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No. 46314
File: 1447127418454.png (34.03 KB, 542x299, 14437493988221.png)

>>46310just delete your tumblr, anon
delete it and be free at last
No. 46340
>>46310You need to purge your timeline and replace it with nonretarded tumblrs
I'm super into fitness and lifting, so that's my dash. The second someone starts spouting off about black lives matter or whatever, i unfollow them directly from the dashboard. You should do the same, it works pretty well.
No. 46356
File: 1447176012819.png (145.25 KB, 533x642, 1431412977109.png)

>>46310So in flacarica's mind, if you're white you can only love the way they look if you're a white supremacist. I'm sure in her mind if you're any shade of brown, or Asian it's because of ~their culture~.
No. 46542
>>46512omg what I don't get it's that irl, this type of shit doesn't normally happen, or at least it didn't until tumblr began brainwashing people
I've never met a black girl angry with white girls for doing their hair "like black people," rather they think it's cool
these people let their hatred build up online so much because all they read is fucked up shit, and then go out and come to these asinine conclusions
No. 49207
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Have you guys heard about pillowfort? It's a pussified version of tumblr basically, image related
No. 49221
>>49207I can't see this working out well.
From the Breitbart article:
>Its creators promise to add new privacy-oriented features including the ability to block users, the ability to make blog posts “unrebloggable” (on Tumblr, anyone can “reblog” another blogger’s post to their followers), and a Facebook-style “list” feature, which makes bloggers’ posts only viewable to a select group of people. Like Reddit, PillowFort will also have moderators who police its user-created communities.Just what the online world needed. A higher-than-tumblr-tier hugbox with faggy le ebin mods.
No. 49234
>>49221yeah I love how on tumblr you often get special snowflakes who hashtag their posts as DONT REBLOG
I always reblog those
No. 49324
>>49234Erm don't people usually say "don't reblog" about personal things that aren't necessary to reblog?
So you're one of those people that reblog specific posts that make no sense for you to reblog just for the sake of being an edgelord? Ok