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No. 46824
Fellow Americans, the refugees have arrived in New Orleans. All of them are men 18 - 30! Those poor, poor defenseless refugees!
They're being spread across the united states. Mostly in Texas and California, but some are going to Alaska, Arizona, New York, New Hampshire, Georgia, Alabama, Colorado, and many small towns across the United States.
Check the link below to see if they're coming to a city or little town near you! No. 46868
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>>46861You dip shit I'm not even from storm front.
I'm sorry if I don't want another 9/11 let alone just a bunch of fucking men. Women and children I get but there's no need for 100,000 men to be shipped over.
No. 46869
>>46868Links to conservative sites don't really help that particular point, but anyway why
are they mostly male? Did all the women and children die???? Im all for refugees and immigrants and whatever but it does make me wonder.
No. 46872
>>46869The women and children are waiting in the camps in the middle east, I guess. Once the men get housing etc and get proper paperwork they can bring the women/kids over.
At least that's how it works with the migrating refugees in Europe. Not sure if the American cases are different regarding timing and provision of paperwork etc needed to bring family over.
If these are all single males, I got nothing.
No. 46883
>>46873Count yourself fortunate.
In the UK pepper spray and tasers are illegal and will send you on a merry trip to ye ol' gaol.
No. 46916
>>46894They don't expect you to defend yourself, they expect you to cower into a ball at the mercy of your attacker and just cooperate in the hopes they don't try to escalate it.
You should Google the UK case of the farmer who, subject to repeated burglaries from the same gang, bought a shotgun to deter them.
Well the next time they came he was waiting, and he fired in their direction. He accidentally caught one in an artery in his leg who later died, and the farmer was prosecuted for murder, later reduced to manslaughter, and served 3 years in prison. a shit. The bigwigs in their ivory towers don't give a fuck about us peasants.
No. 46917
>>46916Oh and the burglars? Ducking filthy travellers/gypos.
The farmer now lives in a secret location because theirs a price on his head from the "travelling community" who's son it was that died.
No. 46933
>>46904I can vouch for this. I had a mentally disabled cousin that married some old ass Egyptian man who she stupidly believed loved her when everyone else saw otherwise. He was a shitty person overall, verbally anusive, controlling, the whole package. He was waiting by the mailbox almost everyday after the 3 year mark waiting for his green card and then she finally realized she was being used after he brought his wife, children and other family over to live in the other small house she has behind the main one. Everyone in the family kept trying to talk her into a divorce because she was being used but she wouldn't listen until her retarded mind finally saw him for what he was. Sadly, she died shortly after but her brothers and cousins were finally able to get immigration after his ass for deportation since before she passed, she was starting the process to divorce him for a sham marriage. Shipped him and his family's ass back to Egypt and from what I've heard, he has come back trying to try it with another unsuspecting woman and is stupidly wasting money trying to get his now deceased wife's property. Needless to say, his ass got eaten alive in court,
>>46903>>46916>>46917The hell?! Good god. I'm going to try getting my boyfriend out of the U.K. ASAP once he's done with university. He lives in a nice area near his university and I never felt unsafe while there on vacation but still man, going to try finding him a software internship ASAP since this is his last year.
No. 46971
>>46939It's 10,000 a year, so basically nothing compared to the swamp euro is swimming in.
Don't worry my american friend, you guys will be fine.
No. 46980
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>>46939>Obama released a tweet that he wants to get 100,000 in the US soonWhy does Obama hate the US?
No. 46981
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>>46980Because ~it's the American way~ to help everyone except their own citizens.
I'm furious that these sand apes are going to receive benefits, but my disabled mother with MS and various other problems cannot.
No. 46983
>>46981That is bullshit. I hope things get better for your family.
So when this backfires and US citizens are harassed, raped, and/or murdered by these sacks of shit, will Obama care then? Or will it be the American duty to carry the rapebabies and see them as a blessing?
No. 46986
>>46981Dear god, someone I hope this shit somehow gets blocked. I'm a liberal but there's a point where this shit goes
way too far!!!
No. 46994
>>46982>>46983Unfortunately things won't change where I live. She used to receive checks, but those got taken away because where I live if you want disability checks and/or food stamps you have to have to have a job on the side or do community service for 20 hours a week. Even a doctor's note didn't help. You have to go to a doctor assigned to you, which was at least an 8 month waiting period for her. When those 8 months passed, they either didn't answer her calls, or kept her on hold until they hung up and wouldn't call her back.
