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No. 47290
>>47287vidya and bjd here
only 9 more days until MGSV. my panties can't get any wetter.
No. 47295
>>47294I know you're just messing around but this really bugs me because there are so many games with female playable characters that you could exclusively play these games and never run out of fresh material until you die.
Also I feel like it's a cruel joke that the American fembot in Rising Thunder is ugly and androgynous with terrible posture lol
No. 47297
>>47294i actually hate female characters, no matter the medium (books, movies, television, vidya.) they're always boring.
i love playing as male characters. they can be cool, tough, badass, cute, scary etc etc. its always a bonus when their character design is hot as fuck.
No. 47300
>>47297came back to add, i actually don't mind younger girl characters, like ellie in TLOU, or that little girl in pans labyrinth, and lyra in the his dark materials series is cool, i liked her a lot.
i just don't like teenage/woman characters. they are only around to look sexy, to save, or to prove WOMAN CAN DO ANYTHING A MAN CAN sjw bullshit.
No. 47301
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>>47294I don't really care, art and politics should rarely mix in my opinion.
Also who else Dark Souls III hype? No. 47304
>>47298yes but there is no fixing it. even people who are trying to "fix" women characters make them awful sjws and caricatures of what a "strong" woman should be, or man haters etc etc.
if they can write a woman character without any nods to the fact that shes a woman, then maybe she'd be interesting for once.
No. 47306
>>47301fuck everytime a DS game comes out my bf does nothing but play.
no roots for like 2 weeks :(
No. 47308
>>47307i love the series, ive watched him play through them all. DS1 has the most beautiful soundtrack of any game.
i just suck at the mechanics, rage hard and dont bother persevering haha
No. 47310
>>47294okay okay listen listen to ME.
I'm a straight female & I seriously love nothing more than playing a sexy ass big titty woman. Why? Because i'm not sexy irl & when I play games I like to be separated from reality.
I actually prefer playing as a woman to men anyway BUT ONLY BECAUSE I like customising the armour & such.
But whatever, I'll play anything.
But seriously, they do make strong female characters (oldie but a goodie, lara croft) but they have to give them some sex appeal to appeal to guys to play as well because, let's face it, the majority of gamers ARE guys.
I think you'll find that the male characters aren't much better when it comes to objectification but hardly anyone complains about them. Feminists just like being offended.
No. 47316
>>47294I don't give a shit. Really. I don't even play as female characters, I always pick the guy because I'm a straight female and want to watch a good-looking guy while playing. The same reason guys want to play as those big-tiddied girl characters. I even pick male characters for MMOs.
>>47297Also this. There are a lot more male characters I like and can identify with, I rarely even like the female characters that are considered to be well-written. I don't know why, I just like looking at good-looking men and pay more attention to them. I don't automatically hate female characters, but I almost always prefer male characters.
>>47304I hate the attitude regarding "strong female characters" because strong for these idiots always means "violent and emotionless". People consider Mikasa from SNK to be a strong female character because she has abs and is a skilled soldier without any human feeling present, but in actuality she's extremely frail mentally and overall a weakly written character that doesn't contribute to the story.
No. 47317
>>47294Don't worry you're not alone. I guess that's one of the reasons i'm driven to strategy games nowadays, where the characters are so tiny you can't really see their clothing. Also there isn't npcs, so you can't have badly written female characters lol.
>>47296You can have one in almost 99% of games with character choice and/or customization. Even in FIFA and CoD! But when you can't chose the protagonist, it's a guy 90 % of the time (I can only think about Tomb Raider, Portal, Beyond Good and Evil and Mirror's Edge). Also those male characters are also steretypically masculine as fuck, just take their appearance: the main guys from Just Cause, uncharted and max payne all look the same.
It would be good to have more good female leads. I mean good because oversexualized chicks made for pandering (ex: the girl from lollipop chainsaw) or forced "strong and independant wymyn" aren't good characters. Fortunately most of female leads are decent, since you can't afford to have a shit one, since chosing a female lead is seen as a negative point (since boyz don't like playing girls!).
>>47310Having SOME silly games like this is okay. The problem is when it becomes the norm, which is quite the case for MMOs and fighting games, for instance.
No. 47320
Another /vidya/ reporting in. I may be typical but I prefer games with RPG elements and enjoy otome type games and VN's. A smattering of survival horror makes for some good times too.
