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No. 43788
>>43778I want to believe but tbh her case was probably schizophrenia or intense psychosis brought on by her original epileptic fits.
The power of the mind is truly incomprehensible in terms how it can cause a person to act out, sometimes without them even realising it.
No. 43801
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>>43788I dunno, Anon. It's a real impressive case. Some weird little details:
She repeatedly jumped and landed on her kneecaps until they were shattered.
For two days she hid under the kitchen table, barking like a dog.
Multiple voices could be heard arguing with each other, through her.
Her mother claimed that sometimes, when possessed, her hands would appear to be twice their regular size. I'm not sure if this image really showcases it or not. Not a lot of pictures.
And of course, the audio is phenomenal. Screaming like that, hours on end, you'd think regular human would lose their voice. No. 43808
>>43788I'm for the theory that it was a mental disorder. The photos always freak me the fuck out. She looks like that yet they hand her life over to a priest because religion.
The audio shits me up no matter how many times I hear it.
No. 43809
>>43801People have done much crazier things due to mental illness.
The pictures are certainly creepy, though.
No. 43816
>>43815TO CLARIFY:
Communication with the dead, Hauntings, Telepathy, Psychokenisis, Possession etc
Topics are for DEBATE.
Personal experiences should not be shit made up.
No. 43817
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>>43808She looked like that over time. They tried anti-psychotics and seizure medication but it had no effect. They hired a priest because of her sudden revulsion towards religious objects and icons. I believe possession is possible.
I remember this video of this man in Columbia just butchering himself. He was speaking gutturally and stomping and shit. He shoved a needle through the bottom on his jaw and slit his tongue and his 'friends' just kept on handing him knives and more bottles to break on his head. You can see something not right in the eyes.
>>43809But of course; behold! A woman who swallowed 78 goddamn pieces of silverware.
No. 43820
>>43817> You can see something not right in the eyes.I can see this with people "possessed" during voodoo rituals. It's like dead eye. I'm going to look for that Columbian man on youtube or wherever.
Knives and forks??? Whaaaaaat? How???
Going to bed to have nightmares. Ty for spoopiness.
No. 43846
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Pic dump.
No. 43849
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>>43848You may have seen some of these before, I apologize.
No. 43854
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>>43853Also, if you're a fan of Stephen King, his book
The Colorado Kid was based loosely off this case. No. 43855
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No. 43857
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>>43856How do ya'll feel about skinwalkers.
No. 43859
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>>43858This one is really long, but I still liked it a lot and think about it often.
>anyone else have crappypasta to share? No. 43863
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>>43862Not exactly paranormal, but kind of scary, ye?
No. 43869
>>43863This is ~chilling~ for so many reasons. Most of all because of a fear of deep water and also because humans know fuck all about what inhabits the very depths of the oceans.
I hate how scientists are all like, oh yeah, nothing could live down there. WANNA BET? This is very creepy. I feel cold and need a hug.
No. 43871
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>>43869To contest, most geologists/oceanographers I've talked to have said that we have no clue what could be lying at the depths of the oceans. Life forms we couldn't believe were able to actually exist, exist down there. Very spooky.
No. 43876
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No. 43877
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>hiroshi ouchi
No. 43878
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No. 43879
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No. 43880
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Okay guys, I have to go now. Sorry for my shit taste. Last thing, though: What do you think of the city appearing over China recently?
>it's actually just promotion for a Castle in the Sky release
No. 43905
>>43860this one gets me
>>43867if you talk to EMTs and police officers, they actually see shit like this.
No. 43908
>>43877I don't understand why you'd even attempt to keep someone alive in that state and not just kill them.
Does anyone know what the real story behind this pic was?
No. 43912
>>43908For science and because gooks are heartless.
>>43908It's another man who suffered severe radiation burns. Might have been from the same accident at Tokaimura. There were three workers who got fucked.
No. 43953
>>43912>>43908>>43894I have a book about this incident and you guys have it all wrong.
At the time the entire medical didn't fully have any idea of exactly what they were dealing with and it actually took quite a while for the initial symptoms to even manifest.
This isn't a case of them keeping Ouchi in some cold, metal chamber strapped to some gurney in order to monitor his slow deterioration. He had an entire ward to himself with over 30+ staff who all fought tooth and nail to try and save him because they felt it was their duty as doctors and because actually at the time they really had no idea just how bad it was.
They really, really believed he could be saved and this was due to the fact that any halfway through the ordeal he began showing sudden signs of recovery with his cell replication rate jumping up to an amazing rate, but then it suddenly dropped again.
He got so much treatment, skin transplants, organ transplants which just didn't take, dozens of blood transfusions.
They really worked so hard to save him till the point where his veins couldn't even take a needle because they were literally collapsing on contact, at which point they just called it a day and tried to make him comfortable in his final hours.
No. 43955
Book Anon here again,
>>43877 is not Ouchie, idk who that is but it's not him.
