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No. 451266
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No. 451292
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Personally, I'm going to start a religious doomsday cult in Montana
No. 451293
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It was a pleasure to be in this sinking ship with you all
No. 451297
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>>451292I'm in. But only if you got a bunch of hot bearded dudes
No. 451307
>>451298their cult? you mean our cult
fellow Germanon heregonna meditate and practice buddhism and do as much activism, voting and protesting as I can
No. 451311
>>451307I mean it's free for all
my only solace is that there are "good" people feeling the same pain and going through the same mourning and that we're doomed together. I'm gonna hug the shit out of someone today
Namaste bitches
jk No. 451326
>>451321I hate attitude like this
What have those uncontacted tribes done? What have indigenous people done? So because of western greed they should die with us? It's not my small country that has less people than the biggest metropolies in this earth that has shitted up the earth.
Misanthropes can start from themselves if they want humans to die, I want to live and I want my friends to live.
No. 451348
>>451326>>451329Honestly, as a non-western person (I know "as a [x]" posts sound dumb as shit, but I don't really want to state my country because I'm paranoid), I think humans are just cruel and horrendous. There are no real innocents on a group scale (although there are good/innocent individuals), just different measures of bad.
Animals are routinely treated like shit, and people are still wasteful and disrespectful to nature in tiny countries and indigenous communities. There are still trash heaps, things still get uselessly burned or contaminated, innocent animals are still killed for being "cursed" or "witches in disguise".
Humans downgrade everything they touch, without fail. The most beautiful landscapes are ones empty of man for a reason.
Of course, westerners are the worst about it when we actually measure the damages, because they're enabled to do that kind of thing comfortably, but I'm under no delusion that it's all just a matter of culture, and that something about us is inherently opposed to that same kind of evil.
I try not to be like that or contribute to it, but I know the vast majority of people don't give a shit and never will. It'd be nice if there was a plague that took only bad, uncaring people, but since that probably won't happen, I'm fine with just cancelling the entire race.
We, even in our indigenous communities and tribes, can't even uniformly be humane and kind to each other (see: FGM, rape, child marriage and exploitation under the guise of "apprenticeship" as a traditional practice eg bacha bazi, a similar practice I can't remember the name of concentrated in a SEA country and others derivatives, etc), so how can I expect us to care for other species or our surroundings if we're given the helm?
No. 451354
>>451346 I know some anons get
triggered by that here but I include the mid 60s and 70s with that too. People forget 60s and 70s made progress with blacks and women and had extremely good progress socially happening as well as a lot of progresses in humanity, art, and creativity. The 2000s and 2010s has been a big fat clown world honestly.
No. 451359
>>451350I just don't see anything wrong with naming the problem. It'd be nice if all the good people survived, but as it stands, too many of us are just bad. Some are worse than others, but honestly? Bad.
Only placing blame on specific groups from certain parts of the world just feels like a distraction from the ugly truth about humankind. There's something fundamentally wrong with us on a collective level, and I don't know how we can fix it.
No. 451366
>>451303Him and trump are cut from the same terrifying cloth, arguing who is worse is just a distraction.
Bolsonaro is destroying the rainforest like its nothing, he cares so little about his country and less about the world. He called for less gun control as a way to stop gun violence, he says the American style of mass shootings is only increasing because people can't defend themselves.
Bonus fact, he said he would rather have a dead son than a gay son.
No. 451368
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Pic related is São Paulo at 3 PM. The fire is so bad it plunged a city 2000 miles away in darkness at 3 PM!
No. 451373
>>451362It's just a direct reversal of the racism enacted and pushed for so long IMO. When you're fed one kind of bullshit for generations, you might start to think you'll "get it right" if you just flip it around completely, but since you're still viewing things from that reductive, myopic "all or nothing" lens you had beaten into your head from infancy, you just end up in the same pitfalls.
It'll probably take a while for a lot of western and western-educated people to get around to hating everyone without thinking they need to either uphold white supremacy, or follow the "noble savage" trope. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but there is (currently) no "correct" way to be a human. Most of us are just fucking wrong from birth, and the truly decent ones are a minority who are pretty much never the leaders. The only real cure is non-existence, or some kind of all-powerful algorithm that spots which humans are shit, which ones are salvageable and which ones are good, then quietly "does away" with the shitty ones, places the good ones in power and allows for the salvageable ones to be taught to be good.
No. 451376
>>451348>>451356I'm sorry that you are surrounded by shitty people but I know many caring and amazing human beings.
