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No. 460193
>>460171Stay apolitical and make your own characters instead of doing fanart. People usually don't nitpick OCs because they don't have a headcanon about how those should look, unlike their favorite Sailor Moon character.
Cancelling someone over their actual artwork isn't really common anyway, people usually get cancelled bc it turns out they said "nigger" online when they were 11 or something. If you were
problematic in your past, it's prob better to change your style and hide behind a fresh account and a new pseudonym.
No. 460244
OP i definitely feel it. I'm an art nobody, but that's a big fear of mine. I honestly hope cancel culture stops being a thing soon, but i think it's going to cost people's lives to end it, you know? With Zoe Quinn getting that guy to kill himself, that SU artist that attempted suicide because of harassment, etc. I wonder when cancel culture is going to hit its tipping point.
>>460228>like he isn't even problematic but knows people who personally would probably love to cancel him with misleading receipts if he were to ever get super popularI think this is my biggest problem. People are muddying genuine words like pedophile, racist, and nazi by tacking them onto completely harmless people. Twitter is honestly a fucking cesspool, i think it's where most of these cancel culture woke retards come from.
Honestly the most pathetic type of callout is people getting angry over something that was tweeted 5+ years ago. There are people out there willing to dig through your tweets to find one word, video, or sentiment. If you criticize their behavior, you obviously have something to hide. You're a pedophile in hiding, a bigot, etc etc. When really you're scared of the relentless harassment and doxxing that comes with it.
No. 460324
>>460228A few weeks ago i was randomly lurking and started reading about a fantasy artist that was getting canceled because she liked a few conservative memes in one of those boomer fb pages years ago. She is like 40 and hasn't done anything wrong, thats literally it, she had a cringy conservative page in her likes a few years ago.
She was still labeled a trumpist nazi bigot and people were after her job and planning boycots against her on the venues she sold her art. Who is even so petty as to browse your fb history from years ago? even less use shitty boomer memes to ruin you? it takes one seriously messed up and envious troll with a personal vendetta against you and a squad nihilistic assholes with nothing better to do than to try and harm people from the comfort of their armchair using any excuse.
No. 460341
>>460171What are some examples of this?
I'm not super into social media, so I only hear about the big stuff like people who have shows getting removed because of some gross stuff they said
It sounds almost petty to be "Cancelled" because you drew something the wrong way, so I want to make sure I know everything about situations like this.
No. 460352
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>>460349I think so, just googled to check and found a post with a letter she wrote about. She is an ex mormom middle aged lesbian and the very top results on google are all drama related stuff about her, which as an artist must be pretty shitty to have your art appearing under a bunch of bullshit.
And of course the first few comments on her posts are from a troon sperging about how this artist having different opinions in her private life kills him.
"If the card has only been printed with your art, I will deface it." Eyerolls* No. 460367
My advice? Ignore it. If they're coming down on you for something you said a decade ago, explain yourself in a collected, matter-of-fact way and move on. Don't bend a knee and start crawling at their feet begging to be forgiven because that's exactly what they want and they can't get enough of it. They WANT to see you break down, cry and run away. The people moving around cancelling others for the slightest missteps and screaming pedo/racist/transphobe at everything live off of it. If you don't feed it, they will starve and move on to the next target. The worst lot of them even shill their ko-fi for donations in the callout replies. Trying to reason with them does absolutely nothing. If they have decided that you're a dangerous, child-abusing pedophile for drawing ship art of 17 year old cartoon characters, then I'm sorry to tell you that nothing is going to change their minds. Pretty much the only thing you can do at that point is just wait for the two days until they've found something else to raise hell over. They don't care that you're traumatized for life for being branded as a nazi child rapist for nothing, they'll forget about it in two minutes and continue living their lives like nothing happened. Don't give them the satisfaction of thinking that they won. At least 90% of the people following the drama usually side with you anyway because anyone with half a brain can see they're stirring shit for clout.
The toxic cancel culture became reality because we opened the flood gates. We apologized for something we didn't have to apologize for, we gave them the validation, we fucked ourselves over. The only way to stop it is to put a cork in it and stop treating them like they're worthy of attention.
I'm someone who has dealt with this a lot (working in communication) and this is genuinely the best advice I can give you. Just remember that they're sad, mentally ill bullies who would shit their pants if someone confronted them IRL and half of their tweets consist of them crying about their depression. They don't deserve your attention.
No. 460381
>>460367>The toxic cancel culture became reality because we opened the flood gates. We apologized for something we didn't have to apologize for, we gave them the validation, we fucked ourselves over. What do you mean? Was there some great collective artist happening or agreement I wasn't a part of?