I really recommend people get this book. It's very informative and reads a bit like aa medical journal, so very technical.
No. 43962
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>>43856I've read a shit-ton of creepypasta, watched creepy videos, etc. but this one really got to me because I keep thinking that it might actually be real.
>The fucking noises he was making were so fucking disgusting. I can't even try to explain it because it makes me feel physically sick.My eyes are watering so hard right now. I don't know why, but ever since I was a little kid trying to tell ~spoopy stories~ to my little friends, my eyes water if I read or tell something creepy. It doesn't happen with movies or images, though, only with words. It really ruined trying to tell ghost stories 'round the campfire because it always seemed like I was starting to cry.
I have one spoopy paranormal weird story. It isn't very spoopy, but it is 100% true. When I was in middle school, I was in PE one day walking around the big 1/4 mile track we had at our school. The track was in a clearing, and off to one side, a grassy hill sloped up to a small "forest" area. There were a few really tall, stadium-style lights around the track. I'm not sure exactly how tall they were, but they were really fucking tall.
I was starting to walk down one of the track's straightaways, and for some reason, I looked up into the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear, with no clouds, airplanes, helicopters, or UFOs in sight. Except for something that caught my eye - something that was hurtling right toward me from a ways upward (I noticed that it was above the top of the tall lights, so it was quite high up). It was seriously coming straight toward where I had stopped in my tracks, so I quickly dashed out of the way. A moment later, the thing hit the track almost exactly where I'd been standing before I'd moved.
I got down on my knees to examine the object. It looked like a hunk of twisted metal. I touched it and it was hot. Not glowing red-hot or anything, but definitely very warm. It was about the size and shape of a soccer ball, although it was warped and had jagged edges instead of being smooth and round. I looked back up in the sky, and I still didn't see anything that this object could have fallen off/out of.
By this time, my PE teacher and a few other students had come over to see what the hell I had stopped to stare at. I related the story of what had just happened, and I asked my teacher if I could keep the thing. He said no and took it away from me. I was pretty bummed. The only thing I could think of was that it could have been some sort of piece of space junk, which would have been awesome. When I went back to the teacher later and asked if he'd ever figured out what the thing was, he told me
the most bullshit story. I was shocked.
He said that a guy had been mowing the lawn on the grassy hill next to the track in one of those big industrial riding lawnmowers and that something had gotten caught up in the lawnmower and tossed over onto the track. The area where the lawnmower allegedly tossed the thing up from was to the right of where I'd been standing on the track, and the object came more from my left. There was simply no way a lawnmower could have kicked up a piece of metal that large and had it go in a trajectory anywhere close to the trajectory of the object I watched fall out of the sky.
I have to keep telling this story, because I have no tangible proof that it occurred, and, over the years, sometimes I've come to doubt that it actually happened. But no, I'm really 100% positive that this did occur and wasn't some dream or imagining. It still bugs the shit out of me. I so wish that I'd been able to keep the object and get it looked at by someone who might have been able to tell me what it was. I would be satisfied with a completely mundane answer, as long as it made sense (unlike the lawnmower crap). It was seriously odd, though, that the thing probably would have hit me if I hadn't seen it and moved out of its path.
No. 43966
>>43962Probably just some piece of a really high-flying jet that was already a distance away? Not that spooky, really.
I suppose there's a tiny chance it could have been a piece from a satellite or the ISS, too.
No. 43991
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>just assume the doctors are evil scientist sadists>gooks amirite?Do some research or don't make up bs in the first place. pic related.
>>43908that pic isn't him, but because of cheap internet sensationalist news, that pic has been posted with his story everywhere, including misspellings of his name.
No. 43992
>>43958Oh yeah because the better alternative instead of trying to save him would have just been to fucking murder him the second he was admitted.
Do you understand anything about the Hippocratic Oath?
No. 43997
>>43853Damn, I was so obsessed with this case. Kinda sad they're making a movie, idk why. Reading through some posts on her LJ (if it really was her's), I could relate to many things she's saying and struggling with.
I'm a purely rational thinker. This case is disturbing BECAUSE it's not paranormal. Weird shit happens because the real world is weird as fuck.
No. 43999
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>>43817You believe possession is possible? I don't even know what to say.
No. 44029
>>44006Anon the Tokaimura accident occurred in 1999; that's a tad of a far cry away from the days of Shiro Ishii and Unit 731. That's only 16 years ago.
I know it's fun to imagine Japanese scientists as being these kind of degenerate, mad pseudo-doctors and that an entire medical staff subjected this man to an unnatural extension of his life and intentional suffering, but that is so divorced from reality I don't even know where to start on that.
Fact is, Ouchie was actually doped up to the eyeball or unconscious from the point when he began to seriously deteriorate so he wasn't even mentally there for most of it.
Of course they were interested in monitoring him and everything about his slow deterioration was monitored and logged, but as a doctor unless you're given leave to enact palliative care, you are obligated by law to do everything within your power to try and save your patient, which they did.
