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No. 4688
>>4677I think there's cool stuff to see in basically any country. Whether it's romania, south africa, vietnam or France, there are amazing spots and touristey things to do.
The issue is, what are you looking for? What do you like? When I go abroad, I like to check out all the museum and art galleries, I spend ages reading the plaques and doing 'boring' shit like this.
Then there are those who like to have an 'active' holiday and they spend time doing stuff like horse riding, seeking out the beaches etc.
What sort of traveller are you? What countries would you like to visit?
No. 4709
>>4688I'd like to go to non tourist spots, like getting to know how the locals live. Most people who grow up in a certain place have never even been to these tourist sites but they attract foreigners like crazy!
I've only ever been to one place outside of the U.S. and that was in the Carribean. My best friend has been to almost all of Europe and the Caribbean, sharing her experiences with me as she goes along. Whenever I see her pictures or videos I wish I would have been there because I feel as though I would have gone about it differently. I'm attracted to a locations different natural scenery, architecture, music, art,
food, etc.
My top choice of places to go to are in Asia and Latin America though I'm not as keen on east Asia because of how much people drool over countries like Korea and Japan. I'd probably leave them for last, same thing with any country in Europe.
No. 4739
>>4712thats true, the experience is dependent upon what is meaningful to you, and if that means heading to the tourist attractions than no one should really give you any grief over it
thanks for the advice anon, I guess I was over thinking it
No. 116002
>>4712Is it safe to travel by yourself? Do you need to speak good French?
I'm going there in August next year and I'm scared of gypsies picking my pockets or stealing my bag, or 'youts' harassing me. My country's capital is teeming with gypsies and they're terrible but I speak the language and know their tricks so they don't usually target people like me.
I like photography so I'm worried that I'll look like a big walking target walking about with my camera.
No. 116011
>>116002Lived there for three months, barely saw any gypsies. You'll have beggars in any major city, just ignore them and keep walking. Same with pickpockets, just don't be a dumbass and walk around with an open bag.
Paris is an extremely touristic city, so it's not like you're going to be the only tourist there with a big camera. Just do your thing and have basic smarts (eg; "Should I walk down this dark alleyway alone at night?", "Should I speak to this stranger on the metro?", etc.)
No. 116051
In a few weeks I'm going to Germany and Iceland. I'm staying at a friend's while in Germany, but I'll be all by myself when in Iceland, which is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. I joined a few couchsurfing groups in hopes to get a cooler and more unique experience when I'm there, rather than drop a few hundred on a living space(s). There are airbnb's that are cheaper than most of the hostels.
I found stuff like this which is really cool: doing different things in Iceland, which includes accommodation and some cool experiences, but it costs at least €200 to do them. Plus I'd have to bail a few days for some because I won't be in the country then. Maybe next time idk.
No. 173573
>>173572I've been to many countries, but tbh I haven't had a chance to go anywhere in almost 2 years. Maybe that's why this seemingly neutral thread makes me sad.
I've been to Italy, France, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Colombia. I also spent 14 days in a small city in Georgia with one of my exes, but we basically stayed indoors all the time heh. Not sure where I should go next (or even when I will have a chance to buy an airplane ticket again).
I hope you guys enjoy your trips around the globe.