Yet these people are going to get free shelter, free food and possibly someone to help them find a job while my mom had to sell her deceased mother's jewelry and treasured possessions to afford food and shelter. I know it's frowned upon to post personal stories on threads not meant for it, but yes, I'm fucking mad that someone who cannot get out of bed most days is told to get a job/do community service to receive benefits while some lazy shit gets money for doing nothing. Fuck Obama and fuck this ~we'll take your poor and needy, but we won't take care of our own people~ country.
>>46992I hope your mom doesn't lose hers. It's a terrible feeling watching your parent suffer when you can barely afford to take care of yourself.
No. 46997
>>46994I feel you. I really do. I suffer from several seizures a week, was diagnosed and they still won't give me disability despite the fact that I can't get out of bed a good amount of the time. I applied and they said, "If you can go to school, you can work full-time" School has leniency toward handicapped students, you stupid government fucks!
I'm so pissed that these mooching asshats are going to get a free ride for doing absolutely nothing. Watch communities have increased spikes in crime. It's the same fucking thing that happened with Hurricane Katrina. As soon as they shipped refugees into my former (keyword: former) neighborhood, it became one of the most dangerous areas in the valley.
No. 47004 niggers, dumb niggers everywhere
>>Jindal’s letter came at the end of a day in which multiple blogs reporting that 10,000 Syrian refugees had already made their way to New Orleans went viral. Many of the blogs were published earlier this month but appeared to gain new life following Friday’s terror attacks in Paris.>>There have been 1,809 Syrian refugees, seeking to escape a 4-year-old civil war, admitted to the U.S. since January, according to data from the Refugee Processing Center.>>Those who have been granted access to the U.S. have been placed in 130 towns and cities, according to a report in The New York Times. And most of those people have been single mothers and their children, religious minorities, or victims of violence or torture, according to The Times.>>According to The Times, refugees trying to gain entry to the U.S. must first apply through the United Nations.Before being accepted to the country, the FBI screens each applicant and completes background checks using databases run by the Defense Department and other federal agencies.
The 10,000 refugees expected to be allowed into the country in 2016 would come from 18,000 referrals the United Nations has already submitted.
More than half of those referrals are children, according to the State Department.
No. 47018
>>47004>childrenone of those that shop up paris was 17 I believe, so he would have been counted as a child
also they are NOTORIOUS for lying about their origins and age, because they know if they say they're under 18 they'll have an easier time with the paperwork. It's a well known issue. Guys hitting 30 pretending they're 17 and chimping out when an aid worker dares to question it.
No. 47060
>>47050Didn't some illegals try to write a new constitution to allow them rights and tried to get it passed? I may be wrong about part of that, but I remember a bunch of illegals gathered in one spot and not a single one was deported. Only in America!
Either way, watch this if you haven't yet fellow Americans. This video got copyrighted by some angry jewish company, but thankfully Gex ( the creator ) got access to it again. It's been proven Youtube even tried to cut the views in half at one point after it reached 1.2 million views. This is what we might have to deal with very, very soon.
No. 48017
>>46861if you think opposing mass immigration and the destruction of western nations = stormfront you're in for a wake up call
a lot of people hold these opinions, people you know in real life
No. 48032
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Why do they ignore our voice?
No. 48035
>>48032Because the government and media know better what the people should want.
Media is owned by a handful of people, it's not a far stretch
No. 48051
>>48032Muslims also pose as "Christians" in order to gain entry as well.
However, they ignore the people's voice obviously because they, nor the media, give a shit about "the people".
No. 48052
>>48017More than just a lot oppose the mass immigration honestly, it's people who welcome them all with open arms who are fueling the fire which is quickly destroying Western countries. Rape is pretty well known to have shot up 300% in Sweden and they've closed their borders at last. Now Germany's facing a heck of a lot of rapes now as they follow in Sweden's footsteps.
It's worse for Germans opposing the immigration crisis as well, what with that nazi guilt. They'll just get told they're a nazi right off the bat.
No. 48054
>>48052>It's worse for Germans opposing the immigration crisis as well, what with that nazi guilt. They'll just get told they're a nazi right off the bat.Then maybe they should have the balls to say "ruining our country, exposing women to more rape, exposing innocent people to more crime isn't being a nazi". People cower when they're called a racist instead of standing up for themselves.
I do find it funny how it's the liberals who want the refugees here the most. The same people who think women deserve equal rights are the ones welcoming in people who think of women as less than dogs.
No. 48067
>>48054Sweden have no nazi guilt and look how they ended up. Eventually got the balls to tell them to fuck off if they couldn't find a place to stay when IKEA ran out of bed stock.