Do people do tons of horrible stuff? Yeah of course, but I still wont have this fucked up attitude that we all deserve to die because of the bastards. Fuck off and kys if you feel like it but don't take your self hatred on others
No. 451381
>>451376Okay, anon. Come back when you've tallied up how many people are caring and amazing like you and your friends, then draw a comparison to how many people are just complete shit who do bad things.
Factor in all the caring, amazing people who were victimized by the latter group to the point of being killed (and thus not being enabled to teach and spread their goodness to future generations or the people around them) or becoming bad themselves under the mistaken idea that it's how they're "supposed" to be, or to just flat-out survive in an environment of horrible people. How many of the good people have even been given a chance to save the world, and out of those who have, how many of them
haven't had their efforts completely trampled on by bad people time and time again?
It's not self-hatred, because I'm not one of those people, and I don't think most of the people who say these things are. I just recognize that they dwarf us all, they probably always have, and that they will continue to dwarf us. The only way to put a stop to it is just ending it all, or some hyper-intelligent disease wiping out all the horrible people. Since the latter most likely won't happen, the former is our best bet.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to die, but if we're being brutally honest, it's out of our hands. There is no ethical argument for this. If the species goes, it's for the good of the planet. Until there is some infallible way to get around this, that's that.
No. 451384
>>451381There are certainly cultures that are less spiritual, religious, and more disrespectful of earth and chasing blind greed than others though.
Also humans are better when they are more humble and less in a position of power and that is a fact
No. 451385
>>451377That's not what I meant originally, what I meant that uncontacted tribes and so on aren't the ones who are fucking up the earth environmentally so why would they have to pay for it.
Also, if we want to speak about morals and about those uwu cute animals, how far do we take this? Dolphins for example might be self aware, they are intelligent animals and complete bastards. Should we kill them all since they might have enough awarness for themselves to know that they might realize they are being bad to others? What about orcas or chimpanzees? Elephants? Do only stupid animals who only act on instinct deserve to live?
>>451380I'm incredibly flawed human being. I'm often a total bitch, I'm the type of person many people think should die since people consider me nothing but a good for nothing drug addict. Maybe that's what I am! I have done and said horrible things during my life, horrible things have been done and said to me. I actually have been suicidal for most of my life last time I wanted to kill myself was yesterday lmao.
And yet, I was born here. I am alive. Humans as a species aren't evil or good, we just exist. Some do bad things with their existance, some don't. I'm one million of a chance of life that happened. I have entire unique space inside of me. And yet in my uniqueness I am the same as others, just like everyone else is a weird coincidence that happened with their own unique space inside them. I guess I don't exactly deserve nothing life or death, I just exist and breathe and think.
No. 451386
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>one of the most vital ecosystems in the world
>entrusted to huezilians
what did anyone think was going to happen?
No. 451403
>>451393Also, how is our existence not a coincidence? Of course if you believe in god I can't argue with you there, but I don't. Just because we just happened to be born here by coincidence doesn't make our existence less meaningful. Just because we're animals among others doesn't make our existence less meaningful. Obviously humans hold a special place on earth by how much power we have over other animals, but in the end, we're here together, we happened to be born here and we eat and shit and piss and think and live and die.
And it's beautiful! Even if life didn't have a special meaning in it it doesn't make it less beautiful! Even if when I watch sunset or sunrise and it wasn't some cosmic message for me, it still is amazing
No. 451404
>>451387>>451387>>451386Same thing with Venezuelans and the Orinoco, its the Chinese and the venezuelan government who are absolutely wrecking the shit out of it thanks to new very corrupt deals. Look into Arco Minero.
The Bolivar state is an amazonian state and its been taken over by mafias and guerrillas who run the mining and they are devastating it with zero regard to common sense.
No. 451406
>>451384Some are definitely worse than others, I agree. I just don't believe we have some overwhelming good in us that can rescue things at this point. The rot has taken away too much already, and even in the
less bad cultures, there is still rot, so where is the stronghold?
>>451385I get what you're saying, but at the same time, none of that should come at the expense of the entire planet. It's not fair to animals, to nature, to the world. Maybe if more of us weren't destructive, it'd be okay, but it's just not like that.
We've revoked our right to exist for two reasons: 1) the evil festering among us 2) the non-evil not managing to stop the evil.
Other species have struck a balance with their own existences and haven't caused this much damage, so what's our excuse? We're just too smart? If so, how come our big brains have done immeasurably more harm than good, and why is this justified? What do we bring to the table, other than standing there, serving "uniqueness" and looking pretty while we set the world on fire for selfish reasons?
Something's got to give.
