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No. 464109
Just a thread to vent and share similar stories about lechers and how everyone makes it out to be not that big a deal
And the annoyingness of it
>be me, 18 living by myself, haven’t finished high school
>I had this neighbor who did me a favor by helping me break into my apartment when I was locked out,
>”thanks I owe you, you know where to find me” I say
>this dude nods his head and smiles
>this neighbor was like 38, red faced, scraggly facial hair, short, and just unnattractive af
>3 days later at 11pm I hear a knock on my door and assume it’s either my bf or my sister
> I open it and see him,”what are you doing here”
> he asks if he can come in, I say no it’s late what do you want
> he says “Bonnie is gone tho”
>I tell him to go away because it’s late and whatever he wants can wait
> tommorow he knocks I don’t answer
> the whole week he knocks on my door and I pretend I’m not there
> I tell my other neighbors about it and they say oh ya that’s just him he’s an alcoholic he knows not how he hath sin
>neighbor also tells me he has kids and has a wife named Bonnie
>neighbor tells me to keep on the hush hush cause he’s gotten in trouble for things like this before
This isn’t the only time a way older guy has hit on me, despite me being way younger, I’m kinda sick of it and when I complain about it, “oh you know how they be” boys will be boys, but these are grown ass men wtf.
Older men have been perpetuated this lie that they age like wine and mature men are sexy. They are fat, hairy and gross, crows feet and grey thinning hair. I know women don’t age too well either but clearly guys think that they can
No. 464115
>>464111This book covers manipulative tactics used by men like your neighbor
Another strategy used by Kelly’s rapist is called typecasting. A man labels a woman in some slightly critical way, hoping she’ll feel compelled to prove that his opinion is not accurate. “You’re probably too snobbish to talk to the likes of me,” a man might say, and the woman will cast off the mantle of “snob” by talking to him. A man tells a woman, “Youdon’t look like someone who reads the news- paper,” and she sets out to prove that she is intelligent and well-informed. When Kelly refused her attacker’s assistance, he said, “There’s such thing as being too proud, you know,” and she resisted the label by accept- ing his help.
Typecasting always involves a slight insult, and usually one that is easy to refute. But since it is the response itself that the typecaster seeks, the defense is silence, act- ing as if the words weren’t even spoken. If you engage, you can win the point, but you might lose something greater. Not that it matters what some stranger thinks anyway, but the typecaster doesn’t even believe what he says is true. He just believes that it will work.
No. 464117
I recently got a close look at several of the strategies outlined above. I was on a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles, seated next to a teenage girl who was traveling alone. A man in his forties who’d been watching her from across the aisle took off the headphones he was wearing and said to her with party-like flair, “These things just don’t get loud enough for me!” He then put his hand out to- ward her and said, “I’m Billy.” Though it may not be immediately apparent, his statement
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177/814 was actually a question, and the young girl responded with exactly the information Billy hoped for: She told him her full name. Then she put out her hand, which he held a little too long. In the conversation that ensued, he didn’t directly ask for any information, but
he certainly got lots of it.
He said, “I hate landing in a city and not knowing if anybody is meeting me.” The girl answered this question by saying that she didn’t know how she was getting from the airport to the house where she was staying. Billy asked another question: “Friends can really let you down sometimes.” The young girl responded by explaining, “The people I’m staying with [thus, not family] are ex- pecting me on a later flight.”
Billy said, “I love the independence of ar- riving in a city when nobody knows I’m com- ing.” This was the virtual opposite of what he’d said a moment before about hating to arrive and not be met. He added, “But you’re
178/814 probably not that independent.” She quickly volunteered that she’d been traveling on her
own since she was thirteen.
“You sound like a woman I know from Europe, more like a woman than a teenager,” he said as he handed her his drink (Scotch), which the flight attendant had just served him. “You sound like you play by your own rules.” I hoped she would decline to take the drink, and she did at first, but he persisted, “Come on, you can do whatever you want,” and she took a sip of his drink.
I looked over at Billy, looked at his muscu- lar build, at the old tattoo showing on the top of his wrist, and at his cheap jewelry. I noted that he was drinking alcohol on this morning flight and had no carry-on bag. I looked at his new cowboy boots, new denim pants and leather jacket. I knew he’d recently been in jail. He responded to my knowing look as- sertively, “How you doin’ this morning, pal? Gettin’ out of Chicago?” I nodded.
As Billy got up to go to the bathroom, he put one more piece of bait in his trap: Lean- ing close to the girl, he gave a slow smile and said, “Your eyes are awesome.”
In a period of just a few minutes, I had watched Billy use forced teaming (they both had nobody meeting them, he said), too many details (the headphones and the wo- man he knows from Europe), loan sharking (the drink offer), charm (the compliment about the girl’s eyes), and typecasting (“You’re probably not that independent”). I had also seen him discount the girl’s “no” when she declined the drink.