Germany hopefully will get the balls soon enough, yet even during otherwise peaceful protests, it's liberals who start fucking shit up and the "nazi's" who were protesting peacefully were the bad guys even though they weren't the ones throwing rocks.
Hopefully Angela Merkel will fall down a hole one of these days, that's a step in the right direction other than the aforementioned. They're expecting at least a million to come now, saying that their estimates were possibly wrong.
No. 48068
>>48054Also, ever noticed the SJW's and feminists never attack the refugees when they commit crimes against women or their "otherkins" or whatever the fuck they might be?
Even media try to cover it up with "Swedish national(s)" in articles even though they might only have been living there temporarily or carry dual passports.
No. 48070
>>48069The kids have been trained in one way or another, there's even photos of them making their beheadings for the camera. Ahmed's first beheading birthday surprise.
And the women blow themselves up anyway, remember Paris? They also act as informants so either way, if you can keep them all out, do, because they're all a liability.
No. 49232
>>47060Can't they just try this shit in sandland? These refugee men are so demanding and willing to be violent.. I'm sure they could start a revolution if they really got together and worked on it.
Any man who abandons his family and country in times of war is a coward.
No. 49265
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>insane white kid lights up a church
>instantaneous uproar and "national conversation about racism" and confederate flag burnings and outrage
>all white people be rayciss
>people I know going on and on about gun control and racism and "I can't believe this is happening in this current year"
>obvious as fuck terrorist attack
>three days of "gee whiz, I don't know much" from government
>refuse to jump to any conclusions despite being quick as fuck to do so in other cases, even though the motive is obvious as fuck with this one compared to others
>no one I know is saying shit
>news sites suddenly a lot slower too
No. 49281
>>49265I have liberal friends who literally call every white crime an act of terrorism, but apologize every time an OBVIOUS member of the Religion of Peace-icide commits murder. Ironically, the same people, who are so not racist, declare these facts from their home which is gentrifying a once pre-dominantly black neighborhood in Manhattan.
I can't believe after the number of states that came out against taking male refugees, the federal government just let's em on in anyway. I really would've been on the confederate side.
No. 51488
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>>51471Wow, holy shit. You're so cool and edgy! I wish I could be cool and ignorant like you! Contributing to the world one idiotic comment at a time. In all seriousness, I highly recommend you travel to Europe and visit a few concentration camps, might help you reflect on the poison you're spewing. People like you honestly baffle me. How old are you? I just can't understand how a person who more than likely had access to history lessons in school can let themselves stand behind the same bullshit racism that has the world lowering their heads in shame in regards to what happened last time. It was only about 60 years ago, and lots of "dirty filthy jews" that fell victim to your exact ideology of "othering" are still alive. You should seek them out. Tell them how you feel about muslims. Here what they have to say.
No. 51503
>>51500You should be the one learning about history. The EU is one big Weimar republic, waiting for a charismatic leader to take the reins once and for all.
There was a point where this could have been stopped but your short-sighted ilk insisted upon this multi-cultural experiment. You reap what you sow.
>>51493It's ridiculously easy to get some Warsaw Pact guns and explosives in Europe when you know where to look.
No. 52631
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>>51500>>51528u mad cuz we stylin on u
No. 52635
>>52532>right wingers don't treat the working class like shitlol, the situation in the UK says you're a retard
Even the DEY TUK R JERBS fuckwits understand shit like making the elderly pay an extra falling-over charge when they need care is total insanity
No. 52636
>>52590Our country is apparently only taking in women or families because of this, no single men, and the MRAs are up in arms about it now. Kinda funny cause they didn't give a shit before.
>>52631Kek, keep up the good fight
No. 56682
>>56593I'm fucking done.
The west is fucked. This is progressiveness gone too far. Guess mass-rape by a group of people is okay cause they are too stupid to assimilate and not rape.
>>56680I'm sorry, Germany. This is fucked up.
No. 56693
>>56683>>56645I think both movements care very little about women's rights unless it furthers their respective agendas.
But all of this is fucked up beyond belief.
No. 56701
>>56593This crime most likely wasn't committed by the refugees but rather people who have been living here for a longer time, and are probably citizens/2nd generation immigrants.
But instead of admitting that immigration politics in Germany might be shit, and that integration often doesn't work (especially for 2nd generation or people of certain origins/religions) they'd rather blame it on the new refugees. Because that is much easier than admitting the faults in our system. And much easier than admitting that if we keep pretending that we don't need to do shit to integrate people, this WILL be the current refugees in a few years.
