. I have mine with vanilla sauce, so good.
No. 442438
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>>442349 We have this liver patee kind of stuff too, it's delish. I find it kek worthy how people outside of nordicfags seem to always say "rye bread" and it's something slightly more brown than wonderbread. I'm finnish and I always have my rye bread darkest as possible, it's nearly sweet.
No. 442471
>>442349Mämmi is fucking delicious and foreigners are missing out on it. I have mine with heavy milk or cream.
>>442438This one on the other hand is disgusting. I want my bread to be savory, not sickly sweet like a goddamn pastry.
No. 442479
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>>442367I raise you Swedish liver patee macka. I didn't think there was anything weird about it. Tasty, lots of iron.
No. 442513
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Kalakukko is probably one of the strangest foods from Finland. Rye bread with fish & bacon filling. (Sometimes also pork) No. 442653
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Dormice are a traditional dish in Slovenia. Apparently they're delicious, a friend tried them when he went there. In my country they just spread tetanus.
No. 442661
>>437613This pic is hilarious anon.
> Soka nema in nikada ga neće ni biti!Keked
No. 443378
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>most disgusting
Tripe soup and fried brains, I'm all for using up the entire animal if you're going to kill it but tripe is just vomit inducing and thinking about eating brains makes my head hurt
>weirdest food that I actually enjoy
Probably "milk soup", it used to be really popular in schools etc here and apparently most people hate it but I still crave it from time to time. It's literally just salted milk with pasta and butter
No. 443431
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anybody tried mustard ice cream?
No. 443542
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>>443378god, milk soup is the root of my issues with respecting authority figures, it's vile and we were borderline force fed it in kindergarten. But I do understand you on craving that typical school cafeteria food, I really miss fried pasta with mince (макароны по флотски) altho it's such a gross greasy meal. also a slice of pan fried doctors sausage with rice and ketchup - the worst/saddest cafeteria meal I've had to date but somehow I
want it.
No. 443780
>>443542Where I live now this is called goulash and it is hella tasty! Pasta with ground beef and some sort of tomato-based sauce.
I crave it quite often and I'm not even big on pasta.
Cheap, filling, yum.
No. 443794
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>>443378Bet it pairs nicely with milksteak.
No. 443795
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>>443780>til there is a thing called american goulash which is nothing like the hungarian oneit probably tastes less like a struggle meal with the tomato addition but as a soviet cafeteria classic, it is just pan fried mince, grated carrots and pasta, nothing else. like it shouldn't taste good at all but it does?
>>443604god, if I couldn't eat anything but tinned sardines or sprats for like a year straight I wouldn't even be upset.
I think the "weirdest things" I've eaten are just weird to like anglo people, like cold beetroot soup, sorrel soup, cow's tongue "salad" and aforementioned milk soup etc, otherwise I have fairly conservative tastes. they're normal if bit dated foods in eastern europe but whenever I've mentioned them to people here, they have no idea and think it sounds gross lol (agreed wrt to milk soup).
also pineapple on pizza is good, everyone who disagrees is a big coward.
No. 443804
I really love canned sardines, olives, uncooked ramen crushed up with hot sauce, instant noodles in general actually, pickles, and kombucha.. I don’t think any of these things are weird necessarily, but I get the occasional side eye for it.
I’m a white American, but I’ve picked up eating rice as a regular thing and my white friends think that’s weird? Like white rice with a fried egg on top, dash of soy sauce and rice wine vinegar for breakfast.. mmm. Or just rice with some of that premade seasoning on it, the stuff for rice balls.
I’m willing to try anything once, but when I went to Vietnam, I couldn’t make myself try balut. I still regret it, but I guess it was too much of a culture shock at the time.
No. 445349
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i like sashimi eaten with fruit, pineapple on pizza, candy corn pizza, which i tried for the meme and ended up actually liking, edible flowers by themselves, spicy ice cream, and wasabi cake
No. 445353
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those fried mac n cheese balls from the cheesecake factory, they sound awful but they're hellishly tasty, and since i can't cook for shit and don't have a fryer either I will legit shill out my money for these on special occasions