As Billy walked away down the aisle, I asked the girl if I could talk to her for a mo- ment, and she hesitantly said yes. It speaks to the power of predatory strategies that she was glad to talk to Billy but a bit wary of the passenger (me) who asked permission to speak with her. “He is going to offer you a
180/814 ride from the airport,” I told her, “and he’s
not a good guy.”
I saw Billy again at baggage claim as he ap- proached the girl. Though I couldn’t hear them, the conversation was apparent. She was shaking her head and saying no, and he wasn’t accepting it. She held firm, and he fi- nally walked off with an angry gesture, not the “nice” guy he’d been up till then.
There was no movie on that flight, but Billy had let me watch a classic performance of an interview, that, by little more than the context (forty-year-old stranger and teenage girl alone) was high stakes.
Remember, the nicest guy, the guy with no self-serving agenda whatsoever, the one who wants nothing from you, won’t approach you at all. You are not comparing the man who approaches you to all men, the vast majority of whom have no sinister intent. Instead, you are comparing him to other men who make unsolicited approaches to women alone, or to other men who don’t listen when you say
No. 464121
>>464109Shouldn't have said you owe him one.
He was just trying to get that favor back in an overbearing way.
No. 464129
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Wow perfect timing anon, I just started my first job and have already had several creepy encounters featuring older guys. I’m 20 but I feel like I act/get mistaken for a bit younger since I was home schooled and I’m not the best at socializing with people. Anyways, just the other day I was bagging this mans groceries and he goes, “you’d be even more beautiful if you smiled~” like…ew. It was right in front of other employees too. Another time I was waiting to get picked up from work and this man walks up to the ATM right next to the bench and says, “You know where I can get some grass, you don’t look like it but I thought I would ask.” I REALLY don’t look like the type to smoke weed, like at all. I just stare at him for a minute before answering no. He then proceeds to ask if I find him attractive and if I’m single…I freeze and he eventually leaves but now I just wait inside the store until my ride comes. Another time I was waiting for my ride again, this time it was during the day so I felt safer. Then this guy walks past me and says, “You look really pretty today”, I instinctively reply “thanks” but he goes into the store. He comes back out a few minutes later with no bags or anything in his hands. He then sits next to me on the bench, gets up sits on the trash can while mumbling to himself and then he comes back over and sits next to me again. And asks my name but before I could answer he just reads my name tag and introduces himself. I just sit there awkwardly but thankfully my ride pulls up and I speed walk over to it whole the man yells it was “nice to meet me”. I’ve only been working for a month and I’ve had smaller encounters but these were just the most recent…
No. 464151
>>464129You've got to get some grown woman confidence anon, the moment you start to seem like anything other than a defenseless lamb most of these guys will decide you're an unattractive bitch and won't bother with you in the first place.
Take a moment after someone speaks to you to think about what to say back to stop yourself from giving automatic polite answers, you don't owe anyone an instant answer. When someone gets angry that you're not playing their game they will go straight to the "I was just being nice" guilt trip like clockwork, don't buy it, you didn't ask for them to interrupt your life in the first place. Think of how a character that you look up to would act, if that helps.
>>464117 this was really interesting but I didn't realise it was from the book at first. Instead I thought some anon was having weird keyboard issues while telling her story lol
No. 464173
>>464109>be me, 16 >sitting on bench in heavily foot trafficked area, waiting for boyfriend >get approached by attractive man, probably late 20s/early 30s>he’s very charming, starts to chat me up and shows lots of interest in me >my 16 year old dumbass takes all the interest as a compliment >after a while of talking he finally asks ‘so how old are you, anon?’ >tell him I’m 16 >looks at me with absolute disgust >’oh.’ >’I thought you were younger.’ >he angrily storms offI will forever remember this interaction, it was so unnerving in retrospect just how brave this pedo was, approached me in full daylight with plenty of people around that could see and hear what was going on. What the actual fuck.
Then of course there also the man who followed me around at night until he finally approached me once I was alone and said ‘I’m sorry, but you have a GORGEOUS rack, can I please talk to you?’ <- what the actual fuck did he expect me to say other than fuck off??
No. 464174
>>464173hahahah sorry but samefag, guy wasn’t much older than me in this story, happened just a few months ago. Turbo autist in his 30s, I’m now in my early 20s - this dumb cunt had the absolute nerve to come try and chat me up while I had my two young kids with me and what pray tell was his line of absolute seduction?
‘Man, little kids are annoying, huh’ he says as he openly stares at my tits.
Do men that approach younger women have brain damage?
No. 464199
>>464195Not that Anon - he for sure would have harassed her whatever she said to him, but absolutely never say you "owe" anything to a man, OP. Most of them are braindead perverts addicted to porn, they will
always read into it sexually. It also seems like a bad idea that anon lives alone at 18.