I'm currently a little obsessed with Harvest Moon A New Beginning.
>P-please don't judge me. And take some breaks from all my dumb chickens with Bloodborne.
>>47294Personally, I love being able to play female characters and being able to customize them is a huge bonus for me. That being said, I really don't care about the SJW uproar over the representation. It's a game and it's fun and that's all I care about. Even the ones I customize I like to make hot as hell with big ol' titties.
No. 47322
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>>47318Well, the thing that bugs me the most is the cheerleader leather amror… Also I don't really like combat system. I like both turn-based and tps but that mix… The pause ruins the dynamism of tps, and the real time just destroys turn-based comfiness.
>>47320I think games should allow you to have both silly sexy armor and practical armor; for both genders. The character customisation in Soulcalibur 5 and Wasteland 2 is a good example.
>>47315>AlistairHe literrally have Tintin haircut m8.
>pic relatedZevran is best boy.
No. 47323
>>47322i like them wite bois
and zevran's voice…I couldn't.
No. 47324
>>47321//raises hand
I'm over 300 hours into my RF4 and it's gotten repetitive.
I was thinking of playing the New Game mode, but I'm not sure I wanna put all that work into another file, even though I'd probably enjoy the second time around just as much as the first time..
No. 47327
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Asphyxia is a pretty cute game
No. 47335
>>47334Back off he's mine
I want to start a nuclear-equipped rogue state, disrupt global stability and train child soldiers all because of muh Boss
No. 47337
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>>47335>>47334>>47333We could have a harem…
lounge around in camo-kinis, chopper rides, a private resort in the seychelles, hot army dudes to do shit for us….
so badass and dreamyyyy
No. 47340
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>>47338Hell. Yes. I’m so ready for another trailer. It feels like it’s been so long since the last one though it’s only been a few months. I’m looking forward to Dancing All Night as well, it sucks that we in Europe won’t get it until November.
No. 47342
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>>47341>>47287I love DA, and before the newest DA:I DLC was released, I used to visit the dragon age general on 4chan's /vg/ every day. They like to shit on DA2 & bioware in general, but I agree that they're fun games and the customization is really bomb, glitches/clipping aside.
No. 47347
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I don't like video games but I want to play them anyways because I've heard guys buy you free stuff.
No. 47354
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Anyone here enjoying Tales From the Borderlands? I think it's more enjoyable than any other telltale game I've played through, and definitely is a good break from the series' straight "shoot em up with a little story" set up? Plus let's be real I'm dying my husubando is back in action.
No. 47356
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>>47349After a cyber session with some anon I got Beyond Good and Evil and Darksiders.
I didn't even ask for it, he just gifted me them on Steam.
No. 47361
>>47359Rags on good games yet plays JRPGS.
Nigger you must be joking or a weeaboo fool.
No. 47363
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Anyone else binge plays a game for a long time, only to get burned out and neglect it for a while? ;-; I have so many unfinished games now. It hurts. Currently trying to finish up Persona Q.
No. 47365
>>47287saying youre a grrl and you play vidya has become as useless and saying you like music
we all play vidya
No. 47367
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Does anyone here still play might and magic?
No. 47368
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Or Heroes of might and magic
gog is great for this stuff
No. 47369
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No. 47370
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No. 47372
I have a Gamecube DS, 3DS, PS2, PS3 and PSP.
I kind of regret those last two as they were wastes of money for me. I don't care for PSP and I don't think I've touched it in nearly two years. The battery is probably fucked. I still use the PS3 sometimes. But I can't really find much to play. I was going to buy Tales of Xillia on the flash sale but the last two flash sale games I got from those I instantly regretted. Digital leads to a lot of impulse buys. So maybe I should just stay away from digital.
>>47357I got a free game once a long time ago. And after that I found it weird and always went "No thank you. You don't have to give me that. I'll buy it myself later," when someone would offer. It's kinda weird getting free stuff from people you don't know. I guess part of it is wondering why some stranger would be giving me free stuff as well as growing up poor and not wanting to look poor to other people.
No. 47373
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>>47360Apparently the brunette/scrunchie girl from the TGS 2014 trailer appears again in PV03 but I don't know. I definitely agree, P3's cast was horribly bloated and while P4 toned it down the problem was all the attention was focused on the protagonist.