Stop thinking you know anything about this case on account of a few creepypasta images and go actually do some research into the incident.
>>44028Literally every single country has done and continues to do this to this day, the only difference is that the Japanese experiments happened to be exposed.
You don't think your own country's government doesn't commit secret atrocities everyday in the name of science? The only difference is they haven't been uncovered yet.
You'd be very naive to believe that these kind of things aren't being committed at this very moment under government orders.
No. 44032
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>>43991Let's just forget Unit 731 shall we. Same tier as Mengele.
Efil scientists the world over don't care if they're experimenting on rodents or humans.
No. 44138
>>44096I think saying that humans are degenerates for doing these things is quite right. Yes, they're atrocious, they're a horrible read, but they don't do it to be evil or to torture. Many war-time secret human experiments have helped in advances of science since you can test them on actual human bodies instead of lab rats and trying to find out a way to convert it to the human biology. Some of the experiments the nazi scientists did contributed to modern medical science, and their methods were considered normal back then. The polio vaccine was developed by someone who did human experiments on mental patients during the early 1900's. Same goes for the treatment of hepatitis.
But a lot of war time human experiments were pseudo science though and indeed products of the scientists abusing their powers. But some of it resulted in valuable data for the modern medicine.
No. 46149
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Sorry to revive an old thread, but I thought I'd post something that I also posted on other boards, but didn't get much recogition. It's a stupid story really, but it may be interesting to some. So, here it goes.
>So, Halloween is approaching, and this time of the year brought back a memory of a strange experience I've had more than 10 years ago. >Back then I was a little girl, around 11-12, who was obsessed with horror movies along with my circle of friends.
>Everyone of us was awaiting Halloween night, where instead of going trick-or-treating (I'm not from the US and where I live this isn't a huge tradition at all ) we'd stay over at a friend's house, who lived in a villa up the hills, and spend the night there, watching horror movies, telling us scary stories etc.
>Our movie of choice ended up being a korean movie from 2002, named "Phone". It was pretty much a re-hash of the more famous japanese counterpart "The Ring", in typical early 2000's horror movie fashion. I don't remember it that much nowadays, but what I do remember is that they showed the "possessed phone number" in the movie.
>Once the movie was over, I was dared by my friends to call that number up. Now, back then I didn't even have my very own phone, my mom gave me hers since I was spending the night out. It was an old-ass Motorola, if I remember correctly.
>But moving on, as I was saying I was dared to call up that phone number, and of course I did. Naturally, the phone call didn't go through, so we just laughed it off and forgot about it.
>Until later that night, while I was playing with my mom's phone, I made a rather creepy discovery: from the phone logs, I could see the call I made registered under the name PHONE. It wasn't saved anywhere in the contacts, just under that call.
>Needless to say, I freaked out, and so did my friends.
>I deleted the data from the phone as fast as I could, and tried to forget about it, but I couldn't. I've tried to convice my friends to try and call that number as well, but of course none of them would.
>I spent a sleepless night at that house, and possibly more nights to come. Now, I guess that it's pretty obvious that they made it in a way that if some dumbass like my 11-year-old me would try and call it, that name would appear on the logs.
>But even today, it still feels kinda weird, because that call did not go through since I was calling from an European country and didn't use any prefix for Korea.
>I've tried to do some research to see if it would be listed under trivia as a movie "prank" tactic, but nothing has come out. It is not a wildly popular movie after all. I've even tried to call the number nowadays, to see if that log thing would happen again, but of course it did not.
>Now, to make peace with my stupid 11-year-old self, has anyone had a similar experience with this movie? Or any other of those 2000's movies that revolved around a possessed phone, computer, cd, vhs tape and so on?
>For those of you who might be interested, here's the number taken from the movie: 011-9998-6644
No. 46175
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Jokes aside, I appreciate your story anon. I had similar experience as a kid, I watched a japanese horror film called "One Missed Call" and it spooked me pretty bad, especially this nightmare-fuel face from the cover, it haunted me.
No. 46181
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>>46175Damn that's one trippy cover, no wonder you got spooked! I miss the time where asian horrors were the shit, most were pretty bad and derivatie story-wise but they've got some fucked up imagery.
No. 46235
>>46218Oh shit anon, that's weird! Out of curiosity, from which country are you calling? And you didn't use international dialing or something, right? I was calling from Italy, and nothing happened this time, only the usual voice saying the number I called doesn't exist etc. And nothing appeared on the logs. I've tried a couple of times since I made the post.
I'm sorry you got spooked tho!
No. 46308
>>44138Dissecting a concious victim whilst they're strapped down and slicing/pulling apart their nerves in order to measure their physiological reaction is barbaric and senseless and should NEVER be condoned.
Things that these poor people suffered, do you even consider them as humans or just nameless patients of the past?
Necessary evil my rotund backside,there is always another way and no reason not to provide anaesthesia to a victim. Literally none.
No. 46455
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This is spoopy