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No. 461840
>>461809Dunno if it's technically a superstition but I heard a while ago that if you dream about someone it means they're thinking about you, now I keep dreaming about someone from my past and wondering if it's true
The rational part of me feels stupid for even thinking it
No. 461852
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if I think about something I want to happen to will not happen so I must think in opposites. obviously comes from my parents frequently fucking me over as a child but I can't shake it. when I was like 8 I had a period when everything in my internal voice had to be the opposite of what I actually wanted to convey. like if I wanted to say to myself "now I'll go to store", it had to be "later we won't come home".
sometimes it is bit detrimental as I can't think about future plans in detail like masters and postgrad jobs and stuff without it giving me major nerves that by doing so I'm making it impossible for myself (this usually ends with me avoiding important planning until last possible moment). legit chose my uni without even looking up anything besides the general academic rankings kek, but hey it worked, I'm here, etc!
another one I have is that people can know my thoughts when a)physically touching me b)I'm thinking of them. like I know it's irrational and paranoid/borderline certified insane but also can't shake it fully lol. nothing makes me feel more guilty than accidentally fantasizing about people I know irl bc 1stly, I'm jinxing it solely by thinking about it, 2ndly, they know that I thought of them in such way and are disgusted.
don't really have any traditional mirror or number or crack in pavement tier ones though.
No. 461854
>>461852That's honestly fascinating
I don't have much weird ones just the usual knock the wood and stuff though sometimes before I went to sleep I had to hold breath and clap different kind of rhythms or swallow certain number of times before I could go to bed or something bad might happen to me.
No. 461857
>>461852sometimes I feel like if I think/hope for a positive outcome, it definitely won't ever happen. like if I want it, it's definitely not possible. like, the chances of something good happening goes down the more I hope it happens…
I always think in balances, like if something really good happens to me, I get anxious waiting for the equivalent bad thing to happen. or if something bad happens to me I feel better knowing something good has to happen soon.
No. 461865
>>461852>if I think about something I want to happen to will not happen so I must think in opposites. My parents says similar things. Like if you say or imply that you would like something to happen or you're working on something because you want a more or less specific outcome it will never happen or your chances of it happening will decrease because talking about it or even just thinking too much about it will attract the evil eye or some shit. I'm not religious or superstitious but being raised like this wasn't a good thing for my siblings and me.
For example as kids, whenever a family friend would give compliments about us to our mother like "your daughters are so cute!" or "they have such good grades!" she would tell us to not be too happy about it because maybe that family friend was trying to curse us so we would become ugly or deformed while growing up or get terrible grades later and fail school. I think that's just her super weird way of saying that some people are just two-faced bitches who want you to fail but that's way too over the top imo. Pretty much all the other superstitions in my family have to do with how not to attract the evil eye or demons otherwise.
No. 461915
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I don't want to alarm you OP but you might be cursed af. No. 461916
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I am a huge C.G Jung fan and i believe in meaning in sinchronicities, the unconscious and dream interpretation. It has helped me so much over the years is insane how weird things can get. I also read the tarot and the i ching but less in divinatory fashion and more in an archetypical and simbolic way so i can meditate and reflect on the associations and sincronicity they give me rather than know the future.
I kinda believe that time loops too, so premonitions may just be memories of things you already did in a previous iteration of your lifetime. Kida like Groundhog day minus bill murray.
No. 461936
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>>461934Stock up on sea salt, you can never be too safe.
No. 461938
>>461865anon here and that is just mean! saying stuff like that to kids sounds traumatising as fuck, I'm sorry, anon! are your parents muslim by any chance? I'm wonderbread european and I've never seen anyone buy into the evil eye stuff that much and I have some christian cultist relatives even.
my bs isn't even about evil eye or other people or attracting misfortune, which has like a belief system behind no matter how irrational, it's literally about me thinking about a scenario => haha now it is impossible lol. somehow seems even more retarded to not have it attached to any sort of "school of thought" and for that I've never shared this with anyone irl.
>>461857yess, the balance thing is also always in the back of my mind. sometimes it helps knowing that it can't be all bad forever but then it also makes you feel uneasy when everything is going
too well
No. 462013
>>461930o-okay, now listen…
I used to be really into OOBE (out of body experience) and lucid dreaming and as a teenager I would spend a lot of my evenings trying to make it work. During one "session" I had a dream of being somewhere… like in space, but without the stars. Just black nothingness, but as I started to look around, I realized I could see more… only if I stayed for a bit longer. Then I felt a presence and someone said:
you must get out of here, and I got kicked out of the dream.
Some time later, without planning on it, I got back there. Before me was the same being… I knew it was huge, like a gigantic dragon laying in the shadows. I could hear the breath, the subtle movements of the body, you know. But I couldn't see it. I remember it was part annoyed, part amused.
You're here again. I remember we talked about the deepest mysteries of the universe and I remember the feeling of enlightenment. Then I felt a new presence, it was creeping closer, and the being said
it's time to leave and I immediately woke up; of course with no recollection of any of the secrets I've been told.
This being the superstitions thread, is it too crazy to think we've been in the same place, anon?
No. 462026
>>462013You know, funny thing is I was into out of body stuff as a teen before this happened, I read books and tried to make it happen but at most I would get this falling sensation or a dizzy feeling in my head. Then that random morning I had the experience.
