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No. 4465
>>4461I'm not Berry either (check my IP) but jesus christ I agree OP. It is so annoying. It's full of PULL.
I don't even give a shit about that irrelevant bitch… Literally for the last month the entire drama has been surrounding whether or not her tits are real. I don't give a fuck. It's bumping great threads off the front page such as:
>Pixyteri>Ginger camwhore farty sex tape leak>Dead hooker from the golden age>Pedophile faps with his own shit>Living corpse hasn't died yet>Fat australian scammer attempts to get her first real job>Unemployed klepto gains a bunch of weight and is about the get the most hilarious looking tits of all time>Desperate SJWs>Hebephile abuses his childbride and writes a shitty novelAND I CONSTANTLY HAVE TO SEE SOME IRRELEVENT WHORE AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE WITH A BUNCH OF 15 YEAR OLDS DISCUSSING IF HER BOOBS ARE REAL
No. 4468
I agree completely. This place is getting so very PULL and it's just becoming kind of a drag to come here. As
>>4465 said, these shitty threads are bumping great ones off the front page. I've hidden the threads I don't care about but it's gotten to the point where I have to go back three pages sometimes before I see any real updates on the cows that are actually interesting.
This paired with such threads as "POST YOUR PIC!!" and people who have seemingly never been on an imageboard before.
No. 4470
>>4461yes! I wasn't following the Berry thread, but when I finally decided to click on it two days ago, all I saw was people posting the same pics over and over again freaking out over the slightest bit of shoop on her tits
shooping isn't a big deal to me, there are great people out there who are insecure and shoop
it's when they have shitty personalities that grates my nerves, and I feel that it should be the main topic of conversation
those little PULL bitches are so vapid
No. 4508
Honestly, it's not just her thread. Part of why the Berry thread gets bumped so often is because she is very active with fresh shit unlike the other cows. And there is often a white knight in the thread.
I do agree with
>>4462 in that she should stay as a cow, but a few posters in that thread are annoying. I don't understand why some of the participants in that thread keep claiming they want to expose her lies.
All there is to do is hide the thread.
No. 4513
>>4504>>4505Yeah they keep rattling on about how "bad" she is but I don't even know who she is or what she has done. Lied about going to college and bought a fake cartier bracelet claiming it was real? Photoshopped her pictures? Everyone does that.
They are the ones spending hours in a thread whining about some irrelevant weeb. They are the real lolcows here.
No. 4517
You might
trigger them.
No. 4563
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back into the shadows till she uploads new content.