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No. 461714
>>461474Notice how 99% (if not 100%) of those happen in relation to boards filled with incels, not places like Lolcow or PULL.
Really makes you question the nature of things.
No. 462440
It's nothing I redirect on the internet per se, but in real life I've always been made to feel like whatever I've done isn't good enough (narcissistic parents, fake friends, user exes), and that for my flaws–no matter how inconsequential–I'm treated as if I'm the worst of the worst.
Meanwhile, I get on the internet to browse places like lolcow. I see how legitimately horrible e-people actually wind up doing pretty okay for themselves, considering how some have never actually worked for anything they have. At least outwardly, they all seem so proud of themselves and assured that they deserve the best. People who've done worse shit than I could ever imagine doing to other human beings. Sociopaths, bullies, narcissists, racists, sexists, drug addicts, animal abusers, etc. With the only downside being that they get picked on a little on the internet in exchange for their efame and the luxuries and attention that it brought them.
Am I angry at these internet cows who I will never ever meet? No, I'm angry at the pieces of shit in my life who've chronically undervalued me, gave me the evil eye, and did everything they could to make sure I never surpass them because god forbid I'd turned out as happy as these lolcows are with themselves.
They don't have a clue how lucky they are to have had opportunities handed to them that they've taken for granted, or to have unconditional support from their echo chambers who'd want nothing but the best for them despite the things they've said and done.
It all just makes me stop and question why I ever really tried in the first place if this was going to be the endgame. If, for all my efforts, I'd still be struggling like this. While shitty people in the world seem to be the ones who get rewarded and who people admire.
The only thought that grounds me from being angry all the time is telling myself that I can only do my best with the hand that I've been dealt. That someone else doing better than me for whatever reasons ultimately doesn't matter in the cosmos.
Just wish I didn't feel so put down is all. Worst of all is knowing it's not something I particularly did: It was just being born to the wrong people, growing up in the wrong places, and befriending the wrong folks because I didn't know the rules.
No. 462561
>>462440I have a similar feeling, anon. I think some of us are moral and sensible people naturally, we have those traits ingrained in our personalities and we are also teached by society that we must do good and be good and that such things as karma and fairness exist and that we will be rewarded. The only way you can be rewarded from doing good and being attuned to morals is by having integrity and a clean consciousness.
A lot of people on this planet are born with less sensibility and empathy and with little feelings of remorse or self-awareness and ironically those kind of people get very far in life because they only see their goal and most of the time their goal is centered around their own well being. They don't care how much wrong they do because they don't even have the emotional capacity to be aware of it. Unfortunately, these kind of people are meant to strive in our capitalist society. Sincerity doesn't count (only on a personal level) it's all about how you pull the strings, it's a stupid game some people are designed to play very well. Fairness doesn't exist in our world even if it's tried to be established by law or social moral values, the law can only do so much and the people of our society on average are often not very intelligent and refuse to see behind appearances. This is our world, as chaotic as it may be.
A mad world where the guilty are praised and the innocent are punished.
No. 462648
i'm not tho. i'm happy, have great friends and a career and live alone. i'm doing great! i just treat this site like a reality tv show. it's trashy drama and it's entertaining, lol.