No. 451407
>>451386Lol 70% of the amazonian land belongs to foreigners, destroying the rain forest is a group effort anon
>>451399Yeah, I used to have doubts about the ethics of having children but now I'm convinced it's unethical to bring new life into this dying world.
No. 451410
>>451396lol implying some monkey globo-capitalist muppet is actually a fascist
The Nazis and Italian fascist had some of the strictest environmental regulations and animal welfare laws in history.
No. 451413
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Just found this picture someone snapped of Bolsonaro just before he started the fire. I can't believe that dastardly bastard would sneak away from his office just to cause some mischief in the Amazon.
No. 451424
>>451412The problem is, they're losing, and the system built by the selfish people of the world is making it even harder for them.
>>451419But why wouldn't we deserve it? We're the only ones fucking up this badly. There are millions upon millions of living things in this house, and we're the ones that make trouble.
No. 451427
>>451424So because the evil is apparently stronger it should win? What fucking logic is that?
And again, I don't reserve the right for myself to say that millions of people deserve death because of some people's actions. You might want to ride that high horse but I don't.
No. 451428
>>451312I truly hope that in 30 years we'll be looking at this the way we look back today on the Cold War and the Nuclear Fear etc but I'm cynical. This is my first post ITT but I understand all the fellow scared anons. Do you believe in climate change at all? Because if not, I won't even engage with someone as brainrot as you.
>>451332I mean besides some Old Wive's Tail there wasnt any "reason" the world was supposed to end in y2k. Here there is factual scientific evidence we've done irreversible dammage. Not the end of the world per se, but certainly the end of the world as we know it (and its gonna be so much worse).
No. 451430
>>451426It has to be a group effort, though, and a lot of people just refuse to listen because, like I said, they are selfish. We can start a nice little commune of people who aren't contributing to destruction, but the rest of the world will mock us as and happily keep on destroying (and this is a best case scenario - in a worst case scenario, they'll deliberately try to fuck us over out of spite/malice).
>>451427It won't win, because it'll be killed along with its potential to spread.
>some peopleThis assumption by itself, especially boldly in the face of what's actually going on, is actually a high horse made out of human selfishness and pride, lol. We certainly don't deserve to live more than the entire world just because we're all unique and special.
No. 451435
>>451430Why do you think that humans deserving to live eans entire world dying? We deserve to live, but of course in a way that the earth can live with us. You yourself are aking assumptions of what I mean though of course my ESL is showing a lot in this thread.
And what I want by being unique and special is that we're not special in a sense because everything is that. Do you get me?
No. 451438
>>451395>>451395Okay keep having this view you're nothing but an unimportant sack of meat and then wondering why you and a whole generation feel so depressed and directionless in life lmao
The truth is right there
No. 451449
>>451441Again, what makes coincidence a bad thing? I don't think my life being a coincidence makes it worse or lesser. I wasn't a planned child, is my life less than those who's parent planned their kids? No.
>>451444Because even if our lives didn't hold some cosmic importance, we're still alive and feeling things. We can be hurt, we can be happy, we can be sad and no one has the right to hurt others and cause them harm. Even if in thousand years no one even knew I was here it doesn't mean I should be hurt, even if no one knew black people or women ever existed they shouldn't be hurt for those things.
No. 451455
>>451446If anything nihilistic fedora tipping is THE ideology that The Man™ wants you to have. Its just so convenient when the population hate themselves, are materialistic and take for granted that nothing is worth any effort beyond pointless virtual world discussions about microagresions and lgbt awareness in corporate branding.
"be edgy, consume and die, you are little and dont matter, im a pickle, morty, a pickle!"
No. 451458
>>451437Exactly. To be fair, they assassinate any journalists and indigenous people who try to make it to the media anyway. It's easy to be manipulated into thinking a few farmers are the problem when it's the entire political climate and eating habits of our society.
>>451442Blaming overpopulation is a weak argument. US and Australia has the highest rates of meat consumption and waste. They are first world countries. It might be easy to think you can blame China and India but it's actually processed food and fast food and the caloric excess that have us in this mess.
No. 451462
>>451457The Internet was a useful tool and a quirky fun thing to use once in a while. Now it has ruined human socialization and it is an ingrained part of our life.
I miss the 00s too. My favourite decade because it was the only decade I was self aware enough and the world wasn’t like this.
No. 451463
>>451431Central planned economy is the only way to stop crony capitalists from ravaging Earth's ecosystems for a quick dollar. Capitalism needs to be tempered with a heavy hand if it is to be sustainable.
>inb4 socialismLook at the environmental track record in the USSR and China.
