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No. 46018
>>46001>>46017It's not that I hate drawing is just, I am painfully unskilled at it, and even my stick men in paint look awful and not endearing at all, plus I think any art I do (which will be garbage) will just detract from the whole thing. I know comics are a great way to get a story out, but maybe I can find a way that requires less artistic merit? hopefully…
>>46013Nah, no sex or fetish, just a fantasy story.
No. 46022
>>46018Ooo… fantasy, yes. I think it's just a question of getting your work noticed. Use tumblr and use tags. Maybe also try archiving your work at AO3–it's primarily fanfic, but they accept original fic, too, and have tags for "fairy tale" etc. If your story has reimagined classics it'll probably be picked up faster.
If I were you I'd write one or two short one shots with reimagined classics and use those as ways to capture new readers for your original characters' story. You just need one or two influential people to rec your work to get the ball rolling.
No. 46042
>>46035as someone who has to grade prose of a wide range of talent for a living, it honestly seems like you either have it or you don't
i can say that 99.99999% of people who claim to have any designs on becoming an author of any kind usually broadcast immediately that they have no chance in hell, because frankly if your prose doesn't rock by your twenties how much fucking better is it going to get
read a lot though
No. 46046
>>46043probably just combine a concerted regimen of reading literary fiction, of many different styles and periods and blah blah, with learning english grammar inside and out
maybe i'm coming from an elitist perspective here, especially these days when terrible authors can become internet-famous for writing gay little colloquial quirky stories, but all really great and serious authors are good at english. if i see a split infinitive i immediately, instinctively think "well, maybe this person isn't so big on words.. i guess they could still be smart, but statistically they are probably a dipshit." you can avoid that kind of thing by just properly learning proper grammar, as you would if you had to take a college course in it or whatever.
No. 46231
>>45997>>46018>>46043A-are you me?
I've been carrying around this story almost my entire life, it changed a lot overtime though as it grew with me. I don't even know if people would like it or if it'll be some sucky mary-sue shit.
No. 46234
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>>46049The recommendations depend of what you previously read. I can't recommend you read some of the books in the pic if you only read in the school.