I can't remember the last time a game kept so consistently surpassing my expectations, any little doubt in my mind always get invalidated by the next trailer or bit of news. I love An's art so much!
No. 47374
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>>47367>>47368>>47369I couldn't get into Might and Magic but I play the shit out of Heroes of Might and Magic. I love those strategy RPG's. Lately I've been playing a lot of King's Bounty. Beautiful graphics, fun storylines, and zombie waifu!
No. 47376
>>47372I have a PSP and put a ton of games on it after I modified/homebrewed it. You can download emulators for other consoles so mine has a bunch of SNES/GBA/PS1 games saved. I also used it to play a bunch of Japanese vns and rhythm games. I've been wondering if the Vita is this customizable because I'm interested in that TV variant of it.
I bought a 3DS a few months ago and played it twice. Maybe it was just because the game I bought it for wasn't that great (SMT IV) but for me it's a paperweight until I buy something else to play.
No. 47377
>>47373Exactly, I feel like Naoto and Yosuke did most of the talking while the rest of the team just stood there. Though it kinda makes sense as P4 is about a mystery and characters like Chie or Kanji wouldn’t be able to deduce things as quickly as Naoto, leading to her explaining it. But still… it bugs me a little and I hope Atlus makes the the whole main cast in P5 feel involved during conversations and such.
Even though we have so little information about An, I'm sure she’s going to become my favorite. I really love the theme of being "restrained by society” and I feel like it’s going to make their stories much more interesting.
No. 47378
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No. 47379
It's good for lore though.
No. 47386
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>>47377Thankfully it seems like the other party members are a lot more prominent, at least so far. Honestly I didn't like how P4 stuck the rest of your party's development behind Social Links, they just sort of faded into the background after you rescued them and their SL character development could never be integrated into the main story. I'm hoping for a party dynamic closer to P3's, where the characters will argue and debate stuff and have their own relationships with each other rather than just the protagonist.
I love the theme too, and I also am really happy that they're embracing the episodic structure of the story. P3 and P4 were kind of like that but there were times they had a lot of downtime and nothing happening (I only played PS2 P4 though). I really wonder how deep they're going to go with it though, I imagine this theme of feeling shackled down and stuck in life probably resonates a lot in Japan right now.
No. 47389
>>47386>>47388It has been a while since I played P3 and P4 so correct me if I’m wrong but I always thought that the P4 casts friendship could feel a bit fake at times. With the Investigation Team I always got the feeling that they could secretly dislike one another, but since they had to solve a mystery together they just pretended to be best friends because they were afraid of starting conflict.
They didn’t have any arguments in the group, the closest was the thing about Namatame and that was solved very easily by the protagonist. No one speaks about it later, none of the girls goes “I can’t believe Yosuke wanted to do that. What a dick”. They just seem to pretend like it didn’t happen.
S.E.E.S felt a bit more realistic to me. Not all of the characters liked each other in the beginning and some only kept themselves to their closest friends. Junpei even dislikes the protagonist for a month or so while in P4 everyone adores him.
I like both games equal but I definitely prefer P3′s characters. After all they had been through they really felt like companions in the end and they didn’t always just rely on the protagonist. They learned to accept the loss of their leader and grew stronger while for the IT it’s actually mentioned how after P4 protag left they all went back to their old selves.
They probably just needed a reason as to why they all have their initial personas but it makes it sound like they just forgot all of their character development.
No. 47390
>>47389>S.E.E.S felt a bit more realistic to me. Not all of the characters liked each other in the beginning and some only kept themselves to their closest friends. Junpei even dislikes the protagonist for a month or so while in P4 everyone adores him.
Junpei is my favorite character actually. I agree a lot of their interactions felt more genuine. Especially between Junpei and minato. I also didn't expect Junpei to fall for Chidori, so that was interesting. In general, the characters in P4 felt too forced and were often pushed into the background. I also really couldn't care less for Souji Seto and hated Yousuke.