No. 56758
>>56593I can't find a source on that quote, Googling it only brings up an /int/ thread on 4chan made a few hours before this post with the same content and no source. Jurgen Asch doesn't seem to exist either. A "Minister of Incoming Visitors" doesn't exist either and brings up the same results when Googled.
I'm sure this is exactly what Merkel & friends are thinking, but still I can't find anything to prove anyone said this exact thing.
>>56756And this confirms this is what Merkel & friends are thinking. This is so fucked up.
No. 95594
>>56791Liberals are the scum of the earth. They are the most anti-women movement out there. It's really upsetting.
>>56954Son of a bitch…
No. 95695
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Are all of them unaccompanied minors?
No. 95723
>>95709You act as if human life is particularly special or sacred. I would be more kinder to the notion of allowing thousands of non-natives sanctuary within my mother-land if it weren't for the fact they as a culture possess a lengthy history of women's rights abuses and a blasé attitude towards rape, among others.
Putting your native population in harms way in the name of fluffy political humanitarianism is fucking retarded. If it meant even one child being assaulted or raped on account of a single savage being allowed in, which it would inevitably come to pass because it's already happened on numerous occasions in other countries such as Germany and Sweden, I would rather see them all shot at the gates.
I've already lived in one "culturally enriched" city. I entered as a placid liberal and after 9 months I left as a seething, vitriolic racist. Would you like to guess the race/religion/culture of the people that made me this way? They can get fucked. Saudi Arabia can fucking accept some of them instead, they're closer to their way of life.
People who say this shit have guaranteed never actually lived amongst these people. Most of them are fucking animals.
No. 95730
>>95723this so much
who let wolves live among the sheep and naively hope they will coexist peacefully?
No. 95744
>>95741Also note that criminal background in their own country as a cause for deportation or refusal of refugee status can be appealed under human rights legislation.
Also the simple fact is absolutely none of these people are refugees under the two relevant UN treaties. That's a fact.
No. 95765
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>I'm conveniently ignoring cases such as the murder of Alexandra Mezher who was stabbed to death at the 'child' migrant holding centre she worked at at the hands of an, at the time, assumed child by the name of Youssaf Khaliif Nuur who had underwent a similar vetting process but turned out to be an adult man under the guise of adolescence to gain fastrack access to SwedenHaha, like, ha, what could wrong, like.
No. 95768
>>95764There is no legal mechanism for removing these people. The appeals processes are so long and there are so many grounds to delay the process itself that it's essentially impossible.
I'm a law school grad. So explain exactly what you mean by "vetting process" anyway. Do you think there are an army of efficient bureaucrats at work scrutinising every aspect of their claims?
Let me give you an example of how badly Europe is fucked: The police in Belgium are so stretched that virtually every single detective in Brussels is working on what they call "proactive prevention" against returning migrants. There are so many that are considered dangerous that the police simply doesn't have the resources to follow all of them, which is partly why saleh was able to evade capture for so long. That and the fact his community protected him in the heart of Brussels.
>>95752For one. They prey on each other like animals. Muslims will gang up on the statistically insignificant numbers of Christians at detention centers and de facto religious separation is common. There's also a huge pedophilia problem, kids without ample male protection are fucked by adult males simply because adult males make up the lions share of the migrants to begin with. When they're out and about they prey on local Greek or tourist kids.
They also have a symbiotic relationship with journalists and will threaten to bring in journalists to conjure up the same old "abusive authorities" story you hear every day, the journalists of course ignore every case of immigrant crime in the interests of "not inflaming racial tension" but are quite happy to demonise cops relentlessly. I believe you guys have the same thing in America.
Since Syriza started allowing them out of detention centers there's been a massive uptick in drug trafficking and of course, rape. One girl on crete was approached by a Pakistani on a beach while sunbathing, he smashed her head with a rock and raped her. Her brain damage is so severe she still can't talk today and had to go to America for medical treatment.
Note that many well meaning female aid workers on lesbos have simply left because sexual abuse and harassment is so common.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg of course. In reality we have no idea of the true scale because the cops are under orders not to go public with immigrant crime from the highest levels of government.
No. 95777
>>95773Calm down for a second. I understand you support these people for whatever reason but you're behaving in a very emotive way. Calling people "evil" for not wanting to make themselves a minority in their own country being just one example.
Yes. America is not Europe, but no, your policies are similar to ours. Western European and North American countries are generally more alike than people who haven't spent extensive time outside of the West realize. If you want proof of this then you need only look at the average rate of refugee acceptance by country. Europe and America are roughly the same. Places like East Asia and the gulf, India etc are near the bottom with rates of 1% or in some cases.