>inb4 communismIn an actual stateless society who would protect the environment? If all nations were to be abolished, what would stop local worker's communes from clear cutting forests or dumping nickle oxide in rivers?
No. 451476
>>451344There's really no point in reasoning with these anons. Being the unstable drama queens they are they feed off their doomsday scenarios. It's also beneficial for them to just be lazy fucks because "hurr there are more important things than self improvement and actually getting shit done, haven't you heard the planet is dying and it's everyone else's fault???". Live your life. You're not going to wake up tomorrow and the world has gone up in flames. Eco-friendly solutions are being implemented and researched all the time.
If you unironically believe in all the "we will be extinct in 10 years" prophecies then you might as well KYS to speed it up.
No. 451492
>>451488Oh and society
Like IDK man I don't see this nuclear family and have a bunch of kids promotion. In fact work culture and what I said goes against that even tho theoretically it should promote it but actually it doesn't. It's not the 50s anymore
No. 451496
>>451443Only a small percentage of the world's population can do that. You're not going to be able to convince religious people trying to spread their cult to stop giving birth. Same for women in developing countries who are under pressure to have multiple sons so that one will live long enough to take over the family farm. Same for women in disadvantaged areas who marry young for a better life and start having kids young.
The only people who can afford to stop having children are educated, wealthy women and they don't have a high birth rate anyway because they marry and have children later in life.
No. 451501
I honestly am out of fucks to give when it comes to climate change. My husband and I are militant in our refusal to bring another poor child into the world to have to deal with it, but that's about the extent of how much of a damn I give anymore. I honestly don't see human extinction as a bad thing at all and my "carbon footprint" isn't going to do jackshit to change anything when giant corporations have a free pass to destroy the planet as much as they like as long it continues to be profitable. We as individuals have no power to stop what's happening besides voting for candidates who want to reign in the capitalists more, but realistically that's all we can really do. All the other shit to "lower our impact" is just giving us a false sense of power and comfort. It's like eating better to try to treat cancer. Yeah, it's great you're eating better, but you have fucking cancer.
>>451321>animals>innocentAnimals rape, murder, and mutilate each other all the time. People who act like animals are soooooo precious but think humans are totally expendable and should go extinct are extremely irrational.
No. 451503
>>451409>not eating meat will save the planetDon't be a retard. Raising livestock is an important part of land management because using land for pasture replenishes the soil. Using land for plants constantly doesn't work because plants take nutrients from the soil. If everyone only ever ate plants the soil would become depleted. Then because there is no nutrients in the soil, the people eating the plants would become nutrient deficient because there is no nutrients in the plants. Eventually crops would fail to grow and there would be a world food shortage. Using more synthetic fertiliser isn't the answer because it would create even more pollution through contamination of groundwater and soil acidification.
The answer isn't to stop eating meat, it's to stop eating cheap factory farmed meat and eat smaller amounts of pasture raised meat.
No. 451511
>>451499>people suggesting it's better to spare innocent children from dealing with the inevitable effects of climate change are just as bad as people pushing others to procreate when they don't want toYou are unbelievably stupid
>>451506and deeply unhinged
>>451505Actually, it was unchecked corporate greed that got us here.
No. 451516
>>451498>>451497Okay, then how? There's no way humans can go back to the way it was before. Consumerism is inevitable in human civilization, we are going to want and need more bc of the growing population and the advancement of technology.
No. 451552
>>451536What type of socialist are you planning to elect that doesn't support those things? Are you saying you want a NatSoc President?
>We will literally have to either open our bordersNo you wont.
>or murder people storming our bordersThat is called repelling an invasion. Its a good thing.
>if we continue electing right wingersI don't see the correlation unless you're suggesting that right wingers are maintaining America as a desirable place to live.
>and facists.Stop using words you don't understand.
You're clearly too young to vote. So I hope you will have grown a lot up by the time you're able to.
No. 451556
Off topic but shit like this
>>451552 almost makes me wish Trump gets elected in 2020 and destroys the US for real. Free AR-15 with your purchase of meth!
No. 451557
>>451553Possibly. I think left leaning mods are a bigger cause.
>>451554America can't save the World and it isn't their responsibility to do so. You need to learn that good intentions don't mean a good outcome.
>>451556I remember being an angsty teenager too. Don't worry though. You should grow out of it.
No. 451560
>>451551So, one post where anon says absolutely nothing about other people having children, just her own personal decision not to. Is that the post you were referring to that was "harassing people like lunatics" too? The fact you're this insanely defensive about someone's choice not to procreate says a lot.
And for the record, choosing not to have children is a way of lessening your environmental impact.