I was agreeing with you at first but this part sounds kind of conspiracy theory-ish.
Dumb teens and manchildren on social media are always looking to shit-stir, no one brought it on themselves
No. 460408
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>>460320>i wouldn't care if someone called me either a terf or a nazi or a racist or a whatever.I understand where you're coming from but I guess it really depends on where you want to work or who you want to work with. For example, if you want to work at a cartoon studio you can't have words like this attached to you. I keep seeing more and more gender specials in the industry so I imagine they're only going to get more picky with their clients.
Also looking more into Zamii, tumblr really fucking has it out for her. I genuinely wonder if the person behind these kind of things just had a vendetta and made it spiral out of control.
No. 460414
>>460408Even if you prove the canceling was unfounded and you are on the right, just the drama attached to your name alone means potential employers will not want to work with you. Thats really what cancelling is about, making up a shitstorm so big that you emit a stink and your peers and employers won´t wants to associate with you again fearing a public relations backlash so you are effectively removed from the industry. No surprise a lot of this shit are power moves from people within the same industry of the person they are trying to cancel.
Any bullshit excuse will do, no matter how obviously fake it is, as long as people jump on the bandwagon and talk shit about you in public enough the damage is done.
No. 460425
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My biggest problem with cancel culture was that if I was ever cancelled It'd be hard for me to back up and start a new account. I really don't mean this is a special snowflake-y way, but I'm a mish-mash of to many unique things (from a small ethnicity, favorite bands have >1000 plays, general lover of obscure stuff). If I was cancelled and started a new account I'd have to reformat my entire identity or never reveal a single fact about my stuff. You can make backup accounts if you're a dude who likes queen, but if your a women who's favorite band is sick queen people might feel your similarity to a canceled artist is more than coincidence.
No. 460435
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>>460408The Zamii controversy was 100% a vendetta imo. She made some social faux pas' like this drawing but really a few somewhat insensitive character illustrations was not enough to bully her the way they did. She definitely deserved critique but holy shit the hateboner people had for her was so intense.
The real reason people went apeshit is because she was hired at Nickelodeon and people felt like she didn't deserve the job and they did. I remember looking up a 'receipts' blog because I had mostly missed the controversy, and this person took some random SU drawing she had done and was freaking out over some shittly drawn hands and how terrible and awful Zamii was.
No. 460457
>>460171so as someone who was ""called out"" (hate blog with censored out of context "reciepts", broken google drive link to "evidence", the whole package) I still don't fully know how one should or would deal with it. I got into personal drama with an old friend group while I was a semi-prominent artist in a small niche fanbase, and ended up losing all my "friends" over it. Even though I had evidence completely disproving this psycho's out of context, conveniently cropped screenshots and lying through her teeth, it didn't change anyone's opinion. Not just because this person spoke up about me first, but because I apologized to her.
I apologized thinking it would calm her down, but it actually gave her ammo into trying to incriminate me. It boosted her ego. It gave her faulty validation. I regret it so much, I basically shot myself in the foot and gave them everything they needed to demonize me.
The one thing I would do differently, is I would've spoke up sooner and defended myself, honestly. Not by shoving screenshots down people's throats or desperately trying to gain their approval, but by simple stating my truth in a calm fashion and not backing down, not allowing it fuck with me. It's basically school yard bullying. They want to see you react, they want to see you freakout. Don't.
People who want the truth will seek it out, and not let themselves be persuaded by peer pressure into "picking a side". People who want a spectacle and quick witty banter, will do everything they can to obscure said truth. Those people are vultures, no matter how righteous they pretend to act.
People get "cancelled" because they back down when really they should be standing up. This crowd feeds off weakness, uncertainty of the accuser, questioning your character and morals, making you doubt yourself; It's all energy supply to them and they love it. They love to feel above other people.
so yea. if you know you haven't done anything wrong and you know your truth, don't let these idiots back you into a corner and pressure you into playing their game. the only way to win this sociopathic game, is to not play. and that's all it is to them at the end of the day anyways; a game.
No. 460514
>>460462Fanart, OC stuff, etc etc. Basically anything can attract these crazies. Sometimes it doesn't even need to be a follower for a fire to be started.
The fact that it takes one person with a self-righteous vendetta to cancel someone is incredibly scary.
