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No. 439003
>>438969That's fucking cute
My dad had an affair with my friends mum whom I sat next to in class and it gave me a breakdown and I had to leave the school and it was freaking awful
No. 439015
Kinda long, sorry but it's a lot of drama.
>my great-grandmother (87) owns a house that's been in our family for about 60+ years
>she lets some of my cousins and aunts live there, all she asks is that they pay a small amount of rent
>they treat her like shit and refuse to pay rent, ignore her phone calls so she can't contact them, will ignore her even though they live in the same building
>demand she fixes any problem with the house, when she points out she can't afford to fix it because they don't pay her rent they just get angry and annoyed
>they keep trying to force her out the home that SHE owns
Fast forward a few months
>My great grandmother moves in into a new place with my cousin (her granddaughter)
>After awhile my great grandmother's debit card starts getting declined when she goes to buy her medicine for her health issues;she mysteriously has significantly less money in her account than she thought she did
>My mom does some investigating, turns out my cousin was stealing from my great grandmother
>Cousin was taking advantage of her in order to pay for new furniture, buy things for her ridiculously expensive wedding, fund her business, and just overall buy stuff she couldn't afford on her own
>My mom confronts her and she cries and apologizes and promises to stop
>Now that she no longer has access to my great-grandmother's funds, she starts treating her like crap and eventually kicks her out
>My great grandmother moves back into the family home, my cousins and aunts are pissed, take my cousin's side and tell my great grandmother that she isn't welcomed in HER OWN HOME because she's "causing drama"
Now no one will talk to my mom because she's defending my great grandmother, and there's been some really intense arguments going on. I used to think my family was cool but seeing the disgusting way they treat the woman who has helped raise and take care of them is so awful. It's obvious that they wish she'd just drop dead already so she's no longer a burden and they can get her money.
No. 439050
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This is just a constant occurrence but my mom is convinced that every woman on the block is trying to seduce my dad lmao. She's very insecure. I guess she's worried my dad might run away with some rando. My dad isn't cute btw and they're both in their late 50s. She's obsessed with watching the neighbors anytime they come out. My mom has never once talked to these women but knows so much about them just from watching them. She's been asking me to buy her binoculars on amazon ffs. If my dad is out in front washing the cars, she's there by the window watching to see if he'll acknowledge the lady neighbors. If he does, she chews him out about it and they argue.I think my dad has probably done some shady stuff in the past but he wont admit it to my mom. I love them both but their relationship is ridiculous and I can't wait to move out.
Had an uncle catch herpes from a prostitute after he got remarried.
My grandpa would constantly cheat on my grandma so my dad might have half siblings running around somewhere.
My grandma would always cry when she was drunk because she knew my grandpa was doing this.
No. 439064
When i was like 9 or 10 i was being awarded with some academic excellency thingy which was a whole event with kids from all over the state, and i was in line to receive the medal from the major itself, waiting with my mom until she had to leave in a rush, leaving me there and go running to bail my dad because he got into a fist fight with some guy he worked with and police was going to take him away, he didn´t get locked up (not really sure what happened really, probably they all calmed down and no charges were pressed) but my dad lost his job which was awful for the family finances and no one was there to see me get the medal or take my picture, had to wait like a couple hours after everyone had left so they would come pick me up and everyone was in the worst mood. What a shitty day.
My dad is not such a bad guy, he just had the stupidest fucking temper that burned him so many bridges and ended so many friendships and opportunities is insane. Everyone in mu family is kinda like that, short fused, easily frustated, even me, it sucks.
No. 439906
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My actual grandpa spent all my grandma's money on his impulse buys and short-sighted dreams, cheated on her, beat my mom and then one day fucked off to his affair in france and left my grandma alone with my mother. As soon as she found out, my grandma changed the doorlock and called it a day. For years they told me that he died of cancer shortly after. Until one day when my grandma corrected me, said "Actually, he supposedly killed himself" and then explained how he not only took all her money, cheated on her, beat his kid and left her alone but also had debts he was most likely running from (she knew because those people showed up several times at their house when he still lived with her and asked for him) and very likely got killed by the ones he lent it from.