No. 451572
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Jesus, such a shitstorm. What have you done op.
No. 451580
>>451501>Animals rape, murder, and mutilate each other all the time. People who act like animals are soooooo precious but think humans are totally expendable and should go extinct are extremely irrational.if you were completely free to be killed or else, you would have different morals, too, despite self-awareness and human ability.
semantics but:
animals have no moral code or obligation to every other animal or to us. you can't compare them to us in that way. they live and die in the wild and they're not protected by a moral code which they could serve.
They're still fascinating and lovable and way more emotional and intelligent and capable than science often recognises because the treshhold to recognise their abilities is rather lower than higher.
They also exist in a stable global ecological harmony which man disturbs.
I don't condemn humanity and agree on that with you but with great power comes great responsibility and so far, humans have managed to destroy too much and risk everything for everyone and that is while not a condemning a HUMBLING fact. But yeah, you're right that environmentalists shouldn't become anti-human
I love nature and I love the planet and animals and I wish we could restore balance for them and us.
No. 451586
>>451570>>451578>>451501 here. I was not the anon who called you trash, so please stop lumping every post together when discussing them as if we are all the same person. I truly do not give a flying fuck if you have biological children. I would really appreciate it if you stopped falsely projecting this narrative that I am judging you for it. I'm sorry that you see people making different choices than you as a personal attack, that's something you might want to work on. Thank you.
>>451580Yeah, that's a really good point, anon.
No. 451635
>>451573>They aren't as efficient yet on a large scale because we haven't invested into it.Building and maintaining a biosolids plant requires steel which is made in a blast furnace from mined iron and coal. This is without factoring in the manufacture of other building materials. I do think biosolids are an important part of land management. It takes sludge from human waste and converts it into a usable product and it also prevents raw sewage from being released into the oceans but the environmental cost of building such a plant would take years, possibly decades to offset.
>Ignoring synthetic fertilizers which already account for a good percentage of the fertilizer market shareWhich shouldn't be happening. Synthetic fertiliser pollutes the environment. Humans have grown crops for thousands of years using nothing but manure and field rotation.
>where do you think the nitrogen in the cow poop comes from to begin with? It's from the crops that we feed themThe majority of feed for pasture raised cattle is grass.
Growing crops with synthetic fertiliser causes soil depletion and pollution.
Raising cattle on pasture produces food, manure and other animal products like leather and bone meal. Land that can't be used for crops can be used as pasture such as mountains or moorland. Ruminants do produce some pollution. This can be reduced by managing the types of grass they consume and manure run off into local water ways can be prevented by fencing off streams and rivers.
No. 451643
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>>451582omg you again! I missed you, homophobia-chan… Truly the Amanda-chan of the summer.
No. 451687
>>451650People think eating vegetarian/vegan is just salads 24/7. I think the best way to encourage people to eat plant-based is to just live your life normally and show that it's not a "restrictive" or "weight loss" diet. Show them without saying anything that you can still eat well-balanced meals and junk food, they'll take notice. A lot of my friends started eating more vegetarian/vegan food recently.
Men are a lost cause though. Unless a public male figure comes along and acts like he invented plant-based eating, they're not going to jump onboard.
No. 451689
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oh great, now vegans came here to shill too.
No. 451691
>>451687The friends I'm talking about don't really notice, even though I do eat very healthy and balanced meals. They complain about lack of flavor (precisely bc they're used to shitty food and meat, they say vegetables taste like grass) and low protein GAINZ.
Men tend to think women are vain but they're far more shallow when it comes to their identities.
No. 451693
>>451689Oh no, people not supporting the greedy farmers who are destroying the rainforest, ruining the lives of indigenous people and killing endangered animals are trying to convince you to do the same. How dare they!
Get out, you ugly scrote.
No. 451696
>>451689Hi retard, I'm an omnivore that just goes plant-based for most of her meals and buys locally grown crops. If you think Brazil's deforestation issue is separate from agriculture you're a complete moron.
>>451692I'm very interested in lab farming as well as meat. I don't actually have moral issues with killing animals as nature is more of a resource exchange chain anyway. I just want the planet to not go to shit, that is all.
No. 451700
>>451642Grow vegetables and keep bantams.
>>451687>junk foodYou're still missing the problem. It's not meat or vegetables alone that are damaging the environment, it's that both are farmed so intensively. Factory farmed meat ends up in fast food burgers. Soy and palm oil are used to used to make meat alternatives. The actual way to help the environment is to make the most of the food that's available locally. Learn how to cook and only eat what you need. Vegans rely on a lot of imported food. It's not sustainable.