No. 460536
>>460381Because people started either caving under the pressure and apologizing or joining lynch mobs, thus let the cancel culture became a thing. It's fun to be able to laugh and throw rocks at someone who messed up, and it's also easier to just agree and apologize than to stand for what you believe in. If people were sensible from the very beginning, the cancelers wouldn't gotten the first taste of blood.
>>460408>Also looking more into Zamii, tumblr really fucking has it out for her. I genuinely wonder if the person behind these kind of things just had a vendetta and made it spiral out of control.Like 9 out of 10 times it's just an obsessive personal vendetta or someone just out for boosting their own image at the expense of fucking someone else over. They don't genuinely care about someone being "racist" for drawing a character with a lighter skin tone, they just want to feel superior.
>>460457>I apologized thinking it would calm her down, but it actually gave her ammo into trying to incriminate me. It boosted her ego. It gave her faulty validation. I regret it so much, I basically shot myself in the foot and gave them everything they needed to demonize me. Yeah this is exactly why you never apologize to them. You never negotiate with terrorists. You won't get what you want out of them. I'm sorry this happened to you anon.
No. 460552
>>460536Thanks. People I was friends with for 5+ years just turned their back on me, like our friendship meant nothing. I got more support from people I only knew for a few months than people I'd been with for my childhood.
>>460367This is also scarily accurate to what to goes on inside these people's minds, I know because
I was very close with the girl who tried to call me out, and she would often talk about how she wanted to destroy her ex's, not for any righteous reason but purely because she wanted them to be alone and miserable with no friends. It actually gave her emotional stress to see people interact with them and see them happy. The levels of sociopathy in these people are unreal, and they function purely on dysregulated emotions, rage, and self-entitled fury. They're extremely pathetic and envious of other people's happiness, so they seek to destroy it. It's really fucked up
No. 460560
>>460552I'm the anon who wrote it and it's accurate because I know people who "cancel" others, I know how they function. They're sad, pitiful beings who have learned that causing controversy and getting into fights gets them validation as a person and makes them feel like they have a purpose in life. They're literally living to make others miserable and if that isn't absolutely pathetic I don't know what is. If you saw these dumb bitches in front of you choking back tears and whining about you being a ~twansphobe~ for drawing a genderbent character, would you take them seriously? Vs. them online spitting out vitriol and preaching to the choir gaining hundreds of likes and retweets. You really need to take the whole thing apart to deal with it.
1.) Unless you've actually been caught red-handed harassing kids or taking part in a KKK rally or something, you do not have to apologize for being a "pedo" or "racist". Drop a few neutral truth bombs and be done with it. Mic drop it right there.
2.) The one who's calling you out probably is doing it due to the reasons I listed above OR they have some sort of a jealous/nonsensical vendetta against you because you didn't reply to their tweet once or some bullshit like that
3.) The people joining the mob and dishing out those likes and RTs probably have no actual idea what's going on and only got the grapevine version of what happened. They will forget about this drama and you in three days max. They're acting in the heat of the moment and will probably find out later that the one igniting it was full of shit.
4.) Most onlookers will sympathize with you even if they don't open their mouths. As long as you don't dig your hole deeper, they will start defending you at some point because a LOT of people are sick of this happening each week.
That's the basic anatomy of how a callout works. Even someone who deserved it like ProJared got dragged on for weeks and now months only because his mistress Holly couldn't shut up and kept on adding fuel to the fire as she was desperately trying to claw her way out of the barrel by piling up lies. That's exactly what the callout people want, they want you to drag it on and give them more material to be outraged over. Whereas something like the recent Kikuo callout lasted only maybe one afternoon because he just laid the truth out there with two tweets and ignored it for the rest of the time.
No. 460588
>>460575>Define weird. Tbh you have nothing to worry about if you dont draw fetish art like lolicon or guro. Like if all you're doing is adult only and not like, glorifying abuse and crime then it's fineSee… this is the thing. Nobody that support cancel culture can fucking agree on this. Like
>>460578 said you can be targeted if you draw petite characters (i'm not talking about 1000 year old toddlers) so small breasts, thin frames, babyfaces, etc. Even size difference is considered pedophilia because the smaller person is "minor coded", or because there's a "power imbalance". As for abuse anything goes, if a character has literally one negative line in a game about another character, if you ship them it's considered
abusive. People are willing to twist anything and everything you draw into being
Most of the people behind cancel culture are underaged retards or zoomers that have never had sex, so they see an adult dating a slightly older/taller adult and they go "ooo! scawwy!" most of them don't have sex. They don't have real experience so they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. In the adult world, adults can look considerably younger (i for example still get fucking carded despite being in my late twenties, and because of that according to some people i shouldn't be able to date) adults date with large age/size differences, etc etc.