No. 47393
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i know the game gets a bad rap for being free to play (therefore attracting lots of kids that aren't even old enough to play m rated games) but jesus fucking christ have i been on a tf2 binge lately
>inb4 lol f2p
i have spent more money on this game on stupid virtual hats and weapons than the original retail price
i've been in love with this game since i first touched in as a dumb, just out of middle school, 13 year old when it first became f2p (i am 18 now, my birthday is in july and it became f2p in june of 2011)
the merc's personalities, the cartoony style, the storytelling and worldbuilding via comics and animated shorts, and sheer weirdness of it all made me love it. my interest waned sometime at the beginning of this year due to preparation for college, and i picked it up again recently, literally right after the gun mettle update ended (and therefore i missed all the gun mettle items and contracts)
of course i'm terrible at fps. i can't aim for shit so i just either be a medic since no one ever wants to do that on pub servers or an obnoxious phlog pyro.
No. 47397
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Is anyone else seriously crushed by the fact that Half Life 3 will probably never come out? Every time I think about the fact that it's not out yet and at this point, seven years after the last episode, probably never will come out I feel a deep pang of sadness. I loved that series, I have fond memories of playing it in high school, and I replay the original game about once a year. I own all the games and expansion packs in the series, except for Half Life: Decay because it was a console exclusive.
Valve is just making so much money off of selling other people's games (they take a 30% cut of all steam transactions) and by updating their own games (csgo, dota2, tf2, etc) that financially it isn't worth it to make Half Life 3 and this makes me want to cry.
No. 47399
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Any of you in the TOS beta atm? I'm on Gabija server
No. 47402
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scream fortress 7 is here, who's excited to spend a bunch of money on virutal keys to unlock virtual boxes to get virtual hats and taunts?
No. 47404
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anyone play csgo? looking for a girlsquad… im sorry i play trash games
No. 47406
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long shot but…any of you farmers play harvest moon a new beginning? I'm looking for someone to trade me a mango and banana seed
No. 47407
>>47294>blatant sexism and objectification of women in video gamesBecause women irl dressing like "sluts" is empowering but 2d women wearing showing cleavage is sexist? fuck off
I like hot women irl and in video games
No. 47409
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>>47406oh, and, doesn't have to be seed ( I have the maker shed so I can do it myself) I have lots to trade if anyone is interested in helping a farmer (lol) out
No. 47410
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not much of a 'game', but I really enjoyed Until Dawn.
No. 47412
>>47411Yeah, they're all cliche slasher movie characters. Cool thing is if you don't like someone, you can try to kill them!
I like Chris, Sam and
Josh No. 47413
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This is probably the best place to ask.
So I don't live with my sister, and would like to find a game or mmo that we could play casually, also would be great if it was on steam if not that's fine too.
What I'm looking for is something not too graphic (she's only 12), nothing with a monthly subscription, and something to ease her into online/co-op gaming.
No. 47414
>>47413Old-school Runescape. It's free, not terribly difficult, easy to learn, fun for any age really.
I'm not even joking.>>47407>responding to a 2-month-old troll postgirl…
No. 47415
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I'm doing a Genocide run on Undertale and Undyne the Undying is really tough. Sans will kill me.
No. 47417
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>>47415i'm going to get it, it's my birthday so I can be total trash and spend money on dumb shit.
No. 47418
>>47413Definitely osrs. I got into that shit when I was 8 and became addicted.
>>47416No. Don't feed your sister trash.
No. 47419
Does anyone play Fairy Doll here?
>>47415I totally want Style Boutique 2 but I lost my job so I can't buy shit for now.
No. 47420
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>>47417My boyfriend and I are gonna buy it together Friday, he fucking loves it too. The multiplayer fashion shows are a riot.
He was hoping he could be a boy in the new one but c'est la vie. He has a lot of fun being a qt3.14 too.
I wonder if you can date in the new one. I know in the first 3ds one they added a JP only patch where you could date the characters so I'm hoping it's a feature in this new one. Husbandos and dress up games. Perfection.
No. 47421
>>47408There are many games on steam that aren't on consoles. If you have a good PC games generally perform better on PC so lots of people prefer buying the PC edition.
That and the steam sales are great, everything goes super cheap twice a year. Steam is something you should try out.
No. 47422
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>>47419I'm really sorry to hear that, anon. That sucks.
What's your favourite style? I'll make you an outfit in your honor.
No. 47423
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>>47422Thanks, anon. That would be lovely. ;-;
Please make a soft shabby chic qt. I'll be forever indebted to you.
No. 47438
>>47423Never played this gazme but wow it looks so nice and you can do so much kawaii shit. i miiight be able to get it once it's out in Europe. I will have juuuust the right amount with the liz liza dress i sold today. I will make you something shabby chic even though i know nothing about shabby chic i'll do my best for you a-anon.