No. 451703
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>>451700I agree and am also a proponent of supporting local farmers as much as is possible (though for most people now it's not remotely possible to get most of your food from them), though the distance food is transported actually has a much smaller impact on resource use and emissions than the type of food produced to begin with. Animal products are simply way more land and resource intensive and so humans should not be eating anywhere near so much of them, which is why we have had to resort to factory farming on a massive scale as well as deforestation and 91% of Amazon rainforest destruction being for that purpose as well. So people need to account for all these different factors when trying to make better purchases and supporting a shift to a sustainable food system.
No. 451710
>>451700I agree with this. A lot of vegan friendly food is imported and farmed extensively. I personally try and eat local as well. Which means I eat meat (chicken and some local game) and local produce. And a lot of local cheese/milk. I feel like this is a lot better for the environment because I’m getting it from a farm down the road, it’s not coming from 2000 miles away and the result of deforestation.
In the long term I want to get my own chickens and goats. I have friends that already have chickens and goats and they don’t have to purchase from local farmers. Local fishing is also something I want to get into.
Just “eat vegan” doesn’t mean anything. I am willing to bet BeyondMeat and other soy products damage the environment a lot more than buying a chicken from your local farmer whose family has been in your community for over a century. I don’t trust anything that I don’t know for sure has come from within 50 km.
No. 451714
>>451710That's true anon.
We also have to remember that together with beef the biggest Brazilian food export is soy.
So buy eating vegan products that may contain Brazilian soy you would also be helping the deforestation the Amazon.
The reason Brazilian politicians and tycoons don't care about the rain forest is mostly because they care a lot more about the money it could make them by using the land for meat and soy, and most of that goes to China, US, etc.
No. 451715
>>451703The amount of emissions that come from locally farmed poultry and eggs is a lot lower than beef though, and due to not being transported it’s likely lower than imported alternatives.
Everyone who has a backyard should be allowed to own chickens and goats. So many suburbs forbid it but I feel like if every with yard space family had a functioning chicken coop and goats, the reliance on beef and imported alternatives would go down.
The problem is less with availability of low emissions food and the fact that people don’t care and are addicted to certain types of food. A lot of people in the West would rather eat a Beyond Meat Big Mac than get some locally farmed chicken, because the former tastes better to them.
Popeyes chicken sandwiches have been trending on twitter massively. I’m tired of the myth that most people who eat fast food are poor and don’t have healthier alternatives. I live in a large city and everyone here goes out to lunch, almost no one brings their lunch from home. All these wealthy people could give less than two shits about sustainability and by in large consume just as much as poor people do.
No. 451716
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>>451700>>451703Vegans and vegetarians still have it (mostly) correct, I believe. Ideally you would be eating local AND plant-based but provided that you can only do one, eating processed vegan foods still has less of an impact than eating meat.
No. 451720
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Siberia is on fire too.
No one gave a shit for weeks. No firefighters. No media coverage, people literally choking on smoke. Not even a word about air pollution so asthmatic and elderly are fucked. The epicenter is in almost 1000 kilometers off my city, but when they were at it's peak I haven't seen the sun for 3 days straight.
The government only somewhat started doing shit recently, but it's a drop in the ocean. It's too late. the size of Russia. Now look at the map. A fifth of it is going to hell.
They are saving oil rigs. They don't give a shit about plants or animals.
No. 451751
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Honestly just enjoying my youth, doing what I can do reduce my carbon footprint and trying to not worry too much about things that are mostly out of my control.
Feel bad for the kids growing up today though, wonder what's going to be left out there for them.
No. 451761
>>451368I'm terrified, here in Argentina one of the most known news channel showed the dark at 3PM but said scientifics had no clue about it.
They shortly said that it was like if the city was inside a big cloud and quickly changed the subject.
Rip animals, but fuck our race.
No. 451845
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Local here, live in the capital, probably going to get nuked soon but whatever. Just heard about it yesterday watching an american youtube news show. I've talked with other friends and they have also said they only found out about it recently. What's strangest to me is how even locals are not in the know.
>>451303Literally the only good point of Bolsonaro is that he finally unseated PT. Those fuckers have stolen ridiculous amounts of money from us. Search "Mensalão" and "Operation Car wash" And that's it, his only good deed so far. Being a little less of an asshole than PT.
What this faggot needs to do is remove that ridiculous 60% import tax on electronic goods that stalls Brazil's tech based economy, hikes prices and lines the pockets of some big wig. I had one life to live and i was born to be a third worlder. God is fucking cruel.