This is what a real difference in policy looks like. Just because you have accepted 100,000 rather than 1,000,000, it doesn't change the fact both numbers are huge when taken with the fact that virtually none of these people qualify as refugees under the two relevant UNHCR treaties that govern refugee status.
No. 95785
>>95775Quality post. Would read again/10
>>95777>Calling people "evil" for not wanting to make themselves a minority in their own country being just one example. Literally what the fuck are you on about? Are you just making shit up as you go now?
>America is not Europe, but no, your policies are similar to ours.My sides. Guess that answers my question above.>they have responded to this concern already by instituting a refugee vetting process that is significantly more thorough than any currently practiced in Europe.[2]
>To start, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees refers all Syrian refugees based on "vulnerability" - those that are considered most vulnerable are recommended for the program. This can mean LGBT individuals, female-led households, victims of torture, or those who need higher levels of medical care. Most of these end up being children, with only two percent of the total referred by the UNHCR being males of combat age.[3]
>From there, they begin a process that can take anywhere from 12 months to over 24, involving the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Department, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the FBI, among other departments. In-person interviews are conducted, biometric data is compared against numerous federal databases, and background stories are researched to ensure that they do not mean harm to the United States. Deputy State Department Spokesman Mark Toner claims that it is "the most stringent security process for anyone entering the United States."[4]It literally takes refugees at least a year for the process to complete. Tell me again how this is similar to whatever European country you have in mind.
>If you want proof of this then you need only look at the average rate of refugee acceptance by country. I'm assuming you mean accepted applications:rejected applications. I'll have a look at it when you post it. And when you give a good reason why acceptance rates by themselves are an accurate indicator of anything.
No. 95788
>>95785They are refugees once they're in the neighboring territories of Turkey and Lebanon. In camps which the international community has spent billions providing facilities and trained professionals for. Once they cross the Aegean they are not, since they are not fleeing from immediate danger but to achieve what they perceive as better material standards of living.
I'll post the refugee acceptance rate stats later but are you seriously so clueless about why this is important? It underscores the rigor of the system. Japan will only accept those who fled in imminent danger with Japan as their first destination, then when the point of origin is safe, they are returned. Which doesn't happen in the West, as they're all guaranteed settmement and with that, rights to family reunification which by itself renders the vulnerable persons criteria to begin with.
>more than a year Likewise in Europe. And all of this sounds great on paper but that's not how it actually transpires in reality. For example, suppose the FBI actually dispute a background story, this is subject to appeal and the refugees own word is normally enough to guarantee at least an extension.
You're mistaken in thinking America is strict in general as far as immigration goes. No country outside of Western Europe and North America would consider giving 10,000,000 plus illegals a "route to citizenship", the fact this is even being mooted in the first place shows the comparative liberality of the American "system" compared to the likes of East Asia and the gulf.
>calling people evilSo this nonsense about Hitler (the liberal version of Satan)
>>51500 isn't you? Follows the same reply chain.
No. 95797
>>95796It's irrelevant where they want to apply. The camps in the Southeast are a place of safe refuge. Once you move on from that point you forfeit your right to be considered a refugee since your primary motivation for travel is better material standard of living. Exactly like Kurdis father believe it or not. Who killed his son because he wanted Canadian dental care.
Now fuck off
No. 95798
>genocide on Kurds>believing western propagandaWe're only fighting with PKK, all cities are evacuated and PKK is the ones using civilians as meat shields. My brother in law is Kurdish and he and his family are awesome, no one has a beef with Kurds but nationalistic retards, we only have a bone to pick with terrorist scum.
Though our government is full of Islamic nutjobs and support daesh scum for real, hopefully a day will come where day all hang from trees.
No. 95799
>>95788>I'll post the refugee acceptance rate stats later I can wait.
>Likewise in Europe. And all of this sounds great on paper but that's not how it actually transpires in reality. For example, suppose the FBI actually dispute a background story, this is subject to appeal and the refugees own word is normally enough to guarantee at least an extension. Do you have citations for anything?
>You're mistaken in thinking America is strict in general as far as immigration goes. No country outside of Western Europe and North America would consider giving 10,000,000 plus illegals a "route to citizenship", the fact this is even being mooted in the first place shows the comparative liberality of the American "system" compared to the likes of East Asia and the gulf.This has nothing to do with anything. Either prove the American refugee system is as ineffective as Germany/Sweden's or shut your mouth.
>So this nonsense about Hitler (the liberal version of Satan) >>51500 isn't you? Follows the same reply chain.No it isn't. There's more than one person disagreeing with your retarded posts unfortunately.