>Thanks, I owe you, you know where to find meSane adult translates to mean: Polite nonsense to express your gratitude
These men translate to mean: Owe
sex and invited me to her house to claim it later
No. 464207
when i was a server in a country club, old men would constantly hit on me, chatting me up, trying to linger at the bar while i was busy taking orders and making drinks. i was the youngest one (me, 19-21, the rest being 30+) of the staff of all women, who all had a very familiar way of talking to the customers. i was not there for it, so after the first couple of unwanted advances i started to request to just clean stuff up, even tho collecting glasses and plates, at times earned a hand on my back, eyes staring at my chest and ass and sometimes catcalls.
older men truly are fucking pigs. it was usually the younger guys there who left me alone.
i had this thought that when i was closing down, a man would like jump out of the locker rooms and do things to me, if i wasn't careful, so i would sing real loud or pretend i was talking into my phone while locking up, so i didn't feel like i was being watched or unsafe.
at a point some polish workers were doing some construction at the hotel across the road, and they always came in an hour before closing. they were nice and tipped (even tho u don't really tip here) me, helped me clean up and always said bye with a smile. they made me feel safe. but if it was some old dude left in the cafe? yikes
and when i was 13-14 i was so afraid of walking outside because men would catcall me even if i were acompanied by my mom in the city.
No. 464315
>>464278Honestly I used to conceal carry it's frustrating because I feel most vulnerable on my way to or at bars and nightclubs but you can't bring them in. I can however open carry in like whatever shopping center though. America is a terrifying mad max wasteland. Pepper spray is great because it has a range and buys you plenty of time to fuck off. I have no experience with tasers.
Also I don't think you were talking about guns but gun bros are some of the worst men alive get your education from women and take women only courses and save yourself the pain.
I actually feel a lot safer with a phone or video camera and practicing getting it ready in time if something goes wrong. I don't get bothered by men when I walk around with a DSLR around my neck either I've noticed. This might not work at your job but once you are off keep your phone on and visible when you walk to your car maybe?
Also like keeping something on you is a good idea but your first instinct when something goes wrong is running the fuck away and/or making a big scene. When I can't just walk away from a creep encounter because I've been at work when men have been sketch to me I just pretend to be sort of obtuse and loud and say shit like. "Why are you touching me? I don't know you?" or "I don't like the way you are talking to me, I'm working right now." something that clearly calls them out but gives you an out if he complains to your manager or something.
I kind of had to practice that because it's so natural to just laugh it off and pretend it's fine. I probably practiced too much because once female coworker adjusted my shirt without warning me at an event and I immediately shouted "DON'T TOUCH ME!" and absolutely horrified her.
No. 464337
>>464315Imagine needing to carry a gun to protect you from mass shootings.
Glad I live in Europe.
No. 464429
>>464337This doesn't necessarily fit my description, but I think American Women are the only ones who should feel the need to carry at any time
Just from what I've understood from living in America, guys carry weapons in case they need to kill someone–Girls carry weapons because guys are physically stronger than them and refuse to take no for an answer
No. 464694
>>464337imagine when a dude breaks into your house at three in the morning and who can lay you out with one punch.
imagine holding something in your hand which equalizes the situation and will keep the man from coming near you.
all single women should own and become proficient with a gun.
No. 464699
>>464694>who can lay you out with one punchHe'd do that before you get a chance to pull out a gun. I get that guns make people in the US
feel more safe but they don't actually guarantee you any protection.
No. 465109
I always get fucking creeps talking to me when I walk my dog.
The worst one was when there was some dude who would sit on the steps of our building for a few days. The front doors are a bit of a walk behind where he was sitting, so I didn't think much of it, maybe he was waiting for someone or a student waiting for the school bus, who knows? He looked really young from a distance, and I didn't pay any mind to him because I kept seeing him there around the same time. One day, out of nowhere, he decided to ask me about my dog. I walked in front of him on the sidewalk (unavoidable) and realized he was a much older man. "How old is your dog?" "She's 15" "Oh wow so old! How old are you?" "22." "Oh wow, 22? I thought you were younger than your dog, haha!" and all I could think was "Why the fuck are you talking to people who you think are underaged girls on the street you fucking creep"
Even worse was when my dog and I walked off, she was sniffing around one spot and I was standing there with my earbuds in (my mistake, I don't listen to music anymore when I walk her) watching her, he appeared OUT OF NOWHERE from behind us crouched down and trying to per her. I jumped back like 'hey um WHAT THE FUCK' and he just said "oh haha! I just wanted to pet her!" like fuck my dude. I don't expect a creep to have basic fucking manners and ask before petting someone's dog, but if I wasn't already freaked out, this put me on "I'm about to scream as loud as I can" edge. He stopped appearing around my building soon after.
I also usually get some other dudes who just wish me good morning out of nowhere. They'll stand in one spot or sit on this dumb rain garden on my block and try to make noises at my dog to get her to go to them. Thankfully my dog is old and has tunnel vision, she doesn't fucking hear anyone when she's busy sniffing something (me included lol). When I first came back home after living away at college, I definitely fell into that "be polite even if you are being alert" phase, but now I just don't give a fuck. Don't wish me good morning, don't make noises at my dog, fuck right off.
No. 465125
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>>464337>Glad I live in Europe.Me too. Imagine having to worry about terrorist attacks, lmao.
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>>464337Yes because Europe is the safest place for young women.