No. 451849
>>451845Bolsonaro had literally nothing to do with the car wash operation anon. He's just a puppet that got way too much power because he's a bigot and most of Brazilians are bigots too and found him joking about rape "epic".
But yeah fuck this place, I'm going to Portugal this year if all goes well.
No. 451857
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>>451297Of course, anon. We will rise again and together we will enter a New Eden.
No. 451869
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No. 451922
>>451918Yeah people love to ignore imperialism and act like those countries are just shitholes for no reason but big $ has a lot of impact.
That being said you could be noble and not commit treason and actively help the US fuck your shit up. There'll theoretically always be someone else that will take the bribe but… idk. I don't like the idea that these countries have no agency whatsoever.
No. 451926
>>451918I know about the whole dictatorships backed by CIA thing, I literally live here but ok. Obviously the US fucked us over but the biggest problem for us is that our politicians are incompetent and corrupt as fuck. My country is supposed to be one of the less corrupt countries in Latin America and we literally got a vicepresident kicked out of his position for being a corrupt cunt.
We can't just blame everything on others anyway. We have to get our shit together. Both presidents that suck on USA dick (for example Bolsonaro in Brazil) and presidents that hate the USA (for example Maduro in Venezuela) are fucking over their country in some way. I think the problem is more massive corruption and the people voting incompetent fucks into power than remnants of the dictatorship era.
There's a mindset problem as well tbh. Storytime: In my country we had a "trans law" a while ago that does a lot of shit in favour of trannies, one of them being allowing hormone treatment for minors. We had an attempt to invalidate the law, but voting wasn't mandatory. Most people I know disagreed with the law but they were all like "lol nobody's gonna go vote it's not worth it roflmao". I voted, but most people didn't and now we have legal hormone treatment for kids. People will always vote for the same shit parties because "lmao they will win anyway". It doesn't also help that most people see political parties as something akin to sports clubs and everything the one party they happen to like spews they're gonna agree with it instantly.
I don't know if this is all of Latin America but at least in my country this is the general mindset and it's just fucking rage inducing.
No. 451931
>>451917when was the last time there was a real left president in latin america? and i mean not in the extreme political sense but in the fact that most left actively plays with the center and center right in a "were marching forward but not too forward", the supposedly power struggles are just banter between friends to keep olygarchy up and destroy middle class, tought you could argue there was never really a middles class in latin america. It shouldnt come as surprise that after the USA backed coups in the 70's there was a heavy decline in industrialization making most of the region forever stuck in basic colonial economy with just selling raw material.
Which is why
>>451926 its common place in most countries, most people realize the current way of politics isnt just doing it, theres no real representation or at least most people dont feel that way and thats why people who use their charisma and "
trigger" emotional states get so easily in upper political places, bolsonaro and trump both promised safety and security of either real or false treats and were seen as "real people".
No. 452418
>>452038We all need to WORK to survive, though. I think we as a collective should start considering taking precautions to make the incoming shitshow less hard on ourselves- because the people who suffer most in a disaster event are women. The suffering for us is
unimaginable in any disaster scenario unless we arm ourselves, with weaponry, knowledge, or secrecy.
Start gardening some of your own food. Get backyard chickens if you have the room or if not, start storing canned or long-lasting food and water- enough for two weeks. Get ready to barricade your shit as needed, have somewhere to hide away if something like mass rioting or local societal breakdown occurs. Research ways to make yourself really shut off to the world and escape routes to get out of your city if need be. Know your shit.Maybe even make plans to form a disaster squad if you have local, competent, alert women in your area.
Know your shit. Be prepared. Men ruined the world and they're going to try ruining us too. But we're the only ones who can heal things, make them any better. We just have to be
ready for it and outlast the raging retards who'll start slaughtering each other as soon as they're given a chance.
If you don't want to chance that, then use your life for good! For environmentalism! Take risks that people who value their lives won't! Maybe you can help decelerate this! But know you have options for purpose during this time. We have to return to the land in one way or another. Be prepared to do whatever you need make that happen, or at the very least protect her- and ourselves- from the destroyers of our world.
No. 452514
>vote far leftThat's a funny oxymoron. There are no far left politicians.
Anyways, I was planning on buying an off-the-grid, solar powered tiny home in my 30s but I'm not sure we'll even make it till then. I feel like the amazon fires have heightened everyone's sense of nihilism including mine.