>tfw i'm gonna make a kota-clone living doll like my weeby 16yo me back then dreamed to doyass
No. 47451
>>47423Just wait til friday bb. Your qt will arrive
>>47437New Style Boutique (EU)/Style Savvy Trendsetters (US). There is a sequel coming out on the 20th!
>>47438>tfw you already did this in the 3ds oneI have no shame. Living life as a kawaii qt and going to cafes/fairgrounds/dates with friends is fun
No. 47557
>>47508yeah they really need to follow suit with sony.
I live in australia but my 3DS is from the US (pink/white colour… couldn't get it in aus)
So I have to borrow my bf's aussie ds to play it on.
I know that's not a bad trade-off in order to play but the whole reason I went to the trouble of getting my cute ds was to play these cute-ass games on it.
That said, when it's released for the US, I'll probably buy it again for my ds anyway.
No. 47701
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>>47419I do play fairy doll since yesterday…
it's really cute, at first I thought it would be boring but the personality feature got me totaly hooked.
No. 81817
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who plays the Zero escape series here?
I never played 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors, but I did get VLR on a whim and enjoyed it greatly! I got very invested in the story and connected to the characters.
They've recently got some news on the new installment coming out 'Zero Time Dilemma', which has some returning characters.
Pic related. I love Phi's new outfit so much..
No. 81934
>>81817I loved 999, you should try it. Not for iOS though- they removed all the puzzles for some reason.
I think I'll give VLR a shot. I heard it wasn't as good as 999 so I put off playing it.
No. 81956
>>81955Forgot to add, unmodded skyrim will run better on a toaster PC than it does on a 360, so specs aren't too important if you keep it vanilla, especially if you're playing the older games.
Should be easy to find a Morrowind torrent.
No. 81991
I wasn't even expecting something that great… but that story was a clusterfuck of all kinds of awful.
No. 82020
>>81934I really wanted to play 999 but I was spoiled by the event tree in VLR (where you could just jump to certain instances in time to make another decision).
I read 999 doesn't have a function like that, and you have to keep playing through the story/puzzles again to make other decisions.
I definitely recommend VLR though. If you've played 999 you'll probably enjoy some of the characters making appearances.
No. 82137
>>47410(If someone else reads this and hasn't played Until Dawn yet, don't read my spoilers if you have intention to play it because it will ruin everything)
I liked it
and the paranormal wendigo root the game took in the last chapters confused me at first, like ''what the fuck it looks like they ran out of ideas before even finishing the game'', but now that I think of it it was a hella fine strategy, they convinced you for the most time that the threat was human, a psycopath, but then it turns out that there are wendigos out there, and it connects with the native american things like the totem etc. And the fact they hide the paranormal root until the wendigo shows up, and it's hidden in trailers too, makes me think they did it on purpose and it's cool because it's the last thing you would expect. I don't get scared easily but this game did its work, lol.
And I don't get how most people hate Emily and love Ashley, actually it was the opposite for me. Emily looks bitchy at first, but gets shit done. Ashley instead is an absolute cunt, like when Chris tries to shoot her when it's asked to choose between him and her (excuse me if I put my life before yours and don't want to die just to save your ungrateful ass, gurl), later in the game when
the wendigo shows up outside the chalet and Chris has to run back inside Ashley will lock the door to let him be killed.
Oh, and when she wants Emily to be killed just because
she was bitten by the wendigo. Ashley is the worst.
Josh is love because one does not simply hate a character when it's played by Rami Malek. King of qt
No. 83360
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I love their games!!! I can't wait to play it.I've been playing the series since I was a kid and loved it since.
I pray to god that tumblr doesn't ruin it
No. 83396
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>>82137I never, never got the Emily hate. The problem with Emily is that if you don't get the early copy of the game, a lot of scenes are cut out. Sure, she still is portrayed as cold-hearted and whatever, but Emily genuinely seemed like a good character to me.
On the other hand, Ashley is completely fucked up. She not only finds several ways to
kill Chris by not letting him into the house if you choose to save Josh she does nothing but WHINE and cry and be a typical damsel. Ashley literally contributes nothing to the game.
And the scene when she goes off on Emily and
accuses her of being bitten by the Wendigo so she'll turn into one just by its bite– trying to convince Mike to shoot her is beyond bullshit.
