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No. 46539
>>46535Not yet as none of the major news sites are "officially" reporting his name, but they are dropping so many hints that they may as well be.
Put it this way, if it wasn't him Charlie Sheen would be kicking off an enormous fuss right now and tossing out lawsuits left, right and center, but it is him so he can't do shit and the media knows it. All we have do now is wait for him to man up and come out, which he will, eventually and boooooooy there are gonna be some big fucking lawsuits from whoever he had sexual contact with in that time.
Some of the lesser outlets aren't even trying to be subtle and are outright reporting it's him.
People who work in media generally have connections to everybody you can imagine. You can bet your cute little butt that they know that he knows that they know.
Sheen's actually had rumours surrounding him being HIV positive for over a year now, so this really shouldn't be as surprising as it is.
No. 46544
One media site just put out an article stating that journalists have know about this for a while now and whilst they can't tell you who it is, they can tell you who it isn't.
>It is not Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Colin Farrell, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Eddie Murphy, Keanu Reeves, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, Matt Damon, Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Robert De Niro, Liam Neeson, Tom Green, Benedict Cumberbatch, Liam Hemsworth, Tom Hardy, Russell Brand, Jeremy Renner, Zac Efron, Sean Penn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Richard Gere, Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Daniel Craig, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Johnny Depp, Joaquin Phoenix, Owen Wilson, Jim Carrey, Vince Vaughan, Jude Law, Jason Statham, Viggo Mortensen, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Ed Norton, Jack Nicholson, Val Kilmer, Gary Oldman, Billy Bob Thornton, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Reynolds, Gerard Butler, Owen Wilson, Denzel Washington, James McAvoy, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake, James Franco, Russell Crowe, Ralph Fiennes, Nicholas Cage, Channing Tatum or John Travolta
I don't see Sheen on that list ahuhuhu…
No. 46562
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>>46544>It is not Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Eddie Murphy, Keanu Reeves, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Liam Neeson, Jeremy Renner, Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortensen, Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Jack Nicholson, Gary Oldman, Ryan Reynolds…Well thank fuck
>It is not Nicolas CageGod fucking damnit
No. 46746
>>46741Very, and that's why he hasn't come out yet.
It's actually illegal for any registered organisations to expose a person's HIV status so right now all the media can do is just hint.
It isn't, however, illegal for any regular person to expose a person's HIV status which is why he's supposedly paying an ex-fling $20,000 per month to keep quiet.
Apparently they fucked, she went to one of his bathrooms to clean up, found his medicine in a cabinet and freaked the fuck, but had the sense to photograph it with his name in the prescription before she hauled ass to go get tested.
No. 47016
>>46741A member of the german band 'No Angles' once got caught not informing three men about her HIV status. She only had to serve two years on probation and 300 hours of community service because of the assault.
As punishment in the USA is much more harsh in general I wonder what he will end up with.
>>46757Let's hope people learn from that and stop forgetting about protection.
No. 47049
>>47017Nah Anon this will likely legit ruin him, and he knows it too which is why he's keeping quiet.
>>47019You'd be surprised at how difficult it is to actually catch HIV.
Anal sex (topping) carries a 1.4% risk of transmission.
Anal sex (bottoming) carries a 0.11% risk of transmission.
Vaginal sex puts you at a 0.08% risk, and there's no solid data on oral transmission risks yet.
Lower than you thought huh?
No. 47052
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>Charlie Sheen to sit down for revealing interview with Matt Lauer on Today as it is reported he is HIV positive