She remarried my now-grandpa who my mom heavily implies she got molested by.
No. 440030
>>439147I beg the fuck your pardon
anon pls, we need this story
No. 440045
>be me
>be 8 and on a trip to the US with my mum + aunt and her kids + grandma
>we go to a public pool
>mum goes to the toilet
>I’m chilling in the water and freeze up when I notice I’m surrounded by strangers
>where is my family?
>scared, frightened, look around for a life guard but see none at this foreign US weirdo pool so awkwardly float around on my own for 10 minutes until I see them come back
>remember feeling very small so as not to attract strangers’ questions because I was shy as fuck as a kid
My mum told me when this happened she noticed her sister walked into the bathroom without me and was furious at what this indicated because her sister is too smart to have left me alone out there by accident.
On the same trip:
>aunt lures me over to a door at some building, we’re not at the hotel, this could be fucking anywhere
>lets the door close on me
>thank god mum spots me in time and calls me over before the door closes on me
>be me, be 11 now
>visit aunt because my mum keeps trying and failing 4d chess to improve the entire family as a unit when it’s clear none of her brothers and sisters care about her or each other
>aunt offers me a drink with her other children
>mum kept an eye the whole time and tells me not to.
>I don’t get why, she won’t explain
>years later she brings it up, that drink was left there for hours and was not poured for me
>mfw the sheer spite and oddness and shit that makes no sense to me?????
Other aunt stories:
>mum’s memories of this sister are of a greedy little girl who ate, played and did no chores, was spoilt
>in this 3rd world war torn country (thanks America) my retarded grandparents put all the burden on my mum to cook and clean/look for food/survive shit while the other siblings got away with doing nothing because they skived out or explicitly didn’t have to
>as an adult this sister never helps my mum, financially or otherwise
>let my maternal grandparents split because grandmother would conveniently be living with her to babysit the kids
>even though my mum is a single parents and needed the babysitting much more as we lived on our own with 0 other income (meanwhile the sister has her husband, her brothers and lots of social connections to get handouts and favours)
>aunt LITERALLY turned up at our doorstep, UNINVITED, with a complete stranger who was a friend only she knew with that woman’s own children.
>basically forcing my mother to accomodate her, grandma, my 2 cousins, the stranger woman and her 2 kids for a few days because…..??? definitely no benefit to my mother.
>only drag me + mum on that fucking pointless US trip because SHE wants to hang out with family friends who are like… idk 6 removed cousins. Basically I don’t know them, and this bitch almost made me a lost child twice over, the demon.
No. 440060
>>440045Fuck me, I should clarify, that aunt wasn’t just being a spoilt greedy fatty as a kid, this is one child who is getting most of the food at a time and place where dinner is rations and her parents spoil her with it because ????
This week:
>aunt texts my mum out of the blue asking if we want to go to and visit the third sister. We say no, we’re working that day.>a few days later, she texts her asking to stay over>mum deduces she’s using this place as a pit stop on her way to visit the third sister, that’s why she texted> OF COURSE, BED AND BREAKFAST WILL BE PROVIDED FOR FREE. She’s not going to say thank you.>yet another example of my aunt using my mum’s generosity and only contacting her when there’s something to be gained. No, for some insane reason I can’t argue, we can’t tell her "no".I really hope my psycho aunt isn’t bringing my cousin over because this bastard:
>creepy nerd type. I think it’s God’s sick joke that we happen to share uncanny interests in bands and hobbies.>rude, no manners, antagonistic, casually insults me during general conversation>I made a single joke at his expense when I was 11 and watched him visibly force himself into a tantrum to get the adult attention to be placated.>He did a lot of things to me or my stuff and I couldn’t fucking cry about it because nobody ever came to my rescue, only mum the saint who could only tell me "just ignore it and they’ll go away".>my mum watched him, as a 5 year old, chew and rip up his lip until it bled, then wiped his face all over the carpet crying "auntie hit me!" Anyone who knows my mum would know she’d never do that, except for grandma because she’s servile beyond sense.>autistically into weapons and got himself into serious shit for saying things about black people, despite living in a fucking majority black area. How stupid is that? He doesn’t even believe it, he just said it at the time because he "doesn’t care" and I think he thought their reactions were funny. He’s done other stupid things that have attracted police attention.I have traumatic dreams when I’m extremely stressed and feel threatened or wronged by someone irl. In those dreams I beat him as he tantrums to near death out of sheer rage, desperation and vengeance even though he has nothing to do with the scenario stressing me irl, I just loathed him as a child that much. It’s not a mystery at all and that makes it all the more disturbing to me. I feel even more undermined knowing I couldn’t even attempt that now because he’s a grown adult male and not a pudgy manipulative little shit machine. Considering how he is now I think he could actually kill me if he wanted to if I tried picking a fight.