No. 452644
>>452621Our society seems to be going in waves with the "save the planet" thing and then completely forgetting about it. I think, unless the next wave comes soon, we'll start to see shit go down.
personally as someone in california, I'm already prepped for the inevitable earthquake. The fault is like fifteen minutes away and I'm ready to groove with it
No. 452675
>>452638Look, if you want to lead an environmentally conscious life, that's good. Prefer public transport, recycle as much as you can, avoid buying unnecessary plastic crap, eat less meat et cetera. It can't be WORSE for the environment. But what good does it do to be on the verge of panic all the time, preparing for a doomsday nuclear winter scenario that's going to wipe out the whole earth in 2 years and contemplating suicide over the scary news articles? What's the point? You might as well kill yourself right now if that's the life you're going to live. If anything, we're living a much more sustainable life than back when EVERY city was covered in thick factory smoke and the rivers were polluted and filled with garbage. A lot of animal species have been saved from the brink of extinction, forests have been restored, more eco-friendly ways of generating energy have been implemented, cars are turning to electricity instead of fossil fuels, recycling is gaining more traction etc. And it's getting better by the minute.
If you're going to be crying over the theoretical environmental catastrophe, why not fear a new super disease wiping the population out? Black death killed 60% of the population of Europe in the Middle ages. How about meteors hitting the earth? If something like the one that exploded over Siberia in the early 1900s arrived a few hours earlier it would've caused massive destruction, and just recently we just barely dodged a big ass comet heading for earth. Or the supervolcano under the Yellowstone park exploding and destroying like 80% of the planet and it's already overdue for its next big eruption? Due to human hubris we like to think that we're in charge of everything on the planet, but in fact there are multiple things that could wipe us out in the blink of an eye. Spending your life in constant fear of a global catastrophe isn't a constructive way to do. Just live each day to the best you can.
No. 452978
>>452621Scientific consensus is that if we haven't cut carbon emissions to 0 by 2030, it'll officially be hot enough to melt the icecaps and all the good stuff that comes with that. We could see food shortages as early as 2040 as well as mass immigration from both heat and sealevel rise. (google IPCC climate report, there are dozens of breakdowns)
That said,
1. climate scientists don't want to be accused of causing a panic so things might be worse than what's being reported 2. Nothing will happen without massive society wide changes but status quo is too comfortable and too profitable 3. this report doesn't even cover the shortages in ground water and topsoil the world is also currently facing 4. Rise of far-right ideologies worldwide is making it harder for sane people to cooperate on climate issues.
Then again there are new technologies coming out every day so we just might be able to turn this garbage barge around. Even if we don't, some of us could be fortunate enough to avoid the worst consequences in our lifetimes. Although I personally wouldn't gamble on having a child, offing yourself over this this far in advance is a bit overdramatic.
No. 453037
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captain planet need to come give a visit. too many looters and polluters
No. 453062
>>452978Haha I was mostly joking about the offing myself comment. Mostly because it seemed shocking to see anons saying the world is "going to hell" in 20 years and it won't be worth living by then.
Everything you listed still sounded soon enough though.I guess I'll be around to see the start of some these upsetting things, and probably not a bad idea to start gardening. That's a lot of why I figure maybe it's better to not have kids. Are they going to have to compete to survive? Will they not have the quality of life I'll have?
I try to do practical things to help the environment, but there's too many people offsetting these efforts. I never had a romantic feeling about our race surviving and don't see us as anything special. If we end up dying out then I suppose it's for the best. But we'll be taking a lot of innocent creatures with us
No. 453106
>>451344China buys like 20% of the soy and beef made by the fuckers burning down the forest. You can thank Trump's retarded trade war for creating the increased demand for Brazillian agriculture.
Retarded Brazillians don't deserve the rainforest if they voted for a president who wants to destroy it. The WHOLE forest be like the Moon, where it belongs to all of the nations.
The hicks who started these fires deserve to burn at the stake.
No. 453181
>>453178That's not true.
The North and Northwest of the country love PT.
The problem is the whole dived left thing again. A lot of people from Native, black, women, etc, groups felt ostracized or ignored by the party. The problem is, if the left gets all fragmented then the right wins and fucks them even more.
No. 453525
>>453524It won't be the end of Humans though In fact it will be the rebirth of Humanity
The Human population will dramatically decrease but their will still be Human left on the earth who will find some one way to survive as Hunter Gathers
No. 455930
>>453525Maybe mother nature has to make a decision to either
a. with humans never stopping having children, we'll evolve somehow to adapt to the higher temperatures and other things
b. not adapt us fast enough and wipe us all out with natural disasters and too high temperatures because we're a threat to all life in general
but even then maybe some will still survive and then natural selection can take a real good course finally instead of humans overpopulating mindlessly like idiots, humans can evolve and rebuild, only to inevitably fuck it all up again. Repeat.