No. 460714
>>460588honestly this opinion is even prevalent here. among crazies sure, but i've seen anons say that women under 160cm with small chests can only get pedos as bfs. it's absolutely crazy.
cancel culture to me is actual haters most of the time.
No. 460759
>>460575One of my friends got a sandstorm on her social media because she drew herself with flags and facepainting for a national holiday, it was just a cute cartoon portrait. We are both from the same country and she has barely a couple years living abroad. Apparently she was not brown enough to be sporting latin american flags and she was culturally appropriating her own nationality…
The funny part is that a lot of local people liked and shared the image and stood by her. The whole canceling attempt probable came from the group of burguers she goes to school with, they must have reposted it on some sjw site and more and more of them tagged along just to insult and throw tantrums and longposts about someone they don't even know and is not even that popular. Even when she told them were she was from they kept attacking her because she was ~privileged~ and "spoke english too well and not real latina." .
Cancel culture is just cyber bullying with extra excuses. Nothing else.
No. 460764
>>460578>>460588You guys got it. It's fucking ridiculous.
>>460575For commissions, I've drawn vore, hyper, macro, size kink, foot expansion (please don't ask), some other weirder shit I can't remember. I refused to draw children for obvious reasons.
I also drew a lot of dickgirl stuff, I had one person actually try to cancel me over that because I was "transphobic" for drawing it. Their attempts didn't get anywhere, but this was also a few years before cancel culture started to impact smaller artists. God forbid I (a bi woman) want to combine what I see as being "the best of both worlds". Sorry that drawings of fictional dickgirls are hotter than actual troons.
No. 460821
>>460817Have you seen the gross amount of fetish headcannons that stem from sjw breeding grounds? Poly stuff, daddy kinks , interacial fetishes , fat detishes masquerading as body positive, self harm and mental disorder fetishes, and genderbenders abound. Its only very recently that tumblr lost the porn, before it was flooding with this stuff. And yes, a shit ton of troons.
Most if not all of the people i've seen getting canceled are either conservatives or accused of not being leftist enough by their standards. Most are not even fetish artists, they are being accused of drawing a fat character too thin or too light skinned.
No. 461821
>>461818I see you have never seen or experienced a canceling before. It's not as easy as "just telling the truth and standing up for yourself", these people aren't looking for you to improve as a person, they're only after validation for their own being and causing controversy for the sake of social media interaction. They will take ANY word you say and twist it until it serves their agenda, it doesn't matter how well you explain yourself or if you're innocent or not. If they've decided you're guilty of sexismpedoracistransphobiableism, nothing's going to sway their minds.
It's extremely stressful and heavy to deal with an aggressive lynch mob riding your ass for something they absolutely shouldn't give a shit about to the point they're actually threatening your livelihood by doxxing you and contacting your employer/clients, so it's hard to stay collected and just walk it off. Especially when their claims are 100% bullshit but you can't disprove them because they've taken your words out of context and presented them as "proof". They've dehumanized the target to the point that they'll pull no punches because social media makes people fucking sociopaths, there's no point in trying to reason with them.
No. 462211
>>462202I'm surprised at how much people are still raging at Imallexx over his part in the Slazo situation. Nobody used the word rape in that story but Kavos keeps spreading that word and teen boys are all parroting 'ooh careful or Imallex with say you raped him' I think if Chey was a more public person she'd be getting all that shit instead of him though
Alex tweets about a stranger grabbing him by his testicles in a drunken show of macho-ism and of course he's wrong/making it up/he wanted it.. looks like petite gay or bi guys get the same bashing women get
No. 462268
>>462259Happened this summer. An ex of Slazo accused him of being
abusive, using her for sex and pushing her into sex acts. Imallex and a few other supported the girl in going public and Slazo was cancelled for two months.
Slazo made a response and people took his side again, now Imallexx is cancelled by some people and a Youtuber called Kavos is hounding him to apologise again and kind of harassing him by showing up to event to confront him face to face. No idea why Kavos is even inserting himself
No. 463733
>>461727I think about how people who are actually terrible - Onision, ProJared, Jeffree Star, Drake, etc. - and how they still have diehard fans and supporters even after they've been proven to be in the wrong. Now imagine that kind of support for those who haven't done anything really awful like that, it's immense and sometimes cancel attempts do get shut down by supporters and friends. I think if you just be genuine and as good as possible then hearsay will fizzle away (as long as its all actually untrue ofc)
I also don't use my name or face on any streaming-related things so that helps lol