The closest drawing I've ever seen that matches the creature was drawn by someone showing various versions of 'reptilians'
Would you say your experience felt positive or negative? I noticed you don't mention fear as part of it
No. 462057
>>462026>Would you say your experience felt positive or negative?Neither, I think. It didn't scare me, I was excited something interesting had finally happened. But I guess here lies the difference between our experiences, you woke up accidentally, paralized. Me, I put myself there with my own hands. So there was a fear factor for you to begin with, and you had the "pleasure" of meeting the thing that was creeping for me, and I met the thing that helped you wake up - if we were to draw parallels.
The first time I didn't give it much thought, I reckoned I almost grasped the experience and it was my subconsciousness kicking me out. The second time though, the vague memory of the conversation with the creature made me feel like it wasn't my imagination after all. I remember it was an important thing to me, this story… But I had completely forgotten about it until now. Good thing I stumbled upon your post, I'm going to copy and paste my (maybe yours too) post into Word for posterity lol
No. 462129
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>>461840>if you dream about someone it means they're thinking about youI've heard something similar but instead of dreaming it's if you sneeze.
I got a few:
>Pokemon is satanic and the trading cards can attract demons (kek)>If you make fun of someone with a disability or deformity your future child will be born with the same condition.>If you sleep on your back you'll get sleep paralysis. Can confirm. I never ever sleep on my back because when I do I immediately get nightmares or sleep paralysis. It's guaranteed. And the nightmares are usually always the same; I'm in my old room standing on my bed in the dark and something is telling me that there's someone in there with me. I desperately pull on the ceiling lamp dangles to turn the light on to see what or who it is, but the light bulb is burned out. The person gets closer but before anything happens I wake up. The other nightmare is me running around my house trying to lock all the doors and windows because there's something outside trying to get in.
Now this happened a while ago, but there was actually an incident that happened right in my front yard. I'm hoping maybe anons might know anything about black cats, other than them being bad luck?
Someone had buried a black cat in the grass next to our palm trees in the middle of the night. My mom immediately found it in the morning since it wasn't buried fully. She told me she didn't look straight at it because she believed that someone was trying to curse us. She had my dad exhume and dispose of the poor animal but to this day we have no idea who why someone would do this. Was the cat already dead before it was buried or did somebody kill it themselves? Even if this was some kind of prank, how could someone do something so cruel and strange in our quiet neighborhood? I'm angry that I may never know. I hope the cat didn't belong to anyone.
My mom also hung a cross from the window that the cat was buried in front of and burns sage every once and a while. She's convinced our next door neighbor did it.
No. 462142
>>461938Yep my family is muslim, while I'm secretly a non-believer. But I don't think my mother's believes and superstitions only come from Islam, because we're from countries that incorporated some of its own traditions and believes in Islam after the Arab invasion centuries ago, kind of like how Halloween and maybe Christmas too were incorporated in Christianity iirc.
>it's literally about me thinking about a scenario => haha now it is impossible lolI can see why people would think like that tbh, it's just the "it's too good to be true" mentality.
>>461966>the previous owner of this house complementing one of my mom's birds after they had moved out and the bird died that not one hour later, suddenly when he was totally healthy and chirpy before, and it was a young bird too. Not gonna lie that's kinda scary. I wouldn't want to live there after that.
No. 462309
>>462129I've heard that sleep paralysis only happens on your back, is this true?
Cos I had this experience while laying on my side-
>>461930So I'm extra spooked if that's true
No. 462341
>>462129>I'm hoping maybe anons might know anything about black cats, other than them being bad luck?They are precious fur babies and they are not cursed at all. I hate the abuse they get.
Santeros are probably the single religious group of people i dislike most and i generally really appreciate people's spiritual traditions no matter their religion but not Santeros, everyone who has worked with rescue shelters around here knows them very well because they keep trying to adopt animals to sacrifice, specially black cats. Santeros have actually got inside zoos and killed tigers, they cut one tiger's leg and left it there agonizing and other time a black panther dissapeared and her head appeared on an altar in a street and her body in a dumpster. They keep intimidating people and work with gangs, drug dealers and criminals. Fuck santeros, don0t ever trust your neighbor.
>>462142>I wouldn't want to live there after that.Pretty much everyone who visits gets spooked here, every now and theres high strangeness going on but its our home and property so we cope ;_;
No. 464054
>>461915Nta but I also used to have lots of dreams of a large black dog, despite not having any in my life. Sometimes he was hostile, sometimes he was just there.
Haven't had those dreams for a long time though.
No. 465699
>>461809I have never believe in the super natural,until some weird shit happened to me ,I'm a forensic specialist , so I deal whit a lot of corpses ,some co-workers have this believe that , when a corpse it's really rigid ( from the rigor mortis) to undress , to ask for the corpse " cooperation " so we can get the job done quickly and they can finally rest, I have always thought that was some silly shit to be honest, Until that fucking day ,where I have to undress this baby of 2 years , who have died in a car crash , that baby was so fucking rigid I couldn't undress her without breaking her bones , so one of my coworkers say to me , " come on " just tell her you are going to take her with her mother , I was so fucking tired that day , that I thought fine whatever, and I say " come on baby I'm just going to take your dirty clothes so you can be with your mommy " and I shit you not , her fucking corpse started to get less rigid , maybe I was my imagination but after that day I really have this odd feeling when I'm with a corpses,