No. 440109
>>439906Remembered more things and now I can't decide which is the worst.
My Great-Grandfather was a raging Nazi in the 30s and never actually changed (which is funny cause I'm mixed lel). He died of testicle cancer before I was born.
Years later when my mom had me, my father did the exact same thing my grandpa did to my grandma, minus the beating and dying.
When I was 13, I tried to run from home after a fight but my mom then had a nervous breakdown and locked me in my room for almost two days without responding to me.
No. 441091
>>440060So the cousin came and went and he’s a total creep, he keeps bragging about being ‘borderline’, pretending to be schizo to scare his sister, boasting about his ‘psychotic’ tendencies and dreams about killing everyone ‘because it’s the most logical outcome’, ‘I feel nothing’ what a fucking edgelord. He thinks we’re friends because I’ve entertained his brag stories and now he wants us to be roommates. Yeah, no.
>be my dad>decide to go out for cigarettes before the kid is born, cigarettes are on another landmass>hang around anyway and drop into the home, unwelcome, and lift the kiddo away from incompetent grandma who lets this happen because we’re a patriarchal race. Mum sadly has to work and has no idea of the routine kidnappings at the time and can’t do anything about it even if she does. Telling grandma ‘no’ doesn’t work because she yields every time. She’s not retarded, she just won’t listen.>routinely take kid anon around to show off to his own family to look good and attract girls who like ‘men who are good with kids’, then dumps me back when he’s done.>His dad (my paternal grandfather) gave us his blessing and 3k for family things which he pocketed in front of my mother who never saw a penny of it, or any kind of formal childcare costs>turn up at kiddo’s fourth(!) birthday party uninvited because lulz>attempt start a fight with the other men>kid’s mum sees the glass bottle in hand and tries to swipe it>hit her instead>pretend to be drunk to police when they arriveYeah. But wait, there’s more!
>be me, have memories of going upstairs in the aftermath.>Aunts and uncles left, nutcase cousin is crying and my grandma is comforting him. You know, instead of looking for me, currently wandering around confused and unattended in the aftermath?>remember going back downstairs and the exact pink cardigan my mum wore with the spots of blood on it from her forehead where she was hit.>she tells me "it’s okay, don’t be scared" over and over>I couldn’t cry and felt more distantly aware that "ouch, that looks painful, this is what bleeding looks like".>years later I bring it up and my mum told me everyone promptly gtfo and nobody helped her and she was left sweeping up the broken glass on her own while dealing with a head injury she needed stitches for>This is supposed to be my birthday partyBitch where the fuck is my samurai sword because I deserve to be the heroine of a Kill Bill spin off. If I don’t get justice just give me this blogpost.
No. 441178
>>438946>Can't be a super old occurrence: ("My ancestors killed people.")I don't get this rule, surely knowing you have murderer DNA affects your life?
My tinfoil is that this whole thread is just a plant to expose how farmers are psychos because we all have daddy issues or whatever. It wouldn't bother me if it was just called something like 'family issues general', we already have a narc parent thread anyway, but this thread is too specific in just asking farmers to blog.
No. 441264
>>441178OP here. Not trying to expose anyone. The reason it's so specific is because I'm just curious as I've had some fucked up family things happen myself. Also what
>>441211 said is correct.