I actually didn't mind most of the cast. Josh's character creeped me out and his dialogue was gross, but I honestly like Rami Malek, so it was difficult to dislike him. Ashley is 100% a cunt though. Mike is the MVP, Sam is cute. I even didn't mind Jessica too much. Matt was just forgettable to me. In the end, I thought there were just too many characters really to give any real in depth personalities aside from two or three.
Anon, so glad I found someone else who has played Until Dawn and understands me!
No. 83397
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>>47354I just finished Episode 1 and I'm beyond hooked. First time playing it.
No. 83436
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>>83424I guess you didn't know about Mikado because you didn't watch the trailer for the game? It's one of my favorite games, I hope we'll get SMT IV Final in the West someday. I wasn't so hyped at first but when Isabeau mentioned the Rose of Versaille and when they started talking about Tokyo I lost my shit. To be honest I haven't played other mainline games yet because I never had enough time to continue DDS so I have DDS2 and Nocturne in my pile of games I haven't touched yet.
I also like Pokémon and Ace Attorney a lot, there are some other games I want to try someday but I have no idea when I'll be able to play them, not counting the megaten series there's Bayonetta, Zelda, Zeor Escape, etc.
No. 83740
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I've suffered and overcome addiction in the past, but there is nothing
NOTHING I can do to beat my TF2 addiction. TF2 errday 420noscope. Anyone else play?
No. 83855
>>83740I've been stuck on tf2 since 2011
Welcome to the club
I hope we get a comic update soon
No. 83898
>>83855>>83883How long has it been since the last comic excluding Scream Fortress?
And yeah a lolcow group could actually be pretty fun.
No. 84358
>>84338True. If you see your favourite charakter as a black, disabled, deathfat, trans person with a headscarf either laugh about it or use tumblr savior.
Why is everyone so sensitive these days?
No. 84377
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>>84338Not the anon you're replying to but
>You know you can ignore opinions right? Yeah, you can, but the company making the game wont, and if they start catering to them shit starts going downhill very fast, you can see it in the dragon age series and its not rare that a franchise gets ruined because of tumblr/etcetc
No. 84393
>>84387The first was pretty sweet, this is basically a re-release right?
The combat system was intuitive and very satisfying, and I liked the character creator a whole bunch.
No. 84396
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>>84393Yup, just a rerelease with all the overpriced DLC included.
The character creator is practically a minigame of its own, and then you end up playing that twice to get the perfect pawn.
No. 85233
>>85202fuck off piece of shit
>>85208go away
No. 85326
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>>85324Like there's a choice involved in this! The game is Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker, and she has your lovelife all planned out.
You need to pick them up, carry them down the dock and dump them in the ocean. Don't let your beloved's corpse float around your house like a misplaced sock.
No. 108851
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Soo Style Savvy Fashion Forward came out a couple weeks ago in North America. Everything in it is too cute and all the girls are so sweet that I can't help but feel incredibly happy when I play. I'm having such a blast making everyone in town over! I feel like a beauty goddess lmao. Did anyone else here get it?
No. 108853
>>47294so, the cover of FF7 is cloud holding a sword in front of the shinra building. if you’re a feminist, you might complain that tifa is merely a sex object, and nothing more, and that whoever came up with her character design, big tits and all, is a misogynist. however, feminists have their wires crossed. tifa’s appearance is merely incidental, a look that, hopefully, was only conceived of in order to explore what kind of character she is. conversely, it was probably also an excuse for squaresoft to test how effectively they could model bouncing tits. a woman would only be objectified in FF7 if the ADVERTISING for that game mostly featured tifa, which in some cases it might have.
No. 108854
>>47298i think people are afraid to write female characters because they think they'll offend someone. actually, the only people who get offended by something like lara croft are dudes who want to fit in, and crazy feminist bitches.
it's always bad policy to be afraid of offending someone.
No. 108855
>>47300to me, it seems quite natural for a female character to be the "low-strength, high-agility/high magic" character. it would be weird if a character like zangief was a girl.
and speaking of street fighter, i have no objections whatsoever to any of the women, nor how they're presented in that game. in fact, the recent swimsuit DLC, even though it's obviously meant to move digital merchandise, is complimentary to female characters. it's just sleazy that it's behind a paywall.
if feminists want something to complain about, they should complain about tiddies in MARKETING.