No. 441269
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My dad murdered someone then got away with other felonies because of the new Clinton law imposed back in the 90s. He then tried to sell my sisters & I out to random older men when we hit puberty. Not only has he impregnated a number of women & then bailing away, but he's still doing it to this day. He thinks he's lived an honest life all because he has never hit our mother, but has emotionally abused her & assaulted my sister. I was also molested by a cousin, my godfather, & my step-brother. My father knew about it & did nothing, but say it was my fault for wearing skirts from ages 3 - 9. I wasn't raised by my mother, she was in prison most of the time or psych wards for drug addiction & schizophrenia. So I had to deal with a lot being raised by a single dad. The single worst thing though, is when my father forced my step-brother to perform a sex act on my younger brother at gunpoint because he thought it would be funny while making us watch. He's dead now. I don't know how or why, don't care to find out.
No. 441322
>>441091>we’re a patriarchal racesorry if this is offensive, but what race?
human race or is it like a culture thing?
No. 441346
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My dads got two younger brothers, one full blood brother and one half brother that came from the woman my grandpa married after his divorce from my bio grandma. Judging from the stories I hear from my dad and my uncle, she was a horrible woman who treated my dad just alright and treated my uncle (who couldn’t have been older than 5 or 6 at the time) like you see in those typical stepmother stories where their bio kids can do no wrong and the step kids are all horrible failures with no manners. There was one instance where my uncle was about 5 years old and was plying with my dad and some if their cousins, apprently the steo brother (who was still a baby) was laid out on a blanket on the floor and my uncle accidentally steps on the baby. The step mom grabs him by the neck and screams “You l step on my baby and I’ll fucking stomp on you” . There were other accounts of her verbally abusing him over typical kid things like throwing up in the middle of the night and forcing him to sleep in the bathtub without any pillows or bedding.
Flash forward to sometime in the 90s, the half brother is a drug addict who fucks around with the law. He gets caught with fraud or something along those lines, and by the time the police come for him he has already construed the whole plan to steal my uncles identity and forge his hame on everything and thus run out and hide when the police come looking for my uncle. My uncle spent a year in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, all while losing the respect of his own father and even my dad (who had no idea of the situation other than his little brother being jailed for fraud charges). Half brother comes clean after some other truths are dug up and he can’t come out of the story as clean as he thought he could. He gets caught and locked up in jail, all while getting mommy and daddies sympathy and support. Uncle gets along with life as if nothing ever happened. His dad acts as if this part of his life never happened. Half brother goes on to do more drugs, have a stint in the military only to run away and go awol, and have have a few kids with random women all with the supoort of grandpas money.
my dad and uncle always talked shit about the ‘golden child’ who can do no wrong and gets all of their dad’s attention. Their dad sees them and their families at best once a year, while seeing the step brother and his kids multiple times. Hell, grandpa ended up divorcing half brothers mom way back and married my dads step mom in the 80s. Even THEN he sees and supports her kids and grandkids more than he’s seen our family or my uncles family.
No. 441406
My relatives used to own an apartment in Vienna, so every once in a while they went there for holidays and invited the rest of the family to visit. They inherited it from an aunt who married some rich guy who used to own jewellery store (and several others). Their only son died young (killed himself? idk), so they had no direct descendants. It was a really nice place, plenty of antiques, paintings and old photos. It was also located very close to St. Stephen's Cathedral, and let me tell you, maybe it was because I was a kid back then and everything was new to me, but Vienna is all around creepy and there was something subtly wrong with this apartment too.
Eventually my relatives ended up selling it, because it was getting too expensive to keep. Anyways, several years ago I learned that the aunt's husband was an Austrian SS-man deployed to Eastern front during the WWII. After the war he avoided denazification and got rich off of the looted goods from eastern Untermenschen. I find it kinda ironic he ended up marrying a dirty Slav who passed everything to her dirty Slav relatives.
Also my parents didn't call an ambulance when I tried to kill myself via drug and alcohol mix and to this day I wonder what were they thinking. I vomited some of it back and later ended up hospitalized in an institution, but they still act like my diagnosed depression is some sort of a child's made-up story. And those are educated, well-off people, mind you.
My father also smothered me with a pillow at least once. He wasn't trying to kill me, it was just a punishment, I think.
My mother had some crazy moments too, but I can kinda excuse it, since she was terminally ill and constantly stressed. There's something seriously mentally wrong with my stepmother tho, and I just hope I'll be away when menopause hits her, because she's gonna get twice as unhinged.
No. 441407
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hello daddy issues
memories of him watching porn channels with me on his lap.
was molested by someone else and kept it a secret for years, when i came out with it he said it was my fault. i was 10.
kicked me onto the streets when i was 15 because i stood up to him when he was yelling at my mom. i defended her and she told me to pack my things and get out, too.
saw facebook chats between him and my two older siblings where he called me a worthless pig. they agreed.
sister posted benign underaged pics of me on her ageplay/daddy kink tumblr.
anytime i bring something up to try and get closure, every family member denies it/says i'm being overdramatic/don't deserve an apology. nothing heinous has happened with them lately because i'm on track for a successful career and i'm their little money machine. fuck me.
No. 441588
>>441409thanks for your empathy anon, actually seeing a therapist regularly and she was the one who made me realize what's normal in my family is 100% fucked
>>441452they won't see a cent from me. i'm literally the only person in my family who's gone (going) to uni and has a chance at moving up a bracket. i'm going to estrange myself and live a kickass life once i start my job
>>441457yeah they're all fucked in the head, my dad is a shitty narcissist and it rubbed off on everyone else. p sure they all just hate me because i don't buy into his bullshit
No. 445642
>>442540I would be an
abusive alcoholic too if my worthless ex husband was proudly showing off a sex trafficked woman to everyone
No. 445781
>>438946My aunt killed her son (my cousin) by leaving a burning cigarette in their trailer while he was sleeping. After his death and the investigation was over, she came back to the site, unfazed, and pulled out scrap metal from the burnt down trailer to recycle for drug money. Keep in mind, her son's dead ashes were on them.
I had another great aunt who killed someone while drunk driving, and managed to pin it on someone else who was also in the vehicle because they both fled the scene. Someone else is being charged with her reckless behavior.
My great uncle raped my mom.
My great grandfather prostituted out his daughters as young as 13, and put his only son up for adoption, to feed his alcohol problem.
My uncle beat two of his dogs to death because they were "barking too loud." These were both on separate occasions. He pushed one of his sons to attempt suicide by stalking him.
When I came out to my mother with my suicidal thoughts, she handed me a knife and told me to"stop being so dramatic and kill myself already."
I have way more stories than this. I can't even pick one.
No. 445872
My estranged father convinced me to go live with his sister in the middle of nowhere because I was briefly homeless. They both promised me that I’d be able to get back on my feet, learn to drive, go to school, etc. What actually happened was I learned her and her husband were horrible alcoholics! I was emotionally/verbally abused every day, living somewhere I could not leave without help and I knew nobody. The internet was shit and the only phone I could use was the house phone. Once I tried calling my mom to beg for help getting out and my aunt was listening on the other line, which led to verbal abuse so bad I started fearing for my physical safety. My dad did not believe me when I told him what was happening and insisted I stay. My aunt’s favorite thing was to call me a whore/slut and claim I was manipulating my dad into letting me live for free. When I tried to get a job, she told me I couldn’t because it’d be “too much” to drive me into town every day. She said the same thing when I asked about going to school. Eventually I found a way out, but it’s safe to say I cut off that side of my family for good. They were doomed from the start though, their mom was horrible. Like my aunt and dad were fed psychedelic mushroom when they were 5-8 and taken to nudist camps regularly. They had to help their mother cut up lines of coke/crack before school because she’d be too fucked up to do it themselves. They moved out together in high school and were gifted a KILO of uncut cocaine by their uncle, to do whatever the fuck they wanted. When my aunt was in her early 20s, she decided she wanted a baby so bad, she went and fucked a ton of dudes until she got pregnant.